All the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal i t e 1Mb j lie zjesi :: The Largest Circulation Newspaper : 6- i THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. SALEM, OEEGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1914. PRICE TWO CENTS. S&rSicS"?; JiillM 1 0 1 1 UN AT P Iff K Federal Garrison Desperately Trying to Hold Back Villa's Men and Thousands Said to Have Been Slain Since Battle Started Terrible Fire Tearing Town into Pieces Villa Be lieved to Have Upper Hand and Decisive Battle of Mexican War Is Nearing End Attack on Tampico on and Desper ate Effort being Made tq Capture It. Gomez Palaeio, Mexico, March 28. 4 a. m.) Torreon's federal garrison was still fighting at this hour. The rebels were in the town, how ever, and al night long the battle Taged in the streets. From the house tops the federals poured a murderous rifle and machine gun fire upon the rebels below. There was a constant smashing of barricaded windows and doors as the rebels forced their way in to the bonnes to get at those who were raking tbem from the roofs. CLOSE AND STATE Chicago, March 2S. The defense rested at uion today in the trial here on "IInLisome Jack" Goctters, ac cused of killing Mrs. Emma Kraft at the Saratoga hotel a year aigo. The state exj't cted to occupy the afternoon with testimony in rebuttal of the de fense's evidence. Koetters himself was the last witness on the stand in his own behalf. His cross-examination Ijy Assistant District Attorney Malaito was one of the most savage ever heard in a Cbiwigo courtroom. E0PLE V3SS3X S. A. Manning has gone to the springs at Lafayette for his health. Mr. auri Mrs. Ray Perkins of Quina liy spent yesterday with relatives in the city. Mrs. S. Tnnquery and daughter went to Portland this morning for an over Sunday Vint. J. It. MKorehlo of Turner has been spending the week with his daughter, Mrs. .(. E. Drophy at Fair Oaks ad dition. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Morris, who arc temporally residents of Gervais, aro In the city today for a brief visit. Attorney Luther Gates of Tacoma, Wash, wan in the city today attending to Inisiiii-" matters and visiting friend;-. Mrs. MoJa Tillman left for nor home iu aii'-oir.or. It. C, this afternoon after visiting with her sister. Mrs. Harry .Nelson oi Siilcm, for a number of day. Tommy 'airfield, who is noted as be ing the "sngo of Rickernll", Polk eoiinty, was in the city today on busi ness. Mr. (airfield is a former Salomito. Tyne M ormick of Portland, is reg istered Hi the Hotel Marion today. Mr. MeCorinii k is connected with the O.-W. K. i N. hc srhll'ii: ans'.U) 234 1!. ii N. 'r shops in the Rose City. Paul nrver and wife, , of Portland. I aid this city a brief visit yesterday and then resumed their journey to Albany to visit friends. Mr. Carver -tnti's that polities in the Hose City rc on the bum right now. Mrs. T. o'son has returned to her home in South Salem after a two week's stay in the hospital where he underwent three operations. She is much improved and is now well on the way to lomplete recovery. '"ip lllsterites may not be quite as fierce as they seem, even if they are Irish. Much of the town was on fire. Villa estimated the rebels' dead at 350 and the federals at more than 800. One Thousand Dead. Mexico City, March 28. A battle be tween federals and rebels started at Tampico at midnight, according to messages received here today. It was estimated that in the past few days fighting in various places 1,000 have been killed, not counting the dead at Torreon. E WAIL F! LISI AS. A pathetic case came to light this morning. It was that of a democratic candidate for the legislature, but fron where we refuse to say. He wrote the socretary of state saving that he would have to withdraw from the race for tho legislature for the reason that early laat spring he registered as a prohi and thinking tho registration had been set aside he later registered as a democrat, and then filed his petition for nomi nation for tho legislature as a demo crat, then he .plaintively said: "I registered as a prohi, but then later I registered as a democrat and I cannot run as a democrat for the clerk tells mo I am a prohi. I thought I was a democrat but I am only a prohi. thank you for ajl the trouble I have made you but I cannot run and I must withdraw for I am only a prohi. thought I was a democrat when I filed but I find I am a prohi and so I cannot run." 20 PER CENT The ease of the city of Salem again-t the Salem Water company is licariui' an end so far as the taking of testi mony is concerned and unlos tho d fendant company has some considerable evidence iu rebuttal it is posible the case will bo finished tonight. Captain T. C. Davies wns in the stanl this afternoon for the purposo of show ing the charges for water in otht i places and tho relation of charges to rates. It was also snown by the cone pnny's boks that tho annual gross in come is about t"2,000, Calculated on a basis of 1H0,000, the company's valu ation of its property, this would bo an income of 13 per cent, and figured on the estimate made by the commission's engineer, $350,410, it would be at the nile of a little more than 20 per cent per annum. Of course this does not allow for operating expenses, but these we were unable to get. They will be available before the caso is completed. It is probable this would reduce the in terest about one-fourth, or to about 11 f on the company's basis and about 15 per cent on the railroad engi neer's basis. Among contrary men ii the chap who would refuse to take whiskey if the doctor prescribed It, From $1 to $25 Given Toward Cause by Individuals of Capital City. LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Those Who Extend Substantial Aid To. ward Enterprise of Much Import ance to Children, iWth 4,303 school children already enrolled iu the garden ?lubs throughout the state and others joining at the ratn of 150 a day as tho spring urges a "Back to the Soil" movement, an added impetus has been given the work ers soliciting funds for prizes. In Salem alone where the canvass was completed last evening by Mrs. C. H. Pickett, over $300 was contributed in amounts ranging from $1 to $25, but be- iuuse many contributed from small purses at a sacrifice greater than that felt by the donors of larger amounts, Superintendent Smith, in charge of the work has made public only the namo3 and not the amounts contributed by in dividuals in the following list: Fletcher & Byrd. Bullock Studio. Trover & Weigel. C. F. Ruef. . U. G. Shipley Co. Salem Bank & Trust Co. Mrs. Enos Preenall. Roth Grocery Co. Crown Drug Co. , C. J. Pomoroy. Smith & Burdick. McXeil Sisters. K. L. Stiff & Son. Gibson Millinery. T ..I. Cronise. W. W. Zinn. X. P. Elliott. ('has. K. Spnulding Logging Co. Beetz Fur Co. Wade Pierce Co, Tho Variety Store. Parker Studio. Xeedlecraft Shop, A. C, Devoe. Jacob A. Rice. Watt Shipp Co. Josso & Moore. W. J. Porter. H. W. & M. L. Meyers. E. T. Barnes. Iiostein & Greenbaum. Ray L. Farmer. J. L, Stockton George C. Will. Patton Brothers. A. A. Manning & Son, George W, Weeks. J. C. Perry. Portland Flouring Mills Co. Capital Journal Publishing Co. Knlem Lumber Co. Parr Jewelry Store. Mrs. F. A. Smith. Quaker Nursery, Mr. Lansing. Fair Grounds Store, H. Doe & Son. The Prico Shoo Store. The Hob Nob, Tho new Xeedlecraft. Mr, George Smith, Melwood Grocery. Falls City Lumber Co. Poster & linker. .1. W. .1 oil II sil ii & Co. A. K. Moore. Steusloff Urns. Jacob Vogt. C. H. Jones. The Toggery. W. J. Jenks. W. H. Loose. Ward K. Richardson. Mrs. A. Shi nn. J. I). Waring. F. E. Shafer. Roil Cross Pharmacy. I. ebol I & Co., Oroery. -R. F. Peters, music. Cnlef Hro. furniture. J. W. Gaiiiard. I. S. Xationiil Bank. Yokohama Tea Store. C, M. Lorkwood. J. B, Cooley. M'r. L. G. ( nrtis. T. J. Buford. Sponcer Hardware. Meinhart Shoe Store. Willamette Hardware Co. Salem Hardware Co. Sulem Woolen Mill .Store. Ladd k Bush bank. D. A. White k Sons. P. U. Fleming. The Frame Shop, R. Gilbert, prop. Horticulture Fire Relief Co. E Believed Slayer Attempted to Tie Girl and When He Failed Slew Her. GIAMMI SEEN ,WITH HER Reported He Had Threatened to Get Even with Her, After Being Ex pelled from School. UNITED PRESS UUSBD Willi. Little Falls, X. Y., March 28.-r-Lydio Beecher, aged 21 years, a school teacher, was found murdered in a clump of bush' es today on the roadside near Poland She loft her boarding house last night to mail a letter to her home at Kennett X. Y. A youth named Uiammi was seen talking with Miss Beecher last night and ho was taken into custody todav. It is believed the girl was murdered on the highway and her body dragged into the bushes. Tho body was fright fully cut and there wore several stab wounds about the head and face. Miss Beecher recently expelled Qiam mi from school and it is reported that he had threatened to get even. Later information indicated that an attempt had been made to assault the teacher and that she was slain when she resisted. A rope and a club were found near the body. It was believed the slayer attempted to tie tho girl and when he failed, struck her on the head with a club. TO ENGAGE 1 The Salem Electric Company is the name of Salem's newest business firm. Tho firm members aro F, 8. Barton and R. D. Barton, who have lutely arrived from New York. After looking over the opportunities on the coast they decided that this city was tho most desirable and they accordingly will open up a complete electrical establish ment sometime next month. Both have had long experience in electrical work of all kinds. F. S. Barton is a gradu ate electrical engineer and for nearly eight years was connected with the Genernl Electrical Company, tho larg est firm of the kind in the world. They havo located on High street In the ground floor of the Masonic Temle and propose to fit up their sales room in a manner that is not equalled outside of the larger cities. They will handle only the highest class fixtures and electrical goods and will make their place one of the most at tractive in the city. In addition to carrying on a general electrical engi neering nnd contracting business they will maintain a complete repair shop. SUSTAINS BROKEN ARM. Little Helen Huberts, the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, John J, Roberts, siistniii id a broken arm this morning ns the result of fulling on the cement sidewalk III front of the home on I0n-t State stree. The girl was enjoying the mod"rn pas time of roller skating when she slipped and fell on the luird wnrlk. The tiny member was broken just below the el bow, Dr. llnny K. Clay was called and after putting the arm back into place, little Helen was soon able t'l sit up. 'ooking back over our pnst live" enii we sen one single instance wIhtc worry has nmde things any hotter? The Weather The Dickey ir mys: Oregon, to night nnd Sunday occasional rain I i west portion, and cloudy in east por tion, am) probably rain j southerly winds. United States Army Still Talks About Koehler Case I A A ' - . A-.- - . . i Ml v ' ' ' : : ''i ,. ' t. ': 3? "..'S ' 4 is . r5 At right, Colonel Klrhy. Left, Major Koehler. Lower picture, fort where trial was held. UN1TBD PIIISS L1DASID WIBI. Now London, Conn., March 28. United States army circles are doeply stirred by the court martial roccntly of Miajor Benjumin M. Koehler of the coast artillery, located at Fort Terry, New London, Conn. He was charged Says Republicans Will Get Control as Result of Split united rnnss i.icasko wihi.) Washington, March 2S. Prediction that tho republican party would regain control of congress as a result of the split ni tho democratic ranks over the roHolutioii providing for the repeal of the exemption clause of the Panama onniil bill wns voiced today by Repre sentative Knowlaiid of California. "The ranks of the opposition aro bad ly broken," said Knowlaiid," and th's will mean a big advantage for the re E IS San Francisco, Man h 2. Tho case against J. Parker Whitney, tliu Placer utility millionaire rancher accused of transporting Genevieve ilunniwi from stale to state for immoral purposes in violation of the Miinn white slave law, was postponed iignin today by federal Judge Dooling. Tho delay wim at foiled States l)is trict Attorney Preston's roijnost. Pres ton wniitod two more weeks ninl the court gave it. to him, Whitney was not in the courtroom nor even represented by n Inwver. Tho annual freslunau Uleo at Willam ette university will take place this even ing lit -V.'iO. All the college classes lia'i written the wolds iiiol music to a col lege song und will render the sniiie en einlile this evening. The fiohioeii have lieeii to niio'li trouble and expense in con vol ting the chapel in a fit place lor sin h festivities mi l everything is in readiness for the nniinul contest. As usiilil there will be a monster showing of cliifs spirit, chin yells ii ml songs The public is invited, There will be a called mooting of the City Y. W, C, A. at the home of Mrs, J. It. Lewis, lH'i North 1,'lth street, Monday, Manh 3D, nt 2::i0 p, ni. As Important business is to be transacted al) members are urged to be present, by order of tho president. 1J - - - 4 with grave offense, but alleged that the attack upon his charactor was a con spiracy by officers who had long had a feud with his family. The trial was conducted behind closed doors at tho library of the fort. publicans in the coming November elec tion. It's too bad that political capital has to be based on a proposition like the canal tolls but it affects every American regardless of party. "Tho solidarity of tho democratic party vanished whon President Wilsou split in tho democratic ranks ovor the of tho paity. Solidarity Is impossible wh:m President Wilsou advocates nn iin-Americnu policy." 1 1' Ml TBI) I'llKSH I KiStll Willi). Pasadena, ( ni., March 2S, Informa tion from private sources today imli cated tliut Frederick: W, Weyerhaeuser, tho "lumber king," is not expected to live through the day, His physicians neither confirmed nor denied this ro port. ' Frederick Weyerliiieuser, Jr., is ex peeled to nrrivo from St, Paul tonight. All other members of the family ulremlv are here. The Y. W. 0. A. cabinet conference being hold at Willamette 1'niversity, continued in session today. Ijirgo dele gations are present from all of tho out of town colleges und high schools in cluded iu this district. Tho confer ence will end tomorrow afternoon with a vesn-r servico followed by a closing service for conference didegates. The program, as outlined in yesterday 's Journal, is being carried nut. ITALIAN HALTED. liy cleverly keeping tub upon nil strangers hired in rnilroit, camps Iu different sections of the valley, Sheriff Fsch has today located Mike liiz.i, it native of Italy who ttcat a $U)0 b""d under which he won placed by Justice ot the Peace Webster here when tho wis arraigned on the charge of rubbing the Turner Mercantile store. FEARS WAR IF CLAUSE IS Lthl IN Harrison Warns Congress Re sentment of Powers Might Be Very Serious. BITTERNESS GROWS AS DEBATE PROCEEDS Opposition Active and Split of Democrats on Resolution May Widen. united press lxiskd wiai.l Washington, March 27. An all day dobato on the resolution to repeal the exemption clause of the Panama canal tolls act was in progress in the house today. Proponets of the Sims resolu tion were confident of victory. The opposition, however, was fight ing the resolution bitterly and the split in the ranks of the democrats threat ened to widen as the bitterness in creased. The 20-hour debate was expected to' end Tuesday afternoon. Supporters of the repeal resolution predicted a ma jority of from 50 to 60 on the final vote. Speaker Clark Present Representative Harrison praised the stand taken against the repeal by spcaitor iiara: ana 'Kepresentateve TJndorwobd. "If this repeal 1b adopted", he said, "I boliove it will mark the beginning of the disruption of the party organ ization ". Representative Stephens warned the house that resontmeut by the powers might plunge the country Into war if tho ropeal resolution met with defeat. "Thoso loudly howling for patriot ism", ho snid, "and demanding that wo do as we please with our own and lay down American doctrines reguirding American waterways, forgot the na tion's history. For a contury we have insisted upon equal trcatmout, without discrimination, for our citizens in com merce everywhere. Now it is proposed to rnpudinta our promises, abandon our policies, and revcrso our history. That is culled patriotism", , SCHITNKE. Mrs. O. Schunko, wife of the ptiKtor of the Gorman Huptist church, of this city, died at her home at P2! North Cottage street this morning nt 8:20 o'clock following tin Minus lusting but a week which was occasioned by a pnrulytic stroke suffered a week ago. todav. Funeral Services. The funeral of Mrs. John Schaup will bo helil from the (lermnu Evangelical church, North Liberty, tomorrow after noon nt 2 o'clock. MARRIAGES. DUNLAP STEOE. At the home of the bride and groon, North High street, Salem, Or, March S, 11)11, at 2 p. iu., .Airs, Minnie Duubp of Portland to Herman Siege of Salem, Itev. 1'. S. Knight officiating. Tin eremoiiy was iittciulcd by a number of intimate friends of the contracting parties. The bride was attended by Mrs. Minnie Anderson Yolliner aid Master Fraiikie Hill wns ring bearer. Die rooms wete nicely decorated wi'i hoice flowers and a lunch mis scrvol alter the ceremony. The bride is 4 popular Portland woman, formerly con nected with the Kstcs Spanish grid. The groom 1ms been in the employ of the S. P, company at Hah m for the past 111 veins. Mr. and Mrs, Stege will be at home to their many friends after April I. INSCRIPTION DECIPHER. New Haven, Conn,, March fiS.An noiiiicement thnt the Inscriptions on rlay cylinders in the Dabylonlau coU lection at Vale University have bed deciphered as mado here yesterday.