DAILY CAPITAL JOTJBNAL, SALEM, OEEOON, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1914. "GET IT AT MEYERS" IJ El t n ii 11 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 1880' From the statements which are over beard coming from farmers visiting Salem of late it Booms that vegetation In Marion county is actually sufforing for tho want of mora room to grow. It Is generally statod by thorn that the March weather bo far has been o idonl that the fruit treeiia, grain and alfalfa are simply breaking a speed record in development. Especially tho latter farm produce is showing exceptional activity and it is said Hint it will b cany for tho alfalfa growers to harvost threo crops this season and in many instances four. Vetch, oats and clover will surpriso oven the Murion county farmer in rpiulity and quantity this season, nay soverul experienced tillo.s of tho soil while tho small fruit crop will beat anything ever seen unless tho weather remulns abnormally fair. Canadian moving pictures and travol talk. Do not forget it at the Y. M. C. A. Baturduy night, March 28, at 8 o'clock. Priro 10 cents, Public library lecture Dr, Frederick llenke of Willamette university will de liver a lecture this evening in the auditorium of the public library on the subject "The Chinese Revolution. " Dr. llonke is an Interesting speiiker and he Boaks with authority on Chinese ipieq tions an he lived in China seveinl years liofurn coining to Salem, lie spoko be fore the men ' club n week or so ac and delighted a large audience. At the library lecture he will take up a differ ent plui'-e nf the recent revolution. The lo.-liiro will bo ut eight o'clock ami is free, I r. I'attersoii will introduce the speaker. According to Ollvor Kotchum s former Kilcmito, but lately a resident .f Nome, Alaska, there is no place en Mna ,, otlu r nvailuble siii'elv depov the enrth jtM like the old Capital City. it. Judge Elgin yo.-dudnv took posses Mr. Ketchum is here visiting friends iml f ,.01.1IK.. w,i,.i is said to and he .lectures that he will have 11 rmnn fmir ,,,., , iiiK,,v lln, ,-. hard time pulling hi ins. If to the rail- ,, , , t.l is ,mw King penceftillv in the way stnlion upon leaving time. Nome, uluH in , ,,,,,,!,,. olfico. The lie, says, is fairly busy at present and lockage has not been ope 1 as yet many Oregon people have visited the llm ,,, 11I v will remain under lock northern town during the past few1,,,,,, kl,v ,.,,, v AH,.(.V UnA iiionlhs. The Alaskan will visit his finite, his investigation. The officers sister, Mrs. George McPnulol of Al-,,,,, ,irv ,.,,,,, ,, mll, ; ,mi Imny, befeie returning home. , ,,, , ,llllilv f up the 'evidence. Dr. May, nrrrs specialist, Masonic bid I The Capital Journal yesterday even lug received a postal card from A. 0.! Magers. On one side Is the picture of the st. 'inner (leorglu Onk on the St, Jo river, Idaho, and on the ether Mr. Mugvr Informs "the boys" that blue self, I'ii ul Marnarh and .lee Hack, all of Halcm, are on their way to llutte, Mont., on a sight-seeing trip, Til tourists left here several days ago and am "seeing Amerl.a first," In re'O style. Ward for Drags. Bargain prices. Phone 2247. Prompt delivery, B4S Piste. Pre Easter Bale The Women's Relief CorW will hold a pre Master sale of rook .si food, homemade candies and fancy articles, Saturday, March Xs tt Huron k Hamilton's, 310 Court street. Huy a (jift for vine friend, and Miiiielliiiig for Sunday's dinner. Fanners, If you hsve choice dressed pork yon rim sell it to W. A. Shlnner, Avenue Market, 1021 Center street. Phone. ICil". Visit Ollson'i attractive new barber bop la I!lih building, State street. Regular meeting of He vVVI ML' Molay Comman.lery No. SSMf Ii, K. T., this evening. A jr full attcudiire is re- juerW by order of the K. 0. Visiting Hlr Knights welcome. View the Newest Things for Spring at Salem's Big Store Tomorrow The April Delineator is ready. Those who took advantage of the special offer 60c for a year's subscription can obtain their copies by presenting card at the pattern counter. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY OOOULCOOD S Animal stories at the library Thl 3 week, tho younger children will havj morn miscellaneous rtorleg of animals. Stories from tlio "Just So-Book" will lie included and they promise to bo as good as tho last. Tlio older children, whose stories wore about the members of tho cat family last wock, will give attention to tho dog anil his cousins Akela, tho wolf; Vixen, tho for and the coyote, Saturday morning at 0:30, at tho public library. Children from fivo to twelvo yearn of ago aro welcome. Fine printing; Fuller Printing Con cern. Phono Main 2170. According to Professor Earl Kilpatrie today tho weather In against the fly swatters at present and tho market is exceedingly quiet. Ono little fellow has asked for information as to whoro Is the best place ono can locato flies in cool weather. However, tho flies aro now just getting ro onforccd after hav ing their local armies diminished con siderable since tho last swatting cru sade, and it is believed that both the youthful and tho older swatters will have all the business they can conveni ently attend to upon the first warm day that, comes along. In any event, Prof essor Kilpalrlck advises everyone to swat every fly that is found now and keep on swatting the everlasting day lights out of 'em io order to either put them to flight or lay them in their I! 1 a ves. San Francisco pattern hat. Satur day at. Hon Ton. llubbnr.l building, Owing to the sate in the city marshal 's office being already cunu.Med with confiscated hiiic.o which was found . 1 ,11 m Km bronchi in of lute, nr., I il.r Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly, U i, Hank building, Patrolman Saunders is back at work uiiiii after spending several d.iys wait ing to be reinstated following the layoff given liim by the council recently en ac count of not being a resident of this city at the time he was appointed en tho force. Officer Saunders ".insulted a lawyer who told him that he should go luck to work and remain on the job unless summarily dismissed by the en- tire city. Mr. Saunders has asked the members of the council to either rein state him or dischaige him permuuent ly but that body took no action one wav or the ether and the policeman went back to work lat night. Dr. r, L. Utter, dentist, Masonic bldg. Sheriff Esch yesterday afternoon sr rioted Prank Ford, the well knowi fin liter' who resides four utile north 11 the city, uu the charge of coiniinltiU'.- statutory crime agniust the person of 12 year old girl nt Seaside lss li.-ciu-her. The arrest was made at the requeot of Sheriff .1. Hum, Clatsop county, who holds the warrant. Ford canie to this city with Wictift Fsch and ar ranged for bonds lit the stmt of $1000 to appvnr before the criminal courts of Astoria. Mr. Por.l is well known hi this city, having been a resident of this place since his birth. He wn In the r It t this morning and told The Cap ital Journal that th whole proposition "GET IT AT MEYERS" U9 14 was a framo-up to blackmail him. He declares that a family named Brown is prosoeuting him. Thoy worked on his ranch all last summon Ho claims that the family now owe. him $60 and that thy are attempting to get more money out of him by using black mail tactics Try Scott's 15c meals. A reply to the answer to the com plaint in tho case of Henry Bo.je against K. R. Pall et al was filed in tho circuit court yesterday by the plaintiff. All of tho allegations contained in tho ans wer aro douiod by the plaintiff and the conipluintant asks for a decree for mon ey on notes alleged to be owing him by tho defendants. After visiting their rornier home In Buffalo, New York for sovcral months. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Underbill have re turned to this city. They roport that they met some cold weather while traveling in the oast. They went by thu southern rente and returned tho same W5I v. Mr. Waymire, the wife of Eev. 0. H. Wuymiro, is reported to bo in poor health by her husband, who is in the iity at present. Hev. Wnymiro was formerly superintendent of tho Com mons uiissiun of Salem, but is now lo cated at llillsboio. The police blottor was clean this morning, the night officers apparently having had nothing lo do but stroll tho streets, The jail was empty nnd even the speed cop declared business qniit. C, P. Bishop, who Is a candidate for the nomination for stale senator on th republican parly tor this county, yes tehl;iy filed his ilcclarM ion with the secret ti ry 0 Mate. Tho governor slated this morning that iniuy complaints li.i.t been receive! al'oui the Miliums in Trouldale selliiu' Ihpior to minors, and that he had noti fied them that the sheriff of Multnom ah county would take the matter up nnd if the violated the law, would close them out. Sheriff Word, of Portland it is understood has also notified tlio siiIoihi keepers that, they must obey the law or quit. The governor this morning when a-ked what he would do ill cae they i-ontiniicd to violate the law, said. "1 will close them up; that is nil, just close litem up. ' ' Stating in a complaint filed in tho circuit court today that her husband was more of a brute than a Mian mid that he has treated her in II cruel and inhuman mniiner since marriage. Signti IVriiau.le has commenced suit for di vorce from I.0011 rei'.andex. The com- plaiiitsnt avers that her liusluind at one time choked her mid bent her and has pert'iinned ninny ether Bets of cruel ty toward her which liao now become unbenralile. there is one child as the issue of the marriage according to the complitint and the plaintiff asks the custody of it. Be Miss Fern Mobb's Investigating snloon conditions at Cove under the governor's orders. At Ye Liberty to night and tomorrow. Helen Keller advance seat sale at the Cmsii.I tomorrow at t' a, m. Prices 50c to $1.00. 8. P. WILL STOP. Effective at once, S. P. train No. !S will stop at all station between Albany and Portland to unload pnxcngcrs from the Lebanon Branch, from the Wool burn Uiaucli, from the Salem Geo" Briiiiili, from the S. p. c, & W., or from the C. & K. BEATS HER ADMIRER. t'NIVKtl I'KKnn tKAKKti WIRS ) l.o Angeles, Cal March 27. Miss I Lillian Schivkels, 10 your old, weigh' P. pound, holds a decision over Rev Well, a bulky and unwelcome admirer Wells iitdste.l on pressing his attentiom. on Mis Schrevkel. She used a short. choppy right with telling effect, Judge Williams niervly smiled and dismissed t balteri charge. GOVERNOR WILL NOT IT West Forwards Transcript of Evidence to Governor Hanna of North Dakota for Consideration. SECOND BEQUEST MUST BE MADE FOE ACQUITTED SLAYER West Does Not Wish to Act as Judge in Case and So Is Putting It Up To N. D. Executive. Governor West today forwarded by mail to Governor Hanna of Xorth Da kota, a transcript of the evidence taken yesterday afternoon In the case of Mc Lain S. Cooper, of Hood River, wanted in Grand Forks, N. D., on a charge of bribery in connection with a case wherein Cooper was charged with the cold-blooded murder of James Eoss, foreman on the Cooper family's ranch in Traill county, N. D. The evidence was sent to Governor Hanna for the reason that it was understood here that Hanna had not been fully advised as to the facts in the case atad Governor West docs not wish to act as judge. In case Hanna still wants Cooper, after reading tho evidence submitted at Port land yesterday, he can make another request and it will probably be granted. Portland Hearing. At the hearing yesterday in Portland W. H. McGruder created a sensation by testifying that ho impersonated Cooper in making an alleged confession of jury-bribing. He testified that on January 24, last, ho accompanied J. A. Sullivan, a Grand Forks detective, to a room in tho Imperial hotel, whore, following Sullivan's instructions, he protended to be Cooper and answered questions in regard to the jury-bribing. McGruder further stated that stenog rapher was stationed in bathroom but did not seo oither him or Sullivan while they talked. Attorney B. G. Skuason, represent ing the Stnto of North Dakota, was completely surprised by McGruder's testimony. Ho asserted thut there was abundant evidence agniiust Cooper in the jury-bribing case, leaving the con fession out of it. Sullivan, snid to be a Pinkertoii upm, was mixed up In a bad check deal but tho sleuths squared it. It seemed, however, that he was Intimately ac quainted with Cooper and had some in sido information in regard to the jury, bribing. Tray B. Hangs, ex-t'nite.1 States attorney, and prominent demo cratic politician, is n leading defendant in tho jury-bribing case. Harry Cooper, father of McLaia Cooper, and several jurors are also defendants. The con fession of one of the jurors, .1. L. Stevens, who is now held in jail in de fault of a $.",000 bond is bothering the defendants more than anything else. Stevens gives many facts which have been substantiated. Hangs is one of the leading lobbyists of North Dakota, liepreseuting several large corporations, he puts in much time at each session of the North Da kola legisliiture and has the reputation of delivering the goods, Conviction Born of Experience. The mail who has used Chamber- Iain's Cough Remedy and watched md felt, and realized itj remarkable cura tive periaortics will toll you thut it lias no superior for coug'is nnd colds, Tile remnrkaldo success of this preparation aided by the personal recommendations of peoplo who have been cured by it lias made it one of the most popular medicines In use. Try it when yon have a cough or cold and realize for yourself what a first class cough medicine will accomplish. Per sale by all dealers. MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security, THOS E. FORD Over I,ld A Hush Bank, Salem. Oreuor ES323 IMHIti "Look for the Flying Eagle" and you will always find the best pictures. Ye Liberty Tonight and Tomorrow. MISS FERN IIOBBS Investigates Saloon Conditions at COVE, OREGON, by special request of GOVERNOR WEST See this interesting trip in mo tion pictures. , Captain Jenny, S. A., a power ful three part drama, "Those Persistent Old Maids". Eddie Lyons in the funniest Suffragette Comedy ever filmed. E 4il Mi fUm ma m a a mi M Im aw tU ZI II 3 EVAPORATING PLANT IS West Salem People Enthusiastic Over Prospect of Having Operations Be gin at Early Date. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES HANDLED IN THIS PLANT Old Furniture Factory to be Used as Plant and it it Hoped to Stop Annual Fmit Waste. There is machinery already installed in the old furniture factory in West Salem for a modern commercial fruit and vegetable evaporator and, provid ing the owners of the purposed plant receive the proper encouragement from the fruit and vogetagle growers of Marion and Polk counties, operation will begin within a few Jays. A rousing meeting was held by fruit growers in the city hall at West Salem last night and the proposition was thoroughly discussed. About fifty busi ness men and fruit raisers were at the meeting and steps wore taken to have the new plant placed in operation as soon as possible. It was brought out at the meoting by F. Simmons ,a big fruit merchant of Portland, that 53 per cent of tho annual fruit crop in this state goes to wasto. With a perfect drying system this waste could be etim inated declared Mr. (Simmons. ' R. W. King, one of the owners of the West Salem plant, attended the meeting and explained tho work'ngs of the new system. Among others addressing the meetings wcro W. J. Patterson, F. V. W aters, F. S. Bynon, B. J. Miles and S P. Kimball, all interested in the evap orating plan of preserving fruit aud vegetables. , UNITED PRESS LEASED WIllS. San Francisco, March 27. Commit tees of experts were trying to wind up as rapidly as possiblo the work of the Transcontinental Passenger association, is session here. The association voted late yesterday to include the new Canadian lines in its ticket arrangements aud give Xcw Orleans and Memphis the same round trip Pacific coast rate as St. Louis, $.".50. Portland, Or., March 27. Walter (Ireer Campbell, the former California millionaire, arreted here several davs ago 011 a charge of obtaining money in San praucisco under false pretenses, but who has been staying at a prominent hotel under guard of a sheriff's deputy was re-arrester today on a fugitive warrant sworn to by Hctective Swcnnes of the local police department and was locked up in tlie city jail. GALLOWAY TO FOLLOW Tax Commissioner Calloway went to Portland this morning to meet the county court of Multnomah county, which is investigating the situation i.s it appears since the decision of Judge Cleeton, which it is feared will cause a falling off in tax payments aud a con sequent shortage in county funds. The heavy chlpmeuts of eggs from the farming districts to Portland, where wholesalers are paying IS cents per dozen and placing them on cold stor age, together with the fact that the demand Is very heavy for hatching eggs has caused the price in Salem to take an upward trend. THE CHINESE REVOLUTION Lecture by Dr. Frederick G. Henke Public Library Auditorium S O'clock Tonight FHKE t HIP winners Will be named in the Puzzle Contest Tonight at the WEXFORD Tho Rex Piuver in Her Husband's Wife BARBARA TENS' ANT In a Feature two part photoplay. You Can Learn to Bake Bread We are carrying on a very instructive Demonstra tion in the Art of GOOD BREAD BAKING. You are urged to come. An expert bread maker will show you how it should be done, from the mixing to finished flakey loaf. We Use Occident Flour and A Good Gas Stove. Special Prices on Staple Groceries A No. 1 Good Pink Salmon, 3 cans for 25c Fancy Chinook Salmon, 2 cans for 25c Del Monte Stranied Honey, fine quality, 30c glass 3 cans sliced Peaches 50c 3 cans Apricots 50c 2 cans Asparagus 25c 2 cans Onarga Corn 25c Free For Saturday One package of Cream Cereal Free with 2 packages of Fisher's Oats or Wheat Flakes. These are Marion County Grown and Milled Cereals and deserve your patronage. The quality is in the goods. Banana Special. Elegant Ripe Fruit 20c and 25c per dozen Eat Oranges Now. The best fruit is now being sold. The quality is beyond question, the very best 20c and 35c per dozen RothGfocei'yCo. NEW TODAY. 4 FOR SALE Strong and vigorous lo ganberry tips. Phone Farmers' 32x3. $10 per thousand. WANTED Woman for general house work in new home; only two in family; good wages. Inquire even ings, Eoom 8, Dilley House. FOB SALE Uood 5-rooiu house and barn, on lot 70x140, South 12th strett 1,350; $250 down, balance monthly payments. EXTRA GOOD BUY in small dairy farm, $4,500. VERY CHOICE suburban home, at $0,000. OTHER BARGAINS too nume-ous to mention. C. O. RICE and W. 8. LAW, with L. S. Barnes & Co., 315-310 Masonic Temple. That Alaska steamship line should not be allowed to fail. POR SALE One top buggy, bed and one spring wagon with tongue, shafts and top. Phone 377-J: 2005 Trade street, .Stenstrom Bros. FOR RENT ." room houe. two lots; bam and chicken house, $10.00 per mouth. Inquire nt 1 41 ." X. 4th street. Ft tit NALE Modern six-room house, paved street and car line, close to good business corner, convenient to school. Price $2,:"iMI, Two hundred dollars down, balance in rental in slalinents. Phone Main 470. WANTED On stock ranch,, young couple wise on farming who nre not afraid of work, on shares. The best kind of producing laud with fine out rnnge, cow, team, etc., furnished. Three miles from town. One and half miles from school. W. N. Wat tors, Salem, Oregon. FOR EXCHANGE Five room modern house ou State street, for southern Oregon lands. W. A. Listen, agent, 4S4 Court. JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WOEKS. No . machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics Work called for and dolivered promptly, 445 Terry Street. Fhona Main 652 Special Bargains 144 acres river bottom lands, $6000. 00 acres, 17 acres prunes, 12S acre. 33 acres improved, :18()0, snap buy. Largo lot and house, close in, $f)000. 2Hi acres bearing fruit, improved, 10,000. 10 acres bearing fruit, improved $.1,100 1" acres, olose in, improved, $4000. Several good buys In berry tracts. Hop, prune and stock ranches, right prices. List your bargains and trades with us. We are agents for Canadian Pacific lands, $11 per acre up, 20 years to pay. Close in hotel, 110 rooms, $1,100, snap. Several good business chances and trades. We sell insurance of all kinds. Houses and furnished rooms to rent. City lots, all parts of Salem. Acme Investment Company A. B. COOK, Manager, Phone: Office, Main 4". Opposite Court House. 540 State St. Employment Buret a U Connection. OBITUARY ADLER. At tho state tuberculosis sanitarium, March 26, 1914, at 4:30 p, m., Edwin Adler, son of Mrs. A. Adler of 492 Union avenuo, Portland, aged 17 year). The remains will be sent to Portland for interment. Deceased was admitted to the institution about five weeks ago. SCHAUPP. At the residence of her son, 940 North Seventeenth street, March 26, 1914, Mn. John Schaupp. MORGAN, At 156 Xorth Front street, at 1:10 p. m., March 26, 1914, Mrs. Mary Mor gan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Morgan, aged 30 years. The funeral will be held at 2 p. m. tomorrow from Lehman & dough's un dertaking rooms, Rev. J. T. Little, of ficiating. When you hear a mnrried man say that ho hasn't made up his mind about a thing, his wife hasn't handed him his cue. 1 New Show Today BLIGM NORWICH UNION I FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY ! BUHGHARDI & MEREDITH Residont Agents. 385 State Street. March 23. A man enmo into our of fico todny and said that ho wanted, for cash, from two to four acres, unim proved, closo in, nnd that he would wnit until after our April first issuo be fore buying, llavo you got itt "OUT OF THE RUT" Room 11 Bush Bnnk Building. BARGAINS 20 acres river bottom, 4j miles north, $-10 per. O room houso and 5 lots in Albany to trade for Halem property. Pmiry ranch of SO acres best buy in Oregon. 1" acre suburban home all Al im provements. Very close in, $9,000. LI n.;reB on car line, can be cut in acre or one-half acre tracts and sold for double the price now asked. 10 acres, 10 minutes to car line, that is now netting the owner over $00 per year. There is an 8 year old wal nut orchard on the place begiuuing to hear, $0,000, easy terms. 10 acre priiuo farm, 5'a miles on Ihe .lefferson road, $2,31)0, $000 cash, bal ance $200 per year, - acres In the Liberty prune dis trict to trnde for modern bungalow in Salem. If you have bargains to offer list with us. CO. Rice & W. S. Low With L 5. Barnes & Co 315-311 Masonlo Temple.