Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1914, Image 2

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    Editorial Page of The Salem
MAR. 27, '14
The Capital Journal
Capital Journal Printing Co., Inc.
A a Independent .Newspaper Deroted to American Principles and the Progress
and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
Kkllthed Bery Urealng Except Sunday. Baleoi. ormton
(iDTirlabl In Adranee)
Mil j, nr Carrier, per year ...$5.20 Per montn..46c
frail?, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c
"el, bjr Mall, per year .... 1.00 Blx montbe Uc
Victorious Villa, the terror of Mexico, seems to have received
his first set-back at Torreon, where his forces were defeated
with great slaughter. The varying fortunes of war, which tend
to show that the contending factions are about evenly matched,
would indicate that the struggle is no nearer an end than it was
months ago. The government still seems strongly intrenched
except in the northern part of the republic, where the sway of
the rebels is complete.
Chicago is swelled up because since women can vote there and
not in New York, it now has more voters than Gotham. Still
New York has it over Chicago in the matter of population and
wealth so why try to get so much satisfaction just from count
ing the voters. Allowing for repeaters and Tammany JNew
York can still cast the more votes.
Capital Journal
TmmmmmmmnmmmamammmmmacmmmmiimfmiMttirr iii u i nm i a in - nil.
Advertising rates will be furnished on application.
""New Today" Ads. strictly cash In advance.
"Want" Ads. and
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the
torch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the paper
4o yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we
tan determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone
Main 82.
The Town Row
' We had an ancient, vicious fray, at l'liuktown-on-lhe -Heights, nnd people
raised Old Ned by day, and filled with strife the nights. I hi-lpcd to paint the
village red, and fought our faction's foes; one day I had a busted head, tho
noxt a ruined nose; and oft my eyes wero in a sling, ami lifo was so mtenso I
couldn't smile or dauco or sing for twenty-sovent cents. One day I snt me down
to lest, a poultice on my face, and then thcro ciinio a stiangor guest, a man of
wondrous grace. "I've watched your wrapping far and near, to put your
foes to rout,1 and now," he said, "I'd liko to hear what all the row's about."
I hammed and stammered for a Bpoll about our local war; to save my nock I
couldn't tell whnt we'd been scrapping for. "I've asked and nsliod," the
strnnger said, as lie prepared to go, "why this poor burg is painted red, and
no ono socms to know." Then I obtained a flag of truco, and sought my'
warmest foe full often I had cookod his goose, and ho had Inid nio low. "I
welcome peace," said ho, "by heck, so let tho White Dove whiz! " And then
he wept upon my nock, and I shod tears on his. We thus might squelch most
village rows, and shako our load of care; lint wo keep wrangling till the cows
come home, their tails in air.
fVifivrivttt. leu t
AcUnu Niip,r Hwrtre Uv&jtjL, 1 lM)L
w l PON several of the nominating petitions appears the sentl
I ment "Equal and exact justice for all", or words of that
I import. It is a splendid sentiment that appeals to every
American. The only trouble with it is that: "there ain't
no such thing". The poet Saxe divided mankind into two classes:
"Those who have money and those who have not". It seems
like a cold blooded proposition to even think that the quality
of mercy and the inexorable demands of , Justice should be
warped, stretched and distorted just as the party interested
has money or has not, yet it is the case. The gallows is a
luxury reserved for the poverty stricken murderer while the
insane asylum if any thing is within reach of the man with
money, as witness Harry Thaw, and then the offense is
smoothed down by having the name homicide saddled on it.
A murder is the act of the poverty stricken, while homicide is
the same thing wrapped up in a different package for the
criminal with the dough. The well-to-do man pays a fine for
his misdemeanors while his poorer neighbor goes to jail or
gets a few days exercise on the rockpile. It is so through all
the ramifications of the law.
In tho matter of divorce for instance, it is no longer neces
sary for those who can afford to pay for the privilege to have
their names dragged before the public. Divorces are as easy
as anything else the lawyers have to hand out with tho courts'
help, if you have the price. A few days ago the Goelets set
tled up their martini difficulties not in the courts but out of
them. The lady in the case was granted a divorce for "cruel
and abusive treatment" which was the allegation in her com
plaint. She did not have to appear in court neither did the
husband. The lawyers fixed it all up and submitted the
papers and decree to the complaisant judge who signed them.
The disposition of the children, unfortunate results of the
marriage, was made by mutual agreement outside of the court
room and the testimony, which had been reduced to writing in
the home of the lady, was read to the judge in whispers lest
the poppy-pctuled edges of her feelings should be ruffled.
"Equal rights to all; Special privileges to none", makes a
fine slogan, whatever that is, but as wns said before: "There
ain't no such thing".
Lapp & Bush, Bankers
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Traveler's Checks
When it comes to twisting tho British lion's tail Senator
Chamberlain seems to be some twicer. Probably it is good
politics because a majority of western voters are natural-born
jingoes, always spoiling for a scrap, but in contrast with these
rod-hot appeals to prejudice on the floor of the senate, Presi
dent Wilson's calm logic is reassuring to a large majority of
his countrymen. Politicians and statesmen have after all, very
few attributes in common.
Great Britain is so badly stirred up over the home rule ques
tion that even the militant suffragettes seem lost in the shuffle.
Ulster is virtually in a state of open rebellion with the govern
ment impotent to cope with the situation. The United King
dom seems to be facing one of greatest crises in its history.
The Baker county grand jury has exonerated District Attor
ney Godwin and Sheriff Rand, and placed the entire blame of the
Copperfield affair on Governor West. A grand juror is always
a peculiar animal but sometimes very handy for use by county
officials who need whitewashing.
The aim of government is to protect fools, says Senator
Owens. Probably speaking from recent experience and the help
the government through its court gave him. Senator Owens
should know a whole lot on that subject.
Only thirty-four persons were sent to the hospital to make
Spaing election peaceful and the results satisfactory to the
monarchy. The older Latin countries have learned how to do
the thing with the minimum of goriness.
Hocrotaiy of Commerce Rodfield will
speak at the Jackson club, in 1'ortlat.d
Friday evening. He will also speak at
Heed collego Saturday night.
Clatsop county gets in line by having
a woman candidate for office, it be
ing MisB Kato C. Kelley, who is out for
tho democratic nomination for county
e e
Addison Dennett ' tlle Oregonian is
to go to Alnska to write up a series of
articles tending to throw light on tb'j
trade conditions and point out the
course Portland must pursue to gather
in a portion of tho trado of that section.
Milton has voted $18,000 bonds for
extending its winter mains.
Tho Hubbard Enterprise is the very
latest. It is a S col.pnn, X-pngo week'.v,
half homo print, published and edited
by (!. K. llrookins,
Tho Molnllu Pioneer remarks that
things in the railroad way are stirring
so rapidly thereabout that a weekly
paper can scarcely Keep up with tho
rl II
T For variety, style and low prices come to
- the Chicago More tor the latest.
I SpringMillinery
Hundreds of dainty styles and shapes now
on sale. Price.
98c, $1.49, $2.50 and up
Exclusive styles shown in Ladies Suits and f
rnafi T
Now on sale at remarkably low prices,
and late New York models in stylish suits.
I 1:1; m)
coats i
Prices low.
$6.90, $7.90, $8.90, $10.90
and $12.50
Wc Make the Low Prices for Satem
500 Pairs of Ladies' Misses' and Childrens'
Soap Dries Your Scalp, Causing Dan
druff, Then Hair Falls Out Try
This Next Time.
After washing your hair with soap,
always apply a little Danderine to the
scalp to invigorate the hair and prevent
dryness. Better still, use soap as spar
ingly as possible, and instead have a
"Danderine Hair Cleanse." Just mois
ten a cloth with Dandorine and draw it
carefully through your hair, taking one
strand at a time. This will remove dust,
dirt and excessive oil. In a few mo
ments you will be amazed, your hair
will not only bo clean, but it will be
wavy, fluff nnd abundant, and possosB
an incomparable softness and lustre.
Besides cleansing and beautifying the
colves every particle of dandruff; stim
hair, ono application of Dandorine dis
ulatvs tho scalp, stopping itching and
tailing liuir. Danderine is to the hair
whnt fresh showers of rain and sun
shine are to vegetation. It goes right
to tho roots, invigorates and strength
ens them, Its exhilarating and life
producing properties cnuso tho hair to
... . . ., grow long, strong and beautiful.
Hest record as to dolimpient tax roll ,,, v .,! w.
is claimed for Sheriff J. C, McKeun, of
Sherman county, who has reduced the
lists of l'HO, Hill uud 1IM2 to the small
total of if 177.47.
Impetus to be given the town ini
tially by the cement plant, with its
large payroll, will make flohl Hill "ths
metropolis of soufliem Oregon," if ti3
prophecy of the News Is fulfilled.
To fill the vacancy caused by the re
fusul of Mayor-elect .T. T. Donovan of
Wheeler to serve, the council has named
Councilman .1. A. Jensen ,and has filled
the Jensen vacancy by naming Donovan.
Tho largest single turnover of tax
money In the history of Linn eountv
was made last Saturday afternoon In
the sum of I:i7l:i7!).!i:i. The largest
previous turnover was in HU3 and was
lots of charming hair. Oct a 2o ccnt
bottle of Knowlton's Danderino from
any drug Btore or toilet counter and try
Here is one of tho achievements of science. An escaping
criminal wns located by wireless on a steamer 21 miles at sea.
A hydroplane carrying an olllcer was sent out after him, nnd
the fugitive was returned to the town from whence he fled, and
there tried for his crime. It would have made us shake our
heads a few years ago of Jules Verne had told us such a story.
Six burros have been bought by the
forestry department t be used in sot-,
(lenient work in the Siuslnw nationnl
Corset. They will be nod by the men
ill charge of surveying homestinds and
assisting prospective setllers to locate
upon lands.
THE fly has betn tried and
found guilty, in spite of
the questionings of those
who maintain the aootrine that
vary creature performs some
uiaful purpose. Undoubtedly
the fly does, for where tharo is
n abundance of filth there will
tho flias gather together, there
will they multiply and inortan.
Their function today is nothing
more or less than a danger sig
nal to indicate insanitary con
ditions. Abolish then, and the
breeding plnrei of tha flies will
be eradicated,
One intelligent and energetio
person o.in start a successful
movement for (he extermina
tion of the houie fly in any com
munity if he or tie Is resource
ful and patient at well.
Now on sale. The
greatest bargains
in Salem.
Children's Shoes 35, 49c, and 98c. Misses'
Shoes 75c and 98c. Ladies' $3.50 Shoes 98c,
$1.49, $1.98.
500 Girls' Wash
dresses now on sale
percales, ginghams
and fancy wash
goods. A great line
to choose from.
Fast colors.
25cy 35cy
69c and
20,000 yards of the very latest wash
fabrics now placed on sale.
Our Wash Goods Department is con
sidered by close buyers to be the best
in Salom. Come and look through this
mammoth stock. Yard.
4c, 5c, 8 l-3c and up
Salem's greatest store for silks and
dress goods is the Chicago Store,
In all the new spring novelties now
selling rapidly. See our prices. Yard
19c, 25c, 35c, 45c, 65c and up
ii iiiii mom, omi m m m, n...
Household Worry
Is 99 Per Cent
Wash Day
Good Riddance by the Laundry
Linen, blankets, curtains ap
parel all come back beautiful
when we do your work.
Salem Steam Laundry
136 South Liberty Street
Phone 25
Dry Cleaning. Ask the Driver
Aurora Observer: 11. 1.. Heats reecn
ly bought 111 of the old pillars support
ing the Old Colony church, The pillars
are of fir IS Inches sipiare nnd 24 feet
long. They are vjry old. All are hand
turned. It Is sold that many of the
pillars and ornaments of the old church
were turned out by ox Mayor .1. 0. Mil
ler, of this city.
Look for the signature of K. W. OKOVK
Cures cold la One Day, Cures Orlp In
Two Pays. SV.
i ;
ONE thing which has render
ed possible tha building of
(ha Panama canal more
than anything elea has been tn
sanitary and preventive meas
ures (alien to keep down the
ileadly yellow fever and perni
cious malari.i, This has been
done by waging war against all
Insect life believed to carry die
ease, particularly thai. There
is an old saying (hat every rail
put down for the I'r.nama rail
road cost life.
Swell Corns? Try
Wonderful "GETS IT"
Greatest Corn Cure Wid Has Eve.
Known "Gets" Corns as Sure
as Fata.
Thounnds sny "GKTS-1T" is simply
magic. If you've tried nearly every
thing else under the sun to get rid of
those corns, so much tho better for
' ' 0 KTS IT. ' 1 Corn f senium is yours at
end You W1U
Miititr Soon
Fortet About
Your Com
and CalliiMe.
Anybody who tries to get rid of hi!
faults by advertising them makes n
"All is vnuity," said (he late Mr.
Solomon, and every photographer kaowi
the old king right.
Vlrst class legislative material seems
ono of the (hings very difficult if net
Impossible to obtain.
CLEVELAND, 0., tinned the com
mon house fly into a uurioaity at a
cost of only 12 000 a year by be
ginning (o swat parts dirt survived
February and by enlist no. schoolboys
last, not next week or next month, but
right now! "U KTS-IT" goes after
corn as a crew does corn. There are no
mere (hick plasters and greasy salves
that don't remove, no more tiles, razors
and jabbers (list make corns gtvw. Tut
a few drops of "tlETs-lT" on and see
every corn and cnllotis shrivel and van-
as ".umor aanuofy ponce- to report ,,h That 'a the new war, the painless,
insanitary spots in whicf m.ecte could ,,,,. f. nick wv. Onlv ' (1 KTS-IT ' '
can do it. Apply it in Hire eevoud.
Kverv druggist in the land sells
"OKTS-1T." 5 rents a bottle, or sent
direct by K. Lawrence 4 Co., Chicago.
dots of men would rather have &
political Job than earn so honest living
The scope of cleanup day In
New York city is being widened.
A special hygienio program for
schoolboy athletes prominent in
cleaning up the town has been
arranged as follows:
Go to bed at 8 o'clock after a
thorounh wesh and a cold
splash over chest and trunk
Scrub tooth and gums well
Have clothes and books ready
for the morrow.
Open bedroom windows at top
and bottom, '
Get up not a minute later than
7 o'clock. Go through a two
minute drill and hygienio
ercises. Clean face nnd neck
and scrub hands. Finish up
with a big cold splash and hard
rub all over. Ceo t'i;it feet and
legs are clean and rub them
hard to get them into condition.
Brush teeth and gums thor
oughly, Breakfast and ail maali: No
coffee, no too. Drink milk a
little at a timo. Chew all food
to a pulp. Ask your teacher
what foods to avoid. No smok
ing. Before school look yourself
Am I clean from bend to toe?
Are all my clothos clean and
in ordor down to the skin? i
Do I stand up like an athlete? J
it takes a woman to lend a fool man
around, even when he imagines he ir
driving her.
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Bil
iousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartic.
Get a 10-cent box now.
Are you keeping your livor, stomach,
and bowols clean, puro and fresh with
CascarctB or merely forcing a passage
way every few days with salts, cathar
tic pills or castor oil! This is impor
tant. Cascarcts immediately clcanso the
stomach, remove the sour, undigested
nnd fermenting food and foul gases;
take the excess bile from tho liver and
nnd carry out of the system the consti
pated waste matter and poison in the
bowels. No odds how sick, headachy, bilious
and constipated you leel, a Cascarot to-
I night will straighten you out by morn1
ing. They work while you sleep. A 10
cent box from your druggist will keen
your head clear, stomach sweet and
your liver ami bowels regular for
months. Don't forget the children
their littlo insides need a gentle cleans
ing, too.
After tho newly-u.ailo husband hn
settled with the parson ho might an
well keep his pocketbook in his hand,
for that is merely the beginning.
House of Half a Million Bargains
Come and see the biggest wombir in tho history of Salem. We buy and
sell everything from a needle to a piece of gold. Wo pay the highest
cash prico for everything.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
H:t:t State Street. Snlem, Oregon. Thone Main 221
l Marion Second Hand Store
A new storo just oponed. A great opportunity for Salem people. We sell
new goods. We buy and sell second hand furniture, s(oves, clothing,
too's, hardware and men's furnishings. We pay highest
clothing, shoes and furnishings. Come to us for bargains.
Marion Second Hand Store
443 Ferry Street I'hone Main 2.12!'
prices for