Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 23, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Values now 15c
15c Vests now 8c
25c Vests ....14c
30c Vests ....19c
30c Pants ....19c
25c Pants ....14c
ON SALE IS a broken line and is offered at these ridiculous
ly low prices, because they are no part of the regular stock,
although they are good in every respect.
$1.00 49c
$1.75 84c
lingly. But collectively do we cae veiy
much about it! It has until recently
been our reproach in the eyes of the
world that we sacrificed many of our
children to keep a national holiday. At
last this particular motor center of our
national conscience aroused action. We
have nearly stopped the sacrifice.
"We deplore the loss of life and
human suffrage which arise from dis
turbed conditions in our sister republic
to the south.
"The red pictures of the battlefields
of the civil war mako us quiver.
"We are shoclcd that the Balkan
wars cost "early half a million dcH'J
or wounded.
"Now, there have died in the United
States in lie lust six months from pre
ventable eauseii more people than wer j
plain in the civil war, and more, many
tii.ies more, than all that have died in
the Mexican troubles. A special student
of this problem connected with out ot
our great life insurance companies tollb
me that every year in the United States
630,000 peoplo dio from preventable
diseases and accidents.
"Our advocates of peace are vocal
anil varied in their attacks upon war.
don't recall them as being excited over
the massacres of pcaco.
Many Losses Are Needless.
"Apart from those who will sorrow
this year and are sorrowing now from
loess that are needlcks, the money val
ue of these deaths, which wo know how
to proveut and yet permit, is staggering.
By conservative estimato it is placed e
thousand millions, a full billion, every
"What we nocd to have aroused is n
sense of proportionate values. There
aro men who worry over a battleship
or two but every month by saving those
in ways that aro well known who need
lessly die we could more than pay tho
ost of four battleships and savo a lot
(Continued from page one.)
vantages, but to secure them continued
"The truth is that a new social bill
of rights is being practically worked
out in our land. Men have not known
that they were working out a revolu
tion. If, however, we are to attempt to
set baie.k the car of social progress to
the point where it stood even ten years
ago, we would speedily become con
scious how far it had run in that in
terval. Indeed, the program of one of
our" political parties takes shrewd ad
vantage of this social consciousness
and bases its plea for power on tho
working out by law of sociul reforms.
Power Condemns Monopoly.
"The impulso of this mighty force is
felt in our political debates mid is re
flected in liarty platforms. One may
scarcely take up tho morning paper or
read his monthly magazine without see
ing, if ho has vision, tho daily, strides
this movement makes. It is the power
that condemns monopoly, It and no
other is the force which demands tho
removal of privilege. It is that which
says the creature of the state may and
shall bo regulated by the state.-
"It follows almost of course ihat ad
vantage will be taken by selfish men
of this great power to enhance their
personal fortunes, It is natural, ton,
that sincere advocnies of thu cause
shall sometimes be more impassioned
than accurate.
"We have become socially conscious.
Have few become socially thoughtful!
"If I have clearly suggested to you
something of the nature and ex'ent of
existing social movements and of living
as well as the grave issues that lie
therein, I am sure it will bo plain n'so
that we need in our public discussions , of hmmn B(?()uy b(1Bi,,(,H
not only accurate information on me i ,,lt is Ul0 Bf(Pnient of tho same
subject of debate in addition to a right- aMtloritv r llm quotiiif; that nre a mil-
eons and unselfish motive, nut also, i Mml aml a ,m,f p(1()Il)n c()1,tl(nntiy jij j,,
hope, a sense of public proportion let h(, rnit(Ml ,s,,,.9 from oftllm,s w,1(.i,
our vision be .distorted and we speml Bn) W(,u known ,0 b(J ,lri!Vcntntllo ai,,,
on tho unimportant the mental energy, (,mt pn(nil( R im of We hllIUri,(!
physical effort and financial power tlmt mi,ioli Il(,r ,. timt from
should be exerted upon the essential. i vontuMo death and prrcentable illness
Dealing With Human Life. ,.n(.h year fifteen hundred millions of
"Let us briefly, then, consiler how : .lollnrH.
we deal with human life. Wo value it, J g0me Losses Compared,
of course. That is, wo say we do. None ; discussion as to proposed advanen
of us individually gives it up willingly. jn freight rates on enstcrn railways is
Happily, few of us would take it wil- '(joing on before the interstate coinmerc"
: commission. It nan aroused wnlespreC'.l
'comment. Tho sum involved seems large
and let us stand there as a freight train
goes by. Suppose as we wait there
looking at it we concedo the worst that
has been charged against railway man
agers and financiers, yet this thing
they have done they have so worked
that every ton of freight in that train
and its following trains is being car
ried at an average rate of three foruths
of a cent for a mile.
Cartage and Bailroad Charges.
'Come with me now from the rail
way station and stand, in this city
street. Watch the teams go by. All
the goods on those carts and trucks
have been carried by the railway. That
cost yon three-fourths of a cent average
rate per ton mile. What does this cart
age cost you? No one has ever taken
the trouble to find out.
"It appears to be the truth, though
I warn you we are speaking now of a
subjoct on which our knowledge is
scanty, that many of the goo3s we use
or eat in one form or another increased
by the cart haud from seven
to forty times. That this factor of
cartage forms a very considerable por
tion of their cost we more than suspect.
It is a much larger element of expense
than are railway freights, possibly
many times more.
"I have been told ihat the cost of de
livering potatoes from the retail grocer
in New York to residences within a mile
is greater than the combined cost of
transporting those potatoes from Maine
to New York City and delivering them
from car or market to grocer.
"The director of tho census has been
instructed my me to make inquiries in
to the coast of cartages in a number
of cities of different sizes and in some
country districts as well in order to be
gin the shedding of light upon the sub
ject. "t have already touched upon the
last topic which I shall add to this ad
dress. It has to do with the effective
ness of our industries. In the very rush
of our energy we have been some times
thoughtless of the most effective meth
ods and careless about the actual
knowledge of what things cost. I havo
known of a process in a modern factory
multiplied by nine in its output within
a year; of another in the same shop
multiplied by five; of another case,
was such that the work was done in ore-twenty-eighth
of tho times theretofore
taken, .
"There are two terrible and prevent
able losses in our American homes. One
is that from needless deaths, with need
less sieknenses; the other that from un
trained lives, The one takes away; the
other fails to add.
"To the problems of life aud fire
Banquet nds Febtivilies of Day sue!
Addresses of Much Interest Aie
Given On Occasion.
Program of Much Interest is Concluded
at Commercial Club and Tlien
Entertainment Begins.
Indictment of the space grafter, the
spineless editorial writer and the four
flushing advertiser resulted Saturday
afternoon when members of the Willam
ette Valley Editorial association met in
the auditorium of the commercial club
Viewing the results of the meeting from
various standpoints, it was on" of the
best, if not the best, ever held by the
valloy editors and newspaper iiR.iagers
It was brim full of spice that sort
which interests the man who has to
foot the billB for the operation of an
advertising and news medium. Thij
program proved an absolute seceess and
the visitnig editors had the time of
their lives during the time they spent
in the Capital City.
, Honesty Best Policy.
Tho association of newspapermen as
sembled in the commercial cluD and the
convention aws called to order by Presi
dent Hornibrook. Percy R. Kelly, judpe
of department No. 1 of the circuit
courts of Marion and Linn counties,
wa called upon to address the rusembly.
As UBual, Judge. Kelly delivered a
most excellent address. Viewing the
editors in the light of human ma
chines who act as the mouthpirce for
all the people and who herald the topics
of interest in every, step of life, Judge
Kelly said that the newspaper is one
of the greatest necessities of the pres
ent age and is generally becomii.g more
important year by ear. He sai l that
editors should not only be strictly hon
est in their general business transac
tion, but should bo very careful to keep
upon tho side of honesty and fairness
in their editorial columns and in their
reports of the general news of the day,
whothor it be in the line of law or in
other nows giving sources.
The editorial columns should be con-
Di'afnTif with ilia new, Knlnmna nf ft T0-
and distribution and education let us per, stated the judgj, and both should1
New Silks
Received yesterday, a
large shipment of new
silks, adding greater
choice to our enormous
dock. They are beautiful
Foulards, Silk Crepes and
Vestings that you will like
Boy's Suits
Buy them while the season is
young. You won't hesitate a
moment when you see our new
Spring suits for boys. Such
snappy models as our Norfolk .
with the patch pocket will
please the young man im
mensely. The fabrics and tail
oring will please you, and our
low cash prices can't be
matched $2.50 to $7.50
add one of a physical nature. The rav
ages of flood are not unknown to mot
of our sisterhood of states. Tho losses
frm them in past years has beon fright
ful and the toll of lives that tho waters
havo taken would by comparison make
some battlefields seem a dream of peace.
More, much more, than tho Panama can
al has cost has been swept away oy
the raging torrents that have worked
their will almost unchecked heretofore
ami for whose destructive forces they
way remains still far too open.
"Very briefly and inadequately we
have dealt with certain eloments of na
tional waste, believing them to bo more
vital to us as citizens than many things
to which we give greater heed. "
Scuttle, Wash., M..rch 2!1. An earth
quake shock lasting 15 miuutes was
recorded by the seismograph nt tho
University of Washington this morn
ing. The distnrbnnco began at 11 :0fi,
and lofted until 11:20. Tho heaviest
shock occurred nt 11:15. The tremor
jarred the needle olf tho drum, Tho
distance nor direction of tho shock
could not be 'learned.
be as near accurate and honestly framed
as possible. Tho price of honesty is
little, said Judgo Kelly, and the wild,
fantastic vorsion of public affairs, soup
box artists, etc., should be given no
place in the midst of an association of
fair minded editorial writer and news
paper managers.
Judge Kelly's advico along this lino
was highly appreciated by those present,
an dhe was given special notice by the
president of the organization who not
only thanked the jurist for killing his
most welcome presence but by giving
tho members a most instructive and
valued talk,
Baps Spineless Editors.
One of the addresses of tho afternoon
was delivered by Charles II. Fisher, of
The Capital Journul. Mr. Fisher stait
od out with good natural raillery and
ended his address with some red hot
shots which mado every editor in the
room Bit up and tuko strict notice.
The speaker said that editors who
piovo tl selves to be physical and
moral cowards should not bo allowed
to exist in the newspaper world. lie
declared that each paper should l.e rep
resented editorally by tho editor of such
medium and not by some hired profes
sionnl editorial writer who fails to mix
with the patrons of the paper a-.d who
Women's Neckwear.
The newer neckwear for this season
is decidedly smart. Those important
necessities are most easily selected from
our large new stock.
TANGO BEADS Oriental colors, as
sorted sizes, some furnished with silk
tassels or other ornaments, at 50, 75c
with Swiss Tabs, collar embroidered
in designs of French knot and eye
let work, assorted colors; set 50c, 60c
SETS with Armenian lace edges 60c
new patterns, both ecru and white;
set upwards of 60c. An especially
strong line at $1.25 and $1.50
NECK BOWS We are showing many
very boautiful and strictly high class
novelties in satin fold goods finished
with tinsel cord loops and some with
dainty chiffon bows in center; 25, 60c
Hair Ornaments
TANGO HAIR PINS A large assort-'
ment in shell and amber with bril
liant settings; lUl sizes, each
15c, 25c, 60c, 85fl
FORWARD COMBS, Back Combs, Bar
rettes, large assortment of new arriv
als; plain or with brilliant settings,
BUTTERFLIES The smartest hair or
nament this season; come in gold or
silver with chiffon wings of beauti
ful colors, each ...60c
Vanity Bags and Cases.
New lot of assorted sizes in German
silver, each 25c, 50c, $1,25, $1.50
Corset Cover Embroidery and
The styles this season are very dainty
and attractive. We are showing a
large assortment of patterns in new
18-inch Corset Cover Embroideries at
prices ranging, yard 25c to 85c
ING 43 inches wide, in many new
designs. This is one of the season's
leading fabrics, being especially suit
able for drape purposes, yard
75c, $1, $1.25, $2
ING 18 inches wide in floral and
conventional designs, especially good
' for three-tier skirts, yd 65, 60c, 75c
inches wide, in large range of pat
terns, including the Vain Dyke Point,
hemstitched edges, especially good
for two-tior skirts, yd -..40c to $1,45
inches wide, with scalloped and hem
stitched border; wide range of beauti
ful patterns, some with eyelet or
heavy embossed work, yd. $1 to $1.75
New Dress Trimmings.
It's surprising how much a little, in
expensive ornament will add to the
charm and attractiveness of a gown
that would otherwise appear plain and
If you would Bee the smartest novel
ties of the season you should let us
show you the new dross ornaments in
drop tifocts, such as the Oriental bead,
pearl with rhincstone center, jet drops,
jet buckles, pear buckle Blidos, metal
buckle slides in gold and Bilver and
silk tassels with buckle . attachment.
They are beauties.
. Efft
imp a j irsfiAn . j miw.
With spring upon us, It high
time you were thinking of how to f
increase your income, and tins
time of the year is pspechlly op
portune for that purpose.
Many firms start in the sprim;
putting new products on the mar
ket and tho money-making possi
bilities of tho agent are many
just now. Often, too, you can
find such work is this anl do it
without interfering witli yo.tr
regular employment.
Watch the Want Ads 1 r such
opportunities at this time t the
year and if you don't ee wh'it
you want, why run a littb Journ
al Want Ail of your own md ymi
will bo sure to find something
is not capable of association with pco- server; A, M. Dalrymple, Oregon Mes
pie who are tho very life of the news- senger; Johu W. Smith, Woodlura In
paper, the common peoplo. dependent; (,'. V Dymont, University of
Consistency and sincerity in all mat- Oregon School of Journalism; Albert
tcrs pertaining to both news and Tozior, veteran newspaper man and
editorial columns should bo tho moBt im- printer; A, E, Scott, Forest Grove
iioitant factor in conducting ft news- Times; J. M, Browne, Brownsville
paper businoss, said Mr, Fishor. Adopt Times; Mark Woodruff, publicity agent
a standard and remain solid on that for the Southern Pacific Co; Mrs. Edi'.h
point or various points, declared the Toizer Weatlierrcd; K. Hofer and Carle
speuker. Get tho confidence of the Alirams, all well known in tho news
common peoplo and keep it, ho said, paper and journalistic world,
and the editor will soon find himself Those present at tho afternoon meet
mid his editorial column in more than ing wcro ns follows:
good roputo with all t ho peoplo instead j Elbert llede, Colt age Grove; Judg.)
of a favored few under conditiins sep- P, ii, Kelly, Suloin; il. J. Brown, Ors
am to and distinguished when it comet: gon City Courier; Charles H, Fisher,
to dealing with tho public in nenernl. i Capital Journal, Salem; Tom Richardson
Almighty Dollar Discussed. I Oregon Development league, I'urtlnud;
H. U Moorchi'iid, Times, JunctioT City;
Cm rle Alliums, 1'acific Homestead, Nn-
Bhoc'j In Portland,
Portland, March 23. finite a num
ber of Portland citizens, including B.
I' Irvine, associate editor of the
Journal, assert they felt a slight earth
(pinko shuck nt tl : MO this morning.
Dozens of persons declaro they felt a
similar shock early Sunday morning.
There is no seismograph in Portland.
It is slated to be about an additional
hundred million dollars annually. The
question's Importance is conceded, but
surely It is proper to compare it in rela
tive Importunes wtth other public mat
ters of expenditure or waste.
" nA us look for a moment at our loss
es from fires, referring not to great con
flagrations, but to the regular run o'
fires, Since IHOfl this direct loss link
never been in any year as littlo as two
hundred millions in any one year, It has
risen as high as two hundred and thirty
j millions In three of these years,
"To state it differently, we get quit
'stirred up by tho qiestion whether the
I average freight rate per ton mile shnP
lie .OUT.) of a cent of ,0071) of a cent
'but wo don't got excited at nil a "i
whether we shall lose ninny timed the
'sum involved In another way which we
know haw to prevent.
"Come with me to the railway station
Home fellows divide their time be
tween being roosted and being kops )n
hot water.
Any truthful girl will tell you thrtt
Aw would rather bo a rich man's widow
than a poor man 's wife.
Some people havo an idea that reform
only makes the world bettor by making
it more comfortable.
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness
si n l;s into the soul.
The only nal proof of success is an
ability to hold onto it.
Put your best foot forwjinl and you
won't havo so many kicks coming.
Tho theories that mako the most
noise are the exploding ones.
Hoarinif a scream from little
Johnny, she akcd: "What's tho mat
ter, Johnny f ''
How the shrewd promoter does love
to encounter a fool and his monoyl
Real Estate
12,000 farm, 100 acres improved.
Want houso anil lot in Sulein, 1000
cash, balance long time.
1000, timber land, 80 acres. Wont
land or Salem property.
,".)00 farm, near Dallas, will take up
to 2.'i00 In Siiloiu property.
10,000, fine farm, HO acres; trmlo for
small tract or Salorn property.
I.")0, 80' acres lund, Lincoln county,
for Salem property.
SOO0 furm, 00 acres, trado for Salom
10,000, fine farm near Independence;
will tuko SOOO in Salem property, part
cash, balanco time
21,500, flno stock farm, will take
Salem or Portland property up to lOOO
or iriOOO; somo cash, balance long
2000, good B room cottage trade for
.'1200, Portland rcsidenco for Salem
1800, strictly modern home, fine lo
cation; trado for Eugen6 property.
2."00, fine 10-acro trinct, for Salem
Wo can trado your property,
Bechtel & Bynon
347 State Street.
Tho editor of the Junction ('it v Times,
S. Ii. Moorehcttd, was called upon next
to give tho editors an Idea as 'o how
ho mado advertising pay. Kditor Mooro
head explained to the satisfaction if
all that his llvo little country weekly
is a money-making proposition In more
ways than one. Direct association with
tho farmer, the source through which
the papers make their living in the
small places, is tho best policy, slated
Mr. Moon-head. Tho Junction City
editor stilted that it required ..kill to
approach the farmer iin.l the lust way
to get both subscriptions n ml advertising
is to give the farmer an ineonrvo of
some kind or other, ConleHts, prize
propositions unit what not, said the
speaker, were ressnnible for many dol
lars rolling into his pockets and he run
tetiile.l that the country press hud to get
out und hustle among the peoplo just the
"lime us he big metropolitan papers in
order to miilie friends with the public
iiihI get its support.
H, J. Hendricks, of the Solum States
man, told now to muse a country news
paper pin', and said it could be done,
for ho had proved it when conducting a
paper In Itoseluirg. He sold any mini
with average Intelligence, who would
work 10 hours a day, rm he had done for
DO years, could mako a financial suc
cess of a paper,
Foreign Advertising Topic
As the result. of tho tlk made by l'
M, Hengnn, editor of tho Allmny Herald-
u "Foreign Advertising," a co'iimltte
omposed of Mr. llengon, Carle Abrnms
and II, K, Hodges was appointed to In
vestigate and formulate a rati ig for
foreign advertls ing and mail n report
to each member of tho nssociati. n.
Among others who spoke at th j after
noon meeting were: II. E. Ilodgi-H, Sil
vert on Appeal; A, E. Voorhles, Rogue
River Courier; Gerald Volk, Dalla Ob-
Among those speaking wore: Supreme
Justice T. A. McBride, Col. Robert E.
Miller, P. II. D'Arcy, Graham P. Taber,
of Tho Capital Journal, W. II. Hamilton,
acting president of the commercial club,
Supremo Justico C. L. McNary, Mrs.
Edith Tozier Weatherred, and President
Hornibrook, of the association.
"I've been sitting on a horuot,"
wag tho toarful response, "and I'm
afraid I'vo hurt tho poor thing"
loin j H. E. Hodges, Appeal, SiK'erto.i;
It. J. Hendricks, Statesman, Salom; E.
M, Hengnn, Herald, Albany; W. C. De-
pew, Criterion, Lebanon; J, M, Brown,
Brownsville; Gerald Volk, O'jservor,
Dallas; A. K, Scott, Times, Forest
Grove; A. K, Voorhies, Courier, Grunts
I'nss; '. W. Meyers, Timhcriunii, Port
land; II. D. Mars, Stnr, (lervain; E, M,
nlnistcail, Stiiyfou; Edith Tozier Weatli
errcd, Portland; M. Ailaius, Independ
ent, Woodliunij W, II. Hornibrook,
Democrat, Albany; Phil llut.es, PnciPc
Northwest, Portland; Frank Itartou
Statesman, Salem; (). V. Smcllwool,
liu rn I Oregoninn, Albany; C, W, Ten
biiult, Democrat, Albany; K, llol'er, l''i
cil'ic Const Manufacturer, Salem; Murk
Woodruff, O. E, It. U; E. II. Wkhiirt,
Statesman, Siilein; Albert Tozb'r, Sr.
leinj Miss Ella McMiiun, Salem; W. T.
Kirk, Salem correspondent Oregon
loiiriial; I'erry Furnosley, Salem eorres-j
j ion 1 1 1' n t (Ircgiiuinu; (nil Smith, Milium;
Graham 1', Tuber, ('. Lucas.
Following the afternoon meeting the
editors were shown uliout tho city in
autos furnished by the following live
wire boosters of Salem: Jim ;i, I. inn,
Henry II. Tumor, August Kehrberger,
William Hamilton, Artlr.ir Edwards and
J. N. Steusloff. Tho courtesies extend
ed to tho editors by the genial onto own
ers wero greatly appreciated and tli"
trip was one which the visit') will
long remember.
The banquet given tho editors a.nl
their friends nt tho Hotel Marion in
the evening prove,! o bo a decided suc
cess, .Wllh P, II. O'Arcy at Ilie heed
of the table as toast runnier and overnl
nf tli A best known men In tho s'.utu on
tho program, both the dinner and t'ie
talks wero greatly appelated by all
With but 80 percent of the voters
throughout tho outside districts regis
tered so fur and Sulom following along
behind with 50 percoi t, tho county clerk
Is entertaining gravo fears that the
books will bo closed beforo all of -the
voters are registered this year for tho
primaries. Tho county clerk urges
everybody to hustle up now as the timo
is becoming shorter at a mte which bids
fair to beat tho several thousand un
registered voters in tho county to the
closing date unless tlioy get busy.
It Is possible to avoid temptation by
attending strictly to one's own besiness.
Holding the
Mirror to
Prosperity's Face
That is what tho advertising
columns in this newspaper are
doing every day In the yeur.
They reflect the busln.vjj inter
ests of this community nu 1 iiiot
and iiioio are coining to reflect
national activity.
Th"y tell you at a glai 'o just
who is actively seeking buslne
and what the reosuns are for ot
peeling to get It.
They are tho meeting placo of
buyer and seller
The lutorest they havo to the
render Is of an Intensely practi
cal nntnro. They not only glvn
to readers Information, but in
formation of a htlpful nhiractor
which directly bears on tliir
mode of living and frequently
means a saving oi time and mon
ey. See what the mirror rcfloctt
today you will find something
there that will Interest you.