Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 17, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Speeches of Sproulo and Kruttschnitt on
Occasion Are of Interest to the
Company's Patrons.
Loyalty of Officers and Staff and Men
on Line in Every Grade of the
Service Responsible.
New York, March 17 The American
museum of safety presentation of the
E. H. ITarriman memorial medals took
placo Saturday' evening at the studio of
A. A. Anderson, this city.
Presentation of the gold medal for
the Southern Pacific company was mnde
to .T. Kruttschnitt, chairman, who re
plied in part as follows:
"This beautiful medal in memory of
Mr. Harrinian is offcied to the rail
roads annually in competition to stimu
late and direct effort tor the conserva
tion of human life, for preventing acci
dents and promoting industrial hygiene
affecting railroad employes and the
public. Mr. Ilarriman devoted his won
derful energy and talents during the
best years of his lifo to rehabilitating
and improving ' every railroad with
which he was connected, compelling rO'
cognition from both friends and rivals,
as tlje greatest constructor of tho ago.
"Thousands of miles of railroads :0'
built to the highest rtandards, stretch'
ing from the Missouri river to the Va-
cific ocean from Canada to the table
lands of far Mexico, are monuments to
his genius.
Teamwork and Cc -Operation,
"Teamwork and co-operation were
Mr. Ilarriman 's watch word and his
wonderful success was in a great moas
lire due to the faith with which ho
inspired his officers and men. I beliov-t
the high degree of safety in train opera
tion attained by the men of tho South
ern Pacific company was mado possible!
only by loyal and perfect co-operation
following Mr. Ilarriman 's ardently ad
vocated policy of 'working together.'
To appreciate whnt was done to win the
ITarriman medal wo must resort to sta
tistics, "Durinir the 'Year ending June 10,
1913, the company's locomotives in
freight, passenger and work sorrice,
mn 5!),738,000 miles, a figure too large
to convey any meaining. At this rate
tho miles ran since last Saturday night
would girdle our earth 40 times, or
nearly seven times in a day, or once in
threo and a half hours with so great a
movement tho liability to accident is
very great, yet 4t,SS3,000 passengers
wore carried the inconceivably gTWit
aggregate distance of 1,750,482,000
miles, the equivalent of transporting
tho entire population of Greater New
York, some 5,000,000 people from New
York to Rochester and this was done
without a fatality in a train accident
Furthermore, It was done for tho four
years preceding with tho same immun
ity. Among the 45.000 men engaged .n
pursuits not involving train movement
there was one fatality in every 870,400
tlnvs or 2,400 years worked
"In behalf of the Southern Pacific
company that you have honored 'for
the utmost progress in safety and
accident prevention and as spokesman
for 01,300 men whose faithful perform
aneo of duty throughout tho year, bar
won this recognition, I thank you,
gentlemen of th board of trustees of
tho American museum of safety, and
you, Mrs. Ilarriman, through whose
generosity the medal has been pro
vided." Presented to Sprouls.
The silver replica of the medal was
presented to William Sproulo, president,
as the officer immediately responsible
for tho administration of tho company
in its operations, who mado response
as follows:
"In receiving the medal which the
Amcrirnn museum of safety has seen
fit to bestow upon me, I do so with i
keen sense of the representative roll
tion I bear to the Southern Pacific
company. In this representative rela
tion ,to the property as the officer im
mediately responsible for the adminis
tering of its operations I fully reeogube
and realize how little could be at
tained in the high degree of safety
achieved in the company's operations
were it not for tho loyalty and effi
ciency of the officers and staff aal
the men on the line, in every grade
of the service. With a body of man
imbued with the loyalty that makes
for efficiency, and imbued with the
knowledge that efficiency cannot be had
without discipline, great things may be
done. I believe our winning the medal
is because of the loyalty and efficiency
adu discipline of the company's forces
in all the branches of the service which
contribute to the safety of the pas
senger, and also, in accepting for myself
this silver replica of the medil, I de
sire to couple with it an expression of
my appreciation of these high qualities
in the officers associated with me and
in my fellow employes throughout the
service. Beyond this, I can say that
for myself and them, I feel the responsi
bility newly put upon mo by the Ameri
can museum of safetly. It inspires
us to further effort in all measures
for safety. Indeed the formal and na
tion-wide recognition of Bafety as an
imperious factor in railroad operation
stimulates us to make further and per'
sistent and intelligent effort to main
.tain the record of the past and to im
prove upon it. In conclusion I desire
also to express my personal gratifica
tion that the glorious lady who has
given these medals in memory of her
husband, under whom I have served,
finds that the museum's first bestowal
of the medal, is upon one of the Harri
man lines. I thank you."
Tho bronze replica of the medal was
awarded on the nomination of the presi
dent, through the chairman of the exe
cutive committee to William Schwab,
conductor on the Sacramento division,
who has made the bost showing in the
matter of practical suggestions, and
general interest manifested in the
Bafety campaign. '
The affair was attended by several
hundred persons. The Anderson studio
in which it was held, is one of the most
attractive and interesting rooms in Oe
United Statos placed by it its owners
at the service of the museum makiug
the presentation as unique in its ch:ir-
catro, as waB the occasion itself.
Rub Pain Right out of Aching Joints
With a Small Tiiail Bottle of
Old St. Jacobs Oil.
What's Rheumatism f Pain only
Stop drugging! Not one case in fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub the
misery right away! Apply soothing,
penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly
upon the "tender spot" and relief
comes instantly. "St. Jacob's Oil"
is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica
cure which never disappoints and can
not burn or discolor the Bkin.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get
a small trial bottle from your druggist
and in just a moment you'll be as free
from rheumatic and sciatica pain, sore
ness, stiffness and fwolling as a new
born baby. Don't suffor! Relief and
a cure awaits you. ,-et. jacoos uii '
has cured millions of rheumatism in
the last half century, and is just as
good for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago
backache, sprains and swellings.
The women, very properly are taking
the position that they are as much en
titled to fill the offices as are the men,
and so in all parts of the state there are
candidates out for county offices. The
last to announce herself in this county
Miss Catherine Pooler, who has filed
her petition for the republican nom
ination for county treasurer. Miss Pool'
has a host of friends throughout the
county, having taught school in many
of the districts, and she also taught here
Salem for about 5 ycr.rs. If she had
been a boy she would have been
native son" having been born in the
state. She is a good accountant, hav-
g had considerable experience in that
lino, and if olected will no doubt make
most excellent officer. One thing in
her favor is that she has no "slogan''
but say she will give her entire atten
tion to the duties of tho office and soc
that it is administered carefully, ef
ficiently and economically, and surely
that is enough for any one officer to
No Indigestion. Gas, Sourness or up
set Stomach If You'll Take "Pape s
Diapepsin" Try Thlsl
J)n some foods you eat hit back-
taste good, but work badly; ferment
into Btubborn lumps and cause a sick
sour, gassy stomach! Now, Mr. or Mrs,
Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Dia
popsin digests everything ,loaving noth
ing to sour and upset you. There never
was anything so safely quick, so cer
tainly effective. No difference how
badly your Btomach is disordered you
will get happy relief in five minutes.
but what pleases you most is that it
strengthens and regulates your stom
ach so you can eat your favorite foods
without fear.
Most remedies give you relief some-
timos they are, but not sure. "Pape'i
Diapepsin" is quick, positive and puts
your stomach in a hoalthy condition so
the misery won't come back.
You fell different as sooi as ' ' Pape
Diapepsin" comes In contact with the
stomach distress just vanishes your
stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food.
your head clears and you feel fine.
Go now, make the best investment
you ever made, by getting a large fifty-
cent case of PBpo 's Diapepsin from any
drug store. You realize in five min
utes how needless it is to suffer from
indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach
Files Cored in 6 to 14 Days
Dniirelsts refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fails to cure IUhln
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pllos,
First application gives rener. oue,
Some time ago, attention was called
in these columns to the meritorious
work of Maud Shull Brown with .-e-spect
to her copy of Fery's famous
painting, "In the Heart of the
Rockies," which she exhibited here at
that time. A copy of this painting
by the same artist hangs in the home of
the writer, who was led by its faith-1
fulness in outline to tne original, us
perfection of color, and masterful por
trayal of the sublime in nature, to visit
the artist and learn more of ther work.
Many beautiful creating of her art
were found in her home both copus
and original paintings. Of these latter,
one, "In Days of Old," was exhibited
last fall and attracted much attention,
winning an unusual amount of favor
able comment for its smothness of
finish, its delicacy of tinting, and the
all-permeating spirit of artistic at
mosphere which seems to breathe from
its graceful lines and harmonious tint-
inga. Especially does her brush seem
to lend itself to the interpretation of
nature, in charming landscapes and the
sympathetic delineation of the denizens
of the forest and field. This choice
was shown in her love for Fery 's work,
and has revealed itself again and again
in her many original creations as well
as in her -several other reproductions.
Mrs. Brown is an Orcgouian by adop
tion only, but she loves Oregon and
finds in its charming scenes a never
lesesning inspiration. Her latest work,
done entirely in tones of brown, is on
titled, "An Oregon Monarch," and
speaks of Oregon in. its every line. M:s.
Brown, herself, thinks of it as one of
her most perfect works and it truly is
most beautiful in conception and most
perfect in portrayal. This and others
of her favorites she has been urged to
place on exhibition and it is hoped that
she may do so before long that many
may be given the pleasure of viewing
her charming productions.
The Brothers of St Patrick, or
Patrician Brothers, have played
an Important part In the educa
tional history of Ireland. Ac
cording to the Catholic Ency:
clopedla, this brotherhood was
"founded by the Bight Rev. Dr.
Daniel Deluuey, bishop of Kll
dare and Lelghtou, at Tullow, in
the county of Carloe, Ireland,
on the feast of the Purification
oi me uiesseu wiui jjuij iu
1808, for the religious and liter-
nry education of the youth and I
the Instruction of the faithful
In Catholic piety. Ireland was 1
tnat nt thnf tlniA emerfrlni; rom
the troubled times of peual laws. t
These laws made it treasona
ble for a Catholic parent to pro
cure for his child a religious and
secular education In consonnnce
with his belief.
The nucleus of this body was
chosen from seven young Sun
day school teachers In his diocese.
In Inter years dilutions were es
tablished with other dioceses.
Two Dishes For 8t. Patrlok's Day.
St Putrlek's Savory.-Boll six largo
potatoes with their Jackets and let
them cool In the skins. Then peel.
slice arid chill. Chop very flue a heap
ing tabjespoonful of parsley and half
an onion, mix lightly, cover with sauce
tartnre and serve on lettuce leaves.
Green Pepper Salad. Open a can of
asparagus tips, wash them lightly In
cold water and Ice tbom to get them
very cold. Cut a green pepper In half
and remove the seeds. Lay the tips in
this nnd cover with mayonnaise. Rest
the cups on lettuce or escarolo.
St Patrick's Prayer at Munstsr.
A blessing on th Munster people
Men, youths and women;
A blessing on the lnnd
That yields tnem frultl
A blessing on every treasure
That shall be produced In their plains.
Without any one being In want of help,
God's blessing be on Munster!
A blessing be on their peaks,
On their fair flagstones,
A blessing on their glens,
A blessing on their ridges.
Like the snd of the sea under ships
Be the number of their hearths.
On slopes, on plains,
On mountains, on hills, a bleeilngl
Children Cry for Fletcher's
' The Kind You nave Always Bought, and 'which has been
In use lor over SO years, lias borne the signature or.
, ana has been made under his per
i Infancy.
i tliis.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Jnst-as-good " are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against lixperlmeiit.
f I A,
1 M 1 U I
7 and has been made under his ;
siJtfi'4u ' sonnl supervision since Its lnfa
WiyJ-CUcLilS; Allow no one to deceive you U 1
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare
goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. - It Is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Harcotio
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it
lias been In constant use for the relict of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all . Teething Troubles and ,
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels'
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
I Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
(Published with apologies to tho Spring
, Toot.)
A citizen went down town to spend
Sonio of his hard earned dough.
And iu a merry jest, and just
To show his printing skill
Ho printed his initials on
A brand new dollar bill.
lie spont that dollar that same day,
Down in a grocery store;
He thought 'twas gone forever then
And he'd see it no more.
But long before tho year rolled by
One day ho went to fill
neighbor's order, and recioved
That same one-dollar bill.
Once more ho spent that dollar bill
In his own neighborhood,
Where it would do himself and friends
Tho most amount of good.
Four times in two years it camo back
As some bad pennies will,
And each timo ho'd go out and spend
This marked one-dollar bill.
Had he been wine that dollar might
Ho in town today;
But just two years ago
Ho sent it far away.
Tho people who received it then
Have got it still,
h'or 'twas to a mail order house
Ho sent his dollar bill.
No more will that marked dollar bil
Come into this citizen's town,
And never more will It help to pay
The taxes he planks down.
He put it where it never can
Its work In life fulfill;
Ho brought about the living death
Of that one-dollar bill.
F. II. lloider as trustee of O. E. Gross
bankrupt, to Ray Drown lot 1, blk 2,
Salem Heights addition, $30Q.
A. K. Cochran et ux to P. M. Chef-
finsg lot 3, blk 11 Highland addition,
Salem Bank & Trust Co., to Carls
Abrams et al lot 5 and S j of lot .
blk 7, subd blks 3 to 7, Nob Jlill aunnx,
Daniel Catlow et ux to C. F. Ilomyor
ct ux lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, way liroi.
F., $10.
William H. Krebs ot ux to William
II. Trindlo 8 acres, sec. 35 tp, 8 8. R 3
W, $75.
C. F. Homyor ct ux to Daniel Catlow
et ux N V-i of lot 10, blk 7, Yow Park
annex, $10.
J. M. Kavanaugh to H. J. Kavanauh
lot 43, Ircton F. F., $10.
H. L. Clark et ux to Y. Bolter lot
blk 3, Southwest addition to Salem,
N .M. Diiuii'k to A. Johnson et ux
tracts 11) and 20, Trullinger tracts, $10.
N. M. Dimick to Levi Woltey ot ux
tracts 14 and 17, Trullinger tracts,
K. J. Robinson to A. Wilson et ux
21.50 acres, sec 34, tp. 5 8, R. 2 W, $1.
E. H. Cahrlton to A. Wilson et ux
10 acres, sec. 34, tp. 5 S, R 2 W, 1.
C. H. Chatman ot ux to O. Dnlrymplo
2 acres, Gilbert D. U C, tp. 7 8, R 3
W, $10.
It. Whitoy to W. 11. Reed et al lot
7, blk 1, Toozo's First addition to
Woodburn, $1.
"Turmoil in Mexico is sure to eoU'
Untie," says a be-h.nnlded special cor
respondent. But everybody knew that
before ho told us.
Portland, Or., March 17. That a set
tlement has boon reached botweon At
torney General McRoynolds and the
officials off tho Amorican Telephone
and Telegraph company in the suit of
the government asking tho nnmorgin?
of tho so-cnllod "telephone trus,t" and
the Northwestern Long Distance Tele
phone company, togcthor with the un
morging of othor independent connec
tions in various parts of tho country,
made by tho big holding corporation,
was intimated late yesterday by Miss
Mary Bell, special stenographic exam
iner in tho taking of all tho testimony
n the litigation.
Miss Bell who is stenographer for
United States District Judgo Bean, has
been in the big cities in tho case, and
has just returned from Washington.
8ho refused to stato positively that a
settlement had been reached, but she
had been informed both by counsel for
tho ovcrnment and the telepliuiie in'
forests that no more toetimony was to
bo taken, and slto was allowed to rP'
turn to hor position In Portland.
Washington, March 17. That Frank
V. Johnston, the American murdoror at
Tecnte, Cal., was slain by members of
a Mexican railroad construction gang,
was the purport of an official report
received Into yesterday by Hocretnry
of War Garrison from United .States
army officer. ot. Fort ltosecrans, 8;m
Diego. It was added that no federals
were implicated. Tho Mexicnns escaped
said the report, but one of them was
Washington, March 17. Replying lo
a denial by Congressman Adamson, Con
gressman Knowland said again Monda
afternoon that United Mates war ves
sels will havo to pay Panama eanal tolls
if the exemption of American shipping
is repealed. Adamson contended that
repeal related lo merchant shipping bu:
not to vessels of war.
Sealed bids will be received by the
county court of Marion county, Oregon,
for the Improvement of certain roads in
Road District No. 41, near Salem, Ore
gon, by draining, grading and graveling
the samo, as will more fully appear by
tho plans and specifications of the
satne now on file In this office. All
bids must bo accompanied by a certi
fied chock of 5 por cont. Five per cent
of the amount of such bid and must bo
filed with this office on or before the
5th day of March, 1914. The court re
serves the right to rejoct any or all
County Clork.
T Is a remarkable fact In connec
tion wltb geographical appella
tions that the footsteps of St.
Patrick can bo tritced utmost from
the cradle to his gruve by tho names of
places cnlled aftor hltn. Thus, assum
ing his Scotch origin, he wits born In
KUpatrlck (the cell or church of Pat
rick, In Dumbartonshire. ''lie resided
for- some time st Dalputrlck itlie
church or division of Pntrlck), near
Lanarkshire, and visited Crag-Phadrtg
(the rock of Patrick), near Inverness.
He founded two churches, KUpatrlck
at Irongray, In Kircudbright, nnd Kirk-
Patrick nt Fleming, In Dumfries, and
ultimately Bulled from Portpatrlck,
leaving behind hltn such an odor ot
sanctity that umong the most distin
guished families of tho Scotch nrlatoc- Soaled bids will be received by the
racy Patrick lias been a fuvorlto name county court of Marion county, Oregon,
down to the present day. Ior tM0 t,nnrovomont of certain roads in
Arriving In England, bo preached in , r,..,.. No. 32. noar stavton.
Oregon, by draining, grading and grav-
eling or macadamizing the satne, as will
Pnttordnlo (Patrick's dale). In West
morland, nnd founded tho Church of
........ ... ....... irl.t.i iri. I
it I nnrnnK ill I iiirniini vihiiiiiu lviiif-M. i '
lm walked over Surn-bndrlir (Patrick's , more limy appear nyira p'u uu
causeway), which, now covered by tho specifications of the same now on file
sen, forms a dangerous shoal In Car-1 in this office. All bids must be as-
nnrvon bay. and, departing for the comnanled bv a cortifiod check of 5 per
continent, sailed from Llun-bitdrlg (tho
Church of Patrick). In tho Island of
Anglesoa. Undertaking his mission to
convert the IHnIi, ho llrst landed at
InnlHpntrlck (tlio Island of Pntrlck)
nnd next nt Ilolmpatrlok, on tho oppo
site slioro of the mainland. In the
county of Dublin.
Hulling northward, be touched nt the
Isle of Man, sometimes since bIho call
ed Iniies-pntrlck, where ho founded an
other church of Klrkpntrlck, near the
town or Peel. Again landing on the
coast of Ireland, In the county of
Down, ho converted nnd hnptlzed tlio
chieftain DIeliu on bin own thrashing
floor. Tho name of the 1'urlnb of Hiiul,
derived from Snbbel-pntrlck (tho barn
of Pntrlck. perpetuates tho event Ho
then proceeded to TemH'e-putrlck, In
cont (5 per cent) of the amount of such
bid, and muBt be filed in this office on
or before the 5th day of March, 1014.
Tlio court resorvos tho right to reject
any or all bids.
County Clerk.
Bncramento, Cal., March 17. Govern
or Hiram Johnson sent a telegram to
tho governor of Loner California yes
terday afternoon asking for tho arrest
of Frank Johnson, postmaster at Tecnte
whoso place was raided and burned by
JOURNAL WANT ADS. bring results.
Hong Kong, March 17. Pirates yes
terday boarded tho Norwegian steam
ship Cliildar, off this place, overpowei
cd, tied and gagged tho six Europeans
on board, and got away with $:10,()00.
Men want but littlo hero below, but
women Bro always looking for basement
Cold Storage Rooms
For Rent
Parties desiring to rent roomt for storing produce, etc.,
can secure the same by inquriing at the office of the
Salem Brewery Ass'n
..-- .... 1 r,- II
Things WeNever See
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