All the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal I l 1 The Best t 'IMIHtttlllMMDMH II n TAe Largest $ Circulation I e mm. ' Newspaper t ' o THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1914. Dnrrr nirA nruTs ON TRAINS AND NSjwa IAA.1C A U V-tHlO. STANDS. FIVH CBN PATROL OF ENTIRE TEXAS-MEXKQ -BORDER. PLAN (ILLED AND CIMOOTED Outlaws Admitted to Lao Ho Kow by Treacherous Offi cial of Place. Rear Admiral Fiske May be Made Vice Admiral AMERICAN PROPERTY DESTROYED BY RAIDERS Those Who Escape Tell of Scenes of Dreadful Vio lence During Visit. UNITED FI1ES8 LEASED WIRB.l Pekin, March 11. That Dr. T. Froy laud, a Norwegian missionary, was killed recently and much American and British property destroyed or stolen by !andits in a raid on Lao Ho Kow, Hupch province, was the news brought hero toduy by O. M. Sama, also of the Lao IIo How Norwegian mission, who escaped and made his way in the face of great hardships and danger to the capital. The outlaws were admitted to the town Sama said, through the conniv ance of a treacherous official. There were about 400 of them, and while they remained scenes of dreadful violence were enacted. Besides Dr. Froylnnd many Chinese wero killed. Buildings Plundered, Among the buildings plundered and burned were thoso belonging to tho Asiatic I'etrolcum company, the Singer ... Wptti'Jffej!':!-',' Condition Made That Not More Than 50 Should Go to One Community. LEADERS NOT FAVORABLE Do Not Like Plan Very Well, But Promise to Talk It Over Witli Members of Their Band. Scott's Ship Discovery Goes into Anarctic Again Rear-Admiral Bradley A. Fiske. Washington, March 11. With the creation of six vice-admirals for tho United States navy, this country will Sewing Machine company and British . not be out rnuked by officers of other and American Tobacco companies. On leaving, the bandits forced 2000 coolies to accompany them, carrying the plunder. , navies during international difficulties us has been the case in several recent instances, particularly at Peru and Vera Cruz, Mexico. Among the rear admirals who are mentioned as prob ablo vico-ailmirals is Bradley A. Fiske, Ho is a member of the general board at Washington. DAMON HELD IN SAN FRANCISCO FOR SLAVERY UNITED PnESS I.SAHKD WICIt.l Sam Frnncisco, March 11. Kdmond II. Damon, a realty broker of Xew York, accused of violating the Mnnu white slace act, is in custody here today of United States Marshal Houlihan, having been brought from Los Ange les last night. Ddinon is charged with transporting two girls from Florida to California for immoral purposes. Damon told Marshal Houlihan that be . is a nephew of Norton J. Doman aud Myron Doman, of Seattle. MINNESOTA TOWNS DRY. 1 united rnKsa I.IASKD WIMI. St, raJul,.Minn., March 11. Sweep ing prohibition is indicated today, as far as the count of votes had pro Admits Tramping With Bad Band but Denies He Killed UNITED MERS I.IARKD Willi.) Sacramento, Cal., March 11. Free transportation to various points within a radius of 50 miles ''om Sacramento was offered the leaders of the unem ployed army today by Attornoy A. W. Armfield of Woodland, on behalf of the Yolo county officials. The condition was mado, however, that not more than 50 men will be sent to ono community. The unemployed promised to have an answer before the end of the afternoon. Having been donie4 the privilogo of sending the entire army on any one train, the Yolo county officials and the Sacramento authorities are attempting to solve the unemployed situation by breaking the army into email bonds and sending them to soetions of the state where work can possibly bo had oil farms. Tho proposition did not appeal to the leaders as uttractive, but they promised to retire. SJid talk it over among the men and give an answer in a few hours. Guards Stay on Job. Tho Yolo county supervisors, sheriff and dUtrict attorney hoped to got por mission from Sacramento to withdraw the guards at the bridges loading into this city but failed. They evou wont so far as to bring an injunction suit in the Sacramento county suporior court and if they fail, finnlly to- break up the aiinv, thev will proas the court action. The Oakland, Antioch and Kastern railroad refused to carry the men iu body to Bay Point, and tho Southern Pacific declined to move all of them together to any point. This turn prompt ed the suggestion by tho Yolo 'author ities to disintegrate the army. Says Banding Is Bad Business. "We will secure transportation for j ' . ii.wr.r--e1'' ' , ; RESULT 0 COLQUin'S ATTITUDE President Wilson Determined to Head Off Further Raids t Over Border. VILLA CLAIMS BIG VICTORY AT TORREON Federal Forces Said to Have Been Repulsed in Clash in Suburbs. Discovery after rotunt from Scott's Tragls death and Lieutenant Harbord. London, March 11. Tho Discovory A, E. Harbord will command the ship Bobert Scott's Antartic ship, is boing on tho now expedition, which is in a fitted out for tho Stackhouse oxpodi- way a rival of the Shackleton Autart tion this coming summer. Lieutenant ic trip. UNITED rilRH LIMBED WIHB.) Seattle, Wash., aMrch 11. Howard Chirk, It) years old, was arrested here today by Deputy Sheriff O. H. Wobber, and is held for the Pierce county sheriff on suspicion that he is one of the gang that Saturday night near South Prairie held up and shot Joseph Mack (or Meghran) and Thomas Little, inflicting pressed in yesterday's Minnesota town , woum,8 from whlch the fornl diedi and village elections. Out of 05 pre viously dry towns, only 17 went wot, while the drys captured many wet ones. Black Duck and other towns in the uorthcrn part of the stMe, with large working clnss population, voted dry. Clark today admitted he was with the others, but said they were looking for work, and denied absolutely having gnvo the address of a Tacomainan, who s wus with them Saturday night and who ho asserts will hear out his statement of innocence, Officials today would not say what the Tacom man's name is. Clark says they wore hiking from Buckley to Puyallup looking for work. He said thoy had been stopped twice by deputy sheriffs iu Pierce county prior to the affray Saturday night, but thoy were allowed to go again after being searched. A grilling cross-examination failed to (Continued nn pars 5.1 L AUTO ROBE IN STREET Tl More "Innocent Purchasers" Will Now Get Lands united riiBss i.kasbd wiuR.l Hiiwloy act, persons claiming more Portland, Or., March 11. More "in- than 1000 acres of grant liuid are al nocent purchasers" aro expected to lowed to "come in" to show they did come into United Skates court here not know that tho terms of tho grant within a few days, following tho nil- worn being violated. Tho grant, exe ing of Judgo K. 8. Dean yesterday that cutod in 18110, provided that the lands 15000 acres of richlv timbered land in bo sold to actual settlors nl 130-uere tho Willamette vnlloy, part of the Ore- tracts at not more than $2.;"0 per aero. had anything to do with the holdup. He change ( lark's story. SPEER'S FATE UNDECIDED. I'NITXD PHESS LEASED WITH. Wahsington, March 11. The iub committee of the house judiciary com mittee was preparing its roport today on its Investigation of the charges pre ferred against United States Judge Emery Hpeer of Georgia. Chairman Webb said tho committee bad not yet decided whether to recommend impeach ment proceedings. The report will not be completed for ten days. BODY IDENTIFIED. (UNITED rUESI LBASED WIRB. St. Louis, Mo., March 11. Another of tho ten corpses recovered thus far from the ruins of the burned Missouri Athletic club building was Identified at the morgue today as that of Michael Tlnimn. E If Ci PHILLIPS APPROVED, Washington, March 11. The senate foreign relations committee today ap proved the nomination of William Phil lip to be third assistant secretary of state. State Senator Hal D. l'attou will make the race for railroad commission er at the coming election, He has nnt filed his petition yet, but makes public today his announcement. It is hardly worth while saying anything about I'll Patton to Salem peoplo, for he is a pa't of the rlty, and every body knows him He and the city are alike in some re spects and that is that each came into the world iiere and have been here ev r dince. Another coincidence is thut both were small when they first arrive! and each has developed along the mn.n line, one into a wide awake thrift." city the other into a broad minded an I energetic business man. A a sta'e senator Mr. Patton did much gJod work, some of the more important man ures of the last session bearing his trade mark and brand. Ho is a man of good business judgment, quick to understand and as swift to act, with a natural judi cial mind tlwit is freo from projud'ci and is peculiarly fitted to render just and pipiitable decisions in matters per taining to the commission ' work, I'e has a wide acquaintance over tho state and here in Selmn and through tho val ley everybody knows and likes him. Ho will make the race for the nomlnat on decidedly interesting, and while he gu up against a very strong man, he stunt's as good a chance as anyone for getting the ep'ial plum he is after. BUSINESS HOUSES LOOTED. UNITED rKCBS LEASED WIRB.) Pasadena, Cal., March lla Practical ly every business house In Lnmanda Park, a suburb, was robbed early to day. Durglars gained entrance to the postoffice, the Santa F station, the Lamanla Park grocery, a hardware tore and a butcher shop, The com bined loss in cash, however, was not more than $100. UNITED rilESS LEASED WIRE. J Chicago, March 11, Suffering from concussion of tho brain, Intermittently delirious and In grave (lunger of death, Miss Mayme Connors, a young milliner, tried to tell detectives at Kniergcncy huxpitul to'luy how It happened that she was found, wrapped in an expensive automobile robe, prostrate in the mid Ho of a busy street early this morning. "Two men took me automobile riding with another girl lust night," she ssld, "and something happened I don't ro member what. The next I knew I was in this hospital." Once she named one of the automooil 1st but an instant afterward retracted this part of her statement. The police believed she was thrown from a itpeedisg automobile. gon & California railroad lund grant, purchased from tho Southern Pacific company, should bo forfeited to the government. Tho rillsbury Lumber compnny, a Minnesota corporation, controlled by tho flour milling interests, owned ,1000 acres of this forfciUngo, located In Douglas and Coos counties. The For ester Lumber company, an Oregon cor poration, owned P500 acres iu Clacka mas countv. Under the terms of tho UNITED PRESS LEASED WIES.) Washington, March 11. The war de- . partment was strengthening the Amer ican force of troops along the Mexican border today. Tho Seventh infantry was ordered in that direction from Fort McPherson, Ga., with two battalions of the Ninth, from Fort Thomas Ky., and the Third battalion of the same regiment from Fort Boot, Ark. Their instructions wore to join the troops under Qenoral Bliss' command iu Texns. The movement was surrounded by much socrecy. The adjutant-general's office doniod, in fact, that the border force was boing strengthened, but General Wood, chiof of staff, con firmed it. Fodoral Judgo Wolverton last year or dorod the forfeiture of the grant be cause It was shown that the rairoad hod sold tho lands in much, larger tracts some times as high as 410 an are, ami of lato years had refused to Bell to settlers at all, About 4.1 innocent purchasers have appllod under the Ilawlcy act, which allows thorn to buy buck their holdings from the government at -..10 per acre within six months, The Weather I m 8EsrJ auaCTXITti TO STUDY FOOD FISII. UNITED PRESS LEAKED WIRB. Senttle, Wash., March 11. An organ isation to be known as the Pacific Fisheries society, tho purpose of which will bo the study of food fish of the western coast, as well ns promotion of the extension of tho fishing industry on the Pacific const, will bo formed hero today, A meeting to effect organ ization will bo helil at tho Washington hotel. Dr. K. Lester Jones, of the de partment of fisheries, I'nited States IDENT The Dickey llinl ays; Oregon, fair tonight anil Thurs d a v, easterly Inds. UNITED I'RKSS I EASED WIRE.) Washington, March 11. President Wilunn u.n.1 Nnoriitfirv rtf tint TntliSlirv fish commission, will be in attendance. I to,hlV 0Vl,r tha ,it,;, ,' ' in which reserve banks are to be established under the new currency SHOPLIFTER SEEKS TO DIE, I,os Angeles, Cal., March 11. Offi cials of a department store hero today decided to forego prosecution of Mrs. Jlfrtl.n Pukeshol'er, nge, fld, who tried to leap from a fifth flour window when she wus cuiiuht in the alleged theft of a corset. The woman was seized by the ankles by two plain clothes women when she leaped through the window, She dangled 70 feet above tho pave ment, her skirts fluttering, until two Inw, It was said the lit would be an nounced In two weeks, Financier In tho big cities are In sisting thut the list bo given out Imme diately, nsesrting the lclity Is causing business stagnation. President Wilson and Secrctiiric McAdon and Houston are being flooded with letters ami tele grams to this effect. Letting him be the judge, Hi Gill floorwalkers pulled her to safety. Then would doubtless make good his promise bo fainted. I to be the best a.ayor Seattle ever bad. May Head Off Colquitt. Washington, March 11. Governor Colquitt of Texas having been quoted as defying tho federal government to prevent him from sending rangers in to Mexico to protect Amoricans there or to avenge them in cases where their persons or proK-rty have suffered, it was understood here today- that Presi lent Wilson was considering a United States patrol of tho entire Toxns-Mexl-can border, as insurance against any overt actttit tho governor's order. Senator Sheppard aud Congressman (lamer of Texus were understood to have told him Texnns generally would welcome such a step. Colquitt was said to have announced in a speech before tho Texas Cnttlo Handlers' association at Fort Worth that ho defied "any authority on earth, Washington includ ed, to prevent mo from protecting our , citizens along tho border." He was quoted also as declaring: "Von cin't expect United States' soldiers1 to cross the border for murder ers and thieves oh, no! Dut the Texaa rangers ran do it." Senator Sheppard assured the pres ident that Colquitt misrepresents Tex as public opinion concerning the Mexi can situation, and showed him a stark of telegrams from his constituent commending the "watchful waiting" policy. From Senators Shlvely, of Indians, and Iewls, of Illinois, the president re ceived assurances aJso that no serious Mexican debute was likely in the upper house. On tho whole, judging from consular reports from border points, coudition were thought to have Improved. Sec retary Dryaii left on a short lecturing trip. Report Sent to Iluerta, The report received from United States Consul Garrett at Nuevo Laredo concerning the death of Clemeuto V'er giira, tho American citizen who was en ticed Into Mexico and executed by fed erals, was forwarded to Charge d' Af faire O'Shaughnessy at Mexico 'ity for submission to President Iluerta. Gnrrett bhimed the federal command er nt Nuevo Laredo and named the fed eral soldier he considered resH)nsible for the killing. Statement by eye wit ueste of the tragedy were Included. There wore no further development today In the Denton case. Commltts Will Vote. The house foreign affairs committee (Continued on page four).