J TAOS TOUt J - DAILY CAPITAL JOUINAL, aULXM,' OXEOOX, TUESDAY. MARCH 10, 1914. Pastor MESSIAH TO ASK i FOR TIIEHEATHEU Tha Redaemar Has Not Yet Asked For His Inheritance. ACCORDING TO DIVINE PLAN. World-wide Dominion Promised Mot iah Tho Convoroion of tho Hoathon Shortly to Bo Aeeompliohod Mee ' tiah'o Cenqutst of tho Notion- Tho ' Arrowa of Truth Will Roaoh Mon't ' Hoarto From tho Qulvor of Divino j Wisdom, Juotioo and Lovo Foreo to Bo Employed In Putting Down All ' Oppooitlon Doath the Loot Enomy to Bo Dootroyod Forovor. March 8. Pastor Russell's discourse today related to that feature of his free Photo. Drama of Creation which refers to the answer to Je sus' prayer. The text was: "Ask, of Me, and I will give Tbee the hea then for Thine In heritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Tby possession." (Psalm 2:8.) Be said: Our text Is from one of the Messi anic Psalms. It represents our Lord as making known to Ills people the nosvenly Father's decree rewarding llltu for Ills faithfulness as our Re deemer, assuring Illm of Ills exalta tion to the Kingdom, and declaring that with this will como the inherit ance of all the earth, with power to subject all tblugs to the Father's will. Ha was to have It for the mere request "Ask of He." As a matter of fact, this world-wide dominion hns not yet tome to Messiah; the heathen are not yet Ills inheritance; the uttermost parts of the earth are not ynt Ills pos session. Indeed, as the Prophet de clares, "Darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness the heathen." When we remember our Redeemer's love for the race, I ho love which led Illm to lay down Ills life to seek and io recover unit wulcli was lost, we are at first Inclined to amazement that lie has not yet asked tho Father for Ills Inheritance of the heathen. We ar astonished that. Ho han permitted the Prince of darkness nml the reign of Sin and Death to exist for more than eighteen centuries slneo Ho suffered, "the .lust for the unjust, that Ho might bring us to Uod." But perplexity In the matter might well bo answered by our Lord's reply to the Snddiiceos; "Ye do err. not knowing the Scrip tures, nor tho power of (iod." As we come to understand the Scriptures more fully, and to appreciate how tho power of (iod will be exorcised In bringing tho heathen under the domi nation of the Jtedeenier. tho eyes of our understanding open, and we are enabled to rejoice accordingly. Why Did Ho Not AokT Our Lord did not ask for Ills great power to rolgu at im earlier date be cause Ho knew tho Father's Plan, and 'was well contented with tho Divine times and seasons. Ho had no wish for u change In this, lie did not ask to receive the heathen for an Inheri tance at the beginning of tho (lospel Age, but has been content to wait, aud to place that request In Its due time. In harmony with another feature of the Divine Program which must first be fullllled. That other featuro is the election of tho Church, tho llrldo of Christ, the members of ills ltody. It pleased the Father to make our Lord not only tho world's Redeemer and King, but also tho High Priest of an tinder-priesthood, the Bridegroom of tho Church, Ills Itrlde, the Elder Broth er of theso saints of glory whom tho Father Is pleased to develop during this dispel Ago us New Creatures In Christ Jesus, to be sharers of Ills suf ferings and of His glory to follow. Meantime the heathen have been offering no Injustice, Born In sin, hscu In Iniquity, condemned to death, they have been having expe riences with slu and death, and going down Into tlie great prison-house for periods of micoiisoloiisness-uiitll the llfdcemer, at His Second Advent, hall call them and all mankind, from Uliis ttrent prison-house, the tomb. This He fonilold. saying, "All that are In the graves shall bear the voice of the Son of Ood, and shall come forth." -John 11:28, 211 It. V. Fair Trial Is Promload All. Not only will this Include the Church f the First-born, who have been ap- I proved of God. and who. passing trial now. will come forth unto life eternal, I but it will Include hIho the remainder 1 of mankind, those who have not had Jik1' approval, all of whom, because rcdi-cmcd. stiull cuius forth unto Judg-lueiit-trlul. A fair trial will be theirs. I to delertnlne their worthiness or uu worthiness of life everlasting by the milliner In which they shall receive, or by their rejection of. Tho ChrlMt of (Jail when, during the Mlllenii'iim, He hull I miiile fully known to theui. It was also part of the Dlrlue pur jiiwe that the whole earth should lie filled with people; and hence the bring ing forth of h progeny Is a part of the lilvlne will for mankind. The few sdiort jeurs of the present life, with n experience of slu Slid death condi tions, will. In due time l supplement ed by the glorious per'od of the Mil RusselPs lennium, with its grand opportunities for lessons of righteousness and Its re wards for obedjence. Its corrective "stripes," or punishments, will be to the Intent that so many as possible may ultimately be entirely recovered from death conditions and brought Into full accord with God in Christ But those who demonstrate their un willingness to come into heart sympa thy with righteousness will bo utter ly destroyed from amongst the people. -Acts 3:23; 2 Peter 2:12. The Mora Excellent Way. So, then, our Lord's reason for not asking sooner for the heathen as His inheritance and the remotest parts of the earth as His possession, was that He knew the Father's Plan to be a different one, the. more excellent way; and He delighted to do the Father's will. And so with all the followers of Christ. As soon as they ascertain the Father's glorious Plan of 8alvatlon, they find it to be soul-satisfying, and greatly prefer it to any plan of their own. Undeveloped Christians, whom the Apostle designates "babes" in J Christ, are the ones who are continual ly praying to the Heavenly Father for a change of the Divine Program, Im agining that their wisdom and their love In respect to the heathen are su perior to those of the Infinite Creator. Nearly all Christian people have bad tbelr experience with such ignorance; and we are glad to suppose that the Heavenly Father laid not the sin of such presumption to our charge, but rather, sympathetically appreciated our inter est In the heathen, although He must have deprecated cur lock of reverence, our bcadlness. our highmlnded as sumption of more than infinite wis dom! We are not saying a word against missions home or foreign. (Jutte to the contrary, we 'believe that every Christian should labor with heart and band to do all In bis power to glorify the Father aud the Redeemer, and to enlighten his fellow-men respecting the Cross of Christ, and the blessings which It secures. But whllo willingly, gludly serving the Divine Cause, "in stiuit in season nnd out of season," we should "learn to labor and to wait." We should leurn that the laboring un der present conditions Is arranged chiefly for our benellt for the develop ment In the minds of the Royul Priest hood of the snci'lllcliig qualities and the graces of the Holy Spirit meekness, gentleness, patience, faith, long-suffering, brotherly kindness, love. "Workers Together With God," Let us bo sure, dear friends, that liny theory of ours respecting the heathen, or any other feature of tho Divine Program, which In any degree implies superior wisdom, superior energy or superior love on our part, as compared with Hint of our Heavenly Futher und our Redeemer, must be wrong. Tho sooner we learn to pray from the heart, "Thy will be done," tho better it will be for us, the mora shall we be able to get Into harmony with our Lord, aud tho more shall we bo used as Ills ambassadors and representa tives. Thu wisdom of mil n is foolish ness with God, anil the Wisdom of God is foolishness with man. Hence we must not take the human stand point In Investigating or reasoning upon the Divine purposes and Pro gram. Rather, we must go direct to tho Word of God, that we intiy he taught of (iod. that wo may discern tho beauty, tho harmony, of Ills plans. -1 Corinthians :i:l!. It Is written that "obedience Is bet ter than Hiicrlllce"; and this being rec ognized, how careful It should make us to Inquire what' the will of the Lord Is; to search the Scriptures, that we may there ascertain the Divine Program, ami bu found lu harmony therewith: There we And that tho Lord's present work Is thu completing of the Royal Priesthood, the Royal Judge, the Royal Prophet, the Royal Mediator, the Great King, for the world of mankind for the world's do llveranca from tho bondage of Sin and Death, and their assistance back to harmony with God. Thus seeing, we shall have patience In respect to the heathen, and strive now to uniko our own calling and election sure and to lay down our lives for the brethren, lu assisting to build them up lu the most holy faith, "until we nil come to the measure of the stature of a Mnn In Chrlst"-the great Mediator of the New Covenant, of whom Jesus la the Hoiid-the Church Ills Body. Convicting tho World. When will the world Is) convertedt When will Christ ask for the heathen? When will thu Father give them U Illm? How long, O Lord? The Serla turul answer, dear friends, is that It hits pleased the Father to select ta "Jewel" class during this Gospel Affj by means which the world would thtmk foollsh-by means of the preaching of the Good Tidings. But His Prograa for the future Age Is different. Therf; are millions who have no ear to heat the preaching of tho Cross of Christ 1 Corinthians 1:18.1 There are mU lions who have no eye of faith to set (he glorious things of God. In fact, Recording to the Scriptures, only I l ittle Flock, comparatively, can fef brought Into accord with (lie Lord uSfi der the condition of the present tlint, bemuse slu ubouiiils, because Delta) reigns. Ikviiiiso Satan, the Prime oC this world, now works antiigoiilstlca)t ly In the hearts of the children of dt obedience, lleiee It has pleased God to hart dllTcivui method of dealing with to world of mankind In general from that which He bus adopted In dealing wltk the Church lu this Aue. In the next Aire, force ll ! n, mid not merely. Inoinl suasion. Force will be employ ed lu putting down the reign of evil. Sat.in will no) merely be requested to deslM from devolving the world, but will Is bound for m thousand years, tnd be liiintiie In dciclv the uutlnua. Sermon Likewise, mankind will no longer be invited to accept Christ, and to give their hearts in obedience to Him, bat on the contrary, they will be compelled to be obedient As It Is written, "Unto Him every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, to the glory of God." Offers of grace will no longer be held out. .with reward for faith attached; Instead, knowledge shall Oil the whole earth, as the waters cover the great deep. (Pblllpplaiis 2:10. 11; Isaiah 11:9.) As a result, no one shall then say to bis neighbor or to his brother. Know tbou the Lord! for they shall all know Him. from the least unto the greatest of them. -Jeremiah :tl::M. Hoathon Fall Under Him. Another Psulin describes .Messiah's triumph in the Millennial Age. st In,'. "Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh. O Most Mighty, with Thy glory and Thy majesty. And In Thy majesty ride prosperously in the cause of Truth und Meekness and Righteousness; and Thy right band shall teach Tbee terrible things. Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the King's enemies; whereby the people fall under Thee." (Psalm 45:3-5.) Instead of people here, read heathen, as In the original, and we have a picture of the conversion of the heathen as it will shortly be accom plished. We are not to suppose the Lord will tide upon a horse, or that literal arrows will literally pierce the hearts of His enemies. We are to un derstand this picture to signify our Lord's triumphal conquering of the world: and that the arrows of Truth, which will go forth unto the whole world, will reach the hearts of men and smite them down. Even so we read thut when St. Peter preached at Pentecost that the Jews bad taken and crucified the Son of God, the bear ers were "cut to the heart" with the lance of Truth. Thank God for such arrows from the quiver of Divine Wis dom, Justice, Love! We rejoice that the heathen will thus be conquered for the Lord, and thus eventually every knee bow and every tongue con fess. , The work of dealing with the heath en, with the world with all except the Church will begin with the gen eration living at the time of the es tablishment of the Lord's Kingdom. In due time It will proceed nnd will ultimately Include nil that ure.lu their graves In the reverse order from that In which they entered. And the last shall be the first to come forth "ev ery man In his own order." or class. Doep Humiliation Is Yet Promised the World, Too frequently do Iliblo students neglect to see whether or not tbelr In terpretations lire in harmony with the context of the passages under discus sion. Let us not make this mistake. Turning to the second I'sulm, we tlud that following our text Is the declina tion, "Thou sliult break them with u rod of Iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces llko a potter's vessel." (Verse n.i The application of this evidently Is to the time of our Lord's Second Ad vent, when the selection of the Church shall have been completed and she shall have entered Into Ills glory us the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, symbol ically pictured as the New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven From that New Jerusalem, wo are told, the River of the Water of Life Bliall How freely, and whosoever will may freely partake of It. On either bunk will grow the Trees of l.ll'e. whose leaves are for the healing of the nations. And the Spirit and thu Bride will say. Come: and whosoever will may come, and take of the Wa ter of Life. But In the meantime, be fore the nutlors. the world, will be ready for that blessing from the New Jerusalem, they must needs pass through u period of very deep hu miliation "A Time of Trouble such as never was since there was a nation." Matthew 21:21. As for the nations of that time, the extent to which they will suffer de struction will depend largely upon their owu attitude, ns Is Intimated by the verses following our text. Those of the nations who freely and heartily accept of Messiah's rule will be cor respondingly saved from the breaking process. Hence It Is urged, "Be wise. 0 ye kings of the earth! Kiss the Sou. lest He be angry, mid ye perish from the way, when Ills wrath Is kindled hut a little." . But while this seems to offer leni ency, mercy, these favors are condi tional on the manner In which Mie Messianic Kingdom shall be rwwed. Other Scriptures Intimate that he nations, not only heathen but cfxted, will be found In violent opoot- to the Heavenly Kliurdom. and hoot that all together they will be crushed as the vessels of n potter, Tho Glorious Outoomo, The Lord tells us that as the heav ens are higher than the earth, ho are His ways higher than niau's ways, and Ills plans higher than niau's plans. And this we Hud true as we come to better understand the Scripture. Who ever dreamed of such lengths and breadths and heights nnd depths of "Love Divine, all love excelling," as an1 Implied and Included In God's great Plan of selecting first The Christ -Jesus the Head, and the Church, Ills Body--and (hen through these bless ing all the families of the earth with knowledge of Himself suit the glori ous opportunities for life eternal, We make no claims of unlversitl sal vation: for the Scriptures distinctly speak of some who will dlu the Second Death, having proved themselves not siitllclcutly In harmony with righteous. Uesa to be Worthy of eternal life even after being brought to a knowledge of the TruUi. But the Scriptures show us that when all the unwllllng and dis obedient shall have been cut off In the Second Death, the whole earth will he filled with the know led no or the glory of God. Supreme Court Decides Against Wets in Case of Wiley Against Reasoner For Second Time. MARION COUNTY DECISION is Affirmed by court Decision in Case of Smith Against Cain is One of Six Handed Down By Justices. The supreme court this morning hand ed down five opinions and also denied six petitions for rehearing. Among the latter was that of Wiley vs. Reasoner, it being the liquor case from Washing ton and the one on which the supreme court based all its opinions on in the wet and Jry contests. It with tlrt others was denied. Opinions were handed down as fol lows: Eliza J. Lewis, appellant vs. George E. Chamberlain et al: appealed frort Jackson; application to register title to land; affirmed. C. M. Smith, appellant vs. J. M. Cain; appealed from Marion; suit to ascertain tho dividing line between certain landB affirmed. 0. Zanella and Son, appellant v?. Portland Central Heating company et al; appealed from Multnomah; suit to foreclose mechanic's lien, affirmed. Ban Nicltlas vs. 8. L. Bathburn, ap pelant; appealed from Tillamook; action to recoved $242.35 for the con version of personal property, affirmed. Dertin & Lepori appellant vb. N. Mat tisou, ct al; appealed from Clatsop; suit on promissory note, reversed. Petitions for rehoarings wero denied in Parker vs. Wolf, Hills vs. Shaw, Mnrkham vs. Loveland, Reasoner v;. Wiloy, Casciato vs. Mason, Christianson vs. Talnjige. WARDEN OF PENITENTIARY MUST ....TELL WHAT HE KNOWS ABOUT COPPERFIELD MATTERS. I UNITED 1'IIF.SS X.FJASKD WII1E. Baker, Or., March 10. The grand jury investigation at the coming ses sion March 10, promises to center around Copperfield, with tho many cases which wero hinted lit by Cover-, nor WeHt coming up for a searching in quiry. District Attorney Godwin is said to have obtained more conclusive evidence (not from the governor) and several indictments are expected to re sult. One Copperfield case, evidence in whiehwns provided by Colonel B. K. Lawson when at Copperfield with the militia, is against. William Wiegnad, tho Copperfield saloon mail who is su ing Governor West for $-10(10 for the dost met ion of his business Colonel Law son has been subpoenal' I to appear. The case is an outgrowth of 'Colonel Lawson finding in Wiegnad 's I saloon alleged improper pictures, and an indictment in to be nought on thoe grounds. District Attorney Godwin intends to make a strong crusade against Cop perfield oa selling liquor to minors and gambling, but lie is withholding his fire until after tlovernor West crusade had ended. This, , however, is the first grand jury session since tho alleged law violations. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY PEO PLE PLAN TO MAKE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. "The Willamette Institute of Scien tific Research'' is the latest organiza tion now planned by the students of the University. The Institute plan was launched recently with a charter mem bership coniHised of the following: Miss Mildred McHride, Miss Carrie Cooksey, Miss Ethel Casebere, Herman Clark, Willis Burt let t, R. L, Pfaff, n. Nenstel, W. R. Jeffrey, Harry lliec and Harold Jory. The purpose of the organisation in to make intelligent, scientific research and the members have already sent to the, eastern scientific institutions for books and other matter pertaining to geological survey and various other studies of like nature. The officers of the new lnitltut- tr ss follows: President, Herman Cla-k: vice president, Willis Burtlett; corresponding- secretary, H, I PfBff; re cording master of tho exchequer, 11 Nenstel. MAY END STRIKE. IfNinn mss iAsr.n wikk 1 PvnHle, Wash., March 10. T. W, Hovce, of the immigration service of San Francisco, is on his way to Ksy niond. Wash., where he will ctolcor to bring about a compromise in an ef fort to stop the threatened strike of hlngle weavers and mill yorkers. ED ATTORNEY SAYS ADDITIONAL HELP CANNOT BE PROVIDED FOB SUIT JUST BBOUGHT. Owing to the fact that the Blue Sky law has been attacked, Commissioner Watson requested the attorney general to employ attorney Martin L. Pipes to assist him in the defense of the stit. The attorney general replied that the head of a department, under the con struction of the law placed upon it by Governor West in the case of a Port land company had no right to employ additional counsel, and as he did not want to get in a wrangle with the board of control he declined to ask for help, and besides said the attorney general's office was ready, willing and abla to handle the case. However, at the re quest of Commissioner Watson, Govern or West this morning wired Commission er Watson, authorizing the employment of Mr, Pipes. In this the governor re verses his position in the case of the state against the Title Guarantee and Trust company, of Portland, in which he held that no additional counsel could be employed. FOB BOUGH, WRINKLED, ' FRECKLED, PIMPLED SKIN As March winds, flying dust and dirt are apt to injure any complexion, this information will be of special value right now. If you have any cutaneous blemish, don 't use paint, powder or any thing else to cover it up. Too often this only emphasizes the defect. Be sides, it's much easier to remove the disfigurement with ordinary mercolized wax. Applied nightly, the wiax "Will gradually remove freckles, pimples, moth patches, sallowness, red or yellow blotches or any surface eruption. The affected cuticle is absorbed, a little each day, until the clear, soft, youthful and beautiful 6kin beneath is broug-c wholly to view. Ask tho druggist for one ounce of mercolized wax and use this like you use cold cream. Remove in morning with soap and water. Many vho have tried this simple, harmloss who have tried this simple, harmless treatment report astonishing results. If bothered with wrinkles or furrows, a wash lotion mndo by dissolving 1 oz. j powdorcd saxolito in 1-2 pint witch hazel will prove wonderfully effective. CONSTABLE IS OUTWITTED AND CAPTURED BY REDS UNITED IMIBS8 LEASED WIllU.) Lewiston, Idaho, March 10. P. Welsh, constablo at Arrow, Iduho, start ed to arrest Chief Thomas Moxmox, of the Xez Perce tribe, accused of beat'iij his aged mother, but the officer passed tho night ns a prisoner in tho Indian's house nnd walked back to town, eight miles, minus his hat, revolver and come preconceived notions of an Indian's lack of sagacity. , The constablo told Sheriff Lydon that when lie found tho Indian ho had no trouble in arresting him Tho pair were waiting for a train when Moxmor, ,h . is a physical giant, and tho Beau Ilriini mel of his tribe, asked to bo allowed to go to the river for a drink. The c.-n-sfible gave permission, and a few min utes later found himself overpowered by the red man nnd his squaw. The squaw stuffed part of a shawl in the officer's mouth ami with her husband's aid marched Welch up Putlnteh creek nnd kept him n prisoner all night. Meantime thu finding of the officer's hat near the scene of the scuffle beside the river started the report that ho had met foul play. Sheriff Lydon took up the trail nnd located Moxmox in a clump of brush. Covering the Indian with a gnu the sheriff arrested him, but not until ho had finished tho contents of a liquor bottle. Sheriff Lydon then obtained a handcar and brought Moxmox to Arrow Junction ,where they embarked 'or Lewiston. In tho meantime the Indian had be come peacefully drunk and ho lies in a stupor at the county jail, The aged mother of the redskin is badly cut and bruised about her head. ACID STOMACHS ARE DANGEROUS Common Sense Advtcs by Distin guished Specialist. "Acid" stomachs are dangerous he cause acid irritates and infinities the deilcate lining of the stomach, thus hindering ami preventing the prosr action of the tomah, and leading to probably nine tenths of the cases of stomach trouble from which jieople suf fer. Ordinary medicines and medicinal treatments aro useless In such cures, for they leave the source of the trouble, tho acid In the stomach, as dangerous as ever, The acid must be- nrutrulized, and Its formation prevented, and the best thing for this puroe is a tea spoonful of bisurntcd magnesia, a simple antacid, Uken in a little wsrm or cold water' after eating, which lot only iieutralir.es the acid, but also ore- vents tho fermentation from whlcl acidity is doveloed. Foods which o'dl- narily caue the greatest distress ntv l eaten with Impunity if tho meal Is followed with a little bisurated msg- iioia, which can bo obtained from any drucirist, and thould alwtvt be kept handy. ; - ELY'S CREAM BALM OPENS Instantly Clears Air Passages; Yon Breathe Freely, Nasty Discharge Stops Head Colda and Dull Headache Van ish. Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and in stantly your clogged nose and stopped up air passages of the head will open: you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morningl the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery nowt Get the small bottle ef "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; GARDEN MEET FAVORED THROUGHOUT OREGON That a majority of tho state will bo represented at an industrial congress of school children to be held at San Francisco during the Panama-Pacific exposition is assured. The plan whicL was suggested by J. A. Churchill, statu superintendent of schools, has met with the approval of many superintendents of other states, and Mr. Churchill his assurance that they ivill co-operate. Mr. Churchill wrote to various stao superintendents' several weeks ago, ask ing that they send winners in the school industrial contests to thel proposed con gress, explaining that programs co il I bo arranged for boys and girls of the various states detailing their experieiic es in preparing exhibits. "In nearly all the states," said Mr. Churchill today, "the departments if education havo answered, indorsing the movement and many have offered fc co-operato in. arranging for thu indus trial congress. The industrial wor' in some states i being directed by O H. Benson, of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture and these states do no wish to pledge themselves to Bind ing their winners until Professor Ben son sanctions the plan." Montana, Nebraska, Washington, Cal ifornia, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Utah, Ooorgia, Ohio, Tennessee, Kansas, Ver mont, West Virginia, Wyoming, Masta chussetts, Ioway, Wisconsin nnd Lous iana, Mr. Churchill said, were arranging to send children to the congross. Oregon hns arranged to send the win ners of the 10 class-is at tho state fair next fall to tho congross. OLSSON WINS OUT IN HIS CITIZENSHIP FIGHT I'NITKD I-I1ES8 LEASED WHO). Seattle, WaMi., March 10. The case of tho government against Leonard Olsson, of Tacoma, to deprive him of his citizenship, which was set for hear- ing before Judge Cushman in Tacoma yesterday, was dismissed on motion of District Attorney Clnv Allen. Olsson 's papers were tuien from him by former United States Judge Han ford, but a rehearing of the case was ordered from Washington, D. C. Allen is of the opinion that the case was given too much prominence before and that its pressing is not so important as tho prevention of further agitation, which would follow further prosecution by tho government. A REMARKABLY FREE COUNTRY. This is a free country. lint what is it free for? Well it is so free that von can take tho initiative branch of gov ernment and curtail some one's free dom. It is af rec-for nll grab for some one elso's freedom. You are free to "go-get-it" with a recall for some fool measure on tho ballot. Under tho di vino right of kings the power to "go-get-'em" was in the hands of him who held the scepter while now it is in the hands of him who holds a ballot. The majority is free to take away the free dom uf tho minority. It is froe alright. Everyone is free alright. Everyono is free to license, tax, limit or deny the freedom of some one else. The fact (s that it is so free that everyone is es pousing some cause to limit the free dom of another cause which in turn is arranging and planning to free sjme one else from freedom. Blue Mountait. Kagle. WHERE DID HE GET IT7 Fred Kiser, indicted by the grind Those Downy Baby Chicks deserve the best possible chance to grow Into big, healthy bankable dollars. What you feed them determines in advance what you are f to bank. ' Diamond Chick Food f is a result producer, because it is a carefully selected Ifood t of the best grains properly mixed and specially steel cut, t not cracked. It is the result of a lifetime of diligent t li H Kir.- ij ; j j i 1 i 4. ID. A. WHITE & SONS'l Phone CLOGGED penetrates and heals the inflamed, swol len membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages and stops nasty discharges and a feel ing of cleansing, soothing relief comes, immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat and row dryness is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith just once in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. jury for larceny from a dwelling, was. J arraigned yesterday afternoon in the 'circuit court, Elmer Richardson was appointed to defend him and took until today to plead. He said on the stand that he was drunk at the time of the theft, and didn 't know what he was do ing. Owing to the fact that he rad already served 50 days while awaiting trial, he was let off with one month in the county bastile. Judge Kelly gave. Riser a strong lecture upon the results df his inebrity, telling him that there, was no excuse for him taking the first drink. Albany Herald. Farm Bargain For one week only, I will sell my fine farm in the Rosedale district at a sac rifice. I have 136 acres nearly all under cultivation, at $80 per acre. W.H sell 50 acres, 80 acres or 136 acres; will rive terms; for this bargain call on my tcnts, Bechtel & Bynon, Houses and Lota , And tracts sold on easy payments. We build modern bungalows to suit pur chaser. Money to Loan. For Rent , House, 14 largo roms, Conter street, near Commercial, Insurance 1 V.'e write Insurance and Bonds. List Your Bargains. . I Property to Trade. We have one acre just outside of the city limits, good house and fruit trees, to trade for house and lot in city. 6'j acres, well improved, about 8 milps from Salem, for Newport prop erty, vacant lots preferred, up to $2000. Salem property for Grants Pass prop erty. Bechtel & Bynon 347 State Street.. o mi ijOWinff 1 lie Dollar Crop Xational advertisers are goinc in for newspaper advertising tVs. year on a greater scale than ever before. They are going to crento imme diate consumer deiiiatid in the localities which sell their goods. They have found it is th-i-easiest and the least expensive way. It increases sules and lessns costs. Certain local dealers aro going to profit greatly by this market making work of the manufactur ers. They are the ones who will be alert to their opportunities and who will have the goods ready when the public begins manifest ing an interest in them. They are going to reap their share of the dollar crop which the manufacturers aro Bow ng through newspaper advertising. Would you like to know more about it whilo you are working on your plans! Drop a postal of inquiry to the Bureau of Ad vertising, American Newsaper Publishers' Association, World Building, Xow York. Booklet on request. Little i t 160