All the News that's Fitf -to Print Everybody Reado the Daily Capital Journal ' 1: The Best I I 77ie Largest I Newspaper J J Circulation t THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. SALEM. OEEOON, THUBSDAT, MABCH 5, 1914. Dllirp Tttm ipitTe ON TRAINS AND NHW 1 niv.1. " - 1 o. btanub. riva CBNS. IS WILSON CAN SEE NOW TO AVOID Irish Home Rule Bill Introduced CERTAIN OF PASSAGE IN HOUSE BUT WILL BE E EJECTED BY HOUSE OF LORDS ONCE MORE. President Raps Provision Ex empting American Vessels and Urges Repeal. VIOLATION OF TREATY WITH GREAT BRITAIN UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Loudon, March 5. The Irish home rule biH. was introduced in the house of commons for first reading this af ternoon. It was certain of passage. Debate on it will begin Monday, when will be called for second roading. Iu the commons it has a majority but the house of lords assuredly will re ject it. This, to make it a law, will necessitate its passage by the commons twice more at succeeding sessions. Many politicians think the liberal administration, which' with the Irish and labor members of the lower house is backing the measure will be forced out of office before this can be done. Insists Pact Should Be Ob served, Even if America Could Dodge It. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. "Washington, March 5. President "Wilson today read a message to con gress on the Panama caual toll propo aition. His address follows: "Gentlemen of congress: I have come to you on an errand which can 4)e very briefly performed, but I beg you will not measure its importance by the number of sentences in which .state it. No communication that (have addressed to congress has carried with it a more grave or far-reaching implication to the interests of the coun try, and I come now to speak upon emitter with regard to which 1 am charged to a peculiar degree, by the constitution itself, with personal re sponsibility. Says It Violates Treaty. "I have come to ask the repeal of that provision of the Panama canal act pf August 24, 1912 which exempts vessels engaged in coastwise trade of America from the payment of tolls and uriro upon you the justice and wisdom and huge policy of such a re 5eal with the utmost earnestness of which I am capable. In my own judg ment, maturoly formed after careful consideration, I believe that exemp- tion constitutes a mistaken economic jpolicy from every point of view, ami is, moreover, in plain contravention of he treaty with Great Britain concern xug the canal, concluded November 18, 1001. Same View Elsewhere. "Hut I have not come before you to nriro mv personal views. I come to .state to you a fact and a situation Whatever mny be our own differences .of oninion concerning this iniich-do- liatcd measure, its meaning is not do bated outside of the United States, Everywhere else the language of the trentv is given but one interpretation and that interpretation precludes the exemption I am asking you to repeal. We consented to tho treaty; its langu age wo accepted, if we did not origi- nate it, and we are too big, too power ful and too self-respecting a nation to interpret with too strained or refined reading the words of our own promises just because we have power enough to give us leave, to read them as we filease. Should Severs Action. "The largo thing to do is the only himr wb can afford to do, and that r U a voluntary withdrawal from a posi tion everywhere Questioned and mis understood. We ought to reverse our action without raising the question of whether we are light or wrong, and 90 once 'more deserve our reputation for generosity and redemption of every obligation without ouibblo or hesita tion. "I ask this of you In support of the foreign policy of my administration. I skill not know how to deal with other matters of even greater delicacy and nearer consequences if you do not grant it to mo In an ungrudging meas' lire." Last Sentence Significant The last sentence of the address was generally considered significant It was taken as a veiled reference to the president ' acknowledged desire to sc cede to England's wishes relative to ca nal tolis as k means of Insuring British support for the administration 1 course in Mexico. The galleries were jammed, Among nii was Secretary of State Brvan. He sat next to German 'Ambas sador Count Von Bernstorff. Occasion . illy he leaned forward to whisper smil LEWI Declares He Did Not Consider Her Responsible at Time She Did It. IE FINALLY Major General Burnett New Head of Marine Corps ONLY WANTS FAIR TRIAL 10 VACCINE united press leased wire. Olympia, Wash., March 5. Inmates of all state institutions and homes, Declares She Was Always Good Wife to His Brother and He Would Do as Much for Any Woman. UNITED fress leased WIRE.l Oakland, Cal., March 5 Willard , Drown, San Francisco attorney, came i into Judge Ogden's court room today I to testify on behalf of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mildred Drown, on trial for her life on the charge of murdering his I brother, her husband, Archer C, Drown Inst October. Drown, a tall, handsome vounir nmn. tacitly admitted at the very outset that the conviction of Mrs, Drown would mean dollars in his own pocket. After much harrying by District At torney W. H. Hynes, for the poople, af- . ter recounting in detail the story of the night when Mrs. Drown threw herself 'General" Kelly Left Behind With Baggage and De mands He Be Arrested. HERDED AT GUN POINTS Lieutenant of Kelly Starts In Search of an Attorney to Start Legal Proceedings. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Oakland. Cal., March 5. The Thome faction of the unemployed "army, numbering 500 men, which started from San Francisco Tuesday afternoon on a march to Washington, Mid camped at Emeryville, an Oakland suburb, was started on the move to Richmond in cars of the street railway company this mornina at 9 o'clock, When the men awoke they found themselves surround' ed by a cordon of police, deputy sher iffs and riflemen, numbering moro thaai 200, and had no choice but to obey the order to leave. "General" Kelly, however, was do termiued to romain, according to report; r with tho exception of tho soldiers' young attornoy caugnt lire wnen bskbu homes, will be inoculated with typhoid ' why he had come into court to testify vaccine, if tho plans of the state de-1 in behalf of his sister-lu-iaiw. partment of health are carried out. I ' Would Do It for Any Woman. The vaccine proved so efficient in I "I came here on ner Denair, Because 1 stopping the typroid epidemic in Cen-1 would do as much for any woman in tvalia that the state board of health , trouble!" cried Drown. "I, did not belioves that vaccination to provent ' consider her responsible when she came typhoid should be more general. With to me and told her story. I , simply that end iu view, it has offered to fur-1 wanted to see rnat sne nao. a iuir nish the state board of control free of triai. hargo with sufficient vaccine for the "You shook hands with her when you inmntea.of all the homes, and recom-; came into the court room, oia you not 1 mends that the board accept the offer, sneered Hynes. I did," burst out the young attor- on his mercy in San Francisco, thejamj declared that he would die be- T AS RESULT OF MUCH ney. "She has always wife to mv brother " been a good NO COMPETITION IN MINNESOTA GRAIN BUYING? (UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE.l Washington, March 5. The existence of a big interlocking organization of Minnesota grain clovator owners, com- mission merchants and millers was I charged today by Attorney Benjamin Drake of the Equity Cooperative Ex UNITED PRESS LaiSBD WIRE. ll,,...,d Avra. Afnveh 5. MVnirre dis- patches received today reported serious ' 'K', Minneapolis, a witness, before .1 ... Tie .Tnnelrn. A rnvnlll. " I'OUSB rules l-uiliinilim.-. tion is threatened, it was said, as a re suit of racial disorders in the interior. There have been rumors lor some Tho elevator proprietors, ho asserted, own that more than half tho commis sion houses which supposedly repre- time of fighting between revolutionists!"" the farmers. Ho told the com and government troops in the Brazilian """ce that the organization controls states of Cenra, Para and Pcrnambuco. the situation so effectively that there Martini law. it was said, had been ! i- competition in the grain buying l iisiness in t lie territory trmuinry 10 proclaimed at Bio Janeiro. The censorship on telegrams was so strict that It was impossible to get much definite information. Minneapolis. fore he would leave the lot where ho calmped. There was a strong possibility of a pitched battle and the police were keeping a careful watch for any signs of trouble. Kelly Finally Submits. "General" Kelly finally bowed to the ultimatum of the Oakland police that he move his "army" of 1100 into Richmond aboard cars furnished by this citv, when the bluecoats gave evidence that they were ready to use force if uecessarv. The officors closed in on Kelly 's followers, and pressed thorn in to the street, where they were herded, at the point of guns, into a long lino and marched for a train of electric cars. The cars were loaded and started for Richmond at 11:30. Demands Arrest. "General" Kelly, demanding that he be arrested, was loft behind with his catnip material and the baggago of the army, tho police not giving tho unem ployed time to pack it up. Latham, a lieutenant of Kelly, went in search of au attorney to start legal I proceedings to reinstate tho army in Oakland, Will Throw Kolly Out. Chief of Police Peterson, in n.11 inter view with Kelly, told the latter that he must get out, or lie would bo "thrown out." It is said that about 2."i0 of the iirmy jumped from the moving ears after they left Emeryville, ami escaped. 4' I : 1 KUERTAS PEACE NOTE MYSTIFIES ft '.'.; : ' Z: :;':.;".Q: .- -.v..;,., v: . ; Lf " i 7 11 ' zl ' V' A y'w' ' J Finally Learned It Has Nothing to Do With Present Mexi can Situation. . GETTING READY TO PROBE BENTON CASE Some Difficulty Found in Get ting Witnesses From Sev eral Army Posts. UNITED FBE8S LEASED WIRE. Washington, March 5. President Huerta't invitation to participate la a peace conference came from the qtiwa of Holland, it was discovered this af ternoon. AU the United States had to do with It was to initiate the mt veinent for another conference. In giving out her invitations, Wilholmina included Mexico. Major-General George Barnett. ' 1 . " Washington, Mar'A B.i4tjoifJB al George H. Barnett, the new com mander of the United States marine corps, succeeds Major-General W. P, Biddlo, who is to be stationed at Wash ington. Before Major-Gonornl Bamott was promoted ho held tho rank of colo nel, and was iu charge of 10'J') marines tatbnod jtf the Loigue , Island -vy yard, Philadelphia. His record In base work is said to have decided Sec rotary of the Navy Daniols to advance him. There are about 10,000 members of the mariue corps, a typo of which may be seen in the illustration, which uilso shows Major-General Barnett. 10 UNITED PBESS LEASED WIRE.l Vienna, March 5. Seventeen Aus trian soldiers were killed by an ava lanche while maneuvering today on Ortler Spitz, the highest mountain in the Tyrolean Alps. The avalanche buried a detachment during a ski drill. (Continued on pf I-) SEEVICES FOB VICTIMS. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Plymouth, Eng., March S. Funeral services were held toiay ror tne 1 men who lost thoir lives when the submarine A-7 dived In Whitsand bay, near Plymouth, and failed to come up. The Angellcan rite were read aboard the cruiser Forth, which was anchored over tho spot where the A-7 is believed to be buried. Thirteen submarines stood by, the crews standing uncovered throughout the services. TO CANCEL HAEBOE LEASES, (UNITED PRESS LEASED ! I Olvmnia, Washington, March 8. On the recommendation of State Fire War den and Foreetor E. W. Ferris, the state board of land commissioners have voted to cancel all outstanding harbor area leasee which the owners have allowed to no delinquent. There are about 20 such leases on which rent has not been paid The owners will be given 30 days in which to pay up, and if the rent is not forthcoming the leases will be cancelled NEW BATES WORKING. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE.l San Francisco, March 5. The reduc tion of express rates by the California railroad commission whereby the Wells Fargo company- was ordered to prepare now schedules nffocting thousands of merchandise items, is in effect today. During the next six months the Wells- Fargo company will keep, in seven principal cities of the state, a record of shipments and earnings to be later compared with the revenue that would have arisen through the old rates. At the end of that period the railroad com mission will render a final decision that will govern express shipments In (fcilifoniia. According to the railroad ommisaion's estimate the saving to Iho shippers of California will amount to $7."0,000 per year. The traffic records ordered between March 1 and November 1 will be kept in San Fran cisco, nacramento, Diocmon, rresno, Los Angeles, Han Diego and Chico. HUREY,ING TO ROCHESTER. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Trinidad, March 0. Tho Post special which is carrying the millionaire to Rochester, Minn., for an operation, this morning crossed the state line, making lii) miles an hour. It will reach Kansas City tonight. LY HURT Does Not Enow Meaning. Washington, March 5, Presidential Private Socretary Tumulty said frank ly today that he had no idea what the Mexican government meant by its an nouncement that It bad accepted an la- vitatiion from Washington to take part in a peace conference, It was the first he had heard of uch an icYltl- tion, he declared. The administration was still firmly soft pedalling Mexican debate in con gress but bow long it could continue to do so was doubtful. Senator Fall of New Mexico and other lawmakers who favor intervention were known to be preparing for an attack on tho presi dent's policy and it was not easy to see how they could be kept much long er in check. At tho Btato department it was inti mated trlint the administration Intended to ignore the fiery utterances of Hover- nor Colquitt, of Texas. ASIATIC FIGHT POSTPONED. UNITED PRESS LEASED W IRE. Washington, March 5. Lack of a quorum today prevented a renewal of the Japanese-Hindu discussion before the house Immigration committee. Pa cific const members of the committee were on hand, however, and were pre pared to renew their onslaugh on Asiitrt ic immigration. Presldont Wilson's Panama canal tolli message to congress today consisted of Just 417 words. It was the shortest in ths history of presidential msuugos with the single exception of the tariff mes sage sent to the lawmakers by ex-President Taft. The attoruey-gi nil this morning I gave out several opinions on minor mat ters, among them one to tho effect that members of a co opcraHivo association nro responsible for the debts of the as sociation only In proportion to their In terest therein. This Is under a special luw on tho matter. A Portland inquirer was told that taxes are duo April .'10, and after that date, and until August 31, there is an additional charge of one per cent a month. After August Hist there is an additional penalty of 10 per cent lidded to the one per cent interest, A Mierwoud man was told that where a city charter gave the council discre tionary powers as to gmnting liquor li censes that it could not bo compelled to issue such license) but that where the charter provided that licenses should bo granted under certain conditions, then, upon the happening of these con ditions, the council i-tuld be compelled to issuo the license. It wbs also held In an opinion to employes of the Portland Electric company that employes who were omployed In office work, and not in tho room where the electrical appli ances were lu operation, did not come under tho regulations of the work men 's compensation law, but that they could elect to do so If they chose, and in this ease should notify the commis sion of their intent. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Tilhimooli, Or., March 5. L. B. Kay, a t'nrinhaiiil emploved ou the ranch of T. .1. Harris, south of here, is probably dying today us a remit of an exploslou of dynamite which he win carrying out to a field to blow up stumps with. Kay held tlio cups uinler his left arm, carry iug a battery In his right hand, lu some wav tint wires nttnclicii to tne buttery became conuected and the caps exploded. Moro thnn 100 wounds were iul'lictcd upon Kuv, one tlnouuli his left lung being clow to the heart. MEXICAN WAR VESSELS SAID TO HAVE EXCHANGED SHOTS, UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE.) NognloN, Sonera, Mexico, March G. 1 'onstitiitionalint headquarters lie re re ceive, 1 a report late yesterday that the rebel guiibot Taiupico exchanged shots with tho feditral wnr vessels (luurroro and Murelos off Tnpolohampi) St day- ight. The federal vessels stood far out in the gulf, however, and the rebel hip refused to be coaxed from port. The Tttuipico was delivered to tho rebels recently when her federal crew mutinied and joined the constitutionalists, Carranza Leaves Nogales. Nogales, 8onora, Mexico, March S Accompanied by his staff and a body guard of S0O0 troops, General Carina za loft Nogales tnilny on n special train for C'anaiica, Sonorn, eu route to Chi huahua City. Members of the paty professed not to know whether they would visit Juarez or travel overlaud from Cunanen, Special Agent Oeorgo Curothors con ferred with Carranza today before the lattor's doxirture. It was stated that proper protection for foreigner' livos and property was discussed. Neither ('Brothers ii'r American Consul Fred crick Simplch, who wus prcscut at the conference, would comment upon It. Cnrothcrs sn!d that ho would make a report twlny to the stato doiartnieiit, which would timke public any portion, cf It tho officials saw fit. CASHIER ACCUSED. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE. Memphis, Tenn., March 8. -Claude Anderson, cashier of the Mercantile bank, was arrested today on five grand jury indictments, charging embezzle ment, grand larceny, fraudulent breach of trust, making false reports and re- celvinu deposits when be knew the bank was insolvent. He will be ad nutted to bail. The Weather (,,' fl KNEW. l i, W9 GET mi The Dickey Bird says; Oregon, to night and Friday, fair, light var iable winds, most ly easterly. SECOND EDITION OF SESSION LAWS NEEDED FOR FIRST TIME For the first time in the history of the state it has been found necesnuy to publish second editions uf session laws State Printer Harris said today that (1(111 new copies of the 1011 laws and snil copies of the llll.l laws would soon be ready for distribution, Second editions were necessary be cause the law provides that only "J toil copies shsll be printed at first editions and these have been exhausted. The next legislature will be asked to amend the laws so more copies limy be NORWAY HAD PROSPEROUS TEAR UNITED PBESS I.EASKIl WIRE.l Christiana, Manh 0. That tho last year wns a prosperous one ror ior way Is shown by the official govern ment report iiwiuxl today showing that the national wealth of the country in creased from l!HIS.lT:,iMin clowns hi 1!HJ to :i,,sM;i,t!r.i,i)oi) iu llil.'l, an in ere. of approximately ,J,H1,00I),00,", printed at the first run. The Increased demand is the result 1 Vergara, who was subsequently of the rapid growth of the state. near Neuvo Laredo. WANTS HORHE STEALERS. UNIIED PRESS I.EtMD WIRE Iiulliis, Texas, March 3. Governor Colquitt sniil here today that he had ilemnniled of Nuevo .eon, Mexico, authorities the extradition on S charge of horsestealing, uf Apollno Hodrl gtiez and five other Mexicans accused of kidnapping tho American, Cleinento hanged Difficult to Get Witnesses, El Paso, Tex., March 8, General Car ranza 's Benton case Investigating com mittee wns arranging tho preliminaries' of Its work at Juarez today. There seemed likely to be considerable time lost, however, most of tho members of the eourt-mnrtlnl which tried the Eng lishman, as well as most of the o'her witnesses being scattered at various army outposts, so that It will be diffi cult to get them together. Tho some commission was Schedul'd to look Into the case of flustav Batten. Ready to Reach Agreement Mexico City, March 3. Without an accompanying word of comment or ix plunntiou, tho foreign office today 's- ucd the following statement : "The Mexican government has ac cepted the Invitation of the president of the United States to reach an agree ment In order to arrange the prelimin aries for the meeting of a peace con ference next year at The Hague." Both United States Charge d'Affiires O'Shnughnessy and Mexican officials refused to discuss the announcement. Naval Battle Is Farce. Mexico City, March 5.YoteriUy ' (Continued on page four.) Id Bstsjstss BS'aSFy9Tp