Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 02, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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G e t It
, M
1 1
No. 680 Wednesday Surprise Sale
Women's House Dresses, With Dust
Cap to Match
For next Wednesday we offer
an unusually good house dress
of serviceable percale well
made in several styles,with and
without collarmost of these
For rapid and efficient
service, telephone your
wanto over our main line
Phone Main 11
Capital City Brevities
County Judge Bushoy has voluntary
discretion iu the matter of the date
upon which the special road bond oloc-
tioti shall be hold according to the,
opinion of the attorney gonoral. Con
sequently it is probable that the spe
cial election will not tako place until
May 15, when tho regular primary nom
inating election is held. Judgo llushey
baa practically doclded that he will
not call the Bpeclal election boforo the
primaries for tho ronsou it would cost
the taxpayers ovor $(1,000 to carry on
an election for the solo purpose of
voting on the proposition to bond Mar
ion comity for 850,000 to build per
manent roods. Judge Bushoy statod
this morning that ho has no intention
of trying to defeat the Issue by delay-
leg the date of eloction, but as a puro-1 K. . . , . . ...
. . . . ' , . Saturday evening at 9 o'clock, will be
Iv business matter ho boliovos that it', ,, , . , . , , '
, hold at St. Josoph s church tomorrow
great amount of money to hold the
election when the same results can be
well obtnined by voting on tho issue
at the primaries or general oluction,
Tho Leonard for fins cooking and
nice service. 254 Front,
Friday evening tin Christian En
deavor of the North Sulom Friond's
church wan entertained at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N, Smith on lla.cl
avenue. Tho house was decorated In
the Endeavor colors and each member
of (he Endeavor wore a C, K. pounant.
After an interesting program the young
fotV enjoyed Indoor games. Refresh
ments of jollo, cake and cocoa wers
nerved. Au interesting feature of tho
entertainment was the Identification
of the baby pictures of many of thoso
present.' There wero 48 pictures and
tho highest number Identified by any
ono individual was 20. Tho social
committee and Mr. and Mr. Smith de
wvrve credit for the success of the
Regular meeting of Hodson Council
N. 1, Ks & 8. M., this evening. A full
attendance Is requested. By order of
tho Thrice Illustrious Master. Visiting
companions welcome.
Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist, Masonlo bldg.
Attar serving as a mall carrier here
for IS years, W. U. Squier haa resigned
ta becuuie a candidate for nomination
for county recorder on tho Republican
ticket. Mr. Squier has had the south
ira rural route for several years.
Dr. Mendolaohn fits syos correctly. U.
H. Bank building.
Xast chance to see
"A Modern Vendetta"
A powerful tlureo-rtol drama, snowing
the life of a criminal.
Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday
"The Royal Slave"
The fourth of the Xtthlyn series. In
nin picture Kathlyu falls Into the
hand of slave traders.
:." With the world's latest events
Vltraph comedy featuring
Hairy Morcy
Hiss Jewel Jaraes
Worth. More.
at M e
have a neat dust cap to match
garment. Your choice of light,
medium or dark colors sizes
34 to 44. Wednesday only 98c
each. Sale commences at 8:30
The funeral of Otlio Mills, tho colored
lad who died at the Orogon Training
School for Boys last Friday, was hold
in Portland this morning. Friends of
the youth in Salem and at the school
attended the sorvicos and tho boys 01
tin) Institution sent a beautiful pillow
of f lowors. Tho colored boy was a
favorite at tho school and he left many
sincoro friends among both the other
boys and the officers.
A nickle will buy a Bon Ton and a
Don Ton Is tho best 'five cent cigar
that anybody ever bit tho end off of.
You'll enjoy proving it.
The funeral services over the remains
Clt Arthur Mnlilei wlin .1 (nil In rtiia nilv
(Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock. Tho
body will bo shipped east for burial.
Are you sure your bakery bread Is
made under the right sanitary coudi
tlonsf Tip Top bread is. Its bakers
and its bakeries are always clean and
tidy. Sperling's grocery, 811 North
H. B. Thielsen, Joe Baumgartnor and
Russoll Catlin, the three appraisers of
tho Into Ashnel Bush estate, hnvo made
their report to tho county probate de
partment. Mr,' Bush left personal prop
erty valued at 130,131.70; real estate
of tho probable value of $2."(i,700;
stocks and bonds, 1(1308,300; promissory
notes, (2."2,S3!).7tl; mortgage notes,
105,441; accrued interest, 13,000,
making a grand total valuatiou of the
estato of 11,530,475.77.
Don't fall to get that little secret ou
chicken raising that Shafer, the saddle
and harness man, can tell you about.
Ask him at ITS South Commercial St.
A Canadian In the person of E. W.
Jnckson is iu the city visiting at the
homo of his sister, Mrs, Mario Mat
thews, one of the employes of tho Mey
ers department store. Mr. Jackson is
a real estate denJer in Mnuitolm, and is
enjoying soino fino weather in Salem,
Ho states that, while his country Is
quiet at prcseut, Improvement is (n
sight, and things are expected to move
within a short time.
You could be proud of your home If
you had a Packard of a Ludwig piano
in It, Wo have a very easy payment
plan that we want to, tell you about.
The Wiley 11. Allen Co., B. F. Teters,
Mgr., 521 Court street.
Members of the supreme court held
the first session this morulug in their
new quarters. Several cnes were taken
up today and arguments In them heard.
Ex Governor Jay IViwerman appeared
in one of the hearings.
Watch our special price cards every
lay near the entrance. Best place you
ever saw to pick up bargains. Take a
peck next time you're dowu, Sunset
grocery, South Coniinervinl at No, 121.
After wading about iu water for sev
eral days, being compelled to remain iu
hotels which were wsterbound and ex
periencing niiiiiy other Inceuveuieuce.
John 11. l.aiitcrmrui is back safe in his
Salem homo, Mr. Ijiuternian went to
tho "sunny" state on a vacation, but
ssys he spent nut of the time be w
there in keeping out of the ruin.
Dr. May, nerve specialist, Masonic bid
A trio of Faverolle rtUcksns, top
nntchere iu the noted ancestor line to
day are on their way to Japan, Eugene
PreacoM, of this crty, shipping them.
Mr. Prescott sold the fowls to a Jap
anew rblckcu raiser.
Meals, 19c 81 reetanran,
South CoraiutrlcaJ slroet.
y e r s
The supreme court when it met this
afternoon in the now court room for
tho first time, to hear arguments,
come out in full uniform, black robes
and plenty of dignity. It is under
stood the robes will be for this occasion
only, and while the robes may be
classed as "habits" the wearing of
thorn will not bo such.
The Woman's Alliance of the Uni
tarian church will moot Friday at 2
o'clock with Mrs. J. W. Cox of 235
Winter street. All members and
friends are cordially invited. The
Girls' club will moot Thursday after
school. The Boys' club moots Mouday
at 4 o'clock.
Oilson's barber shop will move
Bligh building soon.
An application for requisition of
Arthur Orchard, wanted in Tierce coun
ty, Washington, has boon grantod by
Governor West. Orchard Is chargod in
Washington state with larceny. Ho is
uqw under arrest in Portland.
Fine printing; Fuller Printing' Con
cern. Phono Main 2170.
Attorney H. H. McNary and wife left
Saturday night for Southorn California.
They will spend two weeks in the low
er part of tho southern state aud visit
many points of interest. Attorney Mc
Nary has not had a vacation for soveral
mouths and will make the best of his
trip this time.
Order your next winter's supply of
slab wood from the Star Wood Co. Spe
cial price in five-cord lots, if taken
now. Phone 420; office and yard, East
A divorce proceedings la betn beard
in the city council chambers today bo
foro Judgo William Galloway in which
tho plaintiff, Marguerite Dodge, is
asking for a decree, dissolving the
bonds of nuitrhnony existing botweon
herself and W. H. H. llodge, and
further relief in tho way of $1000
alimony, Cruel and inhuman treat
ment are the grounds upon which Mrs,
Oodgo is nsking for the decree. Among
tho acts of cruel treat inout alleged to
hjive been suffered by plaiutiff, is that
the defendant cursed her, slapped her
face and "muted" around terribly,
About 15 witnesses appeared before
the court today. Attorney Roy F.
Shields is representing the plaintiff
while John Uaytie Is appearing for the
Sam Bettes, the cowboy preacher In
vites all labor unions and laboring peo
ple to hear him preach this eveuing at
the Salem mission, Center and Com
mercial streets. He says: "Come with
your working clotB"s or overalls, we
want you, not your clothes." The mis
sion had a great day yesterday with
large crowds and many conversions.
This week will be a great week. One
business man yesterday iu tho meet
ing, offered 50 chairs for the seating
of the mission, Kvervbodv is invited
Manager Lafler of the Globe theater,
has caught the spring clean-up fever,
and between shows at the poputar State
street amuseineut place, tho painters,
the carpenter and tho decorators are
doing their best to add to the attract
iveness of the auditorium. The In
terior is to be refinished In old rose
and gold after the maimer of tho Heilig
in Portland. A new foyer Is being
i Med. the woodwork being finUhed in
imitation mahogany and white with
curtains of greeu velvet.
Lena Howell, the young woman who
wan arrested and sentenced to fifteen
days iu jail recently, was taken before
Justice Welter this atternoou to an
swer to th charge of larceny. The
young wviusn will be sent to the girl's
training school.
John Phelan was arrested last night
by Patrolman Fisher oa th charge of
druokeanewk PhaUn was sentenced
U serve three days in jail.
Attorney-General Disagrees , With Cir
cuit Judge in His View of Taking
Can of Children.
Closed Season Does Not' Apply to Ang
ling for Hatchery Purposes, De
, clares Crawford.
The attorney-general has advised
Fish Commissioner ( lanton the law pro
hibiting fishing iu certain portions of
the Rogue river docs not apply to tho
state, which can witch fish for the
purpose of propagation at any time
and any place. Tho opinion is also
that the closed season does not apply
to the state fishing for hatchery pur
poses. Master Fish Warden Ospund
was told that the fish aud game com
mission could give the warden author
ity to appoint deputies.
An opinion was also handed out in
effect that poverty is not sufficient
grounds for taking children away from
a parent. It seems that one of the
circuit judges has recently held that
although tho father showed he earned
$700 a year, that he was not able to
bike care of his children, because' on
top of caring for them he had an aged
mother to support.
"The farmers are rich," sad George
C. Will this morning. In tho opinion
of tho old "reliable music dealer, there
has never been a spring when there
was so much prosperity In the agri
cultural districts.
"I have sold three times as many
pianos to farmers this season as I have
ever sold before during tho same por
tion of the year. And they wero nil
high-grade pianos, too the best there
are," continued Mr. Will. "It proves
that the peoplo living cut of town not
only - have discrimination and good
judgment, but that they are making
moro money, and thut with them, at
least, times are good. Every indica
tion points to increased business and
prosperity duriug the coming ycur. "
An automobile owned by O. H. Fool
and driven by Harry Murphy met with
an accident at tho corner of High and
Court streets this morning. Tho driver,
iu attempting to turn tho corner, al
lowed his machine to skid with the re
sult that a hind wheel crashed into the
curbing with such force as to splinter
it into several hundred pieces, Tho ac
cident happened as the result of the
street at that corner being wet and the
operator's judgment of space between
himself and tho curbing being somewhat
Memphis, Tcuu., March. 2. Five
hundred and seventy-six local saloon
keepers surrendered their licenses today
to the county attoruey-gouorul, the
"nuisanco law," wlilch ended the day
of open saloons iu Teuuessee, having
gone into effect the first of the month
The places even of those who did not
turn in their licenses were closed.
"Spelling Is a necessary evil," snyj
a contemporary. Depends on how
pretty the stenographer is. Washing
ton Herald.
"I wonder who made the first um
brella"' "I don't know. I wouder
who swiped it." Houston, Post.
"Well little boy, do you want to buy
some candy f"
"Sure I do, but I gotta buy soap. "
Express companies have abandoned
their attempt to increase fruit rates;
they are fur less independent and over
bearing than they were awhile back.
One Seattle candidate for mayor iu
the primaries spent over $3000 In his
campaign, and then came nowhere near
getting the nouiinatiou proof of his
It was not in Saskatchewan, nor
even in Minnesota, that an editor froie
to death in a snowdrift near his house,
but in a place called Garden City, Long
lslaud, N. Y.
Do you know there Is a little mags
tine published In Salem, called
That brings the buyer and seller of
real estate together without commis
si oot 0t a free copy. Boon 11 Bush
Bank Bldf .
Personal Mention
L. E. Pratt went to the Dalles Thurs
day on business,
T. M. Barr, the plumber, was in The
Dalles last week on business.
Jerry Douglas, of West Stayton, wae
a business visitor in Salem today.
Carl D. Gabrielson, of this city, trans
acted business in The Dalles last Thurs
day. Dr. S. Z. Bartley was in Portland
Sunday attending to some business mat
ters. Dr. Oliver Ritchie, of Portland, is in
the city visiting friends and transact
ing business.
A. W. Schrunk, of Yeoman station,
was in the city Saturday looking after
business matters.
Louis A. Lupton and wife visited over
Sunday with Mrs. Lupton 's parents, the
mayor and Mrs. L. M. Curl, of lubany.
Miss Lena Caldwell loft last night
for Rome, Georgia, where she will visit
her uncle, Damon Wray, for a few
Ed. Andorson, wollknown local car
pentor, 'will leave this evening for
Marysville, Cel., where he has a con
tract to erect a big hophouse.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Mi"key, of In
dependence, were in the city yesterday
visiting at the home of their daughter,
Mrs, John Nelson, at 433 North Cottage
Henry B, Hazard, the United States
naturalization examiner, has gone to
his headquarters in Portland, after pass
ing upon several applications for final
papers here.
Airs. J. Oakley and daughter, Miss
Edith, who were guests of Mrs. S. P.
Doiiahoe, 1053 Center streot, left Sun
day for their home in Chicago. Thoy
spent the winter in southern California.
Dr. V, J. Pnttenion, the well-known
veterinarian, has just installed a vet
erinary operating table, the very latest
thing in veterinary surgery. The taible
has just arrived from Holland, Mich.,
and is the only one in the state, there
being only one other on the coast, and
that located at the U. S. barracks at
Vancouver, Wash. Dr. Patterson is now
iu a better position than ever to take
care of his rapidly growing practice.
T 4
TWO CENTS a word for each
Insertion. 4
-4 4
FOR RENT Two downstairs house
keeping rooms, close in. Phone 533.
WANTED Strong boy between 18 and
20 to work iu greenhouse. Call iu
person, 1031 Markot.
WANTED Salem man with spare time
to sell grocery trade as we do Port
land. G rout success. Comniisison basis.
Should have money to carry few ac
counts. Hoody Peanut Butter Co.,
393 Belmont, Portland.
MONEY TO LOAN From $1000 to
")000, 3 years at 7 per cent. W. A.
Listen, agent, 484 Court street.
WANTED A team of horses, about
1250; one dozen chickens. R. J, Mor
galia, 1947 Saginaw.
FOR RENT Rooming house, 14 rooms,
full baseme;it, furnace, 359 Center
street. Bechtcl & Bynon.
FOR FIRST-CLASS Chimney sweep
ing and furnace cleaning telephone
Spencer Hardware Co.
FOR SALE Safe, office desk, two Na
tional caeh registers, 437 State.
day, March 3d, at 1:30 p. m., sharp,
of household goods, 542 North Liber
tv street. Frank Collins, owner.
FOR RENT Seven-room modern resi
dence, close to business. John H.
Scott, over Chicago store.
FOR SALE Fie tract, 110x382 feet, at
city limits, four-room house, good
barn, well of water, one lot to bearing
loganberries. Price $1500. Cash
$800, balanco easy. Square Deal Re
alty Company, Room 304 U. 8. Bonk
Building. Phone 470.
FOU SALE Several good cows; 1 Pur
ham, large, fresh, heavy milker; 1
Holstein; some Jerseys. Phone
Farmers 713. C. E. Cummings, R. H.
No. 8.
NOTICE 1 would kindly ask those
holding claims against Frank M.
Magers, deceased, to mail their claims
of account to me by the 10th of
March, 1914. A. G. Magers, 148 South
Commercial street, Snlem, Ore.
FOR SALE Six months old Jersey
bull. Phone Farmers 2S. C. A. Tavlor.
FOR KENT -Twelve qr six room house,
2.".V.7 Belmont street; inquire 483
:nth Commercial.
woixl for immediate delivery, at
$4.30 per cord. Prone Main 581. T.
A. Llvesley i Co.
FOR SALE Egn for hatching from
the world's famous winter laying
straiu of White Leghorns, with a long
standard record of production from 1
to 24 doien eggs per year per hen.
Call or address "K," 6V3 South Com
tnercial street.
A strenuous man atea wins a
torr that isn't worth while.
At a local hospital, February 28, 1914,
Mary Purcell, aged 45 years.
At a local hospital, February 28, 1914,
J. A. Dickaon, aged 22 years.
Tho remains were sent to Eddyville,
near Newport, Or., for interment.
At the residence of George Brassfield,
near the fair grounds, February 28,
1914, Arthur Moore, aged 28 years.
The remains will be at the Terwil
liger Cottage parlors for a few days
before being sent to Illinois for inter
ment. Eloquence is ordinary gab with its
Sunday garments on.
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate fabrics Work called for
and delivered promptly.
445 Ferry Street. Phone Main 562
Special !
90 acres, well improved, 6 miles west,
17 acres prunes, $123 per acre.
38 acres improved, $3,800.
7-room house, three lots, $5000.
Lot on paved street, $450, snap.
Large lot and house, 1 block postof
fice, $0000, snap.
26V-i acres, all in bearing fruit, mod
ern buildings, $16,000.
30 acres, 10 cleared, improved, $3500.
64 acres Howell Prairie, improved, to
trade for Salem property, $8600.
10 acres bearing fruit, improved,
17 acres, cIobb in, improved, $4000.
Several good buys in Prune
Ranches, Hop Ranches
and Berry Tracts
We have cigar stores, pool rooms, gro
cery Btores, shoe Bhop, hotel, rooming
houses, blacksmith shop, restaurant!
City Lots in all Parts
of Salem
Acme Investment
A. B. Cook, Manager
Phone: Office, Main 477.
Opposite Court House. 540 State St
NECTION. The Store That
Makes the wood work !
look like
to use.
9 It leaves the floor
Mm dition.
Let U Rent Your House Through Our
Rental Bureau, Free
In Oregon
1 We Sell tor Less, Because We Buy for Less
iMjfc Wiiw
(m m
iiiimiA ' irr- n
in Price
Between flat lenses and Toric
(deep curve) lenses, lies in the
cost of manufacture and the
additional skill and experience
required in placing them be
fore the eyes. We put our per
sonal efforts into each pair of
Toric lenses, so they will meet
your individual needs. When
you get them of us you get the
best Toric lenses.
Ask for Shur-On mountings.
291 N. Commercial St. Phone 925
Honrs, 9 to 5 ' Ground Floor
Resident Agents. 385 State Street.
On Good Real Estate Security,
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
Good Buys
Ideal dairy farm of 80 acres, near
creamery, 60 acres in cultivation, 20
acres in pasture, best of clover soil,
good 6-room house and barn, all kinds
of fruits and berrios, spring water
piped to house and barn. Extra good
5-room modern house, new, Bnap, $200
down, $15 per month on balance.
100 acres river bottom, $50 per acre.
10 acres choice cherries, beginning to
bear, $3000.
C. O. Rice &
W. S. Low
With L. S. Barnes & Co.
315-316 Masonic Temple.
If yon have bargains, to offer, list
with us.
Saves You Money fmimaaamm
$2.50 Wizard Mop
Outfit $1.50
Wlstrd TriusU Poll.h
Me "Uets in the Cor
ners." Cleans and pol
'iHtaea floors. 1 quart can
WlwdPoltah wortittl.00
and on Wizard Trlanple
t $1.50
M-lni-h hsndls
new, very easy
Let us explain.
a perfect con-
J3rc4. Centralis
Mriiaavli'r'i"'''' 'J
UK.UUffr&N!GXSTS. ;uv
fftZTmfZirifrtnm "asnington.