Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 02, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Pastor Russell's "Movies" Run
ning From Coast to Coast.
Great Feast Then For Famished
World Mankind Starving For Mas
; sago Which Hia "Movie" 8upply.
J Reign of Sin and Death Nearing Con
; elusion Kingdom of God Soon to Be
" Established Introduced by "a Time
of Trouble" Overruled to Constitute
m Channel of Blessing Famished
Hearts Crying For Love and Sym
pathyThey Shall Be Satisfied.
Sun Frnnclsco,
Mnreb 1. Pastor
Uussell'b Photo
Diiama or Crea
tion was lutro
duced hero todny
In the Valencia
Theatre before
crowds. The de
but of these lllms
bcre approaches a
completion of n
chain of Pahtoii
Russell's Photo.
Diiama from Coast
to Const Boston, New York, Cleve
land, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St
Louis Chicago and other places soon.
Tbe Valencia, which Is one of the
finest theatres In tho West, will be,
what might be called for the present,
the borne of the Photo-Drama on the
Coast The Drama will be produced
doll', both afternoon and evening,
rarts I. and II. were run today; parts
III. and IV. next, and so on.
Tbe elite of the city were well rep-
resented. Reserved seats (which, by
the way, are free to all these exhibi
tions, and no collections) were soon ex
hausted. It la unquestionably true that ras
ter Russell has brought to the Coast
the) finest collection of motion-pictures
and slides ever shown bere, and a long
ran will follow. About 13,000 people
now attend the PnoTO-DiuMA or Cre
ation dally, The Gospel Is being
preached In a most enticing manner;
a long-felt want Is being supplied.
In bis syndicated sermon In the fore
noon Pastor Russell's subject was
qnlte appropriate "A Great Feast for
Famished World." It Is believed
that bis audluuce agreed. Ills text
"And In this Mountain Bball tbe Lord
of IIoRtu make unto all pooplo a feast
of fat things." (Isaiah 25:0.) lie said:
Throughout tho prophetic Scriptures
the word Mountain Is used as the sym
bol of a kingdom, Earthly governments
re represented as mountains nnd hills,
whllo tho Lord's Government Is repre-enti-d
as being established "In tho top
ot the mountains." It Is this Moun
tain, or Kingdom of God, which Is re
ferred to in our text It has not yet
ttecn established In tho earth, and
ttenre Its blessed work has not yot
been realized. We still properly pray,
Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done
on earth, os It Is done In Heaven."
True, a beginning has been mu.de.
Tor more than eighteen centuries Bluce
our Lord's ascension and tho bestow
moot of tho Holy Spirit at Pentecost
tbe Church has been In process of se
lection, and the Church Is somotlnms
styled tho Kingdom, because lis mem
bers when glorltletl will coustltuto tho
Kingdom class-tho Urldo who will
share with the Heavenly Bridegroom
the Kingdom honors and services for
the world.
It Is true, also, that our Lord Is ex
ulted a Prince and a Savior; and that
shortly, nt Ills Second Advent. Ho is
to take to Himself His great power
nd relgu a King of kings and Lord
of lords. Hut Ho has not yet done
hls. lie declared at Ills resurrection,
"All Kwer lu Heaven and In earth Is
Riven unto Mo." Yet He also In His
taut Message to the Church distinctly
potuti-d out that tliu tliuo for taking
poeftctiHloii of 11 In Kingdom was fu
ture; and that tho time will surely
come when Ho will take unto Himself
Ills ureal power and reign, beeauso tho
tluio to reign will then huvo como.
Itevelutluu 11:17.
More than this, the situs of the
times, read In tho light of tho Lamp of
'TnitU. the Word of lied, seem clearly
l Indicate Hint the time Is near nt
bond for the setting up of Christ's
Kingdom. How glad wo all Bhould bet
What rejoicing It should ciiuho to the
whole world of mankind, to know that
Hie reign of Hlu and Dentil Is neiiiing
lis conclusion; that Satan, tlio I'rlnee
of Ibis world, will shortly be bound for
thousand years, that he shall deceive
(be tuitions no more until Its termina
tion! How we should rejoice that "the
night Is far spent and the day In at
hnml"; that the Millennial Morning Is
al.vmly dawning; that the Sun of
lilxhteousnosii Is already rising, and
tluit soon the whole eiirlli will "be
full t I lie knowledge of the glory of
Jod, n tho waters rover tho great
5wp "-nulmkkuk 2:U.
A Feast In This Mountain,
The Iwire announcement of tho King'
dom of Jod would strike mankind va
rfotmly In proportion as the ihnmcter
of I be Kingdom nnd Ita work might be
exinVrstoud or misunderstood. Thus
tiitj t tunny the mention that the
Wantons of God Is High at baud would
esrry the thought of " wreck of mat
ter and a crash of worlds.' Not only
our Second Advent friends believe, but
the creeds of practically all denomina
tions of Christians recite, that our
Lord's Second Advent nnd the estab
lishment of Ills Kingdom will signify
to mankind the end of probation, the
end of hope, and usher In to all except
the elect few a great burning-day.
Far too long we have allowed these
traditions of men to becloud our Judg
ment, to come between our hearts and
the great blessings set forth In God's
Word, and now due to the Church nnd
to the world. It Is very proper that
those who are living In alienation from
God, In wilful sin, should realize that
tbe establishment of Ills Kingdom will
mean a Reign of Righteousness which
will be strictly opposed to their per
nicious ways opposed to every form
of Immorality, opposed to every form
of Injustice and Iniquity, opposed to
every form of trickery, sham, aud false
pretense. But surely Christians who
are seeking to live In harmony with
the Divine Law of Love, for God, for
the neighbor, for the brother, for ene
mies, have every reason to look for
ward to, to long for, to hope for the
coming of the Lord's Kingdom ns the
most desirable thing to be Imagined.
Indeed, It Is thus described In Bible
language: "The desire of nil nations
shall come." Haggal 2:7.
However much the few favored by
present conditions may be pleased to
have things remain as they are, the
masses of mankind, If they were but
converted from Ignorance and supersti
tion, nnd brought to a knowledge of
the Truth ns God's Word presents It
would be glad nnd rejoice In tbe sal
vation which Is to come to tho world
through God's Kingdom. Tho god of
this world huth blinded tho eyes of
understanding of mankind nnd put
darkness for light aud under tho ter
rors of the world's "doom's day" has
obscured the glorious blessings which
belong to the Day of tbe establishment
of the Kingdom of the Lord. 2 Corln
thluns A A.
True, tbe Kingdom of the Heavens
will be Introduced, the Scriptures tell
us, by "a Time of Trouble such as nev
er was" before and never will be after
ward; a Time of Trouble which will
Involve all nations, and peoples, and
kindreds, and tongues, and every part
of the world; a Time of Trouble from
which there will be no escape except
for thoso who have made the Lord,
even the Most High, their Refuge and
Habitation (Psalm 01:0). But then,
even that plowshare of trouble the
Lord proposes shall be overruled so
that it will constitute a channel of
blessing to mankind, by preparing their
hearts for tho Message of Divine Love
and Grace, centered In Christ and His
redeeming work nt Cnlvnry.
What Say the Sorlptureet
Turning from the Ignorance, super
stition, darkness and terrors of the
Dark Ages, let us look still further
Into the Inspired Word of God through
the Apostles and Prophets. From those
let us hoar some description of the
blessings which God purposes Ills
Kingdom shall bring to our Bin-cursed
race. Tho Scriptures tell us thut God
has prepared a groat feast for hu
manity; they lutlmute figuratively that
mankind has been starving for tho
Message of Divine Grace that billions
of our raco have gone down lu Igno
rance and superstition, famished for
lack of the Word of God,
Tho Bread which enme down from
Heaven the Messago of Truth and
Grace which our dear Redeemer
brought and exemplified has Indeed
been supplied Invlshly to somo. Somo
of us bavo feasted upon the good
things of our Father's Word and Plan.
But the great mass of mankind have
been so deaf and so blind that they see
not neither do they understand nor re
ceive the grace of God, under present
conditions. How glad we are that "all
tho blind eyes shall bo opened, and all
tho deaf ears shall bo unstopped"
(Isaiah 3r:B. aud that tho wholo world
will thus bo prepared for the true
knowledge of God, whoso goodness and
loving kindness and tender mercies
will undoubtedly have n softening nnd
mellowing effect upon hard hearts!
.Blessed the Hungry, -
There tiro many hungry hearts lu tho
world. Many whose bodies are well
nourished bavo famished hearts, which
cry out for lovo and sympathy. He
who reads the hearts, who knows what
Is In them, has prepared this feast
which will surely Biitlsfy every legiti
mate, righteous desire. Those who al
ready are tho Lord's pooplo, and who
have already feasted at the bountiful
table spread for tho Church, can ap
proximate to some extent the bounty
that will be spread before the world
In this grout feast foretold through
the Prophet lu our text There will
bo several differences, however, be
tween our present foast und that for
the world.
The present feast Is merely a feast
of promises which must be partaken
of by tho exercise of fulth. The feast
described In our text will be a very
actual one. The realities of the bless
ing of Restitution of health, of
strength, mental, moral, and physical
will there be bountifully supplied, to
be partukeu of freely by all who ap
preciate them.
Again, the present feast Is H spiritual
one. relating to a Heavenly Kingdom
glory nnd honor things not seen ns
yet except by the eye of faith. To
tho contrary, the feast for the world,
referred to In our text will consist of
earthly bounties and blessings, most
tangible lu kind as well as excellent In
quality. All that was tost In Adam
will bo tendered to such as will accept
the mercy.
The Prophet In attempting to de
scrllx tbe bounties of that feast uses
highly nymlsillcal terms, and describes
It as a "fenst of fat tilings, full of mar
row. of wines on the loea, well refined."
assuredly no language that we could
use could fully and properly set forth
the riches of God's grace provided for
the world of mankind under the minis
tration of His Kingdom. Tbe earth
shall yield her Increase, streams shall
break forth In the deserts, the wilder
uess shall blossom as the rose, the soli
tary place lie made glad. Isaiah 35.
The Destructivs Work.
The Lord, after describing through
the Prophet tbo feast of blessings and
refreshments, portrays the destruction
of things Injurious to mankind, saying,
"And He will destroy in this Mountain
the face of the covering cast over all
people the veil that Is spread over all
nations." (Verse 7.) This veil Is none
other than the veil of ignorance and
superstition which hinders mankind
from seeing Uiat the Creator Is their
Friend, that righteousness and truth
are to their advantage, that the ways
of tho Lord are righteous altogether.
The sunlight of the New Dispensa
tion, the Reign of Righteousness, will
scatter the clouds nnd darkness, the
veil of ignorance, and let Into the
hearts of mankind "tho light of the
knowledge of the glory of God," ns It
shines "In the face of Jesus Christ" our
Lord. What n wonderful chnnge! And
how glad mankind will be, not only
to have that feast prepurcd, but also
to be rid of tho darkness which would
hinder them from appreciating It
Still More to Follow.
The Prophet proceeds to describe fur
ther, saying, "Ho will swallow up
death In victory." For several thou
sand years Death has had tho victory,
and tho human family have been swnl
lowed up by It Tho Scriptures desig
nate the six thousand years of earth's
history as the reign of Sin and Denth.
It is conservatively estimated that
Death has swallowed up twenty thou
sand millions of humanity, and thnt
ninety thousand are going to the tomb
every day.
Tho Lord tells us through the Proph
et thut wltb the establishment of Ills
Kingdom will come a wonderful
change; Instead or Death continuing
to swallow up the race, dying shall
cease. None shall die then except for
wilful sin. How glorious a time that
will Iks! All of our sorrows are more
or less Intimately associated wltb tbe
reign of Sin and Death. How we may
well rejoice in the New Dispensation
which Divine Wisdom has planned, and
which Divine Love will exocute, for
tbe release of our race from the dying
process, permitting them to return to
the liberty of the sons of God free
dom from death, freedom from sin!
But even this Is not enough! The
Lord purposes not merely to restrain
tho power of douth, so that It shall
coaao swallowing up our nice, but ad
ditionally to "swallow up Death In
victory." The tomb, wblcb figuratively
bus engorged itself wltb twenty thou
sand millions, will be forced to dis
gorge, to release Its victims. "All that
are in tho graves shall bear the voice
of tho Son of God and shall come
forth." Tbo saintly few, whose faith
fulness God has already tested, will
come forth to tbo perfection of life
Tbe uusnlntly musses, tbo majority ol
whom have never kuown God truly,
will come forth to a resurrection, by
trial, by Judgment, by discipline. Death
Itself shall be destroyed.
St Paul quotes from the Prophot
Hosen, saying, "O Dcnth, where Is thy
sting? O Grave, whore Is thy vic
tory?" He does not quote this as ap
plicable now; for Sin und Death still
have tbolr victory In the world. Mil
lions are still shire of Sin, and bil
lions nro still bound by the powor of
the tomb. St Pnul and the Prophet
still point down to the glorious Milieu
nlal Kingdom (following the resurrec
tion chango of tho Church), when all
shall be brought to a knowledge of the
Truth, nnd when all thnt nre In tho
prison bouse of Denth Bball come forth,
because Jesus has redeemed every
member of our race from the power
of tho tomb.
"Wipe All Teare Away."
We remember our Redeemer's tender
words, "Como unto Mo, nil ye who la
bor nnd nre heavy laden, nnd I will
give you rest" (Matthew 11:28.)
Those who have accepted His gracious
Invitation, und obtained from Him the
rest of faith, bavo found that it has
meant tho cancellation of their troubles
In a large degree. Wo. then, should bo
able to understand the next statement
In our context "Tho Lord God will
wlK nwny the tears from off nil
faces." It Is the sanio Messago given
lu Revolution, where the sanio King
dom, under the figure of the New I''"1
salem. Is brought to our attention. The
lU'iivonly Father will wle away the
tears, not directly, but Indirectly,
through Ms Son. the Redeemer.
Ten in nro the marks of sorrow, pain,
suffering; and the poetic statement
thnt God Himself will wipe away the
tears of mlnklnd Is a beautiful and
forceful suggestion of how the Power
of tho Highest Is shortly to be em
ployed, not In tho eternal torment of
the world, but In Its blessing, Its uplift
ing, nnd the removal of Its sorrows.
When we remember that there are no
tears In Heaven, and that the Joys of
thnt blessed state are because of Its
sliilessness, our hearts overflow with
thanksgiving ns wo catch, In the poetic
thought, the assurance that all sin, nnd
all sorrow ns tho result of sin, and all
tears nnd marks of sorrow, will forev
er pass away In that happy time.
Let no one Imagine that this signi
fies universal salvnllon. Other Scrip
tures show us that universal opportu
nity for salvation will be accorded, but
thnt none except those who avnll them
selves of this opiwtunlty by a hearty
acceptance of the Divine arrangement,
and a hearty obedience to the laws of
the Kingdom, will get the groat bless
Ing of life everlasting. All others, wll
hit tinner, will be destroyed la the
Second Death.
A long row of hilching posts with a
plank flooring for the horses was con
tsructed this week in the south part
of the city behind the Masonic build
ing now occupied by W. T. Binkery &
Sam Kelley of Monitor, made a
business trip to Woodburn Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gibbone visited
Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W, H. Lemon at Monitor.
Mrs. W. W. Diuwiddie and son Don
ald, spent a few days at Monitor with
her mother, Mrs. W. Cook,
Friends of Miss Frances Weaver of
Hubbard, will be glad to know she is
able to be around after a successful
operation for appendicitis.
Mr. Lantz and Mr. Schreiber attend
ed the teachers' institute at Salem,
Superintendent Coleman spent Satur
day in Portland on business.
Mrs. William Bents and her little
daughter were Woodburn visitors Wed'
H. II. Rottnian, field secretary of the
Christian Endeavor society, was here
Monday and gave an interesting ad
dress at the Presbyterian church.
Mrs. W. Cook of Monitor spent
Thursday ia Woodburn.
Mrs. Al Mishler aud daughter of
Salem spent the week end with hr
mother, Mrs. M. Wain polo.
Stanleigh McKay of Port'nnl trans
acted basil ess here this wopU.
J. A. Ferschweiler of Gervais, bought
a Ford car this week from S. E. Bruno
& Son.
Mrs. E. Shephard of Gervais, was iu
town Saturday shopping.
At. Bloom of Portland, was in town
Saturday on business.
Airs. Dora E. Findley spen'. the weeic
eid with friends in Wool'"ii..
W. R. Hunter of Portland- was ia
Woodbura 'iii--day on business.
Hattie .'.ijvrs of Marqu.a. was in
town Stftui day shopping.
Mr. and Mrs T. P: Soles returned
last we 4; af'.ir a two-weeks visit to
Airs. Al r and daughter of Don
ald, were hc.o Friday ns the guests cf
'.er parent.
Airs. Wn Wjihelm and daughter,
Oeraldine, of Aurora, were In town on
Saturday, tlujiiig.
Littli !,'. i e Foil ol SUVerton,
ppeut luit viek vni.i, little Irene
Stock of Woodburn.
Mrs. H. L, Cook aud daughters,
Veda and Mary, were ia town Saturday
Mrs. V. Peno was In Salem one day
last week on business,
Airs; O. Shaver ot McKeo was in
town Friday, shopping.
Mrs. 0. Becker of St. Paul, was iu
town Wednesday aud spent the day
with her daughter, Airs. Binning.
Mrs, J. McLaughlin was iu town on
Friday, shoppiug.
E. G. Eaimett was in Mt. Angel
Wednesday ou business.
W, Molt of Gervais, was in town
Thursday on business.
Miss M, 15. Roberts of Gervais, was
the guest of Mrs. J. Clark the first of
the week.
Airs. E, Brown will leave for Port
land, Wednesday, where she will visit
with friends and relatives for about a
Ernest Feller of Donald, was la
Woodburn Saturday ou business.
Air. and Airs, Cailqulst of Louver
worth, are the guests of Air. and AIr.i.
S. E, Bruno this week.
Charles Randall of Salem, spent Sat
unlay and Sunday with friends 'n
Miss Ethel Newton went to Portland
Saturday to meet her brother-in-law
The statement is mado that thou
sands wear oyeglaasos who do not real
ly need them. If you aro one of these
unfortunates, then those glasses may bo
ruining your eyes iustead of helping
them. Thousands who wear those "win
dows" may prove for thoniselvot that
the) ran dispense with g'assos if the,'
will get the following prescription fill
ed at once. Go to any active drug
store and get a bottle of Optoma, fill
a two-ounce bottle with water and drop
in one Optoma tablet With this barm
less liquid solution bathe the eyes two
to four times daily and you are like
ly to be astonished at the results right
from the start Many who have boon
told thnt they have astigmatism, eye
strain, cataract, sore eye-lids, weak
eyes, conjunctives and other eye dis
orders, report wonderful benofits from
tho use of this free proscription. Get
this prescription filled and use it; you
may so strengthen your eyes that glass
es will not be necessary. Thousands
who are blind or nearly so, or who wear
glasses would never have required them
If they had cared for their eyes la time.
Save your eyes before it Is too late1
Po not become one of those victims
of neglect. Eyeglasses are only Like
crutches and every few years they
must be changed to fit the ever-lncreaa-ing
weakened condition, so better see
If you can, like many others, get clear,
healthy, strong niagnetle eyes through
the prescription here gives.
and to bring back kher little nephew,
Fenton Newton Dunn with her. Fenton
will spend a couple of months here at
the home of his grandparents, Mr. aul
Mrs. 0. D. Newton.
Miss Miariara Dawkins of Portland,
Spent Saturday and Sunday at the
home of her parents.
J. K. Gow went to Portland Monday
on business.
J. F. Voss of Portland, transact'-.!
busiaess in town Friday.
W. R. Stiles of Oregon City, visited
friends in Woodburn Saturday.
Airs. B. AIcKee of AlcKee, was shop
ping in town Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Geer of Waldo Hills,
are visting friends in the city this
Aliss Helen Scollard of West Wood
burn, visited friends here Saturday and
took in the dance at the armory in
tho evening.
G. McGuire left Saturday for Albany
where he will open a. skating rink.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leith were in
town one day last week visiting
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sargant of Puyal
lup, Wash., arived in Woodburn Satur
day and will visit several days with
j relatives oeiore going to iiioiaiia,
wnere they will make their home in
the future.
Miss Sadies Richard was the guest
of Miss Helen Scollard of West Wood
burn several days last week.
Corry Richard of Aurora, attended
the Washington birthday dance at the
armory Saturday night.
W. Griesel spent the week end with
his parents at Portland.
Alias Lulu Bents of Aurora, was the
guest of AlisB Lois Beebe.
Roy Scollard of Portland is visiting
at the home of his parents this week.
Clarence Coylo of St. Paul attended
the Washington birthday dance at the
armory Saturday night. ,
Aliss Blanche Alack, who hns been
working for several weeks at the Brad
shaw millinery store, Portland, re
turned home last week.
Fred Borgen of Donald, was in town
Saturday looking after business in
terests. Airs. Daniel 8. Rodgers of Aurora,
was in town Monday shopping.
Airs. A, J. Grien of Aurora, spent
Monday in town with friends.
Gilbort Cole went to Portland Mon
day and will visit a few days with
P. D. Scttlemeier was in Portland
Alouday on business.
Aliss Petra Skei of Mt. Angel, was
shopping in town Monday.
Mrs. G. V. Wilson of Aurora, was in
town Monday shopping.
Mr. and Airs. Cutsforth of Gervais,
visited friends in Woodburn Monday.
Woodburn, Feb. 28. (Special.) Tho
W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs.
M. Forbes Wednesday afternoon; after
the business session a social hour was
enjoyed by the members.
The members in the play to be given
by the Women's club Alarch 3, held
their first rehearsal at the home of
Mrs, Frank 8ettlomier Thursday even
ing. The remnininj; rehcarsnls will be
hold at the C. 0. F. hall.
A large and pleasant affair of the
woek was the Alartha Washington din
ner given by the Women 's club at the
armory. Tho armory and tables were
beautiful with their colonial decora
tions. Mrs. Stolla Kennedy rendered
several piano selections which all en
joyed greatly. Misses Ruth Gilbertson.
Lois Bcebe and Avon AIcKinney pre
sided at the candy booth. Those who
served the dinner were: Mesdames
Stolla Kennedy, Robert Scott, Frank
Settleniier, C. C. Goodall, M. Drake,
B. AfcCord, J. Al. roonuan, T. C. Poor
man, Alissos Madge Scollard, Lois
Beebe, Avon McKinney, Mary Scollard
nnd Ruth Gilbortson, Much credit is
duo tho committee in charge, ns it was
a success, socially as well as finau
cially. Air. and Airs. J. J. Hnll Invited a
few of their friends to spend Monday
evening at their home on Lincoln
street, in compliment to their house
guest, Mr. nnd Mrs. Sidney Boniface
of Vancouver, Wash. Tho evening was
pleasantly passed in conversation, and
Professor Boniface delighted the guests
wrtlt several of his selections, both
vocal and instrumental, At a late
hour dainty refreshments wero served
by tho hostess. Those invited were:
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Boniface, Air. and
Mrs. Elmer Hall, Airs. Florence Hull,
Miss Lidn Boynton, and Miss Wilsou.
Mr. and Airs. Charles McCormick en
tertained at dinner Sunday at their
country home; covers were laid for Miss
Lucy Wilford of Woodburn, Clarence
Coylo, Herman Coyle, of St. Pnul, the
Misses Zcla and t'nrrle AlcCormick,
John McCormick und the host and
Miss Lucy Wilford spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ale
t'ormick of St. Paul.
Herman Coylo of St. Pnul, spent
Saturday in Woodburn.
Messrs. Clarence and Herman Coyle
of St, Paul, spent several days this
week the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Chnrloe McCormick.
Miss Kena Reiling spent Saturday
and Sunday with relatives in Mt.
Angel, and attended the play, "A
Fisherman's Luck," given by the Mt.
Angel dramatic club.
Miss Ruth Gilbertsoa was the guest
Tuesday of friends In Salem.
Miss Carrie McCormick left the first
of the wees, for Aurora, where she will
stay several weeks with her aunt, Mrs.
Jack Kerr. '
0. W. Quick of Portland, spent Mon
day and Tuesday in Woodburn.
Miss Zeta McCormick of West Wood
burn was the guest of Lucy Wilford
Miss Lucy Wilford will leave tho
first of the month for Heppner, Ore.,
where she has accepted a position as
head trimmer in one of the millinery
Air. and Airs. G. Dunlap who "have
been in Portland for the past week
visiting relatives, returned home on
Airs. Cook Christenson and daughter
Lona of Portland, spent the week end
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Phegley,
and sister, Mrs. John Rydman.
Aliss Clara Guerne Bpent the week
end with her parents in Salem.
L. Robbing expects his mother the
first of the month from Forest Grove,
Mrs. Bobbins and her son will make
their future home here. .
Aliss Calie Knowles spent the week
end with her parents of Portland.
The local play, "The County Fair,
to be staged March 3 under the
auspices of the Women's club is looked
forward to as one of the best plays
ever put on by the talented locals of
Woodburn. Aliss Clara Andrews, who
is directing in very talented in that
Airs. W. Card of Portland, formerly
Aliss Essie Dollarride of Woodburn,
had the misfortune to fall and break
her limb Monday. She is getting
along nicely at St. Vincent's hospital.
As soon as she is. able to be moved,
she will be brought to Woodburn and
will stay with her aunt and uncle, Air.
and Airs. Sauford Alills, while conva
Airs. W. D. Hayes left Tuesday for
her home in Estacada, after a visit of
several weeks with her parents, Air
and Airs. George Bonney.
Airs. Ivan Buyer returned Alonday,
after a visit of .one week with her
parents, Air. and Mrs. N. Stanton of
Elliott Prairie.
Airs. Daniel S. Rogers of Aurora, was
in town Monday, shopping.
Mr. and Airs. Ed Boscoe were the
guests of Air. and Mrs. B. Buyers, on
G. W. Quick of Portland was a Wood
burn visitor Monday.
Aliss Lila Castle was the guest of
Air. and Airs. Chester Geer of Waldo
Hill several days last week.
Joe Jackson of Marquam was the
guest of his brother, Mr. W. A. Jack
son, Sunday.
B, Dimick of Salem, was in town this
week looking after business interests
and also enjoying a visit with his
Air. and Airs. C. Al. Coffin and Air.
and Airs. E. D. Coffin, Jr., of Port
land, who have been visiting at the
home of their aunt, Mrs E. M. Castle
for the past week, have bought prop
erty here and will make their home
here for the future.
Airs. A. Luellum and daughter of
Alolalla, who have been the guests of
Airs. W. A. Jackson, returned to their
homo Alonday.
Ray Abraham visited w'ith relatives
ami friends at Garden Home Saturday
and Sunday.
Airs. Sadie Dimick spent last week
in Cauby as the guest of her brother,
Air. Richard Right.
Airs. E. Diuwoodie of Goldhill, is
visiting at tho homo of her son, Airs.
W. W. Diuwoodie.
Airs. Joe Kennedy was the guest of
friends in Portland Saturday.
A. McDonald spent the week end
with friends in Portland.
Airs. W. C. Cook aud son of Alonitor,
were visiting at the home of Mr. and
Airs. W. W. Diuwoodie the first of the
Airs. Jones of Alonitor, is tho guest
of her daughter, Mrs. W, W. Diuwoodie
this week.
Airs. R. liardcastle of Alonitor, is
visiting this week with friends here.
L. M. Alaxfield of San Jose, Cali
fornia, visited last week at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Al. E. Castle, leaving
Saturday for Waldo Hills, whero he
will visit with friends for a couple
of weeks,
A. Dnuielson of Alonitor, was in
Woodburn Wednesday on business.
Aliss A. Wilson spent Sunday with
her parents at Portland.
D. Davis of Raymond, Wash,, who has
been visiting his brother, Charles
Davis, for tlio last week, left Monday
for Tillamook, where he has accepted
a position in ono of the logging camps.
.Mrs. Siebert of Aurora, is visiting his
daughter, Airs. Hanlon this week.
F. 0. Kessler who hns been In a
sanitarium in California, for several
months, returned to Woodburn and Is
greatly improved in health.
VX1TED rilBSS LK4SK0 Wilis.)
Alarlin, Tex., AInrch 2. Jeff Tesrenu
Inst night signed a coutrnct for three
years with the New York club, accord
ing to nu announcement by President
Hempstead. Federal league agents, it
is said, had made overtures to the
Christy Atathewson arrived last
night and said he would take up the
salnj-y question with President Hemp
stead next week.
Fred Snodgrass arrived yesterdnv
from Los Angeles,
JOURNAL WANT ADS. bring result
No Sick Headache, Billons Stomach,
Coated Tongue or Constipated
Bowels by Morning.
Get a 10-cent box now.
Turn the rascals out the headache,
biliousness, indigestion, the siek, sour
stomach and foul gases turn them out
tonight and keep them out with Cas
carets. Millions of men and women take a
Cascaret now and then and never know
the misery caused by a lazy liver, clog
ged bowels or an upset stomach.
Dont put in another day of distress.
Let Cascarets cleanse your stomach; re
move the sour, fermenting food; take
the excess bile from your liver and car
ry out all the constipated waste matter
and poison in the bowels. Then you
will feel groat.
A Cascaret tonight Btraightena you
out by morning. They work while you
sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug
store means a clear head, sweet Btomach
and clean, healthy liver and bowel ac
tion for months. Children love Cascar
ets because they never gripe or sicken.
Diller, Geological history of Crater
Lake. Pamphlet.
George, Nothing without labor. (Geo.
ur., Republican pam.)
Johnson, Purification of public water
supplies. Phamplot.
United States, General information
regarding Crater Lake National Park.
Pamphlet. .
World almanac, 1914.
Arabian nights, edited by Frances J.
Arabian nights, edited by Kate D.
Asbpornsen, Fairy tales from the far
Bain, Cossack fairy tales and folk
Baldwin, Story of Siegfried.
Beard, Little folks' handy book.
Burnett, The secret garden.
Channon, An American boy at Hen
ley. Chodsko, Slave fairy tales.
Darton, Wonder book of beasts.
Douglas, Scottish fairy and folk
Ellis, Wide awake girls.
Forman, Stories of useful inventions.
Gladwin, A boy's ride.
Goss, The boy a life of General
Ketcham, Oreintal fairy tales.
Alaeterlinck, Children's Bluebird.
Pyle, Counterpane fairy.
Stoddard, Little Smoke.
united mess leased wihi.)
London, March 2. Tho Earl of Alin
to, ex-governor-general of Canada and
ex-viceroy of India, died at Hawick at
4 iu m. Sunday morning. Ho was born in
1845, nlnd after hs education at Eaton
and Cambridge, there were 30 years
filled with brilliant exploits as a sol
dier, Bix as governor-general of Cana
da and five in governing India.
Roseburg, Or., March 2. Sheriff
Quine yesterday received a telegram
from Chico, Cal., to tho effect that Fred
Alartin ia under arrest there charged
with being one of the men who, in
June, 1911, held up the "Shasta Limit
ed" noar Yoncalla and tho "California
Express' ' in Cow Creek canyon, Doug
las county, slid obtained money and
valuables to the amount of about $250.
Value docs not necessarily
menu low prices. It may mean
superior or unusual service, or
high quality of merchandise.
It is on this law that the grow
ing demanded for advertised
articles is based,
By experience many pooplo
have come to know that an arti
cle put out under a definito
name and backed up by adver
tising is, in a certain sense, a
standard of value.
It stands for something defi
nite aud tangible.
It is to be preferred to an
article of "unknown ancestry."
This very same law is what ia
prompting so ninny national ad
vertisers to use the newspapers
la preference to any other me
dium. They give a better standard
of value or iu other words pro
duce quicker and more definite
sales for k given cost than would
be produced through other chan
nels. Trade follows value as surely
as night follows day.
For evidence watch the ever
growing volume of advertising
in this newspaper,