Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 23, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    FAOB BIX. "
Lord's Gracious Provision For
the World of Mankind.
Eternal Torment . Wholly Foreign to
the Divine Character God'i Judg
merits Are "Righteous Altogether.
Death the Divine Judgment Against
the Race of Adam God's Special
Judgments The World's Judgment
During the Millennium Healing and
Uplifting From Sin and Death Con
ditions Destruction Only For the
Wilfully Rebellious.
February 22.
Fastor Russell
still preaches oral
ly as well as by
bis free "Pboto
Drama of Crea
tion," which Is pre
senting the Gos
pel to eye and ear
dally to thousnnds
In the great titles.
Ills sermons are
still reaching mil
lions through the
nubile press. His
text for today Is: "When Thy Judg
ments are abroad In the earth, the In
habitants of the world will learn right
eousness." (Isaiah 20:0.) lie said:
Only those who come to an advanc
ed knowledge of God's Word can real
ize bow Divine Judgments are all good
all blessed. Under the Influence of
tbo fog of superstltl'tn, not understand
ing aright the teachings of the Scrip
tures, supposing that they teach ttor
nul torment for the majority of our
race, wo feared God, rather than loved
Him. We dared not say that such n
Judgment on God's part was wrong,
malicious, devilish, yet wo wero un
able to see It In any other light. Hence
havo come the general perplexity of
Christendom, the general alienation of
heart, and many Intelligent minds driv
en to Infidelity, to dislike to think
about God and Ills supposedly terrible
purposes respecting our race, to gen
eral awo respecting the Illblo, and to
fear of lis misunderstood teachings.
. Word Shining at Never Before.
But now in tint dawning of tbo New
Dispensation, the Word of God Is shin
ing as never before. One passage Illu
minating another, our fear gives place
to reverential lovo and filial awo. Wo
begin to understand that the torment
doctrines which wo received ure whol
ly foreign to the Dlvlno character,
which, on tho contrary, Is distinctly
marked by Wisdom, Justice, Mercy
ami Love toward nil. We llnd our
selves now In agreement with tho
Scriptural declaration that God's Judg
ments are "righteous altogether," and
we delight lu them.
Instead of a Judgment of eternal tor
ment us a penalty for sin, we tlud u
Judgment, or sentence, of death. We
agreo to the righteousness of that ver
dict, or Judgment. God bnd a right to
demand of His creature the obedience
bo was nblo to render. He had n per
fect right to destroy him In death
when lie refused tbo blessing of life
oternul on the terms of obedience. Bee
lug this, how rejoiced wo aro to note
the Divine Mercy In the Plan of Re
demption for the sinner and bis off
spring through the sacrifice of Christ!
Ah a result we have good hope In His
Judgments; for Ho who once Judged
us worthy of death has with equal
Justice redeemed us and granted us
the opportunity of eternal life through
tls? resurrection.
It was another part of the Divine
Judgment against our race that. In
stiiul of the death penalty's coming In
stantly upon Adam and Eve. It came
gradually, that through the processes
of gradual dying they might tho better
learn tho Iokroii of "the exceeding sin
fulness of Mln." to tho Intent that
when granted the new trial secured by
the merit of Christ's Bticrlllce, they
wight profit by It the more. The same
1 ni ii 1 1 ! applies to nil of Adam's pos
terity. "The whole creation groaneth
iiml travalleth In pnlu together until
How, waiting for the niuiilfestu
tlnil of the suns of God." (Itomnns
tt '..!. V.Vi They aro waiting for the
cKtalillshmont of Christ's Millennial
Kingdom, under which they will have
a full opportunity of coming to s
knowledge of the Truth.
This Is God's provision for the world
In general! What God did for Natural
Israel during the Jewish Age. and
what lie has been doing for Spiritual
Israel since Pentecost, In tills Gospel
Age, inn matters separate and apart
from Ills general dealing with mail
kind The natural and the Spiritual
(Seed of Abraham are exceptions to the
ruli Natural Israel under the Law
Covenant and Spiritual Imi'iicI undei
Hie Abruhunilc Covenant have lieon
trniuleil special privileges and blessing
not granted to the world In general.
Fmiii thife two nnmlnnl Israels ape
rinl 'uvoreoiners" have been chosen, oi
lecfid. These shortly, In association
v Ith the Itedit'iner, will constitute th
Kliiudom of God. The overcmners ot
Spiritual Israel, becoming the llrldc
f Christ by resurrection chnngo to the
Heavenly until mi. will bp like Him and
xhitr His glory, and will constitute tlx
Kingdom class. In the highest sense
Tit overcome of Natural Israel, res
irrwt! to tho perfection of human nil
uiu will constitute the eurtblj phase
P :i
A v ,
(jftSlflkl gUSSELL)
of the Millennial Kingdom. Mankind
1 may see and have Intercourse with
I thnnr l.iit MI i.f airx ti.i llfltm A I pant
Intercourse with tho glorified Christ,
Head and Body the King of Glory.
"God Will Judge His People."
So far as the world Is concerned, It
has been under tho one general sen
tence of Divine Justice, "Dying, thou
shalt die." But Natural and Spirltunl
Israel have been dealt with ns freed
from the original sentence and on trial
for life or death afresh under God's
Judgmeuts, or disciplines. Thus It Is
written, "Jehovah will Judge His peo
ple." Not all under these Judgments
have understood them; not all were in
the condition of heart to receive their
"The secret of the Lord Is with them
that fear IHm; and He will show them
His Covenant" U'snlm 25:14). Thus,
during the Jewish Age, Israel often
lapsed Into more or less darkness and
Idolatry, and failed to see their spe
cial privileges and relationship to God
under tlielr Covenant. But amongst
them were tho few who with the eye
of faith discerned the righteousness of
God's dealing with them. Of these
wero the Prophets, who rehearsed the
Divine rewards and punishments, de
claring that they were true and right
eous altogether and merciful In the ex
treme. Similarly during this Oospel Age
Christendom as a whole has not been
In tho condition to hear, to understand.
to appreciate, tt.e Judgments of the
Lord. But some have been "Israelites
Indeed," who possessed the secret of
the Lord and who were able to rejoice
In . Ills Judgments Ills righteous deal
ings. They have realized by faith
God's love for them. "The Father
Himself loveth you" (John 10:27). By
faith they have appreciated the Apos
tle's assurance that "all things work
together for good to them that love
God. to them who are called according
to Ills purpose." Romans 8:28.
God's Judgments In the World.
We have seeu that God's Judgments
In the past have beeu merely with
those who shall constitute the Seed of
Abraham (natural and Spiritual),
through whom, uceordlng to the Prom
ise, "nil the families of the earth shall
he blessed" (Genesis 28:14). We now
uoto the fact that our text does not re
late to either of theso; for their Judg
ments could be discerned only by tho
eye of faith. Our text refers to tho
world's Judgments during the Millen
nial Age. Then God's Judgments will
be abroad lu tho earth not confined
merely to one nation or especially call
ed class and will Include every mem
ber of Adam's race. And while these
are declared to, be the Lord's Judg
ments, note the fact thnt they will be
administered by The Christ of which
our glorllled Redeemer will be the
Head, and Ills membora, when glori
fied, will bo the Dody-tho Church.
The Judgments of the Lord abroad lu
tho earth will not meuu havoc and dis
may to mankind In general, but tho
very reverse relief, nsslstnneo, to all
who come Into line with nil tho right
eous arrangements of that Kingdom,
designed for their uplifting from Bin
and death conditions. The Judgments
of that Day of n thousand years will
be severe even to destruction, against
the wilfully, the deliberately rebellious,
after they shall have been brought to
n clear appreciation of right and
wrong, good mid evil, and their results
life and death.
Mark the statement of the Prophet
David when prophetically referring to
the Millennial Ago. Ho points out that
tho Judgments of that time will be a
cause of gladness. Ho says:
"Bay smnnpt the heathen that the Lord
The world olio shall be established that
It shall not be movwl;
He shall judge the people righteously.
Let the heavens rejoice, and lut the earth
be slat ;
Let the sua roar, and the fulness there
of. Let the field be Joyful, and all that le
Then shall nil the tree of the wood re
joice rtrfore the Lord; for He cometh,
for He cometh to Jmlg-o the earth;
He ahnll Judiie the world with rltfhteoue
noes, And the people with Ilia Truth." Psalm
A Millennial Judgment Day.
Note tho words of St. Paul respect
ing what God has in reservation for
the world, llo says: God "bath ap
pointed u Day the thousand year Day
of Christ In which Ho will Judge tho
world In righteousness by that Man
whom llo hath ordained." Acts 17:31.
In this work ordained for our Lord
He Is to havo associates the elect
Church, Ills members, of whom the
Apostle writes, saying, "Know ye not
that the saints shall Judge the world?"
il Corinthians (l:Li And the Ancient
Worthies enuuierali'd b.v St. Paul illo
brews 11 :,",J i)i will also be Judges,
earthly representatives of tho Heav
enly Kingdom. As It Is written, "1
will restore thy Judges as tit tho first
and thy counsellors as at tho begin-nlng."-lsaluh
Our all-wlso Creator, who has thus
provided both the Heavenly and tho
earthly Judges of the world lu the
elis'tlou from Israel and the election of
the Gospel Age, has thus demonstrat
ed, to tho few who understand "tho
sis-ret of the Lord," "the Mystery bid
den from ages and dispensations" past.
It Is evident that there will bo no dis
appointment, no failure. In respect to
(Jod'a great Oath bound Covenant made
with Abraham-"!!) thy Seed shall nil
file families of the earth be blessed."
The basis jf the blessing Is the ro
demptlve work of Christ, finished nt
Calvary. The outworking of that bless
ing will con e through the glorified Lord
and th Church. Ills Body.
The di-Kt work will be the establish
ment of a righteous government In the
hands of those already proveu abso
lutely loyal to God and to Ills right
eousness fnlthful even unto death.
We may hsve full coiiltdeuc that In
that Kingdom Justice, will be laid to
the line und righteousness to the
plummet, as God has promised. (Isa
iah 28:17.) Not only so, but we may
have full confidence thnt mercy will
have a free baud there, to do all for
mankind that would be reasonable and
possible. The combination of a strong
Government with merciful assistants
Is assured by the fact that our Lord
will be, not only the grent King, but
also the great Priest, Prophet and
Teacher. Even so, ulso, the Church
shall be kings and priests. Their of
fice, their service, will be a combina
tion of ruling and healing, instructing
and uplifting.
Everything done will come under the
bead of Judgment righteous dealing.
Every good deed, yea, every good ef
fort, will be rewarded. Tbo Judgment
will be a blessing. It will mean un in
crease of harmony with the Lord and
of character development, and restl
tutlonal physlcnl experiences. (Acts
8:19-21.) Instead of the ways of dark
ness there will be the way of light
Instead of the broad road leading to
destruction;' with the mnsscs going
down thereon to the tomb there will
be the Highway of Holiness. Instead
of stones of stumbling, we are assured
thnt all the stumbling-stones shall be
gathered out of the way. Instead of
beastly violence, overmastering temp
tations and besetmeuts, devouring
mankind because of their Inability to
resist the Adversary, tho Bible assures
us that Satan will be bound and that
tho wild beasts of vice and degeneracy
will all be brought Into subjection.
Thus nothing "shall hurt or destroy In
oil God's holy Mountain Kingdom."
"And an highway shall be there, and a
way, and It shall bo called the Way of
nollncs.s."-lHiilab 11:0; 35:8.
The Messianic Psnlm seventy-second
finds Its application In thnt glori
ous Millennial Epoch. Thus we read:
"Give the King Thy Judgments, O God,
and Thy righteousness unto the King's
Son. He shall Judge Thy people with
righteousness and Thy poor with Judg
ment Justice. Ho shnll Judge
tho poor of the people. Ho shnll save
the children of the needy and shall
brenk in pieces the oppressor.
Ho shall come down like rain upon the
mown grass, as showers that water the
earth. In His days shall the righteous
flourish; and abundance of pence as
long ns tho moon endureth."
"The People Will Learn Righteous
ness." As already shown, God's dealings In
tho past have beeu with tho world only
In the senso of executing a general
sentenco for Adanilc sin n death sen
tence with ull that It Involves of jnen
tal, moral, and physical degeneracy
dying. All of God's special Judgments
have been with those who were Justi
fied to special relationship through
faith. If we were to Judge of the
number who will be blessed during the
Millennium by the numbers In the Lit
tle Flock of Natural Israel nud the
Little Flock of Spiritual Israel, saved
under God's Judgments ln-udvanco of
the Millennium, tho outcome of the
world's Judgment would not appear fu
vornblo. But these would not be fair criteria.
Present conditions are permitted to
test and to prove the faith ns well as
the obedience of those who are under
trial, or Judgment, and who have such
a faith as permits them to grnsp the
glorious features of the present call.
Consequently, few there will bo who
will find the great reward now offered.
-Matthew 7:14.
This Is as God designs It, because Ho
Is selecting a special class. But tho ar
rangements made for mankind In gen
eral are that the darkness and Bin of
the present time shall flee oway. The
dawning of the Millennial Morning,
with the rising of the Sun of Righteous
ness with healing In His beams (The
Christ In glory to enlighten the world),
will mean ' that knowledge will be
granted mankind facts, evidences,
Tho world will not be required to
"walk by faith and not by sight." as
aro the Elect of the Gospel Age. In
stead of tho EYE OK FAITH of the
present time will be tho EYE OF UN
DERSTANDING (knowledge), then.
Instead of the secret of the Lord being
kept from the world, all of ills gra
cious purposes will then stand fully
revealed. "The knowledge of tbo glory
of God shall till tho whole earth as the
waters cover tho great deep" (Halmk
kult 2:14i. As a result, none shall
need to sny unto bis nclghVir nud to
bis brother. Know tho Lord, for nil
shall know Illm, from the least to the
greatest of them. Every kneo shnll
bow and every tongue confess, to the
glory of God iJeiviuiah 3I:!M; Romans
11:11: liilllpplans 2:10. Hi. When
every good deed shall receive promptly
mid manifestly lut reward, and every
evil deed shall receive promptly Its
punishment, the world will speedily
learn to avoid the punishments and to
win the rewards by obedience to the
laws of the Kingdom.
The Scope of Our Text,
The Prophet In our context person
ates The Christ. Jesus the Head mid
the Church Ills Body, Note tho state
ment In our context: "With my soul I
have desired Thee lu tho night." The
night of sin bus been upon the world
for centuries. The Morning Is nt band,
but nut yet fully come.
During the night time the faithful of
the Church aro represented ns walking
In the light of God's Word. "Thy
Wonl Is a lamp unto my feet, and a
lantern unto my path" (Psalm 119:
10B. St Peter says: "Wo have a
more sure word of prophecy, to which
wo do well to lake heed as unto n
light shilling In a dark place until the
Day dawn and the Day Star arise. (2
Peter l:U).l lu this night time the
F.lect are different from the majority
of those around them. They desire
God's righteousness and they pray:
"Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done
on earth, even aa It Is done In Ilea Ten."
District Sorely Beset With Trials last
i Year Showing an Amazing
Attitude This Year.
Public Will Transact Business Same
as in Postofflce and Trip to
Main Office Unnecessary.
Chicago, Feb. 23. Flood prevention
efforts on an adequate basis, begun in
Chicago by a Flood Proveuttion Com
mittee of the "financially starved"
National Drainage Congress, have
brought reports of astounding apathy
and inaction from communities which
wero stricken only last year by floo-1
disaster. From all flood strickea cities
and towns was reported the need for
a vehement and decisive leadership in
flood prevention activities. Notwith
standing that tho disaster was nation
al in its nature and that business every
where felt tho monetary losses, the
communities have failed to get away
from local and state quibbles. A ro
port from Columbus, O., stated:
"I have met with no active coop
eration in any source very much to my
surprise, and not at all owing to any
other influenee than that the local
flood-plans here seem to absorb the en
tiro interest of those who would nat
urally be interested in your work, I
furnished the governor with copies of
the Clurk bill, but was given to under
stand that he had given it only cursory
examination on account of other press
ing business. Later ho recommended
to tho general assembly a bill local to
Miami valley, which is drawn upon
linos similar to tho national idea which
you advance as I understand it
which bill is now a law. I later gave
copies of the bill and accompanying
literature to tho city director of public
works for use in a conference on the
local city flood matters in Columbus.
The literature was readily accepted,
but I have since received no evidence
that it awakened moro than a passing
interest, tho whole attention being
riveted on local plans which aro still
largely in dispute."
Postal Bank In Store.
A postal savings bank branch is a
novel feature adopted by a Chicago
department store, a novelty even in
theso days of auditorium and banquet
halls as magnets to pull people past
its aisles of bargains. The branch
will bo located in the center of the
storo on the main floor balcony. The
public will transiict business tho samo
as at th6 postofflce. Deposits ranging
from $1 to $100 may be made or with
drawn at any time. Money kept on
deposit will accumulate interest at 2
per cent per annum. This idea of hav
ing a branch of the postal savings bank
in tho State street storo originated
with employees-, who sought a convi
cut place to deposit their savings. The
establishment of a postal savings bank
in large commercial establishments ap
pears to a feature of the postal sav
ings bank bill which even its origi
nators did not consider at the time of
its passage.
School Gardening.
Tho success of school gardening in
Ontnrio Bud other parts of Canada will
You Can Have Fined and Use at Home.
Do you wear glasses! Are you a vic
tim of eyestrain or other eye-weakness!
If bo, you will be glad to know that
there Is real hope for you. Many whose
oyes wero failing say they have had
their oyes restored through the princi
ple of this wonderful free prescription.
One man says aftor trying it: "I was
almost blind; could uot see to read at
all. Now I can read everything with
out any glasses and my eyos do not wa
ter any moro. At night they would
pain dreadfully; now they foel fine all
the time. It was like a miracle to mo."
A lady who used it says: "The atmos
phere seemed hazy with or without
glasses, but after using this prescription
fur fifteen days, everything seoins clear.
I can even read fine print without
glasses. " It is believed that thousands
who wear glasses can now discard thorn
in a reasonable time ami multitude,
more will bo able to strengthen taoir
eyes so as to bo spared the trouble and
expense of over getting glasses. Eye
troubles of many descriptions may be
wouderfully benefited by following ths
simple rules. Here is the prescription:
(lo to any active drug store and get a
bottle of Optona, fill a two ounce bot
tle with warm water, drop In on Op
tima tablet, and allow to dissolve. With
this liquid batho the eye two to four
times daily, You should notico your
eyes clear up perceptibly right frova the
start and inflammation will quickly dis
appear. It your eyes are bothering yon
even a little take steps to save them
now before it is too late. Maay hope
lessly blind might have bea saved if
tier had eared far their eyes la time.
be urged from Chicago headquarters
of the American Society for 'Thrift in
behalf of the Strauss plan recently en
dorsed by United States Commissioner
of Education Claxton, who stated that
it can add $100,000,000 a year to the
incomes of homes of 2,000,000 school
children. In Canada the purpose of
the gardening is more that of educa
tion than the promoting of thrift, ed
ucation in rudiments of agriculture,
but, it has served both purposes. This
plan as a means of constructive thrift
adopted by the American Society for
Thrift was due to the president, Simon
W. Strauss, a banker and head of S. W.
Strauss & Co. A report of the princi
pal of a "continuation school" at
Winona, Out., W. B. Johnston, said:
"Wo have gone beyond the experi
mental stage and the school garden is
as necessary a part of our equipment
as are books or blackboards. We di
vide the school grdening into two
parts: The practical work, and the
teaching of agriculture. With the first
is associated the related studies of
Mathematics, English, Biology; with
the second is associated Geography and
History, Chomistry, Physics, and Life
and Man. Besides class plots each
pupil is assigned at least three rows,
one in each of three beds, with a choice
of radishes, carrots, lettuce, turnips or
beets. Each pupil makes a collection
of weeds, weed seeds and insects, and
prizes are given at tho Fall Fair for
collections, and also for the best kept
garden plots, accompanied by the best
kept dairy. Eighty per cent of our
school children did not know the com
mon grains on a farm."
Tho staets of Alabama and Wash
ington and the citios of Chicago, New
York, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Duluth,
Memphis, Saginaw and many others
have made a beginning which has
proved the value of gardening work,
although the value of the vegetables
which can be grown in a garden was
demonstrated best in Memphis. The
Memphis report stated:
"It is estimated that the two thou
sand boys of grades five to eight
should annually average at least ten
dollars' worth of vegetables from thoir
home gardens; and that tho more than
two thousand girls of these grades, be
cause of this instruction and stimula
tioon in sewing, should increase the
value of their sewing in the home an
average of at least ten dollars a year.
This would bring to our Memphis
homes $40,000 annually, and more than
a hundred thousand dollars' worth in
habits of industry and self-reliance."
Chicago's Mountain lu Danger.
Alarm lest Chicago loso its one and
only mountain thrills tho Geographical
Society, for it is ono big specimen.
This "mountain" only has an altitude
of soventy-four feet and has been
"scaled" by hundreds of scientists.
It is in danger of slipping away some
night when no one is looking. Tho
Geographical Society, in a petition to
the South Park commissioners Wednes
day, asks that the park board take
control of '"Stony Island so named
because it neither stony nor an is
land," und place tho mountain under
the watchful eyes of a park police
man, Tho mountain is between East
Ninety-first and East Ninoty-fourth
streets and Stony Island and Kingston
avenues. It is about one and a quarter
miles long and a half mile wide. But
tho mountain was once a real one, with
an altitude of about 750 feet and con
tains rock folds that are of great
value to the students of geology, and
proves that at one timo the site of
Chicago was covered by a glacier.
Time and tin cans are causing the
mountain to disappear, The swamp in
which it is located is being used as
May Quit South Water Street.
An exodus from South Water stroet,
Chicago's famous produce rialto, oa
which the crates of vegetables and
poultry block the sidewalks and swarms
of hucksters' wagons block the thor
oughfares, will take place in a few
months or a few yenrs, according to
the success of a modern "produco cen
ter" which la planned. Tho move will
cost $20,000,000. Cramped and insani
tary housing conditions, congested
street trnff ic and poor transportation
service long have made South Water
street unsuitable as the distributing
enter for the city 's produce, according
to tho sponsors.
"The buildings at tho new location
will be absolutely modern and sani
tary," a committee chairinnn said.
"There will be big warehouses to
which all of the railroads will havo ac
cess, as well as cooling plants, water
transportation and better street trnf-
fie facilities. The project is backed
by at least $'-O,000,0O0 and its success
ful outcome virtually is assured."
The committee which was appointed
about four months ago to consider the
advisability of moving the city's pro-
luce center to a new location repre
sents through its members four South
Water street organizations, which are:
Dressed Poultry Dealers' Association;
Produce Trade and Credit Association;
Butter aiul Kgg Hoard, and Live Poul
try Dealers' Association. More than
"00 companies and firms coming under
these classifications are said to be in
terested in the move.
Single Tax Campaign.
Some startling changes in Chicago
real estate and iu Illinois farm land
speculatively held may be the result
of a centralized at'aek by the single
tax advocates under the organized
supervision of the Henry George lec
ture association. This phalanx of the
. ,. . I V . - s CM SB-J "TtfH V- tK - -.'
single tax army has decided to cam
paign in the state of Illinois after
analysis of the national situation,
which seemed to promise Buccess in
this state. John Z. White will be the
principal campaigner, with arguments
for the initiative and referendum,
which are favored by Governor Dunne
and his administration, as the opening
wedge, and the exemption of build
ings and personal property from taxa
tion as the sequel to the plan which
has, contrary to predictions, proved so
successful in Vancouver.
"It is now found as easy to keep
a lecturer in the field in a single Btate
as it was ten years ago to keep one iu
the entire national field," said Presi
dent F. IT. Monroe, of the Henry
Georgo Association, speaking of the
growth of single tax sentiment. "This
association is composed of 3,500 con
tributing members. Mr. White can
carry the war-cry of the single taxers
to meetings of boards of trade, com
mercial clubs and even real estate as
sociations. "
If Costive, Headachy, Bilious, Stomach
Sour, Breath Bad Clean Your
Liver and Bowels.
Get a 10-cent bottlo now.
' You men and women who can't get
seoliug right who have headache,
coaled tongue, foul tatso and foul
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are
bilious, nervous and upset, bothered
with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach,
or have backache and feel worn out.
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Cascarots, or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with salts,
cathartic pills or castor oil f
CaBcarets work while you sleep;
cleanBe the stomach, remove the sour,
undigested, fermenting food and foul
gases; take the excess bile from the
liver and carry out of the system all
the constipated waste matter and
poison of the bowels.
A Case a rot tonight will straighten
you out by morning a 10-eent box
from any drug store will keep your
stomach sweet; liver and bowels reg
ular, and head clear for months. Don't
forgot the children. They love Caeca
rots because they tate good never
gripe or sicken.
The motto "I serve" on tho feather
ed crest of the Prince of Wales might
well be taken as the motto of good
newspaper advertising.
It 1b the most faithful of public ser
vants and the most generous.
It rewards the man who writes ami
the man who reads.
It brings buyers and sellers together
in transactions of mutual pleasure and
H keeps the wheels turning and the
pay envelope full.
It saves time and saves money.
It speaks directly nud to the point.
It brings its messngo to the home
and the fireside.
Let the winged words of the world's
work as they appear daily iu the ad
vertising columns of this newspaper
tisiTin rntss it-askd whir.
Denver, t'olo., ' Feb. 21. Governor
Amnions yesterday received a message
from Charles Moore, president of the
Panamaraeifie Exposition, thanking
him for the assurance that Coloradj
will be represented at the 1015 fair.
Governor Amnions appeared before the
state mining convention here yesterday
and urged a state mineral exhibit at
the exposition.
To Cur a Cold In Ona Day.
Tablets, Druggists refund money if it
fials to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signa
ture is oa each box. 25c.
b";:'- 'fiQi- ;,'"'J' j
ff W " B.' .-'
' ' 'r' "" i
v , M W" -if
By Lillian Lauferty.
All of the world is in love in summer,
Flowers and birds can woo in May;
Man plays at love like a very mummer,
Through glow and through gleams of
the Junetide day.
What is the worth-of a summer lover!
Sand of the sea is his shifting vow;
Winds of the northland round me hover
Here's to the lad w-ho will love me
now I
Give me your love when the fire's
bright ember
Lends sunlight's glow to the cold,
gray sky;
If you can love in chill December,
My heart will send you love's reply,
For lo! when the ice from the pave is
And cold rain slants from the winter
Of summer loves I'd not be dreaming,
But let them sleep and chill and die.
Where iB the faith of a summer lovert
A flower petal outwears his vow;
Like honey bee, a light-heart rover
8o hero's to the lad who will love
me now.
The lad for me must still remember
he gleam of spring 'neath winter's
If your heart calls in chill December,
My heart will send you love's roply.
(Continued from page 3.)
Carl Musscy, D; C. M. Hall, E; E, M.
Palmer, R.
East Woodburn 1st Set,
Judges L. W. Durant, R; A. P.
Braniger, D; J. F. Steelliaiuiner, R.
Clerks James J. Hall, R; Walt
Whitman, D; C. W. Conyne, R.
2nd Set.
Judges L. M. Bitney, D; C. V.
Conyne, R; Floyd Haskell, D.
Clerks George Bruno, R; Robert
Scott, D; James Livesay, R.
West Woodburn 1st Set.
Judges D. S, Livesay, R; N. S.
Scollard, D; A. B. Haverly, D;
Clerks II, M. Austin, R; O. W
Love, D; C. II. Boebe, D.
Judges P. Whitman, D; John 11.
Zimmerlo, R; Fred Miller, R.
Clerks P. A. Lkesley, R; Grover
Todd, R; J. J. Stangel, D.
The agricultural department of the
fere dnl government is going to con
duct an investigation to try to discover
means of inducing hens to lay mora
eggs. Now this, if successful, is some
thing worth while.
Millions of shovels have been in use
in the northeast part of the country
lately, but not in gardening, as shovels
could be used now in Oregon.