PAOB SIX DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, JALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, FERUARY 21, 1911. THREE IN KILLED IN Grapple With Bobber Who Is Locking Door and Are Sl ot Down and Instantly Killed. LITTLE HOPE FOB THEIB CAPTURE 13 HELD OUT Traced to Waterfront and Are Believed To Have Made Their Escape To San Juan Islands. united pnrss leisid vial. Bellingham, Wash., Feb. 21. When three passengers on Great Northern passenger train No. 358 bound for Van couver, B. C, undertook to resist ono of tbe trio of robbers who entered the day coach when the train was running along the edge of the bay, nine miles south of here last night at 7:30, the holdup pulled an automatic pistol and shot three inon dead in their tracks. The dead men are: Thomas 8. Wadsworth, a Canadian Pacific conductor, of Vancouver, B. C. B. L. Lee, of Bremerton, Wash. If. U. Adterson, a traveling salesman of Vancouver, B. C. Get On At Burlington. It is believed tlio three got on the train at Burlington, a few miles south of the place where the holdup occurred. Tboy were seen to leave the smoking car ami enter the vestibule between it and llio day coach where they tied white handkerchiefs about their faces. Ono of tho men then entered the day coach and walked to the rear door, a second ono stepped just inside -lie coach whilo tho third remained in the vestibule, Ab the mnn reached tho rear door and stnrted to lock the door,. tho three men who wero killed leaped from their seats (ind started grappling with tho holdup. At that minute the holdup who was at the forward end of the coach began shooting into the ceiling of tho car and putting out tho lights Throe Are Shot Down. Tho holdup grappling with tho three mon then pulled out, an automatic re volver and begnn shooting. Ho fired probably ton shots. Leo was tho first man to fall. Tho next two shots killed Wadsworth and Adterson. Leo was try ing to crawl behind the rear scat when the bundit turned his gun ou him and firod five or six shots into his back. None of the shots fired by tho other bandit took effect, but he kept t Uo I passengers m ft siuto er irigur, a nun do.eil women fainting. Tho robber who killed tho men turn rd and started back to tho front of tho coach. As ho passed along several wo men passengers held their purses out in tho aisle. Ho gathered up a hand full of them and then ran. Tho threo bandits left the train to gether ns it caino to a stop from a sig- nnl given by the conductor who had of Figs," which has directions for ba heard tho shooting from another conch, j bies, childron of all ages and for grown and pulled tho cord. Posses were hnr- np plainly on tho bottlo, Pomombor ricdly formed hero and a special trniuj there are counterfeits sold here, so was hurried to the scene of tho rob- surely look and soo that yours is made bory, but on account of the wilderness by the "California Fig Syrup Com of surrounding country and the oppor- pnny," Hand back with coutompt any tunity to get away in a boat to tho fun1 other fig syrup. T Insurance That Insures FIRE, LIFE AND LIABILITY INSUBANCE AND INDEMNITY Bonds a specialty, written In best old lino companies; inHurnnco that pays 1(H) cents on tho dollar on hisses. No ansesnients, policy foes or liability, just, plain old line Insurance, Look up your policy and phono Main 1.1:11, ami usk what it will cent to Insure your property. Wo will surprise you. W. A. LISTON Agent 4M Court Street. y u il-i mm mrmfdzy rj wrt r ym m. BEAVER DOARD OlH It art tire' tn amt (filing Aim I or owf T lugs, Suit i any Mllg tttvf or umodelti DEAVLK HOA.IUJ TRAKB MARC 1 1 1 1 r. - Juan islands, little hope is held out for the bandits' capture. Traces Are Soon Lost. Sheriff's posses traced the bandits along the waterfront for a quarter of a milo but lost trace of thorn when they intersected a crushed stone path built from the shore to low water mark by oysternien. A young man and woman strolling along the tracks where the train came to a stop Baw the three bandits leap from the steps of the day coach and run along the train to the engine ten der. They attempted to crawl up on the tender, but tho engineer turned a flashlight in their direction when they darted under the train and disappeared along the tide flats. Posses from two counties joined their forces last night and a strong patrol was established along the waterfront, all awgon roads and the interurban line which skirts the water front at this place. Was Government Employe. Bremerton, Wash., Fob. 21. E. L. Lee, who was killed by a train robber near Bellingham, was a time clerk at Puget Sound navy yard where he had been employed ten years; he was 38 years of age. His parents live at Ack erland, Kansas. HEBE'S AN EAENED NICKNAME. imiTKD r-HESS l.EA HED WI11B.1 Washington, Feb. 21. Representa tive Langley of Kentucky has the nick namo "back home" of "Turnpike John." And by hek sir, he's proud of it. He told the House rocently dur ing debate on tho good roads bill that nobody could accuso him of playing politics on tho $25,000,000 pork barrol roads measure, for by all tho moon shine of tho eternal Kontucky moun tains, he luulVhicd his tilto of "Turn iiikn John" becauso ho wnB a red hot advocato of tho good roads movement. If Tongue Is Coated or If Cross, Fever ish, Constipatod Give "California Syrup of Figs," Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. Soe If tonguo is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, palo feverish, full if cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't cat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach ache, iudigostion, diarrhoea, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs" and in fow hours all the foul waste, tlio sour bile and fermenting food passes 0,,t of tho bowels and you nave a won and playful child again. Childron lovo this harmless "fruit laxativo," and mothers can rest easy aftor giving it, because it nover falls to mako their little "iusides" cloan and swoot. Keep it handy, Mother! A little givon today save a sick child tomorrow, but get tho genuine. Ask your druggist for n 50-cont bottlo of "California Syrup Pnleni, Oregon. HIS nictate uliows n room with Reaver Dounl Walla nnd Ceil- instead of lath and piaster. Reaver Board in a purc-wotxl-fihrc product that comes in large sheets or panels, with a splendid, surface for painting. It makes far more beautiful interiors; never cracks; und has many oilier advantages Write or call and we'll tell you all ubout it. For Side by Spaulding Logging Co. SALEM, OREGON. . - rm mm i -t o , o , , :ll rtmm SOCIETY (Continued from page 3.) Messrs. H. C. Kennon, Lester Swartz, Ernest Bush, Allan Jones, Boy Huddle son, Allan Cason, Ernest Howe, Lon King, Jack Williams and Earl Daue. m m Six classes, composed of 240 high school girls, are organized for folk dancing, under the direction of Miss Ethel Mcrriam. Last year a few exhi bitions of open air dancing were given In this city and were so much admired that the coming spring will doubtless see much of it. The Men's Liberal club was address ed Wednesday evening by A. M. Dal rymple, who advised the appointing of a superintendent of public welfare as the first step toward helping the un employed. At the same mooting Dana Allen gave an interesting talk on Washington. Tho latest methods in canning are being demonstrated to high school students by Miss Bertha Edwards of tho high school faculty, and Luther J. Chapin, agricultural expert, classes be ing organized Thursday. Last Thursday aftornoon the Thought nnd Work club met at the homo of Mrs. R. A. Harris on North Cottage street. Mrs. F. L. Purvino, Mrs. Clayton Young and Mrs. W. F. Fargo loci tho discussion following the reading of an articlo on tho life of .lane Addnms. Mrs. Carl Elliot will ontortain tho club next Thursday. Sovoral club women of this city ar-3 planning to attend tho lecture to bo Kiven by Dr. Woods Hutchinson in Portland, February 24, under tho nus- uiees of tho Portland Woman's club. Mrs. P, II. Fisher entertained the N'ob Hill liose club last Wednesday, her guests being Mrs. Martha Ettner, Mrs. Mary Nnyhart, Mrs. M, E. Yaplo, Mrs. Lottio Fisher, Mrs. Anna Bennett, Mrs. Mary Fisher, Miss Lena Yaplo, Emma Wilson, Dorothy and Viola Fisher and Miss Cluronco Wilson, who left Sunday for California. Last Tucsdiny evening tho Marion Lawronco Adult Biblo class of tho First Methodist church wore entertained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Young, 254 North Front street. Re freshments woro served and games en joyed. ft ft w Tho Ugo Igo club of Salem Hoights entertained last Friday evening at a largo Valentino party, a numbor of invitations being issued to the young people of tho Libetry district. Re freshments were served nnd in a voting contest prizes wero awarded Miss Frances Blunck and Grover Honslcy. McMinnvillo Elks are arranging to hold a circus in that city February 27 and 2S, in tho auditorium. As this lodge was formerly a part of tho Salem organization pinna nro being made by a number of Will people, to attend. Among the things billed nro performing Shetland secured from tho Al. O. Karnes shows for tho occasion. A Willard tea, in honor, of tho late Frances Willard, was given Tuesday afternoon nt the W. C. T. U. hall. Quite a number .attended and tho af ternoon was spent pleasantly with a short musical program, and serving re freshments. A nartv In honor of Washington's birthday was held at ('banning hall, Friday afternoon, by tho Woman s Al liance of tho Unitarian church. An pregrnm was prepared, con sisting of patriotic readings and musi cal selections. Miss Ethel Fletcher and Mrs. B. Trott wero hostesses. Mr. nnd Mrs. V. S. Halo of the State Training School were honor guests at a dinner imrty Inst Wednesday even ing, given them by other officers of tho school, Hatfodils and Mulcts form ed the spring liko centerpieces for the table, where covers were hud for twenty-one, At the mammoth Hoostcr meeting hold In Eugene Thursday Salem was represented by about 200 boosters go ing down upon a special train, and ninny being accompanied by their wives. An enjoyable class party .was given Saturday evening at the Mux Huren residence to tho juniors of Willamette University, Miss Mary Cone receiving, insisted bv Miss Keith Nan " inkle Miss Florence- 1'age and Miss Marie tlelfuell, (lucsts of honor were lVnn Mrs. (laylard II. Patterson and Prof. Mo Murray. Valentine colors with cut floweis formed the decora tions. Kofrci-hiuciits were served niM games played till a Into hour. Mis. F. M. l'ratt w.'s guest ef huiur at a I'nrtv ulven by the l.ucy Ann Leo circle of the First Methodist church nt the homo of Mrs. T. U. Coeksey lust Friday aflornoou. A short musical program vrtis presented and refresh ments served, Mrs, J. O. Van Winkle. Mr, J, K. Allison and Mrs. Poolo as sisting. Mrs. Pratt accompanied bv her daughter Uarel and ton Dudley, left during the week to join Mr. Pratt in Los Angeles. At a meeting of the French club Monday evening at the public library, Dr. A. B. Gillis was chosen president. Over forty became charter members. . A boy's club was organized Saturday evening by the Unitarian Sunday school, Louis Frost being elected presi dent; Ralph Baker, treasurer, and Rev. Mr. Tischer, director. This is "Award" day at Willamette University, and at a meeting this evening at the ehflpel of the institu tion the athletes will receive their let ters as a mark of promotion. The Boys' Glee club and Laides' Glee club will furnish music and the following speakers will appear on the program for addresses: Messrs. Kinney Miller, Charles Harrison, Dr. Sweetland, T. B. Kay and President Homan. Thitry-four members of Yeoman lodge, Olive Homestead, went to In dependence Thursday night to insti tute a new lodge, 6.) charter members being enrolled. The Salom party made the trip in two auto trucks. They re ort a most enjoyable evening, a ban quet having been served after the lodge exercises. 4 CHURCH SERVICES. The Sulem class of the Jnternationl Bible Student's association will hold their regular weekly study at 4.15 Court street, upstairs, Sunday at 10:.'!0 a. m. Undenominational. All Bible students welcome. No collection. Lutheran. East Stato ami Eighteenth streets. Geo. Koehler, pastor. Sinlay school at ii); preaching service at 10:110; even ing service conducted - in the English language at 7:110. Strangers are wel come. W. C. T. U. S. (i. liettes will speak at the 4 o'clock meeting t Ramp Memoriul hall Sundnv. Corner Commercial and Ferry street. Come and hear a good sermon ou the temperance question. Unitarian. Corner of Cheinekcta nnd Cottage streets, itiehurd F. Tischer, minister. Sunday school, 10 a. in.; Sunday ser vice, 11 a. in., (no evening service), subject: "Humanity's Hope." All friends of liberal religion and of pro gressive thought are cordially invited to our services. Boys' club will moot Tuesday evening at 7-.:!0 o'clock. Tho Girls' club will meet Tuesday after school in Chnnuing hjill. Central Congregational. Ferry and South Nineteenth streets. 10 a. in., Bible school; 11 a. m., public worship, sermon subject, "A Coutinous Revival;" 0:30 p. in., Christian En- leavor; 7:15 p. m., song service; 7:30 p. m. evening worship with sermon by the pastor. Reformed (Gorman). Corner Cinpitol and Morion streets. V, G. Lieukiiemper, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning worship in German nt 11, observance of. Foreign Mission Pay; evening service iu Eng lish nt 7:110, subject, "Tho First Conimandent; " second sermon in tho series on tho Ten Commandments. First Methodist Episcopal. Stnte and Church streets. Richard N'. Avison, D. P., Minister. 0:45 a. m., Sabliath school, Mr.' II. C. Tillman, superintendent; 11 a. m,, sermon, "Musing ami Fusing or the Relation of Thought to Emotion:" 12:,'!0 p. in class meetings; 3 p. in., Rev. T. J. Woodcock will speak at the Old Peoples home; (1:15 p. in., the Epworth League will study, "God's Gift of Great Men ami How He Develops Them;" 7:30 p. in., sermon, "Law and Liberty;" M id-week service Thursday evening at 7:30. Strangers and visitors always welcome. Common's Mission, Itev. J, K. Prvine of the .Inson Lee Memorial Methodist church will preach at the Commons Mission, 241 State street, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The usual out door service at 7:30 and mooting in the hull at N o'clock. E. I. Ulackniiin, superintendent. First Congregational. Corner of Liberty and Center streets. Pony Frederick Schrock, minister. Itible school at 10 n. m. Public wor ship at 11 n. iu. und 7! 30 p. in. Sub ject of morning sermon, "The One Thing Needful." The stereopticon will be used at the evening service. "The Amusement Problem" will be the evening topic. Jiiboii Lee Memorial M. E. North Winter an, I Jefferson streets. .1. II. Irvine, pastor. 10 a. in., Sunday school, ('. M. Huberts superintendent; II a. in., sermon, "The Betrayal Mod ernized;" 0:30 p, in., Epworth lougue, topic, "God's Gift of Great Men,'' Washington Pay; 7:30 p. m., sermon, "Contending with Horses." Tho Salvation Army. Captain nnd Mrs. N. 11. Loren?en, officers iu charge; hull In basement under Salem Punk and Trust Co. on Slate and Liberty streets; meeting ev ery night except Monday and Thurs day night. Sundnv meetings: Holi ness meeting at 11 a. m; Sunday school j at 1:30 p. in; Free and Easy meeting nt 3 p, m; t onng people meeting at 0:30 p, m; Sulvntion meeting nt H p. m. All are cordially invited. First Presbyterian. "The Heroic in Religion" will be the subject of the morning sermon by,f the pastor, Carl H. Elliott, and the evening subject will be, "Promising and Performing." The latter being the first of a series on the Parables of Jesus' last week. Special music by the quartette Miss Judd, soprano; Mrs. Galloway, contralto; and Messrs. Comp ton and Armstrong tenor and bass re spectively. Miss Colony, organist. Irazarene. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Bus Wach smith, superintendent. Preaching ser vices, 11 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night, 7:30. J. T. Little, pastor. The special meet ing that has been in progress for six weeks will close with the Sunday night service. Much good has been done during this meeting. Quite a number have sought and found the Lord. The full amount has been pledged to pay off the debt on the church prop erty and the work is now in good shape to make steady progress. German Baptist Corner Ivorth Cottage and D streets, G-. Schunke, pastor. Sunday services, 10 a, m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., preaching service; 7 p. m., young peo ple's meeting; 7:30 p. m., preaching service; Wednesday, 7:45 p. m., prayer meeting. All German speaking people heartily welcome to all services. MOVIES INDISPENSABLE BY SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS 1 UNITED rilBSS LEiSKn WIHE.l St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 21. "The use of moving pictures iu state institutions has become such an important part of tho entertainment and instruction of stato charges that they are now indis pensable.'' This statement was made today by C. J. Vassaly, chariman of tho Minnesota State Board of Control. "The motion picture is being found especially valuable in tho Bchools for the deaf and dumb and tho insane asylums," said Vassaly. "It has been found especially dif ficult to get any Bort of attraction that will hold the attention of the in sane, but tho problem seems to have been solved with the movies. "At different exhibitions of pictures at the state asylum, the inmates were invariably intensely interested by the. rapidly changing views. "It undoubtedly hna a good effect upon their minds. At the school for the deaf the motion pictures have proved ono of the biggest items in the teaching system, as the educational pictures can bo explained by flashing tho words on tho screen. Tho movies will undoubtedly grow in importance as time adds educational improve ments." E Each "Pape'a Dlapepsin" Digest 3000 Grains Food, Ending all Stom ach Misery in Five Minutes. Time it! Pape's Dlapepsin will di gest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gasy or out-of-order stomach surely within five minutes. If your moals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indiges tion. Get from your pharmacist a fift) cent case of Pape's Dlapepsin and takt a dose just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching ol undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nau sea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or intestinal griping. This will all go, and, besides, there will be no sour food loft over in the stomach to poison your breath with neauseous odors. Pape's Piapopain is a certain cure for -out-of-order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests it lust the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stom ach misery is waiting for you at any drug Btore. These lnrgo fifty-cent cases contain enough "Pape's Diapepsln" to keep the entire family free from stomach disorders and indigestion for many months. It belongs iu your home. SAY JEWS SETTLED NEW YORK. I'NITKO I'M: LKASFO WI1IB.1 Philadelphia, VVb. 21. llnta tending to prove that the Jews settled New York and subsequent colonial activi ties woro nt least participated in by member of that religion, will lie sub mitted to tho Jewish Historical Soci ety nt its regular meeting which oH'iis tomorrow. Sessions will continue Moiidnr, All's Wcllu o long ns tho appetite is keen, tho digestion perfect, tho liver and bowels active but what a difference when thee organs de velop a "lay spell." To pro mote daily activity you should try HOSTETTERS STOMACH BITTERS flP ii f Mft KM MHMMawMliliMi Children Cry f The Kind You liave Always Bought, and which has been In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of - tk1 hna Wn tnn.lq mAo.r lila iwr. s J&rf-t- ' sonal supervision since its infancy. yaUcA Allow no one to deceive you im this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with' and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing1 Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tbe Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS IBears the The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMI CINTAUH COM I AN V, NEW YOUK CITY. Selling Good Piano And giving the best values possible for the price has been our particular care for nearly forty years. That you can buy more piano value for each dollar expended here is our firm belief. E. F. PETERS, Mgr. 521 COTJET STREET. CHAMBERLAIN AMENDMENT 13 REJECTED BY SENATE f UNITED F1IB8S LEASED Willi. I Washington, Fob. 21. By a vote of. 10 to II) the senate, in executive ses sion, late yestenlay rejected the Cham-1 bcrlnin amendments to the arbitration 1 treaties. Chamberlain desired to ex-1 ompt from arbitration tho admission of i aliens, the attendance of aliens at schools, Panama, canal tolls and all questions relating to the Monroe doctrine. You Need a Si This theory docs not have to be preached any longer to the Dairyman or the Stockman The value of the SILO on the Farm has BEEN FULLY DEMONSTRATED. What Kind of a 1 Silo Shall I Build o Build one that is best suited to the local "Climatic Conditions" that is simple in con struction; gives I he least trouble to maintain above all that is AIR-TIGHT and that can be ADDED ON TO AS YOUR HERD INCREASES. THE IMPROVED Farmers' Friend Silo Fills all of these requirements. It is I lie ideal Silo for this coast. A HOME PRODUCT manu factured by one of your HOME INDUSTRIES. Fill out and mail this coupon at once, it will bring you full information. FALLS CITY LUMBER CO. PHONE 831. Tear Falls City Lumber Co., Salem, Or.: Gentlemen: Please send me full particulars nnd prices on the Im proved Farmers' Friend Silo. I want one large enough to feed cows for months. Yours truly, Name Address for Fletcher's Signature of it MOOSE BUILDING The vote was taken during a discus sion of the treaty with Spain. It was pointed out tlfnt a tiual voto should not be taken after the settlement of so important an amendment without tho treaty going over for a day. Consider ation of tho proposed treaty with Eng land was then begun. A big British railroad, not able to find iu all England a man fit for its manager, easily found ono in a young American. Uncle. Sdm's boys UBually get to the front, and top. Salem, Oregon MAIN OFFICE 209 NORTH COMMERCIAL 8T. Here. R. F. D. Rout