PAGB SEVEN. a- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It 1 possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those yoa er aped kelp. It is long, tedious task, however. The classified way brings your application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TWO CENTS per word for the first insertion. ONE CENT per word for each succeeding;, subsequent Inser THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never cease until their tasks are suc cessfully performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. tion. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM-TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. HtM4HttttMtvMMMM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8AIXM, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1914. Capital Journal Want Ads Bring Quick Results Two cents a word for first insertion. One cent a word for each Insertion thereafter. No advertisement taken for leu than 25c. Count six word to the line. ABSTRACTS. UNION ABSTRACT CO. " Abstracts that Protect." Our books posted up to date each morning. Call Main 1240 and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Siegmund, president; Max Gehlhar, secretary, 345 State St. Street AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem's reliable sell er. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry E. Voorhies, Michi gan avenue, first street east of the state fair grounds. OHIBOFRAOTIO-SFINOOOLIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Mala 1629. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. TAXICAB 8ERVICE. TAXICAB SERVICE It will pay you to see or phone to J. B. Underwood, managor of the West Side Transfer Co., when you want a taxicab. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 177. Stand 356 State street. Orders for early morning trains phone night before. UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clough, morticians and funer al directors. Latest modern meth ods known to the profession employed. 445 Court street. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE 13 acres 2 miles from Fair grounds, 8 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and stumps, 2 acres young orchard, fine soil, 5-room new house. Square Deal Realty Co., U. S. Bank building, room 304. Phone 470. MISCELLANEOUS Contlsned. FOR SALE Five room bouse, barn, good well, corner lot, 150x150, all in bearing fruity by owner. 1595, cor ner Saginaw and Lincoln street. FOR SALE 10 acre tract just east of , asylum, well improved; will take town residence for part payment. Ad dress Route 6, Box 1521A. UNDERTAKERS. RIGDON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Office Phone Main 183. Rigdon residence Main 111. WATCHMAKER. U. 8. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watch maker at Beatrice, Nob. High grade work at eastern prices. Opera Houss Block, 484 Court St. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS The place of quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot, or cut is stove lengths to suit. Prompt delivery. We handle the btst coals on the market, try our King coal; It is the best; 762 Trade street. Phone Main 529. Mark Siddall, prop. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO., 220 North Liberty street. Phone Main 263. Electric wiring and elec- a.innHoA Tat!mataa f ovmnltfarl Try our new Mirror reflector. We LEM WATER COM P ANY Of f ice WATER COMPANY. have the "Famous" Edison Mazda lamp. Its only rival the sun. LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all-hand work; established 20 years, 436 Ferry street, South side, between Liberty and High. Hop Lee. i SECOND-HAND GOODS. NEW AND i . H. M, Baker Now and secondhand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Best cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Call and see us and look over our goods. 373 Court street Phone 1853. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2 Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 in the McCornack ball, corner Court and Liberty streets, Leonard Mason, M. W; S. A. McFaddon, rocordor; P. B. Duncan, F. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles in town at the lowost price. O. L. McPoek, 271 North Commercial St., phone Main 1233. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. DB. O. F. HEI8LE7 and Dr. 8. Etta Heisley (graduates of A. S. O., KirkBvillo, Mo., Dr. A. T. Still, pres ident of the school and foundor of the science of Osteopathy), general oste opathic practioncrs. Also hydroth erapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism kidney and liver troubles. The suc cess in these treatments Is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles a specialty, 629 Court street, opposite the csurt house. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. David A. Wright, W, M.j S. Z. Culvor, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day In ecu month at 7:30 p. m., 'n the Masonic Templo. J. S. Wyant, W. M.j Ernest II. Choate, secretary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP TER NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. J. T. Wolch, Ex. nigh Priest; Lot L. Pearce, socretary. IIODSON COUNCIL NO. 1, R. & S. M. Stated assembly first Monday in onch month, L. S. Rowland, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glenn C. Niles Record of. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR8. B. H. wniTB AND B. W. WAL TON. Osteopathic physicians snd nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer lean School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate snd specialized Jn nervous diseases at Los Angolos eollege. Treat acute snd ehronio dis eases. Consultation free. Lady at tendant. Office 505-508 U. S. Nattam- si bank building. Phone 859. Rosi .Urt N. Canltal streot. Phone 409. PLUMBINO vi Mi M BAKR Plumbing, hot water snd steam heating snd tinning, 164 WmoriMul Ht.. nn M In 1 2- SCAVENGER. BALEM SCAVENGER Cbas. Sooe, proprietor. Osrbsge snd refune of all kinds removed on monthly contract at reasonable rates. Yards sod cess Dools cleaned. Office 548 State St, nrfl. nfcnne Main 2247. Residence Main 272. SAND AND OBAVEL. BAT. EM CONSTRUCTION eompan can siiim'Iv vou with sand snd gravel Office 40 Court street. Phone Mai rim (i.i,T,ut on Front street sn North Mill Creek. THEREBKA HAT WORKS. corner commercial ana iraae sis. For wator service apply t office. Bill puyablo monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY. NO 1 PLACE Close to school, modern improvemeat8, large lot, good barn, will trade for small tract of unim proved land, east of Salem up to $1000 or $1100, balance, $700, terms. Address Mrs. O. C. Baker, 1390 North 19th street, Salem, Or. JUST ARRIVED Carload of Rock spring and Hiawatha Coal. Phone 387. Residence 590. A Strong Indorsement. W. H. Holmes of the Decorah, la., Journal says, "I have been a sufferer from Piles and Hemmorhoids for years. I got no rulief until my druggist rec ommended Meritol Pile Remedy. Be fore I had taken half the package the distress was gone and I have had no trouble since. I would not take a thou sand dollars and be back in former ondition." Capital Drug Store, Salem, Ore., exclusive agency. INDIANA K. OF P. CELEBRATE. UNITED PBBSR LEASED WIKI. Richmond, Ind., Feb. 19. A monstor public meeting at the Coliseum at which Governor lialston will be the chief speaker will be the feature num ber on the program of the Richmond order of the Kuights of FytMas who are today celebrating the golden anni versary of the establishment of the organization. Delegates from many towns and cities iu Eastern Indiana arrived today to attond the ceremonies. Governor Ralston 's subject will bo, Brotherhood." Another thing worth boasting about is the official fact that Portland is the healthiest large city in the country. A Good Cough Medicine for Children, A BARGAIN Thirty-acre tract, all set to prunes and loganberries; 10 miles from Salem; fine soil; small build ings; $4500; terms. See owner, J. G. Voget, 204 Steeves buildinf. FOB SALE. FOR SALE Mayette walnut trees and . loganberry plants, 1 year old. Phone 2224. FOR SALE OR TRADE Taxicab, for 5-passenger Ford. "T.," care Journal. FOR SALE New bouse, chicken house one blook from ear, $700. Inquire 16 East 12th N. Portland, i GARDEN Field and lawn seed. All fresh stock. West acott & Co., 170 South Commercial street. E.NTHAL LODCE No. , K. of P. Mcf ornnck bldq, Tuesday evening of eneli woek at 7:30 p. m., W. B. Sum mervillo, C. C; Jas. W. Cox, K. of R. ami ti. ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE Re duced from $500 to $250. Good fur niture; must sell at once. Good loca tion, 283 North High street. BERRY AND HOP POLES For salo, in timber or prepared, 2V miles north west of Tratum. Write me, E. M. Pcttycrew, Salem, R. R. 7. WANTED To trade $500 city propo. ty for runaDout. Telohono 2289. Convincing' proof of the rare cura tive properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy came from Mrs. Mary Faw- cett of Grinnell, Iowa, , who . aays: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy helped my little boy a great deal when he had whooping cough. It is a good medi cine." For sale by all dealers. The Biltmore forest school, establish ed in 1898 and therefore the oldest forest school in America, baa been dis continued. Dr. C. A. Schenck, its ii rector, has returned to his home in Germany. Chronic Constipation Cured. r'I had boon troubled with chronic constipation for two years and tried all tho best physicians iu Bristol, Team. and they could do nothing for me. Two packages of Chamberlain's Tablets cured me," writes ThoB. E. Williams, of Middleboro, Ky. For sale by all dealers. LADY SOLICITOUS WANTED In ev ery town to sell the Leona throo-in-one garmonts, combining corset cov er, skirt and drawors. Patented. It is a pleasant way to make money. We will show you how. Leona Gar ment Co., 243 Main street, La Crosse, Wis. GUARANTEED AUTO SPRINGS We manufacture high grade auto and truck springs, also repair, set up, and re-temper old springs. Our long list of satisfied customers will rec ommend our ability as leaders In our work. Laher Auto Spring Co., 26 North 15th St. Portland Or. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, NO. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day in each month, at 8 o'clock p. m., in MaBonio Temple, Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Frank A. Turner, recorder. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37., O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, W. M.j Ma M. Babeoek, secretary, R. N. of A.- "Oregon Grape Camp' AO. 1360, meots every Thursday sv ening In McCornack building, Court and Liberty streets. Eelovator. Hu me Psrnmnter, "81 North Front St., Oracle: naol Price, Imperial rural ture fl ii . ecrder FOR SALE "Faultless " Uoudans; this strain hnB bcon egg-brod from trapnest records since April, 1890. I have bred thom 21 years for great layers and 12 years for large site, chalk-white eggs; these fowls are ex tremoly hardy, have neither comb nor wattle to freeno, and are the best all- wintor layers in open-front cooptij ' ' Faultless ' ' strain Houdau . have won every blue ribbon at New York, Chi cago and Philadelphia shows for past six yoars; eggs and stock sold on honor; send 10 cents for the largest illustrated poultry catalogue ever Is sued; It tells you how to breed those fowls, which average 250 eggs s year apiece; it tolls you how to net $3000 s year from 100 hen. E. F. McAvoy, secretary Houdan Club, Cambridge, N. Y. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oreuon Cedar Camp No. B246, Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mnnonic hall, corner Court and Liberty streets. If. L. Born, V. Clerk. Elevator service. C: Bav A. Grant UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem blv No. 84, meets every Wednesday st 8 p. m., In Mooso Hall. W. O, Asscln M. A., Ivan G. Martin, Secretary, Ms- tonie Temple. 8ALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. D Kolcr, president; Mrs. Lou Tlllson ecretsrv. All cases of cruelty or neglect rf dumb animals should b Hi.nnrd n tb Mifielv for ll.veH HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works, lints of all kinds renovated Into sny ,)rt or stle; Hood quality trim minus. 217 8. High street. Phone Si I. fculsm. Oroirn. WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet eery Fridsv night st 8:00 o'clock in Ma sonic hall. McCornack block. L. H, Fletcher, C. C; C. O. Mc Kirov, clerk 519 Court street. WOMEN VOTERS MEET. ONITKD PBXRS LSASID WIHS. San Francisco, Feb. 19. Presidents of five branches of the National Coun cil of Women Voters were guests here today of the local branch of the organ ization. The visitors Included Emma Smith Devee, national presidont; Mrs. Virginia Wilson Mason, president of the Washington branch; Miss Margaret S. Roberts, president of the Idaho branch; Mrs. W. Munda, president of the Arizona branch, and Mrs. John D. Raker, president of tho California branch. A Winter Cough. A stubborn, annoying, depressing cough hangs on, racks the body, weak ens the lungs, and often leads to serious results. The first dose of Dr. King's Now Discovery gives relief. Henry D. Sanders, of Cavendish, Vt., was threat ened with consumption, after having pneumoaia. He writes: "Dr. Kings's New Discovery ought to be in every family; it is certainly the best of nil medicines for coughs, colds or lung trouble." Good for children's coughs. Money back if not satisfied. Price 50c. and $1.00. At all Druggists. H. E. Bucklon A Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. If anybody deserves no mercy it is a man who shows no mercy to a faith ful brute, but cruelly abuses it. Tbo King of All Lsxitives For constipation, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Mathulka, of Buffa lo, N. ., says they are the "king of all laxatives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." Get box and get well again. Price 2iic. At druggists or by mall. H, E. Buckles & Co.,, Philadelphia or St. Louis. 1 In trying to find uses for blight-kill ed choBiiut it has been found that it can not bo utilized for crating stone quarry owncrB say that chestnut wood leaves an iudoliblo stain on the ninrble or granite. Safe For Babies, Effective for Grown ups. That's Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. It has the confidence of your druggist, who knows it will give you satisfaction. W. W. Nessmith, Statos- boro, Ga., sayB: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound in my fami ly and have Bold it in my store and it never fails to cure." And Bob Fergu son, 319 Pino Btroet, Green Bay, WiB., says: "I had a bad cough that kept nie awake nights and two small bottles of Foloy's Honey and Tar cured me." J. C. Perry. WILLIAMS IS PREP ABED FOR COMPTROLLER B WORK UNITED FKISS LKAB1D WIS!. Wellington, Fob. 19. With the fed eral reserve bank organization commit tee expected to return here by Sunday, from its trip through the West where regional bank. hearings were conducted in many of tho big cities Acting Sec retnry of the Treasury John Shelton Williams today was prepared to step into his new position as Comptroller of tho Currency, Immediately aftor the committee returns ho will resign as assistant Secretary of the Treusdry and be Inducted into his new office. Little Girl Cured of an Awful Cold, "Two years ago our littlo girl had an awful cold that settled on hor lungs," says Mrs. Win. Galbraith, Hamburg, N. Y. "We wore groatly worried about her condition. She bad a persistent croupy cough that clung to her dcHpite all our treatment, until I got a bottla of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This preparation reliovod that dreadful cough ond choking and effected a positive cure In the courso of a few days' time." For Bale by all dealers. It will lie a wnrm year in Oregon politically. Feol Miserable? Out of sorts, depressed, pain in the back Electric Bitters renews your health and strength. A guaranteed Liver and Kidney remedy. Money back if not satisfied. It completely cured Robort Madson, of West Burlington, Iowa, who suffered from virulent liver trouble for eiirht months. After four doctorB gave him up, ho took Electric Bitters and is now a woll man. Get s bottlo today; it will do the same for you. Keep in the house for all liver and kidney complaints. Perfectly safe and dependable. Its results will sur llriso you. 50c and $1.00. n. E. Buck- len & Co., Philadelih!a or St. Louis. WANTED. About tho only excuse for a big war would bo Russia's atttiit to Russian izo tho Scandinavian countries; then all the rest of tho world should de claro war ogninst tlio Hear. There are various good and ncccxwiry wars; one is the war on tno cignreiie, Successful Everywhere. People everywhere are talking of the quick and fine results Foley Kidney -Pills give in backache, rhematism, kid ney and bladder troubles. You can not take them into your system without good results. That is because Foley Kidney Pills give to the kidneys snd bladdor just what nature calls for to heal these weakened and inactive or gans. J. D. Carroll, Sacramento, Cal., writes: "It is a pleasure to recommend Foley Kidney Pills, as they just worked wonders in my case." J. C, Perry. The women would have a great joke on the men if they would beat them in registering. CASTOR I A 1st Is.fas.ts fcd Children. Hulkd Yea Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Backache and Rheumatism Vanish Away Men women having backache, rheu matism, stiff .and swollen joints are honestly glad to know that Foley Kid ney Pills are successful everywhere in driving out these ills. That is because Foley Kidney Pills are a true medicine and quickly effective in all diseases that result from weak inactive kidney and urinary irregularities. Rev. 0. M. Knighton, Havanna, Fla., writes: 41 1 suffered Intense pain in kidneys and back but after taking Foley Kidney Fills all my pains disappeared and tho' I am 65 years old I feel like s young man again." J. 0. Perry. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A SalemFence Works R. B, FLEMING, Prop. Headquarters American Wire Fence, Morley's Patent Hop Bas ket Send your orders In now. Big stock of hop snd loganbory wire. Rubber roofing, $1.50 up per square. Elastic roof paint, cant' be beat. Stock of paints and Tarnishes st 20 per cent re duction, three brands. Cedar fence posts and. wood and iron walk snd drive gatos. 250 Court St. Phone 124 P. O. Box 355. Back of Chicago Store. --tttTTv est ' 4 GOLD DUST FLOUR ; Uads by the SYDNEY POWES COMPANY, 4 Sydney, Oregon Mads for Family Dm f Ask your grocer for It. Bran snd shorts always on hand. I F. 11. WALLACE, Agent - ...!.- 1 M FRENCH FEMALE r siilll I) P I L. L S. ,1 Iji'fa, dmm Rum ifcr SirmMuv M nA4tfvN, (VII IHflWS TS rill. f"l Sunt BlH-clr 1 Bail.. fa.-l)iii (luaranlaad or Mixta, HafniMtM, SDt pra,al4 I for 11.00 par bsl. Will aanil ibaraan Irlai.lo ha al far f when rallariMt. Samplaa Vraa. II J9u dru(lald4 M ;ba Hmu aaod jtmr ardan Ir UM UNIT1-0 Mt-OICUL CO., ) T, LNQaT. Pa. ;XSfirT!W,ml1'",gai, The St4n and Not the Blood. Until recently it has been a general ly accejited theory that eczema was a disease of tho blood. Scientific Inves tigations havo taught us that eczoma is poHilivcly a skin disease aud cura ble through the skin alone, Meritol Eczema Remedy is applied directoly to tho diseased skin. Do not delay trying Meritol Eczema ltemody. Copitnl Drug Store.Salem, Ore., local agency. The forest servlco Is compiling a new volume table for calculating the board contents of standing: western yellow pine tretw in the southwest. It is liiiwd on ax.'tunl measurements of 6000 trees. WANTED About ten loads of dirt for lawn. Phone 1 137. PLAIN SEWING By the dny. Prices rensonable. Children 's worn a spe ciality. 417 North Liberty stroet. Blck Headache, This Is usiinlly cnused by a disorder of the stomach. Take a good dose of 'haitiberlnin's Tablets and tomorrow you will feol all right. For sale by all dealers. FOB RENT. FOR RENT Fura Tidied rooms, slose In, desirable location. 305 High street. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS With or without board, 447 North Liberty street. FOR RENT Three well furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at 3:i2 North Church. MISCELLANEOUS. SILVER AND NICKELPLAT1NO Ite- plating of silverware a sjiecialty. All work eunrnntced. F. P. Scholz, 72i Thompson Ave. (N. 22nd St.) Ca! on Phone Main 2411. SHOE ItEPAIRINO Rslem Shoe Hhnp. Men's heavy soles 75c, ladies' soles 50c. All work guaranteed. 1106 Stats strtet, corner 13th. Down goes the rout of living at lastj cut eugs. You Save Money. When you buy Foley's Honey and Tsr Compaiind become just a few doses stops the cough ami heals the cold, one bottlo lasts s long time, and tho last loso Is as good as tho first. Mrs. 8. 8. 8., 20 Van Huron street, Kingston, N. Y., says: "Father had lagrippe and his cough wss something terrible and bo could not sloep. Foley's Honey end Tar not only stopiod his coughing, but t brought my voice back to me after :i severe cnxo of bronchitis and lnryn- liilis." J. C. Perry. Horrible Blotches of Eczema. Quickly cured by Dr. Hobson's Ecre ma Ointment. C. P. Caldwell, of Now Orleans, La., states: "My doctor ad- visud me to try Dr. Hobson's Donna Zenia Sonp. Today I have not a spot anywhere ou my body and can say I am cured." It will do the samo for you. Its soothing, healing, antiseptic action will rid you of all skin humors, blackheads, pimplos, Eczoma blotchos, red unsightly sores, and leaves your skin clean and healthy. Oct a box to day. Guaranteed. All druggists, 50c or by mail. Pfoifter Chomlcal Co., riiiladelihia and St. Louis. TRAVELERS' GUIDE j RAILROADS SOUTHERN PAOIFIO COMPANY. Tim Table, Portland Division. Effective Novomber 2, 1913, 12:01 s. m. Northbound. 10 Oregon Express 5:00 s. m. 10 Albany Passongor . 7:24 a.m. 28 Willamette Exjiress ........ 9:27 a.m. 12 Shasta Limitod 12:115 p.m. IS Portland Passenger 2:00 p.m. 20 Portland Passenger 6:17 p.m. 14 Portland Express .. 8:11p.m. 22 Local Way Freight 10:30 a.m. 222 Portland Through Fre't 10:86 p.m. Southbound. 15 California Express .......... 8:32 s.m. 17 Glendale Passenger ........11:10 s.m. Iff Cottage Grove Pass 'ger 4:45 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited 6:11p.m. 11 flhasU Limited 7:38 p.m. 9 Albany Passenger 8:45 p.m. 13 Han Francisco Exiross....l0:36 p.m. 225 Local Way Freight tf:27a.m. 221 Son Fran. Thro' Fr't ..12:01 s.m. Salem Geer Branch. 127 Passenger srr. Salem...... 9:25 a.m. 130 Pass. mxd. loaves Salem 11:00 a.m. 129 Pass. mxd. arr. Salom ... 3:00 p.m. 128 Pass, loaves Salom 6:00p.m. Salem, Falls City fc Western. 150 Arrives Salem 8:10 a.m. Lv. Portland 6:10 s.m 7:80 a.m. 8:20 a.m 10:40 a.m.. 2:05 p.m 8:40 p.m.. 4:40 p.m 6:00 p.m 8:10 p.m 11:45 p.m Southbound. I Lt r 13 Ltd , 17 Loo. -19 11-25 p.m 21 OwL 2:05 a.m. Northbound. Ar. Salom . 8:30 a.ia . :50a.ra 10:10 l:00p.B 4:30 p.a.1 6:05 p.m 6:30 p.a 8:20 p.m Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The bent tempered men sro not nun nllv tlioif with an Iron will. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A If you want Quality and a sani tary, clean loaf of bread, wrap ped in the finest waxed paper before leaving tho shop, ask for t Salem Royal Bakery t BREAD And If your grocer does not keep it, let us know or call us up and wn will gladly deliver to you dl-roct. Goldsmith & Theuer t No. 240 South Commercial Bt. Salem, Oregon. Phone 378 152 Arrives 154 Arrives 150 Arrives 158 Arrives Hnloin Salom Salom Malum Rock 11:25 a.m. 3:15 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 0:35 a.m. 151 Loaves for Black 153 leaves for Falls City .... 0:45 a.m. 155 Loaves for Falls City .... 1:40 p.m. 157 I-eavos for Falls City .... 3:25 p.m. 159 Leaves for Dallns 0:15 p.m. 100 Freight, arrives 1:35 p.m. 101 Freight, departs 6:00 s.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. Northbound. Leave Salem Arrives Portland Train. No. 4:25 s.m ....- 8 Owl 6:50 s.m 6:30s.m... 6 8:55 s.m 8:00 s.m 8 Loc 10:20 s.m Lv, Corvallis 6:30 s.m 4:45 p.m.... Lv. Eugene 7:85 s.m ll:18s.m 1:50 p.m. 6:00 p.m., Arv. Saleui 8 8:00 s.m - 20 6:50 p.m Ar. Salein ..10 Ltd 0:45 so 14 1:60 p.m 16 Ltd 4:00 p.m 22 7:45 p.m 12:01 s.m 2 Owl 8:10 s.m Southbound. Lv. Salem 4:35 p.m I Lv. Salem 8:25 p.m 17 , . Ar. All ly . 6:8 ro Ar. Eui i 7:05 0:45 s.m 11:20 a.m..... 1 ;B0 p.m... 4:00 p.m., 4:111 p.m 6: B0 p.m 7:46 p m.. 10 Ltd. 18 U IK T t,1 18 .80 .11:40 s.m 1:46 p.m ,. 4:20p.m 6:55 p.m 6:40 p.m 8:18 p.m JS2 10:06 p.r Ar. Alby 0:25 p.m Ar. Corvallli 0:55 p.m Lt. Salem Ar. Eugene 8:15 a.ra 21 Owl 7:50 a.m 8:85 a.m 1 . 11:15 s.m 10:15 a.m 6 Ltd 12:25 p.m Lv. Salem. Stops st Albsny l:Wp.m 7 2:05 p ro Stops st Corvallis 8:S0p.m Lv. Salem. Ar. Eugene 6:35 p.m 13 8:45 p.m CORVALLIS CONE0TION8. Northbound. Lv. Corvallis Ar. Salexi 6:30 s.m , 8:00 s.m 8:23 s.m 0:45 s.m 12:12 p.m. .. 1:50 p.m 8:86 p.m 4:00 p.m 4:25 p.m, 6:60 p.m 6:05 p.m. 7:45 p.m Southbound. Lt. Salem. 8:38 s.m -10:16 s,m 1:05 p.m a. 4:88 p.m 6:88 p.m Ar. Corvallis a 10:07 s.m .11:40 l a 1:80 p.a 6:00 p.cs 7:87 p is