rv j I i 1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1914. 1 THE ADVANCE Special Shoe Bargains for Monday Shoppers Women's $3.50 Party Slippers, Special $2.68 a pair Here are unusually noa,t dress or party slippers of patent, kid leather, silk rosettes and half Ijou i a Cuban heels, a very good grade at our usual price of $3.50. Special Monday only at per pair The House of Quality ATTEND THE CLOSING $2.63 11" XI Capital City Brevities Jaime Crawford, the assistant attorney-general, in in Portland toduy on business in connection with his office, Clerk of the Supreme Court Julius C. Morclaud is iu Portlund business to day. New millinery the kind that is at tractive. The French Shop, 165 Nurth Liberty. County Clerk Gehlhar yesterday is uod marring licenses to the following couples: C. E. Chapel and Jossie Goughnour, and Frank H. Snodgrass and Mrs. Mnyme Osborn, all of Salem. Tho Avonue Market pays top prices for fine dretwd pork, veal aud mutton. W. A. Schirmer, 1021 Ceuter street. Phono 107. Tho address delivered in the nndit torium of the city library was largely attended la.t night. Dr. tlilbert spoke on democracy mid great fortunes, and ho bandied tho subject iu an able and entertaining manner. Tho remains of tho Into Oscnr M, Johnson were buried iu City View cem etery this uftcriioou. The funeral whs held from the undertaking parlors of Iiigdon & Richardson and Kov. 1'. S, Kuight officiated. Dainty footwear for dainty women the famous .Martha Washington slip pers, just in, at Jacob Vogt's, 220 North Commercial street. The Lincoln birthday party by the Unitarian Sunday school was a most pleasant occasion, each child respond ing with a quotation from Lincoln. Sev eral patriotic songs were sung. Re freshments and games concluded the evening's program, dimming hull was attractively decorated in tho national colors. lip to the present time the registra tion books at the county clork's office show the following registrations opub licans, M2; Democrats, 18; prohibi tionists, 102; socialists, 1.1; progressives 'Jo; independents, 43, and miscellane ous, 8. 1 Grand K Saturday, Feb. 21 0 JOHN CORT Presents MSINTYRE Ann MC ATM J AMD CCMPAMy OF inA rwjPUrlULriT St .1 REVIVAL OF THEIR L i V-i NO't'K. Mwiujf to the importance of this engagement we take this means to poi-Minnl'v guarantee our patrons that "Tho Ham Tree'' will bo ouo of the largest and most costly musical attractions that has ever played the city of falem. RALKM AM. ft HOLD1NO U, Prices: 75c to $2.00 fl i-ule Fiidny. Mail orders ri'itn'uieil by ehecks or money orders now. SPRING DISPLAYS AT MEYERS Misses' $1.75 and $2.00 School Shoes, Special 93 cents a pair Those who have acbool girls to shoe will be well pleased with this Monday opportuni ty. These are extra good, well made shoes and are certainly unusual value, $1.75 and $2.00 grades for 0 a pair IOC GOOHlGOODS OUT SALE MEN'S SUITS A domurrer interposed by the defend ants in the cone of James Sykos against C. C. Anderson, et al., wag sustained by Judge Kelly yesterday afternoon, in which it was asked that the, complaint to recover money on a missed. note bo dis-' Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyea correctly. U 8. Bank building. At the regular meeting of tho Min isterial unioil Mondny at 2:30 in tho Y. M. C. A. tho topic of the day is td oy kov, r. t, rorter. Tiios J. vvint cock, secretary. I Dr. F. L. Utter, dentiBt. Masonic bldg ; j mo mourners or tne unitarian huu- day school organized a boys' dub last night. Louis Frost was elected presi dent and Ralph Jlalier secrotnry-ttcn-urer. The director of the club will be liov. Tischer. Try Scott's 13c meals. An action was commenced in the cir cuit court yesterday by Attorney (loo. (!. Iliiighuin, as administrator .of the estate of the laio Emily V. Roblin, against Waldo II. Parker, et al., for the recovery of $720 alleged to be due on two promissory notes. Dr. Asseln, Znrnnrts, Steeves Bldg. Judgment In default in tho sum of $1011 was taken by the plaintiff in the case of the Portland Mercantile Union against E. llogert. Tho plaintiff brought action to recover the amount stated, which was alleged to be due for goods sol,l and delivered. Dr.' Harry E Clay has moved into new and enlarged quarters in tho Bush bank building. Phono Mnin 4!!. County School Superintendent Smith has returned from Stayton, where ho at tended it tenchers'-pnronta ' meeting held there last night. Superintendent Smith and Professor Kuutt were in Junction City yesterday forenoon act. nig as Judges at a debate- between the schools of that place. BOOK BY I GE0.V HflRA&T X V URIC By i" J Mill I 111. iru... rf ;V. "IU-'A JlhWIt 0 ) MU5lcey 100 ; -lv,-",""'Mri4 WORLDS" I BEST i DANCING CHORUS Jtuf F. ' 1 I h : - r 1 W Women's $IPat.Dress Shoes, Special $2.68 a pair Women who would save mon ey on desirable dress shoes should take advantage of this special for Monday only. Patent colt leather dress shoe, spring style, recede toe, lace model. A good $4fh) Q quality for, pair A,UO The House of Quality AND OVERCOATS Tho jury in the case of N. Miller against D. E. Both, ct al., returned a vordict in favor of the plaintiff yester day in the sum of $70. Miller insti tuted suit to rocovor $107, alleged to 1 have been due on a contract. Dr. May, nerve speclalst, Masqnic bid A young 11 by the name of C. C. Halo, arrested on the charge of violat ing the anti-cigarette ordinance, was taken bofore Judge Elgin, who warnod him not to appear again on tho chargo, and dismissed the case. Drs. Darby and Burton, dentists, sec ond floor, U. 8, Bank building. Luther J. Chapin, the government farm export, delivered his Bocond loc ture of a series on drainago this aftor- noon at 2 o'clock. A good-sized audi- enco of farmers aJid business men heard the lecture, aud Mr. Chapin explained some gooa points relative to ilrainago, Fruit Inspector Constable, who is back today from a trip south of tho i ity on the Jefferson road, says tho prune, u.pplo and pear trees are in a fn vorablo condition for this season of the year, Ho does not believo tho unusual ly warm weather will have nny bad ef fect, unless it is prolonged, and there is a heavy frost, Many fruit growers are taking advnntngc of the flno weath er and aro pruning aud spraying their trees. Chop suey and noodles. City restau rant, 420 Ferry street, near Liberty. The January jury In tho circuit court was excused yestorday by Judgo Kolly and tho term h.'ts ended. This has been tho longest term of court held hero for many years an l Judgo Kolly complet ed a great amount of important crim inal aud equity matters, which formerly congested tho docket. Tho department will taJe up the next term April 4. Judge Kelly left for Portland this morning for Portland, whero ho will join Mrs. Kelly, who has been seriously ill at tho (lood Samaritan hospital, Mrs, Kelly will be able to leave tho hospital tomorrow for her homo in Albany. t all and see our early showing of French styles. They are oxclusivc. The French shop, 103 North Liberty, Joe IVery, the Salem man who was arrested recently on the charge of keep, ing i place where intoxicating liquors are sold, will be taken before the next grand jury. County Attorney ltingo has taken up the case and intends to prosecute IVery as soon as possible. l'eer, it is claimed by the police, sold liquor to Dave Snyder, a pa-roled con vice. The only witnesses tho police have, however, are the convict nud a boy who is said to have been present when the tinnsnction was made. Button offf I'm kets leak f Scum ripped f Spaulding's tailor shop will fix it and press your suit bak'k to its original tidiness, 4ti3 Court street, near High. lieliulde watchmaker, F. K. ltollins, 120 North Liberty street. Vlu Salem Six O'clock club will meet in the parlors uf the First Methodist I'pHcnnal church, Tuesday evening, Feb, 17. lion 1(. A. Booth, of Kugcuo, will addret-s the club on "Things for Which We Stand." "This will be a uood opportunity for the men of Salem to meet and hear Mr. Booth whose thoughtful interest iu our local iiniver city Is nud should be appreciated by evwry eitisen of our Capital City," said a member of the club today. Try Mm. Bent's famous home-cooked Sunday dinner, 4H North Commercial. Photo postals, $1.00 per dozen, ev-1 enings only. Trorer-Weigel studio. I So far there are eight candidates for justice of the supreme court, among them four of the present justices. Those are Chief Justice McBride and Jus itccs McNary, Bean and Eamsey, the latter being the only Democrat. In ad dition to these Henry L. Benson, of Klamath Falls, at present a circuit judge; L. T. Harris, circuit judge, from Eugene, and Circuit Judges Cleoton and Morrow, of Multnomah county, are an nounced candidates. There will be four vacancies to fill, and the race may prove to be a warm one. 8. T. Porter, pastor of the Christian church, has been asked to repeat his lecture on "Ministry of Angels," which ho will do Monday, February 10 at 7:45 p. m., at the Bible school building, corner of 17th and Court. Adults 25c, children 15c. Will give a free pair of pants with every suit ordered the coming week. D. E. Mosher, the tailor. We are showing some exceptional val ues in medium woight suitings, which we are closing out, You must soe them to apprepciate them. D, H, Mosher, the tailor. Kodak films developed and printed. Best results and quickest service in the city. Trover-Weigel, studio 442 State street. Your photo on post cards. Trover Weigel studio, opposite Bligh theatre. Evenings only. Why do you send your money back east for breakfast foods when you can got Wheatola fresh from the mill here in Salem every day Have your grocer send out a trial package. State Highways Engineer Bowlby an nounced today that work would be rushed on tho 13-mile stretch of the Pa cific highway through the Siskiyou mountains in Jackson county. J. W. Sweeney, who was awarded the coa tract, has reached the scene with a com plete outfit, and work will be started at once. Major Bowlby estimates that ho will employ 300 or 400 men at the start and many more in a few weeks. The grade will be 0 per cent and the curves will be easy. Tho Avenue Market is the name of tho fine new meat shop conducted by W. A. Schirmer on East Center street near tho corner of 17th. Mr. Schirmer handles only tho choicest meats. His shop is strictly sanitary, his prices rea sonable, his service courteous nud prompt and delivery free. Phone Main 1007. Give him a trial. (Continued from page one.) employed, and tho chance to earn a little money was a Godsend to them. liiver men feared an ice blockade in tho harbor. Navigation was already much Interfered with, and practically no rogular schedules kept, On account of the stor mthe Now York Central canceled all freight trains. Score Dead In New York. Fully a score perished here. Tho po lice sny tho number of victims might prove to bo considerably larger than tho ono given. Traffic and communi cation were so completely tied up that it was almost impossible to get from one end of tho city to tho other, or to trans mit messages, so news traveled slowly. Sonio of those who died actually froze to death, but tho majority succumbed to accidents incidental to the storm. Tho damage was estimated at more than $1,000,000. Urban Traffic Tied Up. Urbaln traffic was completely tied up Business iu nil lines fell off nt least 75 per cent. Trains were hours late. Many were canceled entirely, Auloino biles could not penetrate the snow drifts. Horses refused to face the wind. The streets were nearly deserted. Ihiring tho worst of tho gale there were times when the wind reached a ve locity of M miles an hour. At 1 p. in., however, it subsided, the snow stopped fulling and the sun shone. The snow extord Tonight REAL VAUDEVILLE Butler and Lyons The Cowboy Fiddlers. Five encores last nlsht, but Uis people 1 still wanted mora. "Fantomas" Ths second in the sorics of the "Man In Black." A four part detectivs story Without a peer. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH AND THEN SOME FOR 5 and 10 cents w Look tor the Flying Eagle" YE LIBERTY Presents SUNDAY AND MONDAY Jack London's famous story "The Sea Wolf" Complete in seven reels of motion pic tures. Direct from the Spokane engagement, where it played to capacity at 25 and 35 cents. . Ye Liberty prices. 10 and 20 cents then averaged a foot deep, but in places it was drifted to three or four feet. DEATH NOTICES. HERREN. Frank A. Horren, at 5 a. m., Febru ary 14, 1914, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Estes, 1498 East State street, aged 53 years. Funeral services from the home at 1:30 p. m. Sunday. Interment in City View cemetery. The funeral will be in change of Lehman & Clough. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the kind and loving sympa thy of our many friends during the loss of my dear husband and father. Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Cady and family. BLIGH Return Engagement of The Standard Bearers. A. B. BASCO and his big Musical Comedy Co. 4 r PEOPLE 4 r 1 51 and Lots of in I W Pretty Girls IU 4 DAYS ONLY 4 All New Shows. Sunday, February 15 "McManus Troubles." Monday, February 16 "Who's Who.N Tuesday, February 17 "A Society Af fair." Wednesday, February 18 "Out for a a Lark." Tuesday Night Extra. 8 TANGO DANCERS 8 Wednesday night Chorus Girl's Contest Prices 15 and 25 cents. Matinee Daily 4444444 ISwISialllSlSZl EXTRA Special! "6Vj acres, all in bearing fruit, mod em buildings, $16,000. 5 acres iu clover, house, $1250. 30 acres, 10 cleared, improved, $3500. 64 acres Howell Prairie, improved, to trado for Salem property, $S600. 10 acres bearing fruit, improved, $3000. 17 acres, close in, improved, $1000. Several good buys in Prune Ranches, Hop Ranches and Berry Tracts We have cigar stores, pool rooms, gro eery stores, shoe shop, hotel, rooming houses, blacksmith shop, restaurant. City Lots in all Parts of Salem 10 acres, close in, $2500. 7-room house three lots, $5000. 160 acres, well improved, $0000. Expert Public Stenographer in attendance SEVERAL STOCK RANCHES CHEAP. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? LIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH US. WE SELL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSUARNCE. Acme Investment Company A. B. Cook, Manager Fhone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court House. 640 State St EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IN CON NECTION. aiiiM4kiitftto4 NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each insertion. FOK SALE Wood saw, almost new. Phone 420, Star Wood Co., West Salem. FOR SALE Five-passenger auto, quire of E. Eckerlen. In- FOR RENT Eckerlen building North Commercial street. SEWING MACHINES If you need a sewing machine come and get on now, as we are going to make i cleanup sale. No reasonable offei will be refused. 640 State street. FOR RENT Small, modern bungalow North Cottage street. Phone Care) F. Martin. . FOR RENT Housekeeping apartments at 639 North Liberty. Inquire E Eckerlen. FOR SALE OR TRADE Second-hand Estey organ. Phone Fanners 2S or 1311 North Fourth. IT IS THE DUTY Of every man to get a home of his pwn. This is the town, and now is the time. Come to us and we will show you how it can be doue on the easy payment plan. We write all kinds of reliable insur ance. Lafler & Bolinger, 406 Hub bard building. LADY SOLICITORS WANTED In ev ery town to sell the Leona three-in-one garments, combining corset cov er, skirt and drawers. Patented. It is a pleasant way to make money. We will show you how. Leona Gar ment Co., 243 Main street, La Crosse, Wis. FOR RENT Two farms. 445. Call Main WAiSTi-D An experienced man to trim fruit trees. John Girardin, Tur ner, Or. Phone Farmers' 459. FOR SALE Al good Jersey cow. E. Johnston, West Salem. E. FOR SALE 10-acre tract, close in, small house and barn, good soil, with nearly 1000 fruit trees, IVi acres loganberries. Arthur S. Benson, state house. FOR RENT 3 houses and 2 flats at a bargain. Phone 71. FOR $150-CASII RENT One acre, Sa lem heights, half in loganberries, 4 room house, chicken house and yard. Address "V. II. B.," care Journal. FOUND Wrench aud pair combination plyers. Apply Journal office. FOR SALE 13 acres 2 miles from Fair grounds, 8 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and stumps, 2 acres young orchard, fine soil, 5-room new house. Square Deal Realty Co., U. S. Bank building, room 304. rhone 470. ONE CHANCE In a lifetime to get a new, modern 5-room bungalow, well built, on a paved street, only $200 down, bulance like rent. Price $1400. Dechtel & Bynou, 347 State. SACRIFICE SALE o acres, well im proved, close in, $2500; terms. Bech tel & Bynon, 347 State street. FARM BARGAIN 81-aere farm, im proved, $10,000; terms. The best buy in the valley. Bevhtel & Bynou, 347 Stnto street. FOR SALE 5 acres of good laud lull under cultivation, good road, 3'& miles from Salom. Price $1200, $450 cash, balance $10 per month. W. II. Grnhcuhorst & Co., room 2 Bush bank building. FUR SALE 10 acres of good land, all under cultivation, small house and barn, well, some strawberries and lo- gnnbemes and young fruit trees. Price $2200, $750 cash, balauce at 6 per cent interest. W. H. Graben horst & Co., room 2 Bush bank bldg. FOR SALE 5 acres of land Und some small buildings, half cleared, balance easily cleared, Prico $S50, $200 cash, balauce $0 per mouth. W. H. Graben horst 4 Co., room 2 Bush bank bldg. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BURailARDT & MEREDITH Resident Agents, 385 State Street Jim Willson 5 acres 2 miles from Salem, north. Fino improvements, land all clear and in small fruit. Price, including horse, wagon, buggy, farm implements, feci, furniture, etc., $351)0. 270 acres, 125 clear, 10 miles no; th, f ;ur building, $50 per acre. 15'ii acres 5 year-old peaches, 2Vj miles from tSnlem, for $150 per acre. The crop this year will almost pay for the place. Some fine 40-ncr farms from $.'e to $75 per m re. The-o tracts are well lo cated, Wing only 2'.. miles from rail road town. For l aignius see Jim Willson 141 North High Street llllHIi Today and Sunday 10c With an entire change of program Sunday. The Oxford Trio Real singers and entertainers, also Miss Alberta Gillam In new song, with Pipe Organ Licensed Pictures, Mystery of the Dover Express Edison Detective Drama. The Perils of the White Lights A two-reel drama showing the life of a girl on the stage a good comedy. When the Globe shows vaudeville It is always high class. No raise In prices. A three-reel feature Sunday. Illlllil Defective Vision Is your vision correct? Do your eyes focus properly for ALL distances? If you are not sure about it, consult a Re liable Optometrist NOW. You will find it the wisest thing to do and the cheapest. A thorough training in optics and pleased patrons is my guarantee to you of competent, satisfactory service. If your eyes are diseased and an occulist is needed, I will frankly tell you so. MISS A. McCULLOCH OPTOMETRIST 291 N. Commercial St. Phone 925 Hours, 9 to 5 Ground Floor JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS. No machinery to tear and wei.r out delicate fabrics Work called for and delivered promptly. 445 Ferry Street. Phone Main 552 MOiEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon Good Buys 5-room house and lot 50x135, on 14th street, $1100. 10-room house, all modern, very close in, $5000. 12-room double house, $3000. Would trade for suburban home near car line. S, 10 and 15-acre suburban homes on and near car line. Prune orchards aud prune lands In the Liberty and Rosedalo districts. One of tho very best farms in the fa mous Waldo Hills, with $8000 worth of buildings at $115 per aero. For sale. Extra good bargains in hop yard, stock, dairy and grain farms, at pricee that are right. Fine location for automobile repair shop. Choice residences and residence lots. Houses to rent. C. O. Rice & W. S. Low With I. S. Barnes & Co. 315-316 Masonic Temple. If you have bargains to offer, list with us. a mi alu iu nil M ul u A mm id mm tttMj