.4 .... I j ' I i f i !i . EIGH.T. DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL. SALEM, OREGON. F2IDA7, FEBRUARY 13, 1911. 1 u i rr m ; fa Save Money at Meyers Many attractive specials displayed throughout Salem's Big Store. See the Advance Spring Assortments. New Spring Wash Goods New Spring Neckwear New Spring Suits and Coats Each department is bringing out many attractive new things. It will pay you to visit here often. An interesting Sale of Fine Cut Glass, every piece reduced One-third Special Sale of Liquid Shoe Dressing-Tom orrow-7c a bottle $1.75 Cha.rmeuse-40-inch-several colors-special tomorrow- 1.39 Yd. The House X" a. ' 7 -ji j Quality ji Capital City Brevities R. H. Bushey, of Portland, was in tho city yesterday on business. Mrs. Kate Todd, member of tho Port land Boys' and Girls ' Aid society, was in the city yesterday looking after business mutters in connection with her office. Miss Jennie Muscott, of Dallas, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Mills, of this city yestorday. Miss Muscott is the city librarian at Dallas. Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist. Masonic bldg Miss Lou Wators has gone to Port' laud to vicit friends for a few days. II. C. Critchlow, of Portland, is in the city on a visit. Dr. Mendelsohn fits eye correctly. U. 8. Bank building. Chct Hnrgrovo, a well known young man of this .city, who has been en gaged in business in Portland for some time, has returned to Salom whore he will have charge of a branch of a large cement firm, Tho Misces Gibson have returned to this city after looking over the Hpring millinery styles in Portland. They conduct a millinery store hem. 0. D. Gabrlclson, who has boen in 8au Fraueisco for somo time on busi ness, is expected to return homo with in a short time, Wo have the livtest In candy boxes. Those red satlu heart valentine boxes on sale onlv at Bell's. Another eastern visitor in the person of (1. K. Kay, of Broken Bow, Neb., has arrived in tho eity and Intends to look about for a suitable locution to make his home. Loral trade conditions are being ex pected today by B, H. Ilickok, manager of the Portland brunch of tho John Deere Implement Co. William Huse, of Jefferson, has pur chased tho tvvontyi:or prune farm formerly owned by Mrs. Julia C. M. Ilrouin, of liusednlo. Valentine boxes filled with Belle's finality randies, not how cheap, but how pool. "Mies IVlj hiiie Hose, a San Francisco wiudcv illc artist, was in the city yes terday viiting at the home of her -cousin, Mrs. Elinor Jack, Mis Hose Is ml her way to Seattle, where she will fill nn engagement at the Orphenm theatre, Try the Leonard Hotel under now innimgcim nt ; !!,Vl Front, An a di legate to the annual Irrigation rongrcn, Fred H, Kynoii left this morn ing for Portland, llu hopes to secure tbe next congress for Sulcm. Fine printing! Fuller Printing Con fern. 1 in L Main SITU. Toe Swinborry and fniuily, of Kugene will move to this city shortly, Mr. hwinberry will tako a position With the street lailway company. Order your next winter's supply of ulnb wood from the Star Wood Co. Spe iiul price in five-cord lots, if taken now. Phone 426; office and yard, East talem. Tomorrow JLLgoodIcoods uzy Dr. Harry E Clay has moved into now and enlarged quarters in the Bush bank building, Phone Main 41)9. Call and sea our early showing of French styles. They are exclusive. The French shop, 105 North Liberty. Valentines that are appreciated. One of hour heart boxes fillod with de licious candies, 15c to $4. The Spa. A declaration was also filed yestor day by M. V, Parsons who is to be come a candidate for stato senator from Lane county. ' C. A. Wilson today filed bis declara tion to become a candidate for the of fice of county recorder. Mr. Wilson is running on tho republican ticket. Now millinory tho kind that is at tractive. Tho French Shop, 105 North Liberty, Valentines that the appreciated. One of our beautiful heart boxes filled with delicious candy, 15c to $4, Tho Spa. It Is easier for a camel to go through the oyo of a needle than it is for a man to find a better 10e cigar than the I. a Corona, Imported from Germany, Bed Satin Valentine candy boxes, all Bizes, on sale at Belle's, You cannot bo too careful about the bread you eat. If it is Tip-Top you know it is made under the most sani tary conditions. Get it of Sperling, the grocer, 211 North Commercial. Why should you worry if it is cold and it it does ruin, when you cnu get one of thoso fine warm carriage robes carried by Shaffer, the saddle and harness man, 1M7 South Commercial. No where does quality count so much as in a piano. You are sure of getting it with every one we sell, be cause wo sell only the best. The Wiley U. Allen Music Co,, li. F, Peters, Mgr., -l Court street, Bello'a new Victoria dans separate. hoeolutes, in a " nomocracy ami Great Fortunes" is the title of the lecture to be given by lr, J, 11, Gilbert this evening nt S o'clock In the auditorium of the pub lic library. The lcturer will discuss some of the economic conditions of modern times which have resulted in the uneipial distribution of wealth, The lecture is free. Frank O. l.ov ell will Introduce the speaker. Mexican chews. At llclle's. The different kind. Superior goods promptly served by courteous people has made the Suuv't grocery a favorite with the discrim inating housewives of Salem. South Commercial at l'.'l. Tho Avenue Market pays top prices for fine dressed pork, veal and mutton. W, A. Schirmer, 1(121 Center street Phone 2(107. The boys of tho l uitariau Sunday fc-hool met last evening to fluisli the orggniratiou of I boys' club. Louis Frost was elected president and lialph Itukcr secretary and treasurer for three months. The club will combine social pleasure with study In the format lou of boy life. ltev. Tlsher will be di rector of ths club, New Spring Dress Goods New Spring Embroideries New Spring Footwear Where Satisfac tion follows every Transaction Members of tho Loyal Order of Moose and their families will please meet at the Moose hall Sunday, February 13, at 2 o'clock prompt for luncheon and to hear address of Hon. George W. Wardc, supreme instructor. Up to the presont time the registra tion books at the county clerk's office show the following registrations epub licans, 812; Democrats, 218; prohibi tionists, 102; socialists, 13; progressives 25; independents, 43, and miscellane ous, 8. A fine illustrative talk wbb given at the Salem high school last night by 0. ii. Benson a member of the govenr- nient department of agriculture. The speaker's address was very instructive and he dwelt upon some points which come right in line with tho work the students are doing at the present time. Tho women of -Salem are invited to hear Miss Lulu Bobbins, assistant professor of domestic scienco and art, of the agricultural college, speak at an open meeting of tho Woman's club Sat urday, February 14, at 2:30 o'clock, in tho public library. . Dr. May, nerve spoclalst, Masonic bid A little colored lad giving his name as Jack Johnson, was painfully bruised yesterday when a motorcycle struck him while ho was in tho act of operat ing a "speeder" down North Cottage street. The lad failed to see the motor cycle until it was upon him. Although his injuries aro not serious, the boy suffered several bad bruises about the body. Tho sompomore class at Willametto university elected tho following offi cers yesterday; Miss Genevieve Avi son, president; Miss Meryl Holt, vice- president; Miss Ada Boss, secretary; Miss Anna Kctel, treasurer; Miss lfuth Hover, class reporter, and Miss J'.rmiue 1 1 a riling, Hergcantntarms, Following the passago of an ordi nauco in Salem making it an offense for boys to buy or smoke, or dealers to sell cigarettes, the Salvation Army has an Anti-Smoklng league at work in Salem and 2(1 members haivo been secured. The army will not stop at the ago limit of IS years, as in tho case of tho city ordi nance. Adjutant Alfred Whitney will bo In Salem from Portland Monday night to enroll new recruits recently se cured bv tho armv. Tho tax collection department at the court house was kept open yesterday In spite of the fact that it was Lin coln's birthday, and aoveral hundred dollars were paid to tho cause of coun ty expenses. According to the tnx col lectors there has been very little com plaining on the part of the property owners so fnr this year and that they pay up with much comment. Tho Southern Pacific today an nounced low round trip fares to the De velopment League meeting to bo held in F.ugene February 1!), Tickets will ho sold at all points, main line and branches, between Ashland and Port land, with finnl return limit February 20. Many prominent speakers are on the program and it will lie a great get together meeting. Corporation Conunisisoner Watson to day asked District Attorney Kvans to proceed ngninst the Spirella. company of New York, which has a branch store in Portland, alleging that it has not observed the law in obtaining a li cense to do business In this state, Mr. Watson says he believes the company is liable to a fine of 1100 a year for five years. He says the Portland branch did a business of about $13,000 last year. 1 Better System of Handling Accounts Is Planned and Money to Be Placed With Treasurer. . CHIEF CLERK IS NAMED TO LOOK AFTEE MATTER Finance Committee of Three to Meet Once Each Month and Duties of Game Wardens Outlined. The report of the fish and game com mission, filed with the governor last evening, is a voluminous affair, much too long to print, and longer thao any would care to read, if printed. Out of the mass we have gleaned the follow ing: inat neretotore tnere nave no accounts been kept, except in a very desultory way, and that the commis sion will haive these slips and notes posted so that something can be learned of what the commission has done, and wheso the money has been expended. It recommonds the turning over of all funds to the state treasurer to be checked out as in other state business, the commission heretofore having main tained its own private deposit. It makes several other reconunenda tions about as follows: That a board composed of two commercial men, two game men, with suggestion of the a.p pointment of a fifth member from the scientific department of some educa tional institution. Thet Appointment of a Chief Clerk. Appoint from the board a finance committee of three, who shall meet at least once a month. That work be divided among the members of the commission so that each is responsible for visiting and reporting on certain plants. Appoint a hatchery superintendent with residence at Bonneville, to have complete charge of fish and hatchery operations. Game warden to have complete and exclusive control of the policing of all that district west of the Cascades, and three deputies or rangers to travel in connection with his work west of the mountains. Makes it the duty of the fish warden to collect all licenses, look after dams, ladders, screens, etc., and to have ex elusive control of the policing of all that district vest of the Cascades, for both game and commercial interests, and be allowed one deputy to travel in connection with his work east of the mountains. That the expense of polic ing, etc., be born at the ratio of $2 from the game fund to $1 from the fish fund. Finally recommends the department keep in touch with the U. S. bureau of fisheries, whose work is far superior to that done bv tho state. BIO BOWLING GAME. A big match game will be played to night at The Club alleys between Pop Weymnu's Pirntes and Ralph's Feder als, The Pirates consist of such bowl ers as Weyman, fuptaiu Stutesman, Ijit'lar, Ranch, and Kress. Opposed to them are a bunch of equally as good bowlers, Captain Pratt, Craven, Pierce, N'oud and Siddoll. There is a great deal of interest aroused, tho rivalry between the two being very keen. FNANCIER VERY ILL. Paris, Feb. LI. John J. Har.jos, head of the Paris firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., was reported seriously ill today at G rasse. Geo. C. Will is ou a business visit to Portland. Tho Oxford Trio, who made such a hit at the Globe about three mouths ago, have just finished a most successful tour through California, and will ap- pear here three days, commencing to night, in latest songs and piano solos. No raise in prices 10c, The Oxford Trio nt the Globe Friday, Saturday and !?uudav at the snme price 10c. There have been ."" rdcyeles stolen in this city during the past year, accord ing to' the Kilice records at the city jail. Out of the 55 the police hove recovered 17. The no, tare of the thefts indicate that transients aie, in many instances the (lilt v parties, fur the reason the stolen wheels have uot been located at any particular place, and that many of them were found lying along the road side i(t tho suburbs of the city.. One was stolen from a Capital .lourutil news boy last evening. Petitions for a remonstrating against state wide prohibition are being circu lated in Sivlom at Present. The petitions are being handled by different local men, ami it Is understood that such a movement is now being niade in every city in the state. One of tho petitions which was circulated in North Salem today contained over 300 names, and it is understood that many more such pa pers are being signed up by the local citizens. Story hour at the public library Sat urday morning at t :30 For the young er group, Indian faiiy tales. For the "Arabian Nights" group, "Cam ar aliamin and the Princes Badoura," INVOLVED I I One of the most important legal ac tions ever brought in Judge Galloway's department of the circuit court is being tried today, it being a case wherein Juilns G. Voget is seeking to recover $30,923 from O. L. Harris and the fore closure of a contract for the purchase of lands located near Brooks, Ore. There are 19 witnesses on band who will testify in behalf of the plaintiff, while the defendants will be represent ed by nine witnesses. The lands in question compose some of the richest farming territory in the state, and the suit resulted from the plaintif's objec tion to the defendant's actions in car sying out the contract to improve the property. Attorneys William P. Lord, Jr., of Portland, aind Walter E. Keyes, of Sa lem, are representing the plaintifff. Judge Galloway is holding court in the city council chambers. GEOBGE C. BBOWNELL IS MAKING HIS CAMPAIGN LARGELY ON BIG STATE ISSUE. George C. Brownell, prominent in the politics of Oregon for years, and former state senator from Clackamas county, is in Salem today from Oregon City, on legal business. Mr. Brownell is a candidate for the Republican nomina tion for governor, and stated today that he would make the campaign on a clean cut, anti-saloon platform. If he ac complishes nothing else, he hopes to force other candidates to take a defi nite position on this important question. "I am a good loser and a good win ner,' said Mr. Brownell, "and no mat ter how it goes, I will be satisfied. They will all know they have been in a fight, however. " DEMOCRACY AND GREAT FORTUNES Lecture by Dr. James H. Gilbert Public Library Auditorium Tonight, 8 O'clock FREE LOB TONIGHT and Saturday 10c The Oxford Trio Those harmony boys who made such a hit at the Globe about three months ago. Miss Alberta Gillam Formerly soloist in Boston, in new song with Pipe Organ. LICENSED PICTURES Mystery of the Dover Express Edison Detective Drama. The Perils of the White Lights Two-reel Kalem, featuring Anna Nilsson Twe Real Comedies full of laughs No raise in prices. The big Bhow at the small price When the Globe runs vaudevill it always high class. Go When the Crowd Goes.' 10c (III RE MI 212 Proprietor of Plymouth 111 Only Since Saturday and Death Surprises His Many Friends, PROMINENT IN AFFAIRS OF CITY FOM MANY YEABS Survived By His Wife, Parents, Three Brothers and Sister and Had Wide Acquaintance in Oregon Oscar M. Johnson, for several years the proprietor of the Plymouth clothing store, at the corner of State and Liber ty streets, passed away at his home in this city this morning at 2 o'clock, af ter an illness lasting but a short time. The deceased was born near Jeffer son, in Marion county, July 15, 1867. He came to Salem 31 years ago. About ten years ago ho started a clothing store in, this city. But a few years ago Mr. Johnson moved into the quarters l now occupied by the Plymouth clothing store, and has built up a valuable busi ness in the new location. Mr. Johnson has been foremost in all public affairs in this city, and wais pop ular in Salem society. He was an ac tive member of the Masonic lodge and took part in several leading movements whereby the city has been boosted in the past. Besides having excellent business ability, Mr, Johnson was a lov ing husband and a good friend. He has a wide circle of friends, not only in this city, but in many othor towns of the state, who will grieve to learn of his sudden and unexpected demise. Tho deceased was taken down ill with pneumonia last Saturday, as the result of contracting a cold recently. His condition gradually grew worso, and this morning at 2 o'clock he died. Besides a wife, who was formerly Mrs. Hal Bolam, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Johnson. Mr. Johnson leaves three brothers, Clyde, Paul and George Johnson and a sister. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the undertaking parlors of Rigdon & Richardson. The funeral will be private. IN-SHOOTS. Patient listeners stimulate eloquence. No man properly appreciates a bor rowed dollar. Truth has been known to crush pop ularity to tho earth. As a rule tho howling mob is content to take it out howling. It is easier to- tell fortunes with cards than to make them that way. Society rushes where angels fear to tango. When weighed down by trouble, it is better to stand erect, Egotism and envy are seldom found in the same belfry. An optimist is any man who feels that he might have been worse than he is, Philadelphia Ledger. It's easier for love to find the way than it is for dad to pay the bills. ESQZluSawZS EXTRA Special! 20Mi acres, all in bearing fruit, mod em buildings, $16,000. 5 acres in clover, house, $1250. , 30 acres, 10 cleared, improved, $3500, 64 acres Howell Prairie, improved, to trade for Salem property, $8600, 10 acres bearing fruit, improved, $3000. 17 acres, close in, improved, $4000. Several good buys in Prune Ranches, Hop Ranches and Berry Tracts We have cigar stores, pool rooms, gro cery stores, shoe shop, hotel, rooming houses, blacksmith shop, restaurant City Lots in all Pants of Salem 10 acres, cToso in, $2500, 7-roora house three lots, $5000. 160 acres, well improved, $6000, Expert Public Stenographer in attendance SEVERAL STOCK RANCHES CHEAP. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? LIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH US." WE SELL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSUARNCE. Acme Investment Company A. B. Cook, Manager Phone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court Home. 540 State St EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IN CONNECTION. A MOMENTOUS AFFAIR. "You've heard the story of the hen seeking the nest and the woman seek ing the grocer to negotiate for a darn ing needle in exchange for the prospec tive egg." ,rYes. I suppose now when the hen seks the nest it creates a flurry in Wall street." Louisville Courier-Journal. HEB SORBOW. Alice Does your husband talk much about his mother's cookingf Kate (wearily) Some; but not as much as he does about mine. Boston Transcript. PRETTY TEACHER, EVIDENTLY. Teacher Willie, if you don 't behave yourself I'll write a note to your father. Willie You do, and you'll make ma jealous. Boston Transcript. JOURNAL WANT ADS. bring results. NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each insertion. FOR SALE Wood saw, almost now. Phone 42C, Star Wood Co., WeBt Salem. FOB SALE Good driving horse, weight 1175. Salem Laundry Co. FOR SALE Five-passenger auto. In- quire of E. Eckerlen. FOR RENT Eckerlen buildinir North Commercial street. SEWING MACHINES If you need a sewing machine come and got one now, as we are going to make cleanup sale. No reasonable offer will be refused. 64S State street. FOR RENT Small, modern bungalow. North Cottage street. Phone Carey F. Martin. FOR RENT Housekeeping apartments at 639 North Liberty, i Inquire E. Eckerlen. FOR SALE Full blooded White - Wyandotte eggs for sotting. 425 S. 20th street. FORCED TO SELL Three houses and lots, three blocks from street car, costing over $4500. Make an offor for them. Bechtel & Bynon. WANTED Ten ears Red Hills Bur banks, immediate shipment; must be good quality. Address Mangis Bros., Salem, Ore. FOR RENT Five-ronm house; furni ture for sale, cheap; 1065 Marion. JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS. No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics Work called for and delivered promptly, 445 Ferry Street, Phone Main 552 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BURGHARDT & MEREDITH ' Resident Agents. 385 State Street MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon Good Buys B room home and lot 50x135, on 14th street, $1100. 10-room home, all modern, very close in, $5000. 12-room double house, $3000. Would trade for suburbaa home near car lino. 5, 10 and 15-acre suburban homos on and near car line. Prune orchards and prune lands in the Liberty and Rosedale districts. One of the very best farms in the fa mous Waldo Hills, with $S000 worth of buildings at $115 per acre. For Bale. Extra good bargains in hop yard, stock, dairy and grain farms, at prices that are right. Fine location for automobile repair shop. Choice residences and residence lots. Houses to rent. C. O. Rice & W. S. Low With L. 5. Barnes & Co. 315-318 Masonic Temple. If you hrs bargains to offer, list with u. Jir imt.Ma 11,1 jM rill ,, , L J