Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 13, 1914, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Justice Burnett, H. M. Irwin, Grant B.
Dimick and Seymour Jonas Ad
dress Large Audience.
Musical Numbers of Interest Help to
Enliven Occasion and Observance
Is Great Success,
Id spite of the fact that the day had
been largely devoted to a proper ob
servance of the occasion, and meetings
had been held in many places, the ar
mory drew a large crowd last night, the
occasion being the celebration of the
birthday of America' greatest presi
dent, Abraham Lincoln. Arrangements
had been made to have the Willamette
Glee club present, but, for some un
known reason, it did not materialize.
President of the Club Seymour Jones,
after a brief but eloquent tribute to
Lincoln, and an apology for the ab
sence of the Glee club, introduced Jus
tice George II. Burnett, who spoke
briefly but with much feeling of the
martyred president, and laid stress es
pecially on his great example to Amer
icans, an example shown as strongly
and as splendidly in the humbler walks
of private life as well as within the
highest office within the gift of hu
manity. He called attention to Lin
coln's intense love of the common peo
ple to whose service his whole life was
devoted, and outlined his life from the
little log cabin down in Kentucky in
which he came into tbe world to the
White Bouse, where that life reached
its grand fullness, and his great char
acter burst into full bloom.
Following his too brinf address, Miss
Alberta Gilliam, soprano at the Globe
theatre, kindly provided on the spur of
the moment, in the absence of tbe Glee
Club, by the managor of that theoitre,
sang The Star Spangled Banner, tbe
audience rising as the first notes were
sounded, pure and sweet, and hor mag
nificont rendering of the nation's most
inspiring song, and one of the most dif
ficult to sing of them all, was one of
the finest features of the evening.
She was followed by II. M. Irwin,
who was a newspaper reporter in Wash
ington during tho war. He spoko for
throe-quarters of an hour, but, unfortu
nately, bis speech could not be hoard by
the larger portion of tlio audience. Ho
reported Lincoln's Gettysburg speech
for his raper, and told many incidents
of thoso most stirring timos at the na
tion's capital.
Miss Edith Kollngg-Tinrtlott was hear
tily applauded on hor rendering of
"The pride of Battery B," and fol
lowing this IIou, Grant B, Dimick, of
Oregon City, made an eloquent address,
which concluded tho day's eolobrntion.
As time passes tho grandeur of Lin
coln's character and his iimto greatness
became more and more apparent, and
the people on whom ho relied and for
whom he worked so splendidly, pay year
after yoar a greater and more heartfelt
tribute, and Salem yesterday, regardless
of political fnith, expressed its re
spect for the man, and its veneration
for his memory.
Deputy Sealer of Weights and Meas
ures Buchtcl has written to the comity
courts impressing upon them tho neces
sity of county sealers making monthly
reports to the courts and the stato de
partment. The letter says in part:
"I feel that by sending these reports
it will place the stuto office in closer
touch with tho various county officers
and by a comparison of thoso reports it
will ouabln this office to advise with
the sealers, call atteution to the differ
ent conditions that arise and make sug
gestions that will plnee the Inw on n
mora efficient basis, thereby securing
to the people greater benefit and more
satisfactory rcult to all concerned. "
' Vera Cms, Mexico, Feb. 13. An at
tempt was made last ulglit to assassin
ate Lieutenant Arthur Cook Flag, lieu
tenant of Hear Admiral Mayo, of the
United States battleship Connecticut,
Lieutenant Cook, although struck iu the
hip by a buttet, was only slightly in
jurd. His RKsailant was not seen.
Cook, accompanied by his wife, and
Miss Ktliel McKeiizio of Philadelphia,
was returning iu a carriage from din
ner with Admiral Mayo. The party was
proceeding down Aveuida de lo In
dependencia. Wheu passing a si.lv
street a del mint Ion was heard and
Cook felt a shock on his left hip,
On alighting he found a bullet from
a small automatic pb'tol, The bullet
was spent in passing through the wood
work of the carriage. Cook reported
o the admiral who notified John LIud
and Consul Canada. - They, notified
General Maas, the military commander.
It is not believed the attack was the
result of a general plot but the sudden
act of a desperado, who, seeing Lieu
tenant Cook in a brilliant uniform,
mistook him for some high American
(Continued from page one.)
Cross-examined by Attorney Costigan,
the miners' legal representative, the
witness admitted that the owners have
a tacit agreement among themselves,
though not a regular organization.
He defended the operators' control
of the saloons in some districts, saying
they recognized the miners' right to
liquor, if they wanted it, but believed
that, by controlling the saloons, they
could regulate the quantity of intoxi
cants consumed.
He owned freely that there had been
"a shocking number of- mine accidents
in Colorado," but denied that they were
due to the owners' refusal to recognize
the unions. ' ,
TOTAL OF 14,106,790 ON HAND
R. E. Clanton, ex-master fish ward
en and now superintendent of hatch
eries, in his report for January, says
that because of the mild weather the
propagation work at tbe Bonneville
fish hatchery has been more gratify
ing than usual.
Superintendent Wilson has on hard
14,108.790 young salmon. The fry re
sulting from tbe fall chinook eggB are
all hatched. There are 1,250,000 east
ern brook trout eggs which are under
different periods of incubation at tbe
Mr. Clanton reports that all eggs
have been hatched and a large part of
the fry is taking food at Clatskanie
river hatchery. Twenty-seven hundred
3-year-old rainbow trout, from 10 to 18
inches in length, and 11,700 rainbow
yearlings are being hold. There also
are 141,787 salmon fry,' which are as
Tillamook Superintendent Wheeler
has 403,980 chinook fry, 779,025 silver-
side eggs, and 353,420 silversido fry.
Siuslnw rivor Eggs shipped from
the Columbia river have hatched and
fry are beginning to tnke food. Feed
ing 1,029,315 chinoon fry and 482,000
silversido frv.
I'nipqua river Feeding 1,495,420
young chinook fry.
South Coos river About 203,500
chinook eggs on hand; 1,093,900 chinook
fry;, 1,4311,9(10 silversido eggs and 1,
479,900 silversido fry.
Work is progressing at the Coqnillo
river hatcher and 500,000 chinook
eggs have been transferred to the
hatchery. Moro than 2,000,000 eggs
are being handled.
Pendleton, Or., Feb. 13. War is to
lie waged against the cigurotto in Pen
dleton, The home, the school and tho
city is being organized into a trium
virate to stop boys from smoking. The
Parent-Teacher association started tho
movement and it is expected that the
city council at its next meeting will
act on an ordinance prohibiting the
sale of tobacco iu any form to boys less
thau 18 years old. Bpociul officers
probably will bo appointed to enforce
the ordinance.
Ho is a wise politician whoso silence
is so intense that yon cau almost hear
Swell Corns? Try
Wonderful "GETS IT"
Greatest Com Cure World Has Ever
Knowu "Oets" Corns as Burs
as Fate.
Thousands say "UKTSIT" is simply
magic. If you'vo tried nearly every
thing else under the sun to get rid of
those corns, so much tho better for
' G ETS-1T. ' ' Corn freedom is yours at
iiM -cETS-rr
and You Will
ft ft About
Yvr Corns
In. , not next wwk or next month, but
right nowl "(IKTS1T" m after
com as a crow does eom. There are no
mure thick plasters and greasy salves
tint den t. remove, no moro files, rarer
and jabbers that make corns grow Put
a few drops of 'MIKTN-IT" on and see
every com and callous shrivel anil van
ish. That's the new way, Hie palnlo.
sure, safe, nuick wav. Only 'OETS-1T"
can do It. Apply it in three seconds.
;OhfIT." 23 cent, a bottle, or sent
uir, t ly I.. Lawrence (,:., Chicago.
x .;v .
si si va ,
Mrs. Florence Kelly Says It Is Long
Step Toward Freeing Children
From Labor in Factories.
Secretary of Labor to Report Violations
and Prosecutor Must Then Take
Action Promptly.
Washington, Feb. 13. The introduc
tion of the Palmer child labor bill, ac
cording to Mrs, Florence Kelly, member
of the board of trustees of the Nation
al Child Labor Committee, Is a long
step forward in the fight to free chil
dren from factories and send them to
school. The biU, which proposes to pro
hibit interstate commerce in goods pro
duced by children under fourteen years
of age, or by children under sixteen
who have worked more than eight hours
a day, is declared to be the most im
portant of any Bimilar bills that have
been introduced. Mrs. Kelly has pre
pared the following article explaining
why this is bo:
"The child labor bill introduced in
Congress by Representative A. Mitchell
Palmer, of Pennsylvania, an January
2(1, last, is more comprehensive than
the Kenyon child labor bill in which
hitherto I hnve beon dooply interested.
It applies to manufacturing establish
ments, factories, mines and quarries,
mills canneries and workshops. It is
more extensive than the Kenyon bill
in that it regulates the employment ot
children between the ages of 14 and
16 years, restricting their working
hours to eight in one day and to day
light hourB from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Like the Kenyon bill it applies to inter
state commerce.
Duty of District Attorney.
''The enforcement of the proposed
law is made the duty of each district
atorney to whom the Secretary of La-
shall report any violation. It it
quite now in providing that prosecu
tions must be begun when a state fac
tory inspector, commissioner of labor,
state medical inspector, school attend
ance officor or any other person shall
present satisfactory evidence of viola
tion of the law. The penalty provided
m a fine of not more thnn $1,000 nor
less thnn $100 or imprisonment for not
loss than one year or both such fine
and Imprisonment.
"The bill marks a long advance over
the proposals contained in both the
Kenyon bill and tho old Deveridpo bill
becauso it aplins to a wider rango of
employments and to older children (be
tween 14 and IB) for whom it forbids
night work and establishes the eight
hour day. In short, it applies to more
occupations, and moro children, con
tains moro provisions and authorizes
more officials to begin suit upon a com
plnint of moro different seta of people.
Would Not Touch State Law.
'The question is often asked wheth
er an intorstnto commorce provision
would supercodo state laws and munici
pal ordinances. It could not do this for
the following reasons: It can in the
nature of things apply only to goods
manufactured, mined or quarried; it
loaves untouched tho messenger ser
vice, employment in department stores
and other forms of retail trade; all ag
ricultural work such ns cotton picking,
berry and hop picking, weeding in the
beet fields, and all othor kinds of agri
cultural, and horticultural work in
which children are employed in ever in
creasing numbers.
"Such a law cannot interfore with
street work, such as newspaper vending,
peddling, boot-blacking, and sorvice ns
delivery boys on wagons, which have to
bo dealt with by stato laws or munici
pal ordinances. Furthermore, there are
certain dangerous trades which by a
score of existing statu laws have been
forbidden to all children under 1(1 years
or 18 years. The only feasible attempt
to touch upon this Important point by
federal legislation is the prohibition of
work in mines and quarries by children
under 10 years.
"Such a provision is Included in the
Palmer bill but no protection Is afford
ed to children In other dangerous trades
for dangerous machines and various
occupations involving the lives ot
others are not and could not be In
Fail to Enforce Law.
"We have an analogy in tho case of
the Pure Food Law. The states and
cities have never been so stimulated
to enact and enforce legislation with
regard to foods prepared for sale within
their owu borders a:i since the enact
ment of the Puro Food and Drugs Law,
and there is every reason to believe
that tho proposed federal child labor
law would work in the same way.
'I believe that the educational work
of tho National Child tabor Committee
will bo found to have entered upon a
new phase more valuable than nil the
;ood campaigns that It has hitherto
arrlcd on.
States whose statutes are good on
paper, only such aa West Virginia and
the great cotton manufacturing com
munities of the South will receive a
challenge they cannot Ignore through
this aggressive attack upon the sham
laws which' disgrace their statute
(Continued from page one.)
semester as compared with the one a
year ago. ,
1912-3 1913-4.
Tuition $ 0.635.00 $ 5,807.50
Interest received 3,883.89 9,875.73
Conference col 2,578.60 2,094.40
Gifts received 1,207.00 287.50
Total .'. 13,304.49 18,063.13
"The amount of insurance on the
different buildings is as follows:
Science building $10,000
Lausanne hall 3,000
Music building , 3,000
Tabernacle 1,000
Gymnasium 1,000
Chapel 12.600
Eaton hall .-. 25,000
Chapel furniture . 900
Laboratory equipment . . 600
Total 57,100
"This makes a total of $57,100 on
buildings that are valued at about
$135,000. Is this insurance sufficient f
Could a standard be Bet so that a cer
tain per centage of the valuation of
each building would repfesent the ex
act amount of insurance to be carried.
I should like an expression from the
board of trustees in regard to this mat
ter. "The current expense deficit is $25,
500. $2,500 has been subscribed that
could be applied upon this deficit. The
interest upon the deficit amounts to
$127.50 a month, lou will remember
that we made arangementB with Ladd
& Bush, bankers at Salem, to carry us
to the extent of $25,000. So far we
have not needed that amount of money.
I am hoping that we may get safely
through until June without borrowing
any more money, and am even trusting
that we may never have to incerase
this loan,
"I understand from Mr. McDaniel
that there is considerable unpaid prin
ciple and interest on the endowment
fund. This is a matter that should be
attended to and collections made at
Favors Continuance.
"Sevoral matters demand adjustment
at the present time. The first question
that we should consider, perhaps, is
what shall we do about our law school.
Shall we continue it or discontinue it t
Undoubtedly the ulumnae is a great as
set. My recommendation will be to con
tinue the law Bchool for another year
or two until thorough investigation can
be made as to tho feasibility and do
sirubility of retaining t.ie law school.
There is going to be a frank and
honest report mado by the Carncgio
Foundation for the advancement of
teaching concerning tho legal condi
tions, both in education and practice
in the United States. The roport will
undoubtedly contain the truth about
our law school ns it did about our med
ical school a few years ago. The report
will help to niako our decision in this
respocc. It is for this reason that I
recommend the continuance of tho law
school, in order that we may have tho
"Tlio music school needs special con
sideration. It should bo a policy of
management that would result in an in
crease of students in this part of the
school, but en n only result, by a proper
executive management of the music
Needs a Kimball College.
"What can wo do to help Kimball
school of theology! They have groat
need of endowment in order to attract
moro students by means of an increased
faculty. Garrett Bibical Institute at
Kvanston, Illinois has over a million
and a half endowment. Drew Theolog
ical Seminary, Madison, New Jersey is
iu a campaign far one million endow
ment which will be added to one half
million which they now possess. In
order to meet the demands of thorough
theological education of this day, Kim
ball school of theology should have a
largo increase In endowment.
"Our academy, likewise, gives evi
dence of need of atteution. Two years
ago we had ono hundred and tweuty
five academy students. Last year wc
had sixtyfour. This year our enroll
ment is fifty-seven. If the decrease
continues the academy will not pay its
way. I am strongly convinced that
there is need of the academy. A great
many students have neglected their
early opportunities in this country and
they are often desirous of improving
them. Owing to their advanced age
they do not desire to enter a high
school. They can cuter an academy
without any loss of self-respect. It
might be better for the academy to be
on a separate campus but it is a matter
that will adjust itself in coming years
if we make special effort to build up
our academy attendance. 1 think it
cau be done.
Problem of New Dormitory.
"The problem of a new dormitory
for our college girls is upon us. Wc
cannot maintain our own self respect
or the rvsnet of the public with our
present endowment, unless wv build I
dormitory to correspond with our othe;
buildings and with our present finan I
cial condition, Shall we build it by
bonding tho institution or shall w.
use some endowment, inasmuch as w
could get interest on It from the room
rents; vr shall we endeavor to secure
someone to whom we can pay an an
nuity who will furnish a large portion
of the amount needed; or shall we make
good liberal subscriptions and endeav
or to- get others to do the same in
order that the dormitory may be built t
Faculty Doing Splendid Work.
"Our present faculty is very much
in favor with our students. They are
all doing splendid work. They are
well equipped men and women and are
conscientiously endeavoring to do col
legiate work that will compare favor
ably with that accomplished anywhere.
One or two changes may be necessary
in order tq get the best possible ar
rangement in our work.
"Shall we use any of our professors
for summer work, soliciting students,
funds, or giving lectures in our church
es and arousing a greater interest in
the institution. Oregon Agricultural
of phamplets every year. The state
of phomplets every' year. The state
university is devoting itself to univer
sity extension, organizing classes in
small towns and larger towns all over
the state, sending out its professors to
touch with them; also sending these
lecture to these classes, keeping in
touch with them; also sending these
same men to high schools to speak on
various phases of education. Reed
college (and Pacific university have
courses in university extension where
by they give lectures in various sec
tions of the state as they may have
opportunity. Those institutions hold
conventions and spend a great deal of
money in attracting the attention of
the public. Since Dr. Todd left us we
have no special worker in the field.
My judgment is that we ought to have.
I am also profoundly convinced that
tbe president of the university should
spend considerable time at home de
veloping the inner life of the school
and planning metApds of publicity sim
ilar to those ,esed bjr these other insti
tutions in orjier to popularize Willam
ette and increase the student attend
ance. "Mrs. Mary Stewart of Corvallis
died recently and left $500 in her will
for Willamette university. The
amount will be paid to Mr. McDaniel
as soon as the administrator can close
up the estate.
"We ought to spend at least $1000
a year on books for our library. I
have been informed that the Univer
sity of Oregon expends from six to ten
thousand dollars a year on their library
Oregon Agricultural college likewise
spends large Bums of money. In order
to dovolop our collegiate work we must
increase our library facilities at once.
"The executive committee to whom
you referred the matter of the student
body foe fixed tho fee at five dollars.
"Splendid improvements have been
made in the gyymnasium through tho
kindness of a Salem friend from some
secret source. He has secured between
seven and oight hundred dollars and
with it has mado improvements in tho
gymnasium, especially for the benefit
of the young women of the university.
A furnace, shower-baths, dressing rooms
have been installed.
"New furnace9 have been placed in
Enton hall as the old ones were burned
out. This expense will add to our
current expense burden this year. The
committoe on buildiugs will bring in a
special report on these matters.
"Will tho trustees request an item
ized statement from tho treasurers of
each student organization for the June
meeting of each year! This is the only
way we can keep a firm hand on the
student organizations that are inclined
to run into debt."
Declaring that the proper training
of children would eliminate much of the
waste products grown on farms and in
golrdens, O. II. Benson, seinlist, in
charge of the agricultural home eco
nomic work aa promoted by the I'uited
States department of agriculture, ar
rived in Salem yesterday to confer with
State Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion Churchill, lie said if investiga
tion Indicwted its practicability, the
federal government would in this
state, as it ia doing in several oilier
states, co operate with local authorities
in the industrial club work of boys and
Through the efforts of Mr. Churchill
and his assistants Oregon probably hns
tho best system of boys' and ( ills' In
dustrial clubs in the schools in the
country, and it is . reliable that Mr.
Benson will mak rime suggest w.n fur
federal and state rnipenution at once.
"The federal government held in sev
eral states," said Mr. Benson, "consists
In it paying half the salaries and ex
penses of the fiel I workers. Wc ate co
operating in 21 sla es and I am on the
coast now with a view to giving such
aid to Orrgon, Wasuington and ' nlifor
nia. It is our plan to have the boys bud
girls do backyaid farming, and do it
profitably. We show them how to make
it pay, and the etricnee will Le of
valuable assistant e in maturity.
"Our biggest work, perhaps, is to Im
press upon the children how to elimin
ate waste, Th" best known ieetury
methods are taught for adoption at
home, so that the waste in canuiu; is
reduced to a minimum."
Local Dealers Think There Should Be
Better Movement of Product to Get
Market on Basis.
New York Is Claimed to Have Best of
- It in Prices, While Coast Is Not
Marketing Much.
Procrastination on the part of the
hop growers in this vicinity will eventu
ally hammer the market price down to
a point, and then knock the point off,
according to several local dealers. They
say that there must be more movement
in the market. In other words, it is be
lieved . the growers have got fo let
loose within a short time or the prices
will travel down so fast that all the
bolstering up that can be done by any
combination will not have any effect in
saving the man with the 1913 crop on
If what certain local dealers say is
true, hopmen in this state will never be
able to obtain the actual value for their
hops until they give the market an op
portunity to settle down upon some
definite basis. They declare that the
continually fluctuating condition of the
market has a great tendency to create
friction among the growers and the
merchants with the result ' that the
former is not willing to be satisfied
with the exact value price, while tbe
latter become obdurate and refuse to
halt any losses the market may suffer.
Build Should Move.
Whil a few short sales now and then
relieve any stupid condition in the mar
ket, no value basis can be arived at
until there is a general movement of
the crops on hand, say those interested.
It is predicted that, in the event the
bulk of the crop on hand now would
begin moviBg briskly, the grower would
soon realize just exactly what his pro
duct is worth, and consequently get a
better price than by holding np and
fighting shy of the different prices be
ing offered at the present time, some
of which are fair, while the majority
underestimate the hop value.
A market war between different hop
localities is apparent now, according to
reports coming from California and the
eastern states. It is claimed thai New
York is enjoying better prices than the
west, and, in order to bring the big buy
ers to time, the western growers are
taking their crops off the market, with
the result that it is hardly possible for
either the small grower or the small
purchaser to determine exactly the ac
tual base upon which to set the price.
Denver, Colo., Feo. 13. "I dou't
want any relations with the United
Mine Workers, and I will not have any.
Frankly, I have always opposed the
eight-hour day in the coal mines.
"The operators bought arms and
ammunition for the mine guards. I
want to take all the responsibility
that is coining to me for the. purchase
of machine guns. As far as tbe oper
ators are concerned, tho strike is all
over. "
These were a few of the statements
FOR 1914
Art hert, and their real mer
itsthe quality of the leather
can be realized beat by an in
Bpection. Come in. Prices
, $4.50 to $6.00.
Seed Grain
We have a complete stock of
wneat, oatw, Daney, rye, vetcn,
etc., all recleaned in first-class
shape and suitable for seed.
Carry a complete stock of the
different grasses suitable for this
climate, including Orchard Grass,
English and Italian Rye Grass,
Timothy, Mesquite, Red Top, Blue
grass, etc.
This is our specialty, and have
some of the very best seed grown
in the world. Have Medium and
Mammoth Red Clover, Alsike,
White and Sweet Clover. You
will always find bur prices the
lowest, quality considered.
DJV. White & Sons,
251-261 State Street, Salem, Or.
made yesterday agternoon by John Os
good, chairman of the board of direct
ors of the Victor-American Fuel com
pany, before the congressional commit
tee investigating the Colorado coal
strike. "I don't question the work
men's rights to organize and do busi
ness collectively, but I think the busi
ness man has a right to do business
with whom he pleases," ho said.
Osgood attempted to show that thei
wages in Colorado were not substan
tially lower thnn in Wyoming, and de
clared they were 20 per cent higher
than those paid in Kansas, Oklahoma
and Illinois, where the employers had
contracts with the United Mine Work
ers. "When the strike started, violence
started with us. Day after day men.
went out , the town marshal . at Se
guudo was killed. Shortly thereafter,,
the strikers held two women prisoner
until the governor iuterferod. During;
the strike fourteen men were killed,
three of whom were miners."
New York, Feb. 13. A downward
trend was apparent in the opening deal
ings in Btocks today, following yester
day's holiday.
Rome, Feb. 13. Mombers of the New
' York Giants and Chciago Whito Sox.
baseball teams left hero today for Nice,
France, to play exhibition games.
Charles A. Cominskoy, owner of tbo
White Sox, who has been ill of stomach
trouble, remained hero. He will consult
a specialist in Paris tomorrow.
Paris, Feb. 13. Alfonze Bertillon, the
noted anthropologist and head of tha
identification bureau of tho Paris po
lice department, died hero today.
I Our new style of gas heat-
I era are strictly odorless r
T n rl will kat vaw Mm'Al.,
at a small cost.
From $3 up f
ii Gas Works
Phone Mam 85. i