DAILY CAPITAL JOUUNAL, SALEM, OSEOOH, FBTDAY, FEBEUAfiY 13, 1914. UNLY ONE AGE OF Grandma, Mother and Child all Dress Aliitt and Its Hard to Tell Them Apart Nowadays. HOT LONG AGO WOMAN OF 50 TOOK TO BLACK BONNET She Doesn't Do It Now and Instead Takes to Styles Which Are Coquettish and Young. B MASGAEET MASON. (Written for the United Press.) Three little maids at a tango tea, Slender and swagger and fair to see, Three little frocks of a dainty hue, Three little heads of hair in the new est blue, 'Three little skirts slit up to the knee, Three little belles are these graces three; Grandma anil mother and child are they But which is which it were hard to say. New York, Feb. 13. There may bo seven ages of man according to Shakes peare but according to Fashion there's only one age of woman and that's de butante age. Madame La Mode has donned her gardening gloves, taken her prmining shears in hand and stepped into the garden of femininity. She has I'atted and pulled and coaxed and re sorted to artificial aids until thero isn't a hardy perrenial, a wall flower, a century plant, or a full blown bios' som in the whole place nothing but buds. It's true many won't bear close inspection but moat of 'em are triumphs of art over nature just the same. Time was, and not so long ago either. when a woman in her fifties took to tiny black bonnets with strings tied under her chin in demure grandmother ly fashion. Now she still takes to bon nets, but they are of frivolous gold lace wired out over the ears in the cutest .Dutch effect, and the strings that tie iimlcr her chin aro coquettish brides of Idack velvet or pearls or tulle ties that fasten with a smashing big bow under ono pink tipped ear. Keeps Them Youthful. With misses of eighteen and twenty tipeing the snowy locks of ago in their white wigs or grey tinged powder, the dowagers, whose hoary tresses are na ture's dower, no longer need resort to dye as the first step toward rejuvena tion. As white hair is particularly trying, however, tin complexion still Tetains some of the coloring and texture of youth, the present fashion of tint ing the hair blue, purple and cerise to suit your fancy is a great aid to the perpetuation of youth. Grandmother's best gown is no long er of stiffly brocaded satin or silk with touch of old lace about the sleeves and throat. No indeedy, not for the 1914 grandma. Her best frock, which, by tho way is a tango one, is of mauve chiffon over roso with a band of black velvet about her throat and no sleeves at all, Mother's dress of baby blue tulle is as diaphanous and scant of Bkirts as Daughter's pink chiffon and if this keeps on, no doubt great great-grand- mamma will bo ordering a yellow crepo de chine for hor next coming out party. There is much to be said for this fashion of perpetual youth. When woman's heart is young even though lier yeors number three score and ton there is no need for her to deck her self in tho rusty garments of senility. On the other hand the great danger of tho present mode is a tendency to go far to the other extreme and nothing is sadder than when she refuses to ac cept her years gracefully and artistic :8llv. It she is wise, however, the young middle-aged woman selects her raiment judiciously in tones of soft grey, lav endnr, purple , golden brown, taupe, sapphire, bluo, old rose and creamy white and remembers thnt black is for tho young woman alone. Moleskin is a becoming fiid for all ages and silver tipped fox as attractive for fifty as fifteen. Let her pay at tention to her figuro and always be well corseted. Can Beat Father Time. One may easily keep ahead of Father Time in the tripping measures of the trot and tango and a mauseuse in time saves nine wrinkles. One of the newest fads is the wearing of pearl dog collars not merely in the evening but for afternoon as well. This is a blessing for the woman whose only betrayal of age is about the throat, nor will she be suspected of wearing it for that reason since sweet and twenty is also covering up her firm young throat in like manner. Another good thing for the Indian summer charmer is the present craze for small and close fitting hats, for none but the brave and extremely young should dare the large chapeau, ' It is well to bear in mind however, that you've got to feel young as well as dress young if you would look young. So throw your knitting needles and your specs into the discard, Granny, join a tango class and get a French dressmaker and a Swedish masseuse. Wrinkles aren't being worn this sea son and a sparkle in your eye is worth two crowsfect in the corner. s GLASS INCLOSUBES FOB SIGHTSEERS IN WASHINGTON t'NtTKn pnESS LEASED WIRE. Washington, Feb. 13. Tho chief in dustry in Washington auto sightsee ing has undregone a revolution. After today the sightseers, rather less numer ous in winter than in summer, will be able to gaze at the gigantic piles of granite and marble which house the government offices, peer at the homes of the wealthy, and inspect the numer ous monuments without freezing to death. An enterprising rubberneck wagon company today announced that it has devised a plan for heating the inside of the big busses by Bteam from tho engines. TO FREE FILIPINOS. UNITED MESS LEASED WIIIE. Washington, Feb. 13. Representative Burgess made public late yesterday a letter from Speaker Champ Clark en dorsing Burgess' resolution for Philip nino independence. Burgess intends to seek early action on his bill. of CORN VALUE IS HEAVILY IN CREASED WHEN IT IS FED TO BUNCH OF PORKERS. That the Marion county farmer can get nearly twice the actual value of corn raised by himself and fed to hogs was proven yesterday by A. Blinsten, a prosperous farmer located at Rose dale, four miles south of this city. Mr. Blinsten sold a nine months old hog of the Kiamitia country and its wild bees feeding the hunter with manna. And such manna! Listen: "Then there was swining and swish ing of burning boughs, and the bees were soon drowsy with smoke. "Bill" called for his pan and spoon; he said that some of the honey was two, possi ble three, years old. It tasted of the perfume of wild flowers that bloom in meadows, in valleys, on craigs and be side clear, swiftly running water cour ses. And when the clammy sweetness has been sucked from the comb there came from the latter as it was pressed between the teeth a delicate, almost intangible flavor o cedar from the FEW FOLKS HAVE to McGilchrist & Sons, proprietors of fragant house in which the honey had the Boyal Cafeteria, which yeighed 255 pounds. The hog was raised on corn and milk and was in perfect condi tion for the market. Mr. Blinsten de clares that it did not require over 20 bushels of corn to feed the hog for past eight months and that he raised the corn himself. Figuring upon a market basis of lO'j cents, Mr. Blinsten obtained nearly double the market price that would have been given him for the 20 bushels of corn by feeding the lot to the hog. In other words, the farmer, fed the hog and prepared it for market without one cent of cost to himself and finally sold the animal for the highest market price. HE NEVER DENVERITE SAYS IT IS ONLY USEFUL FOR WASHING, AND HE LIKES BEER. been stored.' By the side of the cedar honey must be placed the squirrel potpie made ac cording to the ancient formula of woodsmen, and rated by Warden Doo lin as the best thing the hungry hunter finds in his camp about the time the first stars begin shining. We envy Oklahoma much as a re sult of reading this volume but noth ing we envy it more than its admirable warden. New York Tribune 'RITUAL MURDER" STORY IS AN OLD ONE REVAMPED DEMOCRATS AID BRYAN. frxiTEn rriKss leased wiiie. Washington, Feb. 13. Secretary State Bryan having asked the house im migration committee not to agitate Asiatic exclusion bills at present, dem ocratic mou yesterday prevented the others from disregarding hiB wishes, by the simple expedient of staying away from tho meeting. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS UNITED rilESS LEASED WinH.J Denver, Feb. 13. Denver has a man who has not had a drink of water for 30 years. Ho says so himself. His name is J. C. Lehner a restauranteur. - " Water has only one use," said he today. "That'B washing. I have not tasted water since I was 14 years old and I tasted very little before that." As a resident of Hungary, France, Egypt, England and Italy, ho has be come accustomed to the use of beer and light wines. Not until he passed the age of twenty, when he first went to New York did he see water served with meals. 'But it never influenced me," he said, as he Bipped a glass of Bordeaux. 'And I've always been healthy and energetic. I attribute it all to avoid ing water. I never eat without drink ing and I never drink without eating. I have never felt the slightest desire for a drink of water." t UNITED TRESS LEASED WIDE. London, Feb. 13. The newspaper "Darkest Russia," published here, as serted yesterday afternoon that the ac count circulated by tho Central Nows of another "ritual murder" arrest near Kieff is an old story, revived, revamped and never substantiated. Its origin, according to tho newspaper was antisemetic and purpose was to make fresh trouble for the Russian Jews. It was to the effect that a Jew ish tailor named Pashkoff had been ar rested charged with killing a Christian boy of the name of Taranthevitch. An other account was that tho victim was Joseph Pashkoff, a Jewish boy, that ho was murdered by Jews to prove to tho world that it was not Christian boys alon who were slain for ritualistic purposes in Russia, and that his father, tho tailor, had been arrested. "Darkest Russia" questions even whether any murder was committed, saying that, taken either way, its auth ors hoped the Jews would suffer for it. Well Known Local Druggist Says Every body Is Using Old-Time Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. i Hair that loses its color and lustre, or when it fades, turns gray, dull and life less, is caused by a lack of sulphur in the hair. Our grandmother made up a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks dark and beautiful, and thousands of women and men who value that even color, that beautiful dark shade of hair which is so attractive, uso only this old-time recipe. Nowadays we get this famous mixture by asking at any drug store for a 50- cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy," which darkens the hair so naturally, so evenly, that nobody can possibly tell it has been upplied. Be sides, it takes off dandruff, stops scalp itching and falling hair. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morn ing the gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair ater a few applica tions, it also brings back the gloss and lustre and gives it an appearance of abundance. Local Agent, J. C. Perry. ANTI-SUICIDE CLUB SUCCEEDS IN CLEVELAND SATURDAY SPECIALS SATURDAY SPECIALS SHIPLEY'S Rain Coats Women's and misses' raincoats in tan and gray, a fine, serviceable coat. Special ......$3.98 Bed Spreads Crocheted bed spreads, 81x90, in hemmed and fringed Special $1.29 Gowns Crepe gowns in blue, pink, white and flannel, low necks. Special $1.39 Hose Children's heavy cotton, ribbed fast black hose. Spe cial 2 pair for 25c QUALITY M3iijlm$0inpnniif MERCHANDISE u.6trTY !""T TA 6 PHICIS OKLAHOMA HAS A LITERARY GAME WARDEN BILIOUS-"CASCARLTS" Sick Headache, Bad Breath, Sour Stom ach, Mean Liver and Bowels Are Clogged Cheer Upl UNITED PKESS LEASED WHIG. Cleveland, O., Feb. 13. "I know I ought to get my mind off myself, but somehow 1 couldn 't. Then the Idea of taking my life occurred to mo. At first 1 tried to put it out of my mind but it was no use. I road of your society and thought perhaps you could help." Nerve racked, ill and determined to mako away with himself, a man of 27 years of age made this appeal to Dr. Franklin E. Cutler of the newly organi zed Cleveland Conference for tho Pre vention of Self-Destruction, It is this type of men and others worried ill unto death that Dr. Cutler Baid today tho conference was organized to save. Many prominent mou including city of ficials, doctors, psychologists aud scion tists are members of the organization and will hako a study of the causes of suicide. Already nearly one hundred men have applied to the conference for help. the uso of "ground water." This is a supply which may be obtained through wells, as an aid to agriculture in the Kansas droughts. DENY GOVERNMENT'S RIGHT TO SEEK A REVERSAL UNITED 1'IIKHB LEASED WIIIE. " Chicago, Feb. 13. Olaf Tvoitmoe of San Francisco, Richard II. lloulahan of Chicago and William Bernhardt of Cin cinnati, throo of tho labor leaders grautod a new trlnl in the so-callod "dynamite casos" at Indiauopolis, filed an answer yesterday denying tho gov ernment's right to a,sk a reversal of the decision by which the new trial was ac corded to them. The prosecutor, the argued, has failed to show any material error in their petition for a re hearing and in Tvcit moe's case tho govenment, counsel was oven accused of misquoting a lotter. MY LADY'S FOOTGEAR. lihinestoue buckles, gilt in loads, Silk tops fino aud striking; Just the thing for muddy roads, Very fino for hiking. Louisvillo Courier-Journal. An excosB of "bracerB" will unbrace anybody. Says Backache Is a Sign Yon Have Been Eating Too Much Meat Which Forms Uric Acid. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well-known ai thority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneyB in their effort to filter it from the blood and they be- some sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urin ous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, wa ter scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or throe times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable psyBi c.ian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter bofore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean aud stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad der weakness. Jnd Salts is a lifo-savor for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, efferves cent lithia-water drink. Among the dull, dreary wastes of of ficial documents the annual report ' of John B. Doolin, game and fish warden of Oklahoma, slips before the eye, a green and shaded oais. "Field, Forest and Stream" it is called. And there is hardly a dull pago in it. Anybody can write statistics, is John B.'s idea. The difficult thing is to interest people in wild life and so got the needed laws to protect your game. Song birds, game birds and game ani mals, aro in many cases at the point of extinction, he observes. "There never was a more pathetic tragedy than this slaughter of weak and helpless creatures." However, it is not with tragedy but with rich luscious, dripping tales of the woods and brooks and the rivers that our friend the warden makes his plea. Have you heard of the catfish of Cimar ron river, in rieasant valley J In this salty yellow stream, "whoso bed of shifting sand is as clean as if swept hourly with a housewife's broom,'' thero swim untold numbers of drum, rock buffalo, enrp and hickory' shad. Also there flourishes the yellow catfish, reaching a weight of one hundred pounds. Anybody but nn Oklahomnn would pursue these noble beasts in sordid, machine-like fashion. The rieasant valley folk use a seine, to be sure, but only to find and corner tho catfish. Then the Oklnhoman dives into tho yel low Cimarron river and captures Ins catfish, man to man, so to speak, seiz ing him by the gills with his bare hands! If you prefer honey you should rend Get a 10-cont box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath always trace them to torpid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the in testines, instead of being cast out of tho system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison roaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening head' ache. Coscnrets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascarot tonight will suroly straighten you out by morning. Thoy work whilo you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist moans your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. Household Worry Is 99 Per Cent Wash Day Good Riddance by the Laundry Remedy. Linen, blankets, curtains ap parel all come back beautiful ! when we do your work. Salem Steam Laundry 136 South Liberty Street Phone 25 Dry Cleaning. Ask the Driver WILL WATCH FOR TANGO. UNITED PIIXSS LEASED WIBB. New York, Feb. 13. There will be no tangoing, hesitation, gliding or grape vine waltzing at tonight's big dauco to bo belli at Madison Sipiaro Garden, as the thirteenth annual charity ball of the Knights of Columbus. Officers of the Society today met with the "cen sorship committee" of 150 who will patrol the floor and eject anyone danc ing tho modern steps after thoy havo once been warned. Tho annual Knights of Columbus ball is cue of tho biggest public functions of tho Greater City's season, and it attracts thousands. II TSrX j&YE it rr- IM MEMORIAL WORK STARTS. ONITED rniSS LEASED Willi.) Washington, Fob. 13. Contracters oi) the $2,000,000 Lincoln Memorial hopeil toilay to begin work of breaking ground for tho gigantic marble pllo wliii h will honor the man whose birth day tho nation yesterday commemorated Abraham Lincoln. The movement to break ground formally on the lOfith anniversary of Lincoln's birth wns in augurutod by Kx-Henntor Wetmoro of Khode Islnnd a few weeks ago, and tho contractors rushed their prepara tions. IRRIGATION BULLETIN ISSUED, UNHID IMIEHH LEASED WIIIE. Washington, Feb. 13. With a view to giving quick nnd accurate informa tion on speciul irrigation investigations the Geological Survey has adopted the plan of issuing short bulletins upon completion of such work. The first bulletin, issued today, holds that vege tables, certain fruits, alfalfa and other field crops can be raised profitably in the vicinity of Wichita, Knnsns, through Eat "Sunldst" Oranges with "Sunkist" Spoons While you are eating luscious, juicy, tangy, seedless "Sunkist" oranges, you are delighted with the magnificent silverware you are getting for your table. You always order "Sunkist" oranges and lemons because they are the finest, richest, selected fruit grown anywhere la the world. Picked and packed by gloved hands the cleanest of all fruits. Thin-skinned, fibreless. Not a Seed in "Sunkist" Cut the trademarks from the wrappers around "Sunkist" oranges and lemons and send them to us. Select silver pieces from our 27 different premiums. Every piece the famoue Rogers Standard A-l guaranteed silver plate. The Rogers orange spoon shown above is sent to you for 12 trademarks from "Sunkist" oranges or lemons and six 2K:ent stamps (to pay cost of mailing, etc.). Trademarks from "Red Ball" orange and lemon wrappers count same as "Sunkist." Buy "Sunkist" oranges by the box, hall-box or dozen front your dealer. Send your name for our complete free premium sheet and Premium Club Plan. Send all orders for premiums and all inquiries to (im) California Fruit Growers Exchange 139 N. Clark Stmt, Cbictgo, Id. MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS By Gross Henry Jr. Says pvoo-o-ol u3 U ttejgsJ fob entered, W F J M oJZL fl T Jy fir 1" SrT 1 "HOSTS 7