EIGHT. DAILY CAPI TAL JOURNAL. SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1911. I1 :euem Tomorrow Is Remnant Friday 77te Day Take your remnants silk, woolen, cotton and linen fabrics, ribbons, laces, embroideries, etc. lZ2.One-Ha!f Price (On Tables in Main Aisle) The House of Quality J v ilOQOuLco'ODS ; i i"'mi Capital City Brevities Miss Eunice Walling loft for bor home la Portland today, after visiting friends ami relatives heto for overal days. Arthur B. Timm, of Portland, was in the city today looking after business matters And visiting frionds. Attorney 'William P. Lord, Jr., la in tho city On leHl bwmiOBR this woolc. At torney Lord is now located in Portland. An action to recover $287.50, allogod to be due on a promissory noto was brought in the circuit court yesterday by Henry Boje against E. B. Ball, ot al. Meals, 15c. Salom restaurant, 378 fcouth Commercial stroct. Minnie B. Brown, ot al., are the do fondanta in a suit brought in the cir cuit court yesterday to rocovnr MO, al logod to 1 owing on a proinissory noto. Henry Boje is the plaintiff. Dr. F. L. Utter, dentist. Masouie bldg Miss Lena Winnans loft last even ing for her home in Oregon City, after visiting with Halem friends and rela tives for a few days. Miss Winnans is a former Halem girl, having removed to Oregon City but recently. The ladies of Halem. liro invited to "The Club" bowling mid billiard par lors, Tuesday and Friday mornings of each week for free Instructions in bowl ing. Floyd U(jWilklns, who hns been con victed of hilling Lou Winters, In Portland, has obtained a writ of prob able cause, and consequently a stay of execution will prevail until an Indefi nite date, Tho defundant wne convict ed of murder in tho first degree and sentenced to be hanged March 21. Ho now appeals to tho supremo court. Try Scott's 15e meals. Charles. F. Powers, of Concord, Ore., urprised his old war male, Judge Dan iel Webster, of This city, yesterday by walking in pn the well known Jiistleo of tho peace unannounced. Mr, Powers scrapped along Hide of Judgo Webster during the Civil War, and tho latter was not aware his obi comrado was in the st;ite until ho walked into tho of fice yesterday. We have the latest In candy boxes. Those red satin heart Valentino boxes on sale only at Hell 's. Tho members of tho local militia are shining up preparatory to an Inspection which is due February 2,1, The Halem members of the army servico are deter mined to 1 on the Job with the best they have and try to convince the hlh officials that they are some big figures In the I', 8. army, The ladles of Halem are Invited to "The ( lub" bowling and billiard par lor. Tuesday and Friday mornings of emit wek fur free Inst met ions In howl 'ing. Messrs. (leorgo M, Knox and Hubert VclHiiM'il, (if Cottage drove, are iu the Hty luol iug after business matters. Dr. As.eln, .arnnrta, Hteeve Bldg. Starting Today For 3 Days Only Last Appearance In Salem This Season of That Ever Popular Complete Change of Plays sef aside for the special selling of REMNANTS. pick from our entire lot of Many attractive, money-saving specials throughout the big store. Attend the great sale of fine cut glass. (Second floor). See the special window display. N Mr. and Mrs. John Asbnugh, of Eu gene, were SaJom, visitors yesterday. Valentine boxes filled with Belle's quality candies, not how cheap, but how good. Fresh fish of all kinds our specialty. Bnilcin Fish & Poultry Market. After Bponding a few days in Albany on a visit with parents, Misses Grace McGregor and Ruth, Evans have re turned to Salem whore they are attend ing school. Dr. May, nerve spoclalst, Masonic bid Henry L. Bonson, of Klamath Falls, circuit Judge, yesterday filed bis dec laration as a candidate for justice of tho supremo court on tho Republican ticket. M, Vernon Parsons, candidate for the Republican nomination for stnte senator on tho Republican ticket in the third district, also filed. Drs, Darby and Burton, doutista, sec ond floor, U. S. Bank building. County Clerk Oehlhar yesterday is sued inarriago licenses to tho following couples: A. Impor and Bertha A. Qulgluy, of Halem; J. E. Tarrish, of Jefferson, and Josephine H. Neal, of Turner, and Paul Kronberg and Chris tian Fuller, of Mt. Angel. Chop auoy and noodles. City restau rant, 42(1 Ferry street, near Liberty. Miss Ethel Fletcher, superintendent of the Unitarian church Sunday school, is preparing a Lincoln program which is to bo carried out tomorrow night at tho church. Parents and friends are in vited to take part In tho celebration. T, Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. U 9. Bank building. Judgment In tho sum of $150 was given tho plaintiff last overling by the Jury in the case of Mrs, A. P. Ileehtel against Pearl MeConl, et al. Tho plain tiff brought action to recover damages In the sum of HUM) fur being personal ly Injured by the alleged negligent op eration of an automobile on the part of the defendants, Mexican chews, Tho different kind. At Belle's. Why bo ready-mndo when you can get a tailored -to-order suit at Spauld ing's tailor shop for $l.lt Quality nud fit guaranteed; I!'" Court street, near High. Belle's new Vlctorim chocolates, la a class separate. Arrangements have been made for starting a bible study class at the Y. M. C. A. which it Is expected will be one of the most popular classes of Its kind in the city. Secretary Comptoa has been working with the directors for some time in the formulating of plans which would assure a class that would draw the young men of the city. liev. II. K. Marshall, pastor of the First Bap lit church will be leader. "Economy" i the name of the new flour made from the very best valley wheat by the Cherry fitly mills. In price It is low but in iiualitv high. Order a sack of It from your grocer. ligh Theatre Daily Where Satisfac- - . A tion follows every Transaction TONIGHT Last chance to see the Vltagraph feature. Hearts of Women Amateur Night Tonight Same Price 10c Special Feature again Friday and Saturday, lOc-GLOBE-lOc "Home of Good Shows all the Time." im iiiiiiii Fa her A. Mooro is in Portland vis iting and transacting buaiuoss. Attorney Adams of Silvorton, was In the city yesterday ou business. Imported from Germany. Red Satin Valentine enudy boxes, all sizes, on sale at Belle's. Aie the rich growing richer and tho poor growing poorer f Does demacracy tend to promote plutocracy! Does Rock efeller earn $00,000,000 a year ! Those are some of tho questions which Dr. James II. Gilbert will ask and answer iu his lecture nt the public library Friday evening, February 13. Ho will discuss some of tho undemocratic ten dencies of the past fifty years which have been promoting and accentuating the uueipial distribution of wealth In the I'nited Htntes. Dr. Gilbort comes to Halem from the Vniversity of Ore gon where he is professor of economics, us the next lecturer on the public II brnry lecture course. Tho locture will be in the auditorium of tho public library at N o'clock and is free. Frank (1. I.ovell will introduce tho speaker. Valentines that are appreciated. One of hour heart boxes filled with de licious candies, l.'ic to $1. Tho Hpa. Tho basketball game of the Halem high school and Eugene high school, scheduled for tomorrow on the I'nlvci sity of Oregon floor, has been postponed for two weeks. Halem won the last game. The ladies of Halem are invited to "The lub" bowling and billiard par lors, Tuesday and Friday mornings of each week for free Instructions in bowl ing, Sign of the Best Shows 11 I J 44 11 I J l 11 II J1 iu f nJ F. E. Rollins, fine watch repairing, 120 North Liberty. You lighten your steps and lengthen your life if you wear Dr. Reed's Cush ion Sole .Shoes. Ask to see them at Jacob Vogt's, 220 North Commercial. F. G. Myers, manager of The Spa, wag transacting business in Portland to day. According to George P. Litchfield, the Salem Hospital association is highly gratified with the last report made by its secretary as to the financial con- uiuwu Ul IUU lUUllbUliUU. itir. UllCU- field is president of the organization and he states that at the last meeting held the treasurer reported that there wag a balance of nearly $2,000 on hand at the present time. The Salem :iu pital Association was organized seven teen years ago and is conducted by lo cal people only. It is a private insti tution and during its long existence it has grown and prospered very en couragingly. Wilson Ayres, of Dallas, proprietor of the theatre of that city, is a Salem visitor today. "I am here to answer to that charge," said a young man to Chief of Police Shedeck yesterday while the of ficer was sitting behind his desk at the station. "What charge!" said the Chief. "Why," spoke up the youth, "for speeding on my motorcycle." "You. have got me," answered the Chief. " I am not aware that you lave violated the speed law." With this re mark from Chief Shedeck, the young man excused himself and made a quick retreat. It seems that the youth was called up by phone by a friend last Tuesday morning who said he was the chief of police and demanded that he appear and answer to the charge of speeding. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Patrick of Los Angeles, arrived in the city yester day and will spend a few days visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John Young, on North Front Btreet. The visitors are making their first trip through the valley and are expressing themselves as delighted with the cli mate so far. Mr. and Mrs. Young hope to introduce their guests to the Oregon weather suffciently to encourage them to make Halem their future homo and Mr. Patrick declares that it might be possible that he and his wife will look around a bit and providing they find something to suit them, move to this city in the near future. The funeral of Edward Creech was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from Lehman' & dough's chapel. Rev.. F. T. Porter, pastor of the First Christ ian church officiated. The interment took place in tho G. A. R. Circle at the City View cemetery. The Christian church choir rendered several sacred selections, oue of which was a favorite hymn of tho deceased, "Nearer My God to Thee." The floral offerings were numerous and very beautiful. Mem bers of the G. A. R. attended the funer al iu a body and had charge of the services at the grave. . The pall bearers were Sons of Veterans and wore: A. M. f'lough, H. R. MeWhorter, W. P. Ringlo, F. A. Baker, John Cornforth and J. F. Dunlap. Members of the G. A. R. ex tend their appreciation to tho Sons of Veterans for their willingness in-offering their services at all times toward assisting the members of Sedgwick post No. 10, Rev. S. G. Bettes, who has a nation wide reputation as an evangelist, will apeak at the Commons mission tonight and tomorrow night. He is recommend ed as a grand worker for tho cause of temperance, woman's rights and all so cial .moral, nud religious reform. Ho is a Baptist minister and has preached in every stnte in the union doing largo ly revival work. S, li. Bettes "the cowboy evangelist" who is now ut Roseburg, will arrive in Halem to hold meetings Iu the W. C. T. I'. hall Saturday night at 7:30 and Hun day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Announco incuts later, - Misses Vivian Hiuklo and Florence F. Merrill are hero from PrineviUo to at tend tho school of method at tho First Christian church. Houtlnvick & Headrlck were the low est bidders for the reconstruction of the state house in the bids opened yes terday. The bids provide for doing tho work with or without marquise over both the north and south doors of the eapitol. Following in the list of bids submitted: H. X. Ely, Halem, $2S,.100 27.S',M; Wcchter i Weed. Halem, $31, 7.HS 4.11, ll'i; F. (1. Oppenlnnder. Port land, -M.TJ2 -?'!i.S.(!l; 11. E. Peering, 'Portland, $'JO,:lso-ll).707i Thomas Muir Portland, $'-'0,::2 lfl,4Ntl: Hievert & Eiigstrom Halem 2'J,o-"-2l,S.)-l; South wick & Headrlck, Halem. $ll,40.4."- f lS.701.4,"i; Charles Van Patten, Halem, -7,C2rt -$2it,;i.ll. "HAM THREE " MAN TELLS OF "QUO VADIS" 8UCCESS IN EAST The advance representative of Me lutvre and Heath, Mr. F. M. Man ton, who sends the ig musical show, "The 11am Tree" to the liraud on, February 21st, is iu town today, and is staving over to see "Cjuo Vadis" at Ye Lib ertv this afternoon. Mr. Manton saw this same production at the Aster- the atre In New York last summer, when it ran for tare hundred and six con ecutive ')Hrfoiniaiices, and where he paid dollar to see the same attrac tion that is now playing at Ye Liberty t a twenty-five ceut price. This pro duction has made a wonderful Impres sion on the people of Sahm, and it is to be regretted that tonight 1 the last night la our city. E Fine Program Is Rendered at High School and Principal Address Is ' Made by Friend of Lincoln. GRAND ARMY AND RELIEF CORPS HOLD EXERCISES ALSO Tonight Young Men's Republican Club Will Have Big Meeting in Armory and Fine Program. Lincoln 's birthday was celebrated to day. At the high school a fine pro gram was rendered, one of the features of which was an address by H. M. Irwin, who waa a newspapery correspondent in Washington during the war, the sub ject being: "The Personal Recollec tions of Lincoln." Another feature was "The Perfect Tribute," by Miss Jo Driscoll. Sedgwick Post, G. A. R., and the Re lief Corps held appropriate services Moose hall sit 2 o'clock, at which the following program was carried out: America, by audience. Prayer, Caplain Tyel. Words of welcome, Commander R. C. Halley. Lincoln's Gettysburg speech,. Miss Blanche Liston. "Impressions and Recollections of Lincoln" H. M. Irwin. Latest patriotic records on Edison's latest phonigraph, C. Lockwood, Short talks by Comrades Judge Dan iel Webster, J. P. Robertson and others, who personally knew Lincoln as preBi lent. This evening at 8 o'clock there will be the final services of the day under the auspices of the Young Men's Re publican club, to which the public gen erally is invited. Mr. Irwin, who reported Lincoln's Gettysburg address for a Washington paper, will be among the speakers. Hon. Grant B. Dimick, of Oregon City, and Justice Burnett, of the Supremo court, will speak. There will be music by the university male quartet una a reading by Jliss Edith Kellogg Bartlctt. Justice C'L. McNary was also on the program, but will be unable to attond. This prom ises to be a monster meeting, and will apppropriately wind up the celebration of tho birthday of one of the world's greatest men, and its grandest charac ter. X BIRTHS. ELGIN. To Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Elgin, Feb ruary 9, 1914, at their home 1495 North Liberty street, a 7-pouud son. DEATH NOTICES. JOHNSON. At her laito residence, 764 Schuyler street, Portland, Or., February 10, 1914, Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Johnson, aged 00 years. Deceased was the widow of the late Professor J. W, Johnson, the first pres ident of tho University of Oregon, who diod about 12 years ago at Eugene, Mrs. Johnson wns the second daughter of the lato William L, Adams, who died in April, 1900, at Hood River. She has been an invalid for many years, a con stant sufferer from rheumatism. M'DEVITT. At her lato residence on Fourteenth and Mission streets, February 10, 1914, Mrs. Ellen McDevitt, aged 71 years. Funeral services will be held from Rigdon & Richardson's chapel at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. The burial will tako place In tho I. O. O. F. cemo tory. Rev. R. F. Tiseher, of the Uni tarian church, will officiate. Mrs. McDevitt came to Salem in 1890 and resided here continuously until tho time of her death. Hho was tho widow of Frank McDevitt, who lost his life during the Civil War, and the mother of Frank T. McDevitt, leading merchant of Sumpter, Or., formerly foreman of tho mechanical department of Tho Cnp ital Journal and Salem correspondent for the Portland Telegram. WEXFORD Friday and Saturday Nights Saturday Matinee, THE COWBOY FIDDLERS A real musical act. Real music by real musicians, Faiitomas A thrilling story of the adventures of the 'Man in Black" In FOUR KEELS Ten Cents Ail Mitt 10 crata, children 8 cents The central and east Salem fire de- i partments responded to an alarm sent in by residents of Chinatown this af ternoon. A burning chimney in one ot the houses on High street frightened the Chinese populace. NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each insertion. FOR SALE I have a 40 horse, five- passenger automobile, just overhauled and almost good as new. It cost me $1950. Will sell for less than one- fourth of what I paid for it. Condi tion guaranteed. First come first served. On sale at 468 Ferry street. FOR SALE Three good young Jersey cows, one milking, two coming fresh. One block east, one block north of the asylum. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room, close to postoffice. Very reasonable. 138 S. Cottage. PLAIN SEWING By the day. Prices reasonable. Children's work" a spe ciality. 447 North Liberty street. FOR SALE Wood saw, almost new. Phone 426, Star Wood Co., West Salem. FOR RENT Furnished modern 6-room and bath cottage on car line, at 1025 North 17th street. FORCED TO SELL Three houses and lots, three blocks from street car, costing over $4500. Make an offer for them. Bechtel & Bynon. FOR RENT 3 houses and 2 flats at a bargain. Phone 71. FOR SALE Good driving horse, weight 1175. Salem Laundry Co. FOR SALE Five-passenger auto. In- quire of E. Eckerlen. FOR RENT Eckerlen building on North Commercial street. SEWING MACHINES If you need a sowing machine come and get one now, as we are going to make a cleanup sale. No reasonable offei will be refused. '640 State street. FOR RENT Small, modern bungalow North Cottage Btreet. Phono Care F. Martin. FOR RENT Housekeeping apartments at 639 North Liberty. Inquire E Eckerlen. FOR SALE 20,000 loganberry tips, $15 per 1000. A. II. Hammer, Salom, No. 6, box 1S0B. TO TRADE Gasoline launch, 18 horse power, longth 23 feet; speed aibout 17 miles; fine condition; for small runabout. Phone 1422. FOR SALE Nice home, cheap and terms, small 7-room house, nearly new, half block from State Btreet, in East Salem. Apply to owner, at Ros tcin & Grcenbaum's, 246 Commercial street. W. G. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Coun ty veterinarian. Prompt attention, day or night. Office, Jack Darr's feed barn, 544 Ferry street. Phone 2199. IWW hf W- w EXTRA Special! 26V4 acres, all in bearing fruit, mod em buildings, $16,000. 5 acres in clover, house, $1250. 30 acres, 10 cleared, improved, $3500. 64 acres Howell Prairie, improved, to trade for Salom property, $8000. 10 acres bearing fruit, improved, $3000. 17 acres, close in, improved, $1000. Several good buys in Prune Ranches, Hop Ranches and Berry Tracts We have cigar stores, pool rooms, gro cery stores, shoe shop, hotel, rooming houses, blacksmith shop, restaurant. City Lots in all Parts of Salem 10 acres, close in, $2,"00. 7-room house three lots, $."000. 160 acres, well improved, $0000. Expert Public Stenographer in attendance SEVERAL STOCK RANCHES CHEAP. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? LIST YOUR BARGAINS WITH US. WE SELL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSUARNCE. , Acme Investment Company A. B, Cook, Manager Phone: Office, Main 477. Opposite Court House. 540 State St EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IN CON NECTION. i wi . md urn mi m mm in M 2 3 1L GO 10 BOTTOM OF SCANDAL IN DN1TID PRESS LEASED WIM. Portland, Or., Feb. 12. "Turn on the lights and go to it," thundered Cir cuit Judge McGinn today in disolving an injunction granted E. A. Slover, de posed captain of police, restraining the city civil service commission from hear ing charges or. dereliction or. duty on which Mayor Albee had dismissed him. If the charges made are of a political nature, and not founded on fact, the people a'tould learn of it, and they will see that, justice is done," declared the judge. Slover himself had previously applied for the hearing before the civil serves commission, and then, becoming con vinced that Mayor Albee had dismissed him illegally, had sued for an injunc tion restraining the hearing, intending to seek reinstatement in some other manner. ASES PROTECTION. UNITED PXK8 LEAKED WIEE. London, Feb. 12. Miss Zelie Emer son, the American suffragette, applied today to the American embassy here for protection. She said Bhe had been threatened with deportation by the British government. What better candidate for governor can the prohibitionists want than Mr. Brownellt LAST NIGHT OF VADIS AT- Ye Liberty The most stupendous and beautiful picture ever seen in Salem by uni versal acclaim. Continuous Performance JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING WORKS. No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics Work called for and dolivered promptly. 445 Ferry Street. Phone Main 552 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BURGHARDT & MEREDITH Resident Agents. 385 State Street MONEY TO LOAN On Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon Good Buys 5-room house and lot 50x135, on 14th street, $1100. 10-room house, all modern, very close in, $5000. 12-room double houso, $3000. Would trade for suburban home near car line. 5, 10 and 15-acre suburban home on and near car line. Trine orchards and prune lands In the Liberty and Rosodnle districts. One of the very best farms in the fa mous Waldo Hills, with $8000 worth of buildings at $115 por acre. For sale. Estra good bargains in hop yard, stock, dairy and grain farms, at price that are right. Fine location for automobile repair shop. Choice residences and residence lots. Houses to rent. C. O. Rice & W. S. Low With L. S. Barnes & Co. 315-316 Masonic Temple. If jrou have bargains to offer, list with ua. QUO