Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 07, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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A Special Surprise
Offering Every Day
We have inaugurated a series of surprise
specials which will prove very interesting
to all economical shoppers. See if you can
find it. A new surprise every day. Visit
every department. Many other attractive
0 ly priced offerings throughout Salem's big
store. The place where satisfaction follows
every transaction.
Capital City Brevities
Special meeting of Pacific
lodgo No. CO, A. F. b A. M.
tomorrow (Sunday) at 1:00
i p, m., for the purpose of con
ducting the funeral of Brother
C. (J. Hickok, of Portland lodgo No. 55,
A. F. k A. M. All brothora are urged
to attend. Visiting brothers welcome.
By order of the worshipful master.
Dr. Mendelsohn flti eyes correctly. TJL
B. Bank building.
Try Scott's 15a meals, 179 South
Red Cross watchmaker, F. E. Rollins,
now at 120 North Liberty. Mr8' L- C. Curtis invitos the ladies
Dr. Clarence Keeue, of Silvortou, was'of Slll,'" to " Inspect the spring
in the city yesterday. j showing of new tafeta hats which she
Dr. Asseln, dentist, 205 Salom Bank h" j't received at 125 High street.
A Trust building. Ladies' Spring Fashion Plates for
Chop auey and noodles. City rostau- month of February aro here. This
rant, 420 Ferry streot, near Liberty. tho complete spring and summer as-
Drs. Darby and Burton, dentists, sec- sortment. D. H. Hoshor, tuilor to men
ond floor, U. S. Bauk building. and women.
Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 228 Hub- R, J, Kirkwood, grnnd secretary i)f
bard building; cut prices in hair goods, tho Hoyal Arciiiiuin of Oregon, has ar-
Foot troubles vanish If yon wear Dr. 'rived in tho city from Portland to in
Reed's Cushion Solo Shoes. Jacob Vogt stituto a largo lodge of that order this
220 North Commercial. evening at 7:30 in the Odd Fellows
Dr. Harry E. Clay has moved into hall, corner High and Court. Many
new and enlarged quartors in tho Bush prominent members of tho order are
batik building. Thono Main 499. coming up from tho metropolis to as-
Salem agents for Ed. V. Price & Co., 9ist in tho exercises,
tailors. New spring samples aro hero. J jUhs Barbara Duly, who has been
Prices $14 and up. I). II. Moshor, tail- employed as gtouoginphor at the stato
or to men and women. house, has been appointed a deputy col-
Mayor W. W. Allen, of Jefferson, was lector in tho incomo tax service nt
in the city yesterday looking aftor Vortluud. Collector Miller announce.
business mutters. Major Allen is a hhiS will bo stenographer in his office,
good roads booster. 'J'ho order of the day at Ministerial
Announcement hns been inndo l y , Tnicm Is doubly interesting. First there
County Commissioner Goulot that ho is it discussion of plans for the cam
will bo a enndidnto for re-election. paii for a dry Oregon. Then 1!. A.
(Mulct is from the north end of tho Hams speuks on " A Minimum Wage
county. nm Social and Ethical Development."
Ward H. Ilixby ticket agent at tho At the Y. M, C. A. Monday nt. 2:110 p.
Oregon Electric, for the past month, nt ' m. Then. J. Woodcock, secretary.
Eugene returned yesterday to his homo. j,( x. Teal, of Portland, hns been ap
in Salem, lie has been doing relief ( pointed n special representative of the
duty for the operators at Eugene. ; railroad commission to appear before
Ilig Basketball Series. Willamette ' the federal attorney-general in Wash
versus Yellow Jackets. First game at' lugton, D. C, to argue against the pro
Willnmetto gym Saturday evening, Feb- posed plan being made to sogrognto the
rnary 7. Second nt Y. M, C. A. gym ' Southern Pncil'ie and Central Pacific.
Tuesday, February 10. (lames called at. A booster club is to bo org.'uii.od in
The next lecture of the Public Library
lecture Course will bo uext Friday,
February IS nt eight o'clock in the
auditorium of the Public Library. The
lecture will be delivered by Dr. W. B.
C.illiert of the University of Oregon on
"Democracy and Clreat Fortunes." Tim
public is invited to attend tho lecture.
County Judge Uushey has admitted
da probate the estate of John A, Ryd-
''", who died January 30, and left
personal property of tho probable vnluo
..e A- -.no rrt.. . i... .i
t'i j.. ,.'.., i in; irii'i:i I y hub nil nniiuili
rental of 2"0. The heirs at law are
Ma ltydinan, aged 45 years, of Wood
lnirn; Klith Tear), aged 12 years, and
Evelyn liydinnn, aged 7 years. Judge
Hnshey appointed (Irsut l'lieghley ad
ininistralor. unday
Continuing four days with a complete change of program
Donald and Hallett Players
Sunday Program.
A riproaring comedy, not a dull moment. ' An excellent
picture program in connection every day.
Bligh Theatre
Dig Show, Small Prices, 10c, 20c.
Lit. i L. Utter, dentist. Masonic bldg
Dr. May, norve speclalst, Masonic bid
Martha Washington slippors. Jacob
Vogt, 220 North Commercial.
Judge C. E. KUdt, of Washington
county, was here on business yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Tyler, of Camas,
Wash., is visiting in this city. Ilarland,
Mrs, Tyler's Bon, is also hero.
On your way down town Monday
morning leave that suit at Spaulding's,
403 Court streot. He will repair and
I,rM9 H like ,,ew- 1,ono Mlliu 09'-
Stayton, according to Fred N, ltynnu.
secretary of tho local coiumerclnl organ
ization. Mr. Itynon was in Stayton yes
tcrdny, assisting the citizens of that
place in plans for such a club.
A verdict in favor of the defendant
was returned by a jury in the circuit
court yesterday in tho case of K. M.
Aver against J. E, Wray. The plaintiff
brought action on a contiwt to recov
er $3000 alleged to have been duo on
tho grounds the defendant failed to
comply with the. written agreement.
The enso Of tho Kiugwood Park t o.
against Mary Jones was dismissed In
tho circuit court yesterday without
prejudice to either party. The plaintiff
was suing to recover money alleged to
have been due on a contract to pur
chase property,
Dance tonight in armory. Gentle
men 50c; ladies free.
F. R. DuRette, of Fairfield, is in the
city on business.
News has been received here to tho
effect Arthur Bishop, the young son of
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bishop, of Portland,
is getting along nicely, despite the fact
that the little chap sustained a severe
injury to one of his legs recently as the
result of falling down stairs.
Lost regular dance tonight at the
armory. Other parties have the hall for
invitation affairs.
According to Daniel Webster, the
present incumbent of the offico of jus
tice of tho peace of this district, he is
a candidate for re-election. Mr. Wob
stcr was elected to the position the last
time by an overwhelming majority, and
he intends to stick by the O. O. P. dur
ing his present campaign this year.
The Woman's Alliance of the Uni
tarian church were most pleasantly en
tertained at. the home of Mrs. A. Pal
mer of 1117 C'hemeketa streot. A num
ber of new committees were appointod
by the president. A happy spirit of
optimism prevailed throughout the
meeting nud the general discussion fol
lowing the business session.
Pantage'a vaudeville tonight and
Sunday at tho Globe 10c. Entire
change of program Sunday.
Willamette T'nivorsity and Salem
Yellow Jnekets havo agreed to play a
series of games for tho city chaunpiou
ship. Both teams nro fast, and a red
hot series is expected. Meet mo at
university gym at 8:110 Saturday even
ing, February 7, for the first gnmo; Y.
M, O. A. gym, Tuesday, February 10,
for tho second.
llauser Bros, have been appointed lo
cal agents by tho General Electric Co.
for miniature Mazda electric, light
bulbs, such ns aro used in tho automo
bile mid motorcycle lighting systems.
Globe. Hughes sisters, a dainty Pan
tages act 10c. Entire change of pro
gram Sunday.
Mrs. J. A'alentine hns gone to Los
Angeles, California, to join her hus
band. ,
Great Commander of the Maccabees,
.1. C. Unnell, of New l'ork, accompanied
by his wife, Is in tho city, and under
tho pilotage of Postmaster lluckesteiu
and Secretary Itynon of tho Commercial
Club, visited 'the enpitol and other
points of interest in the city today.
The green lawns and mild temperature
are a surprise to them, as it is hard
with their experience in the effete east
to believe it is early February and
not the middle of April. It always
strikes eastern floks that way.
Globe 10c. Pautage's vaudeville, to
night and Sunday, 10c. Entire change
of program tomorrow.
A new standard by which Salem
theatre goers may be nblo to judge the
changes which are coming over tho
motion picture industry, is the presen
tation nt Ye Liberty, Sunday and Mon
day, of Mrs. Miunio Mnddern Fisko,
America's distinguished emotional act
ress, in a motion picture version of hor
great success, "Toss of tho DTrbor-
ustTKn russs i.karkp wpia T
Fort Worth, Tex., Feb. 7. Texas
was suffering yesterday from the most
severe blmml of the winter. At Ama-
rillo the mercury tumbled from 03 de
grees In 12 hours. Many other towns
reported drops of 40 degress with two
The most magnificent picture ever ex
hlbitod in Balem.
Sign of the Best Shows
united rnr.ss lsased wire.
London, Feb. 7. Miss Sylvia Pank
hurst, daughter of the militant suffra
gette leader, announced late yesterday
her secession from the Woman's Social
ahd Political Union, the militant wo
men's organization. The East End of
London Federation, which hitherto has
been a branch of the parent organiza
tion, will henceforth be entirely inde
pendent. The rift among the militant suffra
gettes is said to' be due to Mis Sylvia
Pankhurst's ultra-revolutionary aspira
tions, which the leaders of the Women 's
Social and Political Union are begin
ning to believe are damaging their
Reports of dissension in the inner cir
cles of the militant organization involv
ing the Pankhurst triumvirate have
been in circulation for some time. Ac
cording to these, Christabel Pankhurst
desires to end her long exile in Paris
and return to London and take control
of tho organization, for it is doubtful
if her mother, Mrs. Emmeline Pank
hurst, who is in Switzerland, will be
well enough for some months to resume
her duties of commander-in-chief.
But Christabel, the reports say, de
sires to come back under conditions
that will not necessitate frequent
terms of imprisonment for under the
"eat and mouse" act. Therefore, it is
said, she wants militancy dropped. In
this stand she has the support of many
of the older members of the organiza
tion, who believe that continuance of
militant tactics will be injurious to the
Sylvia Pankhurst, on the other hand,
is not prepared to abandon militancy
until she has fully tested the fighting
capacity of her "people's army," with
which who is credited as believing she
cam start a revolution that will force
the government to enfranchise women
Sovoral of the younger and more am
bitious members of the Women's Social
and Political Union view with uncon
cealed satisfaction tho Pankhurst feud,
believing that it will end the autocratic
sway the Poukhursts have exercised
over the society since Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Pothick Lawrence were driv
en out of it last year.
At his residence six miles south of
Salem, Ore., February 0, 1014, C. C.
Hickok, aged CO years.
Tho deceased leaves a widow and
Tho funeral will be held at 2 p. m.
Sunday from tho Episcopal church. The
services at tho grave will be under the
auspices of tho Masonic lodge.
Washington, Feb. 7. The nomination
of John F. lleuson to be postmaster at
Douglas, Alaska, was sent to the sen
ate vesterday.
Sumo local democrats were not en
tlmsisatic today oer Governor West's
endorsement oi Brown, the Uoscburg
republican, for attorney general.
"1 am not surprised at anything
Governor West does politically," said
Pnniel ,1. Fry, chairman of the Demo
cratic committee.
"I think the committee will take up
tho matter, but I have no idea what
will bo done. In view of tho fact that
Governor West is supposed to be be
hind the candidacy 01 Dr. C. .1. Smith
for tho Democratic nomination for Gov.
ernor, his announcement, lu my opinion,
s Indiscreet, to say the least.
"There Is no question that the Demo
rats will nominate as good a man for
the office as Mr. Brown. Our candi-
late will bo entitled to the vote! of
every Democrnto nnd especially that of
Governor West."
Bert W. Mney bus filed his declara
tion of intent urn to seek the lieputili-
nn nomination for the office of County
Recorder. Mr. Miu-y is a native Ora-
uiminn, having been bom in this county
and was educated in the public schools
of this city and nt the Willamette I m-
versitv. lie is a graduate of the Wil
lamette College of Law, class of 1!U2.
and has been admitted to the bur.
He tvaa elected a member of the city
council in HM'J, nud hns taken a promi
nent part in its affairs,
His friends claim that he is eminent
ly qualified by training and experience
for tho position he seeks nud are boost
ing his candidacy with enthusiasm.
They predict he will poll a record vote
in Salem and throughout the county
ami insist his nomination is already as
sured. v W1EST LOaES AGAIN.
A verdict in favor of the defendant
in the case of W. A. Wiet against the
Salem school board returned this
afternoon by the jury which had becu
hearing the testimony aud arguments
sim-n ycterday niarniag at 9 o'clock,
aud which retired at noon today.
rpM-v a r 1
1 1UUAI b
Pantages' Vaudeville and
Four Pictures at the
Small Price of
Tea Cents
Change of act and pictures
Sunday. Come early
if you want a
good seat
Follow the Crowd
But Is Verified by Remarkable Runs
Attraction Hag Made.
Unparalleled in the world for pho
tographic beauty, human interest, dra
matic power and spectacular grandeur
is George Kleine's production of the
Cines photo-drama "Quo Vadis" 'which
is to be the attraction at Ye Liberty,
February 11 and 12 with continuous
performances each day commencing at
2:30 p. m.
Although this is a strong statement
to make, it is fully verified by tho re
markable runs this attraction has had
in the Astor , Theatre, New ork city,
the Garrick at Philadelphia, McVie
ker's in Chicago, Tremont theatre in
Boston and a host of other cities un
der the most adverse circumstances and
in Bummer time, too, when every other
dramatic form of entertainment .as
failed to attract the public into thea
tres. This fact alone is sufficient sub
stantiation of almost any assertion that
may be made about this truly wonder
ful photo-drama.
"Look for the Flying Eagle"
Ye Liberty
& THURSDAY, ILD. 1 1 " L
George Klein Presents
The Stupendous Photo Drama In 3 Acts
and 8 Reels.
As presented at the Astor Theatre, Now
York, for 306 consecutive perform
ances and at all first-class theatres In
the principal cities of the United States
2:30 p. in. to 11 p. m.
Each performance lasts 2 2 hours
Adults 25 cents
Childron 15c cents
February 15, 10, 17.
7 Parts
By Jack London.
"Look for the Flying Eagle"
Ye Liberty
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Daniel Frohman
Mrs. Fiske
In hor greatest emotional success
The story of the girl whom the world
ruined, thon scorned. Powerfully en
acted In five parts.
First appearance of Mrs. Fiske In Sa
lom at loss than $2.00 prices.
Admission, adults 20c; children 10c
You are urged to attend in the after
noons If possible
Wednesday and Thursday Goorge Klein
8 Parts3 Acts
No machinery to tear and wear
out delicate fabrics Work called for
and delivered promptly.
448 Ferry Street Phone Main S25S.
TWO CENTS a word for each
FOB BENT Seven-room furnished
house, houekeeping rooms, sleeping
rooms 330 North. High street. Phone
FOR SALE Good driving horse, weight
1175. Salem Laundry Co.
FOB BENT Large dwelling house at
639 North Liberty. Inquire of E.
Eckerlen. a
FOB SALE Five-passenger auto. In
quire of E. Eckerlen.
FOR RENT Eckerlen building on
North Commercial street.
sewing machine come and get one
now, as we are going to make a
cleannp sale. No reasonable offei
will be refused. 640 Stato street.
FOR RENT Small, modern bungalow
North Cottage street. Phone Care)
F. Martin.
STORE ROOM At 344 State street,
now occupied by Gilson 's barbel
shop for rent March 1. Apply at
Patton's book store.
ALX'TION SALE Piano, furniture,
show cases, refrigerator, etc., Tues
day, February 10, 1:30 p. m., sharp;
266 Center street.
ter to insure your home than to wish
you had. We represent the leading
companies. Come in and talk it over
before it is too late. Or phone us and
we '11 call on you. Bolinger & Lafler,
room 406 Hubbard building.
FOR SALE Five acres good land, all
under cultivation, small house 14x22
feot, good roads, 3 miles south of
Salem; price $1200; $-150 cash, bal
ance $10 per month, interest 6 per
cent. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.,
room 2 Bush bank building.
FOR SALE One acre of land, all un
der cultivation, good soil, nicely sit
uated, convenient to car line; if you
are looking for an acre, don't fail to
investigate this; price $400, $30 cash,
balance $5 per month, interest 6 per
cent. W, H, Grabenhorst & Co.,
rooms 1 and 2 Bush bank building.
FOR SALE Five acres of second
growth fir timber, good land, four
miles from Salom; price $800, $75
cash, balance $5 per month, interest
6 per cent. W. H. Grmbenhorst & Co.,
room 2 Bush bank building.
NOTICE Is hereby given that I will
not be responsible for any bills except
those contracted by myself in per
son. J. C. Amstutz.
WANTED Your order for the famous
Rock Springs coal, as we have a car
load on hand. Capital City Trnusfer
Co., 161 South Commercial street.
WANTED Delivery boy with wheel.
Farrington Market, 1S23 State.
On Good Real Estate Security,
Over Ladd & Hush Bank, Salem, Oregon
I have a client who will make shirt
loans on household goods and other per
sonal property. John II. Scott, over
Chicago store.
Special Today!
20!i acres, all in bearing fruit, mod
em buildings, $10,900,
14 acres on car line, $10,000.
5 acres in clover, house, $1230.
30 acres, 10 cleared, improved, $3500.
04 acres Howell Prairie, improved, to
trade for Salom property, $8000. ,
Several good buys in Prune
Ranches, Hop Ranches
and Berry Tracts
We have cigar stores, pool rooms, gro
cery stores, shoe shop, hotel, rooming
houses, blacksmith shop, restaurant.
City Lots in all Parts
of Salem
10 acres, close in, $2300. 7-room house
three lots, .$5000.
HVroom modern house, $2300. Snap.
100 acres, well improved, $0000.
Expert Public Stenographer
in attendance
MENTS. Acme Investment Co.
A. B. Cook, Manager
Phone: Office, Main 477.
Opposite Court House. 840 State St
NECTION. ak aM.wi m mi aa mm aat w u urn ad ad M al
..,.ip.,. mi)
From Youth to
Old Age
Glasses or spectacles
often necessary.
The child's eyes need atten
tion so that by correcting the
difficulty in its early stages,
glasses need not be always
worn. '
Elderly people require glass
es to see clearly and ease the
strain on their eyes as age
comes on.
As a registered optometrist,
skilled in correcting errors of
refraction and fitting glasses
perfectly, let us supply glasses
for any member of the family.
291 N. Commercial St. Phone 925
Hours, 9 to 5 Ground Floor
Bo it ordained by tie Common Coun
cil of the City of Salem, Oregon :
Section 1. (Supplying tobacco to
minors). It shall be unlawful wituin
the city of Salem, to sell, give, or in
any manner furnish to any mii.or under
the age of eighteen years, tobacco in
any form, or any substance of which to
bacco is a component part.
Any person violating the provisions
of this section shall, upon conviction
therefor, be fined in any sum not less
than five dollars, nor more than fifty
dollars; or by imprisonment of not less
than five or more than twenty days in
the city jail; or by both such fine and
Section 2. (Use or possession of to
bacco by minors). It shall be unlawful
for any minor undor the age of eigh
teen years to smoke, chew or use tobac
co in any manner or form, or any sub
stance of which tobacco is a compo
nent part, in or upon any public high
way, street, park, place or resort within
the city Salom; or to have on or about
his person any such tobacco or sub
stance. Any minor violating any of the pro
visions of this section shall, upon his
first conviction therefor, be publi-ly
admonished and reprimanded by the re
corder; and for each subscpuont con
viction, shall be fined in any sum not
less than two dollars nor more than
twenty dollars, or by imprisonment of
not less than one cr more than ten
dnyg in tho city jail.
In effect February 5, 1014.
Resident Agonts. 385 State Street
Good Buys
5-room house and lot 50x133, on 14th
street, $1100.
10-room house, all modern, very close
in, $5000.
12-room double house, $3000. Would
trade for suburban home near car line.
5, 10 and 15-acre suburban homes on
and near car line.
rruno orchards and prune lands in the
Liberty and Roscdale districts.
One of tho very best farms in the fa-'
mous Waldo Hills, with $8000 worth of
buildings at $115 per acre. For sale.
Extra good bnrgnins in hop yard,
stock, dairy and grain farms, at rrices
that are right.
Fine location for automobile repair
Choice residences and residence lota.
Houses to rent.
C. O. Rice &
W. S. Low
With L. S. Barnes & Co.
315-316 Masonic Temple.
If you have bargain! to offer, list
with us.