1 r aob roox DMXUT CAPITAL JOUINAA, iALBM. OUOOll, 8ATUBDAT,. FEBRUARY 7, 1914. Negotiation About Closed for Athletic Director Who Ha Had Wonderful Success at Willamette. FACULTY'S ATTITUDE NOT HELPING SPOKT MUCH Salary at Eastern Institution Is Also Much More Satisfactory Than One Being Paid Here. NewB leaked out today tlint a doal was noaring Its consummation whereby I Dr. 0. J. Sweetland, athletic director at Willamotte university and recognized as one of the bent coaebos in the north west will take charge of athletics at an eastern institution next year. The sal ary offored is understood to be the rea son for the change. It has been known for some time that Dr. Sweetland had boon receiving many offen from institutions both on the coast and in the east. The fact that he had turned down so many inviting of fers in the past and remained here led many to form the opinion that he was a permanent fixture. Dr. Sweetland refuses to talk at pres ent but he would not deny that a large number of telegrams had been passing back and forth between himself and an eastern si'hool and that the deal was practically closed. While the increased salary is given as the main reason why Dr. Sweetland is planning to leave Willamette, it is un dorstood that tho attitude the faculty took toward athletics during thopast football season has no small influence in strengthening tho doctor's determina tion to accept a new position for the next season. Tho faculty passod a ruling that no teams, athletic or Other wise, shnulil trnvel nrl Rnnilnv nnA pa a result tho Willamette football team have been found on tho oast end of tho did. not lcnvo tho city Inst Benson, camptiB digging post holes for tho croc I)r. Sweetland had worked very hard tioii of a fence that is to enclose add to bring in good men and to build up itions that aro boing mndo to the nth a football team ihut would be able to 'lotie field in order that a 220 straight do tho school credit, and after having J away may bo laid out and tho sizo of tho schedule nil arranged and tho team i tho baseball diamond increased. whipped into condition he found him i: Tt'. becii'i'" of tho faculty ruling, only able to meet one tenni of the con foreuco class hist season. Of course Willametto 's defeating Oregon gnve great credit to the doctor but that was not nil he wanted. 11 o had planned t6 dofont other teams and was sorely dis appointed in not being able to meet them. He Had Wonderful Succoss. This is Dr. Sweetland ' fifth year at Willametto university. When he took charge of athletics hero he found all branches of sports badly run down, a poor gymnasium and poor athletic field. ' During the five years ho hns been hero THE PLAYER PIANO The Piano of Today Chopin, Beethoven, Wagner, Liszt, all are your intimuto friends, if you own good Player Piano. We keep closer in touch with the very latest improvements, tho most advanced ideas of plnyer construction, and of fer to you NINE DISTINCT TYPKS from which to select. We allow you full value for your old piano iu exchange, bislance on easy pay ments if you like. B, F. PETERS, Mgr. 621 COURT BTREET. MOOSE BUILDING mam 19 1 4 EXCELSIOR -1914 AUTOCYCLE THE LEADER OF THE CLAN The machine. without change, but with many added features that in sure riders Safety, Comfort and Convenience Here are a few of the valuable additions In equipment: Two-spsed Transmission, Folding Foot Bests, Double BraJts Application, Full Length Chain Guards, Tubular Luggage Carrier. All in connection with the sterling quality In every detail that hns given tho KXCKLSIOU AUTOCYl'I.H world wide reputation as the machine that ALWAYS MARKS fiOOD, Your critical inspection is always Invited. Bicycle, Supplies and iiepuiring. Oakland, Savage mid Ivor John sou. From $2.1 to 1 " ; cash or installment. Morse & Ramsden 211 South High Streot. tie hi worked marvels at turning o.it good teams with scanty supply of ma terial to choose from and has made no end of permanent improvement to the athletic field and the gymnasium. His work at coaching the teams and turning out such competnet contenders for the highest honors in the different sports has made his ability well knoivn throughout te entire nortwest and he is recognized as one of the beet author ities on sports on the coast as well as being placed by the Bide of Dobie as one of the two best football tutors in the northwest. .Next year because of the increased supply of athletic material attracted kv his superior coaching Willamotte will be in a position to make herself felt in conference circles in every branch tn sports. It is only a matter of the time for meeting of the conference represen tatives rolling around until Willam ette will join the big ring and will be classed among the best athletic insti tutions in name as well as in reputa tion. Many Improvement. During the doctors stay at the local university he has oy hard labor on the part of himself and tho studonts, whose co-operation he seems to have the fac ulty of retaining at all times, mado many important improvements at a very small cost to the student body, The gymnasium has boon remodeled and a regular sizo basketball floor. commodious locker rooms and a big shower bath room added to its equip ment. The football gridiron which was I in miserable condition baa been tiled and by next season it will be difficult to find a field in tho northwest that will equal it. A quarter mile track has been constructed entirely by volunteer work and it is recognized as one of tho best tracks iu the state. Several coast records have been equaled on it. Two large grandstands have been built. Two baseball diamonds have boon crowned and when improvements now under way are completed will be in the best of condition. Four tennis courts havo boon laid out and placed in condition. An indoor track has been built in the stadium, dirt from the basement of the new supreme court library and student labor boing used. Dr. Sweetland, himself has done an endless amount of hard work in getting theso things accomplished. He may be found almost any forenoon, rain or shine, working some place about the campus improving something connected with the athletic equipment of the in stitution. Always Busy. Hud an interview with the doctor been desired this morning ho would After the athletic standards have been raised as high as they havo almost entirely by the personal effort of the doctor tho students and nliinini aro unanimous in their desiro to havo him remain until ho has conched Willom- otto teams with Willamette a member of tho northwest conference. They Wont Him Here. Both the students mid alumni who have been told of tho fact that the doc- tor will likely not bo hero next Boason say they will take every moans within their power to prevent it. JuBt what shapo tho action will take has not been decided, the matter not coining up until this afternoon. However, a dras- Phona 1087 tic effort will be made to retain the doctor and it must of necessity take form immediately if anything in the way of changing the doctor's deter mination to go east is to be accomplished. MILL CITY ATHLETIC CLUB DEFEATED BY LOCAL TEAM The Mill City Athletic club weut down to defeat at the hands of the Capital Business College Thursday night in the fastest game of basket ball played on the Mill City floor this Bea son by the score of 23 to 14. The M. C. club were all bigger and heavier men than the C. B. C. boys, out-weighing them by 35 pounds. The game was rough at all times, but the superior team work of the College boys won the game. This makes the fourth straight victory for the C. B. C. team. W. C. McCloud of Mill City referecd the game. BUD ANDEBSON IS FAT BUT STILL MAKES CLAIMS UNITUD rXESS LEASED WIRS. Medford, Or., Feb. 7. Bud Anderson, the Medford fighter, loft hero yester day afternoon for San Francisco, where he is matched to meot Bed Watson in a 20-round bout the latter part of this month. Bud is fat and looks to weigh about 148 pounds, but has been doing some training at Vancouver, Wash., and claims to bo in good condition, with the exception of a sore right hand, which he hurt in his workout with a soldier at Vancouver barracks. B. A. A. GAMES DBAW MANY STABS united press leased wins. Boston, Feb. 7. Nearly four hundred athletes, including stars from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore are entered in tonight's indoor games to be Tield by the Boston Athletic Asso ciation at Mechanics Buliding, Dart mouth, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Penn sylvania and Cornell have entered ath letes. A foatnre will be the Yale-Har-vahd-Cornelfrelay race. HIT HER ON JAW. UNITED PBESS LEASED W1IIE.) Los AngeleB, Cal., Feb. 7. "A right swing to the jaw was his favorite blow and ho landed it whenever he felt like it,1' was the assertion of Mrs. Elsie May Aldridge, in Judge Monroe's court, where sho sought a divorce from Bill Aldridge, former fight promotor at Venice Sho got the decree with $500 monthly alimony. Aldridgo weighs 200 pounds and his former wife 100, O'LEABY TO MEET BUENS. UNITED mKSS LEASED W111B. Seattle, Feb. 7. Johhny O'Lcary, the local lightweight yesterday accepted terms for a 20-round bout with Frankie Hums of Oakland. The bout will be staged in Sacramento, March 20. SALEM DEFEATS ALBANY. Tho Salem high school dofeuled the Albany high school in a basketball gnmo nt Albany last evening by a score of !) to 11. Albany got tho first half by a score of 11 lo 7, but Salem speeded up in the last half and secured a win ning seoro. SPRING t s ara r" t Pictorial Keview rasnion Books and a Pictorial Pattern for 25c A.P BRASSIERE UlKLLilUlKL Made up la all-over rubroldsrtd lacs and not, to be used as corset cover and Brassiere combined. D. M. C. Lavender and Pink No. 70. All sizes White Cordounot Threads, Tatting Shuttles and Books. 113 N. High Street. Masonic Temple, altut, Or. if 111 E UNITED PBESS LEASED WIRE. Los Angeles, Feb. 7. Manager Hap Hogan of the' Venice1 Tigers is satisfied with the progress he has made in sign ing 1914 team and believes that thero will not be a serious holdout in bis camp. Signed contracts have been re ceived from the following players: Pitchers: Klepfer and Griffin, hold overs, Henley, by trade from San Francisco;- Decannier, free agent; White, purchased from White Sox; Flaherty, purchased from Nashville; Chellotte, purchased from St. Joseph; Edmond son, recalled from Stockton. . Infielders: Leard, purchased from Oakland. Outfielders: Captain Bayless and Kane, holdovers. Players to whom contracts have been mailed: Catchers: Elliott and Sterrett, hold overs; Stephens purchased from Buffa lo. Pitchers: Ferguson, Harkness and Hitt, holdovers. Infielders: Borton, purchased from Jersey City; Litchi, nosp, McDonnoll and O'Rourko, holdovers. Outfielders: Carlisle, Malone and Wilhoit, holdovers. I I ADC AMn lYiITC X X Some time this winter a baseball player will bust into the first page by announcing that ho has not been ap proached by the Federal League. Not knocking T. Needham, constable of Stubcnville, O., but if we wanted to start a P. G. that's the place we'd go. Tom Needham has one sure way to stop a P. G.. 'All he has to do is to sit in. You can 't play poker when you're broke. The Indianapolis team, a tail-ender in a minor league, is sold for $145,000. This shows that, there is no money in baseball. Far be it from us to( knock gentle men who aro pursuing a perfectly honest calling, but if we owned the Federal League we'd buy a couple of baseball parks. Sy hanging around the great golden West tor a few more months Tommy Murphy will learn to cntch tho elusive flea. And, having learned to catch the elusive fjea with a boxing glove, 'ie may one day ca'ch Willio Ritchie. Tho Federals glean a lot of advertis ing when they offer Ty Cobb $""1,000, but gosh n'lmight, what if ho accepts it! You can't blame Cincinnati for flirt ing with the Federals. It hns supported baseball long enough to deserve a reg ular team. Charlie Dooin is one of our best little hustlers. Therefore, it is expected that he will have at 1 act nino men signed up by the time the season opens, "Baseball magnates earn little mon ey," says one of them. This is per fectly true, but think of all they make! Charlie Weegham is a game guy and a glutton for punishment, but he re fuses to stand by and seo a whole league feeding off his lunch counter. The report that the Yanks will start work early leads one to remark that the Yanks need it. "Mike Mowrey becomes a Pirate," quoths a headline, giving one a sus picion that he has become a baseball magnate. IMPOSSIBLE. I do not know how long my life will bo For I have had an awful, drinkful pnst; t do not know how long the time will last, When Old Man Time will swing his scythe at me, But this I know, and this is real dope: So man cau say I was a whito man's hope. GKORGK E. P1IA1R. CHICAGO POLICE USE AUTOCYCLES Speed of the "Fly Cops" FrevenU Crimes Excelsiors Selected. The latest is the equipment of the po lice of Chicago with Autocycles. No more does tho speed maniac defy tho blue-coated minions of the law. Go us fnst as he can, he cannot get away from the law's strong arm. The knowledge among the crooks, too, that the police arc prepared to Appear upon tho scene of their crimes almost before they themselves an aws.ro that the crime hns been commit ted, has had a deterring effect upon their efforts. At any hour of tho day or night the call may come to those ofioers. They must be always ready to respond at a ainglo moment's notice. And it goes without saying that their SEE IF THE CHILD'S TONGUE IS COATED Mother! Don't Hesitate! If Cross, Feverish, Constipated, Give "Cal-. ifomia Syrup of Figs." Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, it is a sure sign that your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thorough cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act natur ally, or is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad; has stomachache, sore throat, di arrhoea, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs" and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowols without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to take this harmless "fruit laxative:" they love its delicious tste, and it al ways makes them feel splendid. Ask the druggist for a 50-cont bottle of "California Syrup of Figs" which has directions for babios, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on tho bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be sure you get the genuine ask to see that it is made by "Califor nia Fig Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind with contempt. mounts also, bo absolutely dependable. These important elements were given due consideration by the authorities when Chicago entered the market for motorcycles. All sorts of unique and different tests were put before the demonstrators, and a selection finally made of the fa mous Excelsior Autocycle, which is han dled here by Mocse Z Ramsden, High street, near Ferry. The Excelsior Autocycle is ai superb machine, and is making good in the ex treme western states as well as in Chi cago. There are many satisfied riders of the Autocycle in Marion and Polk counties, and oJl are taking prido in the fact that their judgment in selecting a mount has been endorsed by the selec tion by the great city of Chicago of Excelsior Autocycles for its exacting police service. There can be no home nest without Bonie little ones in it. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY te CO.. Toledo. O. we, the underslKned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lut IB years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all buslm-BS transactions and financially able to cHrry out any obligation!) made by hts firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMENCE. . Toledo, O. Hall's Catnrrh Cure Is taken Internally, actinic directly upon the blood and mu cous snrfttces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76 cents per bottle. Hold by nil DrufftflRts. Take Hall Fumlly Pills for constipation. Watch for the German Silver V-shaped Radiators. You see them overywhers. MM edding-Bedding Bedding Special Bargains- All Next Week We have just placed on sale at greatly reduced prices, Bedding consisting of Silk-floss and Cotton Mattreses; All-wool and Cotton Blankets; Comforters; Pillows. The Winter has just started in, so now is your opportunity to get your bedding at prices that will pay you lo lay in a supply for the next year. osse The Complete We guarantee to BODIES OF PAIR POUND BITTING UPRIGHT IN AUTO UNITED FBKSS LEABSD W1IIB. Greensboro, Pa., Feb. 7. The bodies of John McFadden, aged 22, and Miss Anna Lutz, aged 20, wore found sit ting upright in an automobile two miles east of Ligonier yesterday. Each had been shot through the heart. Miss Lutz's arms were about McFadden's neeK. The police believe McFadden killed the girl and then shot himself but no cause for the tragedy is known. -McFadden and Miss Lutz were well known hero. LANE TO SEE GOVERNORS. UNITED MESS LEASED WIIIM.l Washington, Feb. ".A conference between several western governors and heerctary of the Interior Lime will bo held hero in the near f utiiro to discuss tho irrigation situation. Secretary Lano sent a letter yesterday auggcstiiiir such n meeting to tho executives of Wash-! ington, Oregon, California, Montana, Nevada, Arizona, and other western Oakland "THE CAR WITH A CONSCIENCE ' Our Success Proves Our Claims If a man applied to you for a posi tion, you would undoubtedly ask him for recomriieiiilations ami inquire as to what he had accomplished. A man buying an automobile should ask the same things of the automobile salesman. Find out for yourself tho facts about tho company the number of years in business tho success of each car made the general reputation. Theso thingB menn .much to you. And it is these things that we want you to find out about us. We aro proud of our record. We have accom plished much, and, naturally, it is grat ifying to us. When buying an automobile, you either get a success or a failure. Your car will be in proportion to the strength or weakness of the organiza tion producing it. Thero is no other way of figuring it. - The Oakland has been a success since its inception. Oakland cars aro made in four and six cylinder models, in a wiilo range of body designs, ll.HI to $2(100, fully equipped, f. o. b. routine. Rees & Elgin Auto Co. Show Room and Garage Corner Terry and High Streets. Mcdel 36 rive Tully Equipped, i X X X X X. - 4- X oore Home Furnishers save you money X t stateB. No date for tho conference baa yet been' fixed. EUGENE REGISTER SUED. Eugene, Or., Feb. 7.-8. Terponining, one of the directors of the United States Cashier company, for which a receiver has been asked in Portland, yesterday filed suit for libel against the Morning Kegister here, asking $5000 damages. The plaintiff alleges that his credit has been impaired by the published statement that he (Terpening) "is said to have Bunk a very largo share of his private fortune." P After shopping idgwqyslea Refreshing Satisfying Invigorating Pasenger Touring Car $1200 f. o. b.'PonUac. &M a