DAILY CAPITAL 70TONAL, SALEM. OSEOON, SATURDAY, FEBEUAEY 7, 1914. For the Blood TJvents of the past week have had Fisher who has been visiting Salem rcl- niuch of the atmosphere of spring about them, in the wealth of cut flowers used in the decorations, and the little noto or St. Valentine in the artistic place cards and favors. Auction bridge ind "500" have been the popular diversion .as they were the week previous, with a generous sprinkling of informal dinners. Several Salem people attended the au tomobile show in Portland which is be ginning to be an annual dress affair of the first magnitude. Many im ported gowns being worn for the first time at the show. While missing the concerts and plays of previous weeks, Salem enjoyed "The Rosary" and three performances of Edison's "Talk ing Pictures," still new enough to draw crowded houses and bidding fair to en joy a longer popular ruu than plain "movies." Airs. George G. rown was hostess Mrs. A. M. Clough was summoned to Tuesday at a beautiful one o'clock Portland Thursday by news of an in-, luncheon, complimenting Mrs. E. E. jury to her grandson, Arthur Malcolm J-.ee Steiner, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, , Bishop, a two-year-old lad who fell .Mrs. Hen W. Olcott, and Mrs. Hairy down stairs breaking his leg. ' H. dinger, all friends of long standi ig, 1 whose birthdays fell near the same date Mrs. Max 0. Buren and Mrs. Frank and suggested the idea of the pretty G. Myerss were joint hostesses at a luncheon to Mrs. Brown. Members of Kensington last Saturday afternoon at -the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club the Buren homo, when 23 ladies were . No. 1. Mrs. Hattio Cameron, Mrs. -were asked, favors going to Mrs. Cooke entertained. A guessing game was a j Elizabeth Adair and Mrs. Cynthia Dun Patton and Mrs. Charles McNary. Tho pleasant feature of the afternoon, an ' lap, past department officers, assisted lecorations wero pink carnations, and old fashioned nosegay being the prize, i the Indies in receiving. A pleasant the centerpiece was a most artistically which was won by Miss Stoughton. constructed birthday cake, surmounted Mrs. Buren and Mrs. Myers wore also ly candles. Tho hostess was assisted hostesses Thursday Pnd Friday when ty Mrs. E. T. Ludden. they entertained at auction bridge of which further mention will bo made. Dr. M. E. Porncroy entertained Thurs-1 atives the past week Mrs. Robert Chauncey Bishop entertained Wednes day afternoon, asking fourteen of Mrs. Fisher's friends, who brought their needlework and spent the time chatting most enjoyably. Three tables for the luncheon were used, each being deco rated in a separate color. The first was a charming picture with yellow daffo dils, and the second and third were beautiful with pink and red carnations and the accompanying greenery in bas kets. Those asked were Mrs. F. W. Spencer, Mrs. Ralph Watson, Mrs. Ads Strong, Mrs. Frederick Thielsen, Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mrs. C. L. Dick, Mrs. Will Thielsen, Mrs. C. D. Gabrielson, Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr., Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. Harry Clay, Miss Cora Talkington and Miss Aline Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James, Mr. and Mrs. George Day, Mr. and 'Mrs. Sim Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mr. and Airs. Ross Cooper. Those as sisting in serving were the Misses Stella Martin, Gertrude Swartz, Reba Beers' and Evelyn Grimmels. The Cherry City Thimblo club met at the homo of Mrs': Frank Flake on Thursday afternoon and the time was passed pleasantly with Bewing and chat ting. Dainty refreshments were ser ved by the hostess assisted by Mrs. W. McCalvin. The next meeting will bo held at the home of Mrs. Linn Glcabon on Thursday, February 19. One of the most enjoyablo affairs in the history of the Women's Relief Corps took place on Saturday, January 31, at tho residence of Mrs. F. B. South wick, 12th and Marion streets, when that organization celebrated its 30th anniversary by giving a reception com plimenting Mrs. Sarah Drager, Mrs. Mary Briggs, Mrs. Maggie Stolz, Mrs. Helen Southwick, mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. Maggie Simpson, Mrs. Ida Bab cock and Mrs. Agnes Dinsmoor, who wero charter members and still hold their membership in Sedgwick Corps HOOD'S 8ARSAPARILLA pot. mm ths extracted value of the bast vegetable remediea pre scribed by leading physloians. That Its formula ha proved won derfully potent ! proved by it record of great auccess. For your blood mediolne get HOOD'S. day evening with one of the largest bridge parties of the winter, lltnbles lieing used. She was assisted by Mrs. T. S. Bynon in serving refreshments. Card honors went to Mrs. F. G. Decko jjach and Mrs. Lewis. After cards many remained to dance the tango un til a late hour. The tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Minto was mado a pleasant occasion by a surprise jiarty tendered them last Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Minto had issued invita tions for the 500 club, but the members tearing tho date fell on the "tin" -wedding anniversary of the Minto's ame loaded with tinware in commen dation of the event. Seven tables of 500 wero played, lavors going to Mrs. George A. Woods, Mis. Edgar Hartley, E. Hofer and George A. Wood. Mrs. E. B. Houston and Mrs. A. T. Wain as sisted the hostoss. Last Thursday evening the teachers of the Lincoln school wero entertained at the home of Mrs. Amos VasB on South Commercial street, Mrs. Sauter assisting in serving. The affair com jdimented Miss Iverson and was a com plete surprise to her. The talent of the "Band from Am- feature of the afternoon was tho pa per read concerning tho formation and development of W. It. C. work. After all joined in singing "Auld Lang Syne," Mrs. Southwick told of "Form, ing tho First Corps West, of the Rockies;" Mrs. Babcock, first it opart stordam," the musical comedy staged ment president, spoke or "forming tne by the Elks recently, was banquetted First Department in Orogou; Mrs. by the lodge at the Hotel Marion Tues- j William Galloway, "Work Done by day evening, in appreciation of their Both;" and Mrs. Adair, national aid, splcndid'work during the throe nights' told of "The Fruition of Corps, Do run the play enjoyed at the Grand, partment and National. Mrs. Frank Assembling at 6:30 around the festive Itosenquest then gave a reading of war board some 60 members of the cast and times. At the close of this interesting thoir hosts made merry with jokes, 1 littlo program, each charter member speeches and gay repartee until 8:30 was presented with a gift book with when an informal dance closod the the names of those presont enscriDocl enjoyable evening. F. S. Bynon was ' within. Mrs. ijaMoine R. Clarke then toast master and perpetrated numorous j Invited the guests to the dining room "Doolcyisms" during the evening. where Mrs. Effio Unruh and Mrs. Charles B. Galloway and August Iluck- Laura McAdams poured coffee and re estein mado the principal speeches of ' f reshments wore served. Theso Corps the evening on behalf ot the Elks, and I gatherings are always well attended Mrs. Carlton Smith when called upon and this one- was of especial interest, Portland is sufficiently improved to be removed to her home " Brightview. Friends will be pleased to learn that the operation wag successful in every way, and while sufficiently severe that she was urged to go abroad for the ser vices of Swiss specialists, her faith in American physicians was justified by the splendid results. Mrs. Elizabeth Case is slowly regain ing hor strength at her home on South Commercial street, and while as yet unable to accept tho numerous invita tions that are finding their way to her leak is receiving her friends in ner usual hospitable fashion, and with the splendid courage that has character ized her during her illness, is planning to resume her social duties at so dis tant date. Mrs. Frank Durbin and her daughters Miss Durbin and Mrs. Curtis Cross, have issued invitatious for a largo tea Wednesday afternoon and an auction bridge party Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo G. Browu were Portland visitors Thursday. Ms. W. H. Dancy entertained four tables of tho Thursday afternoon bridge club at its last meeting. Dainty re freshments wero rifcrvod and card hon ors fell to Mrs. L. F. Griffith. Mrs. Paul Rasmusseu entertained at cards last Wednesday 'evening, high score going to Mrs. Lloyd Ramsden. Refreshments wero served, Tho play ers wero Mrs. L. P. Aldrich, Mrs. J. (!. McElroy, Mrs. J. H. Bach, Mrs. Stacey Reeves, Miss Anna Shirmer and Miss Leona Grabor. A surprise was given W, A. Alder- his 68th birtday. Musie was a pleasant feature of the evening. Lunch, was served. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Alderman, Mr. and Mrs. X. L. Moffit, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Orey Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Tow ery; Misses Sarah' Alderman, Bessie Mitchel, Blanche Moffitt, Pearl Taylor, Mable Bronchusion, Louise Albeu, Mas ter Paul Allen; Messrs. Fred Mitchell, Chester Moffitt, Carl Palmor, John Bronchusion, Rocky Bronehusion, Neil Summorville, Chas. Rhynil. Mrs. Hugh Williamson came up from Portland to attend the parties (riven during the week by Mrs. Max O. Buren and Mrs. Frank G. Myers. Mrs. C. P. Bishop went to Portland Thursday for a brief visit to friends. Miss Mildred Baglcy of Salem, is be ing complimented upon her prompt ac tion in extinguishing a fire at the Eugene High School this week where she is instructor in physical training. Last Woduesday the 85th birthday of Poter F. Clark was celobratod at his home in Tolk county and although Mrs. Clark was in tho secret, it was a pleas ant Burpriae to Mr. Clark when 65 of their friends assembled to do him honor. Music and conversation passed the day pleasantly, one feature boing an old fashioned 12 o'clock dinner. Tho date of the "Society Circus" planned by tho Cherrians has been post poned indefinitely but has not been abandoned. Tho suggestion mot with ... i i r much enthusiasm Dim a numuer oi causes have contributed to tho change of date. Mrs. A. L. MeCully, formerly Miss Dearborn of this city, will bo the gflest of Mrs. William C. Knighton next week, coming up from Portland Tuesday. A. Horiug and son Jack of are visiting Mrs. Geo. E. Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion- DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S . Oriental Cream OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER Jin Indispensable and Delightful Toilet Requisite for Fashionable Women. zm LBuTOWmCvT1CUH A dally necessity for the ladles' toilet Whether at home or while traveling. It protects the skin from Injurious effects of the elements, gives a wonderfully ef fective beauty to the complexion. It Is a perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos itively will not cause or encourage the growth of hair which all ladles should guard against when selecting a toilet pre paration. When dancing, bowling or oth er exertions heat the skin, it prevents a greasy appearance. Gouraud't Oriental Cream has been highly recommended by physicians, act resses, singers and women ot fashion for over half a century and cannot be stir passed when preparing for dally or even- fnir Artlrn. Gouraud't Oriental Cream cures Skin TMseases and relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan, Pimples, Blackheads, Moth Patches, Rash, Freckles and Vulgar Redness, Yellow and Muddy Skin, giving a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woman desires. No. 11 For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop., 37 Great Jones Street, New York. Mrs. F. Portland, Waters. Miss Dora Patterson of the muto department of the public schools of Portland is the guost of Mrs. E. W. Wallace for the week. Mrs. Z. F. Moody is rejoicing in the return of her beautiful Brazillian car. man of 2350 Maple avenue in honor of.dinals, two rare birds from tho tropics responded in a happy vein. Vocal solos wore given by Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Miss Ada Miller, Miss Lilly, Mrs. Law son, Albert Egan and Georgo C, L. Snydor. The latter gave the song that proved such a hit at the Elks' show, which Bet things going and practically all of the musical numbers in the "Band from Amsterdam" were then ropeated. Mrs. C. II. Fisher arrived in Salem during tho week from Eugene to join her husband, who has recently pur chased au interest in the Capital Journal. Mr, and Mrs. Robert B. Houston celo liratcd their silvor wedding last even ing at one of the largest 500 parties! ' of tho week, 12 tables being used. As-j Mr, and Mrs. Carl F. Williams (nee istini? the hostess wero Miss Effio Aanes Lesley Stinson) have returned Ncedham, Miss Margaret Poisal, Miss Florence Houston, Mrs. A. T. Wain and Mrs. D. C. Minto. The company was composed of intimate friends and c'ose neighbors. Out of town guests were Mrs. H. L. Bents and daughter Miss Leda of Aurora and Mrs. E. J. Elli itt of Woodburn. Card fovors went to Mrs. O. O. McClcllan and Tom Wilson, tho consolation prizes falling to Mrs. C. O. Uice and C. P. Bishop. The honso wig 'beautifully decorated in flags and greenery and while not intended as a surprise it proved to bo one, the com pany appearing in a body and giving them an old fashioned shiravari, and tvero met by tho "bride" and 'he "groom" in some hastily donned wed ding finery just in time to bo "mur riod" by Judge Galloway. Complimenting Mrs. Bertha Kay from their tour of tho Sound cities. Mrs. and Mrs. Oeorgo Gray who have it marking the anniversary of the form ing of the Sedwick Corps No, 1, thirty years ago which at that time waB the first and only Corps on the Pacific Slope. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buckner and children have returned from a sovcral weeks' trip to Southern Califonia. Mrs. Ralph Fisher and littlo son of Portland, are visting Salem relatives. Werner Broymnn nnd his daughters, MrB. W, II. Eldridgo of Snlem, and Mrs. Rudolph Prael of Portland, are tilanninir a few weeks' visit to San Francisco. ft - w Friday evening tho ladies of tho First Presbyterian church gave a dinner at the church parlors which proved an Rpent soino littlo timo in Portland since enjoyable affair and also netted a neat they sold their Labish bungalow have decided to locate in Salem again, where Mrs. Gray (nee Claire Jones) is a great favorite socially. Memobrs of the Carnation Embroid ery club gave their husbands a banquet Thursday evening at the Moose h.ill. The decorations wero red and white car nations the Monso colors, as the club is composed largely of the wives of members of the Moose lodge. There wore several toasts and tho affnir proved most enjoyablo. Tho following were giieBts: Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Millor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins, Mr." and Mrs. Joseph Bach, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baringer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Day, MUSICAL NOTES Prof, Ralph Harr guve his monthly garot Flowor, who bn delighted many piano recital Friday evening at the Salem audienceB in the past appeared home of Mrs. Clayton Young, on North in several very enjoyable number. Fol Cottage street. About 35 wero present lowing is the program presented: and a most enjoyable evening was en- Part I. joyed by all. i Each number on tho "Day is Dying in the West," following program wg well renedered: Congregation. Woodland Waltz Edith Young Invocation. 'Rustic Dance Ruth Cooley (a) "Again tho Day Returns" Duot. Violet Polka I : Palmer Mariorio Minton, Henry Turner (b) "Abilo With me" Petrie Starlight Polka Leata Yates Duct, "Over the Stars Is Thy Rest' Caprice "Bohemia" Leuore KooUjMiss Elva Smith and Herman Clark. Duot, Marching Through Georgia i Chorus, "Come Unto Mo" Alice Putnam, Hazel Bugher Robortson Tho Sack Waltz Lawrence Schmuello Solo, "O Lovo Divine," Geo. B. Nevin that escaped early in the week. After enjoying thoir liberty for 24 hours they returend and entered their cage when a companion cardinal was placed out side the window and sang a plaintive litle song. The Carnation Embroidery club was entertained Wednesday afternoon by Miss Stella Martin at tho home of her sister, Mrs. Sim Swnrt on 21st street. Refreshments were served and the homo of Mrs. Georgo Patterson selected as the place of next moeting. Miss Mar tin's guests were Mrs. Frank Collins, Mrs. Fred Day, Mrs. George Day, Mrs. George Pattorson, Mrs. Josoph Bach, MrB. Sim Swartz, Mrs. George Millor, Miss Roba Boers and MIbs Gertrude Swartz, Tho 63 eighth grade pupils complet ing tho courso in tho Salem public schools received their diplomas Friday evouing, whoa the following program was reneder at the auditorium of the High School: Music, East school orchestra. Iuvocatio, Rov. E. A. Pemberton. Music, chorus, class. Recitation, L. W. Springor, Lincoln school. Piano Bolo, selected, Emily Philips, Garfield. Song, Park school. Orchestra, East school. Recitation, Mark J. Wilbur, Grant Bchool. Presentation of certificates, City Su perintendent P. J Kuntz. Musie, chorus, class. Bonedicition, Rev. P, F. Schrock. Music, East school orchestra. The graduates were: Lincoln school Hugh J. Walker, L. W. Springer, Albert Roberts. Garfield school Blanch Johneil Bak er, Charles Kenneth Bell, Reuben Brey man Boise, Waloott Elwell Buren, Rus sell O. Clearwater, Garnet Winifred Harra, Louise Ingcls, William Ryan Kaiser, Charles Milton Cavanaugh, Bruce Lavall Neelands, . Emily Neoma Phillips, Wilhelmina Smith, Myrtle Mne White, Pascal Traglo, Arthur B. Schuldt. Grant school Jonny Bobcll, Ruth Lenore Cooley, Mike Fink, Winnifred Frazier, Lenore Koon, Elsie May Low is, Herbert R. McKoag, Russell Burton Orvis, Ennis W. Putnam, Carl Poniber- ton, Gertrude II. Ruch, Myrtle Alice Swoboda, Ruth Myrtle White, Ilarold Leone White, Mark J. Wilbur, Edith Frozior. East school Ira Mercer, Clarence Edward Lacholl, Iora Anno Mortensen, Alice Estor Johnn, Olgo Zelpha Gray, Hallie May Hinges, Morlo F. Chapman, Leonard Guy Measor, Edna May Faulk- (Continued on page six.) WEDDINO INVITATIONS Announcements, At-Homa Cards, and Society Printing. FULLER FEINTING CONCEBN Phone Main 2179. 4 t Safety First' ON Our Mo tto SHASTA ROUTE TRAINS OF THE Mrs. Robert E. Downing was hostess Monday evening when sho entertained with 10 tables of 500. This chnnniiig hostess is giving a series of parties, the second to bo given next Monday evening and two afternoon affairs are planned for later in tho month. A basket social was enjoyed Friday evenini bv members of the Yeoman liiilge, following the regular business session. A short program wns pre sented and dancing was enjoyed. Mrs. I). J. Fry who recently under went an operation upon her throat in Dance of tho Fairies Louisa Walton Duet, 11 Trovatoro Margaret Minton, Rosalie Y'ates Medley, Battle Cry of Freedom, Daisy Deuno, Bubylon Is Fallen Alice Putnam Honeysuckle Polka Henry Turner Burning of Rome Rosalie Yates Duot, Basket of Roses Edith Young, Ruth Cooley Mocking Bird Louise Martin Boy Scout March Hazel Bugher Tho Robins' Return Murjorio Minton Duct, Martha Rosalie Yates, Lehoro Koon Heading on Harmony Study Mrs. Minton Best in Musical Spelling Louiso Martin Best Rudiments of Music Louiso Walton Tho next recital will bo held on Feb ruary 27, 1014, at the home of Mrs. Yates, IWS North HixUi street. A sacred concert was given Sunday evening nt the .lasoii lco Methodist church that was greatly enjoyed by the largo number attending. Miss Mur- Miss Elva Smith. Chorus, ''Our Hymn of Praise" Adams "The Spirit of Song," Rov. Jns. Irvine. . Part II. Chorus, "I Heard tho Voice of Jesus Kay" James Solo, "Tho Heavenly Song," Hnmilton Gray Herman Clark. Chorus, "Greatly to Be Praised" Rainier Solo, "Resignation" Cnro Roma i Miss Margaret Flower. Chorus, "All the Earth Hhull Worship" , Adams Chorus, "Welcome Sweet Day of Rest" Pike Part III. I "O Holy Dovo Return" Foster Miss Margaret Flower and Quartet. Chorus, "While Beauty Clothes tho I the Fertile Vale" fianzGreeiie 'And There Were Shepherds" Wilson Miss Margaret Flower and Chorus. Chorus, "I Hear Thy Voico Dear Lord" Tfino W sunset 1 I (OGOENiSllASTA) 1 I t ROUTES I I THE EXPOSITION LINE 1915. And now is tho time to see California; to live outdoors and enjoy tho sunshine, flowers and summer sports. It Is a trip you cannot afford to miss. THREE FINE TRAINS DAILY including Shasta Limited THE train of modern service with all steel up-to-tlio minute equipment. The California and San Francisco Express Trains with Standard, Tourist and Chair Cars and dining service that will please. Call on nearest 8. P. Agent and let him outline a trip, quote fares and furnish Outing lltoraturo on California's famous resorts. John M. Scott, Cen'l Passenger Agt, Portland, Ore. 1 MR. HENRY PECK AND HIS FAMILY AFFAIRS - By Gross" HENRY JR. SAYS C7nrEirrMRKB m7 sew. f . . I . ST1 V I 1 VJ ITU tmm," V B "N '"g-'' 0) Ifl SO GUS$Tt 6Etr HCM(27 WiMO SOcM MP home uFejLivrtLVf - r-' A-W if Swl loo TV (J! PFl.TE sorts' OFTH6M Trias c