Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 06, 1914, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Interest Them
department Store
Three attractive assortments--per
Men's Suits and Overcoats at Unusual Prices. We are positively going out of
the Men's Clothing Business. No better time to buy new clothes than now at this sale.
Quality IV
Capital City Brevities
Dr. Mendelsohn fin eyes correctly. XX ,
6. Bank building.
Fin printing; Fuller Printing Con-
eern. Thone Main 2170,
Try Scott ' ISo meals, 179 South
Commercial. '
Globe. Hughes slstors, a dainty
Pafltagos act.
Hand your friend a Tashmoo 12,ic
cigar it needs no apology from any
one, anywhere.
Father 0 'Hara, of Portland, was tho
guest of father Moore, of this city,
Mr. and Mrs. Sum Cornell, of Port
laud, are visiting their home in Salom
for the present,
Dr. Harry E. Clay has moved into
new and enlarged qunrtcrs in the Bush
batik building. Phono Main 400.
Tho fluent, meats money can buy,
"Farrington's," 1823 State. Phono
Globe lde. Pnntsge's vaudeville,
Friday, Katnrday and Sunday, lllo.
We huve no uut-of -dalo stuck every
thing is new and seasonable, and al
ways nt piiies that win tho npprovnl
of our customers, Tho Wiley B. Alien
Co., li. F, IVturs, mgr., 521 Court street.
For that between. meal hunger try n
slice nf Tip-Top bread and butter and
win the gratitude of your stomach.
Only place in town' to got It is nt tho
Sperling grocery, 21 1 North Commer
cial street.
James Godfrey, who was recently ap
pointed collector of ini'oino taxes for
this district, hns gnno to Portland,
where he will tuko up his duties, Mr.
Godfrey took until of office last Wed
nesday, A stipuhutinn was filed In tho circuit
court yesterday by the parties to the
suit of Francis F., Vorgon against Eli
abeth Yergon, in which It is set forth
that the option has been settled, and
will bo dismissed by permission of tho
Now don't overlook that Sunday din
ner. Everything In fino groceries you
i'litl get here yes, and we'll havo some
of those, dimdy chickens, too. Tho Sun
set grocery, South Commercial street,
nt No. 121.
Iliir T'.ii.ln,! l.nll m.,.;,.,. v;iu,.,,vii,
,, .I, iM .
versus Yellow Jackets. First game nt
Willamette gym Saturday evening, Feb
ruary 7. Second at Y. M. C. A. gvm 1
Tuesday, February 10, Games called at
S:,'I0, ,
The Vmtiff in tho case of 1!, 11.
( hamberliiin against Henry Townsend, lished by one four generations ago to
et al., . given judgment for $2Nt.3i arrive on January 2d. The great grand
by the jmy yesterday. Tho action was mot her was bom on that day; tho
brought to recover money duo on a grandfather followed the nils; the
note. ' i mother also observed It. When the
Do you keep a bent Does she lay baby's grandfather was 27 years old,
eggs? Ask Shafer, the saddle sad bar- its mother was bom. January 2d was
ness mini, at 17 Soulh Commercial her il'lh birthday,
tstreet to tell you how to got eggs when J j, -, Bellamy, a farmer of Fruitluud,
tho price is high. I wu, dm ,.jy Thursday, looking into
Ilemember the ch'blren and hear Mrs, the matter of the refunding of the men
llermltta ( olvin, (. A. C, tell how to ey paid on newer assessments. He went
take care of them, at Central Congre- home smiling, not because ho got the
gntionul church, this evening, February ' money, for he didn't, but just because
(I al 7:,".0. This familiar, popular ad- ho Is built that way, und smiles even
dress Is tree for nil and everyone Is when things are not coining his way.
cordially invited. Ferry and H, lllth He says that Is the true plan, for oth
timet. erwlse a fellow would very often be
Willamette 1'nlversity and Salem denied the privilege of smiling. He
Yellow Jackets havo agreed to piny a will get his money some time, but the
series of gntnes fur tho city chmnpion- Interest has stopped, nnd, like others,
ship. Both teams are fast, and a rod ho would like to have the money turned
hot series is rxiected. Meet mo at t over so it ran be made to work. Idle
university gym at 8:110 Saturday even- j money, like Idle men, accomplish
Ing, February 7, for tin first game; Y. ( nothing, and keeping the unemployed,
M. C. A. gym, Tuesday, Februwry 10, men or dollars, busy is the proper plan
for "the Rr.oud. 1" Christian duty.
In the Embroidery Section
Beautiful Voile Flouncing unusual f ..J
values, at . . . . fiifC yClM
Embroidery Voile Alloverblue,rose OCn ytrivrl
or lavender figure, special at . .0jC yuiU.
27 -inch Embroidery Flounces large 1 Q n-tpA
variety of patterns, special at . . y IU
- "
Dr. F. L. Utter, dontint. Masonlo bldg
Smelts right from the rivor ovory
morning) "Farrington's' 1823 State
stroot. Phono 1020.
Bargain sale on sheet music closes
tomorrow night. Last chance to get
choice music for 10 cents. Goo. C.
Tho young son of Mr. and Mrs, W.
M, Poarsons sustained a broken wrist
yesterday, as the result of falling on
I the comont sidewalk while skating on
Justice og tho Peace Webster yes
terday dismissed the case in which Ed
gar Welch was accusod of assaulting
Joe Otterstrom with a dangerous weap
on. An action was commenced in tho cir
cuit court yesterday by Daniel J. Fry,
et al., against tho city of Salem to clear
the title to blocks 11, 12 nnd 13, in
which tho plaintiffs claim tho defend
ant claims Interest.
Failuro to statu facts sufficient to
constitute a cnuso for action are the
grounds upon which tho defendants in
tho caso of Fred Schooler against Mary
ett Dunce, et al., asks that tho proceed
ings bo dismissed, in a demurrer filed
in tho circuit court yesterday.
President S. F. Kcrfnot, of Hamlin
University, St. Paul, Minn., was the
guest of Or, noid Mrs, If. N. Avisou last
night. Tho visitor nrrived yesterday,
stopping over hero to visit the Salem
minister on his wny homo from Cali
fornia points.
Tho jury in the case of J. H. Shields
against Merlon DcLong returned a ver
dict In favor of the plaintiff last night.
Shields wan suing Defying for $1011,
which was claimed to be due on a prom
issory note,
Cliairinan Hutch, of the street cum
mitteo is doing excellent work, and
lots nf it, During January 27 new cross
walks lu.ve been built nnd 22 old ones
rebuilt. Besides this, about HO yards
of gravel have been distributed, anil
used in filling chuck holes and nt the
crosswalks. Vnder Chairman Hatch's
direction, it seems, the streets are to be
looked after In a businesslike wav. It
Is one of the eases wliero the right man
...... ,
Is in tho right place.
A ljihy was born to Mrs. Joseph Nus
banm nt tho Sulem Hospital Janunrv
2d, The baby thereby adhered to a
custom of babies of the family, estab-
Will Find
at Salem's
Where satisfaction follows
every transaction
Tho Yeomen havo an open meeting
this evening in their hall whon a music
al program will be given, including
violin solos and choito readings. As a
part of tho evening's entertainment,
W. A. Bullcok will givo a lecture illus
trated with slides after which refresh
ments will bo serve when thore will
bo dancing until midnight.
The firo department responded to a
call from tho real ostato office of Boch
tel & Bynon last night, and, upon ar
rival, found Mr. Bechtcl's Rco automo
bile trying to burn itself up. Tho ma-1
chine had evidently back fired after
Mr. Bochtol twisted the engine into
motion, with tho rosult that flames soon
sprung out all over tho auto. The de
partment doused the fire with a chem
ical, nnd saved the machine from ruin,
Mr. Bcchtcl says the damage is consid
erable, but the loss is covered with au
tomobile insurance.
,1'nder tho ablo superintendency of
"lion." Wesley Poase, tho timber farm
belonging to Paul Mamach north of '.ho
city is being cleared up and put into
shape for cultivation by Barry Walling
and George Richmond, two of Salem's
husky young men. While Messrs. Wal
ling ami Kiclimoud nro city lads, they
handle the ax like veterans nnd when
Mr, Marnach, accompanied by Tucket
Hill, visited the placo yesterday, chips
wop) flying iu every diroction. "Hick
ey" Huns, one of Salem's pioneers who
is still n mere kid, is seriously thinking
of lotting tho "back to tho farm" no
tion got tho better of him nnd proposes
to look over the timber farm shortly.
With Haas, Richmond and Wulling oil
tho job, Mr. Mnrnnoh should havo no
trouble m having his property prepared
for the seed within a very short timo,
as all three of these men are noted as
strong arm follows.
I. other J. Chapin, county agricultural
ist, will begin a series of lectures to
farmers nnd others on the subject of
drninuge, commencing tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock sharp, in the auditor
ium at the Salom Commercial club.
Theie lectures will begin promptly on
tune and will close sharply at 11 o'clock
iu order to allow those present to ft
tend other matters of business which
may bring them to town on Saturday
afternoon. A cordial invitation is ex
tended tu all who may bo interested
la the lectures delivered by Professor
Chapin. Those lectures mo free. After
Ihe series on drainage have been de
livered o'lieis will bo announced from
time to time.
10 cents
Harp and Violin. Pantagoa Act.
Four of the best licensed pictures In
cluding a two-reel special Vttagrnph
No Raise In Prices.
10 cents
Entire Change of Program Sunday.
" follow the Crowd."
Much to
Two Specials in the
Waist Section
Pretty, stylish silk
waists, new models,
Special $3.19
Lingerie waists, many
to choose from, special
98 Cents Each
Dr. May, nerve speclalst, Masonic bid
Pautago 's vaudeville today, Satur
day and Sunday, at the Globo 10c.
Cut prices on sheet music closes Sat
urday night. Geo. C. Will.
Judge Kelly is today conducting the
trial in the case of E. M, Ayres against
T. E. Wray. This is an action to recov
er $3000 alleged to be due tho plain
tiff on a contract.
After visiting hor brother, Rev. H. E.
Marshall, of Salom, for a few days, Mrs.
James H, Swearington has returned to
her home in Victoria, B. C.
Leonard Hotel. Home cooking; new
management; 254 Front.
According to the agent at the O. C.
T. company's wharf where tho weathor
is rocorded, last night was the ftolest
so far this winter. Tho mercury wont
down to 29 above and while there was
very little frost on tho ground this
morning, wator pipes were bursted in
somo of .tho homes. Old timers in tho
city declnro that somo ico skating will
bo had beforo tho month is gone.
Spocinl snlo on sheet music ends Sat
urday night. Fopulnr vocal and instru
mental pioccs now only 10 cents. Geo.
C. Will.
Kit her a kink iu the typewriter or a
wrinkle in the reporter's memory frnud
ently announced in The Capital Jourtnl
recently that Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Wilson, who reside on east Stato stroot.
wore tho proud possessors of a baby
girl. Mr. Wilson met the reporter yes
terday and divulged the fnct that tho
baby in question is really nn eight
pound boy. Mr. Wilson further stated
that tho newcomer has been named
F.lmer Wnodrow Wilson, nnd that tho
nnnio was given the baby at the re
quest of his eldest son who is but 12
years of ago. As to what the poli
tics of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are can be
readily observed tiy taking a second
thought of the little visitor's niimo and
the father nnd mother are rooeiv'ng
the congratulations of many who are
followers of the O. O. P., Democrats
and about every other political party.
Tho potitions for an election to vote
on tho bond issue of $S."0,000 for build
ing permanent roads in Marion couirty'
wero filed with tho county clerk yes
terday, and it iB expected an election
will be called ns soon as the names
have been c toe fully examined, Tho po
titions contain 1012 signatures more
than nro required under tho law.
County Judge Bushey announces that
as soon as tho signatures to the peti
tions from outside districts have been
checked over those from Salom and
other towns would be given attention.
Tho members of the Young Meu'a Ito
publican club will hold its second meet,
ing in the court house this evening, at
which officers will be elected to serve
for tho ensuing two years, and the plat
form will bo adopted for the present
year. The'ineetiug will be hold In the
circuit court chambers, and the by
laws will be adopted, wherein it will
provide that women may join the club
and take part in the discussions.
Cnloss the lawn mower Is brought in
to action within tho next few days,
County Commissioner Deckwith states
that ho will bring down his flock of
sheep and oloiui the court house lawn.
Cuinminissioner Deckwith admires long
grass In the country, but declares that,
I Inasmuch as feather-edges are the thing
I In tho city, the county ' green sward
should be decorated up. Commissioner
Gouly, from the north end of the coun
ty, says Commissioner Devkwith has
seme fine sheep, especially tho Ayr
shires and the Dutch Delted, and would
vote iu favor of having the animals
brought to Salem, and hired out for the
purpose of mowing lawns.
.4 jjt jij t -fin mug Mij iij
Last two days of the Colonial Players
"My Uncle From Japan
The funniest comedy of the year. Beal
laughs and lots of them. Not a dull
"Ben Bolt"
A fascinating three-part feature with
a wonderful shipwreck scene.
Two performances Saturday night,
7:15 and 9:00.
Special Saturday matinee 2:30.
Little Prices for the Big Show .
10 and 20 cents.
222521 122Z23
To Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Money, at their
residence, Summer and Norway streets,
Salem, Oregon, February 4, 1914, a
little "penny" in the form of a
A complete and sanitary meat and
fish market, "Farrington 's," 1823
State. Phono 1926.
The funeral of tho lato Mrs. Almira
Jakes was held from the residence yes
terday morning. Tho remains were
buried in the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Butler and
daughter, Misa Beniice, left this morn
ing for Portland, where they will visit
with friends and relatives over Satur
day. Attorney George Phillips, of Port
land, was in the city today looking af
ter business matters.
We wish to thank the many kind
friends who gave their help and sym
pathy during the illness aaid death of
our beloved mother, and also the Elks
for the beautiful floral offering.
Tho annual oratorical tryout will be
hold in Willamette university chapel
this evening at 8 o'clock and the win
ner in the contest will reprcsont Wil
lamette in the stato contest to be hold
in Albany next mouth.
Following is the program:
Duet, "Iris'' Piorco Rovard
Misses Esther Cox, Lucilo McCully.
"The Supreme Rivalry "....Laura Hoist
"The Gospel of tho Common Placo"
Walter Gleiser
"The Theft of Children's Child
hood" Evaduo Harrison
Quartet, "Sweet Genevieve4'. ...Tucker
Hat-old Jury, Grnoe Smith, Stella Gra
ham, Paul Irving.
"Tho End of Toil" Soth Axley
"National Vitality ' ' Eric Bolt
"Tho Evolution of Social Consci
ence" Ivan McDonald
Prelude Chopin
Professor McMurray.
(Decision of judges).
Judges Do'ivory: Dr. Avison, Taul
Wallace, E. F. Carlton; thought and
composition, Miss Marvin, Miss Palmer,
Hov, Mr. Schrock.
Chicago, Feb. (i. Miss Carrio Alex
ander, president of the waitresses' union
here, was arrested today while loading
a number of girls engaged in picket
ing Henri's restaurant, iu nn effort to
unionizo Loop district cafes nnd res
tnurants. She struggled with three po
licemen, who drngged her to polico
headquarters and charged her with dis
orderly conduct. Bnil for Miss Alexand
er's release was furnished by Secretary
Noekels, of the Chicago Federation of
Portland, Or., Fob. ci Charles Du
bois, of Salem, a salesman, filed a pe
tition in bankruptcy with tho federal
court, giving his debts ns $(i2tl.fll, and
assets nothing.
On Good Real Estate Security.
Over I.add 4 Bush Bnnk, Salem, Oregoe
"Look for the Flying Eagle"
Ye Liberty
The film sensation of the year will be
shown at Ye Llborty on Sunday and
Monday at 10 and 20-cont prices.
Mrs. Fiske In
You art asked! to attend In the after
noon, if possible.
Mable Crichton Walker died Feb
ruary 3 at 9:45 a. m., at her home in
San Diego, California, after an illness
of eighteen days, a victim of typhoid
fever. She is believed to have con
tracted the disease through her loving
ministrations to her sister, Miss Nellie
Crichton, who died but a short time
ago from the same disease, and who
long enjoyed the hospitable home
of Mrs. Walkor in Oregon and later
the new home established in the fiir
southern city.
Miss Mable Crichton, then a teacher,
was married to Harvey Walker, a resi
dent of near Salem, September S, 1S04,
and resided continuously on their farm
in tlio Middle Grove district, until their
removal to California three years igo.
Funeral services were held Thursd iy,
February 5, from the late residence
and interment was made by the side tf
the sister recently deceased. The bus
band and two sons, Harvey Stuart, age
17, and Jesse Theodore, age 13, survive
Mrs. W alker was a capable, goner jus
woman, a loving wife and mother, re
spected by her many friends who mo-irn
her early departure and the loss to her
beloved husband and young sons.
Mrs. Walker was an earnest member
and a past noble grand of Salem Ite
bekah lodge No. 1, and served with i
dolity in every position to which the
was called.
Bo it ordained by tie Common Coun
cil of the City of Salem, Oregon :
Section 1. (Supplying tobacco to
minors). It shall bo unlawful wituin
the city of Salem, to sell, give, or 'in
any manner furnish to any mii.or under
tho age of eighteen years, tobacco in
any form, or any substance of which to
bacco is a component part.
Any person violating tho provisions
of this section shall, upon conviotion
therefor, bo fined in any sum not loss
than five dollars, nor more than fifty
dollars; or by imprisonment of not less
than five or more than twenty days in
tho city jail; or by both such fino and
imprisonment. '
Section 2. (Use or possession of to
bacco by minors). It shall be unlawful
for any minor under the age of eigh
teen years to Binoke, chew or use tobac
co in any manner or form, or any sub
stance of which tobacco is a compo
nent part, in or upon any public high
way, street, park, placo or resort wit))in
tho city Salem; or to have on or about
his person any such tobacco or sub
stance. Any minor violating any of the pro
visions of this section shull, upon hii
first conviction therefor, be publicly
admonished and reprimanded by tho re
corder; and for each subsopuent con
viction, shall bo fined in any Bum not
less than two dollars nor more than
twenty dollars, or by imprisonment 'it
not less than one or more than ten
days in the city jail.
In effect February 5, 1914.
At the residence of the officiating
minister, Dr. R. X. Avison, in this city,
Wednesday, February 4, 1914, Miss
Lyda E. Thomas to Oliver H. Brougher,
both of Scotts Mills.
I have a client who will make shirt
loans on household goods and other per
sonal property. John II. Scbtt, over
Chicago store.
Special Today!
"0 Vj acres, all In bearing fruit, mod
em buildings, $16,000.
14 acres on car lino, $10,000.
5 acres in clover, house, $1250.
30 acres, 10 cleared, improved, $500.
64 acres Howell Prnirie, improved, to
trade for Salem property, $S600.
Several good buys in Prune
Ranches, Hop Ranches
and Berry Tracts
v We have cigar stores, pool rooms, gro
cery stores, shoe shop, hotel, rooming
houses, blacksmith shop, restaurant.
City Lots in all Parts
of Salem
10 acres, closo In, $2500. 7-room house
three lots, $-".000,
10-room modern house, $2300. Snap.
160 acres, woll improved, $H0u0.
Expert Public Stenographer
in attendance
MENTS. Acme Investment Co.
A. B. Cook, Manager
Phone: Office, Main 477.
Opposite Court House. S40 Stats St
Ewpt WW WW iffi " W WW ww V wj
Norfolk, Va., Feb. 6. The schooner
Helen Benedict was reported today
ashore off Nagshead, N. C. Wireless
dispatches said her crew of nine men
had been rescued.
TWO CENTS a word for each
insertion. (
TO THOSE Wanting a good, paying
business, investigate out proposition.
We have an exclusive article that can
be placed in every house. A good
money maker. 224 Hubbard build
ing. FOR SALE Good driving horse, weight
1175. Salem Laundry Co.
FOR RENT Large dwelling house at
639 North Liberty. Inquire of E.
FOR SALE Five-passenger auto,
quire of E. Eckerlen.
FOR RENT Eckerlen building on
North Commercial street.
sewing machine come and get one
now, as we are going to make
cleanup sale. No reasonable offer
will be refused. 640 State street.
FOR RENT Small, modern Dungalow.
North Cottage Btreet. Phone Carey
F. Martin.
STORE ROOM At 344 State street,
now occupied by Gilson's barber
shop for rent March 1. Apply at
Patton's book Btore.
AUCTION SALE Pinno, furniture,
show cases, refrigerator, etc., Tues
day, February 10, 1:30 p. m., sharp;
' 2C6 Center Btreet.
FOR SALE Good typewriter, Smith
Premier No. 4, $10.00; 491 North Cot
tage street.
model Q runabout, 4 cylinder, 22 h p.,
in Al condition; has run less than
2000 miles. Address Dr. J, A. Speck,
No. 405 North 12th street.
men, heated and electric lighted, 352
North 12th.
SPECIAL At O. E. Price's meat mar
ket, 312 North Commercial street,
guaranteed pure lard and full weight,
5-pound pails, 70c; 10-pound pails,
WHY PAY RENT Now, modern bun
galow, five rooms, on paved Btreet
$200 down, balance like rent; price
$1450. Good" lot, $250; terms. Farms,
any number of acres to suit, at lowest
price. We writo insurance and loan
money. Bechtcl & Bynon, 347 State.
No machinery to toar and wear
out delicate fabrics Work called for
and delivered promptly.
445 Ferry Street. Phone Main 2258.
Resident Agents. 385 State Street
Good Buys
5-room house and lot 50x133, on 14th
street, $1100,
10-room house, all modern, very close
in, $5000.
12-room double houso, $3000. Would
trade for suburban homo near car line.
C, 10 and 15-acro suburban homea oa
and near car line.
Trimo orchards and prune lands in the
Liberty and Rosedalo districts.
One of the very best farms in the fa
mous Waldo Hills, with $3000 worth of
buildings at $115 per aero. For salo.
Extra good bargains in hop yard,
stock, dairy and grain farms, at prices
that aro right.
Fine location for automobile repair
Choice residences and residence lots.
Houses to rent.
C O. Rice &
W. S. Low
With L S. Barnes & Co.
313-310 Masonic Temple.
If you have bargains to offer, list
with us.