Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 06, 1914, Image 1

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    All the News that's Fit to Print Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Journal
The Best
The Largest f
K -l
Said Bandits Take Several
American Railroad Men
Prisoners There.
Bloody Clash Is Expected Will
Be Commenced Before
Many Hours Pass.
El Paso, Texas, Feb. 6. That a Mex
ican ' Northwestern passenger train
from Juarez had run into the ruing of
the Ciunbre tunnel, demolished by Max
imo Castillo's bandits, and been
wrecked, was reported here today. It
was said the bandits took Beveral
American railroad men prisoners, but
the fate of the passengers was un
known. The tunnel, at any rate, was said to
have been ruined, and, if it proved
true that the train had been wrecked
or captured, it was Biiid that seven
American railroad men must have fal
len into the bandits' hands. The tun
ned pierced the continental divide, and
its destruction, if complete, will be a
Jieavy loss. ,
, Maneuvering for Position.
Chihuahua City, Mox., Feb. 6. The
rebels were maneuvering for position
around Torreon today. One force oc
cupied Bnrmipillo, 40 mileB north of the
prospective point of attack. Thirteen
hundred others, under General -Oresto
Pereydn, left by rail for rarral to Ro
Sario, whence thoy planned to march
overland to Fedra. Ceiia, striking Tor
reon from tho southward. There was
constant skirmishing in tho city's vi
cinity. General Villa was hero today, in per
sonal charge of the situation. Ho or
dered 50(10 rounds of shrapnel from an
ammunition dealer in El .raso, but it
was not known certainly whether he
would delay tho upon tho shipment's
To Wipe Out Outlaws.
Hearing that bandits, under General
Cavillo, had attacked tho Moxicnu
Northwestern railroad's Cumbro tun
nel, Villa ordered tho rebel command
ers at the towns of Pearson, Madera,
Juarez and Cnsns Grnndcs to send forces
to wipe out the outlaws.
The wires being down, it was impos
sible to get definite news of a passeng
er train which left Pearson yesterday
morning for Madera, but tho train had
uot reached its destination, and it was
' feared that tho bandits had captured
or wrecked it.
May Oust hucrta in 30 Days.
Washington, Feb, 0. The' Mexican
embassy and the rebel junta here an
nounced simultaneously today that the
decisive struggle between Prosident
lluerta and the constitutionalists was
at hand.
Huertn probably would take tho field
in person within 10 dnys, it was stated
by the embassy, Ho would assume the
vigorously aggressive at once, and there
was no question that he would stanp
out the rebellion in short order, ac
cording to this account.
The capture of Mazntlnn, reports of
which the reM junta accepted as fact,
it was declared nt constitutional head
quarters, would speedily bo followed
by the fall of Torreon and Tampico,
ami inside of .'to days tho rebels would
lie in control at Mexico City.
Persistent reports wero current that
Hucrta would hand his passports to
American Charge d' Affaires O'Shaugh
nessy, at Mexica City, and that of John
Lind, President Wilson's personal rep
resentative, would bo expelled from
Vera Cruz "for pernicious activity
against the government." But there
was no confiimntion of theso reports.
Ind 1, Charge d' Affaires O'Shaugh-
ncssy iformed tho president by wire
that there seemed to be no ill feeling
in Mexico as a result of tho embargo
(Continued on pax B.)
Marie Lloyd is
Barred at Border
Appeals to Washington in Order That
She May Keep Her Engagement at
Theatre in Seattle.
Seattle, Wash., Feb. 6. Marie Lloyd,
the 'English comedienne, who was re
fused admittance at New York several
weeks ago, when she arrived here in
company with an English jockey, to
whom she was not married, and who,
when she attempted to enter the United
States by way of Vancouver, B. C, was
again checkmated by the immigration
bureau, has appealed to Washington.
Pending a decision, she cannot come
to Seattle, where she is under contract
to play a week's engagement at the Or
phcum, theatre, beginning next Sunday.
Martin Beck, general manager of the
Orpheum circuit, said today;
"I expect to know by tomorrow defi
nitely whether Miss Lloyd can cross
the border.'?-
Marie, furious at having been labeled
an ."undesirable," says: "Theatre
goers everywhere have not found me
so." '
Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 6. Many per
sons narrowly escaped death in tho
flames that destroyed the Fairview Ho
tel on North Thirtieth street here, early
today, and caused a loss of $10,000. The
Sailors' Union building, adjoining, al
so was consumed. Several loggers
jumped from second story Windows to
the ground, and one man was injured.
Tho hotel was entirely of wood, and
burned so fiercely that little time was
allowed the guests to get out.
When the alarm was given Andrew
Hansen and his wife and baby were
aslocp on the third floor. Hansen fash
ioned a rope from the bed clothing,
but was unable to let himself dowu on
it with tho baby in his arms.
Calling to a man on the ground, Hun
sen dropped tho child from the veran
da, and it landed safely in the man's
arms. J hen JIanseu and nis wife slid
(Jown tho rope, just a moment before it
caught fire.
William Beeklnnd sustained injur
ies to his legs when he jumped from
tho second story.
Cincinnati, Feb. 0. Player Frank
Schmitt, who lust season declined to
sign a contract to play with the Bos
ton Notional league club in 1914, de
spite tho fact that ho had previously
accepted tho club's terms, was today
restored to good standing in organized
baseball by the National commission.
The player said ho did not Bign the
contract last August because of fear
that tho Boston club might have had a
right to his services for tho remainder
of last season. Tho commisison ruled
that tho player had not violated any
regulation of tho National agreement.
New York, Feb, (i. Stocks opened
with a downward liiovement in pro
gress today. Nearly all issues traded
in wero lower, and selling orders were
greatly in excess of offers to purchase.
Some support was offered later, and on
a limited demand for Vnion Pacific,
New Haven and Heading a better tone
developed. Trading was not large.
Ponds wero firm. Tho market- closed
Han Francisco, Feb. 0. Helen Doug
las, a pretty 1(1 ycnrold, was found un
conscious in her room here today with
a bullet wound in the lower abdomen.
Her father, a blacksmith, wns nlouo in
tho house with her at the time. He
could assign no reason for the attempt
of his daughter at self destruction. Miss
pouglas was rushed totho Kmergency
hospital, where it was said sho will
probably die.
itNITID mis UIAKED " )
St. Tanl, Feb. ft. A terrific blir.znrd,
accompanied by several inches of snow,
swept St. Taul and vicinity today.
Zero weather was predicted for tonight.
Downfall of Present Ministry
Seems Imminent and Feel
ing Bitter.
Besolution Declaring Disability of Pres
ent Ministry Will Be Voted on at
Early Date.
Soattle, Wash., Feb. 6. The follow
ing cable was recoived bore today by
tho North American Times, a Japanese
Tokio The downfall of the present
ministery seems imminent. It is fear
ed that there will be a repitition of the
public disturbances -which occurred last
year, on account of the feeling which
has been aroused over the naval graft
scandals.. The expressions of the pub
lic was grown so bitter that even In
uksi, leader of the' Kokuniin party, one
of those opposed to the present minis
try, could not longer keep silont, and
he yesterday openly attacked the gov
ernment. The three parties opposed
to the present ministry, the Kokuniin,
the Doshikal, and the Chiusoikai, united
against the Sciyukai party yesterday
and decided to introduce a resolution
declaring the disability of the present
Will Ooppose It.
The Soiyuksi party will oppose the
resolution on the ground that the work
of the investigating committee is not
comploto. The resolution may be re
jected but in any event there will bo
a great public demonstration at Ilibiya
Paru and about the parliamentary build
ings today.
At a meeting of the Constitution
Protection league yesterday at Sei
yoken, Inukai and Osnki made speech
es which wero enthusiastically received
Dr. Mitake and Toynma also spoke at
tho Y. M. C. A. hall aiid it is bolioved
that the excitement aroused by these
meetings wil result in tho downfall of
tho present cabii.et.
Senttlo, Wash., Feb. 0. Her clothing
ignited by flames from a coffeo urn in
the White Pui.ven lunch room, Hinn
Christonsen, 34 years old, a waitress,
ran screaming about the place, a human
torch at 0:30 o'clock this morning.
Breakfastors wero thrown into a panic
as tho girl rushed madly about the room
She finally ran into tho street, where
bnssersby seized her and rushed her in
to a delicatessen store, where the fire
was smothered with tulilo linen, and a
call sont for tho pntrol wagon. As she
wa slioing conveyed to tho hospital, tho
flames, which had not been entirely ex
tinguished, ngnin bruko out and were
not extinguished until the shrieking
girl was seriously burned. She hns
an even chance for recovery.
It will be indeed good news to Sa
lemites that tho railroad commission
hns at lust got busy on the Salem
wnter matter, and is investigating it.
Tho commission has an enormous
amount of work on its hand, among
which in the settling of innumerable
cases against the P. H., L. 4 P. Co.,
which has precedence over the Salem
case. It will be sonic time before any
definite action is taken, but the pre
liminary work Is being dono, and the
matter put In shape so that when it is
taken up for final action, a determina
tion ciwn soon be reached.
Temperature 29 Below Zero
and Will Fall Much Lower
Soon, It Is Expected.
Colorado Also Reports Severe Weather,
With Thermometer Beaching 28
Below at One Point.
Omaha, Neb., leb. 6. Nebraska was
shivering today in the coldest weather
of the winter. The temperature here
was 6 below zero at noon, and a drop
to 10 below was expected tonight. Suf
fering among tho poor was intense.
Other Nebraska below-zero tempera
tures follow:
Chadron, 29; Scotlsbluff, 20; Valen
tine, 18; O'Neill, 16; Long Pine, 15.
Cold in Colorado.
, Fort Lupton, Colo., Feb. 6. Greeley
and Fort Lupton were two of the cold
est Bpots in the country today. The
morcury hore registered 28 below and
Greolcy roportod 20 below zero.
Qovemor West this morning an
nounced that ho would support George
Brown for the office of attorney-general,
regardless of politics. Ho amid he
was moved to do this as an evidence
of appreciation of the work done by
Mr. Brown in handling tho cases of lo
cal option law violations. Mr. Brown
mado the aununcemcnt that be wns a
candidate for tho position somo time
ago, but this announcement was not
given great publicity. However, up to
this timo ho seems to bo tho only can
didate that has come out for tho pluce
llrowu is from Hosoburg.
of Police Shedeck und
(iuines made a raid
Chinese room on High street last night
nnd succeeded in rounding up Loo Jim
while that Oriental was in the act of
enjoying a few "drags" nt the pipe.
The officers hoped to iiinko a big
haul when they approached tho build
ing but although there wero several out
fits laying around tho rooms only one
Chinaman could be found. Lea Jim was
taken to tho police station and shortly
afterward Sullivan, a well known local
Chinaman, culled and bailed Jim out,
When searched, the Chink had about
lt)0 in money on his person. Tho po
lice questioned Jim, but Jim wouldn't
Opium Carofully Guarded.
Chief 'of Police Sliedeck is confident
that tho local Chinamen havo a place
where their favorite drug is secreted
but so far he has been unable to get
any definite information concerning
the location of the store room. Jim
makes the second nuin caught smoking
opium here.
The chief kept of Jim's money
liit night and told him to appear at
8 o'clock today, Jim uppenrcd and
Judge l-;igiu took l.'i of the trust mynoy
mill allowed the smoker to go.
jThe Weather
The Dickey Bird
says: Oregon, lai
south and east
portions tonight
a n d Saturday;
cloudy northwest
portion tonight
and Saturday,
probably light
rain or snow flur
ries; southeaster
ly winds.
I this Wrv
Colonel Goethals is Evidently
Pleased Over Appointment
J$L f I -,
I ' . -.. ,il
s ' . i
I". ' .Sj? -i
Colonel Goethals, Pirst
Washington, Feb. 6. Colonol George
W. Goothals, chief engineor of the Pan
ama canal, recently appointed first gov
ernor of the canal zene to take effect
about April 1, was born, in Brooklyn,
June 20, 1858 and is therefore Cfl years
old. Ho was assistant of Lieutenant
Colonel Merrill, in charge of Ohio river
improvement, and promotod to cap
Hoy Illnkc and George Kldridgo wora
arrested last night on tho chargo of
(Irunlieness. Hlulio wus arrested near
tlio Southern Pacific depot by Night
Officer Fisher and when the jail door
was opened this morning, the man wns
delimits. Jlis condition grew woino
Inter in tho forenoon ami the city physi
cian wax culled to quiet him. Illlike had
drunk so much booze that snakes wero I
all around him ami ho made life sick
ening for his fellow prisoners by yelling
at the tup of his voice and talking
about jack rabbits chewing ench
other 'b ears off.
Kldridgo was arested by Officer Jack
Welch while he was trying to stay on
the sidewalk along Stnte street. Kid
ridge was feeding fine, however, this
morning, despite the fact he wus ginned
Hi tlin tiinlif lii.fiir.i
Judge l-.lgiu gave the men fivo days
each in which to think matters over.
(i;nitio rnEss leased wiiii.
Lamed, Kan,, Feb. !. Gold bullion
estimnti'd to be worth ifc:iO,000 was un
covered in llodgi'iiiiui county todny,
according to reports received here. Yes
terday bullion worth ifliSUO was found.
It is believed Colorado miners cached
the gold during the Indian massacre of
!Ho.r). Morn tliun ifOUHIOi) worth of
bullion, it is said, was buried at that
time, liikiichers, fcuring an inrush of
gold seekers, are guarding their lauds.
Unite, Mont., Feb. fl. The decree
entered in the district court yesterday
awarding' a divorce to Mrs, Jennie V.
Mayes from Joseph Mayes also gives
Mrs. Mayes the custody and possession
of the family dog, "Paddy," The de-
rrce pecifi.-ullv declares that Mrs.
Mayes is to hwe absolute ownership of
the dog.
Governor of Canal Zone.
taincy in 1801 and put in charge of
Tennessee river improvement work. At
the close of the Spanish war he was as
signed, to West Point as an instructor.
In 1000 he was assigned to take charge
ot fortification and harbor improve
ments at Newport, It. I. On February
27, 1007, ho was appointod chlof en
gineer in charge of tho Panama canal
Washington, Feb. fl. The state de
partment was notified today by Captain
Itostwick, of tho cruiser Nashvillo, that
General Theodore had lost control of
tho rebels nt Cape Haitien. Eighty ad
ditional American murines, Bostwick
said, wero landed todny to protect for
eigners. Mob rulo provnilod and scores of
homes were pillaged ajid burued.
Wholesnlo rioting was feared.
I'l,.,.. I. ...... n..l I.ll.. .I....I... I.. !.!..
1 JWIU la Ulia UltluillUWUU UCUIITT ill HUB
,, .. .. , ,
goui noggeis in ins pociioiB in a way
that is cureless and freo. Now ami
then he lets a friend take a peep at
them, just to show him thut tho uro the
aro original, unadulterated rino, 1015
model, guaranteed according to tho food
and drugs act, with license applied for.
His name is George M. Elgin, member
of tho firm of Hees Klglu, local boost
ers for tho Oakland and Maxwell curs.
Icst it be rashly Inferred that ho
had just sold several spring stylo motor
cars to some returning but successful
Alaskan, thereby creating a stampede
into the nutumobile business, it, Is nec
essary to mid that Mr. Elgin was for
tunate enough to find tho nuggets. He
found them right out in the rude seen,
crv. lust where nature hud carclmmlv
, t() Bnwt,,
litter some sixteen quintilliun years
ago. That was down in Frenchman's
gulch, near I'urdue, In Southern Ore
gnu, about "II miles west of liiddles.
Jn company with K. C. Free, a form
er resident of Salem, ho wus pruseeting
in that district, with tho result that
they ran into a placer from which they
punned out In three days. The
nuggets ranged In value from .10 cents
to Owing to tho opening of tho
motor ear season, Mr. Klgin returned to
Salem, IcaWng his partner to work the
mine, which is raid to be giving good
of UN
OF $1
Man Accused of Complicity
With Diggt Unable to Fur
nish Bond.
Physician Among Those Who
. Are Scheduled to Testify
Against Architect.
San Francisco, Feb. 6. The prelim
inary hearing of Maury I. IHggs and
Walter Gilligan, accused of attacking
Ida Pearring, a girl of 17, according to
hor own account, was not scheduled for
resumption before Police Judge Crist
until 2 p. m. today, but Paul Spott, ar
rested yestorday in connection with the
same affair was in court this forenoon.
His bail, like that of Digga and Gil
ligan, had boen fixed at $10,000, and,
as Spott could not give it, he spent
last night in the city jail. It was his
first experience of the kind, and he
admitted candidly that ho found it ex
ceedingly unpleasant.
Complaint Against Spott
The complaint against him, Prosecu
tor Oppcnhelia said, when he was
brought into court, would riotj' be "
sworn to until Borne time in the course
of the forenoon, so, after boing told of
his logal rights, Spott was roturned to
his cell, his formal arraignment set for
Dr. Loo Moinlugor, called in by Mrs.
Pearring, after her daiikjhtor's wild
New Year's eve, was slated to be the
first of this afternoon's witnesses. He
was expected to testify to the girl's
condition whon ho saw her.
Sullivan Girl Also.
Miss Lillian Sullivan, who was with
tho Now Vonr's ove party, was also
under subpoena) for this afternoon. She
know nothing of tho happenings at the
Holland hotel, but was counted on to
corroborate Ida's story o tho evening's
ovents, up to tho timo of their parting
Into on tho night of Docombcr 31, and
of tho girl's return to her apartment
Now Yenr's day. v
Tho testimony of Ir. Tearring and
his wifo, tho girl's parents, it was sup
posed, would concludo tho prosecution's
case before adjournment. It was taken
for granted that tho defense would
open tomorrow forenoon.
San Francisco, Fob. 0. A cablegram
from the Minister of Internal Affairs
of Australia received today by Presi
dent Moore of tho Panama-Pacific ex
position here stated that Australia bad
decided to participate officially in tho
Hll.'i fair und will spend $300,000 on a
building. Architects will leave Sydney
March 7 for this city to superiutsnd
its construction.
Australia is tho third British depen
dency to announce Its participation,
Canada and New Zealand already hav
ing accepted tho invitation to be repre
San Francisco, Feb. 0. Another
prominent Pneifie Coast league player
threatens to jump to tho Federals.
Harry Krause, one of Wulter McCre
die's foremost box artists last season
announced yesterday his dissatisfaction
with the terms of the contract sent
him by the Portland owners and de
clared that unless a revision upward Is
immediately forthcoming ho will sever
tho ties that bind him to organized
bweball, and take a chnuc.e with the
Oakland, Oil., Feb. I). The manage
ment of the Oakland Coast league base
ball club would not give out totlny the
names of tho players who had signed
their 1011 contracts. They said 15 men
had been signed, but declined to give
their names, or those of any holdouts, if
there were any.