BSStoffial Page o& Tike Sale m Capital MONDAY FEB. 2, 1914 The Capital Journal PUBLISHED BY The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manager. An Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principle and the Progreea and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General. PakllibNl Knrj KfenlDg Kicept Bandar, Bslem, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably In Advance) Bullr, ny Carrier, per rear ...15.20 Per month.. 45e tally, bj Mall, per fear 4.00 Per month.. 85e klv, bf Mall, per year .... 1.00 BH months .BOc FULL LEASED WIRB TBLBORAPH REPORT ADVERTISING BATES. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. "New Today" Ads. strictly casn In advance. 'Want" Ads. and The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do tills, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as UiIb Is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 82. THE HOME OF THE FREE, PRICE 830. THIS is supposed to be a land of rofugo whore down trodden humanity can find a homo. At least that was tho theory nt ono time, but tho im migration laws have changed this somewhat. Now in order to gain ailmiHaioir to this land of tho free and the homo of tho other fellows, it is necessary that tho propoBod immigrant have in his possesion the sum of $70 and also a good reputation. Among other things ho must not have been, a law breaker, and must not have raised lunula against any form of gov ernmental tyranny in IDs native country. If these laws had boon in forco when your ancestors and ours came over we would not havo had any ancestors, at least in this country. As we remenbor history tho enrlior immigrants were nearly all of a class opposed to the government .. under which they had been born, and which they left and camo to America because they wore opposed to it. Some of the old settlers had nothing when thoy landed on our shores, 'except stout hearts and willing hands, but with thoso they made good. Under our prosout immigration laws tho Saviour could not get pant Ellis Island, and indeed we are some times in doubt as to whether Ho over did. There is a case now before tho immigration authorities at Ellis Island that shows the utter cruelty of our immigration laws, A woman was recently doported from Argentina because she had been deserted' by her husband before he had established his citizenship in that country, and sho was refused permission to return to Russia, whence she camo. She had four children nono over 10 years of ago and sho had no money. She is refused permission to. make a homo in America lest sho become a pub lic charge. The woman has committed no offense unless the bearing of four children is a crimo, and sho cannot holp tho position or condition a worth less husband has loft her in, If bIio whs permitted to land Bho might, for a little while, be a public charge, but can tho American people afford to re fuse her a place on earth whore she can endeavor to earn a living for her children I Can we afford to pass by on tho other side and turn this woman awny from tho only hopo of a home bIio may over have,' bocauso sho has not $M)f Besides where can sho got Argentina has served notice on the world that sho cannot stay there. Russia has also decreed (hat sho cannot find a place for herself and her children on its inhospitable shores. .Will America also turn Its back on her and close its door in her face! Tho law may re quire this, but if it does then tho Booner the law is wiped off tho statute books the better for us and the world. Is America with her nearly 100,000,0(10 people and her hundreds of billions of dollars afraid tho burden of the care of this ono poor woman and four hclplcsB children will bo greater than shu can beart HIS WRITINGS A BOOMERANG, THE ONE THING that gave the good roads movoment tho worst jolt of all of the many it has revolved, was tho articles written by David Swing Ilicker and printed in tho Oregonian, Tho utter unfairness of his state ments concerning tho condition of the roads generally, and the fact that ho was sent through the valley wlx'ii the roads wero flooded and almost immssablo, to take pictures of them and hold out the Idea that that was their usual condition made tho residents suspicious, and set them wondering what it was done for, They realised that someone must bo paying Kicker for his work and they naturally concluded that it was someouo that wns afraid to come out In tho open, but was using Wicker to pull certain chestnuts from tho firo for them. There may have been nothing at all to this, but there might as well havo boen, for the people so believed, and so believing resented what the consid ered an attempt to bulldoze them, If the proposed bond issue fails to carry It will be in a large measure due to tho trip and writings of David Swing Kick er, or as ho signed himself In tho Taeoma Tribune, "Stephen Went worth," The scheme was still further given away by tho fact that as soon as Kicker struck Jackson county, which had already voted bonds, ho boardod tho cars and moved to California, There was no dirty work for him to do in that county. Whoever engineered the scheme and sent Kicker through tho valley overshot the mark, and turned hundreds of votes against tho bond issue. WHAT DOES THE DOG THINK OF IT? AFTER some thousands of years of law making and amending, humanity seems no nearer getting a sonslblo view of things than It had in tho begluning. Our laws are fearfully and wonderfully made and they are still more fearfully and wonderfully Interpreted. We havo never yot been ablo to make tho punishment fit the crime, but havo seemingly avoided doing so at every turn. If a man Is arrested charged with a minor offense , if he has money, ho is fined which is no punishment at all, and If he has not he is sent to jail, and the punishment falls en his family and thoso dependent on him, If a man owns a dog and neglects to take out a license for him, the dog is imprisoned and thrown in the pound for his mas ter's offense, or neglect, though it cannot be charged that the dog has done anything unlawful. Neither can it be claimed that the dog is deprived of his liberty for tie purpose of reforming him, Strange, as It may seem, dogs do not need reforming, men only requiring that gentle care and attention. No doubt dog, if ho could speak would express some startling opinions and truths about his brainy and intelligent master, man. If a laborer it out of a job, aud Idle we put him In jail where he cannot work if he wants to, and feed hint there instead of making some provision for folding him without at the same time disgracing Mm and giving his manhood and self-respect a jolt. We, as a nation, are partners lu the niunul'iicutro of alcohol draw down nearly '.100,000,000 a year as our share of the plunder, and (hen chargo a license for selling t and punish those who hnppen to use more of it than is, in our opinion, good for them. In other words we 'sell a man goods and then punish him for using them. We make th proHrty owner pay for paving the street In front of his property for the public 's use, and then add the amount ho has paid for the public benefit, assessment, and fine him forever in tho way of tnnea for doing it. We ki k about the exnrbiant charges of rail roads, and fine them if they make a reduction In said charge voluntarily. We glvo awny the water fronts in our harbors and buy them back at any old LAPP & BUSH, Bankers TftANMOTI A QJNT.IAL BANKING B08INBH8. AT ITT DB PORIT BOXES. TRAVEJJBir CHECH. price per front foot the recipient of our bounty may Bee fit to charge for these same lands. But why prolong the talo, the further it is examined tho worse it is, and yet we apparently like it for we go on doing the same, thing. Would' you blame tho dog, place! in the pound, for holding us up to the ridicule of the balance of the canine family as a lot of very silly "Lords of Creation!" The Evening Record, Marshfield's wide-awake daily announces that Coos county has a candidate for congress in Fred Hollistcr, a lawyer of Marsh field, who will make tho race on tho democratic ticket. While the district has not been partial to democruts for this office, in the light of what it has becning having in tho way of congressman for some years, a democrat might have a fair chance of winniug just now. The Record points out that Southern Oregon is entitled to the congressman, and if one district more than another is so entitled, Southern Oregon is. That section has had but little in the way of representation in state offices, and wo think the nominees for congress for both parties should come from that section. Trot out your candidates on both tickets and see what tho result will be. Southern Oregon can win bo causo she deserves to win and. the office should go to a Southern Oregon man. II 10 Great Mistake to Put off Working on Roads Until August or Soptembor Declare Experts. REPAIRS TO ROADS SHOULD BE MADE WITHOUT DELAY Pure Is absolutely necessary to give the health that brings happiness, a good appetite, restful sleep, and makes you eager for life's duties. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA makes pure blood and so crcatos .this much-desired condition. Should Not Be Put off Until After Crops Are Gathered and Split-log l)rag Is Great Aid. united fiikss lsased wine. Washington, Feb. 2. It is a great mistake to put off working roads until August or September, according to roud exports of the U, 8. Department of Agriculture. The roads should be work ed when tho soil is damp so as to make the soil bake when it dries out. If tho roads are worked when they are dry, It takes more power to draw the machine and besides dry enrth and dust retain moisture and quickly nit after rains. Tho uso of clods, sods, weeds or vegetable matter In building ronds should bo avoided because they also retain moisture If tho working of the roads is de ferred until the latter port of the sum mer when tho surfnee is linked dry and hard, they nre not only difficult to work, but the work Is unsatisfactory when dono. Karth which is looso and dry will remain dusty as long ns tho dry weather lnsts, and then turn to mud ns the rains begin. By using the road machine in tho spring while the soil is soft and damp, tho surface is moro ensily shaped and soon packs down into a dry hard crust which is less liable to becomo dusty in summer and muddy in winter. Should Be Made as Needed. Repairs to roads Bhould be mado when needed and not once a year after crops aro laid by. Because of its simplicity, efficiency, and cheapness, tho split-log drag or somo similnr device is destined to come into more and more general uso. With tho drag properly built and its uso well understood, the mainte nance of earth and gravM ronds become n simple and Inexpensive mnttor. Care fl.ould bo taken to mako tho log so light that ono man can lift it with oaso, as a light drag can be drawn by two mo diuin sized horses and responds more readily to various methods of hitchiug and tho shifting position of tho opera tor than a heavier one. Tho best ma terial for tho drag Is a dry cedar log, though elm, walnut, box elder or soft maple are excellent. Oak hickory or ash are too heavy. Tho log should bo from seven to ten feet long, and from eight to ten Inches In diameter. It should be split carefully as near the center ns possible and the heaviest and best slab chosen for the front. When tho soil is moist, but not sticky, the' drBg does the best work. As the soil ! in tho field will bake If plowed wet,: so the road will bake If the drag is , used on it when it is wet. If the road-1 way is full of holes or badly rutted the drag should be used once when the road is sett and slushy. The earth road can best be crowned Bnd ditched with a road machiue and not with pick and shovels, scoops, jnd plows. Ono road machine with a suit able power and operator will do the work of many men with picks and shov els, and in addition will do it better. If tho rood is composed of fine clay or oil it will sometimes pay to resurface it with top soil from an adjacent field, which has sand or gravel mixed with it. This method, called the "top soil method," Is now In successful use iu Clarke county, Georgia. Crown for Roads. Storm water should bo disposed of quickly before it has had time to pe etrate deeply into tho surface of the road. This can be done by giving tho rend a crown or slope from tho center to tho sides. For an earth road which is 24 feet wide tho center should be not loss than 6 inches nor more thnn 12 inches higher than tho outer edges of the Bhoulders. The narrow road which is high In the middle will be como rutted almost as quickly as one which is too flat, for the reason that on a narrow road all the traffic is forced to use only a narrow strip. Shoulders are often formed on both sides of the road, which prevents storm wnter from flowing into the side ditcheB retaining it in the ruts and softening tho roadway. These ruts and shoulders can be entirely eliminated with the road mnching of split-log drag. The width of tho earth road will de pend on the traffic. As a rule, 25 or 30 feet from ditch to ditch is sufficient if the rond is properly crowned. Or dinarily tho only ditches needed are those mane with the road machine which nre wide and shallow. Deep nar row ditches wnsh rapidly, especially on steep slopes. Tho earth road should not be loosened, dug up, or plowed up any more than is absolutely neces sary. It should be gradually raised, not lowered; hardened, nor softened. SOS The most popular tea in tea anruung , t; countries England's favorite for over ( 70 years THE ROUND-UP. Lakevicw, which has been cut off from communication with tho outside world for a week, by the unprecedented storms is again getting railroad service. Citizens of Prosper are asking the city health officers of Coos county to establish a quarantine, as thero is an epidemic of diphtheria there. t The Roguo river section is shipping potatoes and onions to Texas, and lots of them, too. Grants Pass is for the third timo to vote on amending tho city charter so that a bond issue to aid in building railroads can be voted on by the city. E. A. Fitzgerald, a convict paroled from the svate prison recently, lectured before the Y. M. C. A. at Baker City, and afterwards collected quite a sum of money as subscriptions to "Lend a Hand," the prison paper. Then ho sud denly disappeared. Needless to say "Loud a Hand" did not get the money, and the subscribers did not get the paper. Latest reports show that there are several thousand bales of hops still un sold in Polk county. The Dnnkards down Ashland way nre getting effitninnte, They are using the warm springs near that city to baptise their converts, on account of the cold wenther and coMer wnter. Juiitura Time: The Jordan Valley Express say that Malheur county is too large and should be sliced up. In response to a request published in the Express for "Bog Brothers" two men in Tbanen subscribed each to ward the boys' nthletie club, which will pay the due of 10 boys who otherwise could not belong. t The live little town of Molalla has 1 a commercial club that has instructed ' a committee "to see what can be done in the matter of erecting a commercial building to Include a gymnasium and a place for the young men.1' Bend Bulletin: We observe that the Prineville Review is now being eon ducted by Mrs. A, II. Kennedy, and take the opportunity to extend onr greetings and wish her success, Mrs. Kennedy it the only woman publisher in New ountains fib oocts now received every day by freight and express. Come and walk through the big Chciago store and see the new arrivals. Ladies' Coats and Suits In Up to the Hour Styles. - No Big Prices Asked Small prices is our motto to introduce the new models. Values that later on will be a great deal more. Now specially priced. $8.90, $9.90, $12.50 and up Embroideries and Laces Twenty thousand yards now piled out on our counters, and marked at prices so low that selling will be lively. Flouncings, all kinds from 27-inch up to 45-inch. Laces and Dress Trimmnigs also on display. Yard 3c, 5c, 7c, 8 l-3c, 10c, 15c and up I New Silks, New Dress Goods and Ginghams Now piled out on our counters. Come and get the best bargains in Salem. Clearing Prices On odd lots of Men's and Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear, Blankets, Comforts aad Men's and Boys' Clothing. The New Corsets Now on sale for 40c ,'''"l,-'"-'"-'-J-'"-'-1 J' '""- w -r-- - - T:i.r -,ri . , mi', ? STORE THATSAVES YOU MONEY 3-inch Wide Linen Lace yard '.i lulifl -"'I nrm ilna Crook coun gon. ity, if not in the Btate of Ore- The Now Era has visions of a rejuv enation of the ancient town of Umatil la. It hopes the many rumors of real estate transfers are founded on fact, and "would like to see good and com modious homes take the place of the many shacks with which our town is so plentifully supplied. " "With the reasons apparently turned topsy-turvoy," says the Fossil Journal, "the people of Wheeler county have been privileged to enjoy another week of grand spring weather in what the al manac says is winter time. Better weather for Bod plowing could not be imagined, and gross and grain are growing every day." OPEN FORUM. ,, AGREES WITH "LIBERTY." Editor Capital Journal: By your per mission I want to thank "Liberty" for his splendid article published In last Friday 'a Journal. It was timely and to, the point, and is the best com mon Bense view of the situation yet published. H ought to be printed n pamphlet form for distribution and a copy framed for hanging up in all Booster headquarters. The proposed big new issue will bo mostly for auto mobiles and is all right to them that can afford It, but the wage-earner, with a litle home to maintain, alrendv tax-ridden with whip and spur, will have to be satisfied with getting out of the way and eat the dust these fel lows will sot to whirling. Again thank ing "Liberty" for his article and, as the case demands, hope for another ex pression from him. HIGHLAND CITIZEN. SATS THEY ABE CBOWS. Editor Capital Journal: If Mr. Hall berg saw a band of hawks, he is one of the most favored of men. If he or any othor one will show me a band of more than two hawks, I will agree eat all above that number, tough as they might be. It is a very rare thing to see more than 'one hawk "in a band." What Mr. H. evidently saw was tho straggling flock of crows that pass up the river by my place regularly every morning, returning in the evening to their roosting place north of town. T. J. CHESHIRE. j Salem, Or., February 1, 1914. I ' ' Journal "Want Ads" bring results- Suggestions for Salem's Slogan No. Name and adJrete of the person making the above iuggestien. No. AFTER MEASLES Whooplng-Coujjh or Scarct Fovor I a cricfcaf pmrioJ mjiimi throat; dtlicaf bronchial tub mmd untoanj lung oftmn follow saw timm Impuirtd tight or hearing. But If SCOTT'S EMULSION U taken promptly and regularly after the fever subside It quickly re store pure blood and strengthen the lung. It nourishing fore re store appetite. strength and energy SCOTT'S EMULSION contains just the elemeata naturt) requlrr to nntor sound health; It Is totally free from alcohol or harmful ChiUres. reluh it House of Half a Million Bargains Com and se the biggest wodr ia the history of Palem. We buy and sell even-thing from a need.e to a piece of gold. We pay the highjst cash price for everything. Complete tinshop set tools for sale. H. Steinbock Junk Co. Salem, Oregon. n,,,, M,in 224 ""SMIsaws. Z33 Btate Street. SUB Marion Second Hand Store A new storo just opened. A great opportunity for Salem people. We sell new goods. We buy and sell second hand furniture, stoves, clothing, tools, hardware and men'a furnishings. We pay highest prices for t t tuHuing, snoes ami mrnisnings. Lomo to us for bargains. f t Marion Second Hand Store I I 449 Ferry Street. rhon M(tin tKJ I 4 t4AtHnt ttnttmtiiuu