Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 30, 1914, Image 2

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    51 J
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0 4 0
esn Capital JcMMa
JAN. 30, 1914
i i 5 i yr-i
Tte Sal
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
GRAHAM P. TABEB, Editor and Manager.
An Independent Newspaper Deyoted to American Principle! and the Program
and Development of Salem in Particular and All Orego in General.
Mountains of
Psklltbed Btstj Brentng Except Sunday, Balem, Oregon
(Invariably In advance) .
Pallr, ni Carrier, per J ear ...$5.20 Per month.. 45c
tally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 8C
Weakly, hy Vail, per year .... 1.00 8lz moo tin. 50c
mix lbabhd wibb tblhoraph rkpokt
Advertising rates will 1m furnished on application.
"New Today" Ads. strictly cash in advance.
'Want" Ads. and
The Capital Journal carrier hoys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the paper
to yon on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way we
can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone
Main 82.
i HERE has been considerable complaint about the state railroad com
missioners because thoy refuse to take any action on the matter of
Salem's water charges. The matter was submitted to the commission
-more than eight months ago. The Salem Water company lias submitted
its statement of physical valuation and this has been in the hands of
tho commission for two or throe mouths without any action being taken there
on, and there is no indication that there will bo.
Wo thought for some time the commission was to blame for this- delay
which looked to us as being inexcusable. However the matter hns been cleared
up and tho commission1 is held blameless. It has been so busy with really im
portant matters that a little thing like a petition from the second city in tho
stale, asking that the charges of tho wator company bo investigated, and some
relief given its citizens, could not be taken up. '
Borne time ago the commission had a matter submitted to it that was vory
properly given the right of way over the petition of 18,000 citizens of Salem.
This has taken the whole time apparently of tho commission and so prevented
any action on tho petition of the citizens of the capital city of the groat
state of Oregon...... , . ! : ' i.:' ' " ' ' ' '
Here is what side-tracked tho Salom petition and prevented action by the
commission: ' "
Some months ago tho Southern Pacific Railroad company in making out a
bifl for freight hauled for a man named Swan, residing at Lytlo Lake, mado
a niistake'aud charged him 03 conts loss than its rates called for. The com
pany when it discovered this hastened to explain the mattor to the railroad
commission, that it was a mistake, that it had not mado tho charge too small
intentionally, and it was able to make the railroad commission boliove this with
out any groat filing of affidavits. Tho public will also accept it as true with
out demanding proof. The railroad company, however was not peeved ovor
the mistake, but on the contrary was willing to let Mr. Swan have the benefit
of tho mistake, and also tho 03 cents. It could not do this without asking per
mission of the three headed combination at tho state house, for it might bo
classed as rebating. This in fact was what tho combined wisdom of tho com
mission pronounced it. Tho Southern Pacific, was told that it must collect the
bill. Kenlizing that it was up against the laws of tho Medes and Persians or
Hwcdos and Prussians or something elso equally Inexorable and dictatorial the
management of the road g'ot busy aud got out a boarch warrant, bo to speak, for
Mr, Swan. x
Tho commission also took a hand and sought the. man with tho long and
downy-throated name, but in vain. Letters were sent broadcast aud answers
u.oi.td liuin all points of the compass and some from other places, both by
the commission and tho Southern Pacific, but Swan remained out of sight.
He did not know that a great corporation and tho railroad commission of
the state of Oregon was hungering and thirsting for him 03 cents worth, but
they were. Finally when the stenographers wero weary and tbo mailing
clerk's touguo sugar-coated licking stamps to mail letters In the search for
ISwtin, the railroad commission weakened and the great corporation that nover
beforo was known to give up anything, quit. Tho correspondence had reached
stage where some 131) pnges of records, letters, etc., wore filled with plain
tive longings for Swnn, and that was the limit,
Tho Southern Pacific wus excused from collecting that (13 cents and the
e.oinmisisonors getting real mad snld they did not care If the railroad never
got paid and so ordered the company to cruse the charge from Its books and
start I if o afresh.
Still, under tho commissioners' ruling tho compnny Is guilty of robnting,
and tho commisison Is guilty of conniving at the crime. Wo aro glad Indeed
to know tho commission can now find time to hunt up sonic other oxcuso for
refusing to act on tho Snlem petition.
Wo used to think tho Southern Pacific was a pretty tough old master In tho
days when it run the state and we rejoiced when we gut it out of politics,
but if wo have not swappoil Wing Log for King Stork, and are not a badly fool
ed lot of frogs what are wet
As wo have stated tho correspondence over that 63 cents owed by tho
Swan to tho railroad company, reached to a total length of 130 pnges. Now
tho question arizes; If that 03 cents had been owing by the railroad com
pany to Swan, and he stood to lose tho 03 cents, to what length would tho
commission have gone, and what would have been tho slxo of the record of the
effort to collect!
Reports Prom Many Towns and Cities
Tell Same Story of Great Strides
Made in Work.
Activities Include Many Useful Pur
suits, as Well as "Everything
That Will Bring Joy."
New York, Jan. 30. The Playground
and Becreatiou Association of America
has just completed its annual stock
taking. Blanks to be filled out to give
an adequate idea of recreation activi
ties were sent to every community of
5,000 which ,had indicated to the As
sociation that some effort towards pub
lic recreation had been mado. Ten
hundred and fifty citicB responded and
tho result is a comprehensive survey
of recreation in America today.
Six hundred and forty-two cities, re
port themselves in various stages of
activity. Of those, 812 have regular
paid lenders. Ono hundred and forty
nine school playgrounds, often super
vised by public school teachers at re
cess or after school, aro reported. Sev
onty cities that nover before had play
grounds havo '' tnktn initial steps,
through Appointing a recreation secre
tary, forming an association or a com
mission, securing land on bond Issues
or roquoeting appropriations. In addi
tion, thirty-one other cities are work
ing to establish play centers.
Tho rinyground and Recreation As
sociation of America stands for play
leadership In playground and recrea
tion centers. Therefore the 342 cities
reporting regular paid leadership are
the primary intorcst in tho Association
Year book. Many committees report
Ql'laygrounds one year and nono the
next. Almost liivunuoiy me explana
tion is, "No play leadership," So the
work rises and fulls with changing for
tune, until it is at iast established on
tho right basis with competent leader
ship. Never has a city so started on
its recreation career fallen back. The
Association believes in municipal sup
port of recreation. Therefore the 342
tics out of the total expenditure re
ported $5,700,2:13.81 its chief pride Is
in tho 111 cities where support was
entirely municipal.. 115 cities- support
was both municipal and private, in 110
private and in 0 of the 2324 cities, not
given, .
Thcso 342 cities report 0318 workors
ami 2402 centers; 313 of the 312 report
an avorage daily attendance of 454,314
during July and August. One hundred
and fifty-two cities maintained 020
evening school centers. The total av
erage attendance In 101 cities was
02,224. Tho leaders In the recreation
movement aro particularly pleased that
sevcnty-niio . cities report recreation
work throughout the year with 763
workers employed throughout tho year.
Tho activities include nut only games
and athletics but gardening, wood
work arts, crafts, singing, skating, dra
matics, folk dancing, story-telling, pa
geants, swimming, wading "every
thing that will bring joy and happy
Wo spoke editorially Wednesday of the genorous advertising mattor of
fered, tho newspapers by largo hearted eastern folks who would write the edi
torials and supply tho "news" for western papers. This niornlug lu our mall
we find a copy of trw Standard Oil Bulletin and note that It play up and calls
attention to the fact that It is not copyrighted, and that editors will bo per
mitted to reprint as much of it as they plcntio and no ehargo will bo made.
Poor old John I), wo are sorely tempted to give him a quarter of a column of
. f reo advertising, but our position In yesterday's paper forbids.
Now that State Printer Harris hns cancelled the contract with tho union
printers will he have to call on Col. Lawson to shoot the "rats" applying for
The Standard Oil company of California makes a, showing of Its business
for the year Ml 3 which Is quite interesting. It has a capital stock of $:0,000,.
000 and declared a quarterly divldeut of J2.fi0 per share or nt the rato of ton
percent per annum on the stock. It also show it has a surplus of $20,111(1,
002.35. U will ask the railroad commission to give It iormlsslon to Increase
Its capital slock to 100,000 shares of the par value of 100 each or a total of
100,000 ,000.
There can be but one reason for wanting its capital stock increased and
that Is to gilt so much capital apparently Invested that the dividend will not
appear so large to the public.
The Idea is to cut the 20,000,000 melon among the stockholders, and
doubling the apparent capital stock make the dividend stay Inside of ten
pur cent. Old John I), is afraid the people will get on to his 'earnings" aud
no take over his oil works.
ii LADD & BUSH, Bankers
rwiT boh! rwAVKtmn nwavn
San Francisco, Jan. 30. Governor
Hiram Johnson was jubilant today over
the strength the Progressive party is
showing throughout California in the
1014 registration race. Although the
Republicans to far have been in the
lead, the governor expressed confi- j
dence that his party will overcome this
difference before the registration books
cloBe on May 27. '
Up to date the Republicans have'
shown the greatest strength in Los
Angeles and San Diego. In each place
they lead the Progressives by about
1,000 voters. In San Francisco the '
Republicans are about 400 ahead, and
the Democrats about half a hundred.
Seventeen centers of population recent- j
ly showed the Republican registration
to about 9,700; Progressives 7,125 and
Democrats 5,420.
"The figures show," said Governor
Johnsoi today, "a phenomenal regis-
tration of Progressives. Here is a new
party that in a few days registers al- j
most 2,000. more members than one of
the old parties, and 2,600 less than lln
other old party. The present registra
tion represents only about one-twenty-fifth
of the total vote that will be cast
in November when a full state ticket
and a successor to United States Sena
tor Perkins will be elected. I expect
the Progressive candidates to poll mo'O
votes than the combined vote of all
other candidates.
"When it is understood that regis
tration does not mean the voting
strength of candidates in any respect,
and that most of the people register
from force of habit or tradition, the en
rollment of the California Progressive
party is nothing more than astounding.
The Republicans and the Democrats
have already shown how they fear the
results by their present activities. On
the other hand the Progressive party
has not done one-half the work that
tho othor parties have done and they
have shown' better resultB. "
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 30. The res
olution raising the salary of President
White of tho V'nited Mine Workers of
American passed yesterday afternoon.
Ornndrua Kept Hor LocVa Dark, Glossy
and Thick With a Simple Mixture
of Sags Toa and Sulphur.
Tho old-time mixture of Sago Tea and
Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked
and faded hair Is grandmother's treat
ment, and folks are again using It to
keep their hair a Rood, even color,
which is quite sensible, as we aro living
in an age when a youthful appearance,
is of the greatest sdvantngo.
Nowadays, (hough, we don't have the
troublesome task of gathering the sage
and the mywy mixing at home. All
drug stores sell the ready-to use product
called "Wyeth's Sago aud Sulphur
llnir Remedy" for about AO cents a
bottle. It Is vory popular because no
body can discover it ha been applied.
Simply moisten your comb or a soft
brush with It and draw this through
your hair, Inking one small strand at a
time; by morning the gray hair disap
pears, but what delights the Indies with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is that, be
sides beautifully darkening the hair af
ter a few applications, It also produces
that soft lustre and appearance of
abundance which Is so attractive; be
side, provenls dandruff, Itching scalp
and falling hair. Local agent, J, C,
Brownsville Is Bottling the question
as to who shall be postmaster by having
an election to decido it. ThOBe getting
mail through the office will be allowed
to vote, and tho number is something
moro than 1000. Among the candidates
is one woman.
Multuomah county has registered
moro than 12,000 so far this year, of
whom 0414 are men. The Republicans
more than equal all the others com
bined. Seosido is to have an amusement
park costing 75,000. It will front tho
ocean just north of the Hotel Moore,
Railroad Commissioner Miller is at
Medford hearing eomplnints against the
Southern Pacific.
Oreene Adorns was placed on trial at
St. Helens Wednesday, charged with
tho murder of Robert McPherson, at
Vernonia last summer.
T. J. Henley, a Portland policeman,
was shot, by a holdup man at Portland
Heights Tuesday night, and is in a pro
carious condition. Tho policeman re
turned tho fire, and brought down his
man, who is also in tho hospital, and
who is also liable to die.
Ashland s taking the Initiatory steps
teward getting a supply of water from
tho mineral springs near that place.
Tho state railroad commission hns or
dered the Grent Southern rnllrond to
build stockyards at Thifur.
The town of Wheeler, In Tillamook
county, has th.e record for growth dur
ing the year 1013. It had a population
of 50 at the beginning of the year and
4."0 at. Its end, a gain of 800 per cent.
e e
Prize fighting and boxing by profes
sionals will be prohibited In Portland
hereafter, by order of Mayor Albee.
who says the lite exhibitions of this
I kind have been prizefighting, and noth
ing short of that.
David Swing Picker continues to bur
den the Orogonlun "with stories about
the roads and Ms wife. The latter seems
to bo given the most attention in his
The Southern Pacific line to Tllla-
j mook, which hss boon buried by slides
and drowned by floods for more than s
month new Is open for traffic again.
(t'NITKIl J'UKIS ii-ahko wins. J
Portland, Or., Jan. .10. Th re persons
were overcome by smoke and a score of
others rescued from a rooming house at
301 Find street earty yesterday. The
property damage was 1000. The per
sons overcome, carried from their rooms
by firemen, are not In a serious condi
tion. An explosion was heard shortly
bofore the fire was discovered.
ew Spring
now received every day by freight and express. Come and walk through the big Chciago
store and see the new arrivals.
Ladies' Coats and Suits
In Up to the Hour Styles. - No Big Prices Asked
c.mnii . i a i .i j i r i .i.i. ... .
...u.i ii.ci uui muiiu iu uuiiwuw uie new moueis. values mar. later on Will be a
great deal more. Now specially priced.
$8.90, $9.90, $12.50 and up
Embroideries and Laces
Twenty thousand yards now piled out on our counters, and marked at prices so low that
selling will be lively. Flouncing, all kinds from 27-inch up to 45-inch. Laces and Dress
Trimmnigs also on display.. Yard
3c, Sc, 7c, 8 1 -3c, 1 Oc, 1 5c and up
New Silks, New Dress Goods and Ginghams
Now piled out on our counters. Come and get the best bargains in Salem.
Clearing Prices
On odd lots of Men's and Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear, Blankets, Comforts aad Men's
and Boys' Clothing.
, j ' , . 1 ,-. '.sw'Twniir pyfWffwwri-ipWT
mi, wymMi miMijimi . mwwfm iipw um w swiff wwwimF; . ,u
Uttt ttl 'trhUtit iii.,iJ.ii, nil,. Li, hill , Miiywu'il i-,H mi t ll.-i I n ,. i.i lli:il'l)L'aWiil.Wi.ljJ '
on sale
for 49c .
, Sacramento, t'al., Jan. 30. War
against the ABSociatod Press has been
started here by the city commissioners,
as the result of a flashy story priuted
in the 8au" Dicga Union December 31
under an Associated Press service line.
"The story was played up consider
ably and in substance stated that the
people of Sacramento wero fighting
wildly to keep the flood waters from
coming over the levees," said Commis
sioner E. M. Wilder today. "As a mat
tor of fact, tho water was ten feet from
the top of tho levees at that time, and
thero was no excitement whntover. Wo
will place tho matter in tho hands of
tho chamber of commerce and see If
we cannot make the Associated Press
stop telling lies about us."
Photographic copies of the story
printed in the San Diego Union were
taken at the state librarian's office
nnd will be turned over to the chamber
of commerce. A story of the true con
ditions will bo printed under the photo
graphic, copy of the Associated Press
dispatch, and will be circulated through
out the country.
Vera Cruz, Cal., Jan., 30. That La
Kinetrio Ds La Oarza and Ramon Car
ona, two well know Mexican lawyers,
have been selected to go to Washington
and endeavor to see President Wilson
as General Huerta's unofficial repre
sentatives was reported here yesterday
afternoon. It was said their mission
would be to endeavor to persuade the
American executive of the justice of
Huerta's claim to recognition.
Washington, Jan. 30. The fortifica
tion bill, carrying appropriations aggre
gating $5,000,000, including 457,000 for
new coast fortifications in Hawaii and
$300,000 for enlarging Philippine forti
fications, was passed yesterday after
noon by the house.
Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE
Cures cold in One Day. Cures Grip in
Two Days. 25c.
Suggestions for Salem's Slogan
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Bil
iousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath Candy Cathartic.
Get a 10 cent box now.
Aro you keeping your liver, stomach
and bowels clean, pure and fresh with
Casiarets or merely forcing a passage
way every few days with salts, cathar- j
tie pills or castor oilt This is impor
tant. Cascarets Immediately cleanse the
stomach, remove tho sour, undigested
and fermenting food and foul gases;
take tho excess bilo from the liver and
and carry out of the system the consti
pated waste matter and poison in the
No odds how sick, headachy, bilious
and eoustipated you feel, a Cascarct to
night will straighten you out by morn
ing. They work while you sleep. A 10--cut
box from your druggist will keep
your head clear, stomach sweet and
your liver and bowels regular for
months. Don 't forget the children
their little Inside need a gentle cleans
ing, too.
Name and address of the person making the
above suggestion.
House of Half a Million Bargains
Come and see the biggest wonder la the history of Salem. We buy and
sell everything from a needle to a piece of gold. We pay the highest
cash price for everything. Complete tinshop set tools for sale.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
133 State Street. Salem, Oregon. Phone Main 224
l Marion Second Hand Store
A new storo just openod. A great opportunity for Palom people. We sell
cow goods. We buy and sell second hand furniture, stoves, clothing,
tools, hardware and men'e furnishings. We pay highest prices for
clothing, shoes and furnishings.. Come to us for bargains.
t Marion Second Hand Store
I 448 Ferry Street. Phone Main 2329