FAOB EX. DAILY CAPITAL JOUHNAL, BALEM, OEEQON, THTTE8DAY, JAKUABY 29, 1914. - T7 1W are e . : daiem Sitae wrstocke d. Hounded by Our Creditors, Who Prove Themselves Wolves Patience and Endurance Cease, and We Are jj iiM ia H - --" We Are Confronted With the Necessity of Raising $5000.00 in Fourteen Days -Therefore, We Announce the Most rter Under the Direction Jof THE V. W. WINCHELL CO. of Portland Oregon America's Greatest Sellers of Merchandise, Who Will Accomplish This Wonderful Selling Feat SALE OPENS Friday, January 30th, at 10 A. M. at 263 North Commercial Street Between Court and Chemeketa Streets Salem, Ore., January 27, 1914. The V. W. Winchell Co., 515 (.umber Exchange Bldg. '; , .',,)'. Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: We have accepted your offer to raise $5000 for us inside of .14 days time. We will place no restrictions on you whatever as to prices, as this is a life and death situation with us. Come to Salem and take charge of the store at once. Yours respectfully, A. C. DEVOE, Prop., The Leader Shoe Store. The Leader Shoe Store STORE CLOSED4LZ January 29th, while the stock is being arranged for This 14-Day Shoe Selling Sensation. RUBBERS, storm cut, good quality, new stock, no junk, we mean what we say. Men's - - - - 49c Ladies' - - - -39c Girls' and Quids' 29c i. . . j y ---T' 58-:' . , rvji'V .' . ' ........ p I a Centiny f i SALE ENDS Saturday, Feb. 14th, at 10 P. M. at 263 North Commercial Street Between Court and Chemeketa Streets Portland, Ore,, January 28,1914. To the People of Salem: ! ti(: -. We are taking over The Leader Shoe Store stock in your city, and will sell it out to you in the greatest sale Salem has ever known. We are prepared to give you the greatest bargains in the history of your city, as Mr. Devoe is forced by his creditors to raise at least $5000 at once. I' 1 l" We want you to plan to share in this great sacrifice sale of shoes. Your very truly, THE V. W. WINCHELL CO. For the Boys and Girls Good Honest, Solid Leather Shoes $1.00 a Pair. Bay All You Will Need for the Months to Come. enl Women! Two Big Lots up to $5.00 Values OUR RECORD OF FIVE YEARS AS ONE OF SALEM'S CREATEST SHOE STORES BACKS THIS SALE. WE CARRY EVERYTHING IN FOOTWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. EVERY SHOE ON SALE IS FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK, AND OUR GUARANTEE STANDS BEHIND EVERY PAIR SOLD. $5 and $6 Mens Shoes, i Bay them now . . . 3.85 $5 Ladies' Shoes, late i styles. Don't miss this i $2.85 $4 Ladies' Shoes, Won derftil Values at . . . 1.95 $( Men's Shoes, Black or Tan, Special . 285 $3.50 Men's Shoes, good for hard wear, Special, 1.95 Every Shoe Must Go Prices Cut No Figure -It Is a Case of Must Sell NEVER BEFORE AND PROBABLY NEVER AGAIN WILL SHOES SELL SO CHEAP. WE ARE SLASHING, CUTTING AND BUTCHERING PRICES IN OUR DESPERATE EFFORTS TO TURN THIS GREAT STOCK INTO CASH. THIS SALE WILL SET THE WHOLE CITY AFLAME WITH EXCITEMENT, AND REAL HAPPINESS WILL BE SENT INTO THE HOMES OF THE PEOPLE WITH OUR BARGAINS-STUPENDOUS, MONSTER STORE, GENUINE BARGAINS. NO MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD CAN LET THIS SALE PASS UNHEEDED. Entire Stock Must and Will Be Sold to the Bare Walls in Fourteen Days Time NOTE THIS LOCATION CAREFULLY High Cuts, Loggers, Work Shoes The Finest of Honest Merchandise at Ridicuoutly Low Prices Get Yours Early TT toe IP A WWWh PUT Hfir3 Pa AM Iff V H fj II atUW N li 11 21 m R. U JUauai Ut ijtaa U lWtLi iLk Lima War 10 IC 263 North Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon BETWEEN COURT AND CHEMEKETA STREETS Bargains Bigger, Better Than Advertised The Shoe-Buying Opportunity of Years