Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 29, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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FAG3 ma
ry White and Clearance i
JJw iL.df Ij o o o
Beautiful snow white
combination suits (cor-'
set covers and drawers)
A Suit
Women's and children's
Muslin Drawers, em
broidery and lace trim
A Garment
Men's Suits, one large
Fancy Doilies, Scarfs
and Pillow Cases
Embroideries val- 11
ues to 20c now yd ,C
Values to 15c
now, yard ....
Values to 10c
now, yard
25c cent
.. 19c
25c Madras Stripes
small figures q
and checks 1 JC
20 cent
Galatea .
Women's Suits ! ry
and Coats price
Coats less .
WUlie Bitchie, Who Has Had Just One
. 20-Eound Battle Since He Won
' Title Is Good Example.
The Markets
PORTLAND MAEKETB. - 1819c; English, 2 22c.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 88c; Blue-1 Lard In tierces, choice, 14c; corn
stem, '98cj Fortyfold, 88c: Red Russiian, pound, 9c.
87 v; y alley, 88o. I Dry Bait Meat Back, dry salt, 13
Milstuffa Bran, 21.50 per ton. shorts !4c; btehs, smoked, 1415ej
$23.5 ; middlings, (30. j bellies, dry salt, 14e; smoked, 16o.
Flour Patents,. $4.60 per barrel; , Smoked Meats Beef tongues, 25c;
straights, $4.00; exports, 3.653.80; dried leof Beta, 22c; outsides, 20c; in
valley, $4.60; graham, (4.60; whols sides, 23c; knuckles, 21c.
wheat, (180 , Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet,
Corn Whole, $35; cracked, $36 per $14; regular tripe, '$10;' honeycomb
Inn. I tripe, $12; lunch tonnguee, $22; lambs'
Hay Fancy Idaho timothy, $16.50; , tongues, $40.
fancy eastorn Oregon timothy, $14.00; ; Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
timothy and elover, $1415; timothy j Hops 1K13 contracts, 2122c; 1912
and alfalfa, $131S; clover, $8.5010) crop, nominal.
oaU and vetch, $1011; cheat, 1011; ! Wool Eastern Oregon, 1016e per
valley grain hay, $12(5)13.50. jib.; valley, 1618c.
Oata No. 1, white, $2525.60 perl Mohair Choice, 2526 per lb.
Hides Salted, 12c per lb.; salted ealf
Barley Feed, $2425 per ton; brew-1 16l(c; salted kip, 12c; salted stag,
lug, nominal; rolled, $27(5)28. - 6c; green hides, llc; dry hides, 81c;
Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. dry calf, No. 1, 25c; dry stags, 12
Dried Fruits Apples, 10c per lb.j'iaMsO.
eurrants, 10c; apricots, 1214c; pea'ch-' LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKET.
ed, 8((jllcj prunes, Italian, 810c; sil- Hay, Timothy $15.00
ver, 18c; figs, white and black, 6Vi Bran, per ton $23.50
7',c; raisins, loose Muscatel, 6Vt Shorts, per ton $26.00
7Vjc; bleached Thompson, llVjc; un- "Wheat, per bushel 85c
bleached Sultanas, 8Mic; seeded, 7H Oats, per biishol 3233o
8c. Cbittlra Bark, per lb .4Vj;5o
Coffee Roasted in drums, 1832o Oats and vetch $12.00
per lb. Clover, per ton $0.00
Nuts Walnuts, 19'4c per lb.; Brazil Cheat, per ton ..$11.00
nuts, 20c; filberts, 15c; almonds, 20c; Buttei and Eggs.
pecans, 17c; cocoanuts, 90cl per dor. Butterfut, per lb., f. o. b. 8nlem 29c
Salt Granulated, $14 per ton; half- frcIHllcry t,tter, per lb 30c
ground, 100s, $10.25 per ton; 50s, $11 y,a 25c
The State Desert Land Board, at a
meeting recently, increased the salary
of Project Engineer Laurgaard, of the
Tumalo project, from $300 a month to
$350 a month. ,:. ' , i
An order was made providing that 95
per cent of the land under any unit
must be signed up for its completion
before tho work would be done.
Authority was given the project en
gineer to build a road around the res
ervoir to take the place of the one now
running through it. It was also do-
; ciilcd to build a core wall for a dam
at a point where a drain through the
upper part of the reservoir drops into
a feed canal.
An extension of time will be asked
on the Jordan valley project in East
ern Oregon.
v How to Make -
Better Cough Syrup than
You Can Buy
Family Supply, Saving
and Fully Uuaranl64U
Elmira, N. Y., Jan. 29. John Murray,
outfielder of the New York Nationals,
signed a one-year contract today with
President Hempstead, of tho club.
Undo Ram will have quite a bill
against, Moxico for the board and lodg
ing of .those refugees, but he is not
lilielv to collect it of Huerttt.
Gunboat Smith Has Been Doing Con
siderable Fighting, But It Is Hard
to See Him Champion.
(Written for the United Press.)
New York, Jan. 29. Without violat
ing any confidences or seeming to as
sume too much, it might be stated that
the opinion prevails that the business
of a fighter is to fight. But as the
fighting must be done by the fighters,
and not by those having the opinions,
there is a wide gulf between theory and
practice insofar as a few young gentle
men now basking in the limelight as
champions are concerned.
Willie Ritchie has had everything
but croupe and whooping cough since
ho was matched to fight Harlem Tom
my Murphy. Finally the match was
called off entirely. He, has had just
one 20-round fight since he took the
title from Ad WolgaBt. That was with
Joe RiverB, and Ritchie won. He took
the measure of Leach Cross in a ten
round bout in New York, but for the
most part Willie hag been conspicuous,
so far as the ring was concerned, by
his absence. Some time ago something
was said about, the existing crop of
"cheese champions." Every day the
odor gets worse. Somebody, will have
to invent a new kind of Smelly , cheese
so that a creditable comparison can be
drawn. Johnny KUbanehas stalled
around so long that people'ltave forgot
ten who the featherweight champion
Is. He is apparently as caroful about
his selection of matches as ah olq" lady
picking out eggs under suspicion.
Gunboat Smith, who disposed of Ar
thur Pclkey recently, has been doing
considerable fighting, but who ever
thought of Smith as a champion, out
side of Smith or his manager, without
more or less of a gigglef
Poor old Tom Murphy has been chas
ing the title of lightweight, champion
for years. Ritchie otmld probably whip
him, but what with sprained ankles
and other little conveniences he is not
taking any chances. He probably fig
ures that Murphy is an uncertain prop
osition, especially in a long fight, and
that if he licked the Harlem boy he
wouldn't get a lot of credit, while at
the same time he would look extremely
foolish if Tommy slipped one over on
him. At all events Ritchie isn't break
ing his neck to get into a fight, thus
digging out a place for himself among
tho recent champions who have (level
oped the vaudeville hnbit, and an aver
sion to donning the glove for a renl
A full pint of cough syrup as inach
as you could buy fur $2.50 can easily
be made at home. You will find nothing
that takes hold of the ordinary cough
more Quickly, usually conquering it in
side of 24 hours.- Excellent, too, for
spasmodic croup, whooping cough, bron
chial asthma and bronchitis.
Mix one pint of granulated sugar with
Xlj pint 'of warm water, and stir for 2
minutes. Put 2 Ml ounces of Pinex (fifty
ctrnts' worth) in a pint bottle, then add
the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly.
Take a teaspoon ful every one, two or
three hours.
This is just laxative enough to help
relieve a cough. Also stimulates the
appetite, which is usually upset by a
cough. - The taste is pleasant i
The effect of pine and sugar syrup on
the inflamed membranes is well known.
Pinex is a most valuable concentrated
compound of Norway white pine extract,
rich in yruaiacol and other natural
healing pine elements. Other prepara
tions will not work in this combination.
This Pinex and Sugar Syrup remedy
has often been imitated, but the old suc
cessful mixture haa never been equaled.
It is now used in more homes than any
other cough remedy. .v ' .
A guaranty of absolute satisfaction,
or money promptly refunded, goes with
this preparation. Your druggist hat
Pinex, or will get it for .you. If not,
send to The Pinex Co., Ft Wayne, Jnd.
per ton
Beans Small white, $6.00; large
white, $4.75; Lima, $6.30; pink, $4.00;
red Mexicans, 5c; bayou, $4.40.
Rice No. 1 Japan, 55Vjc; cheaper
grades, 4'(icj southern head, 56c.
Honey Choice, $3.25(a3.75 per case.
Sugar Fruit and berry, $4.90; Ilqno
lulu plnntntion, $4.85; bce't, $4.70; Extra
C, $4.40; powdered, bnrrols, $3.13; cubes
barrels, $5.13.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Green Fruit Apples 60c2.25 per
box; pears, iltal.H) per box; grapes,
Malagas, $7.50((i $8.50 per keg; Emper
ors, $3.75(Vi'4 per keg; grapes, crates,
$1.7fi(rT2; rasnhas, 2',4c per lb.; cran
borrios, $11 per barrel.
Vegetables Cabbage, ll!ic per lb.;
cauliflower, $11.23 per doz.; cucum
bers. 40l5c por dis.; eggplant, 7o per
Jh.; head lettuce, $22.25 per Crate;
peppers, E7c per lb.; radishes, 10 12e
per doi.; tomatoes, $1.50 per box; gar
lic, 1 2 Vii c per lb.; sprouts, lie per lb.;
artichokes, $1.50 per dot.; squash, IVjO
per lb.; pumpkins, 1 Vi c per lb.) colery,
50(r73c per do.
Potatoes New, 73c(g$l per ewtt
sweets, $2.25 per crate.
Onions Oregon, $2.18 per sack.
Dairy and Country Produce.
Butter Otegon creamory, solid pack,
27c per lb; prints, box lots, 30c.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 32(i34! per doi
en. Cheese Oregon Triplets, IC'.tiC; Dai
sies, 17c; Young America, lRc.
Veal Fancy, UYi&ic pef pound.
Pork Fancy, 11c per lb.
Hams 10 to 12 pounds, lS19c
Hens, per lb.
Roost ers( per
Cows, per
to 7 Vie
cwt ....
Hogs, fat, per Tb ..
Stock ogn, per lb .
Kwes, per tb
Spring lniubs, per lb.. 4'j5c
Veal, according to quality ll13e
Dry- per lb 6
Salted country pelts, ewb .....fl.V(rfi
Lamb pel's each -, ....'... W
How's This?-
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY k CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hava known F. J.
Cheney for the lut It) years, and helleva
him perfectly honorable In all business
transuctlon and financially able to carry
out any obligations tnnla by tils Arm.
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
ac'tlim directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaced of the system. Testimonials
sent free. I'rli-e 76 cents pr bottla. Bold
by all DruKKtma.
Tk Hall a amlly Pills for constipation.
You Can Have Fined and Use at Home.
Do you wear glasses? Are you a vic
tim of eyestrain or other eye weaknesst
If so, you will be glad to know that
there is real hopo for you. Many whose
eyes woro failing say thoy have had
their eyes restored through tho princi
ple of this wonderful free prescription.
Oiio man says nfter trying it: "1 was
almost blind; could not see to read at
all. Now I can road everything with
out any glasses and my eyes do not wa
ter any more. At night they would
pain dreadfully; now thoy foel fine all
the time. It was like a miracle to me."
A lady who used it says: "The atmos
phere seemed hazy with or without
glasses, but after using this prescription
for fifteen days, everything seems clear.
can even rend fine print without
glasses." It is bolieved that thousands
who wear glasses can now discard them
in a reasonable time and multitudes
moro will be ablo to strengthen thoir
eyes so as to be spared tb trouble and
exponse of ever getting glassos. Eys
troubles of mnny descriptions may be
wonderfully benefited by following th
simple ruins. Here is the proscription!
do to ouy active drug store and get
bottle of Optotia, fill a two ounce bot
tle with warm water, drop in one Op
tnna tablet, and allow to dissolve. With
ttNiTro rnr.sH ir.Asun wins
New York, Jan. 29. Officers of the
Brooklyn baseball club announced to-
day that Pitcher Edward Tieulbach hnd 'this liquid bathe the eyes two to four
signed a one-year contract with the! times daily. You should notice your
Superbas. It waa also annnunrikl that eyes clenr up perceptibly right from the
stnrt and inflammation will quickly dis
Fred Clarke, manager of tho Titts-
burg Tiratcs, has a now one to spring
when tho season opens Ho has or
dered a war club for his team. Every
body, probably, has noticed that before
a batter goes to the plato ho picks up
two or three bats and swings thoin rFobnmry to get in shape for '.Vatson,
around, the object being to get his
well reinforced, hangs suspended from
the ceiling about 30 feet from the toe.
The tee is divided into squares with a
bullseye in the middle. . A bullseyo shot
represents a drive of 200 yards out
doors. The side walls of the room in
which the course is laid out is well pro
tected so that slice and hook shota are
looked after. The canvas - ehiold is
marked off to measure clock, mid iron
and pitch shots. There is an oxcollont
chance to keep up on your putting game
on the indoor courses. Several greens,
about 25 feet long, made of green felt
and sand are kept busy. They compare
favorably with a fast outdoor green Ojiid
give every opportunity for keeping up
In this delicate featufe of the game..
Are these at ' our
store. This is the
time of the year to
buy clothes if you
want to save money
on them. Good and
liberal reductions
on all Overcoats.
See our $1.00 Um
brellas for 70 cents.
' Woolen Mills
Copyrtiht Hilt SchaAxn (k Mai
tONlTBD PKSaa laiSBD Vill i
Portland, Ore., Jan. 29. The state
merit of Dick Donald, hia manager, at
Los Angeles today that they wore about
to severe business relations, was news
to Bud Anderson. Over the long dis
tance telephone from his home at Van
couver, Bud said that a telegram sent
by Donald telling him that he had been
matched for a 20 round bout with Bod
Watson February 20, at San Francisco,
was delayed in reaching him, but that
be had answered today accepting terms.
"I don't know what Dick and 1
could be at outs about," said Anderson.
"I guess somebody is trying to stir up
trouble between us.
"Critics have charged Dick with
sending me into the ring with Cross in
a weakened condition bocause he kept
me wrapped in steaming blankets, That
is nil bunk. Of course tho weight weak
ened mo but there was no steaming. I
guess the criticism is getting under
Dick's collar but ho ought not to let
that hurt him for it certainly doos not
ajiect me in the least.
"Cross, I guess, is my jinx, just as
V'o'ing Corbett was tho jinx of Terry
McOovern. Torry could lick follows
that knocked Corbott out whiio I knock
ed out a fellow that beat Cross.
"I guess that I "hall leavo for San
Francisco about tho first week in
muscles accustomed to tho weight, so
that when he ilropa all but one, it
seems lighter and easier to swing. That
Is where Clarke's new stunt comes in.
Ho has ordered as peeial bat about
three times as thick and as heavy as tho
ordinary instrument of swnt. Ho fig
ures that it win no easier to swing
than a flock of bats, such as tho play
ers now use, but will give them the
same results.
' Philadelphia, Jan. 20. Tho signed
contract of "Jack" Coombs, ono of the
threo pitchers of tho Philadelphia Ath
letics, was received by Connie, Muck
today. Hoy llresnler, who pitched for
tho Hnrrisburg team of tho Trl-Htato
league last year, also signed for 1911.
Oh woe is the day of winter, thafsllps
with stealthy trend,
And wallops mo on the beezes wirti my
annual cold In' tho 'end.
I mind not the heat ;
T care not for rnin,
But, oh,, the thing that I dread
Is tho wintry day, tho red noso gnv .
And my annual cold In the 'ead.
(united rucas uuatu wikk.
Philadelphia, Jan. 29. Published re
ports that he had been negotiating with
Federal league officials for the man
agership of the Pittsburg outlaw club
wore denied in a telegram received here
today by friends of " Red " Dooin, man
ager of the Philadelphia club of the
National league.' Yesterday a lottor
was printed in Pittsburg, purporting to
have Veen signed by Dooin, which said
that he stood ready to sign with the
ittnburg club if -given ' a' throe year
contract, calling for $7,000 annually.
Dooin denounced the letter as " a rank
forgery."1 "'
"Even before the date of the forged
letter," said Dooin in a telegram. "I
had signed a two year contract to inau
age the rhiladelphia club at $10,000 an
nually. The printed lottor was dated
November 12, 1913. At that time I was
attending a banquet of the National
Basoball association in Columbus.
"The lettor is a rank forgery. It
is easy to see that the Federal league
is on its last legs when it resorts to
such crookedness."
league contract, asserted last night
that he is "disgusted with the treat
ment he haa received in organized
"I was whisked away from Cleve
land to the minora when I possessed
major league ability," he said. VI
showed that by leading the American
association in ,1912.' In 1913 I came
back and worked under a salary al
most equivalent to that ol recruit '
pitched And I won 25 garnet and loet
10 for Cleveland in 1913. ,
l reel mat , my 'come Daclt' in
creased the profits of the Cleveland
club $50,000, and yet the contract I
was exDocted tb sign for next season
granted me an increase in salary of
$f.38 a week."
The lask of money la one roof
evil; " .' '' i
Cleveland, O., Jan. 29. Cy Falken
berg, the Cleveland club pitcher, who
is reported to havo signed a Fedoral
I Skin of Beaulv is a Jov Ffirerci
S 111
fmfin' Tan, Ptmplsm
rtttiUJM, Moth F-leW
Knelt, md hla Dlira
mam vvcry DiitaiMt
on bMuty, Raid tttv
flMdclticlkiB. lH
f m ytn, ud
t to liftraiMt
Ultelt totaiortttl
It) prviwrly SMtit,
Accept Boeouitr
ft li f tkiuiUr
nuat. rh )u a,
bavr teld to
ton i psUUnti:
MA Jin lll
Will UM UtiSL
I rt)flaimoil
flinnil, CrvMftV u th brut hamrfu. nt aU U
klD preiiftrtUulia." t 'nr Mlt by all drumrlPta tut Fiwcv
Uuotla l)cftitrf ll Iht I'LlL-sd ttUlM, CmiimI. JtaiMitV
fmO.T.HOPSIIIS.Picfc. 37 Cml km Vint lwtA
a 1I4 contract nau neon lorwarnen iy
( registered mail to Joseph K Tinker, appear. Il your eyes aro bothering you
manager of tho Chicago Federal leaguo even a little take sjops to save them
14lba., 1920i picalrt, HVjCj cot tags team, whose previous contract with tho now before it is too late. Many hope
roll, 17'e. I Cincinnati club was transferred reeenV j lesaly blind might have been saved if
Bacon Fancy. 2fl(a27c: standard, ! lv to Brooklyn. i they had cared for their eye In time.
All yo golfers who jrino away and
wither up during the winter becnuse
the elements nro so Inconsiderate to
freeze up things, and generally make
rdny out of tho question may take hope.
The problem Is being solved In New
York with an Indoor golf links. Jerry
Travcrs Is keeping In shape for his
matches next summer on one of these
"courses" and professionals are doing
a land office business breaking In
Tho Indoor courses are so armnied
here that a man can swat the ball just
as hard as ho would nut In the npon.
The ssino sort, (if clubs aro used, regula
tion balls ami all thnt sort of thine.
The only difference is that nets are
pot In pbicn to cstch and stop tho brills,
so that tho building and the geneml
neii'hborhoorl may be saved from being
badly punctured.
There are four driving tees on ono of
the Indoor courses. A big canvas shield try it
When "Papo'i Diapepnln" Reaches
Stomach All Indlgoatlon, Gas and
Sonrnomi DWappean.
Von don't wnnt, a n'oYl remedy when
your stomach is bad or an micorlnln
0110 or O harmful one your stomach
is too valuable j you mustn't injure it
wilh drastic drugs.
I'spe's IHnpopsIn Is noted for its
speed in giving relief; its harmlossnesn;
its certain unfailing oetion in rogulat
ing sick, sour, gnssy stomachs. Its mil
lions of cures In Indigestion, dyspepsia,
gastritis and other stomach trouble has
made it famous tho world over.
Keep this perfect stomach doctor In
your homo -keep it handy got a large
(iO-cent case fro many drug store and
then if any ono should oat something
which doesn't agree with thorn; If what
tliey ent Inys like lend, ferments and
sours and forms gas; causes headache,
di.iucs and nausea; eructations of
acid nnd undigested food remember as
sonn as I'apn's Dinpepsin comes in con
tact with tho stomach all such distrosi
vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and
ease in overcoming the worst stomach
disorders is a revolution to those who
I Orange Season On ;
We have twenty-five boxes of vell colored, 1
fancy, tweet Naval Oranges. They are the reg- itf I
ular 25c size, per dozen WVV
The White Rose !!
La Grande, Or. Every sack has the guarantee of the
mill. Money back if the flour does not satsify you.
$1.25 Per Sack
Compare It With Any on the Market
Furnishings and Dry Goods
05o nightgowns, sale ,..4ftc
$2.00 nightgowns, sale 11.35
11,45 wrappern, sale $1.00
$2.10 Wrappers, sale $1.75
Dig Assortment of Kimonos
and House Dresses
70c child's dresa, sale BOc
$1.65 child's dress, sale $1.25
$1.50 ladles' union suits, sale $1.00
$1.00 ladles' union suits, sale . ,
$1.60 ladles' corsets, sale
$1.00 ladles' corsets, sale
75c ladles' silk hose, sale
$5.00 men's heavy sweaters, sale
$:i.25 men's heavy sweaters, salo
$1.73 men's pants, sale
$.1.50 men's pants, salo
All Goods on Big Sale
325 N. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon
mimmiiini i m n -ins o a fffw "'' wivmfrn-rmirmwmmfm
imk twfltt a tofr A-l fnii T'lryiili' n ifcjhfrit nni Vi-r f- i- -l n ,
IS S3 1!