Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 29, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Following it the official nub. I Smith, John W. L., do 110.00
lication of the record of claims
before the Marion county com
missioners' court for the Janu
ary term, 1914, with amount
allowed, bills continued, etc.,
according to the records of the
county clerk:
Morgan, D., Indemnity for dis
eased cattle 12.50
Leach, 8. A., Indigent Soldiers.. 3.00
doss, Delia B.,' do 5.00
Jones, 0. W., do 5.00
McMains, Birdie, do 5.00
Miles, W. P., do 10.00
"Whiteman, A. E., do 10.00
Smith, W. Carlton, Insane Ex
amination 5.00
Griffith, L. F., do 5.00
Smith, J. N., do.. 5.00
"Evans, J. C, do .. 5.00
"Evans, J. C, do ....... 5.00
Clarke, W. H., Registration clerk 75.00
Rigdon & Richardson, Indigent
Soldier 19.75
"W. Loney, do 15.00
Frazier, Frank, Scalp Bounty.... 1.50
Girod, Anna, Indigent Soldier.... 10.00
Dunnells, J., do 25,00
Yamhill Co., Oregon, Newberg
Bridge 22549.26
Smith, J. N., Insane Examination 5.00
Byrd, W. H., do 5.00
Griffith, L. F., do 5.00
Clay, H. E., do 5.00
Freeman, D. O., scalp bounty.... 2.00
Care of Poor.
Tred Sander, Care of Poor 10.00
Xizzio Barnett, do 8.00
"Elizabeth Ingram, do 9.00
'Elva R. Mosher, do 30.00
D. B. Wright, do 10.00
Lucier, Jr., Steve, do 8.00
Spray, Catherine, do 10.00
Green, H. A., do 20.00
Hardwick, C. J., do 8.00
Martin, Mrs. Kate B., do 10.00
Thompson, James, do 10.00
Bunnell, Nellie, do 10.00
Johnson, Mrs., do 5.00
Kays, Mabel, do 10.00
Belleque, Ciprian, do 8.00
Johnson, Charles, do 12.00
Stripling, Hulda, do 8.00
Summer, Lucinda J., do 10.00
Brown, James, do 8.00
"LaChapelle, Mrs. A., do 10.00
Dowd, Addie L., do 20.00
Thompson, John, d o 10.00
Biggs, Hileary, do 10.00
Balliett, 8., do 5.00
iScobie, Mrs., do 15.00
Johns, Mrs., do 20.00
Gobin, Lizetto, do 10.00
Hoeilcr, Mr. and Mrs. W., do 12.00
Boys & Girls Aid Society, do 10.00
Snodderly, Flora, do 30.00
Moser, Joseph, do 5.00
Romick, W. M., do 8.00
Smoldon, Mrs. Nettie, do 5.00
Boor, John, do 5.00
Foster, Mrs., do 10.00
Hurtel, Mrs. Julia D., do 8.00
Loptn, John R., do 10.00
Smith, A. H., do 12.00
Hughes, Mrs. do 8.00
Weidmark, Mrs. V. A., do 10.00
"Williams, Rosa, do 8.00
Tedcrson, Mrs. Oloa, do 12.00
Downing, John, do 15.00
Schlcusncr, Daisy, do 15.00
Cleric's Office.
Boyer, U. G., Deputy Clerk 100.00
Boyington, M. G., do 00.00
Girardin, L. M., do :.. 05.00
Reid, Cora E., Bookceper 75.00
Clarke, W. R., Deputy Clerk 75.00
Recorder's Office.
Aufrnnc, D. R., Deputy .'lecordcr 75.00
Ilickox, C. O., do 65.00
Casto, Olive P., do 40.00
Treasurer's Office,
liiehardeon, W, Y., Assistant
Treasurer 12.50
Sheriff's Office.
Nec.lham, W. I., Deputy Sher
iff 100.00
Sloner, L. L do 65.00
County Juvenile Officer.
Jackson, Hnttio M., juvenile of
ficer 40.00
County School Superintendent's Office.
Cornelius, Elizabeth, Supervisor 110.00
Th tiT
tf Bo Strict
MAxic "Does
Malvin, Nannie, Clerk & Truant
Officer 60.00
County Physician's Office.
Smith, W. Carlton, County Phy
sician - ....... 50.00
County Sealer's Office.
Burkhart, S. O., county sealer 75.00
County Veterinary 's Office.
Morehouse, W. G., County Veter
inary .'. ...... 33.60
Morgan, Cal, Janitor 50.00
Kirby, R. P., do 50.00
Gittins, Ed., do 50.00
Circuit Court.
Welch, N., Juror 18.80
Lutgen, E. S., do 27.20
Simon, L. ,M., do
Pearson, B., do 24.40
Tindall, Robert, do 20.00
Moore, A. H., do......... 15.20
Mcllenry, D., do 15.20
Litchfield, Geo. P., Bailiff 15.00
Shand, Geo. W., Juror ... 3.20
Smith, A. H., Care of Poor 3.00
Salary County Aseeeor'g Office
Giesy, J. B., Deputy Assessor 78.00
Paulus, Gee, Clerk . .. 78.00
Hoxie, C. S., do 78.00
West, G. E., do 53.75
Steclhammer, Oscar, do 100.00
Hatch, L. J., Clerk 40.00
Exporting Books.
Drager, D. G., Export Account
ant 115.00
Jory, Mrs. Emily F., do 120.00
Elections and Registration.
Ames, Norris, Registrar 2.10
Cutler, Oscar, Making maps 19.50
Gosser, T. C, Hauling ballot
boxes - 1.00
Hermes Lodge No. 50, Hall rent 2.50
Martin, H. K., Hall rent 5.00
Rodgers Paper Co., Registration
supplies 109.00
White, B. N., Drayage 75
County Court and Commissioners.
BuBhey, W. M., County Judge
Expenses ... 3.40
Beckwith, J. T., Salary ft Trav.
Expenses 34.50
Capital Journal, The, Pub. Claim
Docket .. 60.50
Goulet, W. H., 8alary and Trav-
eling Expenses 19.60
Mattoon, W. H., Convention
Dues; disallowed 10.00
Oregon Statesman, pub. claim
docket 97.80
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Tele
phone ; .... 7.00
Clerk's Office Expense.
Tatton Bros., Typwriter ribbons 14.55
phone . 4.25
Conger Printing Co., Printing.... 15.00
Bushong & Co., PoBt Binder 3.90
Moores, Ross E. & Co., Printing 6.75
Blanks 2.98
Patton Bros., Typ. writer ribbons 14.55
RodgerB Paper Co., Uniform Ac
count Blanks 71.75
Snyder Printing Co., Printing ... 8.50
Sheriff's Office Expense.
Commercial Printing Co., Print
ing 7.50
Esch, Wm., P. O. Box Rent 1.50
Moores & Co., Printing 6.75
N. W. L. D. Tel. Co., Telephone 1.10
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., do 25.95
Patton Bros., Typewriter paper .75
Snyder Printing Co., Printing
notices , 4.00
Becorder's Office Expense.
Aufrnnc, A, Eugene, Stamps 10.00
Court House Expense
Barr, Co., John G., Repairing
Clock 1.00
Becorder's Office Expense.
Beaver Stato Printers, Printing 8.00
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Telephone 2.75
Patton Bros., Pencil Sharpener,
etc 9.45
Rodgers Papor Co., Uecord book 23.00
Surveyor's Office Expense.
Horrick, Jr., B. B., Stamps 2.00
Patton Bros., Pencils & Books. .. 2.00
Treasurer's Office Expense.
Boaver State Printers, Report
Blanks, etc 26.00
BiiBhong & Co., Printing Rocord 15.09
Mooro, J. G. Stamps 4.00
Fuller Printing Concorn, Print-
ing Receipts .'. 18.00
Assessor's Office Expense.
Burroughs Adding Machine Co.,
Adding Machine ribbons 2.00
Commercial Book Store, Ink,
tabs, ribbon 1.35
Ioai vkzsca re,oj royfrT)
Pacific Tel. ft Tel Co., Telephone 4.75
Patton Bros., Paper, pencils, etc. : 9.75
West, B. F., Stamps ft Express
Charges 4.10
County Sealer ft Weigher's Expense.
Boedigheimer, Bruno, Team hire 4.00
Burkhardt, S. O., Traveling Ex
penses 20.65
White, B. N., Hauling load . .50
Court House Expense.
Burghardt & Meredith, Insur
ance on building 17.00
Evans, Will D., Rent for Wood
storage - - v 3.00
Falls City Lumber Co., Lumber,
door, etc - . 14.50
Horticultural Fire Eslief, Insur
ance on building ..... 21.40
London Assurance Corp., Insur
ance on furnituie -.. 8.50
Portland E. L. & P. Co., Light
ing for Nov. and Dec 178.35
Salem Laundry Cd., Laundry for
C. H 3.55
Salem Water, L. & P. Co., Water
for. C. H 28.75
Spencer Hardware Co., 2 floor
brushes 4.50
Stewart, Albert, Wiring . 5.00
Thielson & Roland, Insurance on
building . 34.00
West Disinfecting Co., Drinking
Fountain 4.50
fcircult Court Expense.
Oliver, Gertrude, Witness 2.40
Oliver, Gertrude, do 4.40
Oliver, Mrs. Willis, do 6.40
Creswell, dc' 2.20
Abbott, W. H., do 4.20
Oliver, Mrs. Willis, do 8.40
Wolford, Louis, do 9.00
Shockley, T. E., do 9.0U
Oliver, Gortrudo, do 4.40
Swarts, Sim, do
Lewis, Mrs. H. C, do 4.40
Colvin, J., do 6.40
Murphy, Geo., do 5.60
Gardner, A. D., do 5.60
Woodworth, O. B., do 12.40
Robertson, J. L., do 3.60
Downing, C. H., do 4.80
Holboek, Steffen H., do 4.80
Esch, Wm., do 2.20
Aldrich, L. P., do 2.20
Burton, Boy, do - P.20
Esch, Wm., do 2.20
Esch, Wm., do . 2.20
Cooper, E. E., do 2.2
dinger;' H. H., do i 2.20
Esch, Wm., do
Rauch, C. D., do 2.20
Esch, Wm., do 2.20
Ake, Mary, witness fees; disal
lowed 16.40
Buren ft Hamilton, Repairing
furniture 6.00
Sheriff's Office.
Esch, Wm., photo plate, etc 7.70
Circuit Court Expense,
Gsrfield, Edna, Reporting and
Transcript 20.00
Gohlhar. Max. Express charges .25
McHenry ft Eoff, Auto hire, etc.
Continued 16.00
Moore, J. G., Money advanced
for Supreme Court Fees 30.00
Moores, Ross E., Legal Blanks.... 7.20
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Telophoue 6.00
Rauch, C. D., Reporting and
Trans 28.75
Justice Court Expense, State vs. Bailer.
Zercher, Carl, Witness 1-10
Kaufman, Jacob, dd 1.10
Knenzie, A. E., do 70
Mader, Albert, do 1.30
Kapor, John, do 1.10
Deck, Jacob, do 1.10
Elliott, H. A., do 1.10
State vs. Bentloy.
Webster, D., Justice '. 8.60
Cooper, E. E., Constable 7.20
Krebbs, John, Witness 5.10
Krebbs, Lizzie, do 5.10
Rauch, C. D., do 1.70
State vs. Bordune.
Webster, D., Justicb 5.9.)
Esch, Wm., Constable '. 12.23
State vs. Carroll.
Webster, D., Justice ' 5.95
Esch, -Wm., Constable 7.70
State vs. Cresswell.
Wobstcr, D Justice 7.20
Cooper, E. E., constable 5.30
State vs. Doe et al.
Wobster, D., Justice 4.20
Cooper, E. K., Constable 2.40
State vs. Fettch.
Webster, D., Justice 4.80
Cooper, E. E., Constable 15.90
State vs. Graham.
Hubbs, George W., Justice 3.00
Simcral, C. F., Constable 15.90
State vs. Hardman.
Webster, D., Justice 5.70
I it, o kfcaiP or Hietey
State vs. Hirsch.
Crittenden, C. M., Justice .... 5.60
Kuizer, Charles, Constable 14.00
Arquette, Mrs. Grace, witness .. 2.30
Bass, G. T.( do .
Smith, Albert, do .
Smith, Mrs. Albert, do
Schulor, J. P., do
Grinder, J., do
Brown, May, do .
2.30 ,
2 30!
2 3q
State vs. Nichols.
Webster, D., Justice
Cooper, E. E., Constable
Pseteck, Wm., Witness
Pseteck, Vends, do
Krebs, W. H., do
Smith, Harry, do
Lengel, Arthur, do 6.50
Longel, Myrtle, do 6.50
Chestnut, C. T., do 2.10
State vs. uteevea.
Hunsacker, H. N., Witness 3.90
Hunsacker, E. H., do 3.90
State vs. Steiner
Webster, D"., Justice ...... 5.95
Cooper, E. E., Constablo 1.70
State vs. Steiner.
Webster, Dan'l, Justice 5.20
Cooper, E. E., Constable 1.70
State vs. Trester.
Webster, D., Justic 5.95
Cooper, E. E., Constable 1 .70
State vs. Trester.
Webster, D., Justice 10.10
Cooper, E. E., Constable 4.70
Irwin, E., Witness 1.70
Gilbert, B. D., do 1.70
Blinston, P. K, do 3.10
White, Jack, do 1.70
State vs. Tweedy.
Cooper, E. E., Constable 1.70
State vs. Vincent.
Webster, D., Justice 5.20
Cooper, E. E., Constable 1.20
State vs. Crandall.
Hubbs, George W., Justice 2.90
Yates, L., Constable 1.70
Moore, J. C, Paid cancelled war
rant 1-20
Pound, F. L, Selecting Jury list 3.00
Pound, O. A., do 2.00
Winslow, W. K., do 2.00
Coroner's Expense.
Clough, A. M., Investigation...... S.50
Clough, A. M., do . 5.40
Clough, A. M., do 5.30
Moores ft Co., Boss E., Legal
Blanks 1.00
Sheriff's Office Expense.
Garland, Frank, Auto hire 3.00
County School Superintendent's Exp.
Aurora Observer, Publishing
notices 2 60
Brown, J. T., School Officers'
Convention 2.00
Brown, 8. B., do 2.00
Scott, Fred L., do 2.00
Ruble, W. H., do .- 2.00
Gleeson, M. W., do 2.00
Riches, W. T., do 2.00
Ross, T. L., do 2.00
Aschormann, Wm., do 2.00
Pillett, Edward, do 2.00
Pearson, D. S., do 2.00
Simeral, W. L., do 2.00
Stone, Albert, do 2.00
Butler, Mary, do 2.00
Whipple, Geo. M., do 2.00
Davis, Wm., do 2.00
Tracy, A. IT., do 2.00
Matten, E. E., do 2.00
Smith, n. W., do 2.00
Walker, T. F., do 2.00
Ulvin, A. A., do 2.00
Burris, C, do 2.00
Frink, W. B., do 2.00
White, F. H., do 2.00
Mnrtin, O. L., do 2.00
Thorns, Mrs. M. G., do 2.00
Colgan, J. A., do 2.00
Clark, E. O. do 2.00
Miles, B. J., do 2.00
Naderman, J. P., do 2.00
Walty, A., do 2.0U
Brown. Geo. W.. do 2.00
Anderson, Lewis, do 2.00
Burns, W. P., do
Carpenter, N. N., do 2.00
Schaap, Geo., do 2.00
Eldriedge, H, C, do 2.00
Pcetz. H. It., do 2.00
Tharp, G. H do 2.00
Buren & Hamilton, Rent of
chairB and tables 3.30
Captial Journal, The, Pub. No
tice Teachers' Exs 22.00
Oorvais Weekly, The, Pub Pro
gram for teachers' Exs 1.00
Independent Printing Co., Adv.
Teachers' Exs 1.00
Oregon Statesman, Pub. Notice
Toachors' Exs 24.20
fcGrtG" Pahg TOO' GuCSS I
Escn, Wm., Constable -
Palmer Co., The A. N., Mdse
Patton Bros. Legal Cap Paper,
Rodgers Paper Co., lpcs. Mimeo
Silverton Appeal, The, Adv.
Teachers' Exs.
Smith, W. M., Traveling Exp.,
Stamps, etc.
stayton Mail, The, I'uo, .Notice
Teachers ' Exs .
Willamette Hdw. Co., Drayage
Jefferson Review, The, Pub.
Notice Teachers' Exs. ...
Fruit Inspector Expense.
Constable, C. O., Salary and Ex
penses . ..........
, Health Officer Expense,
Van Winkle, J. O., Salary; claim
withdrawn 111.00
Van Winkle, J. O., Livery hire;
Continued 3.00
; Care of Poor.
Captial Drag Store, The, Drugs
for A. H. Smith 5.35
Club Stables, The, Ambulance
Hire 7.00
I Cook, A. J., Nov. and Dec. House
rent 10.00
Cottage Undertaking P. Burial
of Co., Patient 15.00
Fashching & Sons, B. D., Supplies
for Barnes family 32.55
Galbraith ft Ownbey, Supplies
for Barrow family 5.80
Mclnturff, Mrs. E. L., Board for
Mrs. Jackson 16.00
Moore, J. G., Money Advanced 56,70
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Telephone 1.50
Purrine Pump & Imp. Co., Pump
Cylinder 4.50
Rice & Sons, F. J., Supplios for
Johns family ; 11.95
Richardson, Ward K., Supplies
for A. A. Hughes .... ... 5.00
Roth Grocery Co., Supplies for
A. J. Hamilton 9.00
Salom Fuel Yards, Wood for F.
E. Barnes, et al 16.50
Salem Hospital. Care of Poor... 40.00
Taylor, Earl E., Poor Farm A&
count 350.29
Thiolsen ft Roland, Ins. on Poor
Farm 125.00
Willamette Sanatorium, Board..
of Sam Dalt '. 7.00
Jail Expense.
Barr, Theo. M., Repairing 3.30
Esch, Wm., Bd. for Prisoners..., 133.30
Spencer Hardware Co., Turpen
tine, Paint, etc. 10.10
Trover-Weigel Studio, Photos... 12.00
Juvenile Expense.
Jackson, Hattie M., Trav. Exp.
and Board 6.10
Mapes, Frank, Board for Dora
Jones 4.50
Olmstead, Celia, Care of Truman
Skeels 5.50
Rebate of Fees.
Martin, Carey F., Overplus Fees
McNary, Smith & Shields, do....
Richardson, Wm. N., do
State Fair.
Commercial Book Store, P.
Plates and Napkins 1.00
Creech, W. L., Apples and pears
Larmor, Transfer Co., D. A.,
Pump to Fairgrounds 1.00
Tax Rebate.
Fuestman, A. H., Tax Rebate;
continued 0.40'
Hull, B. F. & S. E., do 3.70
Jones, R. R., do; continued 28.89
Murphy, Flora M. do 54.13
riinsky, Joseph, do; disallowed 33.80
Porter, 11. G., do 2.70
liise, J. A., do; disallowed 10.29
Thomas Investment Co., do 93.70
Thomas Investment Co., do 7.13
Hiilcm Com. f lub, Advertising
dues 50.00
Indemnity for Diseased Cattle.
Pickard, Ovid, Indemnity 18.7.r
Circuit Court.
Johnson, G. W., Sr., Juror 0.20
Iirothorton, L. C, do 0.20
Clark, II. L., do 6.20
Hichinond, Geo., do 0.20
Kane, W. It., do 0.20
Robertson, 8. E., do 0.20
Cheshire, T. J., do 6.20
Oilson, W. B., do 6.20
Koschmider, Frank, do 6.20
Coroner's Expense.
Mclnturff, D. H., Interpreting.. 10.00
Justice Court
Mclnturff, D. N., Interpreting.. 10.00
Indigent Soldiers.
Girod, Anna, Relief ; 10.00
Loney, W. do
Pacific Tel. ft Tel. Co., Tel. ..
Children Cry
The Kind You Have Always Boaght, and -which has been
in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of.
tf and has been mode under his per
j7; ' Bonal supervision since its Infancy.
WuVyj; JUCMKi Allow no one to deceive you la this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health oC
Infants and Children Experience against lixperiinent.
Castoria is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms "
and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, glvlnff healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend.
ceiuiriE CASTORIA alway
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Boagiit
In Use For Over 30 Years
McMains, Birdie, do 10.00
Goes, Delia B., do 10.00
Leach, Mrs. 8. A., do 8.00
Jonea, O. W., do 8.00
Miles, W. P., do 10.00
Uuckenstein, August, do for A.
R. Whiteman 10.00
Epley, C. M., do, for H. S.
Broughton 10.00
Insane. '
Byrd, W. H., Insane Examina
tion ,6.00
Griffith, L. F., do B.OO
Robertson, C. H,, do 5.00
MileB, O. B., do ....; 6.00
Scalp Bounty.
Hiatt, Chas., Bounties . 3.50
County Court and Commissioners.
Goulet, W. H., Salary & Expenses 43.20
Bockwith, J. T., do 43.35
Cloments, H. J., Insane Examin
ation 5.00
Circuit Court
Cheshire, Thos. J., Juror 6,20
Scalp Bounty.
Lomltor, John, Bounties 2.00
Eoad District No. 1,
Colo, N. E., Bridge work 21.56
Ehlen, O. A., Nails 8.15
Noil't, henry, Supervising 8.75
Norton, Fred It., Bridge work.... 5.00
Urbahus, Rudolph, Bridgo work 5.00
Road District No. 2,
Bock, Goo, N. & Son, Lumber..-.. .45
Ilevlns, C. I'1., Hauling gruvol.... 50.02
tiberhard, Henry, Hauling gravel 9.37
Friend, John, Ditching 14.95
Grimm, W. T., Supervising jcon-
tinned 113.75
Ilirt, 1?., Labor 1.75
Hoffman, E., Dlacksmithing 10.75
Jones, Edgnr, Ditching 20.25
Jones, Grant, Hauling gravel 40.87
.Ionian, John, Ditching 15.75
Kissick, Lawrence, Hauling gra
vel 22.75
Kissick, A. J., Ditching 0.24
Kissick, Geo., Hauling gravel.... 4H.02
McGlaUL'hlin, Elton, Slushing.... 4.00
7 hero la Only Ono
"Bromo Qumm"
Thai Is
LaizntivQ Bromo Qummo
Always remember the full namo,
for this signature on overy box
By Gross
1 wOui.DfT'T'ALU
for, Fletcher's
Signature of
Miller, Enos, Hauling gravol.. 23.13
Moore, J. O., Money advanced.... 62.94
Platts, Niles, team work . 5.6fr
Pulley, O., Hauling gravel 19.75
Salem Sand & Gravol Co., Gravel 96.40
Scholl, J. ft Son, Nails, etc 6.65
Sowa, Paul, Blackstnithing ........ 4.0O
Wallace, Geo. W., Shoveling
gravel ............... 1.75
Watkius, Noble, Hauling gravel 15.00
Road District No. 3.
Flok, George, Ditching L..... 2.00
Fick, John, do 6.00
Hardy, John, do .'. - 8.00, ,
Hoffman, Ernest, Repairs .......... 3.00
Jackson, J. R,, Supervising.......... 27.50
Jonsan, Jacob, Ditching 10.00
Moore, J. C, Repairs .00
Porter, William, do 4.00
Yergan, Frank, Grading; disal
lowed 3.00
Road District No. 4.
Chase ft Linton, Gravel ........ 151.20
Davidson, W. F., Supervising...... 47.50
Davidson, W. F., Money Ad
vanced ... 166.25
Bead District No. B.
DavldBon, W. F., Supervising.... 54.25
Davidson, W. F., Money Ad
vanced 22.70
Hillor, Goo., Gravol 2.70
Road District No. 6.
Aral, L. L., Drugging 4.00
Breed, Bort, do 6.00
Courville, Louis, Ditching 24.00
Habert, P. M., do 23.50
Rubens, Joseph, Supervising 210.00
Itnbens.'Al., Bridgo work 6.00
Vanilorbeck, A. L., Leveling
gravel 4.00
Warguior, W. J., Rolling gravol 4.00
Road District No. 7.
Ilowley, Wm., Shoveling gravel.. 1.75
Cawthorno, Donald, Dragging 4.25
( horpiotto, Fix, Team work, 14.00
Cutsfortli, John H., Supervising 115.75
Cutsforth, Johu, Hauling gravel 15.60
Cutsforth, John H., Money Ad-
(Continued on page four),