TSie Salem Capital J THURSDAY JAN. 29, 1913 Am 0 cumal i W vY" " The Capital Journal PUBLISHED BY The Barnes -Taber Company G BAH AM P. TABEB, Editor and Manager. An Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principlei and the Progress and Development of Salem in Particular and All Orego in General. MMIiDmI eSvcrv Benlng Eicept 8un7. Bln. Oregon' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Innrlablr In Advance) Billj, Ml Carrier, per jear ...15.20 Per month.. 45c aHllr, tJ Mill, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c Wetklv, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Biz monthi.BOc rn.L LEASED WIHB TELEGRAPH REPORT j 3 BWefit of the poor, but which opening was temporarily postponed on ac count of the son-arrival of the stock of goods. There has a roar of protest gone up from the grocers but it has not been heeded and the store will be opened probably next Monday. It is planned to sell groceries at actual cost, or at frern 10 to 25 per cent below the average retail prices. The city had already issued a list of prices. Among these, sugar sold five pounds for a quarter by the merchants, was quoted at six pounds for a quarter, and beans sold by the stores at 5 to 6 cents were quoted at 3Vj cents. There were corresponding reductions all down the line. The city appropriated $25,000 for tho first store, and if this proves a sus- cess others will be started. ' The movement will be watched with intense in terest by the whole country, if it is a success, it may result in changing the whole mercantile business of the country, for no one can tell where it will end. It is only a very small wedge but its effect on business may be tremendous. This is indeed socialism. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. 'New Today" Ads. strictly cub in advance. "Want" Ada, and The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If tha carrier does not do tola, misses yon, or neglects getting the paper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 82. SOME UNEARNED INCREMENT. LTIIOTJGH not generally classed under this head, why is not the political A power and influence that follows election to high office as much un earned increment as is tha added valuo to property, given it by the building up of a community! So soon as your politician gets an offico, (we are speaking of tho higher U,) ho also gets, or takes possession f a whole lot of other offices in tho shape of appointments. Take our own senators, for instance. Thoir recommendation carries the appointment of doz ens of officers. These appointments of right belong to the people, or under our system to the party in power. It would seem that this being the case tho senators or othor officers would pay somo attention to the requests of the party as to appointments. As a mattor of fact thoy do nothing of the kind. . They assume they alone are qualified to pass upon the merits or de merits of appointees, and name the men they want regardless of party desires or anything else save and except thoir own sweet wills. The result is the building up of a personal following regardless of the interests of either party or the peoplo. This Is true of nil senators and congressmen. The unearned increment of the office is claimed and taken by congressmen and senators as theirs by divine right. This has been the custom time out of mind, but it is changing, and the sen ator or congressman who docs "not keep his ear to the ground and pay some attention to what he hears thore, will be certain to wish he had, for the people are keeping pretty close tab on the whole lot of them. The time when a pub lic office was a private snap has passed. Senators may force their seloctions for certain offices in such a way that they will be appointed, but when thoy do they will find some troublo in again getting their own claims loengnlzcd. SATS ENGLAND 13 RIGHT. IT is claimed President Wilson takes Englnnd's view of the toll question as applied to tho Panama canal, and suggests thnt American coasting ves sels bo made to pay the same as all others. It strikes us that Undo Sum having built tho canal can do as ho pleases about tho tolls on his own ves sels, so long as ho does not discriminate as between other nations, or his own vessels in competition with them. No. foreign vessel can carry American products between American ports, so what business is it of Englnnd's whether we charge our own const vessels toll or not? However there is ground up on which tho mattor enn bo placed and one that would justify the charging of tui'i li the local carriers, and that 1b thut nine-tenths of tho coastwise carry lug vessels are owned by one company wlii-h has tho worst kind of a mon opoly on the business, and which has practically driven out all competition. The giving this corporation froo tolls would be simply presenting it that much coin, for It would make no diffcrenco in freight charges. From this view point President Wilson is light, A SOUTHERN OREOON OPINION. T WINNIPEG HAS A HUNCH. AaiHMttPONrtKNT asks us If there aro trusts in Englnnd. Wo aro free to confess that wo do not know, but presume not, and the evidence indicates there aro none. In the first plnco wo hear no kicks about them and there sure would be kicks if they wero nt work thore, Then there is other evidence thnt England hns them not, or that they liavo not England, which ever suits best. A Canadian paper or rather ono printed at Winnipeg, says and gives quotations for it, that wheat flour thnt sells at 5.20 in that city which Is In tho center Of ono of tho greatest wheat growing districts In tho world, sells for 5.3() in Montreal and for 4.38 in Loudon, linker's flour selling for fl.00 at Winnipeg, sells fur $4.10 at. Montreal and for 3.(10 iu London. Tho best flour costs 82 centB more tho borrel where It Is .grown, than in London, after being hauled 4,500 miles. From this wo judge the trusts are not busy In England, but wo would not venturo the name state ment about Canada, and especially about Winnipeg, which seems to hevn a sort of hunch of thoir presence. t w It is never safe to make any remarks about the weather especially in a newspaper, for by the time the paper reaches its subscribers the measly weath er clerk has changed his mind and habits too, and makes one ridiculous that has ventured a remark of any kind on the subject. The Gold Hill News a few days ago had an editorial about the manzanita being in bloom and re marked that "Spring has came." Tho storm and the telegraph heat tho paper to its subscribers and when the paper reached them there was a snow storm at work that would have been a credit to Alaska. Mountains of New prm g Goods now received every day by freight and express. Come and walk through the big Chciago store and see the new arrivals. ' Some queer things happen daily in this big country of ours. At Tacoma Monday morning when the city was threatened with flood by the heavy storms, and when the streets were almost canals, the city water supply pipe broke and the city had a water famine. At last it will bo possible to buy clothing made of Oregon products and manufactured in tho state. Heretofore the Brownsville Woolen Mill has sold Oregon made woolens here, but the cloth made at Brownsville, was sent east to be made into clothing. J. L. B-jwman, of the Brownsville Woolen Mill company has opened a factory in Portland and is turning out 750 pairs of trousers a week. He employes 30 men and women at present, but has se cured a site for a factory building and before the year is out expects to have a factory running and to be employing 500. This is an industry that should receive the patronage of every Oregonian. See that your suit is a Browns ville product. 'S HOTEL CROWDED PLACE Always Long Waiting List at Popular Hostelry Where Accomodations Are Price of Beer. PRIVATE ROOM COSTS BUT 10 CENTS AT THIS HOTEL Washing Is Compulsory When Guest Arrises and He is Furnished With Tools for Shaving. turned to the lodger. An attendant hands him a safety razor, a shaving brush and a cake of soap. Shaving is not compulsory; neither iB the guest forced to use the little cake of shoe blackening handed him, but all around are cards reminding him that the spruced up man stands the best chance of landing the job. ,-Ve have been 'full to the roof since the place open ed," Baid Manager Taylor, who studied sociology before he took the job. "Mr. Dawes is satisfied, and I am satisfied that the experiment is proving a suc cess. All some of these fellows need is a chance to clean up and look like men when they search for jobs." Hogan's "flop house," the municipal lodging house, and othor hotels that catered to the "down and outs," report a big ::i businers since the opening of the Dawes hotel. I HE Mcdford Mail Tribune Insists that southern Oregon should have a condidate for governor and that he should bo elected. Southern Oregon is as much entitled to tho governorship as any other section, but it strikes us that if all tho southern Oregon people feel toward tho state as uoes mo puuor or too man inmino it would on wrong to select a governor from that section. Commenting on the situation the Mall Tribune says: "Jackson county hns never had a governor, but is entitled to one. As a matter of fact, southern Oregon la not recognized politically, commercially or in any other way by the rest of tho state. Small nrt of Its progress or devel opment is duo to Oregon or to Oregon cipitiil. "Southern Oregon lias grown in spito of Oregon, rather than because of It. It has no state Institutions and no stato officials. The benefit this section derives from being a pnrt of Oregon consists In being hampered In Us Jowl opment by unprogrcssive and restrictive laws and In paying constantly Increas ing taxes to support Institutions slid officials, commissions and boards located In other portions of tho slate." However In the same editorial the picr Mimes some excellent timber for the offico of governor, both democratic and republican. Why net trot them out and act upon the suggestion of th Mail Tribune. !: MUNICIPAL BTOHES THE LATEST. . 1TH municipally owned water and light plants becoming general, cities owning and operating street car lines and the general government talking of taking over the railroads and telegraph and telephone lines socialism dor not seem a thing of tho future but already here. Th-t latest step in further adopting socialism was to have been taken In Chicago Monday when a city store was to have opened for UNlTim l'llKBS IJA8ED WIHB.) Chicago, Jan. 20. The "prico of a beer" will work wonders at the Rufui Dawes Memorial hotel, recently opened to the public and a clientele made up largely of members of the great army of the unemployed. For a single nickel you can get a bed for the night, a bath, a shine, a shavo and have your clothing fumigated. A night shirt is provided free of charge for every lodger. Iu the hotel restaurant, another nickel will move tho following assort mcnt of food your way a beef stew with potatoes and vegetables, a cup of coffee with milk and two fat rolls. If you wuut a change in menu, you can ask tho gentlemanly waiter to bring you n bowl of soup instead of stew. Fur ten cents you can get a privato room, but according to W. D. Taylor, man ager, few of the regular guests squander a dime on such n luxury unless the dormitory rooms are occupied, Tho new hotel was built by Charles O. Dawes, Chicago banker, as n mem orial to his son, who lost his life on Lake Geneva, Wis. The original invest ment was $100,000. Roceipts thus far "havo run far below operating expenses, "but Dawes said today he "guessed ho oould stand tho drain." There are 05 private rooms" In the new hotel, and two dormitories, ac comodating 504 men, giving the place a total capacity of Mil) guests. Walls and floors aro of concrete and are washed each day by powerful streams of water to prevent accumulation of dirt and vermin. The guest at the Dawes hotel plasters his name on tho register with all the dignity of a guest at the Hotel LnSalle. If he deposltes a dime for a private room, he Is given a key, if his is to be a nickel night, he is assigned to one of the dormitories where double decker beds line the rooms. An attend ant escorts tho new nrrivnl to the bath room and give him a check when he surrenders his clothes. The clothes are taken to the fumigating room, while the lodger rids himself of surplus dirt under a shower. Another Attendant brings him a "nightie" and he Is put to bed between sheets real sheet and fresh from tho laundry while his head reposes on a pillow covered by a snow white slip. In the morning, the clothing, thor oughly fumigated and ventilated. Is re- THE ROUND-UP. j; LADD & BUSH, Bank ers i I T&ANiAOTI A OSNMAX. 1ANKINO BUSIHMS. BAT ITT DsV POUIT BOXta. TIAVELRXr CMBCXS. Eat Well Feel Well Look Well To bring about this condition you should help the digestion, the liver and bowels by the daily use of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS The Tortlnnd hop market got a slight move on Tuesday, owing to orderB being received from England. Tho big auto show is on in Tortlnnd. Tho Multnomah county fair will be held this year from September 13 to 1!, inclusive. Mrs. II. A. Corothers, aged 00, a pion eer of 1S53, died at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Plumnier, in Ca nemuh, near Oregon City, Monday. Many schools in Clackamas comity havo been closed on account of scarlet fever. The snow storm Tuesday was general throughout Western Oregon, but the snow refused to stay on the ground af ter it got there. The committee appointed by the last legislature to investigate the Boys' and flirts' Aid Soeletv of Portland, hns filed its report and gives the society a clean bill, Washington county will hold its fair September 24 to 2(1, Inclusive. Recent Issues of Eugene papers have contained flnttering notices of Miss May Smith, a freshman last year at tho statn unlversitv, who is editor and manager of the Wasco New Enter prise, and is making it go. Myrtle Creek Mall: The editor of tho Koseburg News is worrying over how the world will end. Forget It just now, Brother Shoemaker, and let lis try to elect a sheriff and prosecuting attor ney who will enforce the local option Ibws, "If the citizens of 1'mntillo are not proud of ther mayor and city council," says the New Ern, "there Is something radically wrong with them. There is not a city In the stato of Oregon anywhere near the i of our city which hns such ft live bunch of city fathers a has Vnintilla. An undertaking that means much for Marshfield i the fill being made by the dredge Seattle In the lowlands of tho city. "Where a swamp was a few weeks ago," say tho Itocord, "In another six months ther will be seen many attractive homos. In fact It will change tho complexion of the city." Ladies' Goats and Suits In Up to the Hour Styles. - No Big Prices Asked Small prices is our motto to introduce the new models. Values that later on will be a great deal more. Now specially priced. $8.90, $9.90, $12.50 and up Embroideries and Laces Twenty thousand yards now piled out on our counters, and marked at prices so low that selling will be lively. Flouncings, all kinds from 27-inch up to 45-inch. Laces and Dress Trimmnigs also on display. Yard 3c, Sc, 7c, 8 1 -3c, 10c, 15c and up New Silks, New Dress Goods and Ginghams Now piled out on our counters. Come and get the best bargains in Salem. Clearing Prices On odd lots of Men's and Ladies' Hosiery and Underwear, Blankets, Comforts aad Men's and Boys' Clothing. Corsets iff tSU ACVl If KUj V on sale ''''"X - - -i i "i1 ' ' 1 . for we ) rH STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY i ' , ',tw";ii nupi -i.im m in i. .iiiim,!.!,. if ii i mi wi.iisiiiiiniijWF-. V. .; . '.Tj I, , - r .... -fi-t y - infihliln ifrli fL' i T ft : pjjft niit Mil Yl " illll III fl ii i lift IM Will 1 3-inch Wide Iiinca Lace yard 4c ONE DEATH AND 297 MISHAPS DURING MONTH OF DECEMBER Only ono fatality occurred in the sev eral industries over which Labor Com missioner Hoff hns jurisdiction, accord ing to his report for the month of De cember. There were 297 accidents, and the largest number was in paper mills. Following is Hoff's summary: Occupation. ' Accidents Carpenter 12 Construction 8 Electrical 8 Loggias 16 Machine, foundry and boiler shop.... 31 "Paper mill 53 Railroad constriction 6 Railroad section 17 Railroad train - 18 Railroad yard - 27 Sawmill 44 Sawmill yard , 9 Miscellaneous 42 Total ... 297 One fatality. SAYS WHEN GIRLS SLEEP ON DUTY HOURS ARE SHORTER UNITED TltESS LK4SED WIRE. Everett, Wash., Jan. 29. .Varrants charging them with working girls more than eight hours, in violation of the state women 's eight hour law, were is sued today against S. H. Hazlett, traf fic manager of the Independent Tel ephone company's Snohomish exchange, and Delia Nevcrs, chief operator. J. M. Winslow, manager of the Everett branch of the Independent Telephone company said that although the girls, worked from 9 p. m. until 7 a. m., they were not on duty more than eight hours, as they wero permitted to sloop during; the dull hours. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN AOnrUlnRiill,ffaIr.T.l.nhn... ! Vv nI,I,"T,A?"' tl 4 'i a ii r MttlUUUtUtS, A. 8. OLMSTED. L Roy. N.Y. MOTHER! IS CHILD'S S Suggestions for Salem's Slogan The deep, fully and certainly suffi cient channel at the mouth of the Co lumbia I the principal thing; that oh tsinod, other needed things will follow. If Tongue Is Coated or If Cross, Fever ish, Constipated Give "California Syrup of Figs." Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See if tonguo Is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listlos,' pnlo feverish, full If cold, breath bad, throat sors, doosn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach ache, Indigestion, diarrhoea, give a tea spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs" aud In few hours all th foul waste, the sour bile and fermenting food passes out of tho bowels and you have a well and playful child again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative," aud mothers can rest easy after giving it, because it never fails to mako their little "insides" clean and sweet. Keep It handy, Motherl A littlo given today save a sick child tomorrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 50 cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which hn directions for ba bies, children of all ages and for grown 'i)s plninly on the bottlo. Remember there are counterfeit sold hero, to surely look and see that yours is made by the "California Fig Synip Com pany." Hand back with contempt any other fig tyrup. No. Name and address of the person making the above suggestion. No. House of Half a Million Bargains Come and ee the biggest wonder in the history of Salom. We buy and sell everything from a needle to a piece of gold. We psy the highest cash price for everything. Complete tinshop set tool for sale. H. Steinbock Junk Co. Salem, Oregon. 133 State Street. Fhone Main 224 Journal "Want Ads" bring results -.-M-t-- Marion Second Hand Store j A new itore just opened. A great opportunity for Salem people. We sell now goods. ve buy and sell second hand furniture, stove, clothing, tools, hardware and men's furnishings. We pay highest prices for clothing, shoes and furnishings. Come to us for bargain. Marion Second Hand Store 442 Ferry Street phone Main 2329 4-4-