PAGE EIGHT DAILY. CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1911, lam TOM0R0W our 675th Wednesday Surprise ! Women's Umbrellas, two lots your choice, 89c and $1.15 each Those who desire good but in expensive umbrellas will wel come this sale. Exceptionally well made umbrellas with good grade covering and neat han dles. There's lots of rain ahead. Get one or two, they're handy to have, and the cost is really insignificant. Tomorrow onlytwo loU89c and $1.15 each. See the window display Going Out of the Men's Capital City Brevities Dr. T. Ij. Utter, dentist. Maaonio bldg Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. U B. Bank building. Chop suey and noodles. City restau rs st, 420 Ferry streot, near Liberty. Dra. Darby aad Burton, doutlata, sec ond floor, V. 8. Bank building Pine voting; Fuller Printing Con- n. iraM4H. Begnlar dinner 20c.' Scott 'a rostau-J rant, 1I7 South Commercial. ' lion. J. E. Btoelhanimer, of Silverton, snN'ln the city yesterday on business. ir n rri,v,. . n.nn,inn T.l. eUinrn, was In the city yesterday con-f ultlng with Dr. H. E. Clay, II. C Byboe has gono to Seattle on fonwinem. Mr, Byboo Is tho proprietor of th South Commercial streot poultry market. Ne matter how gloomy tho day, or hum dark tho night, tho world looks hrigbt to the man who sees It through the amnio) of a Tnshmoo 12'C clgnr. The funeral of the Into Mrs. EMn L. Hancock wns held at llnyesvillo yester day. Rev, C. Ii. Iawrenco conducted the arrviees. Mix l'.thel M, Jones, of this city, is lieing -isiled by her brother, ('. Jones, of Cnnadn. Miss Iiiln Jones, u sister, will arrive soon from Seattle. . Claude M. florlgg was buried In the Mennonite cemetery at Tretum yester day, the funeral being held from the Mennonite church and Kow Mr. Tlaum frartner officiating. . Vvmbers of the Woman's ( I r.stlnn !'rairnnce Union will meet !n theli I all at 2;30 each aft,, noon this Teek or apeclnl prayer. .Ml t tt t r"f cl In a 4Diy Oregon" are Invited to attend. A tea for the benefit of the Scholar ship Loan Fund will bo held at the kerne of Mrs. E. C. Patton, corner Court and Bummer streets, Wednesday, Janu ary t. from 8 to 8 o'clock. Admis sion t5e. Committee from Woman's Club. , r"i-Ji'-'V , ' mm sii muk ik ft J mt m tpswe OPERA HOUSE Tharsday, Friday and Saturday, with pacta! Saturday matinee at 2:30. Ev atrtR 7:30 and 9:00. Hoturu engage ment by special request of Edison Talking Pictures TirE SENSATION OF THE CENTURY They Talk, Blng, Act Under personal luwrtltm of the Tlioa, A. Edison Co. Tupidar pries, 25c and 15c. Playing in sill other cities at double theae prtcea. GRAND Vour last opportunity to purchase everyday needs and replenish depleted wardrobes at decided savings, closes SATURDAY. We're making a determined effort to clear all decks for Spring, and you'll Jj be surprised at the unusual values and menis wnicn are Sale opens at 8:30. Clothing Business. - Dr. May, nerve speclalat, Maaonio bid Scott 'a, best 20c moal, 179 8. Com'l. The women of St. Paul's church have planned a "Guild dance" to take place February 4, St the notol Marlon. The work of experting the county book, which, has been, going on for the pt two .months, has been completed t,y u. o. Dragor and Mrs. Jory. County Clerk Oohlhar yesterday Is- ucd marriage licenses to the following '""I1'"": . David Hill and May Olvors, of Salem; and E. E. West, of Oregon City, and Ida M. Sehnltz. of Salem. Clyde ilnrold, of 1'ortlnud, came up tnts morning on business connected with tho implement house ho represents and will visit with relatives here. The wind storm of Humluy night did much more damage to standing timber than that of lust week, owing to the ground being softer from tho recent heavy rains. After unending tho funeral of his brother, George ilerron, which took place In Portland yesterday, James Herron returned to his homo In this city lust night. Mr. Ilerschlmch, of the firm of Turn er & Hlrscliliach, received a fright last Monday from a chimney which was dis lodged hy the wind and frll through the shop. He wns not Injured how over, for which he Is very thankful. Hear How Harry Marshall tonight at tho Commons Mission, 211 State street. Topic for this evening, "Thinking, Turning, Coming." Don't fail to at tend, as this address will be one you cannot afford to miss, Spoelnl music. Mrs. l.orette Tetrau was burled yes terday afternoon In City View cemetery The funeral was held from the home of her mother, Mrs, Lena Townsend, at 11I0 8. 14th street, at 2:3(1 and Rew Tallinn conducted the services. The deceased died In Orovillo, California. Damages In the sum of $;I5 wert awarded by the Jury in the cae of Ray mend Reed against R. C. llnlllierg yes terday evening. Th0 plaintiff was ask ing 480 damages for being run down and injured by the defendant's auto- nioMle. There la but one best In everything. In bread It la the celebrated Tip-Top, the sanitary lonf of goodness. Sper ling, the grocer, 311 North Conimer clnl street, will supply you dally. A frightened team, an old gentle n.uii and a street ear figured In what could have possibly beeu a serious ac cident yesterday afternoon at the Inter section of Hliilc and Commercial street, John Webber, about 70 years old, was crowing the street when a team ap proaching in the opposite direction, took frlghl at a street car. They attempted to turn around hen the driver brought his whip down upon the near animal with such force as to cause it to jump straight ahead. The pole of (ho wag on struck Mr, Webber and threw him to one side. When carried to Dr. O, H. Miles' office and examined, It was found that Mr. Weber had a severe cut along side of his head and other minor bruises. Ills condition was not serious, however. FINAL WEEK of our Annual Year-end Clear ance and White Goods Sale. onerea at sucn uttie Beautiful Muslin Garments Priced Extremely Low Dainty Embroideries, Don't fail to supply your needs Final Clearance, Women's Suits, Coats and Dresses Misses' and Children's Garments, all at special prices . . Save on Linens this Final Week . Save on Dress Goods and Silks this Week Bedding, Draperies, Cut Glass, entire lines reduced Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, buy this week ay HgoodIoood s Suits and Overcoats Selling at Less Than Cost Mrs. Herbert Fawk, of Rickreall, who has been ill in this city for a week, is reported to be getting along nicely. Are you familiar with all tho latest song hits! Visit our store and try them out for yourself on one of our superb Packarda or Ludwigs. You are wolcome. The Wiley B. Allen Co., R. F. Peters, mgr., 521 Court street. The man with a clear conscience is the man who provides good "storm blankets for his horses when they have to stand out in the cold rain. The host onos are sold by Shafer,' the saddle and har ness man, 187 South Commercial street. Did your wifo get peeved because you forgot to bring home the grocorics she phoned you about this evening f Avoid it horcafter. While you are wait ing for tho car, stop In to tho Sunset grocery, and we will remind you. South Commercial street, at No, 121. If you want your pancakes to taste right and wnnt an article that reaches the consumer Immediately after manu facturing, rail for Tip-Top Selfrising Pnneako flour,, composed of wheat flour, phosphate, salt ami bi carb-soda, mailo by Cherry City Mills. rV'i'n differed complaints were filed ir. the circuit court yesterday ngainst the i ity of Silverton to clear title 'o ccrlniii property in which Interest is alleged to be claimed by tho defendant. Tho plaintiffs are: H. P.. Shalntead, E. It. lloo ct al, K. S. Johnson, J. P. Hunt er, A. Kniitson, 0. M. Osfuiid and Mar tha Jackson. Each plaintiff -filed n separate complaint. Tho United States Civil Service Com mission nnuouneos that on February 21 an examination will bo held at Marlon, Oregon, as a result of which It Is ex pected to make certification to fill a contemplated vacancy In the position of fourth class postmaster at Marlon, Oregon, The compensation of the post master at this office was (,'107 for tho last fiscal year, '"'.e following judgci tiavo . c: chos en .'or the state prooiblllon iiiitoilcel contest to b held Arril !'0 n do- It'cty, President W. Y. Tester, if Eee.l col'ege, Royal Met a ,-hy, an uttorney of 1 1 rt laud, M. A. Miller. Intcrt nl rev t tu collector; judges o.. cefi sltmii. Df John llnyd i ' tin 1'irsl 1 nwbyter iin ihurch of Pir":in. I'resuleiu t amp bell of Oregon university and Dr. Hin- s of Pertlniid. Ii. tlalbraith, a witness In tho Ken nedy case, yontcrdny al'tcruoon received a reprimand from Judge (lalloway when ho took (be stand and testified that he violated tho tmst of one of Mrs. Kennedy's friends, Mrs, Fisher, by holding a letter the bitter gave him to mail and Inter turning It over to tho defendant, Mr. Kennedy. Judge (lal loway told tho witness that he had no right to violate such a trust imposed by anyone much less a woman and that ho .was greatly In error lu not mailing the communication to Mrs. Kennedy as he promised to do. After hearing tes timony from several other witnesses, Judge Oallotv continued the hearing over until next Saturday. Many Wood bum and (lervals people are taking great interest In the proceedings and the court room has been crowded with visitors for the past three days th trial has been going on. excellent assort- prices. . . . . On the fourth of next month the members of the commission which has boon chosen by the eight counties in the Willamette valley to preparo the valley exhibit for the Panama exposition will meet in the promotion room of the Sa lem Commercial club and reports will be received from' the different officers of the commission.. Much work has bed do no toward completing the big cshiliit And the report will be an inter esting OIKl. , . V.' the Southern l.'ucific-."i.rtlanl, Eugene & Eastern Or.igon t f,vi eltural College special demonstration train for bogs and dairying, arrives here Thurs day, February 5, one of the men the people will want to liston to will be Chris Syhre, the man who has made such a wonderful success of the co operative Danish colong near Junction City. Beginning with a few dollars in cash fivo years ago, strangers in a strange innd, unable to speak tho lan guage of tho country, 130 Danes com bined their forces in marketing the products of thoir farms. They engaged in dairying, built a co operative cream ery ami are far out along the highway to success, An Invitation to attend our Wednes day afternoon tea and coffee demon stration is extended to every one. Como and select a tea to suit your individual tasto. Yokohama Crockery & Tea Co. .Mrs. N'inn Hill returned to her home in Jefferson this afternoon after visiting friends and shopping hero for a few hours today. Roy Watt left todny for Portland where ho will make his future homo. Mr. Watt formerly resided on his farm south of this city but sold out a week ago and will probably purchase Port land city property in the near' future. Jim Wilson, of Portland, was in the city todny on business, Mr. Wilson is ouo of tho officers of the Salem Brew ery association and be and Mrs, Wil son are making their home lu the Rose City. IDENTITY OF ENGLISHMAN BELIEVED ESTABLISHED iMTin rsKss i.xAHin wirs.) Marysville, Cel., Jan. 27. Attorney Lewis, counsel for tho defense at the Wheatland hopfield riot cases, today produced In court a letter signed "A. Kimball," In which it was asserted , that tho hitherto unidentified young Englishman killed In the fight on the Durst ranch last August was Arthur Lyons, a member of an excellent though not rich family, and a British naval academy cadet, who wae In California for his health. ' Four persons were killed In the riot for which Richard Ford, Harry Bngnn, Herman Suhr and William Peek are on trial for their lives District Attorney Manwell, Deputy Sheriff Reanlou and a Porto Rican and an English hop picker. The two latter were unidenti fied. INSANITY IS DEFENSE. San Francisco, Jan. 27. Miss Reah j Alexander, who, on October IS, shot and killed D. J, YanYaalcn, an adver tising solicitor went on trial here to day before Superior Judge Dunne. Voeetion asked the talesmen indi cated the defense will be based on tem porary Insanity. LANE GETS AN OFFER OF united mass leased wire. Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 27. An offer of a well-equipped plant for the public re duction of radium-bearing ores was tel egraphed today to Secretary of the In terior Franklin E. Lane by Stephen J. Lockwood, who ten years ago, in an ex perimental plant here, extracted the first radium in this country. Lock wood's telegram said: "To aid the government in prevent ing the monopoly in radium, I offer you the use of the reduction plant here free of charge for any reasonable time. The plant is fully equipped for the reduction of 30 tons of corronite ores or concen trates a month. Dr. Holmes, chief of the bureau of mines, has made personal examination of it. It was shut down in 1910, because we could not at that time obtain coronite ores in a sufficient quantity to keep it in profitable opera tion. "We also have a large quantity of radium containing sulphate residues, which contain three to four milligrams of n""nm to every 100 pounds, which are free to any one who will bear the expense of refining, and will devote the resultant radium to science." COMMERCIAL CLUB GETS ITINE&AEY OF FARM TRAIN The Southern Pacific company's farm demonstration train will arive in this city Thursday, February 5, at 7:30 p. m., and will remain until 9:30 p. m., ac cording to the itiuerart book just re ceived by the Salem Commercial club. It is more than likely that tho train will be pulled down the switch to the intersection of Trade and Commercial streets where the people will have an op portunity of viewing the practical dem onstrations and scientific instruction in dairying and hog raising. The farm on wheels will carry the fol lowing well known speakers and dem onstrators: Prof. Ralph D. Hotzel, director of ex tension service; Dr. Jas. Withycombe, derector experiment station; Prof. R. R. Graves, dairy husbandry,. Prof. E. L. Potter, animal husbandry; Prof E. B. Fitts, animal and dairy husbandry; Prof. G. R. Samson, animal husbandry; Prof. W. A. Barr, dairyman; C. E. Rob inson, herdsman. Air. Wilbur K. Newell, Mr. J. M. Dickson, Mr. Will Schulmorieh, Mr. E. Carey, Mr. Cliris Myhre. KENTON SAYS EOS BILL r WOULD GIVE LOOTERS STRIPES PNITED pnESS LEASED WIUB. Washington, Jan. 27. "Had my bill, now pending In the commerce commit tee been a law at the time the 'Frisco railroad was looted," said Senator Kenyon today, commenting on the in terstato commerce commission's roport in explanation of tho system's insolv ency, a number of men would be fac ing tho penitentiary at present, if not already wearing stripes." The senator added that ho Intended to push tho measure. It calls for r,hc approval by tho interstate eommoree commimssioncr of interstate railroad stock and bond snles, and provides prison terms for railroad officials who profit by transactions in which their roads are Involved. Tho interstate commission's report concerning tho "Frisco" gave, as among the underlying causes for the line's bankruptcy financial operations which included the acquisition of other lines through syndicates which profited more than $8,000,000, and those syndi cates, it was stated, "various officials of the 'Frisco, including B. J. Yonkum, chairman, of tho board of directors," wero subscribers, MAY SEND HER TO SCHOOL. fl'NITBO MESS LEASED WIRR.l Pcmberton, N. J., Jan. 27. Tho fam ily of Miss Delinh Bradley, who was arestcd recently in Mobile, Alnbama, with J, M. Foster, son of the million aire president of the International Cor respondence schools on white slavery charges, today thought of sending her to a reformatory. It was said that Miss Bradley had shown no Intention of abandoning Foster. Land Bargains Two acres, with 1,100 house and 100 6-year-old peach trees, one milo from court house, 2,"00. Some bargain, 10-arre suburban home on Garden Road, new house and bnru, all well im proved; SO-niiiiutes' walk to car line. Another 10-acre home, miles south of court house, nenr car line, pro ducing good income; walnuts and peaches coming Into good bearing. Hop and dairy farm as good a the best, and at pritcs and terms that can be met. C. O. RIGE With L. S. Barnes & Co. 315-316 Masonic Temple. If you have bargains to offer list with us. - BIRTHS. MUSSES. To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Musser, at Silverton, Oregon, January 24. 101 1, a nine-pound boy. DAVIS.- To Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Davis at their homo, 260 North Fifteenth street, Mon day, January 26, 1914, an eight-pound daughter. NTJBAUM. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nubaum. Monday, January 26, 1914, at the Salem hospital, a daughter.- PAINTERS, ATTENTION. Local union No. 724 of the B. o'! P., D. and P. of A. cordially invite all wall paper and print dealers, painters, con tractors and journeymen painters in the city to attend a social meeting, to be held Thursday evening, January 24, at 8 p. m. in union hall, over Pat ton's postcard hall, on State street. Come and get acquainted. Refresh ments served. DEATH NOTICES. ' MANN. News has been received here of the death of Miss Hattie Mann in Phoenix, Ariz., last Saturday. Miss Mann is well known in Salem, having been chief clerk in Recorder Elgin's office for some time, and formerly a Btudent at the Chemawa Indian Training school. She was 23 years old and leaves a fath er and mother at Chemawa, Mr. Mann being the superintendent of the black smith shop at the school. The remains will arrive at Chemawa tomorrow and funeral announcement will appear later. THE EDISON TALKING PICTURES Announcement that Thomas A. Edi son's latest mechanical rival of the stage, the Kinetophone, is now working successfully before the large audiences, has stirred the theatrical and moving picture world. It is declared by stage managers that the machine really works and is not a mere "approximation to an ideal," such as was exhibited in all parts of America not many years ago. The Kintephone is one more step in the process by which the world is becoming a better place merely to exist in. The Edison talking pictures will be seen here for a second appearance at the Grand on Thursday, Friday and Satur day, with a special Saturday matinee. Minimize scandal in the home of your neighbor and pulverize ij is your own. MONEY TO LOAN . On Good. Real Estate Security.- , THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush. Bank, Salem, Oregoa NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY BUBGHARDT b MEREDITH Resident Agents. 385 State Street Household Worry Is 99 Per Cent Wash Day Good Riddance by the Laundry Remedy. Linen, blankets, curtains ap parelall come back beautiful when we do your work. Salem Steam Laundry 136 South Liberty Street Phone 25 Dry Cleaning. Aak the Driver "s!lpwi;ssBisswijsiWP9s,f swi)ssi mtiii .. tii itui. u ifta. iLi f Special Today! 26 acres, all in bearing fruit, mod ern buildings, $18,000. 14 acres on car line, (10,000. S acres in clover, house, $1250. 30 acres, 10 cloared, Improved, $3500. 64 acres Howoll Prairie, improved, to trade for Salem property, $8600. Sevtral good buys in Prune Ranches, Hop Ranches and Berry Tracts We have cigar stores, pool rooms, gro cery stores, shoe' shop, hotel, rooming houses, blacksmith shop, restaurant. City Lots in all Parts of Salem 10 acres, close in, $2500. 7 room house three lota, $.'1000. 10-room modern house, $2300. Snap. 160 acres, well Improved, $6000. Expert Public Stenographer in attendance SEVERAL STOCK - RANCHES CHEAP. WHAT HAVE 10U TO TRADE? LIST TOUR BARGAINS WITH U3. WE SELL FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT INSUARNCE. 4. S, 6 ROOM HOUSES, INSTALL MENTS. Acme Investment Co. A. B. Cook. Manager Phone: Office, Main 477. J Opposite Court nouse. 640 State 8t EMPLOYMENT BUREAU IN CONNECTION. When to Consult an Optometrist When your eyes tire and when print blurs or becomes dim after reading; when you involuntarily frown or partly close the eyes when looking at an object; when the eyes smart, ache or water; when they gel inflamed frequently, or when there are pains in the eyeball or orbit; pains in the temple, forehead or at the base of the brain, that cannot other' wise be accounted for. ' '- Wet would be pleased to have you call and let us ex plain how such conditions can be relieved with properly fitted glasses. Miss A. McCulloch Optometrist 291 N. Com'l St. Phone 925 Hours 9 to S Ground Floor Isn't eight hours a day entirely too long for public employes even to pre tend to work! Wouldn't four hours and double pay -be about right for the patriots f NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each Insertion. FOR RENT February 1, a modern 7 room residence, two blocks from court house; rooms rent well. John H. Scott, over Chicago Store. LOST Thursday, January 22, carved white ivory pansy pin. Phone 270J; roward. NORTHWEST RUG REPRESENTA tive Carpets woven into fluffy rugs. Notify 8. A. Dobner. Phone 2480W. WANTED A first-class shoe repair man. No other need apply. Second door south Liberty theatre. Electric-vaeuum carpet sweeper for sale; bargain. Phone Main 224. FOR SALE New range, heater and other household goods. Mrs. R. A. Richmond, first house west of Com mercial on Hansen avenue, Salem ' Heights. $5.00 REWARD For lost Angora cat, blue with white throat. 555 North 24th and A. FOR SALE Young Jersey cow, fresh, heifer calf. 1135 Broadwav. SEWING MACHINES If you need a sowing machine come and get one now, as wo are going to make a cleanup sale. No reasonable offer will be refused. 640 State street. FOR SALE Dressed goats, 5c per . per pound. Call Main 1137; 1636 Mill street. FOR RENT Small, modern bungalow, North Cottage street. Phone Carey F. Martin. FOR TRADE House and seven loU for 100-acre farm or more. Phone 2495M. TYPEWRITERS Ten per cent off this woek. 11 Murphy hlock. FOR RENT Modern 3-room bungalow, permanent tenant preferred. Fred A. Mclntyre, 1705 South Commercial. Phone 1483. Homedale Straight Whiskey 4 YEARS OLD $2.95 PER GALLON WE PAY EXPRESS F. Zimmtrmait Jsf Ct. fOKTLjIHD, OKX. T 1 J Just tell your doctor you want . . to tsbe your prescriptions to ; Schaefer's drug store, and he ; ; will know it is pnt up right. MONEY TO LOAN I have a client who will make short loans on household goods and other per sonal property. John II. Scott, over Chicago store. WOOD AND COAL in any quantity... Prompt delivery onr specialty. Falls City Lumber Company. 273 North Commercial street Phone Main 81X JAPANESE LAUNDRY AND DRT CLEANING WORKS. No machinery to tear and wear out delicate fabrics Work called for and dolivered promptly. f 44S Terry Street, Phone Main 2251