Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 27, 1914, Image 2

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    EctSteial' Page of Tie Salem Capital f
OWSffll&l JAN. 27, 1914
The Capital Journal'
The Barnes -Taber Company
GRAHAM P. TABEE, Editor and Manager.
An Independent Newpaper Devoted to American Principle! and the Progress
and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
fikllibed Every Binning Except Sunday, Halm, Oregon
(Invariably In Advance)
Pally, ny Carrier, per year ...15.20 Per month.. 45c
fjally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 85c
faekljr, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 8li months, BOc
Advertising rates will be furnished on application.
'New Today" Ads, strictly cash In ad vance.
'Want" Ada, and
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects gottlng the paper
to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we
can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone
Main 82.
IP THIS COUNTRY does not turn to .Socialism iu tbo next few years it will
not bo becauso the corporations and and big capitalists are nngloeting
anything that will bring about that result. West Virginia, Colorado and
Michigan are working over time to get this result and aro mngink a splen
did Knowing. That tho law must bo uphold nt all times is a necessity, but
the fact is that it is so strenuously uphold only when somo big company is
checked in its 'efforts to grab still more of the proceeds of labor. It wi'l be
noted thnt nil tl!? so-called lalur troubles ara iu evidence in tho mining
regions. But a few years ago those mines and tho land that contained thorn
were all government property. They belonged to tho wholo people. Then for
j few dollars th?y v.eio turned over to privnte owners. In tho development
and working of these mines the companies, not satisfied with eiwrmous prof
it", have tried, and aro still trying to got still greater profits by reducing the
portion that has gone to lubor. The ronilt was tho breaking out of that old
fight between Capital and Labor.
Some poet has snid that "Virtue moots with its reward, but quicker
when it wears a sword." This might bo paraphrased to read: "In all
strikes labor fares tho worse tho other fellow owns tho purse."
In West Virginia the othor day Mother Jones, a venerable woman who has
devoted her life to bettering the conditions of lubor, and who has done this
work moved only by love of humanity, and by enmity to orgauizod grood
that would starve the millions in order to pile up vast fortunes for tho fow
was deported by state troops. She had dono nothing but advise the mon to
stand firm and to insist on the things hey demanded when the Btrike was
declared. She did not advocate anything iirlawful or teit't:ice to tho Iaws
in any way. Yet she was deported, and for no othor reason than that the
mino, owners wanted her removed. Tho state officials, always cowards when
Mammon appears on the scene and potbollicd wealth shakes its purse, readily
obeyed the commands of tboir master and sent the militia to escort this old
woman from that soction of the country. She had a right to be thore and she
lad violated no law; why then this outrage at the behest of the mine owners!
She is only a woak old woman. She has no money, but she has what corpora
tions have not a hoart. She also has a bitter tongue, and this is what tho
fatted sepulchors of American money and liberties feared. It is somothlng
for this poor old woman to be proud of that she made these great ones of
the money world, show their fear of her and of tho truths she told. Here wo
liavo a picture that may woll make u all sit up and study. On tho one sido
is an old woman, penniless out armed with truth, taken by force from the place
she duire to bo 'n, nud removed because someone elso did not want her thoro.
She was deprived of her rights as an American citizen at the behest of Wealth.
Hho had vlolatod no law. She had not wroeked a bank, or betrayed a trust.
She had not impoverished thousands in wrecking the Now Haven or some
other railroad and taking the results of the crime to herself. She had never
corrupted a legislature or debauched the voters. She had never bribed a
judge or purchased a jury. She had never cornered the country's food supply
and lovied unholy toll on the manses using hunger as her handmaid. She had
none of this world's goods, but she had a human heart, anil with it she had
a liittor and a flexiblo tongue, and clonn hands and conscience. Because b1i
mod her tongue against grood and mi ti e interests of fnir dealing sho was a;,
enemy that must bo gotten rid of and sho was, Tho corporations wild to tho
officials; "Take her away," and thny took her.
It is however, encouraging m that it shows how timid and bow weak those
great corporations are when faced by danger. How ono poor old woman nindo
them afraid of her. N
A fi w moro examples liko this nn 1 the coal mines, and others will be taken
over by tho government. It is strango tho money-blinded corporations rannut
boo this, and conceding something, put off tho dny of final settlment,
Jl'DOK ALFRKD S. DKNNUTT Monday shied his castor in tho ring and
announced himself as a candidate for tho democratic nomination for
governor. Judge Bennett snys after the criticism in tho Oregon Journal
of a re it dnte, it would be cowardly for him not to mako the nice as
tho challenge is made directly to him. The criticism to which he objects
was In a communication signed "Democrat," and which pointed out that ho
had not supported West. Tho Judgo looms to bo of the same opinion about
the governor now that ho was three years ago, and mukes no bones of it, He
did not liko West as a candidate, for tho office and says ho has seen no rea
son to change his mind. Judge llennett is ono of tho most able lawyers in
the state, of irreproachable character and has no fads. One thing in his favor
is tho geographical situation, ho coming from Kastern Oregon which has not
bin! a (.overuor siuco Moody's time, (in, I which insists that it is its turn to
bo recognized, One othor democratic candidnte, Dr. C. J, Smith used to llvo
in Knstern Oregon, but Is not a resident of Portland. Judgo Bennett is able,
upright and 1ms an unsullied reputation, Whatever may bo tho result of tho
primaries it is certain that no better man will bo uninitiated by either party.
doing in the political way that will set the mark for the state for some years.
One of the first and saddest bits of work will be to get the large number of
political corpses safely out of the way, and after that funeral, watch out for
fireworks. '
Governor West's admiration for Dr. C. J. Smith is only equaled by the
high esteem in which the doctor holds Governor West. It is a case whero
Gaston and Alpbonso are discounted.
All talk about the bridge across the Willamette here being unsafe may as
well be stopped. It ttood the winds of Sunday night without any damage
and that should guaranteo its good condition for a year or two atjeast.
According to lalo dispatches the railroads am at their old tricks down
about Klamath Tails. Recently an order was nilidfl stopping logging on Wil
liamson and Spraguo rivers. It is claimed this is In the Interests of the rail
roads. The logs can b0 delivered for 21 cents a thousand' by water, but It
costs 11.50 by rnil. Tho timber lands avo principally owned by Indians, who
are of right, propet subjects for ox ploitntloii. They should bo used to It
by this time, for they have hud 400 years of that kind of treatment from us,
hi Christian brothers. Tho citizens r thnt section aro trying to get tho
order revoked and the red brothor given a ehancit for his "white alloy."
Just how would bo a fine time for that newspaper hobo to mako another
trip through the valley and writo up Marion county Mads. Ho would bo
handicapped by tho fact that many of the roads are now entirely under
water, and therefore not visible, but ho could write just at truthfully."
Springfield, 111., Jan. 27.r-To prevent
the "riding of a free horse to death,"
Illinois' new public utilities commis
sion has found it necessary to limit the
number of complaints that may be made
to it. It was announced today that a
ruling which will define the nature of
the complaints it will receive, will be
issued in the near future. Whether it
other was to have some of the petition- wU1 takc refu8e benind 8m BVst!in
ers file charges against Phillips. The BimiIttr to that which the courts
committee believed it to be a very bad,escaPe enaie88 in1uirie9 d Plea8
precedent to remove Phillips from of. establishing a subordinate commission
fice. The men who voted for Phillips ,or tnDunal W1" ueclue tne wortn
Charges That Fisher, Sanders and
Gaines Are Ineligible Will Be In
vestigated by Committee.
Ordinance Making It Unlawful for
Those Under 18 to Buy Tobacco
Passed and Refunds Allowed.
The city council last night took ac
tion toward holding an investigation
Wednesday . of tho charges that Sund
ers, Fisher and GalnoB, police officers
recently elected, and ineligible, passed
an ordinance forbidding the salo of to
bacco in any form to minors under 18
years, adopted a report recommending
that no further action bo taken in re
gard to reconsideration of the appoint
ment of Firo Chief Peto Phillips, al
lowed sower refund claims totaling
over $17,000 and transacted much other
business in a session lasting a little
over an hour.
Minton brought up the police matter
and backed his claim that the three
new patrolmen are ineligible, becauso
of not having lived here tho entire
three years past, with an opinion of
City Attorney Page. Pago declared
that tho law was very clear on the
point. Minton asserted that one of the
men had been hore only four weeks,
ono less than six montlis and tho other
was far from mooting the residence re
quirement. The councilman wanted to
take some action to provent money be
ing paid to tho ineligible men. Ho
suggested an injunction as a possiblo
Tho mayor suggested that it bo re
ferred to tho police committee, and
Minton agreed, providing that a report
was forthcoming at the next meeting.
Von Eschen later fixed Wednesday ev
ening at 7:,10 as the time for the hear
ing, and tho council chamber as tho
Minton wanted to have the payroll,
allowed Bhortly before, reconsidered,
so that ho could registor his vote
against it, because of the amount due
tho three policemen. Thero was no
second, and Cummings suggested that
Minton would have an opportunity to
get on record before the committee was
through with Its investigation. Minton
did not liko tho idea of paying out money
to men whoso right to office wns con
sidered questioned, and suggested thnt
only thoso who favored it should be
held responsible. The mnyor Instructed
tho recorder to let tho records show
Minton opposed tho payment.
Phillips Stays as Chief.
Tho coaimittoo on firo and water re
ported ou the, petition of 207 business
and professional men, who asked that
tho appointment of W, H. rhillips as
firo chief bo reconsidered, and Mark
Savage, or some other competent man,
appointed iu his place, that a number
of tho signers had been Interviewed,
and they had offered no feasible plan
to bring about tho result they desired.
Tho committee) said two ways were
open. Ono wns to remove the present
chief by voto of tho council, and the
i . . - '
This is Guaranteed to
Stop Your Cough
Make Ihla l'amlly ftupply- of
Cough ftyruv mi llauie
anil 8v !!
had, at the lnjt meeting, declared them
selves in favor of retaining him and
the only way seemed to be to file
charges. For this reason, it was rec
ommended that the petition be placed
on file and no action taken.
Cannot Smoke or Buy Tobacco.
An ordinance passed unanimously
by the council provides that no minor
under 18 years of age can purchase to
bacco in any form, whether he has an
order from his parents or not. Tha
minor is also barred from smoking on
the streets or in any public place or
having tobneco in his possesion. For
tho first offense it is provided that the
minor shall bo admonished, and for tho
second tiino a fino of $2 to $20 shall
bo imposed.
Ecwcr Refund Claims Allowed.
Sewer refund claims totaling $17,651,
21, and including all tho claims from 1
to 159, with a few exceptions, in which
there was a question as to ownership,
wore allowed, and warrants were or
dered drawn in favor of tho parties
named. Today the recorder had ft busy
time turning tho money over to the
What was said to be the last of the
South Salem sewer warrants outstand
ing was ordered taken up last night.
The warrant was in favor of Miss Minn
nie Graves, and was for $114.67,
A resolution, introduced by Macy, re
citing that many people had. been un
able, for some reason to filo refund
claims, and it was ordered that notices
bo published in both daily newspapers,
calling on them to present thoir claims
at as early a date as possiblo.
Sewer Building Postponed.
Tho sower committee reported ad
versely on all sewer propositions peti
tioned for rocently, and under consid
eration, asserting that funds wero not
available at this time. The committee
promised to act on the petitions as soon
as funds were in Bight.
Repairs on the two-horse wagon at
the Forty street station, totaling $70
or $80 and $7 repairs on the city hall
fire engine were authorized.
A special officer to wear a star and
act without pay was authorized for Sat
urday night service at the armory.
No New Lights.
Because tho Portland Railway, Light
& Power company is now on the last
year of its lighting contract with the
city, and, therefore, cannot be required
to place street lights, the light commit
tee reported adversely on a petition for
an arc light at Columbia and North
Fourth streets.
Tito engineer a estimate ot HO per
cent of tho contract prico, $.470 for the
alley in block (1(1, was allowed.
A petition of residents of North Lib
erty and A streets for tho paving of
streets from the east lino of Coimnercinl
to tho north line of Shipping wns re
ferred to the street committee.
A petition of residents ill the vieini
tv of 21th nnd Chemeketa for a sewer
was referred to the sewer committee,
The petition of the Salem Commer
cial club to have tho state highway en
gineer examine the Center street bridge
over tho Willnmotto, and report was
acted on favorably. The matter was
left in the hands of the city attorney
and committee on bridges. Tho wisdom
of hnving an engineer not biased in any
way to perform the work was pointed
out in the communication from the
Commercial club.
The petition of Turdy & Jones, 371
North Comemrcial street, to have per
mission granted to put a substantial
roof on the building owned by the po
titionera wns referred to tht fire and
water committed
Matron Lynch Re-Elected.
Tolice Matron Lynch was unanimous'
ly re-elected, She was recommended
bv Police Chief Shcdeek and Chairman
Von Km'hen, of the police committee.
After Cummings had suggested the
iness of a petition to be received, has
not yet been determined, but this is
thought by some to be the only solution
for the problem.
There is scarcely a city in the state,
it has been discovered, that has not on
file a score or more of old-standing
squabbles with utilities companies, and
some which offer quarrels between
competing concerns. All have availed
themselves of the opportunity offered
by the now utilities law, and the com
mission today is literally deluged. Un
der the law creating the commission
'thero is no limitation on the number
or kind of petition that may be filed,
and some of tho commissioners aro not
yet sure how fnr they may go in their
restrictive rulings.
1 aU
Dayton, O., Jan. 27. "Bad boys
make bad girls," said Judge Roland V.
Baggott, of the juvenile court here to
day. "A boy can't grow up to decent
manhood on starvation wages of $5 or
a week no more than a girl can.
And there are many homeless boys in
this city and in other cities who are not
making any more than that. Boys, like
girls, get discouraged over the hopeless
struggle and enter a life of crime.
We've interested several good men in
movement to build a home where
working boys on small wages can se
cure board and lodging at a minimum
of $1.75 a week. Our plan is for fifty
men to give $100 apiece each year for
five years and build the home." Judge
Baggott, who has a roputation of "al
ways starting something" recently re
fused to send girls cited for delin
quency to the Deieware state school for
girls, stating that their chance of ref
ormation is vastly better in some good
institutional school.
Berlin, Jan. 27. Kaiser Wilhelm was
the recipient today of tho congratula-
Hons of tho world's rulers, statesmen
and diplomats on the occasion of his
55th birthday. Among the cablegrams
and telegrams which kept the telegraph
operator at the palace busy all day,
were congratulations from three Ameri
cans, Allison V, Armour, Bejamin Ido
Wheeler and Andrew Carnegie. Tho
Emperor has aged greatly in the last
year, rus nair is so mucu moro jioj
and tho last 12 months have deepen
tho furrows and lines in his face aB if
the burdens of his Jubliee year had
been unusually heavy. His eyes alone
retain their old time fire and spirit
Washington, Jan. 27. President Wil
son and membors of his cabinet wero
invited to attend tonight a testimonial
dinner to President Samtiol GomperB of
the Ainorican Federation of Labor.
AVcge(aI)e Preparation forJs
similallnSllKFuotfMilRfgula ling U te S tomaclis aiuLBowels of
Promotes Di gratlcnCheerfid
ncss and Rest.Contaltis neilter
Opiuiu.MorpliiKe norWiucral
lrntfiiil Srei"
CliuiM Sutpr
Hon , Sour Stomdvitariwa
TicS'iaife Signature of
-The Centauh Compass;
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
' of
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Denver, Jan. 27. Secretary of the
Treasury McAdoo and Secretary of Ag
riculture Houston today resumed their
hearings on the proposal to establish
one of the regional banks under the
new currency law, in Denver. Several
bankers and financiers who yesterday
urged the establishment of one of the
banks hero, were recalled today. There
were present at today's session of the
hearing, representatives from every
national bank in Colorado. The hear
ings will continue tomorrow.
Love does not always wait for pover
ty to enter the door before it flies out.
of the window.
Tho discovery and turning in an al
arm of fire makes poA'ble the heroic
work of the firemen in putting it out.
Undiscovered, a firo spreads with a-
mazing rapidity, destroying everything
within reach.
The discovery of the dandruff germ
was of inestimable value to mankind,
but only because it paved the way for
the greater service, the discovery of
Newbro's Herpicido.
Dandruff is contagious, and its spread
is checked by tho use of Horpicide.
Tins delightful scalp dressing removes
all traces of dandruff, checks the ac
cumulation of scarf skin and prevents
the hair from falling. It stops that
itching almost instantly.
Ilerpicide is the one standard and
original dandruff getm destroyer. Any
other preparation making this claim is
an imitation.
Recommended and applied by first
class barbers.
Send 10 cents in postage or silver for
sample and booklet to tho Herpicido
Co., Dept. R., Detroit, Mich.
Newbro's Herpicido in 50c and $1.0t
sizos is sold by all dealers who guaran
tee it to do all that Is claimed. If yon
ar0 not satisfied your monoy will be
If you want to take part In the hottest election ever held in the state e
that, you are registered. So soon as the primaries are over there will be things
I i
I LADD & BUSH, Bankers j;
This plan makes a pint of better
counh syrup than you could buy ready
innda for if-.'iil. A few doses usually
conquer an ordinary cough -relieve,
even wliooninif couuli ouicklv. Nimiile :
as it Is, no better remedy can be had necessity of doing something for the
Mix one pint of irrnnulatod sturar with J'00'. npt '"'! for b.v ,h 'ovint-y, the
pint of warm water, and stir for II matter was referred to the committee
minutes. Put 2 ounces of I'inex (llftvl ,,, , ... . ii i ,n t
cents' worth) in a pint bottles then on hcnl,h n', l,M''. "
add the Suirar Kvrnp. It has a pleasant , Hatch, the committee was authorised to
taste ml lasu a umiiy a long time. taV . . ,lll,. ,i! ..
t.tu atijiioifltl al-url, ntt.t tu'n rW t n
Jake a
iliren hours.
You can feel this take hold of a eoniih j
In a wav thnt means business. Has a
irond tonlo rlfirt, tuiices up the antvtitc,
and I sliuhtlv laxative, too. winch is
helpful. A handv remedy (or lioarse-m-.
spaMnndio croup, bronchitis, bron
chial axtlima nnd whooping cough.
'Die etTivt of nine on the memhiane
Is well kn nvo, I'inex is a luont v In
tention between now and Monday
night, when a report will be made. The
city has heretofore mado no provisions
for earing for the poor, Cumniings
The action of the mayor and city
recorder in allowing the circuit court
aide ctmcciil rated compound of Nnrwe- the use of the citv hall was ratified.
' pian white pine extract, and is rich In
iriialaeol mu( otlier natural nenlln
plue elements. Other preparations
nor. wora in in is rtmininntion.
This Piitet and Hucar ISvrup remedy
has often been Imitated, though never
successfully. It I now used In mor
homes than any other cotiuh remedy.
I A iiarnnlv rf alianl,, u I f aM tn. nf
' money promptly refunded. es with this unanimously pawed.
preparation. Your drtigi'lst has Pinrx,
or will get It for yon. i( not, send to Them ar S(l,500,tHK) young trees in
lh Pine Co., It Wavne, lnd. the government's foret nurseries.
Intimating that the sign ordinance,
passed a month ago, was not being en
forced, facy introduced a resolution
providing that the chief of police be
furnished with copy and instructed
' to enforce It, and the resolution waf
Don't Hesitatel A Laxative Is Neces
sary If Tongue la Coated, Breath
Bad or Stomach Sour.
Give "California Syrup of Figs" at
onre a teaspoonful today often saves
a sick child omorrow.
If your little one Is ont-of -sorts, half
sick, Isn't resting, eating and acting
naturally look, Mother! see if tongue
is coated. This is a sure sign that it's
little stomach, liver and bowels are
clogged with waste. When cross, Irri
tablo, feverish, stomach cour, breath
bad or has stomach acho, diarrhoea,
ioro throat, full of cold, give a tea
poonful of "California Syrup of Figs"
and in a fow hours all the constipated
poison, undigested food and sour bile
gently moves out of its little bowels
without griping, and you have a well,
playful child again.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
this harmless "fruit laxativo," because
it never fails to cleanse the litle one's
liver and bowels and sweeten the stom
ach and they dearly love its pleasant
taste. Full directions for babies, chil
dren of all ages and, for grown-up
irinted on each bottle.
,ewnro of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a 50-eent botle of
'California Syrup of Figs;" then see
that it Is made by the "California Fig
ymp Company." Don 't be fooled I
A woman knows her new hat isn't
becoming to her because her dearest
snemy tells her it is.
Suggestions for Salem's Slogan
Name and address of the person making the
above suggestion.
House of Half a Million Bargains
Come and see the biggest wonder la the history of Salem. We buy and
sell everything from a needle to a piece of gold. We pay the highest
cash price for everything. .Complete tinshop set tools for sale.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
233 State Street. Salem, Oregon.
rhona Maia 24
Marion Second Hand Store ;
A new store just opened. A great opportunity for Salem people. We sell ; '
r.ew goods. We buy and sell secondhand furniture, stoves, clothing,
too'a, hardware and men's furnishings. We pay highest price for
tlothing, shoes and furnishings. Com to us for bargains.
Marion Second Hand Store
412 Ferry Street, Thoae Main EI29