Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 26, 1914, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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The January CLEARANCE and WHITE SALE Is a Hummer
Everything white in our
large stock now at re
duced prices. You will
save many dollars on
other merchandise by
buying now at
Score of 29-12 Recorded In Basketball
Contest, After Willamette Gets
, First 'Half 7-6.
Intentionally Knocks Over Two Differ
ent Willamette Men, But Is Al
lowed to Play Out Game.
Willamette University's basketball
team was defeated by the Multnomah
club of Portland in a game played on
the club floor Saturday evening, the
final score being 29 to 32.
During the first half the 'varsity
boys seemed to have the sitiiat.iou un
der control, the score at the end of the
first period being 7 to 6 in favor of
The second half the clubmen seemed
to strike a new pace, and the 'varsity
was urable to keep up. The victory
was clearly due to superior speed on
the 'part of the clubmen.
Raymond McRae, former member of
Willamette's football, basketball and
baseball team, and now one of the most
popular athletes at the Multnomah club
refereed the game.
"Mae" has been
officiating at many of the intercolle- cagoans gasp when you tell them tho
giate contests in the Northwest eon- Coliseum would be' loBt in its Binglo
ferenoe this season, and is establishing drill room being built by the Uni
an enviable record. versity of Illinois here today Btands
Good sportsmanship on the part of nearly completed. Its cost iB above
Willamette allowed Darling, the big 2r0,000, aud it will accommodate more
Multnomah center to continue in the than 2,000 cadets in maneuvers.
. rt u lei :nnf:Anni1if tia tnmtiira ia iininnA in nther re-
,m " : : " . that the laws relating to labor are en-
knocked over two difforent Willamette spects than its size. It has no real B
... ... ,. m. . i i i . forced. I was elected for that pur
men after the fashion employed by walls. The roof extends four feet into i T i i.
. . .... , , , , . . i pose and if I failed to do it I would bo
prize fighters in dealing knock out the ground and rests on concrete and o offico
blows. His work throughout the even- steel bases. The building is a giant " ' . ,
... mi. t , i. 1 "There is a difference of opinion as
ing was more on the order of a prize half cylinder The whole framework I
fighter or football player than of s consist, of forty steel arches placed
nk led basket ba 1 plaver and it was ten feet apart, each 100 feet high ,
. 1 . , ' , oaa at i not aplny to pohecmon, firemen an J
, ' , ' , . I
superior skill, that several points were
annexed to the clubmen's score. The
lineup: .
Multnomah Rossman and Sharp, for
wards; Darling, center; Allen and
Toomey, guard..
Willamette Iloman and Tallman.
forwards; Carson, center; Flegel and
Rowland, guards.
Substitutes Masters for Sharp; Shis
ler for Rowland.
Baskets from the field Rossman 3,
Sharp 1, Masters 8, Darling 3, Toomey
, Human 2, Carson 1.
Baskets from three throws noman
7 out of 12 try., Sharp 0 out of 3 trys.
Masters 1 out of 3 trys.
That William Bradley, formerly of
the Cleveland Naps, had been signed to
manago the Toronto Federals is an
nounced. It is was announced also that
Rollle Zeidor of the New York High
landers signed with the Chicago Federals.
Leaders in
Attractive Prices
The quality and appearance of our clothing is such
that he who comes and investigates usually stays to
buy. There is no chance of 6ur being undersold
and our customers have the satisfaction of select
ing from an up to date stock. During this sale
one large assortment
Buy Now an
At a meeting of the board of direct
ors, of the State Sportmen's associa
tion, held at the Oregon hotel, in Port
land Saturday afternoon, it was decided
to hold the state shooting tournament
in Salem this year.
Both Eugene and Albany were after
the big tournament, but Salem was se
lected, because of the largest amount
of funds that the local representatives
promised would be available for de
fraying the expense of the tournament,
should it be held in this city.
The Interstate association is offering
$100 in cash and seven trophies for win
ners of different events in the shoot,
and, besides this, there is a prize of
$30 to the winner o.f the Interstate as
sociation event, which will go toward
paying the winner's expenses to the
grand Ainercian shoot. The state shoot
will be held some time in the latter part
of May.
The directors of the State Association
who were present at the meeting in
Portland were: II. H. Beach, Pnlem;
Jim Lcavy, Eugene; Henry Wyland,
Trontdales W. 0. Ballack, Albany; Ed
ward Bean, Eugene.
Champaign, III., Jan. 26. The big-
gest armory building in the world Chi-
, i ir mui i... Ann
ground. This building is 200 by 400
feet and has a floor space of 80,000
square feet without an obstructing in
terior pillar. This is to be supplemented
by officers and equipment rooms at
the sides.
That the building has not been plan
ned on too large a scale is shown by
the fact that the university squad al
ready consists of 1,700 cadets.
The immense armory has attracted
mucn auonuon iron. uur, urn.. , hav9 t(
The Minnesota and Ohio state umvorsi-1 comrt then)
ties have sent delegates to Inspect it.j Ar U portUn(, M(j g,.
and other, have sent inqu r.c. about t.',fim w,u b(j nnt prJiy by
plans. Jl I. reponru mat uw jv."""
Regiment of New York City will have
a larger armory, plans for which have
not yet been drawn.
Somebody has invented s new dance
called the Swiss movement. It will
probabry bear watching." Chicago
Record Herald.
Style and
cfSave Money
Decision of Supreme Court in Eight
Hour Case Will Involve Clerks,
Stenographers and Others.
Says Threats That He Is Jeopardizing
His Chance of Re-Election Have No
Effect oo Him.
"All employes of the state, with the
exception of heads of departments, will
bo affected by the decision of the su
prome court in the case involving the
eight-hour law against the state board
of control," declared Labor Commis
sioner Hoff today. "The impression
prevails that the case only .'elates to
employes of state institutions, but that
is i mistake, and if the court sustains
my contentions, clerks, stenographers,
etc, in all stuto departments from that
of the governor down will work only
eight hours daily, or 48 hours weekly.
Mr. Hoff construes the opinion of th-j
supreme court in tlio case in which
farm hands and engineers at the state
insane asylum were the complainants
as covering all employes of (he state.
However, another case was ',nstitutod
in order that there may be no doubt
about it.
Flans to Enforce Laws.
"Certain persons have criticised mo
for my action in this and the case re
lating to the policemen and firemen in
Portland," continued Mr. Hoff. "I
havo evou been told that I was jeopard
izing my chances for re election. Such
threats have no effect on me. It is my
business as labor commissioner to see
employes of the state, that is what I
1 ' ' . .
want to knew. But it is certainly my
duty to find out what the law means.
Has Little Use for Crooks.
"I have little us9 or persons who
tell me to wink at the law, to romain
psrsive and let things go along as they
have. I would be crooked if I did this,
and I consider surh suggestions insults.
It is my duty also to have the laws
interpreted and if it is found that some
of the laws are bad laws, the legislature
the supreme court and a decision is ex
pected in about two weeks after that.
If Mr. Hoff should win his point that
the law apnlies to all state employes,
excepting heads. of the departments, it
would be necessary to create deficien
cies of several hundred thousands of
dollars to conduct the state government.
John Lytle, in Nebraska Jail, Believed
to Be Slayer of Portland Tot Near
ly Three Years Ago.
Description of Man Tallies With That
of Man Hunted by Police Fruit
lessly for Years.
Portland, Ore., Jan. 26. In John Lyt
le, under arest in Grand Island, Neb.,
for criminal assault upon a youcg girl,
which he has confessed, Detective Ser
geants Day and Hyde believe that they
at last caught the murderer of five-year
old Barbara Holzman and cleared up
a mystery which has baffled the police
since March, 1911.
Mrs. Bertha Nelson, proprietor of
the rooming house at 107 Russell street,
where the Holzman girl was murdered,
when she saw the picture of Lytle last
night partially identified him. She said
that he looked much like the man who
rented from her March 14, 1911, the
room in which the mutilated body of
the girl was later found.
Immediately following the discovery
of the crime in 1911, the police issued
circulars 'which were sent to all cities
or the Western Hemisphere. It was
in answer to this circular that Gustav
SievorB, sheriff of llall county, Neb.,
wrote concerning Lytle, who is in jail
Lynching Is Averted.
Lytle was the central figure of a
near-lynching in Grand Island, when, on
September 23, 1913, he attempted fo
assault an eight-year-old girl. Her
cries aroused neighbors, and they sur
rounded the place of the as mult, but
he managed to escape. He was caugh;
the next day. A mob quickly formed,
and an attempt was made to lynch him,
but the efforts of the police restrained
the mob.
Both John Lytle and his brother,
Ueorgo, were in and about Portland at
the time of the Holzman murder. John
admitted to the Grand Island officers
that he and his brother wore engaged
in bricklaying in Oregon City in March,
1911, whon the murder occured, and
John admitted that he knew some de
tails of the murder. Both have been
convicted of criminal attack before, ac
cording to information sent by th-3
Grand Island officers.
The bost information received by Day
and Hyde, next to Mrs.' Nelson's iden
tification, is the description of Lytle
furnished by the Grand Island author
ties and the closeness with which it
parallels the description given by Mrs.
iNelson of her lodger. '
Mrs. Nolson said that her lodger was
50 years old, six feet tall, with an ema
ciated face, and a noutral colored mus
tache. The description of Lytle from
Grand Island is: "John Albert Lytle,
alius John Agard, and other names,
aged 51 years; height, 5 feet ll'j
nehes; weight, 170 pounds; hair, brown
with sandy tint and mixed with gray;
eyes, brownish gray; a short stubby,
sandy brown mustache, mixed with
gray; wears a No. 7 hat and No. 10
shoes; is stoop-shouldered. Is by occu
pation a bricklayer and ronmiiig-houso
keeper. He has been mnricd twice.
His first wife is dead and he separated
from his second wifo three years ago."
f.ytle's brother linn a record and is
known as Nebraska Hurry, nliiiB Iowa
Black io.
Prisoners Ordered Held.
Sorgoant Day telegraphed Grand Is
land ofificrs yesterday to hold Lytle for
further investigation.
Tho Holzmnn murder was one of the
most atrocious in tho Instorv of the
Portland police dopartmciit. The little
girl, who was sent to a butcher shop
for some meat, was decoyed Into tho
rooming houso, at 107 Russell -street,
maintained by Mer. Nelson, and wan
there maltreated and suffocated. Her
body waj discovered next day, whei.
Mrs, Nelson wont to "make ip" the
reon), and found what she first thought
was s doll in the bed. Tho room, No,
10, was rented by a man early in the
morning of March 14, and about 1
o'clock in the afternoon of the aamo
day rs. Nelson from her kitchen heard
him enter hi. room and drop a heavy
body on the floor, Thinking it was
probably a kit of tools, sho paid no at
tention to it. The man had hired the
room for one night.
Clairvoyance, mysterious "tips" and
much information of various kind, bar
been secured since the crime, the latest
alleged clew coming Thursday when
Olaf Johnson was arcsted by two Ju
venile Court officers, bullied by the d
vice of a Spokane medium, and John
son's continual talk of revolting crimes.
Thcro Is hardly an American woman
nowadays who ran keep pace with the
demands made, upon her time and ener
gy without paying the penalty of ill
health. It may be that dreadful back
ache, dragging pains, head ache., nerv
ousness or the tortures of a displace
ment. It is the price she pay.. To wo
men in this condition Lydia l'l. Pink
ham's Vegetable Comgouud comes as a
boon and s binning. A simple remedy
mads from the roots and herbs which
I brings glorious health to suffering wo-men.
Thome of Albania Went Begging For
Long Time as no One Wanted to
Face Fierce Natives.
Albanian Girl Does not See Husband
Until Day of Wedding and Bride
groom Fays Father.
(Berlin Correspondent of tin United
.Berlin, Jan. 21. From simple Lieu
tenant in the Kaiser's Guard at Pots
dam to King of Albania, Is the jump
that Prince Wilholm of Wied will make
late this month. It is the third rulor
that Germany will furnish the trouble
some Balkans. Germans soon will gov
ern the greater part of the Balkan coun
try. Slowly but Burely the Kaiser's
influence in the form of a chain of
German rulers, is extending from Ber
lin to Constantinople.
At Bucharest is King Earl of Rou-
mania. He is a Hohenzollern Prince of
a branch of the Kaiser's house. His
Queen Carmen Sylva was Princess of
Wied. At Sofia is Czar Ferdinand of
Bulgaria, a German Prince from the
house of Coburg. His wife is Queen
Elonore, a Princess of the German prin
cipality of Reuss. The Queen of Greece
is a sister to the Kaiser. And, now
Albania, the new nation born out of
tho throes of the Balkan wars, is to be
given to Prince Wilholm of Wied. That
leaves but two Balkan thrones not oc
cupied by Germans, Scrvia and Monte-
neirro. At Constantinople one of the
Kaiser's generals, General Liman von
Sander, at the head of a group of Gor
man officers, is reorganizing the Turk
ish army.
People Not Consulted.
The Albanian people had nothing to
Bay about being made into a nation and
still less as to who shall be their rulor.
The "Powers," whom the Greek Pre
mier during the war sarcastically re
ferred to as "real respectable old
ladies," "made" Albania into a nation
and selocted the man who shall Bit on
the newly created throne. At the start
his titlo will merely be the Prince of
Albania but there is nothing to hinder
him from promoting himself to King
in namo, which he will be in fact. Ni-
kitn of Montenegro changed his name
from Princo to King one day and has
been King ever since. Karl ol Hohen
zollern went to Bucharest as Prince of
Romania and did such a good job in
governing the country that the Rou
manians had no objection to his promo
tion as King.
No one envies Prince Wilholm Mb
new job. The throne went begging for
a long timo. No one seemed to have
the nerve to tackle the task of govern
ing the fierce Albanians. After con
sulting the Kaiser, Franz Joseph of
Austria, King Karl and Carmen Sylva
at Bucharest and Ferdinand at Sofia
and receiving assurances that they
'would send a rescue expedition if he
"got in bad" with the Albanians
Prince Wilhelm decided ho would take
the chance on being King. Albania 1b
the most backward, uncivilized country
in Europe; its people tho fiercest. It
is the home of "blood fouds, " tho
Paradise of Tuberculosis and tho Holl
of women. Law with the Albnninn
tribes is written In blood. Blood is
law. Albania is the original Kentucky
Its luw is "a jaw full of teeth for a
tooth" nnd "two eves for an eye,
Mnny of the houses of tho bettor
classes are strong and well built. They
must bo as they often must be turnod
into forts. Sanitation and hygiene oven
of the most elementary form aro un
known. This, together with the habitu
al excesses in the use of alcohol, cof
fee and nicotine cnuses tho whito plague
to rugo among the people. Sixty per
cent of tho denths aro said to bo from
Women Brutally Treated.
Prnico Wilhelm will govern a country
where women are considered little more
than beasts of bunion. They aro treat
ed like slaves. The life of an AlbanLan
girl is inexpressibly sad. Until she Is
married she rarely sees even her near
est relatives, Sho merely works, Asldo
twm the houso and field duties, her
principal occupation is embroidering on
silk ami cotton, During those years she
not only makes her trousseau, but also
the clothes fur the expected children
and her "death rolio. " All theso, as
established by century old customs sho
must have. Her fato is decided by her
father and by him only. Ho picks out
her husband whom she does not see
until the day of the wedding. Instead
of a dowry being given with tho bride,
the bridegroom "compensates" the
father for the loss of so valuable a
worker in his houso. dually tho bride
groom pays from $10 to $40 for his
When the father notifies bis daughter
that he has selected a buslnd for her,
custom demands that she must "take
on" as if she were about to go to her
death. No matter how happy she may
'cl at tho thought of leaving tho pris
on like home, sho must rry, weep, moan
and give all possible expression of lit
tor despair, when the bridal eoa"h In
the form of a lumbering old wagon
drawn by oxen, creaks before the
bride's door. Ones in the church It
Every man has his limitations. Some are ca
pable of earning more than otherssome are the
favorites of circumstance.
It is within the power of every man to be inde
pendent if he so desires. And the way is not
hard systematiclly saving a part of his income.
The man who does that gets greater satisfac
tion out of life than the man who inherits.
We welcome everyone open a savings
account with one dollar or mortv,
Four per cent Interest, compounded
would be a serious offense against good
breeding, did she say, ""Yes" before
tho Priest had asked her at least three
times for this word. After the wedding
the bride is taken to the bridegroom's
homo. The latter "refuses" to go
homo. Simulating the greatest objec
tion and struggling fiercely, he is drag
ged and carried to his bride by his rel
atives. When the young wife is about to be
come a mother, her relatives place her
death robe in her room where she may
see it. When the death of the last mem
ber of the family occurs, the hearth
and fire place in the principal room in
the house is destroyed and a thorn
bush placed there; ono window closed
with masonry, the fruit trees in the
garden cut down and all tho flowers
around tho house torn out by roots.
Prince Wilholm will have his hands
full to civilize the Albanians.
At the home of her daughter, Mrs.
John Yodcr, near Salem, January 24,
1914, Mrs. E. H. Hancock, aged 60
The funeral was held from the Hayes
villo Baptist church today at 2 o'clock
p. m. and tho interment took plaeo
in the Uayosvillo cemetery. Rev. 8. B.
Lawrenco officiated.
At her home in Orosville, California,
Thursday, January 22, 1914, Mrs. Lor
otto Tetroux.
The deceased leaves a husband and
tli r on sinters in Sulcm,
The romains arrived in Salem this
morning and were taken to the home of
'tho deceased, Mrs. Lena Townsend, at
1100 South Fourteenth street. Funeral
servii.es were held In the United Breth
ren church today at 2 o'clock. Rov.
'II. B, Dorks, officiating. Interment will
bo in tho City View cemetery.
At a local hospital, January 21
Frank Duprcy, aged 09 years.
Ho leaves a daughter and son and a
stepson, Prosper Hirdcno, who lives near
this city. Tho interment took placo to
day, in tho Cntholic cemetery, near
Brooks, Oregon.
At a local hospital, January 24, 1914,
Ilenjamin Luddiiigton, aged 25,
The remains are nt tho Cottago un
dertaking parlors, where they will be
prepared to be sent to Douglas county.
At tho Willamette sanatorium, Salem,
Oregon, January 14, 1914, Claude N.
Oerrlg, aged 27 year.,
The funeral we. held today at 11:45
a. mi. from tho Mennonnlte church at
l'ratuin, Hev. Mr. liaunigartner offi
ciated and tho interment took place in
the Mcnnoiilto cemetery near l'ratuin.
Real Estate Bargains
Small Tracts
Vscant Lots.
Writs Insurance
Money to Loan.
Houses for Rent
Bechtel & Bynon
147 Stats Street.
It is almost certain that when the
city dads congregate it the council
chambers this evening they will take
an inventory of the police department
and discuss some plans for laying off
a few of the cops and trying a few
new samples. Wilbur Gaines, the newly
appointed officer is at a loss to know
why Councilman Miuton is so anxious
to put him off tho force and declares
that Councilman Jones Is another one
who is using a little Insignificant knif )
on him.
It is current rumor today that both ,
Gaines and Sanders will feel the bite
of the faction which is opposing their
npointmcnts on tho grounds that neither
have been residents here continuously
for three years. It is also said that
in the event these two policemen srs
attacked on these grounds, Officer
Fisher, the third new man appointed,
will be compelled to resign for the
same reason. Friends of Gaines and
Sanders declare that Fishor has sot
maintained his residence in this city
having been east of tho mountains for
over a year, accompanied by his wife.
San Francisco, Jan. 20. Rabbi Jacob
Niuto, addressing tho Congregation
Mherith isrncl yesterday, warmly com
mended tho tango aud kindred dunces
and roundly scored those who "ondemu
ed them, t
"Tho old pndres in the early days of
tho California missions woro very wiso
men," suid tho rabbi. "Every Sunday
afternoon they let tho peoplo dance
nnd watched them whllo they did so.
In the .Midle Ages thn Jewish rabbis
had tho young peoplo dance every Sat
urday in tho presence of the parents
and all enjoyed it.
"What wo need is more common
reuse and less theology.
" In the temples of India yesterday
young women daiico entirely nude. No
budy thinks anything about iti No
vlcloiisness should bo connected with
"Tho tango, danced by cultured per
sons, Is beautifully pleasing; by the
awkward, it appears vulgar. You can
take a religious ceremony and make it
a farce."
(Continued from page one.)
establishment of the weather bureau.
The normal precipitation for the month
Is 0.78.
Rescued From Homes.
Pomona, Cal., Jan. 2(1. A score of
families In Pomona were rescued by
wagons today from tho waters which
flooded their homes, following tho 12
hour rainfall of last night. Railroad
communication between Pomona and
the outside world I completely cut off,
a doten washout being reported by the
roads. Between throe and four inches
of rain foil Sunday and last night, and
Immense damage was dono to the or.
ange crop, Several thousand orange
trees were washed out Part of the city
of San Bernardino is tinder water.
li-NiTti) ran.! i.sAB.n wins.)
Washington, Jan. 20, House lenders
today figured it would be about five
weeks before the house would pass the
Alaska railroad bill and send the meas
ure to the president for his signature.
The bill la pending only on Wednesday.
General debate will be concluded on
February 4. Reading the measure for
irirndmnt will then be begun.