Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 26, 1914, Image 2

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em Capital Jotuma!
JAN. 26, 1914
T 1 . a?f
I Jr
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manager.
An Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the Progress
and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
Futliihed Krerr UvenlDg Except Buneay, Halem, Oregon
(Invariably In Advance)
Dallf, nr Carrier, per J sir ...5.20 Per month. .48
Ball, bj Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c
Weekly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Bli month). 50c
, Advertising rate will be furnished on application.
'New Today" Ada. strictly cash in ad ranee.
"Want" Ads. and
The Capital Journal carrier boys are Instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper
to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we
can determine whether or not the carriers are following Instructions. Fhone
Main 82.
A FEW of the local niorehanU seemed to think the editorials in the Capi
tal Journal concerning paper-soled shoes and other adultorations, were
aimed at the retailers. As a matter of fact, the editorials in question
stated that "the crime, and it is a crime lays with not the retailer or
the wholesaler, but with the manufacturer." As a matter of fact the
retailer is more interested in having goods branded by tho manufacturer just
whot thoy aro, than any other person, for he is the one who comes in direct
touch with the consumor, and if thore is any fault to bp found with the goods,
no matter what they are whether shoes or sugar, he is the one who gets the
blame, though ho is no more to blame than is tho customer, for ho too, has
beon deceived.
The Salem morchants, and merchants generally, are honest square dealing
meu. They have a prido in their business and try to maintain it at a high
standard, making their storo a place where the public may trado relying on
fair, square treatment, and when somo dishonest manuafcturor deceives
thorn and through them thoir customers, ho has committed a crime against
W9 spoke of a pair of shoes bought by us as being of the paper soled kind,
but we did not blame, and do not blame, the dealer from whom we bought
them, for the reason that wo think ho was as badly deceived by some dis
honest manufacturer, as were wo. Nowhere is a coso in point: Suppose we
believed the dealer had deliberately deceived us iu regard to that especial
pair of Bhoes, would we go to the same dealer for anothor pair which wo
must purchase to replace thorn t Well, hardly.
There are many, howevor, who would not look at it as wo do, and place
the blame where it belongs, on tho manufacturer; but would blanio the doalor
and he would loso a customer for something he knew nothing about. Tho re
tailer is tho person who aliov0 all others is interested in puro food laws,
under which Is included adulteration of ull kiuds.
We can add that tho newsupors have moro trouble over "dishonest
goods" than any other trado or occupation. A newspaper's Btock iu trado
is its news, and no one, unless he has been in the business, has any idea of tho
"Bhoddy" news stories handed a newspaper as "straight goods." IIo is like
tho retailer in other lines, for he runs up against tho "dishonest manufactur
er," who rings in a Btory on him that has a fair exterior calculated to doceive,
but full of all kinds of adulterated truth.
The newspapers arp up ngainst it hard in this way, for their dear contem
poraries take especial delight iu pointing out the fact that tho story is not
all-wool but principally "shoddy, sand, chalk, cottousced oil" or somo other
dishonest substitute. The retailer wants to sell honest goods, and ho wants
to bo protected In this laudablo desire by having the criminals who for their
own gaiu rob him and tho consumer too, punished as they deserve. The news
paper is in tho same boat.
The food law 1b for the benefit of all except tho dishonest manufacturer,
and wo should all stand togothor iu seeing that that individual gets all that is
coming to him.
The use of wood alcohol to which we called attention, and by the use of
which hundreds are made blind yearly by tho substitution of the wood alco
hol for true alcohol, becauso tho mnuufueturero can by it add a few dollars
to his profits, is an oxamplo of the lengths to which tho manufacturer will
go in deceiving and robbing tho public. Ho 1b willing to place upou others
tho appalling affliction of bliuduess to add to his owu bank account. Is it
not lime that wo all stand together and demand that all adulerated goods bo
bo marked, bo tho retailer ond tho consumer con know just whnt they aro
buying! We think it is and for that reason tho other editoriuls, of which
this iB a sequel, were written.
THE SHOWING made by tho Corvallis cannery for the year 1013 is iu
deed remarkable. From tho Corvallis Gu.ctte wo learn that tho report
just filed by the manager, George II. Tinker, shows tho compnry with a
capital of only U0, did a business of J.Vi.OOO during tho year. Last
year, or rather in 1P12, tho business was f 1:1,000 and next year it Is expected
it will go well abovo tho $100,000 mark. The, Gazette presents a detailed
statement of the cannery's work, and it is one that Is, well worth studying.
For this reasou we reprint hero a largo portion of it, calling especial attention
to the statement about prices received by the growers from apples shipped
an dsold by commission houses, in which the returns were only 112.4 conts a
box gross, and less than nothing net, while this year thu shipments made
through tho canuery brought 11.20 por box gross and 03 cents net to tho
Here are a few facts as stated In Manager Tinker's report:
"The cannery shipped thrlty-oight cars of canned goods, three ears of
apples fresh, two cars viuegnr apples, three ears of potatoes. Tho number of
ears of products, box shoolB, empty enns and wood received at tho cannory
totals OS. And the total cars of everything shipped from tho cannery, includ
ing canned goods, empty crates and boxes relumed to growers, cau crates
returned to company, etc., reached HI, or a total business for the railroad of
HO cars, plus some less thau c.uload shipments.
"It is Interesting to note that beans comprised tho Inrgest receipts at tho
cannery, except apples. The beans show 11M,207 pounds; apples, 1HH.077.
Then follow loganberries,, l.U.IIOtl pounds; Ilnrllett pear, 111,522; strawber
ries, 8 1 ,12 1 ; pumpklna and squash, fl.1,:i;.; Italian prunes, 01,404; gooseberries,
.10,980, and so on down through blackberries, plums, callage, tomntooa, cher
ries, raspberries and rhubarb to 3S1 pounds of currauts. Tho total receipts
wore 1,0:18,007 pounds. Most of the product sold at good prices, and some of
It at exceptional prices. Considering that the cannery wn not known to job
bers, and that the pack had to enter into competition with the best in tho
country, the recognition of Corvallis goods was far beyond any reasonable
"While the canned pack sold properly, it is also true that the fresh fruit
was marketed to such distinct advantage that there can be little doubt of tho
value of tho cooperative method over the commission plan. The average
gross price received for fresh apples In Hi 13 was )1.20 per box, or 03 cents
LAPP & BUSH, Bankers
roan Eoxr. Tauvcuai ckbcxs.
net. Much finor fruit shipped last year and sold threugh the commission con
cerns brought an average gross price of but 32.4 cents per box, and Manager
Tinker says 'the average net price was less than nothing, for we paid 10
cents a box to have the apples given away.'
"The growers got $70 a ton for No. I loganberries, $70 for No. 1 cherries,
$30 for No. 1 pears, $5 for squash, $50 for No. 1 gooseberries. These are
prices fully up to the average elsewhere, and in some instances considerably
The showing made by th3 Corvallis Cannery is one that is repeated by
the cunnerics all over the valley, though mot of them had a much larger cap
ital. The above Bhowing is well worth considering by all farmers, for the can
nery gives promise of doing more to settle the matter of giving the grower
the fullest value for bis products, than anything else so far tried. In union
is strength, and in co-operation, safety.
Some of the admirers of Jim Hill continue to speak of him as tho "Em
pire Buildor." Perhaps he is, but when he was doing all in his power to
stop tho construction of tho North Coast railroad that opened up, or was
planned to open a vast and rich territory, was he building empires or try
ing to provent that work 7 It seems Mr. Hill is against emprie building unless
he is the builder and owns the empire after it is launched. He declared
recently that "the high cost of living is what makes it hard for us to make
both ends meet." This Bhows extreme erudition and profound thought on
tho part of the "empire builder," and a thorough research into the mys
teries of the matter. However, if we cannot make both ends meet, we can
make one potatoes, and that will reduce the cost some.
President Wilson has so far managed things so the whole people, regard
less of politics, have been behind him solidly. His last move though,, indi
cates that he is letting up on the trusts. It is sincerely hoped this is not
his intention,, as the matter haB to be settled sometime and the quicker the
hotter. It might as well bo fought to a fiinsh right now. The people are in
a mood for it and will back the president in cleaning out the whole bunch,
and they will not be satisfied with anything less, than that.
Portland is evidently trying to for. e the governor to call a special session
of the legislature, or if not Portland, then the Emergency board is. It is
using the unemployed as the club. It will not work, for under the constitu
tion tho legislature cannot be convened iu less thau a mouth, and by that
time the worst of the trouble will be over. If a special session is called it
will be whon some more cogent reason than has yet been presented is found.
Pine Island, Minn., Jan. 20. The
church-owned and church-operated mov
ing picture theatre here today was pro
nounced a financial success by the Bcv.
C. E. Mend, who originated the idea of
having the church conduct a moving
picture thentre for the betterment of
the community. Tho First Methodist
church, which iB backing tho new move
ment, will devote tho profits of the
theatre to its own mission work. The
younger men of tho church take turns
at crnnking the picture machine and
ushering. It is tbe most popular meet
ing pluco in town.
Denver, Jan. 26, Secretary of the
Treasury McAdoo and Secretary of Ag
riculture Houston, composing tho com
mittee on organization under the new
currency lnw, reached Denver today,
but transacted no business.
Tho first hearing before the commit
tee will bo held at 10 o'clock tomor
row, at which time the presentations
and arguments in support of Denvcr'B
contention as a location for' one of tho
regional reserve banks will be begun.
Utah and New Mexico will be repre
sented before the committee in Denver
San Francisco, Jan. 26. The Smith
sonian Institution at Washington ac
cepted by telegraph yesterday an offer
of Lincoln Boachey to demonstrate the
posisbility of successful flight in the
"flying machine" invented and built
by Professor Samuel P. Langloy. Deri
sion was excited when Langley's ma
chine fell into the Potomac river and
he was said to have broken his arm.
Beachey will try to show that the ma
chino was right in every way, and
needed only a stronger motor. '
A telegram received yesterday from
Charles Doolittlo Wyatt, director of
tho Smithsonian Institution, said that,
while it would bo inadvisable to tnke
out the wrecked machine from its place
in the institution, every facility would
be offorded to make a perfect reproduc
tion, in order that Langley's real suc
cess may be shown.
"You can fly a kitchen table if your
motor is strong enough," said Beachey.
Beachey looped his 67th loop in 60
days here yesterday in a high wind.
Our Window
! .7
Tells the tale of how we are now selling goods during
Our Cleanup Sale. You cannot afford to pass the bar
gains up that the big Chicago Store is now offering.
This little advertisement is only a reminder of what we
are doing at Salem's greatest bargain giver, the Chicago Store.
1 I
Up to $12.50, $18.50
$20.00 and $25.00
7 Now Must Co Re
gardless or L.ost.
AllNew Styles.
Cleanup Prices
$3.90, $5.90,
$7.90, $9.90,
$10.90 and
Up to $4.50, $5.90
and $7.50.
All new styles.
Cleanup Prices
While they last
$1.98 $2.98
and $3.90
Dress Goods and Silks
Now Specially Priced. Thousands of
yards now going at Cleanup Prices.
No such values elsewhere in Salem.
Yard 19c, 25c 35c, 49c and Up
20,000 yards of Wash fabrics marked out on our counters
at prices that surprise everybody. Calicoes 3 1 -2c a yard.
Outing Flannels, Percales and Muslins are all reduced.
4 Pair
for 25c
m" i sat," is!, -mx. : , . ."V aoit
IM..I.I.H n m. .ii.i .1,1 i. , , i i I, mil i,. Mn,
-f! if-?
coats now
Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 26. The city
clerk, Charles A. Hasson, has been in
structed by tho Boerctary of state to
send typewritten rosters of all voters
in the corporate limits of Vancouver,
with their postoffiee addresses, and
where they live. This is so that tho
secretary will hnvo tho names of oil
voters In this office to check up the
petition to bo filed,-asking for an elec
tion for stnte-wido prohibition. There
were 3770 voters in the city at the
last general election.
Paris, Jan. 26. Tho long continued
cold, especially in the central districts
of France, is bringing numbers of
wolves, frantic with hunger, out of the
woods. A littlo girl at La Coquillo,
near Perlgueui, was devoured by tho
animals, tho searching party finding
only ft torn plnaforo and a few bones.
Hunting parties aro being organised
The temperature In Paris has shown
ft slight improvements in the last day
or two.
Paris, Jan. 24. Raymond Magniei,
twelve years of ago, Is today the most
studied prisoner in France. lie begnn
serving today a long sentence for at
tempting to murder an old woman by
cutting her throat with jagged edged
rasor. When he was arrested he told
the gendarme, "IVofj the worst can
happen to me is to be placed in a re
formatory until I am twenty. Then I'll
become a soldier for three years. After
that they'll fre me. I have no home
now, so whv should T worry."
11,000,000 FOE FAPF.R,
tl'NITID r-BKSS lJUSSD wias.
Washington, Jan. 26. Bids for more
than 1,000,000 worth of paHr for the
government printing office were opened
today by tho joint committee on print
nmTD rasas LaiaiD wiaa
Bnn Francisco, Jan, 26. Mrs, Clara
U, Stanford has sued Jerome H. Stan
ford, nephew of the late Iicland Stan
ford, for divorce, charging uon support.
It Has Been Done So Scores of Salem
Cltzens Say.
To get rid of an aching back,
Tho sharp twinges,
The tired-out feelings,
Yno must reach the spot get at the
In many enses 'tis the kidneys.
Donn's Kidney Tills are for wenk
Snlem citizens testify.
Mrs. George Stotler, 1700 Mission
street, Pnlem, Or., snys: "I have given
Donn 's Kidney Pills a thorough trial,
having used them off and on during the
past five years and I do not hesitate
to say that they are the best kidney
medicine to bo hnd. I had attacks of
Sidney complaint and my back got
lnnie and sore. Since first using
Pnnn's Kidney Tills, I have always had
something that will help my kidneys
and rid me of kidney ailments in a
short time."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Donn's Kidney Tills tho same that
Mis. 8totler had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Props., Buffnlo, N. Y.
St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 26. At a meet
ing of the Citizens Nonpartisan Leaguo
here today, a score of club women en
tero denthnsiaatically into plans for
stumping tho city in the municipal
campaign next June. Although women
have net been tendered the vote in this
state, they are taking a keen interest
in St. Paul's new charter which went
into effect January 1. The women havo
been busy for months making a close
study of the various provisions of the
charter and all expect to take the stump
for various candidates, pass out liter
ature and help in other ways.
County Clerk Gedlhar's synopsis of
the Btate election laws covering both
tho primaries in May and the general
election in November is of interest. In
regard to candidates' petitions the old
precincts are still in offect, the law re
quiring that tho registration of the last
general election shall prevail. The
synopsis follows:
January 5 Opening of the registra
tion. May 1 Last day to register for pri
marv election. s
April 15 Last day to file petitions
for nominations for county and district
' offices.
May 15 Primary cloetion (polls open
from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.)
' May 30 Last day for candidates to
file statement of expenses. All candi
dates must file thoir declarations before
circulating their petitions, and all can
didates elected must filo their accept
ance with certificate of nomination.
i General Election.
I May 20 Opening of registration
September 25 Last day to file cer
tificate of nomination by political party
or assembly for couuty and district,
and precinct.
October fl Last day to file certificate
of nomination by individual electors for
county, district and precinct.
October 5 Last day to filo petition
for local option election.
October 18 Last day to register.
November 3 General election (Polls
open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.)
November IS Last day for candi
dates to file statement of expenditures.
All candidates must file thoir accept
ance with certificate of nomination.
(onitid raaaa uusib wui
Cleveland, O., Jan. 26. Close to 300
members of the Cleveland Chamber of
Commerce and Manufacturers and
'Wholesale Merchants Hoard left here
today on their annual trade extension
excursion through the South. They will
visit over a score of cities returning
home January 31.
I The Fullet They say the ostrich can
run faster than any other bird.
I The Turkey Mebby so. But, any
how, I hold the trotting record. Chi
cago News,
Washington, Jan. 20. The proposal
of Senator Smoot to limit government
railroad building iu Alaska to one main
line with a single branch not exceed
ing 30 miles long was voted down 35
Leam the
secret in
every cup of
(Correspondent of London Times.)
Aloxico in one respect resombles
France before the revolution. Almost
all the land is held by rich men who
manage to escape taxes. The peons
(peasants) have in many parts been
deprived of their holdings, either by
fraud or by being loaded with chains of
debt Here is nn example of the tricks
played upon the unlettered Indian: An
edict was issued that land in certain
parts must be registered by a certain
date. Many Indians were kept in ig
norance of that order. Unregistered
land was put up for sale and in Boms
cases bought at ridiculously low prices.
Protesting, but unable to resist the in
justic, the wretched owners were dis
possessed. Nor was that all. After
losing their property they often be
came slaves. Thousands of peasants
are in bondage to their employers, the
great " haciendados. " They are obliged
to buy at the "hacienda" store. Credit
is easy. In time the employers have
sn account against them which they
can never hope to. pay, or else borrow
in order to be married. Church fees
are heavy, but the Mexican peasant
generally feels "more married" if the
knot is tied by a priest and the women
are good Cetholics. Or it may be that
funds are wanted for a funeral and
"wake." Somehow or other the
thoughtless peon gives his employer a
hold over him. His mortgaged land is
taken and so long as he owes money bo
cannot go away.
The condition of these peons is prac
tically that of slaves. Yet slavery is
a word which sounds worse than the
condition for which it stands. They
usually cultivate their patches on a
profit sharing basis. Half goes to the
owner, half to them. Or else the peas
ant is given a patch to cultivate on his
master's land. The owners put under
tillage only a very small part of their
enormous properties, which In some
esses, as in that of the Terrar.as fami
ly in Chihuahua, extends over hundreds
of miles.
I have Been Mexican cotton fields
which gave onbale of cotton for three
or four acres. If land wore kopt clean
and water brought to it from a river
nearby, the yield might be at least don
bio. Most Mexicans still use the same
I kind of plow that Abrham plowed with,
j With Buch a climate and such a soil
I they could grow anything. Yot they
. often have to import quantities of
."frijoles," the beans which, with
maize "tortillas," form tho staple of
their diet. The peasant's waut9 are
few. He seldom tastes meat. Coffee
is his usual drink. A cignrotto is often
preferred to food when ho is hungry.
All thnt ho needs is a few acres, with
horse, mule or donkey; perhaps a pig
or a few goats. It was by promising
these to all thnt Madero won bis popu
larity. It was for failing to redeem
his rash promise thnt he lost it.
All Patent
or medicines
advertised in
this paper are
for sale at
Drug Store
The only cash drug store in Oregon,,
owes no one, and no one owes it; car
ries large stock; its shelves, counters
and show cases are loaded with drugs,
medicines, notions, toilet articles,
wines and liquors of all kinds for me
dicinal purposes. Dr. 8tone is a regu
lar graduate in medicine and has hai
many years of experience in the prac
tice. Consultations are free. Prescrip
tions are free, and only regular price
for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found
at his drug store, Salem, Ore., from T
la the morning until 9 at nlirhL ICmi-
Mel'very to all parts of the elty.
Mall orders for any drug, medicine,,
patent medicine or notion will be for
warded by parcel post on receipt of
price In postage stamps and from 1 to
'" 'r atamrw to eover noataire.
England's favorite for over
o 70 years
House of Half a Million Bargains
Come and see the biggest wonder In the history of Salem. We buy and
sell everything from a needle to piece of gold. We pay the highest
cash price for everything. Complete tinshop set tools for sale.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
133 State Street. Salem, Oregon. Phone Main 2n4