Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 26, 1914, Image 1

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    All the Nrws that's Fit to Print. Everybody Reads the Daily Capital Jour
t t
t I he Best
77.e Largest
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. . . Jsfgiig .
THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. ealem, oaoK, Monday, januaey 26, i9H. PRfrF rtMTC 0N TRiIN9 AND
President Make It Plain Only
, Monopolies Will Be Af
fected in Fight.
Wilson Has Had No One Else
in Mind for Place He Tells
. , Newspapers.
(Staff Correspondent of the United
Washington, Jan. 26. The adminis
tration's anti trust policy is directed
only at u h business methods as are
directly in the nature and Bpirit of
monopoly. The president made this
plain to cnlleiB today. Ho held un
warranted the alarm felt in some quart
ers that the bill prohibiting holding
corporations would affoct companies
that organized subsidiaries to meet state
legal conditions.
None of the trust bills, the president
explained to his callers, contains any
thing which would bar from business
anything that is not itself monopolistic.
And so far as the interstate trade com
mission is concerned, he indicated that
(body would not be tho "dragon" cer
tain business interests fear. Its findings
the president explained are not binding
ipou anyone. It undertakes investi
gations at tho direction of the depart
ment of jm-tii'o and its reports are made
to the attorney gonoral, who acts on
them as he sees fit. It prepares orders.
for the court but the court can amond
those orders as it soos fit.
Will Tell of Some of It,
Whether all information compiled by
ths new board is to be made public, is
for the commission itself to determine.
The president believes thnt at least a
ccrtuin amount of publicity will bo nec
essary in viesw of tho state of public
opinion, lie did not beliove, he ex
plained, that this commission would be
as secretive ns has been the internal
revenue bureau of the treasury de
partment in connection with its investi
gation of corporations liable to the cor
poration tax.
But one thing that the president con
sidered certain, he explained, and that
was that business rivals would not be
permitted to glean trade iccrots as tho
result of investigations under tho new
Goethals Will Take Job.
So far as C'olonol George W. Uoethals
is concerned, the president made it plain
today that at no time has any one other
than the canal builder himself been
considered for governor of the lone
under the administration act. Ooetbals
Las already been assured of this fact by
the secretary of war, although the pres
ident himself cannot do so until he act
ually issues tho order creating tho civil
Tbii order is nearly ready for the ex
ecutive's signature and as exclusively
stated by the United Press a month ago
it contains the namo of Goethals as gov
ernor with full power to select bis own
assistants up to the number of 2500 to
tart operation of the big waterway.
Betirement Problem.
The president refused to discuss in
advance whether the fact that Goethals
may waut to retire in a year or 18
months might cause him to change his
mind saying that ho had no reason to
beliove that Goethals intends to ask
for relief until after the canal was in
full and complete operation.'
Dinner Not Important.
The president insisted that undue im
portance has been attached to tho din
ner tonight to the senate foreign rela
tions committee. He declared that the
real purpose was to discuss all unfin
ished business now confronting thnt
committee, including arbitration trea
ties and the like. He insisted that there
is not a critical situation confronting
this government anywhere. But with
the big "policy measures" out of the
way, the president wants to get la
Fruit Shippers
Win "Icing" Case
Court Sustains Order Beducing Charges
and Denies Railroads' Exclusive .
Icing Privileges.
Washington, Jan. 26. The California
fruit shippers won an important victory
today in the supreme court against the
Sante Fe, Southern Pacific and Salt
Lake railroads in the "icing" cases.
The court sustained an interstate com
merce order greatly reducing charges
for rofrigerating fruit cars and denied
that the railroads have the exclusive
privilege of icing cars or can prevent
shipers from pre-cooling and pre-icing
their own cars.
Whether the railroads carrying the
bulk of oranges and other' citrus fruits
from California have the exclusive right
to refrigerate cars aul uif-y prevent
shippers from pre-cooling and pre-icing
cars at a lower rate was the prime ques
tion in the "icing case," Both the I.
C. C. and Commorco Court decided in
favor of the shippers. On July 5, 1909,
the Sante Fe, Southern Pacific and
Salt Lake" railroads amended their
refrigeration rules to provide a re
duction to $30 for the use of refriger
ated car pre-iced and pre-cooled at the
shippers' warehouse, the car being seal
ed and not re-iced in transit. The rate
for "standard" icing, (refrigeration af-
ter cars are loaded, with replenishing
of ice on route) was $62.50 from the
coast to Chicago. The $30 rate was de
clared unreasonable by the L C. C. and
ordored cut to $7.50 per car. On May
4 tho railroads attempted to withdraw
tho entire pre-icing privilege. They
filed an injunction suit to sot aside the
Commission's order. By pre-icing tho
shippers would save about $600,000 a
Now York, Jan. 26. Gangsters
claimed another innocent victim here
early today, when a stray bullet fired
(luring a battle between tho "Galgary"
and O'Ronrke gangs killed Israel Asof
sky, 33 years old.
Two weeks ago another bystander
killed during a fight between the same
gangs. Today's engagement took place
at Madison and Pike streets, whore
Asofsky kept a fruit stand.
united press leased wire. 1
Jackson, Mich., Jan, 26. The bodies I
of four persons were recovered early
today from the wreck cf Michigan ,
Central train number ,70 from Bay City
to Jackson, which met headon with a
northbound extra freight train a few
miles north of Jackson last night.
Rescue workers continued to search
tho debris for more bodies this morn
ing as several persons are missing. A
dozen passengers on the train were seri
ously injured and several of them now
n local hospitals are believed to be
Coroner Marks hss ordered an in
quest to determine responsibility for
the wreck.
closer relations with tho big senate
Up to the present Japan has not
asked that a new treaty be negotiated,
and tho president behoves that the re
lations between that country snd this
are going to remain as at present, very
Moxlcan Move Denied.
More denials were forthcoming from
tho executive of the report today that
orders have been Issued for the dispatch
of a guard of marines to Mexico City to
protect Americans after Huerta quits.
The president told bis callers that be
had never heard of the report bofore.
He considers that Mexican affairs are
moving along slowly, bnt that the Hu
erta influence is, slowly kut surely
The president will not take up for
serious consideration of negotiations of
any new Russian treaty until after Am
bassador Pindell takes charge of lis
nrw office.
Mrs. Edith Hill-Booker Says
House-to-House Canvass
Will Be Made.
Growth of Temperance Movement
Throughout the United States,
and Especially on Coast
Mrs. Edith Hill-Booker, president of
the Oregon W. C. T. U., gave two great
addresses in Salem yesterday, speaking
at the Highland Friends church in the
morning and at the First Methodist
church in the evening. Despite the
fact that the weather was anything but
favorable, the'attendance was large and
her campaign plans received the un
qualified endorsement of her hearers.
In her address last evening Mrs,
Becker treated of the importance of the
temperance movement throughout the
country, and especially on tho Pacific
coast. She discussed the plan of the W.
C. T, U. to canvass every home in the
state of Oregon for the fall election,
when the constitutional amendment
barring liquor from the state will be
voted on. This house to house plan has
been highly successful in other dry cam
paigns of recent date, and the speaker
was confident that work thoroughly
done meant nothing but victory.
Amendment Approved.
At the close of Mrs. Booker's ad
dress, which was an exceedingly prac
tical one, the congregation at the First
M, E. church voted its approval of the
plan for a national amendment forever
putting liquor. out of existence in the
United l5tatos, and of the plan to vote
this year on the state amendmont.
Mrs. Booker was introduced by Mrs.
Oliver, president of the Salem W. C. T.
united mess leased winn
Soattle, Wash., Jan. 26. Goorge C.
ITodges, connected by federal officials
jwilh W. E. Do Larm, missing financier,
in the affairs of the defunct Columbia
River Orchards compnny, who was nr
I rested in Vancouver Saturday, was
brought to Seattle today by United
States government officers, Hodges
will be taken to Portland, to be tried
on a charge of misuse of the mails.
united rnKBH leased wirb.1
Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 20. Samuel
Gompers, president of tho morlcat.
Federation of Labor, was today invited
ly tho United Mine Workers conven
tion to come hero and reply to the
charges mado by Prcsidont Charles H.
Moyer, of the Wostorn Federation of
Miners in a speech to the convention
that th0 American Federation of Labor
rofused to aid tho Calumet strikers.
The last legislature provided for in
vestigating Five-Mile Iiapids on the
Columbia, with a view to using the
water power, or putting it In shape to
use. It appropriated $15,000 for this
purpose. Today State Engineer Lewis,
who Is a member of the committee in
charge of tho mntter, gave out the fol
lowing: E, O. Hopson, who Is super
vising tho engineer for the reclamation
service will also supervise this work for
the secretary of the interior, and the
committee of Investigation. L. F. liar
r.s, of Portland, will do the real work
and William E. Morse, of Portland, will
especially represent tho committee and
report on Mr. Ilsria 's work.
It is probable that with strict econo
my and attention to detail the appro
priation ran be cleaned up, but in esse
there should be any chance of this fill
ing, there sre some other engineers in
Portland available to take rare of any
possible surplus, From present Indiesv
tions the legislature guessed to a cent
the amount required 'or the work,
which is about the only thing so fsr
known that it did right.
Four Injured in
an Alaska Fire
Doctor Is Critically Hurt and Night
Clerk of Hotel May Be Dead in
Structure's Buins.
united press LEASED WIRE.l
Fairbanks, Alaska, Jan. 26. The
Third Avenue hotel, the .messenger of
f ice and John Moes Baloon were destroy
ed by fire yesterday, with a loss of
$20,000. The fire started; at 11 o'clock
in the morning from a defective flue
Dr. Medill, who is critically injured.
and Harry Badger and E. I, Foster.
hung from a window on the third floor
until their hands were badly burned
when they relaxed their hold and fell.
Hoy C. Hall was caught by a falling
wall and hurt internally.
Carl Larson, night clerk of the hotel
is missing. Among the guests were
District Judge E. E. Fuller and the
clerk of his court, August McBride.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 20. Despondent
because he had been out of work sever
al months, E. W. Gieger, 45 years old,
shot and killed his mother, Mrs. Ada
Mead, aged 73 years, and then commit
ted suicide Saturday morning at their
home here, although it was not until
Sunday morning that a noighbor dis
covered the double tragedy.
Tho two bodies lay side by side in
the little kitchen. Mrs. Mead had evi
dently been washing dishes, for she had
fallen backwards after being shot.
Geiger, with an old-fashioned 32 cali
bre revolver clutchod in lata right hand,
lay near his mother,
A business failure and the fact that
Geiger had boon unable to find em
ployment, leads tho police to believe
ho became despondent and that he de
cided to kill his mothor and himself
so that they would not suffer.
Attorney General Crawford today ad
dressed the lollowing letter to Gover
nor West:
"My Dear Governor; Yours of the
24th instant renewing request that ac
tion be commenced to recover $500 fee
paid to Judge Wotson in the matter of
tho Title Guaranty & Trust Company
failure, has attontiuu of this office,
and in reply beg to say that as wo be
fore informed you, Air. Watson was
employed by Governor Chamberlain to
assist tho Attorney General in recov
ering $100,000 of Slate money which
was deposited in the bank at tho time
of its failuro, without adequate security
being taken. Governor Chamberlain
at thnt time considered it an emergen
cy case, and that he had ample author
ity to secure the employment, and it
wns secured ami the fee paid.
"1 have re examined the matter and
am still of the same opinion, that Gov
ernor Clintnberluin wos right in judg
ing ho wss invested with authority in
such se ase to employ assistant coun
sel. Therefore I respectfully docllne
to bring the action, deeming it unwise
to put the State to useless expense.
"However, as your opinion of the
law seems to vary from (hat of your
predecessor, Governor Chamberlain, and
the Attorney General, I beg to suggest
that you have some attorney in whom
you have confidence, bring the action,
snd in case he recovers, I will person
ally pay a reasonable attorney's fee
and tho cost of tho action, and if he
fails, you shall pay a reasonable attor
ney's fee and the cost of the action; but
In cither rase, the State will he taking
no risk and be subject to no expense.
"Kelntlve to your other letter of the
same ilnte, requesting legal proceedings
to be taken to annul the act of incor
poration of the city of Copperfield, beg
to say the matter will have our prompt
attention. However, we wish you would
kindly furnish us such evidence as
you msy have In the matter, as sons
n'compsnled your letter."
President Moyer, of Western
Federation Urges Conven
tion to Act.
Moyer Says He Will Be turn at Once to
race Indictments Eecently Handed
Down by Jury,
Indianapolis, Ind,, Jan. 26. Ono
union embracing all workers in and
around the mines of North America
was predicted as a certainty in the near
future by President Charles H. Moyer,
of the Western Federation of Miners,
in a speech to the United Mine Work
ers convention hero today. Moyor
urged the delegates to appoint a com
mittee to meet with representatives of
the organization he loads "to form one
big union."
"Our fight in the inotal mines of
Michigan is the same as your fight in
tho coal mines of Colorado. And if you
lost the Colorado strike, the metal
miuers of. that state would bo affected
disastrously," was the argument Moyer
made in favor of fusing the two unions.
Will Force Indictments.
Moyer announced that ho would re
turn at once to Calumet to face tho
indictmonts recently handed down by
tho Houghton county grand jury. Ho
outlined the causes and demands in
tho copper strike and charged tho mine
owner and state militia with brutality.
Thirty thousand dollars a woek was
needed, Moyer stated, to carry on the
'If the Calumet strike is lost, the
A. F. of L. will be blamed," said Moy
er, after he chargod A. F. of L. offi
cers' with disregarding two appoals for
a special assessment on its members
for tho benefit of the Calumet strikers.
Ammons Denounced.
The report of the committee of offi
cers rcportod wns adoptod today. It
denounced Govornor Ammons, of Colo
rado, for his use of the militia and en
dorsed tho Coolrado strikors.
, Tho work dono In organizing tho
minors in West Virginia and Colorado
was commended. Present strike assess
ments will bo continued,
President White was sustainod in his
rofusnl to accept clectiou as socond
vice-president of the A. F. of L,, after
a member of tho miners union, John
Mitchell, hail for yenrs been socond
vice president.
Boston, Mass., Jan. 26. Reports
from along tho New England coast to
day indicate that the storm which has
been swooping Northern New England
and Nova Scotia, coasts ciwt four lives,
separated more than a scorce of men
from their ships and in some instances
resulted in heavy money loss.
The schooners Pontine, and Joseph
Multen lost a man each and the schoon
er Alice cannot account for two of her
crew. The Gloucester fishing schooner
Zelina was the last wreck reported. She
was a total wreck off Meagherlng
beach of Halifax. The crow was saved
by the government steamer Idy Lau
rler. Tho fishing schooner Bay State
ailed Into Gloucester badly damaged.
A half do7.cn other fishing schooners
have reached port, reporting tho worst
storm of tho winter.
The Weather
rfrliS Bid
The Dickey Bird
says: Oregon, rnln
west, rain or snow
east , portion to
night and Tues
day; brisk to high
southwest winds,
deere a s I D g in
force Tuesdsy.
coat FZCLS 1
EST- -''ZLl
I .
Frisco Looters
are Given Roast
Interstate Commerce Commission Baps
Management For Loading up Boad
With Other Lines.
Washington, Jan. 28. A scathing ar
raigment of the managoment of the
Frisco system was mado in a roport bv
the interstate commerce commission
submitted to tho senate this afternoon.
The causes of the receivership were
declared to be financial and not opera
ting, the troubles being of a dispropor
tionate capital, the acquisition of new
lines, the financing of the New Orleans,
lexas and Northern and other north
Texas lines and tho desire for a Chi
cago terminal, involving . the taking
over of the heavy fixed charges of
tha Chicago and Eastern Illinois.
The sale of securities, the rotwrt
said, indicated deplorably weakened
credit or extravagant arrangements
with bankers.
Portland, Or., Jan. 20. In Portland
today, en route to Salem from Central
Oregon, where he put in Sunday look
ing over a site for a proposed state
road, Governor West said the state will
endeavor to solve the unemployed prob
lem of this city whenever the city com
missioners sdviBO him that an emergen
cy exists, and requests state aid.
It is said his trip into Central Ore
gon yestorday was mode for the pur
pose of ascertaining whether it would
be possible to start immodiate work on
a road with tho objoct of giving work
to the unemployed. In this 'Connection
tho governor docllnod to sny anything.
. "The state has no work for tho idle
at prosont," said tho governor.
"Should a call for help be mado, how
ever, we will be proparod to meet it
like any other emergency, such as fire
or flood."
Manager W, M. Hamilton, of tho
Portland Railway, Light & Powor com
pany, this morning gavo tho following
stntemont to The Capital Journal:
"Last ulght's stofm prompts mo to
ask you to warn tho public agnin, to
bo particularly careful to avoid con
tact with broken and fallen wires dur
ing heavy wind storms, or immediately
"Of course, no one, but a person
whoso duty it Is to handle and repair
tho wires should touch a broken or fal
len wiro at any time.
"Wo wish to express our opproclatlon
of tho assistance rendered by the pub
lic, in notifying us of fallen wires, and
trust that in tho future, if any ono
notices a wiro which is brokon down, or
within reach of tho street, that they
will assist in tho "safety first" move
ment and notify oither us or the tele
phone company, as tho caso may be.
No Bands and No
Display at Late
Lord's Funeral
London, Jan, 20, Whilo the Itoyal
ltes, cabinet ministers, diplomats and
other high personalities waited in West
minster Abbey, a reverent throng of
many thousands lined every foot of the
streets from (Irosvenor Square to the
abbey, through which tho late Lord
Strnthcona's funeral procession passed
today. All bared their heads as the
catafalque went by. There wero no
soldiers, no bands, no display, tho silent
throng reinnlned In tho streets during
tho reading of tho ritual and men
watched the procession with uncovered
heads throughout the entire sit miles
to High Gate.
All of tho government offices and
tho cabinet offices were closed during
the funeral, ,
Before proceeding to the abbey the
liov. Archibald Fleming conducted a
private service for the relative at the
family home In Grosvenor Square The
pallbearers, who include! three former
Wires Torn Down in California
and News of Result of
Flood Lacking.
Thousands Preparing to Flea
and Tide May Cause Mil
lions of Loss. i
San Froncisco, Jan. 26. Genuine
alarm for the safoty of thousands' of
touriBts at Santa Barbara, Paso Bobles
and other winter resorts in California,
was felt here this afternoon when twen
ty hours' effort to communicate with
tho flood stricken district proved un
availing. The flood of wators sweeping down
the Siorras to the soaboard steadily
increased in volume today. One city
after another botween Santa Barbara
and Los Angoles was suddenly cut off
from the outBido world by a break in
the telegraph and telophone lines, after
reporting the watorB stoadily rising.
One Drowning Beported.
But one drowning had been reported
this afternoon, that of Hugh Havens
said to be from Chicago, at Monrovia,
n our Los Angeles. A score of bridiroa
along tho Fresno division of the South
ern Pacific were, reported washed away
and traffic over the coast line of the
road was abandoned early today. Sev
eral thousand persons living alone the
coast between Santa Barbara and Los
Angelos and near Fresno, prepared this
afternoon to floe to higher ground.
A heavy tido along the boach is in
creasing that damage which may
amount into tnillionii. -
Damage at Tacoraa,
Tacoma, Wash., Jnn, 20. Consider
able damage was dono by a wind and
rain storm which subsided here this
foronoon after raging furiously all
night. Electric light feed wires were
broken down in several sections of the
city and telephone and telegraph sor-
vico was crippled, Awnings and signs
wero torn from their fastenings and
other damage dono,
Several small towns south of Chohalis
wero left in dnrkness lust night when
the wires from tho central electrio
powor plant were curried away.
Up to five o'clock this morning
10.23 inches of rain hod fallen so far
in January, This is tho heaviest fall
noted here In that month since the
(Continued on page B )
governor-generate of Canada, were the
Duke of Argyll, Lord IAnsdowno, the
Earl of Aberdeen, Earl Lotehflold, Co
lonial Secretary Hnrcourt and Sir W.
Mosler, lord mayor of London,
Tho Abbey service began at 11:30 a.
m., with tho intonation of Burcell's
Queen Mary, The munle was by a spe
cial choral under the direction of Sir
Herbert Brldgo. Funeral miisia by
Chopin was next rendered, followed by
tho rending of tho 00th psalm. The
doBd march from "Biml" ended tho
Tho floral tributes which filled many
wagons, were taken from the abbey to
High, Gate, The procession reached
there at 2 p. m, and tho body ot Lord
Rlrnthcnna wns placed beside that of
his wife, In the family vault. She died
last November. The authorities offered
burial in Westminster Abbey, but tha
family declined the honor, because Lord
Strstheona expressed a dying wish to
ibe placed beside his wife's body.