PAOB SEVER. MMMMTt T THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FINDING A SITUATION It is possible to secure employment by calling personally upon those yon hear need help. It is a long, tedious task, however. The classified way brings your application before those who need help, quickly and easily. RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS TWO CENTS per word for the first insertion. ONE CENT per word for each succeeding, subsequent inser tion. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS work continually they never cease until their tasks are suc cessfully performed. Each day those little wonder workers faithfully de liver their message to the people of Salem and nearby towns who have learned their value. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. DON'T WALK THE STREETS SEARCHING FOR A POSITION OR A ROOM TRY THE CLASSIFIED WAY. JOURNAL WANT ADS GET RESULTS. t MMMMMtMMMMtMHMMmMtMMMMMM DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1914. Capital Journal Want Ads Bring Quick Results Two cents a word tor first Insertion. One cent a word tor each Insertion thereaftei No advertisement taken for less than 2Rc Count six words to the line. ABSTRACTS. UNION ABSTRACT CO. " Abstracts that Protect." Our books posted up to date each morning. Call Main 1249 and a messenger will call for your abstract. J. C. Siegmund, president; Max Gchlhar, secretary, 345 State St. Street. AUCTIONEER. AUCTIONEER Salem 's reliable sell er. Farm sales solicited. Terms 1 per cent; satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Henry E. Voorhies, Michi gan avenue, first Btreet east of the state fair grounds. CHIBOPRACTIC-SPINOGOLIST DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chir opractic's Fountain Head, Davenport. Iowa. If you have tried everything and have got no rolief, try Chiroprac jic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 1C29. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. ELECTRIC FIXTURE AND SUPPLY CO., 220 North Liberty street. Phone Main 263. Electric wiring and elec trical supplies. Estimates furnished. Try our new Mirror reflector. We have the "Famous" Edison Mazda lamp. Its only rival the bud. LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all-hand work; established 20 years, 436 Ferry street, South side, between Liberty and High. Hop Lee. NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS. H. M. Baker New and secondhand furniture, hardware and general sup plies. Beet cash prices paid for second-hand goods. Call and see us and look over our goods. 373 Court street Phone 1853. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. Ws carry the most complete stock of above articles in town at the lowest price. O. I McPeek, 271 North Commercial St., phone Main 1233. OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. DR. O. F. HEISLEY and Dr. 8. Etta HeiBley (graduates of A. S. 0., Kirksville, Mo., Dr. A. T. Still, pres ident of the school and founder of the science of Osteopathy), general oste opathic practioners. Also hydroth erapy and electric light baths given without extra charge for rheumatism, kidney and liver troubles. The suc cess in these treatments is equal to going to the hot lakes. Confinement cases and female troubles a specialty. 529 Court street, opposite the eeurt house. . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR8. B. H. WHITE AND B. W. WAL TON, Osteopathia physicians and nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer lean School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Post graduate aid specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angelos college. Treat acute and ehronie dis eases. Consultation free. Lady at tendant. Office 505-506 U. 8, Nation al bank building. Phone 859. Resi dence 340 N. Capital street. Phone 469. PLUMBINO Km. M. BAltH Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 164 Fftmmorotal ft... Pbnnn M In t I SCAVENGES. BALEM SCAVENGER Ch as. Boos, proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yards and cess pools cleaned. Office 548 State St Office phone Main 247. Residence Main 2272. BAND AND GRAVEL. fm nssa"sssJsss" BALEM CONSTRUCTION company can supply you with sand and gravel Office 464 Court street. Thone Main 70n. Ors'cl bed on Front street and Vnrth Mill Creek. THEBESKA HAT WORKS. HATS MADE TO ORDER All work guaranteed. Thereska Hat Works Hats of all kinds renovated Into any size or style; good quality trim mings. 17 8. High street Phone Sol, balem, Oregea TAXICAB SERVICE. TAXICAB SERVICE -It will pay you to see ,T. B. Underwccd, manager of the West Side Transfer Cc, when you want a taxicab. Terms reasonable. Phone Main 81. On Sundays phone Main 100. Stand at corner of State and Commercial streets. UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN & CLOUGH U. J. Lehman, A. M. Clough, morticians and funer al directors. Latest modern meth ods known to the profession employed. 445 Court street. UNDERTAKERS. RIGDON-RICHARDSON CO. Funeral directors and undertakers, 252 North High street. Office Phone Main 183. Rigdon residence Main 111. . WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Uvcr k!0 gears' experience as a watoh maker nt Beatrice, Neb. high grade work at eastern prices. Opera Housj Block, 484 Court St. WOOD AND COAL. SALEM FUEL YARDS The place cf quality. All kinds of dry wood, four foot, or cut in stove lengths to suit. Prompt delivery. We handle the btst coals on the market. Try our King coal; it is the best; 752 Trade street. ' Phone Main 523. Mark Siddall, prop. WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office comer Commercial and Trade sts. For water strvice apply at office. Bill payable monthly in advance. LODGE DIRECTORY. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 in the AicCornack ball, corner Court and Liberty streets, C. M. Mason, M. W; S. A. McFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, CENTRAL LODGE No. , K. of P. McCornack bide;, Tuesday evening of each week at 7:30 p. m., Fed G. Hale, C. C, Ja W. Cox, K. of B. and S. SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Masonic Temple. David A. Wright, W. M.; 8. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LODGE NO. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Fri day in each month at 7:30 p. m., in the Maaonlo Temple. J. S. Wyant, W. M.; Ernest H. Choate, secretary. MULTNOMAH ROYAL AROI CHAP TER NO. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday in each month at 8 p. m., In the Masonic Temple. J, T. Welch, Ex. High Priest; Lot L. Poarco, secretary. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, NO. 5, It T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day in each month, at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Frank A. Turner, re corder. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37., O. E. 8. Regular meeting every first and third Tuesday at 8 p. m., in the Ma sonic Temple. Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, W. M.j Ida M. Babcock, secretary. R. N. of A. "Oregea Grape Oaaap" rto. 1360, meets every Thiirmfay ev ening In McCornack building, Oourt and Liberty streets. ISelevator. Ba sle Parruenter, 781 North Front Bt., Oracle; Haze! Prise, Imperial Furni ture Co., recorder. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Masonic ball, corner Court and Liberty streets. HWvator service. R. M. Morris, V. C; Ray A. Grant, Clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly No. 84, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m., in Meoee HalL O. C. Cries!. M. A., Ivan Q. Martin, Pecretary, Ms sonle Temple. SALEM HUMANE 80'IETY D. D Keelor, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect cf dumb animals should be reported to the society for Invest! es'lr WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet every Frldav night at 7.30 o'clock In Ma ball. McCornack block. O. C. Wallet"". C, C.t Ti. H. Fletcher. Clerk REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 10 acre tract just east of a.vlntn. well Improved; , will take town residence for part payment. Ad dress Route 6, Box 1521A. REAL ESTATE Continued. FOR RENT Good 5-room houso, two blocks from paved street, modorn in finish and fixtures. Price $15. Five room house, three blocks from car line, partly furnished, good well; price $12. Eight-room house, mod ern, with basemeut and furnace, on car line. Price $20. Seven-room house on paved street and car line, basement and furnace, also good barn. Price $12. Square Deal Realty Co., U. S. National bank building. Room 304. Fhone 470. bolt SALE Five room house, barn, good well, corner lot, 150x150, all in bearing fruit; by ownor. 15515, cor ner Saginaw and Lincoln street. FOK SALE Xico now 4-room house on lot 50x100; good well. Price $075; $25 down, balnnco $10 per month. Why pay rent. See owner at No. 204 Salem bank building, FOR SALE. FOR SALE Milk cow, 352 North 12th street. FOR SALE Cow, $G0. Inquire 213 Owens Btreet. FOR SALE 5-wccks-old Jersey hoifer, 1341 McCoy avenue. FOR SALE Two cows and one work horse. Phone Farmers 783. FOR SALE Team, flames aud wagon, cheap. Inquire 1707 Nerth Fourth. FOR SALE OR TRADE Taxicab, for 5 pn8sengcr Ford. "T.," care Jour nal. FOR SALE One Fratfei Grey racing sulky at a bargain. Phone 544. A. J. Anderson. FOR 8ALE New house, chicken house one block from car, $700. Inquire 16 East 12th N. Portland. FOR SALE Team horses, wagon and harness; weifiht, 2500; woll broken, Inquire 555 South 15th stroot. FOR SALE One horse, 5 years old, weight 1250, well broke. Price $125. Inquire at 555 South Fifteenth. FOR SALE Oliver typewriter No. 5. Latest improved machine, slightly used. Will sell reasonable. Address J. Robinson, 3 Salem. FOR SALE River bottom land. I can make terms to suit. I have small tracts or large tracts. M. Tompkins, Gervais, Route 2, Box 24A. GUARANTEED AUTO 8PRING8 We manufacture high grade anto and truck springs, alee repair, set op, and re-temper old springs. Our long list of satisfied customers will rec ommend eur ability as leaders In our work. Leber Ante Bprlag Co., 6 North 15th 8t. Pertlaad Or. FOR SALE-' Faultless" Iloudans; this strain has been egg-bred from trapnost records since April, 1800. I have bred them 21 years for great layers and 12 years for large sho, chalk-white eggs; these fowls are ex tremely hardy, have neither comb nor wattle to freeze, and are the best all winter layers In open-front coops; "Faultless" strain Houdsu, have won every blue ribbon at New York, Chi cago and Philadelphia show for past six years; eggs and stock sold on honor; send 10 cents for the largest illustrated poultry catalogue ever Is sued; it tells you how to breed these fowls, which average 250 eggs a year apiece; it tells yon how te net $3000 ft year from 100 hens. E. F. McAvoy, secretary Houdan Club, Cambridge, N. Y. WArTTHB. WANTED Ten loads of rocks at 300 D street. W. Fennel). WANTED To trade 0300 elty proper ty for runabout. Telephone 2289. WANTED Lady or girl to do kitchen work. Apply 1030 Chemekota stroot or phone 12S0. WANTED Young lady employed to 5, wishes place to work for room and board, '85B," care Journal. HIGHEST CASH PRICEfPald for geese, chickens and egf, at Salem Poultry k Fish Market, 173 South Commercial street TOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close In, desirable locatisn. 36.1 High street. FOR RENT 22 acres of garden land, near Salem, good condition; will rent for ons or more years. M. A. Cady, 1080 Center street, Ralom. FOR Kh.NT Keren-room house os Court street, near Fourteenth. Part ly furnished, heated by furnace. Mod ern throughout. Apply to Roy n. Mills, Spaulding Logging Company. FOR RENT (Continued.) FOR RENT Two well furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at 332 N. Church street. LOST. STRAYED White and tan fox terrier. Answers to name of "Tiny." Re ward for return to Ii. II. Williams, 681 Center street. MISCELLANEOUS. TAKEN UP Two fillies, 3 years old. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and addressing A. M. Griffin, box 95, route 9 Salem, one mile north of Hazel Green church. CIIUSMAN'S EMPLOYMENT AGEN cy, 233 South Commercial Btreet, Sa lem, Oregon. " BOARD AND ROOM In private famil ly; modorn conveniences, 524 South 14th street. SIX PER CENE LOANS On farms, orchard lauds, city residence or busi ness property, to buy, build, improve, extend or refund mortgages or other securities; terms reasonable; special priviloges; correspondence iuvitod. Dept. L, 618 Commonwealth bhlg., Denver Colo., or Dept. I, 749 Henry bldg.. Seattle, Wash. Colds to Be Taken Seriously, Intelligent people realize that com mon colds mould be t.oated promptly. If thoie iB snoozing, with chilliness and hoarsuness, tickling throat and cough ing, the latter especially annoying at bed time, use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It is effective, pleasant to take, chocks a cold, stops the cough which causes loss of sloop, and lowers the vital resitance to diease. Remem tho namo, Foley 's Honey and Tar Com pounl and avoid substitutes. Dr. 8tone Drug Store. Not even an expert auriBt has over discovered a woman who was deaf to flattery. Women and Wet Feet Cold and wot feet are a dangerous combination especially to women, who are more prone to kidney diseases than num. Congested kidneys come from a cold, and backache, rheumatism, uri nary irregularities and rheumntic forms are not unusual results.. Foley Kidney Pills restore the regular and normal action of the kidneys and blad der, and so remove the cause of the troublo. It is an honest and curativ medicine that always gives results. Dr. Stone Drug Store. Figuros may not lie, but Borne cash iers can make them stand for the cash they are short. Chronio Constipation Cured. "Five years ago bad the worst case of chronic constipation I ever knew of, and Chembcrlain's Tablets curer me," writes S. F. Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by all doalers. A great number of bibles are annually printed and sold. But many people who buy a bible don't read it. Ohamebrlaln's Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior for coughs and colds. It is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other narcotic. It always cures. For sals by all dealers. Thnro are too many women in the world who don't belong to the "weaker sex." Wonderful Cough Remedy. Dr. King's New Discovery is knows everywhere ft the remedy which will surely stop ft cough or cold. D. P. Lawson of Eidson, Tens, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the most wonderful cough, cold and throat and lung medicine I ever sold Id my store. It can't be boat It sells without any troublo at all. It needs no guar antee." This is true, because Dr. King's Now Discovery will relieve the most obstinate eoughs and eslds. Lung trouble quickly helped by Its us. You should keep ft bottle In the house at all time for all the members of the fami ly. 00c and $1.00. All Druggists or by mail. Ituoklen Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. Fortunate is tho man who can make his riiiinlnir exiienM'S slow down to a walk. A Good Plaster, Meritol White Liniment Is iplen did application for Bore Throat, Cold on the Lungs, Croup and Pains in the Chest. Saturate ft piece of flannel cloth with the Liniment and use as s planter. It Is very penetrating, will not blinler and Is very effective. Cap ital Drug Store, Salem, Ore., exclusive agent. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S . C ASTO R ! A Worms the Cause of Your Child's Fains A foul, disagreeable breath, dark cir cles around the eyes, at times foverish, with great thirst; cheeks flushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp cramping pains are all indications of worms. Don't let your child suffer Kickapoo Worm Killor will give sure rolicf. It kills the worms while its laxative effect add greatly to the health of your child by removing the dangerous and disagroeable offocts oi worms ard parasites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Killer as a health pro ducer should be in every household. Porfeetlv safe. Buy a box today. Trice 25C. All duiggista or by mail. Kicka poo Indian Mod. Co., Philadelphia or St Louis. ALSO RAGS. "Kipling says a woman is a rag aud a bone and a hank of hair." ''My wife is always buying addi tional hanks. ''-.-Kansas City Journal. Frost Bites and Chapped Skin. Foi frost Litton eBrs, fingers and toes; chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold sores, red and rough skins, there is nothing to equal Buck'en j Arnica Salve. Steps the pain at onco and heals quickly. In every home there should bo a box handy a U tho time. Best jom edy for all ski a diseases, itching ecze ma, tcttei, piles, etc.. 25c. All druggists or by mail. II. E. Bucklen & Co., Phil Philadelphia or St. Louis. I tho reformers keep on tltoy nuiy have a law enacted prohibiting girl babies from being born unless thoy como into the world fully clothed. Madison, Wis,, Jan. 1, 1913. M. D. Reynolds BayB: This is to certify that have been a great sufferer from Rheumatism sinco 1894. Contracted tho diBoase while working with a snow plow on the rail road, For several years I have boon obligod to use crutches a groat part f tho time. Having used three boxes of the Meritol Rheumatism Powders, I have thrown away the crutoho and am now almost fully recovered. It cer tainly has done wonders for me and t heartily recommend it. M. D. Royn olds." Capitol Drug Store, Balem, Ore., exclusive agents. Though the 1913 wheat crop in the United States beat all former records in value, it was fourth in the list of cereals, being surpassed by corn, cot ton and hay. The Mischief Quartette" and It's Work Each year the month of January numbers its list of victims from in fluenza, la grippe, bronchitis and pneu monia. La grippe coughs seriously weaken the system and when they hang on, are a sign of general dibility. The use of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pounl will promptly check the cough, heal the Inflamed air passages, pre venting the development of la grippe to a most serious condition, Keep It on hand. Contains no opiates. Dr. Stone Drug Btore. It is hard to please men. Ono of them will gut drunk because ft girl wouldn 't marry him and snothor will got drunk because ft girl did marry him. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA All Patent Medicines or medicines advertised in this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Oregon, owes no one, and no one owos It; car ries large stock) its shelve, counters and show cases are loaded with drug nindii'lnrs, notionn, toilet articles, wine and liquors of all kinds for mo dicinal purposes. Dr. Htono Is a regu lar graduate in medicine and has had many years of experience In tho prac tice. Consultations aro free, Prescrip tion are free, and only regular price for medicine. Dr. Stone can b found at his drug store, Salem, Ore., from T in the morning until 0 at night. Frer del' very to all part of th elty. Mail order for any dmg, medicine, patent medicine or notion will he for warded by parcel post on receipt of price in postage stamp and from 1 to 10 ent la stamp to cover postsgs. A Difference in Working Hours. A man's working day is 8 hours. His body organs must work perfectly 4 hours to keep him fit for 8 hours work. Weak, sore, inactive kidneys can not do it. They must be sound and healthily active all the time. Foley Kidney Pille will make them sound and woll. You can not take them into your system without good results following theit use. They are tonic in action, quick in results, and contain no habit form ing drugs. Tty them. Dr. Stone Drug Store. Many a nervous woman has solved tho problem of perpetual motion. Best Cough Medicine for Chldiren. ' 'I am very glad to say a f ow words in praiso of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy" writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, Mil waukee, Wis. "I have used it for yoars both for my children aud myself and it never fails to relievo and cure cough or cold. No family with chil dren should be without it as it gives almost immediate relief in cases of croup." Chamborlaia's Cough Remedy is ploasant and safo to take, which is of groat importance when a modicinn must bo triven to young children. For sale by all dealers. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Salem Fence Works R. B. FLEMING, Prop. Headquarters for Americau Fence, stands any test, aud at bedrock prices. Big stock of Paists, Yarnishes, etc., 20 per cent reduction. Fence posts and roofing. Elastio Waterproof Paint. Loganberry wire, ftny quantity. 230 Court St Phono 124 Back of Chicago Store TRAVELERS' GUIDE RAILROADS 80UTHBKK PACIFIC COMPANY. Tims Table, PsrUand Division. Effective November 2, 1913, 12:01 am. Northbound, 19 Orcga Express 8:00 s.m. 10 Albany Passenger 7:24 a.m. 2S Willamtt Express 0:27 am. 13 Shasta Limit! 13:33 p.m. 18 Portland Passenger 8:00 p.m. BO Pert laid Passsagar i:47 p.m. 14 Pertlaad Express till p.m. 228 Lseal Way Freight 10:30 .. 223 Frtla Tkreugk. Frs't 10:31p.m. sVsithWuai. 19 Califsralft Express) 1:33 am. 17 OlMidal PssMager 11:19 am. It Cettag Grv Pasa'aw 4:M p.m. 17 Wlllamttt Limited 1:11 11 Shasta Limited 7:38 p.m. 0 Albany Paatngr .. .- 8:40 p.m. IS Mas Francisco Expr..10:38 p.m. 225 LoesJ Way frMgkt ........ 0:27 am. 221 Saa Fran. Tars' Fr't 12:01 am. 0ala Brsaok. 127 PaBgr arr. rSalws. 0:26 a.m. 130 Pass. mi. Imtm BaUw 11:00 am. 120 Pass. mid. arr. Salsa ... 8:00 p.m. 128 Pas, leave Salem 1:00 also. Falls dry ft Wstr. 150 Arrive BaUm 8:00 aaa. 132 Arrive Sale. .. 11:30 a.m. 184 Arrlv BUra 8:10 p.m. ID Arrives Salem 0:13 p 188 Arrives BaUm 7:30 p.m. IM....Lve fr Blask Bock... 8:43 a.m. 153-Leav. for Falls City . 0:BS am. 155 Leave for Falls City 1:43 p.m. 167 Leaves fer Tall City ... 8:30 p.m. 130 Leave fer Dallas .. 8:20 p.m. 180 Freight, arrive 12:30 181 freight, departs 4:80 am. OREOON EXEOTXIO 1ATXWAT CO. Northbound. Lftve Balem Arrive Portland Train. No. 4:25 am.. 8:30 s.m... 8:00 s.m... 9:43ft.m.. . I Owl 8:50 a.m , 8 .. 8:53 a.m , 8 Loc 10:20 am Jl:40 a.m 11:20 am.. 1:45 p.m 1 ;50 p.m., 4:20p.m 4:00 p.m. 5:53 p.m 8:40 p.m 8:15 p.m 4:13 p.m.. 6:50 p, TiSTIp.sSgfr 10:05 p.m m Tt,i is IS T.M IS 22 His Stomach Troubles Over. Mr. Dyspeptic would yon not like to feel that your stomach troubles were over, that you could eat any kind of food you desired 'without injury J That may seem so unlikely to you that you do not even hope for ending your troublo, but permit us to assure you that it is not altogether impossible. It others can be cured permanently, and thousands have been, why tot you.7 John R. Barker, of Battle Creek, Mich., is one of them. He says, "I was troubled with heartburn, indigestion, and liver complaint until I saw Cham berlain's Tablets, then my trouble was ovor." Sold by all dealers. When a fool man sees a new baby for the first timo and is too bashful to ad mit it looks like a monkey, he can al ways get out of it gracefully by say iug it has a fine head. An deal Woman's Laxative. Who wants to take, salts or castor oil, when there is nothing better than Dr. King's New' Life Pilla for all bowel troubles. Tohy act gontly and natur ally on the stomach and liver, stimu late aud regulate your bowels and tone up the ontire system. Price 25c At all druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia r St. Louis. , Children Cry v FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA tt GOLD DUST FLOUR Msds by the SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon Mads for Family Use Ask your grocer for It- Bran I and shorts always ' en hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agent loataboond. Lv. Portland Ar. Balem 1:10 7:80 8:30 am 9:60 a.m Ltd .10:10 a.m 1:00 p.u 4:30 8:03 p.r 8:30 p.m 8:20 p. m 4:40 p.m., 1:00 p.m.. 9:25 p.m., 11:43 p.m., 11:23 p.m 2:05 s.m Arv, Salbis 8:00 a.m 8:50 p.m Ar. Salem 9:45 ftia 1 :50 p.m 4:00 p.m 7:45 p.m 8:10 am 1:00 p.m., 11:01 am.. Lr. Sda t Owl . aatbnai. Ar. All 4:3 p.m., 6:3 .m Ar, Eui j 7:03 Ar. Alb Lv. BaUm 0:16 p.m... -17. 9:26 p.m Ar. Corvallla ... 9:53 p.m Ar. Eugen 7:60 an .11:15 am .12:25 p.m Stop at Albany 7 2:05 p.m Stop st Corvallla !:S9p.m Ar. Eugen 13 . 8:43 p.m Lv, Salem. 8:85 p.m.... OOBTAIXIB CONEOTIONS. Northbound. Lv. Corvsllis Ar, Salon . 8:00 a.m 8:30 am 8:23 a.m 9:45 am 1:60 p.m 4:00 p.m 5:50 p.m 7:43 p.m 12:12 p.m. . 1:30 p.m ........ 4:25 p.m. 0:05 p.m. Southbound. Lv, Balem. Ar. Corvsllis 8:85 ft.ra , 10:18 am ...10:07 am ...11.-40 s.m 1:80 p.m 8:00 p.m - 7:67 p m 1:00 p.m ih 4:85 p.m 1:88 p.s r Out m Riun tfer Strppsusm If mratijpinoit, H m NEVEH IrlOWHTBFAIl. BiaiyiBu- H n tVlluo CuftrtntMd or Montr RthncWd, fennt prepaid H H fertl.OOpttboju Witt wnd Ibmn trial, to bsj paldtw H H vfean rallartd, tlampl Vnt, II mr drauUt ilusjt IB S aava thsoi sand. yearardaca u Us) feu in I 10:40 am. f - 2:05 p.m.) 9 1:40 p.m 11 18 Ltd . 17 Loo. is 21 OwL Nrtsibaaad. Lv. CorvalUs :IB am I , 4:48 p.m. 10 Lv, Bug lilS & in ijk 11:11 am. 14 1:S0 p.m,,- 11 Ltd Jl Lv. Balam 1:10 am 11 Owl 8:83 am 1 10:13 am t Ltd . Lv. Balam. liWp.m.