Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1914, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Oregon Is Well Represented
At United States Land Show
O IW wnjQy frj- J'"'ll'Wl",'.'WyWIWWl "HI HI III ' I. '! I.IIHIII I T
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CU1CACJ0, lI.L.-()re)H ntuod out proniluontly nt the United SUitos Liuid Bhow flurlng the three weeks it was
held nt the Coliseum, Nov. 20 to Dee. a A.slrte from tho bountiful dlmiliiys of the nUito's products in the Ore
mm hooth mid the niniiiinoth exlillilt of the (Ireiit Northern Hallway on the mnln floor, tho Uront Northern
Hiillwny's I'xeliiHlvo lecture hall proved a telllntr medium of aequulntliiK land hIiow vUltors with the state's
wonderful remanves, Imtli nmlculturHl and horticultural. This lecture hull. coiihIhOiik of one-half of the CollstMlu
annex, had u entliiK ciipnclty ciiual to that of a good hUihI theater. Motion pictures and stereoptlcon views were
used to llliiHtrate (lie lectures of the Great Northern Hallway's experta, and Ixodes C. C. Chapman of the Fortlan.1
IIHl"""1"' IUl 0tl" ' " ,f"" WL'e lftVB" tlU ,'H f tlllH l"''t1"'0 l,"lly throiiK'i the courtesy of Louis
Never before h;is there been such elTeotlve missionary work done among honieseekers for tho stato of Oregon
Scors of Jars of fruits. Inrge Mectlons of tratmparencles showing wenes In tho fruit growing districts of Oregon,
snd great varieties of fruits In their mitunil state were exhibited In the hugetiooth of tho Great Northern Hallway.
The dry farming sections of Oregon were not overlooked either, many astonishing varieties of grasses and th
er lauil proilm ts bt lng exhlhlt.tl. They nttrni'tet! much attention.
Oilimiil I'.lll Iliin:ev vlsltid the show and occupied the platform of the Great Northern Hallwav's lecture hull on
Oregon day. Colonel Hanley always Is n big drawing card in Chicago, and standing room was at'a premium wheu
he gave a characteristic talk on the great ponslbtlltlee his home suite holds out to the homeseeker. Louis W
Mill ai-eompanled Mr. Hanley from 8t Paul to Chicago to nttend tlio land show.
ItlMTM) miss LStSin Willi 1
I.os Angeles, CM., Jan. 9. Ultimate
niunirijHil owuerhip of street oar lines
in Los Angeles is advoented today In a
report on tlio physicsl valimtion of tho
I-os Angel railway prujinrtioti ina.lo to
Ihe city council by the bounl of public
litilitjis hero. The physical valimtiou
-of the prt)niitie Is plspl nt iflil.SOO,-
Tho rcHrt of the bimrd ws made
nfter an Investigation r.f more than a
year by a committee of expert engi
Strengthen Your Lungs
Is Timely Advice
tohtn cotuumption claim$ ovtr 350 daily in tht
United Statei. Neglected colds, overwork, con
Lv v.
fining duties and
cvlar germs the mastery.
The greatest treatment that cienco (TorrJ ia
courage, (est, sunshine and Scott's Emulsion.
Scott's Emulaton contains pure cod liver oil
to clarify and enrich the blood, strengthen the
lungs, rebuild
resistive forces
Scott's Emulnlon-
BXti too important to neglect.
Phvuklans evenwhere proclafm fi wortfi and
umm asalnst alcoholic substitutes.
I? (4 $ I
neers. It farther declare that the
railroad company resorted to "danger
ous practices" during the liwt year by
paying a dividend of $800,000 that
"was not warranted by the earning."
"Tho city and the company should
get together on the basis of protecting
the rights of both parties," the report
reads. A contract, it urges, should be
catered Into giving the city the right
to )niri'lise the various railway lines
at reasonable intervals at a fair price,
which is not to Include the franchise
The cost of hauling each passenger
during the last yoar, the report said,
was H.J.'i rents.
chronic disorders exert the W
wasted tissue and fortify the
to throw off disease germs.
YOUR lungs with
11 WlldilS f i
?y .fcc
"We should worry about the high
ccst of mill feed," said a well known
dairyman yesterday afternoon, "just so
long as Paine Nature treats us as fairly
in the future as she has done for tho
past year." According to the dairy
men la this city it has been needless
to exiHnd a great amount of money
on mill feed so far this year for tho
reason pasturing has been so abundant
that tho dairy cattle do not even nose
unmit in the manufactured feed.
With these conditions facing the
Marion county dairymen they should
bo considered among tho most fortu
nate when it comes to the livestock in
dustry, say thoso who appreciate the
ideal climatic conditions that have via
ited Salem sad vicinity so far during
i of 1013 and tip to tho
present time of the new year.
Of course you can "learn the busi
ness" "begin at the bottom and work
up," but you will y many times the
price of a good training at the Capital
business College in low wa'cs Slid slow
promotion while learning. We can teach
tho requirements yon need for s good
position and quick promotion from the
start. New classes forming this time
of year a good time (o start a course,
Portland 's comparatively small snd
divrenfing foreign and Alaska trade is
a sadness If not a shame. In this par
ticular Porllaiiil is still astonishingly
Pass Christian, Miss., Jan. 9. Presi
dent Wilson likes children. Today he
motored on the road leading to Biloxi,
so tie school children could see him.
They were lined up along the road wav
ing banners and flags as he approached.
The president stood uncovered during
the review.
Recently Cecil Brown, aged 11 years,
grandson of a confederate soldier, stop
ped the president's automobile. The
lad was clad in a confederate uniform.
He presented the president with a box
of candy, s'aying: "My mother made
this, and you just bet it's good, too."
Later the president wrote Cecil a let
ter, thanking him for the candy.
Today Cecil again stopped the presi
dent's automobile. This time he car
ried a bouquet. A note attached road:
"I liked your letter so much, Mr.
President, that that I brought these
flowers. Please write to me when you
get back home."
Baltimore, Jan. 9. Mere man of 1914
will be in the modest, blushing violet
class in tho stylo of his clothes, accord
ing to creations being planned for him
by tho Xational Association of Cloth
ing Designers, which met in convention
here yesterday. As little cloth as pos
sible will be used to frame his figure.
Tt will cling to his form like tights to
tho pony ballet. Quiet colors, with a
decided leaning toward sober shades
will be preferred.
He will be saved from complete ob
livion by an allowance of wild de
signs in Balmacean overcoats, with
batwing sleeves and horse-bin nket ef
fect. They will resemble kimonas
Silhoutte Btyles will be the royal
flush in the malo fashion deck for the
fall and winter of 1914 and 1915. Tad
ding will be a drug on the market.
Nature will be called on to do all that
is neefssnry in that line; the tailor will
just note measurements and follow them
as a carpenter docs his bluo print.
Unless the Bupremo court renders n
lecision this month in an action filed
today, Multnomah county may be in
tho position of not having any juries in
February. District Attorney Evans, in
relation of the state, instituted man-
livmus proceedings against the Mult-
nomnh county commissioners to compel
them to make out a jury list for 1914.
Tho commissioners have refused to fur
nish the list because of a question as to
whether they or tho circuit court were
empowered by tho law to do so.
The last legislature, having abolished
tho county court in Multnomah county
and created the county commission, a
controversy has arisen as to whether
tho making out of ths jury lists is a
function of the commissioners of the
circuit court.
Were I on tlio boxing commission,
Were 1 in the proper position,
If I bnd the right
I would rise in my might
And sentence one man to perdition.
I'd smite him and flay him and clout
An 1 utterly conquer and rout him
The second, 1 mean
With the ivory bean,
Who splashes the water about him.
The girl who marries the first chap
who proposes misscc a lot of more or
less VBlunhle experience.
Salts, Calomel ind PUli Act on Liver
and Bowels Llka Pepper Acts
In Nostrils Dsngort
Clot a 10-cent box now.
.Most old people must give to the
bowels some regular help, else they suf
fer from constipation. The condition
is perfectly natural, It is just as natu
ral as it la for old people to walk slow
ly. For age is never to active at youth.
The muscles are less clastic And the
bowels are muscles.
Bo all old people need Cascarett. One
might as well refuse to aid weak eyes
with glasses as to negloct this gentle
aid to weak bowels. The bowels must
be kept active. This is important st all
ac.ee, but never so much at at fifty.
Age it not a time for harsh physics.
Youth may occasionally whip the bow
els into activity. But a lash can't be
used every day. What the bowels of
the old need it a geutl and natural
tonic. One that can be constantly used
without harm. The only such tonie It
Citscarets, and they cost only 10 cents
per bet at any drag store, Thsy work
while you sleep.
SMS 1 T Jf
is a s www i i'. -j&z
That funny Irish charater Mike, so
familiar alongside his German pal,
Jake, in pictures of the Joker brand,
is no otiior than Harry McCoy, well
known on the vaudeville and musical
comedy stage. McCoy has devoted his
talent to motion pictures for the past
two yenrs and has been playing leads
in Joker comedies since their inception.
He hna a career, which for diversity,
resemblos a checker board. Ho was
born in New York Citv. When h h.
came of a;o ho inherited a small for
tune. This he invested in a music pub
lithing house and lost evorv cent of it
However, with only his valuable exper
ience left, ho became piofessional man
ager of Cos d wards. Being a culti
vated musician, McCoy later went into
vaudeville and musical comedy and was
very successful with tho niano and
Before going into motion nictures his
most thrilling experience occured when
he was wrecked for three days in a row
boat twenty-five miles off Sandy Hook
with ono keg of water, and a neneil
and wntchfob for nautical instruments.
McCoy is a stickler for realism in his
work ami boiii original in his stunts
beforo tlio camera, he lias had many a
like bump and hair breadth escape, all
to please the admirer of silent comedy.
His most recent screen successes are
'Adventures of Miko and Jnka." "Tho
Joy Riders," "Rh0 Should Worry" and
"Tho Mystery of a Taxicab."
Tho musical score of tho Elks big
show, "Tho Baud from Amstoniam,"
I jeupe uepanmenc
Maplelne Sea Foam.
3 cups granulated Biigar.
1 cup water.
1 tablespoon ful vinegar.
2 Ofcgs (whites.)
1 toaypoonful mapleino.
1 Virgo cup of almonds.
Place on back of stovo to
slowly tlio sugar, water and
then boil without stirring until it spins
a, thread or forms a soft ball in cold
water. Tour the hot svrun into ths
whiten of tho eggs, well beaten, and
be:it again with ogg beater till nearly
cooked, or until mixture holds its shape;
then add the mapleino and almonds
which havo been blanched and slightlj
broken. Dip ont. with teaspoon into
desired shape In buttered plates.
Cream Sauce,
2 egg yolks.
2 tablespoons granulated sugar.
1 pint milk.
'ij teaspoon mapleine.
Hoil the milk and add egg yolks well
beaten and mixed with tho sugar and
Frothy Sauce,
Vi cup butter.
Has a Charm AH Its Own
What can be more satisfactory on a gloomy winter morning than a
steaming hot cup of our genuine Arabian Mocha woffeef It brings
delight to every member of the family. The finest coffee berries, the
greatest skill in blending, constant rare in roasting, make it just right.
:Ulc, 3.V, 40c and 4"c the pound
Phone Main 03.
While you are eating luscious, juicy, tangy,
seedless "Sunkist" oranges, you are delighted with the
magnificent silverware you are getting for your table.
You always order "Sunkist" oranges and lemons because
they are the finest, richest, selected fruit grown anywhere in
the world.
Picked and packed by gloved hands the cleanest of all fruits.
Thin-skinned, fibreless.
Not a Seed in "Sunkist"
Cut the trademarks from the wrappers around "Sunkist"
oranges and lemons and send them to us. Select silver pieces
from our 27 different premiums. Every piece the famous
Hogers Standard A-l guaranteed silver plate.
The Rogers orange spoon shown above is sent to you for
12 trademarks from "Sunkist" oranges or lemons and six 2-cent
stamps (to pay cost of mailing, etc.). Trademarks from "Red
Ball" orange and lemon wrappers count same as "Sunkist."
Buy "Sunkist" oranges by the box, half-box or dozen from
your dealer.
Send your name for our
complete free premium sheet
and Premium Club Plan.
Send all orders for premiums
and all inquiries to (159)
California Fruit Growers Exchange
139 N. Clark Stmt, Chic.jo, 11L
which will be staeed at the Grand
theatre Monday ami Tuesday, January
1H and 20 has made a great hit with
those taking part. There is not a poor
'number in the show from the opening
chorus to the finale. Among the most
tuneful ones are "The Debutante," j
"Tho Bund from Amsterdam," "Some
thing," "i'orter on a Tollman Car,"
"Old Fashioned Kissing Games," "Oh,
the Hand,'' "Somewheic-Scuietime, "
"Greetings to the Debutante," and
t I O t , , . 1 . . . I
oumeuiio. nun one exception these
songs were all written for this piece
and are controlled bv eonvriirhts owned
by Mr. Brown, tho writer and director
This will prove a welcome feature as
tho popular songs we hear every day
will not be abused.
JOURNAL WANT ADS. bring results.
. t
1 cup sugar.
Vi cup boiling water.
I teaspoon vanilla.
White of egg beaten dry.
Cream butter, add sugar and white
of egg, Btir in water and flavoring.
Vanilla Sauce.
Boil 2 cups of sugar and 1 cup of
water 8 minutes; add 2 tablespoons of
butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla.
Hard Sauce.
Beat 'i cup of butter to a croam,
gradually beat in 1 cup of sugar and
press into a dome on a glass or china
plate. Grate a little nutmeg over the
Boston Gingerbread.
1 cup Xew Orleans molasses,
y cup sugar.
'Si cup butter.
1 level teaspoon soda.
1 cup boiling water
I cup seeded raisins.
1 teaspoon ginger.
1 teaspoon cinnamon.
3 cups flour.
1 dessortioon Crescent Baking Tow
der. Put molasses and butter into mixing
1800 East State
Oranges with
"Sunkist" Spoons
How dull these winter days would be
without the Tinker deal!
How sad and full of discontent the
baseball scribe would weel!
Without you, Joe, our life would be a
slow and listless game.
And so we hope you will keep it up at
least till spring has camo.
You may beat him and flay him and
clout him all day.
You may plaster him flat on the floor
But the bnttcred ex-champion always
will say:
"1 am better than ever before!"
Jupe 1'luve seems to have made a
resolution to give iib plenty early in
the year.
This Is Fudge
Have you tried making
a batch flavored with
You will enjoy it immensely, and so
will your friends. Here's tho recipe:
2 cups white sugar .
1 cup milk '
1 piece butter (size of egg)
1 teaspoonful Mapleine.
Cook 15 minutes. Take off and beat
until grains. Tour on buttered plate.
You can vary this by adding chopped
nuts, figs, dates, cocoanut, etc.
Grocers Sell Mapleine
If not write us, and we will supply you.
Seattle, Wash.
bowl, pour over them boiling water
with soda dissolved in it. stir well ,i
when mixture has cooled, add raisins,
spices, flour and baking powder. Bake
111 snanow pan in slow oven. Chopi!
walnuts and very little ground cloves
may be added ir desired.
Eaisin Lunch Cake.
Contains neither eggs nor milk.
Stow one and one-half cups Sultana
raisins in sufficient water to mnke two
cups of juice. Put in mixinir hnwl. xi
two tablosiHions of butter, one teaspoon
cinnamon, one-half teaspoon allspice,
one heaping tablespoon peanut butter,
one cup sugar, enough flour to make
stiff batter, possibly three cu. Stir
in two heaping teaspoons Crescent bak
ing powder. Mix well. Liwt. .;- )
the raisins dredged in flour. Ilnko
slowly in moderate oven one hour.
Snowfla'ie Cake,
1 scant cup sugar.
3' a scaut cups flour.
1 teaspoon vanilla,
'j scant cup butter.
2 cups milk.
2 teaspoons Crescent baking powder.
Cream butter, and suunr. add on
tablespoon of milk from m,.rn
until it forms a snonmr cresm ..1,1
remainder of milk and extract: hen on.
til sugar is dissolved in the bottom.
Measure tlour after sifting; add bak
ing powder, sift four times. tlr nnf
beat) the flour in until it is thoroughly
nuxeu. lour in int and let stand ten
minutes, bake in moderately hot oven.
Cse mapeline Icing.