Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 09, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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2-aOB THHE3,
It iB eminently desirable that friends
of woman suffrage throughout the
United Slates should note the effects
of the Pankhurst policy in Great
The evil fruit of that evil policy be
comes more apparent every day. And
the more deeply one deplores the ruin
brought to the suffrage cause in Eng
3and, the more resentful one grows of
the imbecilities and brutalities of the
Asquith cabinet through which the mil
itants have allowed themselves to be
driven into crime.
If two wrongs made one right, there
"would be an end of the discussion from
"the standing ground of ethics.
If it were right and wise to "set
"wrong to balance wrong, and physic
woe with woe," there need be no de
Tiate as to the moralities of the situa
If the impact of one crime upon an
other crime produced virtue, we might
acquit Mrs. Pankhurst and her fol
lowers of guilt.
Even if the later and lesser crimes of
"the militants could be excused by the
initial and greater and continuous
crimes of the government, they might
stand free from moral blame. But it is
not so. Wrong is wrong. Arson is a
mean and odious crime. It is not mean
er nor more odious than the crimes of
the government against ithe women.
But the head-on collision of two homi
cidal machines will not produce sanity
and the peaceable fruits of righteous
ness. The crimes of the militants are as
the crimes of the McNamaras. With
torch and dynamite bomb they steal
upon a victim as innocent as the first
person who reads these lines. Their
spirit and their method are those of
the midnight assassin who dynamites
5n the cause of "labor." And they are
"heroines" to those who find their
"heroes" in dynamiters and murder
ers. Here is a discovery by the police of
Preston, a big manufacturing town in
Xancashire. "The bundle comprised a
"woman's coat, a rope ladder, a pair of
goloshes, a pair of slippers, a cloth bag,
a pair of gloves, a tin containing about
a gallon of inflammable liquid, three
lamps containing candles, four dozen
packets of fire lighters, 10 largo pieces
of cotton wool and a knitted blue cap."
The objective of the thwarted incen
laries is believed to have been large
timber stacks at the docks. Success
"would have meant one of the biffcest
fires has ever known. The spirit of
violence is more violent ' than ever.
Hammers are thrown at the head of a
judge in open court. A dead cat is
TiHTlcd at the secretary of state for
Ireland when he appears upon a public
platform. The police, when they seek
to make an arrest, are fought so fierce
ly that thoy have to fight in return or
admit defeat and lose their prisoner.
They are working men, living on a
weekly wage. Thoy must obey their
orders or join the ranks of the unem
ployed. What are they to dof They
iight; heads are broken; lives are en
dangered. In meeting after meeting
Philip Snowdcn, the best suffragist
man in England, is howled down by
suffragist women. At Shoffiold he iB
addressing a meeting called to protest
against a conscription which threatenes
Great Britain. The militant women are
present in force. There are disgraceful
.scenes as women fight with men.
And the dreadful work goes on, The
government of a great empire is help
less to control the storm which its own
inaptitude and cruelly did bo much to
arouse. A shameful law derided as
"The Cat and Mouse Act" is passed
hy parliament at the bidding of the
government. It is understood by mom
bore that this is to take the place of
the foul and filthy practice of forcible
feeding; and many of them, loathing
that practice, vote for the act in order
to got rid of it.
The women laugh at the Cat and
blouse act, defy the home secretary to
slo his best and his worst with it. The
Right Honorable Reginald McKenna,
secretary of Btate for home affairs, lord
high torturer of Great Britain, brings
bacK the brutality of forcible feeding
from which parliament thought Eng
land safely delivered. The women re
double their efforts to burn and wreck
and terrorize and destroy.
Meanwhile, what of the effect on the
cause of woman suffrage? For the time
being it is ruined. And no man or
woman sees one faintest ray of hope for
action by the present house of com
mons. The last meeting at which I
spoke in London before coming to live
in this country was a suffrage demon
stration in Exeter hall. Mrs. Pank
hurst was in the chair, Miss Christabel
Pankhurst was one of the speakers.
I had sat under the gallery in the
house of commons for hours, following
with bated breath the debate upon a
woman suffrage bill.' The speaker al
lowed it to be talked out. I made my
way to the Dexter hall meeting dis
couraged and sick at heart. Perhaps
my speech showed too plainly the dis
couragement. My friend, Koir Hardie,
took upon himself to reproach me in
his own big, brotherly fashion. He de
clared that thiB temporary setback not
withstanding, by dint of a little effort,
the women would secure enfranchise
ment during that sossion of parliament.
This was more than six years and a
half agol And tho women of Great
Britain are immeasurably farther from
victory than they were then. They'
have had- victory snatched from their
grasp by Mrs. Pankhurst and her fol
lowers. !
The English newspapers contain a
verbatim report of Lloyd George's re
ply to a woman suffrage deputation in
troduced to him at Swindon by a bril
liant young friend of my own, one of
the coming preachers of England. The
chancellor's reply has deadly signifi
cance. It is a pity the whole of it can
not be printed in these columns. Here
is an extract from it:
"I am more of a woman's suffragist
today than I have ever been. But it
is no use denying facts. The one fact
is that in a parliamentary sense the
movement has gone back. In 1900 there
was a huge majority in parliament for
it. In the last two sessions we have
been beaten, and you may depend upon
it that in a movement like that parlia
ment represents the temporary mood
of the nation.
'Now, it is no use underestimating
tho effect of militancy. Tho effect to
has been enormous, but it has been to
convert indifference into something
like bitter hostility. I can seo it in my
own constituency. Afow years ago
there was a very considerable suffrage
feeling; the majority of the'peoplo
wore, I Bhould Bay, indifferent. But
the eruption of militancy in Wales has
outraged national sentiment. At our
national festivals there is hostility now
which never existed before against wo
men 'g suffrage You will find that in
evory part of the country. Now, what
has happened in Ireland! In Ireland
the militants have gone out of their
way to create anti-suffrage foeling
which never existed there before. They
went to Dublin. So far as I can Bee,
they tried to murder the Irish leader
by flinging a hatchet at his head. They
tried to break up a great nationalist
meeting at Belfast. What is the result!
Irish sentiment is against it, where be
fore, on the whole, it was inclined to
be friendly. It 1b no use denying these
facts. For the moment they have cro-
ated a situation which is the worst I
have ever Been of woman 'a suffrage in I
rjWTID miss ULMW WtRK.1
Washington, Jan. 3. The entire force
of United States marinos now in Pana
ma, totaling 400, were onlerod yostor-
lay afternoon rushed abroad Bhips now
stationed at Vera Cruz: Tho battleship
Minnesota was ordered to Christabel to
convey the marines to Mexican waters.
Socrctary of the Navy Daniels an
nounced this afternoon that the Minne
sota will relieve the battleship Michigan.
Some Good Prices Paid For Recruits
Who Have Been Trained on Long
Branch Grounds.
Features Which Distinguish the Cuban
Player From Average American,
According to Sheridan.
A conceited man la one who thinks
ho isn 't
(Written for the United Press)
New York, Jan. 9. Having swelled
up so often and allowed as how base
ball is the Great American game it
might be expected that something would
come along and gently ease over the in
timation that a few other nationalities
in this broad universe are picking up
batting, pitching and base running.
Down Jersey way they have a team
made up entirely of Cubans, and, wheth
er you will believe it or not, it is on the
rocords that the Long Branch team of
Now Jersey-New York league won the
pennant. The Long Branch aggregation
happens to bo an all-Cuban cast, so
there you be.
We are all more or less acquainted
with one Sonor Marsans, outfielder for
the Cincinnati Reds, who is one of the
leading exponents of the game as it '
is did in Cuba and Cincinnati. Long
Branch, however, is an indubator for
Cuban baseball players for this coun
try. ' Four members of this team were
sold to Boston last fall. Next year
there will be a new crop for the major
league scouts to look over. Manez.
a pitcher, who will perform during the,
next heated period is said to be a ring
dingor. The Long Branch management
has already been offered $3,000 for
him, but tho offer was refused. After
dangling before the eyes of the Majors
for a few months next year more money
will probably be offered.
Goes After Recruits Annually.
Dick Honriqucz, captain and manager
of the Long Branch team goes, to Cuba
every winter now. He looks 'em over
on tho island while Long Branch is
closed up and the summer rcsorters are
hugging the radiators. The n he bobs
up in tho spring with a new bunch of
Senors who wallop the pill all over
tho lot. Next year Henriquez expects
to arrange a series of pro-season gameB
with several of tho major leagues. His
Cubans will report from the island
ready for business as they will have
done their "spring training" around
Havana. Fifteen now players are to
bo brought up from Cuba next spring,
which angors much business of looking
things over by tho big league scouts.
Ono thing about these Cuban players
that is not found in the average Ameri
can of the league teams is ability and
willingness to play several different
positions. During tho last season ten
men, including pitchers and catchers
on the Long Branch team played every
game of tho 120 in the league schedule.
Thoy shifted around and played differ
ent positions. When a pitcher was not
working in the box ho would talto a
place in the outfield. Long Branch won
tho pennant by a margin of 22 games.
This Long Branch team probably has
the distinction of playing ball before
more money than any other team in
tho country considering the size of the
crowds it draws. Ono day last summer
fortunes estimated at $900,000,000 wore
represented in tho boxes. Long Branch
being a summer resort draws much mon
ey. Tho Oiiggenhoims, Greonhuts, tho
Tiradys and many other moneyed folk
are Included among the fans who root
for tho Cubans. Senator Smith, tho
Fleishmanna and a scoro of othcni may
also bo found pulling for the Long
Branch bunch. Whether they try to
pronounce the names of all of the play
ers is not on record.
JM1TED rni LRASKO wins.
Oiiiagr, Jan. 9. Joe Tinker, mana
ger of the Chicago Federal league club,
yesterday afternoon declared he had
beeu seeking the services of Walter
Jonhsou, star twirler of the Washing-
to American league club. Tinker ex
hibited a telegram from Johnson in re
sponse to one he had sent, in which
Johnson said he was under contract
with the Washington club and it was
impossible for him to negotiate with
Federals now.
President Wecghan of the Chicago
club he was prepared to offer Johnson
at least $10,000 annually for three
years and would give him a bonus of
$10,000 for signing.
Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 9. Bulldog
jaws and a plentiful sprinkling of tin
ears filled Superior Judge Craig's
court room here yesterday whoa the
taking of testimony began in the case
of Jesse Willard and ton other de
fendants charged with violating the
stuto anti-prize fight law.
Promoter McCnrty, who staged the
Willard-Young bout that resulted fatal
ly for Young and caused tho filing of
the present charges, took the stand
after tho chargo against him had been
droppod, that tho state might call him
as a witness. He described the fatal
bout, his recital reaching a climax with
the blow that brought victory to Wil
lard. Harry Burns, of the McCarpy fight
club, denied that tho match was a prize
fight, stating that each principal was
to receive a stated sum rogardless of
the result.
Dr. Bert Daly, formerly of the Phillies,
has now been elected mayor of Bay-
onne, N. J.
New Haven promoters have put tho
bars against heavyweights.' The Wil-
lard-Rodol muss is the answer.
Terry McGovem and his old rival
Joe Bernstein are now doing a boxing
act together in the variety theaters.
Leach Cross believes that his victory
over Bud Anderson entitles him to meet
Willie Ritchie for the lightweight
Ray Bronson must be ready for the
scrap heap when Holberg, the Danish
lightweight, can defeat him in a 20
round bout.
Carl Morris drew down something
over $5,000 for threo months' engage
ments in the ring last year. Nice
money for appearing in tho ring.
K. O. Brown has been forced to pass
up several bouts on account of stomach
trouble. He has offers to meet Ad Wol
gast, Joe Mandot and Joe Azedo.
Gilbert Gallant, the Chelsea . light
weight, will make his first appearance
in the West on January 16, when ha
will mix with One-Round Hogan in
Salt Lake City.
Ladies! Try This! Darkens Beautiful
ly and Nobody Can Tell Brings
Back Its Gloss and Thickness.
Catcher Leslie Nunamakor, of the Rod
Sox is sponding the winter in hunting
and fishing on Cape Cod.
Manager Finn, of the Momphls South
ern league team, is trying to put over
n trnilo with Minneapolis for Frank
Joe Tinker is making arrangements
to take his Chicago team of the Fodoral
league to Beaumont, Toxas, for spriug
Pitcher "Slim" Harrah, the star
slabber of tho Kansas league, has been
signed by the Victoria Northwestorn
league club. Harrah! Harrah! I
Manager George Stallings, of the
Boston Braves, shipped twenty-five j
turkeys from his Georgia plantation to
the Hub, for the annual dinner of the
Boston Winter leaguers.
After a season as manager of the In
dianapolis team, Mike Kclloy is will
ing to become a scout for the Cardinals,
It 'b juHt ono durn thing after another
for Mike.
The world touring Giants and White
Sox will arrive at Monte Carlo on Feb
ruary 12. Lut fence busriiig and bank
bustii.if, t'icy should remember, are al
together different things,
In a rocent newspaper article Eddie
Collins of the Athiolics paid tribute t'j
Ty Cobb as foliowB; "Take it from
one who knows, there ik only one Cobb,
All tho rest uro imitations."
From all accounts the new Feder.il
league intends to raid the National
ieaguo of players all along the line,
whilo apparently no effort la being
mailo to induce American liviguo play
ers to jump.
The lntorclty bouts between Boston
and New York amateur boxers will tako
place in Boston this month.
Ball players are an ambitious lot
Governor Toner of Pennsylvania was
a ball player in bis younger days, and
Common garden sage brewed into a
heavy toa, with sulphur and alcohol
addeed, will turn gray, streaked and
faded hair beautifully dark and lux
uriant; remove every bit of dandruff,
stop scalp itching aud falling hair. Mix
ing tho Sage. Tea and Sulphur recipe at
homo, though, is troublesome. An eas
ior wny is to get the roady-to-uso tonic,
costing about 50 cents a largo bottle, at
drug stores, known aa "Wyeth's Sago
and Sulphur Hair Remedy," thua avoid
ing a lot of muss.
Whilo wispy, gray, fadod hair is not
sinful, we all desire to retain our
youthful appearance and attractive
ness. By darkoning your hair with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no one can
toll, because it does it so naturally, so
evenly, Yon just dampen a sponge or
aoft' brush with it and draw thiB
through your hair, taking one email
strand at a time; by morning all gray
hairs havo disappeared. After another
application or two your hair bocomes
beuutifully dark, glossy, soft and lux
uriant and you appoar years younger.
Local Agent, J. C. Perry.
When a man lacking two or three of
the five senses can make a living and
lay up money, it Beems as if a man in
his prime and blessed with all tho
senses ought to do so; but some simply
can 't others won 't.
Don't Be Misled II
You Have Lung Trouble
If you hnvn l.unu Trimble, ilo nut he
mishit liy reports or illsi'ovurli'H of pe-
cllles to relieve Unit iinVillim. No i Illc
Inn lis vet heen found. Krkniim's Allenl
tlve, however, It n medicine for tlii'ont
mid hum troiililen wlilih Iiiih lii'i'n hiio-ci-HHfully
iim'il In insny rimes. If you urn
sli k, It mliilit he wise for you to Invel1
i(iil e Its merlin mill Its use tuny lie of
iiiHtltiit hiurllt to yon. Henil of this
aikl Seventh Avn., New York.
"OentliMieii: l-'lve yenrn men Inst All
gust I win Inken to Ht. Fnilli-ls' lliispltlll
tu he treiiliil for Hl'nlii'llllw mill cnliai'St
xl limn Afler ievi'nil weeks' trenlineiit
I Wlis llilvlKeil hv the iloilor to Bit
convnleHeent siinltn rlniit. hut could not he
mlinltted I iiiish Ihe doctor st the hits-
riltiil, nfter n thorouuh exiiiiiluiilhiu, ile
elnred my ei'ne Limit Trouhle, mid itnve
tile II eerilllente to thill elTei't, I showed
the eertllleiile to Knlher Hnirk, iind he ml
vised me to Hike Kekumu's Allcrntlve.
I took the Alterntlve fullhfiilly us nT
reeled, niel noon found myself free from
nlKht nwrnts mill fever, mid arndimlly not
better. 1 hnve not tnken the Alterntlve
now for two venrs. mid emi trutlifnllv siiy
I am well. I fell belter slid nm stronger
tllllll helore my alekliens."
(Allhliivlll MAHY KOKIIAMKH.
(Above nhlirevhited; mure on reiinnt.)
IOelinuin's Allerullve hns been proven by
ninny venrs' test to Im inont efllinilinn
for M-vere Thtonl mill I. "UK Affei'Huns,
llroni bill". Ilronehl il Aslhinn. rtliililmrn
Colds nnd In iipbulldbiK the system,
rontnlns no iinreiitliit, imlsniis or hiihlt
fonnluK ilruifs. Ask for booklet MlliiK
of reeoverles, mid wrltft tit eN'kmrill
lJiborntorv, I'lillndclpbln. I'n.. for evi
dent. Kor ail lir all lendlnK druiwlsts
J. C. Pen-y.
DENT'S GLOVES-Dent's Best Street Glove., in tan
and white. Our regular $2,00
CHILDREN'S HOSIERY-Boys' and Girl.' fast black
cotton ribbed hose, full range of sizes.
COMFORTS Good quality, double bed size, cotton
comforts in good range of colors.
CHILDREN'S FURS-Children's Angora Fur Sets in
white and grey, muff and scarf.
MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Odds and ends and broken
lines of combinations and drawers.
House of
Half Million Bargains
Come and toe the blggost wonder In the liintory of Salom. You will
find in our place the blggOHt accumulation of article., from a hairpin to
a thronhlng machine, ever soon. Feather beds, bod springs, crockery,
dishes, latest style new and locond hand picture!, clothing for men and
women, bIiooh, suit cases, ehow canoe, vacuum cleaners, books, all kinds
of now and socond hand machinery, construction and all kinds of tools.
Steam and wator pumps, gimullne engines, Wo buy and soil every,
thing from a needle to a piece of gold. We pay the hlghoet cash price
for everything. The House of a Half Million Bargains.
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
233 State Stroot. Salom, Oregon, I'hone Main 224
Journal Want Ads for Results
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By Gross
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