Eclitorfai Page of i lie Salem Capital Jooma! FRIDAY JAN. 9, 1914 The Capital Journal PUBLI8IIED BY The Barnes -Taber Company GRAHAM P. TABER, Editor and Manager. An Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles and the Progress and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in GeneraK feHthcd Hv.ry Evening fixcept Hunriay, Salem, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Invariably In Advance) Call, ny Carrier, per year ...$5.20 Per month.. 45c Dally, by Mall, per year 4.00 Per month.. 86c "tkly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 (tlx months. 80c FULL LEASED WIKB TBI.EORAPH RKPORT ADVERTISING RATES. Advertising rates will be furnished on application. "New Today" Ads. strictly cash in advance. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 82. AN EXAMPLE OF AMERICAN JUSTICE TUB higher tho official and tho greater tho sliaro in a swindle the less punishment, la the ' invariable rulo in the courts. Wednesday James Dunlop Smith, president of tho Radio Telephone company, who swindled investors in the stock of a fjilte company, organized and rrmnagod by him, was found guilty of conspiring to swindlo investors through the uno of tlio mails. At tho sanio timo Elmer Hurlingamo, who was agent for ono of tho subsidiary companies organized by James Dunlop Smith to carry out tho schemo of robbery planned by him in the original company was found guilty of thn snmo offense. James Dunlop Smith whoso fertile brain concocted tho scheme and perfocted its working parts wbb sentenced to serve ono yqar and a half in tlsa fodoral prison at Atlanta, and to pay a fine of $5,000. Elmor Burlingnmo, his agent and tho man employod to do his dirty work, was, by tho saino judge, and on the snmo day, sentenced to sorve two yoars and a half in tho snmo prison and to pay a fine of $10,500. Of course at this romoto distance it is impossible to Beo why tho principal should bo lot off with half tho punishment administered to the agent. It may bo that the fact that Smith ' chimtian name, John Dunlop, bis having two prefixes to his name may have influenced the judge; for wo all know that a long pronominal covor is looked upon by actresses and othor limelighters as a special mark of distinction, and if somohow theso names can bo hyphenated that fact brings distinguished and especial honor. Then again the poor devil of an agont, had not even a middle initial let alone a double-barrelled door knob on his name. How tho judge found It in his heart to punish tho principal, tho man who organized tho robbing schomo and operated it to hid own benefit In the) sum it is stated of more than a million dollars, especially when tho hired man, tho agent was there who could just as well hnvo carried tho wholo sentence and left James Dunlop free to do good with his million of stolen money is not for tho public to know. Who knows but ho might have built a public library with it, or possibly contributed to tho endowment fund of some collegof Besides thoro woro undoubtedly other agents. Of courso Jnmos Dunlop Smith having gotten away with a million dollars will hiro tho very best and most conscien tious lowycrs to tako his case up on appeal, and use every means to koep tho sontenee from being onforced for p year or two, by which timo a schemo can be framed up by which a pardon cun bo secured. Equally of course Elmor Burlingamo, tho agont, having rocolved only a salary and perhaps not a very large ono, will b0 nnablo to employ attomoys, and he will go to prison an example of tho fact that in this great country the punishment Is always tnado to fit tho crime and that the laws qnnnot bo vio lated with impunity, unless tho violator has cleaned up enough to divide with tho lawyers, and jwrhaps tho courts. It Is such case as this that makes the Amorlcan citizen doubt tho charac ter of judges and look with contempt on the laws. If there is any valid reason why tho principal in a crime should escape wlh loss punishment thau some poor dovil of an agont who works for him, the people generally would like to have tho court show them what ft is. The governor has started a crusade presumably for tho enforcement of all laws, although so fur, his effort have been confined to attacks on violators of tho local option and gambling laws, and on tho red light districts. It Is to bo hol that his efforts will take in tho whole range of slack work in enforcing laws. When ho does, he may find somo here in Salem tUnt neod enforcing, and possibly ho might find something worthy of his stool with out leaving tho stato houso, The Oregonian paragraphor is not keeping In close touch with tho country. Thursday ho remarked that "with tho balm of spring in the air the Orogon hen ha not begun to fill the void." This is a base slander on tho Oregon hen, though perhai a thoughtless ono. Tho Oregon hen Is doing her duty nobly. Inqulrle of thoso who keop chickons in tho city discloses tho fact that tho blddin aro getting down to hard work, and that where two or throo wooks ago they were doing nothing more usoful than learning to dance the tango, they are now cackling vigorously and not lying when thoy do so. Tho writer ha two hens that belong to his wife, (this In caso she should road this) that are shelling out seven or eight egg every day, and assisting in bringing the anatomy of a hard working newspaper man, back to its once graceful and rotund lines. We call attention of the society folks to tho fact that, whothor first or booby, are strictly forbidden by tho law of Orogon, and, playing card when a prize is offered is a violation of the law against gambling. Bettor look out or Col. Lswon will get you. ! !- ' So far, that Interstate bridge across tho Columbia at Vancouver consists of much more "dam" than brldgo. Copperfleld Is so dead that the railroad ha asked tho railroad commission to Krmlt It to remove its agency from and close up shop them This ou ac count of tho actions of our governor. However, ho can safely assert that ho first put tho now notorious village on the nutp, and ha a right to wipe it out If he wants to do so. A the newKpapera absolutely require peace In Copterfield will necessarily ico. R T. Jonen, register of tho laud office at Uwcburg is a eandblate for con gress, and will make the moo for the nomination on the republican ticket against llawloy. Mr. Jones frankly adlt tlwt ho has not boon asked by hundreds of friends who sat up nights to lmortune him to mako the race, nor ha he boon visited by organized delegation made especially for tho pur pose to bowwh him to run. He Is gollng to do It on his own motion, and ho start tho gome by Mug both honest a n1 truthful. - .' LADD & BUSH, Bankers : Tit AN? ACT! A OBKI&AL lAVIOfO BUHTHMi AT ITT DS- pomt mxvK "Want" Ads. and war news of some kind tho dawn of bfcdlowed by lucroascd activity In Mex 1 1 1 it . VTm tavtle3ckcm - i s IN CALIFORNIA What Hag Been Accomplished There Is Told by Member of State Highway Commission. PURCHASE OF MATERIAL AT LOW PRICE VERY IMPORTANT Type of Material Used, Method Apportionment and Cost per Mile for Construction. of BY CHARLES D. BLANEY Member California Highway Commis sion. At tho outset the C'ommiesion was confronted with tho fact that $10,000, 000 to .$50,000,000 would be required to construct a complete system of high class roads "with a durable type of pavement." California is over five times tho size of New York, and in pro portion to size the good raids appro priation of this state is less than one twentieth of that of New York. When the numbers of the Highway Commission travelled all the lines of loast resistance between Oregon and Mexico, trips which covered more than 0,500 miles of possible routes, thoy re alized the importanco of thiB problem. As a result thoy succeeded in making savings of more than $10,000,000 with out sacrificing construction, and aro really giving the state $28,000,000 worth of improved highway for the $18,000,000 approprioted. It is of interest to know just how this additional $10,000,000 was saved: First, by omitting construction of any port of the state highways inside the boundaries of incorporated citios. This is in harmony with the action of othor states, avoids an unusual cost which sometimes amounts to $30,000 a mile and eliminates tho important problem of composing cities to relinquish juris diction over somo of tlioir streets and the public utilities thereon. This effects a Baving of at least $.1,000,000. Second, by asking the counties to provide all necessary rights of way and bridges. These rights of way and the bridges would naturally be provided by tho counties for their own local dovtl opmont, henco it is entirely logical to ask this provision of them. The plan has been carried out in all counties where construction is under way, sav ing tho state fully $l,u00,000. Purchase of Material. Third, by the purchase of road mate rials, such as rock, cemont and asphal tic oil, at much lower price than the contractors have paid. The state can Iay qash for very large purchases, stim ulate the demand from cities and coun ties and create a steady markot through dull times all of which induced the manufacturers to make low prices. The discounts ranged from 25 to 45 per cent. For Instance, thousands of tons of crushod rock have been bought for -13 conts a ton, where counties and con tractors nave formerly paid BO cents to $1.10 for the same material. Cement ha been purchased at $1.18 to $1.30 a barrel, where many counties, citie and contractors have been paying from $1.90 to $2.40 a barrel. The stato can thus furnish material to contractor at these low prices, re moving tho necessity on tho part of tho contractor of furnishing capita or credit for $30,000 to $80,000 worh of material upon each contract. This re sulted In markedly lower bids and an increased number of good contractors who can honestly bid on contract. In directly, thoroforo, it had tho effect of preventing any contractors' combi nation on tho highway contracts. This saving of the cost of materials going into the construction of the highways may be figured conservatively at $2, 000,000. Fourth, by securing from the South ern Pacific, Sant Fe, Western Pacific and othor railroads of the state half rates on hauling all materials and ma chinery for the construction of the highways. Tho railroads have complied with this rnqutwt of the Highway Com mission because they realize that no one thiug would do more to develop the state quickly, and thus increase their revenue from freight and passen ger traffic, than would the early com pletion of an efficient state highway system In th state of California, We estimate that these savings In freight will amount to more than $1,000,000. Subscription for Bond. A saving of an entirely dlffreiit sort was effected when, in October, 1012, tho market for low-rate bond ceased after $2,100,000 worth of California State Highway bonds had bveu sold. The burden was then laid uihui the Highway Commission either of aban doning the continuance of the work or of arranging for the placing of the bonds. Ono of the moot remarkable financial results ever obtnlned lu any stnlo was secured through the htttrty support and co-operation of the vari ous counties. Tho Highway Commission obtained from the California counties mib'u'riptions taking nuro than $.V(HK), 000 of tho highway bonds, conditioned that tho subset Ipt ions so nytdo should IDI be expended in the counties according to tho amount subscribed. Hence, tho Highway Commission has been able to provide for more than $10,000,000 of additional construction and to keep the work under way at a timo when the erratic bond market has suspended lnrge projects all over tho world. The California Highway Com mission now hos under construction or ready for contract more than twice the anuunt of new highway construction than any other highway commission in the United State has had at any ono time. Realizing the enormous advan tages which will accrue to each county the Commissioneis are straining every nerve to complete as many miles as pos sible before, the great exposition of 1915. Type of Roads. In order to lay out the state high ways with absolute fairness to every portion of the state while keeping with in the limitations and the appropria tion, the Commissioners found by per sonal inspection that there were nearly 2,700 miles to construct, of which ap proximately 1,400 miles form trunk lines. The Commission and tho Stato High way Engineer were united on a typo of road having a firm, solid, well-drained Bubgrnde, with a solid base, preferably cement, and a good' heavy asphalt or asphaltic-concrete surface as th most desirable and permanent road to build. But this would cost for the width con templated about $16,000 a milo, a fig ure absolutely prohibitive within the $11,000,000 allowed. Jn order to be fnir to the whole state wo allowed $8,020 a milo for 1,303 miles of the system, the remaining laterals to bo surfaced with local materials or simply well drained and graded, accord ing to their traffic necessities. Xo sacrifice was made from thn $16,000 a mile type, so that when tho people wish to vote $10,000,000 addi tional the whole trunk line of the stato of California may be given a heavy covering to make a thoroughly ideal system. As it wms, we determined that we could provide within the apportionment a well laid out roadway with tho grade not in excess of 6 per cent for tho wholo distance from Oregon to Mexico, except for a few thousand feet whero a 7 per cent grndo was necessary, well drained and with durable concrete eul- .verts, with a solid cement base laid upon a well compacted subgrnde and covered with a bituminous surface which will be supplemented in mninte nance. Sets Pace for Coast. We have set the pace for a Pacific Coast highway linking Canada with Mexico through Washington and Ore gon and California; in surveying the connecting highway through the Siski you mountains tho highway commission of the southern counties of Oregon ac cepted our standard and kept within tho maximum of a 6 per cent gmde. Wo have every assurance that we have planned a system which is not in any way problematical or experimental n8 to construction, and, if properly maintained, adequate to the needs of modern traffic. By this expenditure of approximately $8,600 a mile more than 00 per cent of tho total expend! turo will have been spent toward the ultimate construction of the $16,000 a milo type, thereby through tho present policy saving a future capitml expend! tore of a great amount of money. TURNS SALARY OVER TO POOR. rsnan rasa utacn wiss Lo Angeles, Cal Jan. 9. City Coun- cilmal Hnino Reed paid yosterday Into the city's funds for the relief of the unemployed $600, his salary which had accumulated during threee months' sick leave. GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST Try This!.. Hair Get Thick, Glossy, Wavy and Beautiful at Once Btopt Falling Out Immediate! Yost Cortaint That' the joy of it. Your hair become light, wavy, fluffy, abuudnnt aud appear a soft, lustrous and beautiful a a young girl' after a Dandorine hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine aud carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will oleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil, and in a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful sur prise awaits those whose hair ha been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; destines, purifies and In vigorate the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair fine and downy at first ye but real ly new hair growing all over the scalp. If you rare for pretty, soft hair, and lot of it, surely get a 25 cent bottle of Kuowlton'i Danderine from any drug More or toilet counter and just try it Ladies' Suits High standard quality, worth up to $15, $18 and $20; all new shades Prices now $7.90 $9.90 AND $11.90 THE ROUND-UP. Oi the 939 persons who registered at Portland Wednesday, only 105 were women. ... Portland is supplying it officials with autos so thoy can get over their territory quicker, and for other reasons. ... Portland's night schools are showing a remarkable increase in attendance. ... The Oregon Short Lino, which oper ate the railroad running to Copper field, has asked the railroad commission permission to close its agency at that point because the governor has put the town out of business. ... Harrisburg is still dry and will remain so until the supreme court passes upon the matter. The new council although olected by the wets, refused to Issue any licenses until the supreme court decided the matter. ... There will be no more dancing in the Portland public schools during school hours, ... Sheriff Word is getting busy In Port land, and Wednesday raided several grills and card room. ... Goorge Hehoff and B, D. Beduff are under arrest in Portland charged with the murder of Jessie Wilson, Saturday night. Her body wa found iu her room after tie two had visited her, her throat having been cut with a small knife. Each of the men charges that the other committed the murder. ... Hood Kiver has clapped on the lid and dice shaking and all kind of gam bling are prohibited. ... The big storm which swept the coast for several days has come to an end. At Astoria the rainfall for seven days was 10.S2 Inches. Poring the last three days of the storm the rainfall wa 8.29 inches and in the 24 hours ending Tue ilny night, 3.14 inches. ... In Washington county it is estimated that the storm did damage to bridges alone to 20,000, ... Tuesday afternoon the water on th Oregon Electric track near Tualitan wa in places six feet deep, and all the traffic wa suspended. ... War has again broken out at The Dalle between th mayor and council , Ladies' r ' r" ' y.l....,w-..IT,,.,. ,, .,,,, , , m,M,mml ,,,. 150 ' .yJoN : -:x&f aft " . ' -?SS. ' 75c Fast . j. hjT " vSrr"3sil BlacIt Hose ' ,7S",Sr T"1": 'mm'-BP Petticoats NTWg STORE THATSAVES YOU MONEY 'l Z Oj iWiimii. i ....n , ..,-.,., , mi, mtmmkiimmmm'timkmmmmi ...i. i) na i, nn min ml CLEA R NG PR ICES Go all over Salem first and get their prices then come here and see the money we can save you. Every article in this big store re duced and sold at prices you cannot touch elsewhere in Salem. See Our Window Prices Extra Special PRICES CUT LaZ9ZT AWAY DOWN Pine Laces and Em- . -i . , Remnants of Outing broideries on sale at , 8 i , Flannels, yard 3y2c less than cost to clean ,. ' n Muslins and Sheetings at mill prices. $1.00 Corsets now .. 49c Emeraid Green peM1. $1.00 Kid Gloves .... 49c . coatf) now 9gc Long Ostrich Plumes, Odd lots of Hosiery and now 98c, $2.45 Underwear half price. SILKS AND DRESS GOODS We are leaders in Silks and Dress Goods. Come here for bargains and the best stock in Salem to choose from. CLEARING PRICES. 19c, 25c, 35c, 49c yd. and up over the appointment of a chief of po lice, the council by a vote of 8 to 1 refusing to confer the mayor's ap pointment. Enterprise is having an epidemic of measles, more than 60 children being reported as having the disease. ... Canby closed it doors Wednesday aftornoon in obedience to request from tho mayor during the funeral of the late Heiman Lee, who died at his home in Canby a few days ago. lie was a pioneer of 1853 and one of Canby 's first settlors. ... Mrs. Charles Eaton, of Springfield, who was frightfully burned a few days ago, when her apron caught fire at the kitchen, gave birth to a daughter In the hospital Wednesday. . BISKS FEAM0HI3B IS KBWPOBT f Pterin taiin vti.1 - lewport, Or.. Jan. 9. The Portland u- . t i j t uwi inree ooxos or uoan ' Sidney West Coast Ba.lroad and Nav.gat.on ; j WM in beMe, w,th tfc j J company ha, today made application tOjbeen for tftn and the city counicl for a franchise through ' i,:. ... . . . , . ., . - the streets of this city. The company , . . ... , . . , distance of 117 miles. If constructed it will be possible to roach Portland in about four hours whore as it takes all day now. John II. Haak, exten sive timber owner, is president of the company. Tho road will tap about 40,000,000 feet of timber. Our Idee, of genuine curiosity is a man who keep hi mouth shut and lives to regret it. We have never seen a genuine curiosity. RINK HABIT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. The ORRIXE treatment for the Drink Habit can be used with absolute confi dence. It destroys all desire for whis key, beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thousands have successfully used it and have been restored to live of sobriety and usefulness. Can be given secretly. Costs only $1.00 per box. If you fail to get result from ORRINE after a trial, your money will be refunded. Ask for free booklet telling all about ORRINE. rerry Drug Store. Ladies' Coats All new, bought at 60c on the dollar. Values up to $12, $15, and $20 now only $3.95 $7.90 AND $11.90 ANOTHEB SALEM CASE. It Prove That There's a Way Out for Many Suffering Salem Tolka. Just another rennrt nf a eiuu in So. jlem. Another typical case. Kidney ailment relieved in Salem with Doan's Kidney Pills. F. A. Sutton, tent and awning dealer, Salem, Oregon, says: "I had kidney trouble and rheumatism for ten year and sometime I was laid up. Doctors did not help me. Sharp pains extended through my back and were most severe in my kidneys. Often when working, I had to give up I lost weight and was in very poor health. I had headaches, rested but little at night and didn't know what to do. On a friend's ad vice, I tried Doan's Kidney Pill and to my surprise, they brought a great im provement in a few days. I continued to get better Bteodily. I got more sleep. my appetite improved and the pains i (frouunnjr, uui surety, leu me. Arter 1 v. i u... v . - . . gradually, but surely, left me. After '7 tuuipuum mauunea. xne cure . . '. , . , ,, I ho been permanent. I gladly couf rnx svwu b ixiuuejr Pills several years ago." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't sim ply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same Mr. 8utton had. Foster-Milburn Props., Buffalo, N. Y. that Co., STATS BAILBOAD COMMISSION WOULD PBOTECT MERCHANTS For protection of local merchants tho state railroad commission today an nounced that the practice of certain traveling salesmen of delivering good from trunks checked a baggage is not lawful. The decision wa rendered at the request of Joseph Simon, of Port land, who desired a construction of the law and an order from the commission Certain salesmen, it is charged, af ter covering their territory, rather than ship sample back to the house they represent, have sold them. The opinion of the commission is in line with one recently made by the In terstate Commerce commission. WAITRESS SEEKS DEATH. (DN1TIO rim LKASID WI1I.1 Albany Or., Jan. 0. Leanina into the Willamettte river here yesterday afternoon in an attempt at sucide, Miss Hazel Ward, aged 20, a waitress, was picked up by several men in a boat after she had floated 1500 feet. Sho was unconscious when rescued but wa revived. No cause i known for her at.