PAGE SIX DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1911, ALCOHOL 3 PEU r.iKv AVcgelablePffparalionrorAs simllaiingiteRjodandReiiiiia ling Utc S toatadis amlBowcJs of For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Promotes DiCesKonJChmfid- ness and Rest.Contalns neitbtr Opiuai.Morpliine norlfcral Not Narcotic. A'x.Smm Auttttil Warm Srt- Clanlktl Snqnr limn AnerfpetRemedv forConsflm- Hon , Sour Stonaii.i)larriioca Worms .onvulswia.revtnsii- nessaiulLossorSiiER ?icSiniile sijnaiurt of Ins, Cbntaub Compad; NEW YUKK., Signature f( io In Use For Over Thirty Years E Sbootlng of Melton, daughter and her self Believed to Have Come When He Was Unmasked. ANY ONE OF FOUR WOUNDS IN MELTON'S BODY FATAL Fifteen Empty Cartridges Found Floor and Many Shots Must Have Gone Wild. on Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mil i'lMM1 MBMMtfWiMMIBHI tHI ITAWH OMMNV, NIW YOUR CITY. EY surrounding country within a fivo-mile radius of the apparatus, is being held in detinue at the city prison here, pending an investigation of the valid ity of his invention. Tho "wireless Bpitzscopo" is the namo given by Spitz to his invention, and ho organized a million dollar cor poration, the "Wiroloss Spitzseopo Company, Inc.," tho stock of which his agents have been busy selling to the gullible. In rooms on tho top floor of a prom- Inont business block hero, Spitz main tained his headquarters, lie had a wiroloss outfit installod, with a number of mercury tubes, reduction coils and other electrical devices to bewilder the prospective stock buyer. Polico inspectors, on tho request of suspicions stockholders, mndo an inves tigation yesterday. Accompanied by a doputy city olectriuian, who is an ex pert on wireless, they called on Spitz. After a thorough examination, Spitz was locked up. SHOOTS WOMAN AND SELF IN NEW YORK CITY HOTEL A. 0. Mngors returned yestorday from an extended visit in southorn Cal ifornia in company with Jack Rogers. Mr. Mngcrs saw, among countless other interesting things, the great "bird nmn," Lincoln liouchey, performing tho latent air stunts. Following is a fair description of what Mr. Mngors observed while at tending tho aviation grounds and which whto recorded in a California papor: ' "Once mora Lincoln Doachey broko his own record when yesterday after noon ut tho Imposition aviation RTtmnibi, ho looped the loop seven times before a crowd of 25,0(10 spectators. Hex'hcy'g best previous record wns six loop. "This exhibition was tho Inst tho nir expert will make horo for the present, as he will Icfive this week for Los An Rnlm ami the latter part of tho month will no to Australia, "Olhrr aviators, including Silas and Harry ( hristofforson, Hoy Francis and 11. W. lilakcly participated. Motion I'iclnrrN were taken from a baloon which hung high in the air. 'A!1 the blrdmcn distinguished them nolvui by their daring and the facility with which they handled their inn eliinrs. "A new rule has been established by I'tfrrrtnr of Works W. 11. H. Connick, who warned the aviators that they immt not perform their stunts directly over the bends of the crowd, us some of them Imve been doing. " Mr. Mngers declares that there are FLEA TO REVERSE DECISION over J 0,0(10 unemployed men in Nnn MADE IN JOHNSON CASE Vrnnriwo despite the fact that there ' ro in tho neighborhood of 20,000 men I nuiTrn rimss i.sxrr. wthr I now employed at the 1'anama exposi- ' 'l,ilftK"' ' SA pica to the Knifed tion grounds. He shiites also that while Slnl, ,'iri'"it ,,,urt ot appeals here to he. and Mr. Itugers was in Frisco tho r,,v,'rst' It" conviction of .lack Johnson, tity Kovernmcnt offered employment ,ho '"'K10 l,"Ki,ist' 0,1 " ,v,,it" slavery fur most of the unemployed nt if 2 a day ,,,llu'0 N11"1" Wednesday by Attor l.nt truly a hundred accepted tho of- ! m.v "''".i1"11'1' Hnchrach. fer. "Tho Mann act was not Intended to The. exposition buildings, Mr. Mngors Invent a man from traveling between iIwIhits, are going up rapidly and thoro H,lu's witl1 R concubine," argued luich arwuomit of the largest structures plan-, nl' "Tl, ,it1'' subject matter lied that he has over seen or heard of (ONITBD FBBSS UASID WIKI. Los Angeles, Jan. 8. A new element was injected into the Molton-Cox trag edy affair late Wednesday when D. M. Hammack, an attorney with whom Mel ton was associated in business said that Melton was married and lived with his wife, Mrs. Maude C. Melton, in Mohawk street, Los Angeles. The couple had been married seven years, Hammack said, and appeared to be hap- py- The police entertain but one theory of the killing, and that is based upon the statement of Mrs. Cox's mother i( San Francisco that Meltvn and Mrs. Cox were to be married. They believe that Mrs. Cox had loarnod that Melton already hail a wife, or perhaps that he told her, and that she deliberately plan ned and committed the crime. , She Must Have Done It. They point to the fact that anyone of four of the wounds in Molton's body would have been fata, and they believe that the woman emptied her revolver into his body aftor she had shot him down. Fifteen empty cartridges lay on the floor of the doath room. Many of the shots had gone wild, stoveral going through a window aad imbedding them selves in a wall. In the theory they have constructed, tho police aro unable to account for what thoy say must have been the cold blooded murder of the little girl, who was an unusually beautiful child. Mrs. Melton identified her husband's body at the morgue. She smid that her life with Melton was happy, and that she had novor heard of Mrs. Cox. claimed one of the officers of the Span is liner Manuel Calvo yesterday when tiold of Captain Gunter's charge that the Calvo 's crew were half hearted in their efforts to rescue those on board the tanker Oklahoma. "'Captain Bonet of the Calvo," the officer continued, speaking for his su perior, who knows no English, "did everything possible. He risked his ship as far as he dared, and our men hesitated at no risks in their efforts. Some of them, injured when our boats were smashed against Calvo 's side, are in hospital now." The officer admitted that the Calvo did not stand by tho Oklahoma through the entire night but pointed out that there were six other ships on the scene, "In the darkness," he said, "it was necessary for the captain to Bheer off, for the safety of his own ship and pas sengers, since the Oklahoma was with' out lights and the Calvo had no search light," MORE BATTLESHIPS TO BE SENT TO MEXICO IINITRD 1'IICSS I.RAHFIU (VIHn.l New York, Jan. 8. John Peterson, nged 2."), yesterday ufternoon shot and killed an unidentified woman about 20 years ot age, in tho Hellenior hotel here. Peterson then committed suicide. The couple had registered nt tho ho tel as "J. Peterson nod wife." The woman wns shot through the left eye and the man in tho head. The polico think tho man shot her following a quarrel. A napkin was knotted about the girl's neck, and the police believe tho man attempted to choke her to death, but failing in this, shot her. IKJLICE THINK STYGIAN BAYS PROJECT 19 FRAUD of the act indicate it was designed to prevent the buying ami selling of wo men for the purpose of prostitution." TANGIBLE THANKS. much does Metsler she got her di- I IMTKI, I'UKSH I.KASMh WIIIFl ti'':-.i 'ill., .Inn, S. Mnmnol S'lit. llammels Hew 'farmer employe of tho government at pay his late wife sin Mure IkIiiiuI unvy yard, who claims to vorcot t ulile, by menus of "stygian rays", FawcettFifty dollars a week 120 anil a wireless outfit, to throw on a for alimony and $110 for gratitude. gnua dire at night the image of the Life. TIDWELL ADMITS HE MADE SOME ERRORS IN CASE trams) r&isii uasid wibi.1 Washington, Jan. 8. Secretary of the Navy Daniels announced yesterday afternoon that the battleships Deta ware, Florida and Utah will sail for Mexican waters about February 15. They will be sent, the secretary ex plained, to relieve the Rhode Island, Nebraska and New Jersey. Should the ships scheduled to be relieved remain nowever, as recently happened in a similar case, the United States would have ten battleships off the Mexican coast. ' Incidentally Secrotary Daniels' an nouncement immediately followed a de nial by him that "any order had been issued or was contemplated" to sond more ships to Mexican waters. CONTEMPT CASES ARGUED. UNITED PBB8S LHASIO WIBI. Washington, Jan. 8. Arguments were begun yesterday afternoon before the United States supreme court in the Gompers-Mitcholl contempt qases. The labor leaders were represented by Judge Alton ,B. Parker. Samuel Giompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and one of the defendants, was in the court room. UNITID FUSS UASSD Wtll.l Son Francisco, Jan. 8. Cross exam ination of Hpecial Treasury Agent Tid well was continued yesterday at the trial of eight Wostorn Fuel company offi 'ifils and employes, charged with (inspiring to defraud the government. 'iidwoll was made to admit by Do f:'tie Attorney McCutchen that the O'einges alleged by certain witnesses hnd becu exaggerated. McCutcheon at tempted to mako tho witness ndmit that e himt'elf had confused overages in connection with tho bargo "Coman- he. ' ' "Didn't you in your direct examin ation state that the percentage of ovcr- ige on the Comanche was 14.43, whon in fact it was only 4.3 per cent. Isn't that considerably Ichs?" demanded Mc Cutcheon. "Yes, it is less," answered Tidwell, if 1 made such a statement recently." " You will ndmit that wo have shown glaring errors in your figures, wont vout" "Yes," answered Tidwell. , The alleged overages on the barge Melrose, charged February 10, 100!, ti ii 1 1, discharge March 31, lilOU, were re- luced by defense figures from 21 per out, as alleged by the government, to 1.71 per cent. This Will Interest Mothers Mother Gray's Swoot Powder's for Children, a certain relief for Feverish noss, Headache, Bad Stomach, Teeth ing Disorders, move and regulate tho Bowels and destroy Worms. They break up Colds in 24 hours. They aro so pleasant to the taste Children liko them. Over 10,000 testimonials. Used by Mothers for 24 years. Thoy never ran. sold oy all druggists, Uoc. Sam ple mailed FREE. Address, Allon 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. ROSEBURG FIRM'S FAILURE. (UN1TBI) PKISl LBHBD WIHI.l Portland, Or., Jan. 8. Admitted in debtedness of '50,257 is included in a voluntary bankruptcy petition of "Jo- sephsons," a mercantile house of Rose- burg, filed in the federal court here today. The scheduled assets of tho concern aro $20,700. Hannah, Sam D. and Julian Josephson are namod as co partners in the company. iiiiiiiii. . i.i mm .ii- ii in mi ,,,.,..,. nw.i, ,., mvi. aw. tjmjt ii. ir 'fc.a .1 m I m; i, Mini. iii m i firm V4 WWy mt ' '.wii . Jill iii Takes All the Shivers From the Morning Shave 1 The bathroom is warmed in almost no time and you shave in comfort if your home is equipped with a IT The heater is so light it may be easily carried to the dining room or living room or wherever needed. Easy to light and clean. So con structed that it can't smoke. Doesn't smell. Will last a life time. Finished in, plain steel or blue enameled drums. For Best Results Use Pearl Oil Ask to see it ct your dealers Standard Oil Company (California ) Portland PHONE BOYCOTT BELATED IN SUIT AGAINST TRUST BREATHE FREELY! OPEN NOSTRILS MAN WHO CLAIMS TO BE SANE MAT COME BACK TO PROVE IT DNITID Miss umD wini.l Sun Francisco, Jim. S. Walter Me- Creerv, Sun rrancisco millionaire, ad judged incompetent by California courts about a year ago, was allowed .00 0 out of his estate tv Superior Judge (liaham here yesterday to return to San Francisco from London and at tempt to bjtivo liis competency restored bv the courts. Several months ago Mel'reery made a sensational escape from his country estate, near llollister, Cnl., where ho had been placed under guardianship bv Attorney H. II. McPike. Since his escape MeCroery has lived in London under the care of physicians who have pronounced him sane. CENERAL JONES ARRIVES AT NEW YORK'S CAPITAL maiTKD imiiss ijiasbii wimt.t Albany, N. Y., Jan. S. Footsoro and weary "lienenir Rosalie Jones and her suffragette army arrived at tho state capitol here at 2:10 o'clock yostenlay afternoon. Alter addressing tho street meeting the hikers went to the assembly cham ber. A fifo and dium corps met the marchers on the outskirts of the city and marched with them to the capitol. UNITED PRESS LI1BID Will. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. Testimony re garding a bill in equity brought by the Bell Telephone company against tho Johnstown Telephone company, of Johnstown Pa., charging conspiracy, was given by the defense in tho govern ment suit against the American Telo- graph & Telephone company today at a hearing here before Mary F. Bell, spe States district court of Oregon. L. J. Billingsley, district manager of the Central District Printing & Tele graph company,' which was associated EUTHANSIA. Beggar Will you please give me a dime sir! I'm on my way home to die. Gentleman (handing him the money) with the Bell, testified that the Bell I pity you, my poor fellow but I company had been boycotted by the must say your breath smells horribly of merchants of Johnstown in favor of whiskey. the independent company, with the re sult that the Bell company brought a bill in equity against the local company. Boggar I know it does, sir; whiskey is what's killing me. cial examiner, appointed by the United i alive. At any rate, John Li ml got back Woman wants to sell her husband for $1,000. If her opinion of him is correct he would be a bad bargain at 99 cents. 3ROSTEIN & GREENBAUMI Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Now On--Nothing Reserved-Big Reductions girl his AS SOME OF THEM SEEM. Then with a choked sob the (Continued on Pago 324.) turned and threw herself into (Continued on Page 327.) arms. Her lips met his in a long kiss. Continued on Pago 32Y) Hut just then A sound broke out of (Continued on Page 331.) Indianapolis Xows, 3 Pound Cotton 10c Heavy Outing 9-4 Bleached Batta Flannels, only Sheeting, only 48c each 8 l-2c a yard 25c a yard Distant Belief When Nose and Head dissolves by tho heat of the nostrils; Ara Clogged Trout a Cold 8tops penetrates anl heals tho inflamed, swol Nasty Catarrhal Dlschurges Dull ( Ion membrane which lines the nose, hoad Head iu lie Vanishes. Try " Ely's Cream Balm." Get A small bottle anyway, just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and inntaully your clogged nose and stop mI up air passages of tho head will open; yon will broutho freely; dullness and hmvdnrhe disappear. By morning! tha ralarrh, cold In hrstd or catarrhal norc (liroat will be gone. KJ tuch misery nowl Get tho small fwttl of "'i Cream Balm" at any !rog ii tore. This sweat, fragrant balm REVENUE CUTTER REPORTS SINKINO HULK OF OKLAHOMA i'Nitrd rsens maun wini.l Washington, Jan. S. Tho revenue cutter Seneca reported by wireless yes terday afternoon tluit it had found and sunk the derelict foreart of the tanker Oklahoma fifteen miles southeast of Fenwick Island light. The hulk wiu tho first stool derelict In the history of the service which has Kud to be sunk, the weight of the met- ana throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comos immediately. Don't lav awaka tonielit. slrnm.liiiir for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils,"1 u,,m"-v 1,rr.vinK ,,,"' ,1,mn closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh W fir,vl f,ftf,'B "ix ,om,a or a cold, with its running f,,i ',1,,t, ,hroKh ,h' hul1' whilh fin".r mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness noddles. 1 filled with water and sank. l is distressing but truly OFFICER DENOUNCES STORY Put your faith just once la "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. THAT CAPTAIN FELL DOWN vsrraB rus tuns wisal Kw York, Jan. 8. "Lies!'' x- "You'reWise" alright, if you will only take Hostetter's Stomach Bitters when yon suffer from Head ache, Indigestion, Colds or Grippe, but be sure It Is HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Bread, Cakes, Pastries Made clean; told clean, baked by Goldsmith ft Theurer'i Salem Royal Bakery Iniuriug highest quality Phone 378 H0 S. Commercial St., Balem, Or I til. , I Boys' Rough Sweaters Neck 45c Nice Corset Covers 19c Bloomers, Black Sateen 20c Best Spool Silk 7c Hair Nets 3c Turkish Towels Each 81-2c Men's $10.00 and $12.50 Overcoats now $7.50 Men's $8.50 Overcoats now $6.00 Boy's $2.75 Suits now $2.00 Boys' $3.25 Suits now $2.50 50c Mercerized Table Cloth now 39c a yard Men's $2 Pants now $1.65 Men's Black Cotton Good Socks 8c pair Men's Part Wool Socks lie pair Jet Oil Shoe Polish 7c Boys' Dress Shirts 25c Ladles' Winter Underwear 20c Children's Winter Underwear 20c Children's Union Suits, only 25c Ladies' 6T)C Union Suits, only 48c Ladles, Wool Union Suits, only 90c LACE CURTAINS 75c Pair Lac Curtains, now 60c $1.00 Tair Lace Curtains, now 75c $1.23 Pair Lace Curtains, now $1.00 $1.50 Pair Lace Curtains, now $1.15 $2.00Pair Lace Curtains, now $1.60 $'2.30 Pair Lace Curtains, now $1.85 $3.00 Pair Lacs Curtains, now $2.15 Remember Everything Is Reduced In Price! R. & G. CORSETS New Lacs Fronts, $2.00 Corsets, . -now $i.5o $1.75 Corsets, now $1.25 $1.25 Corsets, now $l,00 90c Corsets, now 75c All Bust Proof. BED SPREADS All Largs Sizes. 75c Bed Spreads, now 65c $1.00 Bed Spreads, now 85c $1.25 Bed Spreads, now $1.00 $1.50 Bed 8preada, now $1.20 $3.00 Bed Spreads, now $2.25 $1.00 Bed Bpreads, now $3.00 .ostein &r 240-246 COMMERCIAL STREET Greenbaum SALEM, OREGON