PAGE EIGHT DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBEOOK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER Si, 1913. n 11 I! II ti II E! 11 ' M N II 11 II M M ti ii ti u n ii ti 11 II II II 61 11 11 11 11 n n ti ii n . si ri 14 11 l 11 ft 11 - u n n n ii n n (!" !'" fafiaa pa mi tm jiiiaiiaa g ,n aM !,,!. ml .M.t .a, ii inw ,t -- -- ........ .-.... , lfc nm,,,, .,n, WE QUI We're going to unload our stock of men' suit and overcoats, and do it quickly. We can't get more store room and our departments are growing so rapidly that something has to go to make room. So we are Going Out of the Men's Bobert L. Allison returned this morn-1 ing from Portland, where he has been ' spending the holidays. J Attorney J. J. Meeker returned to U Portland today after transacting legal business here for a few days. Genuine bargains in home furnishings tl at tho big sale. Buren & Hamilton. II Attorney Willard, of Portland, was El among the southbound passengers on the El Oregon Electric this morning. ri Adam Bollock, of Mt. Angel, was in II the city today, looking after business tl matters, returning to his home this af- II ternoon. Atteud the big pre-inventory sale of ' I'M home furnishings at Buren & Hamil it ton's. Clothing Business n li li U II II ri n ti ri ii ii n u H m w m u u They've got to go quickly to make room for other goods now on the road. Every garment is cut in price, with out a thought of profit. Never before have you had such an opportunity to buy the highest grade of suits and overcoats at such tremendous reductions. This big store needs room. Room is needed worse than profits. In fact, it is worth hundreds of dollars to make room, and do it absolutely without delay. This is the chance of your life to save on clothing. Hart Schaff ner & Marx Clothcraf t Ederheimer-Stein These and other nationally known makes of suits and overcoats are going at prices marked so low that they'll disappear in the shortest imaginable time. i Thirty-three and a third less on the largest assortment of men's suits and overcoats in Salem. Blue and black serges included. .Men's suits at half-price. 25 per cent to 50 per cent less on Boy's Clothing 20 per cent less on Men's and Boy's Shirts and Underwear 33 1-3 less on Men's Bath Robes, Smoking Jackets, House Coats ii ii u n !! II U M II tl II El II II II II II 11 II 11 tl U II N u ii n n ii ti u n ii ii ii ii n n ii n Bobert Young and wife, of Klamath ' Falls, passed through this city today, ' en route to Portland, where they will spend New Years with friends. Buy home t umishings now and take advantage of the good values to be found in our store during the sale. Bu ren & Hamilton. New Year's masquerade ball, tomor row night, at the armory. Seven cash prizes will be givon for the best char acters. Gentlemen 75c. Ladies free. Spectators, balcony only, 25c. MiBs Eugenia G. Potter and brother, Clifford, of Portland, arrived here this morning, and will watch the old year out with their aunt, Mrs. Harrison Luckey, at 766 North Liborty street. , Bargains in library tables. See our I line for some extraordinary values. Bu ren & Hamilton. Donald Vincent, former Salem man. but now a resident of Portland, is here spending the holidays. Two Big Performances WEXFORD TONIGHT Entire Change of Program THE COLONIAL PLAYERS IN "We Should Worry" A three-act farce for laughing purposes only. FOUR NEW PICTURES First show at 7. Second show at 9:30. The second show will be A Midnight Matinee And the players will join the audience in greeting the New Year. New ears Day Entire change of play and pictures with matinee, 2:30. "Across the Divide" A beautiful new story of the Tenessee mountains. FOUR NEW PICTURES connected with the S. P. in Portland. values. Snec.ial ais.M TW tr.-ii ' " , . J ' ' "u Iron beds, 4-0 size, heavy continuous 'ton. . ' wi. proceeo. to set cases tor the A big masquerate ball will be given ( Circuit Court Judge Kelly will arrive at the armory tomorrow night. Gen- in the city next Friday morning, and tlemen 75c, ladies free. will at that time receive the report of Good (Trade, closelv woven tnnavtrv ' j J i. i r VMrni . ' 1 ' elouu Juj, wmca is now in sessiou. Air. Vincent is Brussels rugs, 9x12 size. Regular $22.50 Following the grand iurv reoort. the posts, smooth and plain. Regular $3.50 values, sale price $5. Buren & Hamil ton. T. B. Houck and family left this morning for San Francisco where they will make their future home. Mr, Houck will enter the draying business in San Francisco this winter. Artisans, attention! Lodge will be called at 7:30 this evenine. After Pat O'Gary is again on the streets, January term. United States Naturalization Exam- . V ...... - -v ....v.v.uu U.BUI- sf ter undergoing a serious operation at iner Hazard has completed his labors in the Salem hospital. this city, and left this morning for Al- Full size sew rockers in golden oak bany, where he will examine the appli finish, 98c. Buren & Hamilton. I cantg in Linn county. Judge Galloway Ivan Putnam, a former druggist of will sit on tho bench in Albany during this city, but now a tiller of the soil on the examination, one of Marion county's finest ranches, I The Willamette river at this point is was here today on business. . I coming up slowly now, due to the recent u"" ii"nerou ouk ueus, iuu size, rama and the moderate weather in and Business meeting here will be eiven a tj,.i. ia .i... n t . . .. . nnrtv n,i, .. i j- 8 am, m, DUreu around tne mountains on tho east s de o L 2n t n T ? i Hami't0n- ot the N wtcr is looked tho wt Z -l Stat9 Sen8t0r Dimick' of tor as yet, however, by the rivermon. tnose WnO nrpSPlir Written mvitnt.inna ' , . . .... t " ' ' ' . , ' . . county, was a Dusiness visitor here to- Will h Alt l.i 1 . mwm nan Be on hand early and pick your suit Sale Starts Today P SJW IW "WI WW wot w I J 11 I! ii ti u u n ti 1 dav. Glob JMi GO0ElL5OCEE s, 03, nave joii ever Ntopp.,1 to think of Libelal rcail(.tionll 0I1 all K3 ftovM lie economy of buying cigars by the aiul rail(;es, Blueil & Hamilton. Imx It IS nl.0 Worth soemtlling to al- mm mmm mm a-. ways have the cijrnr you like close at hnnil, The LaCornna is always fresh and moist and will retain their frits ranco for weeks in your house. This good clear 'nn be found at all dealers. En route to San Diego, f'al., on foot. M. and jrrs. P. S. Rieker passed through Salem yesterday. The "hoof ers'' nre representing various publica tions in this country, and nre running down material for articles. Good roa'ls anil genernl surveys of the cities and towns they seo make up the contents of their proposed stories. Deputy Sheriff Xee;lham is back from a visit in the vicinity of Wood burn on business. Among the official duties the deputy sheriff has performed this week was to attach a band of hoes. Deputy Xeedlwuu declares that ho couM not very well bank the property, but is keeping n dose guard over the valuable Today Pathe Weekly with all the latest events Capita! City Brevities Dr. F. L. Uttor, dentist. Masouiu bblg Lilllu Langtry at Yo Liberty today uml tomorrow. Midnight matiueo at JOiIlO. Tho Hwcilish clinch in this city will hold watch services tonight. The pro ;rBin will begin at 0 o'clock, The ladies of the 0. A. It. will serve their aniiuul New Year's dinner iu Hurst's hall at noon tomorrow. AH old soldiers and their families are invited. Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. U S. Bank building. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ilotihluss, of port land, are visiting at the home of Miss V.. I.', tiarl'ield tins week. Get busy, Salem I Show 'em we're there, tooo. Silverton coming with spe cial trniu for big basket ball game at Y. M. O. A. , January 1st, with Yellnw Jackets. Their Commercial club has reserved 175 seats to date. Liberty Today and Tomorrow Daniel Frohman Presents Lillie Langtry Premiere Emotional Actress in Her Great Success "HIS NEIGHBOR'S WIFE" A powerful drama of society life in three parts produced by the Famous Players Company. Added attraction THE DOOM OF THE OCEAN A wonderful three-part hand colored feature, depicting an actual rescue scene of mother and son from a light house tower to the deck of a ship over a 1000-foot life line. A truly wonderful picture. Dr. Asseln, dentist, SOS f?a!em Bank t Trust building. ' K. Scliacl'er, tho local druggist, was j in Portland yesterday on business. I Tied Malum, of Ontario, is in the city visiting and looking after business mat ters, wing to urgent lodge business, the dance to be given Friday evening, Jan uary 2, by the Olive club, will be post poned. "We Should Worry,'' A screaming fnrco at the Wexford tonight, with a performance at 7 o'clock and a mid uiuht matinee starting at flilln. The e.piity case of the Falls City Lumber ( u. ngninst A. K. Simmon was dismissed in the circuit court yester day upon stipulation. The late ,. 11, Imus was buried yes terday in I. O. O. F. cemetery. The funeral wns held from the undertaking chapel of Lehman & ('lough and Rev. H. K. Marshall conducted the services, The iiitaiit daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I'M ward Svhunke, Dorothy, was buried in Lee Mission cemetery yestenlav. Hev, (iustavo Ni'hunkc conducted the services. A watch service will be held by the Christian Kiuleavor Viiion tonight at Hie, christian church. The program will bi'in at S::M and the watchers will sit up for little l!l I to arrive. An action was commenced in the cir cuit! court yesterday by ,1. II, Albert j against (h,. city of Salem to restrain Our Quality,' Teas and Coffees will 'help to reduce' the high cost of living because they make more cups per pound. Yokohama Crockery & Tea Co. . tieorge II. (Iraves has returned from Portland, where lie bus been making preparations fur the big program to be given at the Cheirinn bampiet next month. Knlon Hall is being equipped with a new modern heating plant, The old plant has proven entirely unfit for the work, and the now system will be in operation before many weelts, The funeral of S. C. Buster wns held this morning at 10:30 o'clock from th undertaking li II II ft IS M ! porkers. U A gentleman remarked to us that he was out in that heavy downpour yester J day morning, nml his feet were as dry s if it had not been raining. He stat- M.eil that he had applied onlv two dress ings of " Welifunt" oil to his shoes, and they were absolutely waterproof. You try it. For sale by F. E, Shafer, the saddle and harness man, 1S7 South Com mercial street. .No matter where you live, we will cheerfully deliver your orders. It is our purpo-e to servo every one in this city. Ho don't hesitate to call us up too deliv er an order. It has come to nur ntt,.n. tion that several women, who found it inconvenient to call, have hesitated or dering by phone because, thev lived out ut 1 certain nadius. We deliver to any part of the city. The Sunset (iro.erv. 121 South Commercial street. A complaint to recover 1"0 dam ages was filed iu the circuit court ves. tenlay by L. c. Kastninii against the Nnlcm, Falls City & Western railroad. Master of the Garden A powerful two-reel feature with a double purpose. How Pianos Are Made Kdw. General Bunko's Victory Kiilem Comedy Midnight Matinee Tonight. Special New Years' Day Program For Thursday only, attraction. added tnrl,.N ,.r T ..I .,.-, ,p, 1,1-11 lllll II o. Hough. Hev. P. 8. Knight officiated I1 ' l,ail,liff ',K',i that the defend and the remains were buried In V.i.i11"' 'll'any failed to use the proper Icily, j care and precaution iu ocrating its The Salvation Armv members will ,ri" " """tiu of its marc), tl... ,.1,1 ...... i lm"'K 1,1 1 nlK l'nill,t.v with the result .'! ""i mm iiii urn year In tonight.' The army will foru,!!h" '"" i",' inMt a"'1 '"J""1' iuu p.-ri.iusi . , a linn n..l , ,,.,!. .1.......... .... ....... ,,,. in hi, i. .iii.ingii in., sireeis, nnd refreshments will be served at the 4 hall following the demonstration. ' A U fine was assessed Charles Via- i cent, a saloon keeper In West Wood- burn, yesterday by Justice Webster for permitting a slot mnchine to be opernt ' Pil in his I'lllce of business VI ...i pleaded guilty after being placed under arrest by Constable Cooper, Kveryhody loves the genuine home. like flavor and tn-te of Tip-Top bread the new biend now on sale nt Sperl- lug's, ,'U! .North Commercial street. the delYi'dnnt from claiming any title Tins bread is the best illustration of the to lots bicnted in Yew 1'nrk addition to j folly f bcking your own bvend. It i sleni, a risil bread trent. SSS44S S 4.S A Gin TO THE PIONEERS. If you have any old pioneer friends that you would like t send a little New Year's remem brance to. see Hal I'atton nnd get a copy of "Nyeeua Kl.vho Ilia hee," the little volume of poems largely devoted to the grand old pioneers. There is nothing you cnu give them that will afford them so much pleasure. f Miss Schultz Violin Solos 10 Cents i NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each : insertion. FOR SALE Four good young Jersey cows; two fresh; two coming fresh. : One block east, one north asylum. WANTED Position on farm by man , and wife. Address "W. C," care Journal. FOR KENT 22 acres of garden laud, near Salem, good condition; will rent for ono or more years. M. A. Cady, 1080 Center street, Salem. FOR SALE 2 acres near ' Salem, 0-year-old peach orchard and other fruits and berries, new $1500 7-room house. O. O. Rice with L. S. Barnes i & Co., 315-310 Masonic Temple. FOR RENT Small, modern bungalow, North Cottage street. Fhone Carey F. Martin. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, also i -room furnished house. Fhone 47 or 4. BIO BARGAIN Good house, barn and three lots, $1-100. Easy terms; must sell immediately. Fine place for chickens or cows, one block from car lino. Come to 129S South 13th street, and see it. Address A. E. Dennis, Salem. MttVIOGHffU siJls'sw V ' . ' ' ' . . J Many An Error In MONEY TO LOAN Vk a dm fawtn si m si noMvvAsa TV nusiness Is caused by poor eyesight manv an error could h ntmlAeA by the wearing of proper glass-es. You mav ha a malmtmnn. bookkeeper, manager or pro prietor no matter which, start 1914 with a NEW VISION. see clearly, have rested nerves, fewer headaches and no errors bv Wearing olaamea orescrihed. mad and fitted by Miss A. McCulloch Optometrist 291 Commercial Street Phone 925. Hours 9 to 5. Ground Floor NORWICH UNION FIRF INSURANCE SOCTT ! S t ' ns Just tell your doctor you want I to tnlre your prescriptions to T Schaefers drug store, and he will know It is put up right. Oa farm aid city property. Jalui t Scott, o CbM Btor, klin, r com Phoa 1SE1. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Qooi Bal Estate Settrltj. TH03. K. FORD Otm Udd k Bush Bank. rUIm rr WOOD AND COAL la aay quaiUgr. Prompt llr our iptclalty. rails City 'Lus-Vt. I'otMW 171 North Ctimrotrai irtrMt. Pkon Mala til JAPASESK LAODRT AS BSt CLIiSI woxia Si i machinery to tsar ta4 wt out dillcats fabrlci. Work call4 f - mrl sllrt promptly. 4 IK Fsrrr street Phons Main M!58 MIDNIGHT MATINEE The final performance for the evneing will commence at 10:30 and four comedy pictures will be shown in addi tion to the regular program. Greet the New Year at Ye Liberty Continuous Performance New Year's Day. sl SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT BON TON M USICAL COMEDY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY BLIGH THEATRE POPULAR COMPANY POPULAR PRICES This is the Most Refined Musical Comedy Company Ever Before the Salem Public