Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Alfred H. Smith, New President
Of the New York Central Lines.
-? 1
(f if . 'v 4 J
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- 7
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FROM railroad messenger hoy to railroad president tells the story o(
Alfred II. Smith, the new bend of the New York Central system. An
president of this ImportRnt network of linen he occupies one of the
highest positions In the world of American railways. He stinted bis
business cnreer which, by the way. Is an Inspiration to all young men with
pluck and-deteruilnutlon as a messenger boy for the Luke Shore and Mlchlgun
Southern railroad In 1870. He was made a clerk, but quit and Joined a con
struction gang because he wanted to lenrn the actual work of rond building
By close application and concentration his worth whs recognized In due time,
and In 18SK) be was made superintendent of the Kalnmuzoo division of that
line. Two years later he became general superintendent In 1!KI3 be was
made superintendent -of the New York Central. He became general manager
nd vice president In 1000. In 1012 he was made vice president of the lines
west of Buffalo. A short time afterward he became senior vice president hikJ
bow takes the presidency of Hie rond through the retirement of W'llllum 0
Brown on Jan. 1. Mr. Smith t fifty years old.
Instantly Clears Air Passages; You
Breathe Freely, Nasty Discharge
Stops, Head Colds and Dull Headache
Get n small bottle anywny, just to try
it Apply a littlo in the nostrils and
instantly your clogged nose and stop
pedup air pusNigco of the head will
open; you will breathe freely; dullness
and headache disappear. Hy morning!
the catarrh, roldinhcad or catarrhal
sore throat will bo gone, g
End inch misery now! Get the small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Palm" at any
drug store. This sweet, fragrant halm
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
A Journal Want Ad
Will Sell It for You
penetrates and heals the inflamed, swol
len mcmbmne which lines the noirn,
head and throat; clears the air passng
c; stops nasty discharges and a foeling
of cleansing, soothing relief comes im
mediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head ttuffod: nostras
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with its running none, foul
mucous dropping into the throat, and
raw dryness is distressing but truly
Tut your faith just once in "Ely's
Cream Halm" ami yonr cold or catarrh
will surely disappear.
Sand Fights the Wires From Cairo to
th Pyramids.
Extending from Cairo to the pyra
mids of Gizeli U uu electric trolley
line which is used chiefly by tourists.
T,he trunks of huge palm trees serve
as trolley poles to support the over
head conductor, and the contrast be
tween the. modem hurrying motorcars
lud the peaceful centuries old tombs
5f the pbnraohs holds the Interest of
aoany a contemplative traveler.
At one side of the trolley conductor
jn bell shaped Insulators are run the
feeders. Which, like the trolley wire,
are of bright, hard drawn copper.
After these wires bad been Installed
it was soon found that they Invariably
Sroke and fell within six or seven
months, the cross section being much
reduced at the point of fracture.
Investigation showed that the desert
winds which sweep across the right
of way whip sand pnrtlcles against
the wires, causing a filing action wblcb
cuts awny the copper much like an
artificial sand blast. The glass globes
of arc lamps' Installed along the road
have exhibited the same destructive
A similar effect Is observed with the
Incandescent units used to light the
way to the sphinx These strings of
InmpR. besides huving to be moved at
frequent Intervals to accommodate the
varying level of the shifting sands, are
rapidly enten uwny by the etching ac
tion of the desert winds. Thus far no
remedy has been discovered for this
destruction except frequent renewals.
-Electrical World.
Ring a Bell In a Vacuum and You Can
not Hear the Sound.
The value of air us a noise and
sound medium cun readily be ascer
tained by suspending a bell from a
silk strand through the neck of a lurge
bottle from which the ulr has been
pumped. By pulling on the silk the
tongue enn be seen to strike the sides
of the tell, but no sound Is heard. A
bell suspended by n metal rod and
rung would . lie audible, the sound
wnves being cnrrled to the outside of
the bottle by the metal rod. An ex
periment of tills ktud. using an Iron
vessel ns a substitute for the glass bot
tle, would be found not nearly so sat
isfactory, though the bell be suspend
ed from silk ns in the former Instance,
owing ulr.iost entirely to the fact that
Iron Is more porous than glass, conse
quently containing some ulr, which
would convey un ulmost Imperceptible
sound to the outside?
There Is said to exist In Scotland a
stone so opaque ns to render Inaudible
even the tiring of a cannon, if one
crouches on the opposite side. All
liquids and gases are excellent sound
conductors: especially Is water on the
surface, and certain kinds of wood.
If It was possible for two men to
live u sullicleut length of time In a
glass box hermetically sealed nnd con
taining no air they would be unable
to converse, though using the great
est powers at their command. Chica
go Record-Herald.
Nature and the Barnacls. .
'In the barnacle we have a unique
and wonderful case of u creature that
can afford as age comes on to dispense
with the eyesight that was so useful
In youth. l''or the young uud old
barnacle are as different one from the
other ns tisltes from sen weed. In the
heyday of life the barnacle swims
about the sea. seeking Its food with the
aid of Its eyes nnd generally leading a
roaming existence. Later lu life, how
ever. It grows tired of tills aimless
wandering ami settles down to worry
ships' captains by attaching Itself to
the keels of their craft and defying the
much advertised powers of various pre
ventive palms. Ome. then, the barna
cle has heroine a fixture, whether on
ships or sharks. Its eyesight Is of no
more use It cannot seek Its food, anil
It I'linliiit shun Its foes, for It never
more will move. Therefore Its eyes
become superfluous and. according to
tin turn's Invariable rule In such ruses,
Gimple English.
"Yes." said the earnest professor,
"what we want lu literature Is direct
and simple Kngllsh."
The listeners gravely nodded.
"Direct nnd simple." they echoed.
"Those conglomerated effusions of
vnpld Intellects." the professor went
on, "which pose lu lamentable atti
tudes as tile emotional uud Intellectual
Ingredients of tii'tlnual realism fall fur
short of the obvious requirements of
contemporary demands and violate
the traditional inouols of the tran
scendent minds of the Kllv.nlietlmn era
of glorious memory, I'luln and simple
English Is the demand of the hour."
VliereiiMHi everybody applauded uud
went home -Cleveland I'lnln Dealer.
No Retail For Him.
A smiill boy saw some young puppies
ut the dog-dealer's.
"Oh. .Mr. Ilruwn." he usked the tnnn.
"how much do you want for those
puppies y"
"They're C;i apiece. Muster Beverly."
"On, but I don't want a piece. I
wunt a whole dog."-F.xchange.
A PueUat Symphony,
"My piano Is very much like my
trousers pockets When my wife goes
Into them she often nods nothing but
keys, and then there Is musk-." New
York Globe.
Ways and Maans.
Ethel .lack Roxli'lgh Is good looking
enough, hut I don't niie for bli ways.
Marie - Never mind about his ways,
my dear. Think of his menus. Boston
Lots of people who have good sense
in other ways never seem to know
when a player piuno has been worked
to death.
Isn 't it strange how seldom you find
unselfishness in any one elect
Sharp Ratorta.
A man who was offering gratuitous
Information ut a country fair was dis
paraging the show of cattle.
"Call these here prlr.e. cattle?" he
scornfully said. "Why. they ain't noth
tn' to what our folks raised. You may
not think It. but my- father raised the
biggest calf of uny man round our
"I can very well believe It," observ
ed a bystander, surveying blm from
head to foot
It Is not every one who enjoys a Joke
at his own expense. The Judge who
pointed with bis cane and exclaimed.
"There Is a great rogue at the end of
my cane." was Intensely enraged when
the man looked burd at blm and asked
"At which end. your honor?"
A friend of Currun's was bragging
of bis attachment to the Jury system
and said:
"With trial by Jury I have lived, and
by the blessing of God with trial by
Jury I will die."
' "Oh," said Curran In much amaze
ment, "then you've made np your mind
to be hanged. Dlckr-London Tit-Bits.
Carved by Naturo. '
A curious effect of the wear and
tear to which the earth's crust Is con
tinually being subjected is shown
In the Devil's slide In Utah and other
peculiar formations all over the west
There exist on the South river, In the
Wasatch mountains (a part of the
Rockies), singularly capped pinnacles
or slender pillars rising from 40 to 400
feet high and most of them crowned
or capped by huge stones. These pll
Inrs are not the work of man, but are
memorial monuments of huge hills
from which they are cut out by the
nctlou of the air and water nnd the
lone remains of many square miles of
solid rocks which have been washed
away to-n depth of some 400 feet
The greater hardness of the surface
has caused It to resist corrosion more
than the underlying rock, thus leaving
huge caps of stone perched high In the
air on points of their columns. Here
and there can be found a double col
umn capped by n single stone, thus
forming u natural bridge both unique
and picturesque. Health.
Chloride of Sodium.
In connection with the name salt a
curious fact Is to be noted. Salt was
formerly regarded as a compound re
sulting from the union of hydrochloric
lor. ns It used to be called, muriatic)
acid and soda, and hence the 'generic
term of tialt was applied to all sub
stances produced by the combination
of a base with an acid Sir Humphry
Davy, however, showed that during
their action on each other both the
acid and the alkali underwent decom
position nnd tlmt. while water Is form
ed by the union of the oxygen of the
nlknll and the hydrogen of the ncld.
the sodium of the former co'iiililnes
with the chlorine of the hitter to form
chloride of sodium, and this term Is
the scientific designation of salt, which,
paradoxical as It may seem. Is not a
salt. At one time nearly the whole of
the salt used as food and for Industrial
purposes was obtained' from the sea.
and In ninny countries where the cli
mate Is dry and warm nnd which hnve
a convenient -seaboard a great quantity
of salt Is still obtained.
The Political Cabinet.
(Jporge I. Is said to hnve been re
sponsible for the word "cabinet" as It
lins long applied to politics In the
United States. When he wus king he
could not take part In the delibera
tions of his own privy council because
lie knew no English. British states
men did not speak German. So the
ministers who served this first of
the Hanoverian sovereigns of Great
llrltaln used to meet in the king's
private room or cabinet derived from
the Trench cublne or little room
while he was absent Afterward they
Informed him or the , result of their dis
cussions. It followed nuturally that
the part of the privy council which
was supposed to be In particular favor
with the king and especially close to
111 in came to be spoken of us his cabi
net council.
Handmade Ragtime.
"Of course." said the salesman, "any
thing handmade Is sure to be superior
to what Is made by machinery."
"Not ulwuys." answered the musical
person. "If you start up n music box
It generally plays something In the
way of u standard composition. But
when uuyhody sits down at the piano
and turns out something by band the
chances are that It will be ragtime."
Wushlngton Star.
Slight Omission.
"I thought you said he was a man
of means'"
"Excuse me. 1 left off the adjec
tive." "What adjective?"
" 'Limited. ' "-Birmingham Age-Herald.
A Great Art In Llttlt.
"Is there really any art lu couvers
Iuk?" "Of course: ulwuys say small things
lu a big way and big things In a small
way." Minneapolis Journal.
Closad Door.
flans vnn Ilnelow, the pianist, at one
time posted on his door a notice that
was quite In the tendon vein; "Before
Voon. Not Receiving: Afternoon, Out"
Plenty of Room at tht Top.
Rnlcker -There's plenty of room at
the top Bocker-Yes, but your wife
lets you have only the bottom bureau
drawer. New York 8un.
A little In one's own pocket Is better
than much In another inuu's purse,
It is'nn awfully dull Monday that
ilncn 't find ft new Infallible cure for
cancer and tuhorruloiiis,
A married woman li a party who
tpi-nds all her money before she gets
it and then doesn't gut it.
Blunders of Authors,
The late Guy Boothby, in his novel
"Bride of the Sea," makes a curious
blunder. The period of the story is
the year 170. and the scene Is laid In
Devonshire. The novelist makes one
of bis characters grow quite lyrical
about the splendid race of men which
the famous western country has pro
duced. He speaks very fittingly of Drake
and Hawkins and Raleigh and all the
other Devonshire worthies, but be
comes a dreadful cropper when he
makes bis hero talk of Sir John Frank
lin, who did not appear on the globe
until more than a century had elapsed,
and even then It was lu the fens of
Rider Haggard bus a good deal of
trouble with the moon. In one case
be causes that satellite to be full at a
time when It could not possibly have
been more than a crescent and In
"King Solomon's Mines" he Intro
duces an eclipse of the same luminary,
very convenient for his plot and for
the impression of awe which bis he
roes wish to produce upon the natives,
but quite unknown to any astronomi
cal textbook. Stray Stories.
8tol Pons,
The great objection to the steel pen
when It first came into general use
was Its stiffness. There was not that
"give" and spring in the metal pen
which characterized the old fashioned
goose quill pen.
This was remedied, however, by the
side splits which we see In pens today,
nnd for many years the method of slit
ting the pens by means of a press was
kept secret by those fnmous penmak
ers, Glllott and Mnson.
Briefly, the method of manufacture
of a steel pen today may be described
as follows: The blanks are pierced
nnd the slits cut after which the pen
requires to be softened by annealing.
Then they nre raised nnd hardened,
scoured with ncld, colored, vnrnUhed
and dried, girls afterwnrd looking over
the pens, throwing aside the faulty
ones and tucking the good ones Into
boxes ready for sale.
Tiny German 8tataa.
While it Is well known that some of
the German states are of. lllliputlnn
size, few persons nre aware that it is
quite possible to visit seven of them,
including two kingdoms, two duchies
and three principalities. In an easy
walk of four nnd a bulf hours.
A good walker, starting from Stein
bnch, In Ilnvarla, will arrive in half an
hour nt Llchtentnnne. which Is situ
ated In Snxe-Mclnlngen. Thence the
rond proceeds In one and one-half
hours to Rauschengesecs (Reuss, Elder
Branch), after which In a few minutes
Glelmn. In Sehwarzburg-Rudolstndt Is
Half an hour's walk brings the pedes
trian to Altengesees (Reuss, Younger
Brunch). An hour further on lies
Drngnltis, on Prussian soli, nnd the Inst
stage Is another hour's stroll, finishing
up at Sanlthnl. Saxe-Altenburg. Hor
per's Weekly.
Good Train Servioa.
Talk of trains and one is reminded of
the perfect Hue. Rend of this service
and nppluud: "The trains come In to
the minute and go out to the minute.
The olllcliils are Intelligent and polite.
The eurrlages are good. Every station
has Its waiting room, Where you may
sit and read and drink a cup of coffee
that Is not only hot and fresh, but Is
recognizably the product of the berry.
It Is Impossible to travel In the wrong
train. It Is very dilllcult not to get
out at the right station. The fares nre
very reasonable. The time tables are
models of clarity." No. the reference
is to no railway In the south of Eng
land. It Is Mr. E. V. Lucas' summary
of the good points of the train service
of the happy Hollander! London Spec
tator. Parisian Street Barbara.
The l-'reucli capital, like that of Chi
na, has Its street barbers. In I'srls
the perambulating tonsorlullsts carry
a little box containing the usual out
fit of their culling. Their chief patrons
are lu boring men. Tho street barber
of Paris usually places his customer
upon the banks' of the Seine or in
some spot aside from the crowd, cov
ers his knees with a newspaper and
proceeds to work. , For, only 1 sou
he will shave a man. cut bis hair and
generally Impart to him a more or less
smart appearance. These barbers are
said to make quite a respectable sum
even at the small fee they charge.
"The Idea of dozing while I was sing
"You were singing a lullaby, weren't
you r
"Then I couldn't pay yonr art any
blghur compliment" Washington Her
ald. Unnacasisry,
"This lady Is worth l(K).000. Would
you like to see her photograph?"
"Worth I40UJMU uud compelled to ad
vertise for n husband? No, you needn't
show me her phis 1 can Imagine what
It must be."-Loulsvllle Courier-Jour
Naturally Dark.
History Professiir-Why are the mid
die ages known us the dark ages?
Wise Freshman. -Because there were
so many knights.-Wisconsin Kphlux.
Baa 'da War Barred.
The ancient Romans considered It
effeminate to wear beards. All their
busts representing the famous men of
olden times are without beards.
A cynk1 knows the price of every
thing nnd the value of nothing.
When a woman mimics a man slio
ran 't love, it uiomlly remilts lu a man
loving a woman he. rnn't marry,
A man never resliites how iniinv
tarky lool.lng reUtivcs a girl can have
until after, be marries.
HHHHMM IHiiiiiiiiiiiii;iii,,)HHmrm
The Girl Who
It may safely be said, I believe, that
there is hardly a woman of twenty-five
who has not either loved and married,
or admitted to herself' in earnest mo
ments that love and marriage are de
sirable, Yet thought it may be said that
every normal girl either marries or de
sires at one time or another this bo
called richer life, jot thcrfe are, as
everyone knows, many who for one
reason or another have not married and
in all liklihood will not, We look on
marriage and motherhood as the "des
tiny of woman" yet to many this
dostiny shnll not fall.
We plan to live our lives in this
or that manner. We know that others
have male blunders or mistakes but
we mean to avoid them ourselves. Per
haps wo even fit onrsolvoa as best we
can for motherhood, meaning some day
to have a home and children of our
own. Others hnve bocn the sport of
chance, but our own hopes are bouy
ant things. Yet, for all our planning,
opportunities slip past us without our
knowing it, duty detains us, fate or
circumstance stops in, or sonio unhappy
chance bars tho way to our happiness;
and our lives do not fall out as wo
planned, but quite, quito often differ
ently. The Girl Who Adapts Herself.
But this tenth girl! Fortunately
tiler a is a tenth! Sho is like, yet un
like, tho rest. Sho loves children, too.
She admits, too, that marriage is the
richer life and would havo chosen it
for horself. Yet we do not think her
lifo Inconipleto. Thore goes with hor
a senso of warmth and riches, yet,
riches, and tho feeling of a lifo well
lived and bout if ul. She would make
a wonderful mothor, it scorns, this
girl; yet wo attach no pity to that
thought and thore is nothing wistful
about her, Sho unions to bo one of
the mothers of tho world, with a kind
of deep unci fundamental motherhood
of tho heart; and of this motherhood
of tho heart I wnt to speak later,
Anil how it is that this girl differs
so from tho moro average type? Sho,
too, had dreuins, no doubt, that had to
bo relinquished. How wns this grnc
iousness won? How hits sho con
trived to make of her lifo a thing more
helpful, more complete than Unit of
ninny a married womunt
The tomptntion eto bo selfish is, I
beliovo, stronger for tho unmarried
girl than for the one who is married.
Many of you will not agree with mc
in this. You wil point out to mc
many unmarried girls who are dovout
ing themselves to someone, else, to an
aged inirent, a sister, a brother, or
a brother's or sister's children. Yet
havo you never noticed that where the
unmarried girl devotes herself nar
rowly to somii one service, her ow"n
life is apt to become in time a nar
row thing? iiinl true unselfishness
never yet made any life narrow, I nm
sure; xo I tnlio It such duty Is not
wholly unselfish or it would not bring
about nnrrowiieva hh It, too often des.
Very generally, though very gener
ally ton, she does not recognize tho
fact, that unmarried girl i apt to take
up her unselfishness nnd her duties
with a kind of personal intensity.
This is her work, her duty, her ser
vice or, if it Is a trivial mutter, this
is her fad, She wants to nuilie her
life felt; she wants to havo her gifts
used. Her Mrsnnality is everywhere
evident. Hlic becomes more and more
a strong character, her liivldiinlity
ic moro and more evident, her per
sonal ways of doing things, her "pe
culiarities" we call them, are mure
ami more marked as time goes on.
Her life does not merge In with other
lives, as odes the lifo of her married
sister. She is pimsesmd by a senso
of duty which often, when you lisik
nt it closely, seems to be a kind of
masked egotism.
Yot this very thing that appears to
bo and is Indeed selfishness is, like
many another selfishness, runted In
some longing which, if rightly used,
could be made a power to bless. This
"egotism," this desire to express one's
self in one's own manner, Is reully
at. heart, entiling else but a kind of
fundamental womanhood tho desire
Does Not Marry
to serve. Whether we admit it or
not, this desire is strong in every
true woman. For HiB own wise ends
God put in the hearts of every one of
us put in tho human heart itself
the denirq to be of uso, the longing
to serve
A Fundamental Longing.
This longing is at the bottom of all
our plans and devices; life up our
noblest virtues and you will find it
there; search through our follies and
our faults and undernepith. them all
fulfilled or dofeatod, you will find it,
this longing to serve.
The normal girl looks forward to
marriage, plans for it, hopes for it,
and this is as it should be. But no
one of us knows what fata awaits us.
Perhaps we shall not mary after all.
But whether we marry or not, the
richest life for a woman is still that
of service, and to preisue ourselves
for marriage is , after all to prepare
ourselves for bettor, fullor service.
There is a mothorhood of the heart
than can enrich ourselves and the
lives of others more almost than the
other motherhood which we believe
to be so enriching.
And thore are the spiritual children,
that should be ours, tho love, the good
deeds, tho constant, constant sorvice
littlo spiritual childron they seem to
mo without mothers, and they are call
ing to' us and calling to us.
But we must put down the voices
of our regrets betoro wa can hear
their calling. And doing that, by and
by we hear them and heed them, and
after that life novor seems empty any
more, but 'as rich for the unmarried
wonuin is for the married woman; a
beautiful thing full of service and re
wards. IF YOU ARE A
Yon had better stop at once or you
will lose your job. Evory line of busi
ness is closing its doers to "Drinking"
men. It, may bo your turn next. By
tho aid of ORRINE thousands of men
havo been restored to livos of sobriety
and industry.
Wo are so sure that ORRR1NK will
benefit you that we sny to you that
if after a trial you fail to get any
benefit from its uso, your money will
be refunded.
When you stop "Drinking," think
of tho money you'll save; besides, sober
men aro worth more to their employers
and get higher wages.
Costs only $1.00 a box. We have
an Interesting booklet about OHU1NE
that we are giving away free on re
quest. Call at our storo and talk it
over. Perry's Drug Stores,
All Pattent
or medicines
advertised in
this paper are
for tale at
Drug Store
The only cash Urug store in Oregon,
owes no oue, and no one owes its car
rloa large stork; its shelves, counters
and show eases are loaded with drugs,
medicinei, notions, toilet articles,
wines and liquors of all kinds for me
dicinal purposes. Dr. Stone is a regit.
Isr graduate in medlciue and has had
many years of experience in the prac
tice. Consultations are free. Prescrip
tions are free, and only regular price
for medicine. Dr. Stone ran be found
at bis drug store, Salem, Ore., from T
In the morning until P at. night. F'ee
dsl'very to all parts of the elty.
Mall orders for any drug, medicine,
patont medicine or notion will be for
warded by parcel post on receipt of
pries In postage stamps and from 1 to
10 eeuta Ic staaif ' to cover postage.