Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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The Epic of the Ploughman
SY THE BEV. 0. F. AKED, D. D.,
L. L. D.
Will Levington Comfort, in his new
book, "Down Among Men," crystal
lizes a world-movement into a single
tragic incident. He sings thfe Epic
of the Ploughman.
The masses of mankind are -fit last
beginning to rebel against the blood
tax imposed upon them by rulers whom
they scorn and hate. The masters if
many legions will not be masters for
ever. It is doubtful whether they are
masters today. Sir Edward Grey, sec
retary of state in King George's cabi
net, has been warmly praised for the
masterly policy which, years ago, kept
the war in the Balkans within bounds
and prevented a European conflict
that would not have ended until a con
tinent was drenched with blood.
The real keeper of the peace of Eu
ropo, howover, was not Sir Edward
Grey, but "The Ploughman" of Will
Levington Comfort's story! The "Pow
ers" were afraid of war. They were
afraid of using the vast armaments
which they have built up at such in
rediblo expense. They were not Bure
of their own armies. They could not
depend ujion the soldier stuff they had
to employ.
It is on the cards that, if evor the
great civilized nations of the world
bring on a war in which millions of
their people have no interest, the of
ficers will be Bhot down, then arms
will be flung away, the men who
were commanded to kill one another
will fraternize in the light of day.
John Hay, when secretary of stato,
denounced wnr as tho "most ferocious
aud futile of human follies." "Fero
cious" the world has always known it
to be. "Futile" wise men have al
ways held it. And the common man,
Mr. Comfort's "Ploughman," is in the
mind no longer to be a party to the
perpetuation of the supreme "folly"
of the ages. Herein lies the hope of
the world.
The eurso of conscription hangs like
a pall over tho nations beyond the
seas. Hut tho people are in full re
volt. Franco multiplies penalties upon
the men who preach to tho conscript's
gosl of disobedience. Under tho
British flag, Australia and New Zea
land imprison boys who will not sub
mit to compulsory military training.
Yet tho movement gathers strength
every day. While preparations for
war were never so gigantic as in this
hour, mankind was never nearer to the
ilnwn of universal peace.
This is how Will Levington Comfort
tells the story of tho "Pdoughman. "
It is during the Russo-Japanese war.
Tho Russian forces have been defeated
in a pitched battle. Soldiers are run
ning away like shoep. In vain the of
ficers try to rally their panic-stricken
commands. Luban, a young officer,
who hjis lost his norve, is yet trying
to stay the rout. Fallows is an Amer
ican war correspondent who sees anl
understands and compels us to see:
"Out of the groin came striding a
tall soldier of the ranks. His board
was black, his eyes very blue. The
man's brood shoulders were thrust
back; his face clean of cowardico,
clean as the grain and as the open sky.
His head was erect and. bare, he car
ried no gun, , scorned the pretense of
looking for wounded. Had he carried a
dinner-pail the picture would have been
as complete a god man going home
from a full-testing day.
"In that moment Fallaws saw more
than from the whole line before. Here
was a conscript. He had been taken
from his house, forced across Europe
and Asia to this hour. The reverse
of his persecutors had set him free.
This freedom was the fire in his eyes.
They had torn him from his house;
they had driven and brutalized him for
months. And now was such a disaster
as a plain man might have prayed for.
He had prayed for it in the beginning,
but in the long, slow gatherings for
bp-ttle, in the terrible displays of pow
er, he had lost his faith to puny. Yet
the plain man 's God had answered that
early prayer. This was the brightness
off the burning in the blue eyes.
"His persecutors had been shamed
p.nd undone. He had seen his compan
ions dissipate, his sergeants run; seen
his captain fail to hold. The great
force that had tortured him, that had
seemed the world in strength, was now
broken before his eyes. Its mighty
muscles were writhing, their strength
running down. The love of God was
splendid in the ranker's heart; the
breath of home had come. Tho turning
in tho grain was a turning homeward.
"All this Fallows saw. H was il
lumination to him the hour of his
great reception.
"Luban, just insulted by tho other
infantryman, now faced the big, blithe
presence, emerging unhurried from the
giaiu. Luban raised his voice:
" 'And what aro you sneaking back
" 'I am not sneaking 1
" ' Rotten soldier stuff you should
bo shot down.'
" 'I am not a soldier I am a
ploughman. '
" 'You are here to fight '
" 'They force me to come '
" 'Forced yon to fight for your
Fatherland f'
" 'This is not my fatherland, but a
strnngo country '
"'You aro here for your Father
land '
" 'I have six children in Russia.
The Fatherland is not feeding them.
My field is not ploughed.'
"The tnlk had crackled; it had re
quired but a few seconds; Luban had
dono it all for Fallows to sec and hear
but Fallows was very far from ob
serving tho pose of that weaking. The
Th Food-Drink for all Ages
Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.
For infants, invalids and growing children.
Pure nutrition, upbuilding th whole body.
Invigorates nursing mothers and th aged.
More healthful than tea or coffee.
Take no substltet. Ask for HORLICK'S
House of
Half Million Bargains
dor in the history of Salem. You will
umulation of articles, from a hairpin to
Feather bods, bed springs, crockery,
nd-hand pictures, clothing for men and
ses, vacuum cleaners, books, all kinds
ry, construction and all kinds of tools,
e engines. We buy and sell overy
f gold. We pay the highest cash price
Half Million Bargains.
Come and see the biggest won
find in our place tho biggost acc
a threshing machine, ever aeon.
dishes, latest style now and seco
women, shoes, suit cases, show ca
of new and second-hand machine
Steam and wator pumps, gasolin
thing from a needle to a piece o
for everything. The House of a
H. Steinbock Junk Co.
233 State Street. Snlem, Oregon.
Phone Main 221
Your tea troubles
are over once you
get acquainted with
- ' Sold In air-tight packages only.
Ploughman had held him heart and
soul as did the infallible and instant
ly unerring truth of his words. The
world's poor, the world's degraded,
hpid found its voice.
" Luban must have broken alto
gothor. Fallows, listening, watching the
Ploughman with his soul, did not 'turn.
Now the man 's face changed. The lips
parted strangely, the eyelids lifting.
Whiteness wavered between the eyes
of the Ploughman and the eyes of Duke
Fallows. Luban 's pistol crashed and
tho man fell with a sob.
"Tallows was kneeling among the
soaked roots of the millet, holding the
soldier in his arms."
The masses of mankind have no in
terest in war. The millions of mon,
armed to the teeth, standing at atten
tion along all the borders of Europe
today, whom the kings and kaisers be
lieve they command, are growing in
intelligence every year. Conscripts
they are, slaves of tho hereditary mili
tary despotisms under which they were
But "the schoolmaster is abroad."
Education manumits. First it frees
tho slovo. Then tho conscript loams
ho is a man. Tho soldier has his
"fatherland." But it is not the
'fa'therlnnd " of which the court
lackeys prate. Soon the "ploughman"
of Russia will speak to the "plough
man" of Austria, and the artisan of
Franco to the artisan of Germany will
speak a language which all hearts con
understand. And one will say to tho
"Brother across tho border: I have
no quarrel with you or you with me.
Kings and priests aro our hereditary
files. If fight we must, which God
forbid, let us turn our weapons agaiint
them; then beat our swords into plough
shores and our spears into pruning
hooks and learn war no moro. "
Bingham, Utah, Dec. 25. Deep in
tho snow on the narrow shelves of
tho canyon walls, the posse seeking
Ralph Lopez, tho slayer of six men,
passed a cold Christmas day at the
Apex mine.
The discovery of an incline leading
from the upper to the lower work
ings through which tho gunman may
have escaped, added discouqngemont to
to discomfort. Sheriff Smith believes
the incline was not used by Lopez be
fore the mine was sealed. It is expect
ed the mine will be opened and
searched Friday when it is hoped to
find that the resperado succumbed
either to starvation or to tho poison
ous gases generated with smudges
nearly a month ago.
Rev. William E. Ayers Sunning Bace
For Matrimonii Honors With
Goodwin and Hoodbt.
--xias mis neen a nappy i;nnstmas
evef"' asked a guest of one of the
employes of the Marion hotel early last ALSO FIGURES IN SUIT
evening. The answer was: "Rather
not, with the folks 3,000 miles away,"
the speaker not knowing what the
manager bad in store for them.
"I have had ft fine time," said one
later on. "You know most of us don't
have any home to go to," said an
other. Such were the comments among
the score or more employes around the
Christmas tree at the Marion last night,
Exonerated on This Charge and Has
Been Reported Engaged to Many'
Women of His Cltyy. . . v
Boston, Dec. 25. Married four timos
Manager and Mrs. J. E. Crowe had while still a year shy of 30, the Eev.
thoughtfully provided a tree which William B. Ayers, pastor of the Park
was placed in the ladies' dining room and Downs Congregational church, Wol
on the first floor where it was deco- lastou, one of the prettiest suburbs of
rated tastily,, laden with presents and Boston, has been eutered as an, added
the Marion family invited. Kola Neis starter in the matrimonial sweepstakes
acted as Santa Claus and played his in which Nat Goodwin and' Do Wolf
part well. Ho was assisted by Jack Hopper at this time are head-on favor
Rogors, president of the United States ites.
national bank, and Mr. Ab Magers, the Goodwin 's life has been one marriage
popular merchant. The presents gath- after another; Hopper, too is similarly
ered from the tree were numerous, fixed five spouses apiece. But in ad
useful, humorous and otherwise. Santa dition to his martial record Dr. Ayros,
Claus in his own inimitablo way had up to this time has figured in a sonsa
a clever fitting sentiment to accom- tioual suit for alienation in which he
pany each gift as he passed it to its was exonerated, as well as being report
owner and pandemonium reigned from ed engaged to at least a half dozen
the time the toy mouse was let loose women at one time,
among the girl waiters until tho popu- J chronologically, this is the martiol
lar night clerk threw up his hands record to date of the much married min
when ho was given a toy pistol filled jstor:
with candy. J Mnrritl(1i nt tll0 aRe of 1!5( to Motn
"In this work a-dny world when we Eyforth, 16, at Wichita, Kansas, mar
see everything through the dollar sign, ( rinKe amiul,,(1 by the Q0UTt on Kr0Hn,i8
it is refreshing to look upon a scene 0f mjnoritv.
such as Manager and Mrs. Crowe, j Married at the ago of 20 to an ac
furnished last night for tho employes trps9 Bt D,lllthi jfinn., divorced in 1900.
that 'don't have, any homo to go to, 'I Married at tho ago of 22 to Paulino
and the employes that makes its pos- J Shopard, at Watertown, N. Y., his wife
siblo for them to nperato one of tho ,ivj11(, j jlI8f, tnnn a ionth after the
homiest little hotels on the Pacific
was tho comment of a by-1 TjRi)t wpc wedded to Sarah Abigail
Miller, of Nowton Center, Mass.
The ceremony was a secret one at
tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Georgo D. Miller, of Norwood avenue,
Newton Centor, Mnss.
Following tho ceremony fho couple
slipped away in a high powered auto
mobile, leaving behind them instmn-
Madison, Wis., Dec. 25. Another tions not to reveal any details of the
wave of reform surpiising that of 1013 wedding. Relatives of the brido would
was instituted hero today by faculty not even divulge the name of the offi-
representatives of tho conference in cinting minister, though his identity
their annual meeting at the W. C. T. U. j was suspected from a ennvas of Now-
Ono of tho most drastic measures ton ministers,
adopted was the elimination of croquet I Within two hours of the ceremony
fro mtho intercollegiate athletic pro-1 Mr. Ayers, riding toward tho house of
grain and the institution of chess as a his brido with tho, necessary mnrriago
major sport. For some time croquet license, denied his identity to news
has been viewed with disfavor owing paper mon when first confronted and
to its brutality, but today's action was ' then shook them off with a "nothing
duo directly to tho deplorable accident to say at all" when they met him en
in last Saturday's game when Herald
FuzzzlothwaiU), enptain of tho Minne
sota team, was carried from the field
with a broken stay.
San Francisco, Doc. 25. John Bas
tick confessed last night to the rob
bory of a Southern Pacific train near
Elmonto, December 1, and the murder
of E. H. Montague, tho travoling pas
senger agent who tried to thwart him.
Ho admitted also to having tried to
ro ba Southern Pacific train near Oak
land last month. Tho confession was
made to Sheriff Ilammcl of Los An
geles county on a train enroute to Los
This Will Interest Mothers
Mothor Gray's Sweet Powders for
Children, a certain relief for Feverish
ness, Headache, Bad Stomach, Teeth
ing Disorders, move and regulate the
Bowels and destroy Worms. They break
up Colds in 21 hours. They are so
pleasant to the taste Children like
them. Over 10,000 testimonials. Used
by Mothers for 24 years. They novor
fail. Sold by all druggists, 25c. Sam
ple mailed FREE. Address, Allen 8.
Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Tho bore makes a big hole In the
(day's accomplishment.
toring Miss Miller's homo.
Once An Actor.
Littlo wonder that Pastor Ayers'
parishioners and friends and Grnator
It was also decided to substitute the Boston church circles generally are
game of authors for tiddlewinks, as keenly interested in tho announcement
the latter game has atendency to heat j that he has wed again. Liko Nat
tho blood and rendor tho participants j Goodwin and Do Wolfe Hopper, Tastor
forgetful of their dignity as collego Ayers once followed tho footlights as
athletos. his profession. But unlike tho much
Wisconsin received a heavy blow in married oommcdians, Tastor Ayers did
tho expulsion of Archibald Umph, thu not stick to tho stage,
clean-up hitter of the Badger debating; Pastor Ayers first camo into tho lime
toam. It wns discovered that ho had light in the troubles that camo into
once participated in a debate with his tho Park and Downs congregation with
father over tho sizo of his monthly al- charges made by Chester A. Boynton,
lowance. According to rule 5, section who was later suspended from member-
7, tho said debate has mndo him a rank ship. Then camo Boynton 's $25,000 al-
professional. ienation suit and a sensational trial in
Shortly before the close of tho ses- tho Suffolk court. Pastor Ayers won.
sion Professor Pussyfoot formulated This suit caused a split in tho church,
the following resolutions, which will bo Then camo Mrs. Helen Willett Boyn
placod before the Ancient and Honor- ton's suit for divorce against her hus
able Order of Mollycoddles for ap- band.
proval: I A council of Congregational ministers
Received, That students bo permitted hart previously placed Pastor Ayers un
to take no part in tho conduct of in- j dor "friendly supervision." Ho has
torcollegiato games, but be required to continued his ministerial work quietly
tako seats in the stands with the spec- t Wollaston,
tators whilo the faculty members play . . ,
tho games on paper. to participate, in intercollegiate nthlct-
Recolved, That tho undignified cheer-1 ics whoso collar exceeds number 14 or
ing which has marred intorcolleguilo whose chest measurement exceeds 24
sport i tho past bo restricted, and that lm hes.
no spectator be permitted to applaud : Tim meeting closed with a stirring
nny louder than a whisicr under pain addrets by Professor Ernsmus Bilge
of expulsion from the parl(. water on "Thu Hubjugntlon of the Red
Resolved, Tluit no student be allowed Corpuscle"
Old Santa got busy with Portland's
postoffice Tuesday and 250,000 letters
were recoived in seven mnil pouchcB,
that had boon hold up on tho delayed
Emanuel H. Brnnnon aged 8(1, and a
former residont of Bouton county died
at Colfa:t, Tuesday.
W. H. Egan, of Quinaby, has just
shipped tho second car of npplcs raised
by him, to San Francisco, and will have
a third for shipment in a short timo.
Clackamas county has added CO pro
ducts to its election system, the in
creaso boing mado uecossary by giving
women tho franchise.
Snow to tho depth of six inches is
reported in many parts of oaBtom Ore
gon. rinns for paving 71) blocks woro ap
proved by' tho Eugeuo council at its
mooting Monday night. This would
make about bovcii miles.
Los Angoles capitalists are consider
ing tho placing of a gas plant in Albany.
To bI! knowing iufforers of rheumatism, 1
whether muscular or of the Jolnta, sciatica,
lumbagos, backache, paint In the kidneys or
nourttlgla pains, to write to her for a home
treatment which has repeatedly, cured all of
these tortures. She feels It her duty to tend
It to all autforers KKKE. You cure yourself .
at home as thousands will testify no change
of climate being necessary. This simple
discovery banlnhvs urio acid from the blood,
loosens the stiffened Joints, mirillos the blood
and brlxhtmia the eyes, giving elasticity and i
tone to the whole sycteui. If the above
Interest! yon, for proci address Mrs. M
Bummers, Uox U, Notre Dome, lad.
DNITKD ratal udabid wini.l
Ran Francisco, Doc. 25. Vlolout
speeches were being marto before an
outdoor gathering of about 3,000 un
employed at Marshall Squaro, Eighth
ami Markot streets, at 2:45 Wednesday
"Direct action" and tho looting of
stores was threatened by some of tho
At the city hall, about a block away,
tho supervisors were in session, consider
ing tho unemploynoiit situation, A
plan was under discussion for feeding
tho workless until Saturday night iu
tho meantimo evory effort being
made to find employment for as many
as possible by Monday,
unitid raiss lb.sud wins.
Chicago, Dec. 25. The resignation of
John Soluistion, third vice president of
tho Rock Island linos, was announced
today to became effective January 1.
A sucessor will be namod within a few
days. Sebastion was one of the host
known railroad mon in the country and
hod been with tho Rock Island for 30
years. Ho rotires because of poor
Washington, Dec. 25. Sixteen smil
ing facos woro gathered around a large
tnblo' yestordjiy afternoon iu the na
tional capital ami sixteen boys smacked
their lips with delight at the splendid
Christmas dinner provided for the sen
ate pages by Vice President Marshall.
Senator Chilton presented each of that
pages with a knife and Sonator Mar
ti no gave each of tho boys a sum of
Tho baselinll seuson has ended, but
tho joy riders will work the old his
aiid run gnmo all winter.
Congestion From Colds
Just rub it briskly on tho chest and
throat at, night, and get tho soothing
relief this clean, white
ointment, made with oil
of mustard gives.
The old tinio mustard
plaster used to blistor,
M UHTEHOLE doesn't.
That's why millions aro
now using it with such
comforting results. H breaks up a
colli quicker than any mustard plustur
you over saw.
Best for Ho ro Throat, Bronchitis,
Tonsilitis, Croup, Stiff Nock, Asthma,
Neuralgia, Headache, Congestion,
Pleurisy, Ithoumntism, l.uinlmgo, Pains
and aches of the Back or Joints,
Sprains, Sore Muscles, Bruises, Chil
blains, Frosted Feet, ('olds of the Chest
(it prevents Pneumonia).
At your drugists's, in 25c and 50o
jars and a special large hospital size for
$2.50. Bold by druglsts everywhere.
Accept no substitute.
If your druggist cannot
supply you Bond, 25c or
50c to the MUSTER
OLE Company,, Cleve
land. O., and we will
mail you a jar postpaid
Miss JVl. Mpcers, gradu
ate nurso, St. Petersburg, Florida, says:
"I have found it excellent for every
thing that has to do with colds or rheu
matic affections. I am a professional
nurso, and this product is bettor than
anything I ever saw."
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