WUEM SAMTA LAUS CIRfiES 66 TOtWAiRl MAMKiP9 ! r L'. . "HEN Santa Claus cries "Forward ( And smiles his Christmas smile The dollies promptly form a line And then in single file POWDER KINO OP THE PACIFIC COAST Watt Shlpp Is Great Benetavtci of die Willainetto ViUley. Salem haa to hor credit many history making events and bog produced many men and women who have forced to the front flnd become rocognizod in differ ent fielda of our great commercial, sci entific, political and Bociol lifo, but none have moro greatly deserved sue roan and shown greater pluck and com mercial ability tlmn Watt Bhipp, There is no bottor known man in Salem today. Ask any little "tad" on tbo stroot, "Who is Watt Bhipp, and whore can 1 find himt" The answor will bo In an instant, "Ho is tlio bicycle man ami his pluco of buslnoss is on Commercial street near Court," Go to the (treat Du pout Powdor Works, tho largest in the world, and ask tho uestion, "Who is Watt Shippf " They will at ouco roply, "Ho is the Powdor King of the Tacific const nnd operates five largo car-load magazines. " Ask tho progressive dotti er of Woodburn, Albny, Kugono or Cottage Orovo if thoy know Wntt Shipp and thoye will readily answer, "Indeed, wo do. Ho is tho man who mode it possible for us to get powder at Portland prices any day in tho week, and haa been instrumental iu clearing liundrodB of acres of land throughout the Willamette valley," Ask the Southern Pacific Railroad, "Who is Watt Shipp?" and they will reply like the Du Pont Powder Co. "Ho Is the powder king of tho Pacific coast," Ask tho fanners of tho Willamette val ley "Who is Walt Hkippf" nnd they will tell you, "llo is the greatest bene factor the laud clearing man has over had in this section, making it Kssihlc for us to get powdor any day in the week, at Portland prices." Mr. Hhipp informs us that this has been the greatest year lie has ever had iu selling powder for land clearing pur mhh ami he is now working on a pat ent portable two and four tun maga tlne and proposes to Install these mag azine throughout tho stump blasting districts in bin territory, feeding these out of tho large carload magazines, llo is also working on a new set of blasting Uh)1n, in fact he has a large ordor now en route from the Fomi Mfg. Co. factory. This factory hs rocontly considered making a tool under the Poun Past Utile patent, This tool is made much longer and of much heavier material and of various size as is re quired for making holes under stumps, llo hns had a number of those tools In actual uks for tho past year, that he has worked over himself, and each and very ono of them are giving universal sutisfnfctlon. both In the time saved in making hulrea nnd nbo ability to get tbo hole properly placed under the at ump. Thiols net nil. till east and link the famous Haduer Kras Mfg. Co,, the lurgoKt Inmp makers in America, "Who Is Wntt Hhippf" They will tell you. "Ho is one of the most wide-awake bicycle sundry men in the country, a mail out went who designed and pat filled the best lamp bracket on the market. Last year wo signed a con tract with him to use (0,i)im. " Con tinuing they will tell you thai they, the great Badger Ursss Mfg. Co,, have alr-fi'ly closed their 1U1I contract. Who would have thought it f In I v.i.l Watt Hhipp was a bicycle racing man. riding in every raw meet of iniort ance hold in Oregon, Washington, or Ilrillsh Columbia, As a racing man he was a success, following the vocation for over six years, ami winning numer ous medals and other trophies. After six years of the racing game he opened a nuxl.wt little bicycle shop, but It toon t V ' 11 n 1 ' 1 f hi marc 'in.'' Vvv: Watt grew in size and volume and before many yonrs ho had tho largest and best equipped bicycle shop in tho state, His sales rooms for bicycles expanded into sporting goods buslnosa and today it is recognized that no store between Portland and Sun Francisco curries as largo Dr high grado stock of bicycles, motorcycles, ammunition and sporting goods as Watt Bhipp. Last spring, finding that tho pawder business required more of his timo, Mr. Shlpp incorporated his sporting goods store to bo known ns the Watt Khipp Company. Tli'm business is handled by -Messrs. H. II, Veutch, W, K. Anderson and A. K. Wilson, all officers and stock holders of tho company. Although heavily interested in the Watt Bhipp Company, through this arrangement, Mr. Bhipp is enabled to devote tho greater portion of his time to the pow der business, known ns tho Watt Bhipp Powder Co., of which ho is sole owner. Tho policy that hss mndo Mr. Bhipp successful iu his many ither lines of business; namely, personally trying out nnd testing In order to know just what he Is selling his customers, has been followed iu the powder business since entering same, eight years ago, nnd to day ho is considered authority In the mony uses of powder. Any one inter ested in stump blasting, sub-soiling, tree planting, or ditching with ex plosives would do well to enll or write Mr. Bhipp. NEW BOOKS ADDED TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Adult Allen, As a mini Ihinketh. Hacdnker, I'nited States with the ex cursions to Mexico. Cuba, Porto Kit o, and Alaska. Hell, Courtin' Christina. Hevan, Tho world's leading cen.iner era. Urewster, Writing English prose, ltoivsfleld, Making the farm pay, HrigK, Tim fundamental Christian faith, Hrownc, (ireck architecture. Ilurcheiial, Folk dunce, and sincinj Cnie, 1! vol. Hurkett, First principles of feeling farm milmnls. Hurnctt, That lass o' Lowries. Carpenter, Comparative religion. Cattle, Hawaii, past and present. Churchill, Inside of the cup (2 ad ditional copies.) Coulter, Children of tho shadow. Pickens, Harnaby Rudge. Pickens, Old Curiosity shop. Ii, Making of Christopher Ferring ham. Dowd, Polly of Lady Gay Cottage. DAILY fit. i By EARLE HOOKER EATON IHEY march to Santa's reindeer shed, Too serious far for play, Where they break ranks and get aboard The good old saint's big sleigh. ' ,-. Bhipp. Elwell, Principles, rules and laws of miction bridge Knrrington, Home poultry book. Paunce, What (Iocb Christianity uicuii T Fergusson, History of architecture. Fiske, Challenge of tho country. Frederick, Tho new housekeeping, dill & Pinchot, Country church; the deilino of its influence and tho remedy. Marker, The Ffolliots of Redmarley. Hill, Up to date waitress. Howe, European cities at. work, lies, Leading American inventors. Marquand, Crock architecture. Juvenile. Dnneroft, (lames for tho plnygronnd, home, school and gymnasium. Bishop, Panama, past and present. lilaistlell, Polly and Polly. Pemetrios, When 1 was a boy in Greece. Popp, Knrly sea people. Oreenawny, Marigold garden. Orcenaway, 1'nder the window. Holbrook, Hook of nature myths. Hulst, Indinn sketches. Johnston, Famous privateers and ad venturers of the sea. SOME NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM NEWPORT IrNiTitn I'lwan iAsan wmt.l Newport, P(V. If. (Special.) Mrs. K. H. McKlroy went to Portland some days ago to undergo an operation (or dropsy. She will remain until n''""' Christmas ns the doctor -he w!!l Y: jwrform the operntien is tem'iersr'lv in the eifd nnd Is ei c'te.l lii -!; pi-out Pe.'cmber 'J.l. Mo-t Ab' in McKlrov. h-r diiuuliter, who bus a dnss en the pineo here, wPl go to I'ortlnnd a cuivl Onvs before her leother nudcr.'ees the operation end will ac. ompnny her home afterward s.' The eitiens of Nye Pen. h nnd, in fact the whole of Newport, am '0''Vni'.r to secure midwinter excnmieti of the C. 4 K. railroad en the same forma as are given the public d.irini: the rum mer. All the best hotels, restaurants and lodL'ing houos will offer the bet entertainment to any who mnv come The plunge bath Mil natatorluni be open to permit nil who come no op portunity to take a mlt sea bath, The weather is fine now A barue belonging to Porter Pres., of Siuslaw railroad at Florence, which sfrucy a rock and crushed the bottom, is beached here for repairs. It will probably go out In a day 'ir o A record breaking mail, consitinif of sa''ks, was delivered here one night recently. Two freight aehooncrs which arrid early this week reported a pleasant trip from Portland. CAPITAL J0T7B1TAL, BAT.KV, OXEOOH. t t i" m This Sign Always Means a Good Show For years the "Movies" have been growing into the lifo and affections of I childhood, manhood and womanhood in America. The wondorful pictures have boon tho marvel and delight of young eyes and old. They have fascinated, ontortainod and educated millions ofj people, as nothing has ever done it bo-. fore. Tho whole world lives and breathes on the film, and the wholo world is thrilled and amazed by what is seen. The child who has novcr been ten blocks from home, now soes tho ele phant in his notive junglo, the Japan ese dragging his rickshaw, and the King of England chatting with tho Czar of all tho Russias. Tho marvelous photo plays bring the grentost artists of the stago to delight thoso who dosiro to Bpond an evening of ronl pleasure for 10 or 20 cents. And now you may know where the good show is before you go into the theater. Mutual Movios are conceived aud produced under tho direction of the best and highest priceed dramatic tal ent in tho world. Tho cleverest artists on tho motion picture stage tho most beautiful actresses and tho handsomest and most daring heroes are under contract with tho Mutual; for the pro duction of the most thrilling pictures from tho great west, exciting dramas that make tho heart throb, side-splitting comedies that lighten dull coro, mystery plays that faseiuato and thrill, romances of love that melt tho hojirt, great feature plays remomborpd for a lifetime, sweet childhood stories that mothers love. i Every h mucin emotion Is pictured with realistic art and fullest depth of feeling. Mutual Movies siitisfy the artistic eye; they thrill; they enter tain and instruct, thoy bring langhtor and delight, to all. On it great ranch, in the fur west, there is maintained one of the greatest coiiipnnies of motion picture artists that the world bus ever known tin in lin'tlv greater and more heroic com pany thnn any lng in the world ever domiMiilod, before Mutes' Movie ronl sim mndo such heroes nn.l heioinos im perative. Here- the treat wild went if pot t rayed in all its fiercest life endnu geiing reality. The Mutual Movie artist is infinite 'v greater than anv other stage artist. iniil tells the whole dramatic torv to you by actions alone. There, nre no words to help you and none are needed. There is no straining of the ears to hear for the whole grsphie story is fully and henrtfully told to the eye alone. And the funny pictures nre simply side-splitting. One great Mutual com pany, in particular, has beaten the world in the production of picture farces nnd comcdien. The lovable fat man who rolls down a precipice, Is kicked down stairs, who falls head over heels bombastic, awkward, in love with every pretty girl; getting the worst of it often, and the best et it sometimes how yon will learn to look ovpivotantly for his appearance. Four wooks ago today wo told yon here tho story of one vitally interest ing picture, "Our Mutual Girl." The charmingly sweet girl from the country, with the bloom of the violet on her cheek, and tho first dream of ramonce in her ehart who cornea to New York, and aeea the thing that make her eye 8AT0SDAT, SEOE1CSES 20, 1913. mm-p il f ;..-'. j HI; I! I 'f Jt J : 5 ic. I) Copyright, JjjLS line of march is o'er the land, And when the dollies part Each marches in and camps right out In some wee girl's big heart I 'J , ' ,v." I ' Wsf X'O : v rJJJ i 7 -fc-it -.jssvWl Billy CUfford and his best girl who appear at the Grand Christmas Night at ' Special Holiday Prices. snap wido open meets tho charming and famous personalities that every body wants to know and you meet them with hor. Luciles, the famous Iressmaker, shows her choicest prod- nets. Itilly Hurko, PeWolf Hopper and other famous stago jieople meet her. The pictures can bo socu at tho Bligh theeater exclusively. Salem Sand and Oravol Co, Among tho institutions which have had nn active part in the commercial development of the city of Salem j quence it is expected that road build within the past few years, one of tho 'ing will be given a new impetus during most important and yet unpretentious ! ing will be given a now impetus during is the Salem Sand It Gravel Company, tho coming season. From a small beginning it has grown . steadily nnd rapidly until it now has an annual payroll of $.'10,000. From a small concern handling a few loads of gravel from an island in the river, it has developed info one ofj the very best, oquippol plants of its' 'kiml i thn state. It has furnished thoiimnds of yards of material for the aiprovemcnt of the city's streets, its wagons daily go forth in every direc tion laden with its nrodiicf. while into every town in the Willamette valley from Corvallis on the south to Portland on the north. This growth !,as been attained only by tireless work u g, JmmilJ on the part of tho men composing : the from Quinfy to the efftfrt tiat th ,', company and after they have tried f U (Ur(h Umci many plans and have suffered many pon )n J disappointments, but in . bringing i of ,h,t ,Me of about they have not only established mliMng at lho church- ns , an immense business but they have Rr0 Avv ,d,led much to the fmancal gain of , know Ut (Ulf,rino of the capital city. Hrotherhood is destructive to good or- Tho crusher and bunkers are located 0lri aml afraight to anarchy. Have n the bank of the river at the foot we not read that to give all an equal of Court street and considerable money ehanee at life and comfort would make has been spent there in improving and criminals of the most of list It is pos road making in order to get the output sit.lo that a teacher con be found in to the point of delivery. The material this, the 20th century, who is reckless is drwtlged out of tho bottom of the enough to proclaim that co-operation In Wilstmotte river and is carried to industry Is the right and proper meth shore on barges. Kight grades of od of making t living! Of eon r this 3 r . . f - i i f ( . : ,i'J'hjhiiiMi ' , ' MK,-,.;.-: , m o ' - ,MltUtHl'( 1913, by American Preu Asaoclatloa gravel and crushed rock and two j grades of sand are produced for the - markot. I The present year has been a verv 'busy ono for Tho Salem Sand & Gravel Co., but additions to tho plant will bo made in order to take care of a larger volume of business, A disc crusher flint grinds up rock at the rate of thirty yards per hour will permit the comjwny to put out roadmaking ma terial at half tho cost that has been charged tho county, and as a conso- THE OPEN FORUM The Capltnl Journal Invites pub. lie discussion In this department Let both sides of all matters be fully brought out It Is not the purpose of this newspaper to do the thinking for Its renders. SOCIALISM AND WINDOW SMASHING MM LOVELY ANGORA RUGS Ideal for Christmas Gifts Order now The Angora Rug Co. Phone 683. . 1230 Perry St Dear Everybody Merry Christmas! 4- Yours for Pictures and Picture Framing. W. J. PORTER i 455 Court Street, Salem Oregon t Ask Your Grocer t c FAMOUS JELLIES f Made only of Pure Fruit Juices and Sugar. Genuine Cider Vinegar f juaiurea oy Aging .nature s way. Filtored Cider. t Farmers Cider and J Vinegar Works C. E. BURTNETT, Prop. MM MMM MAIN 388 The Capital Business College 'Say, I want a stenog rapher today; must be a good one, how about it?" Many of our pupils have thus been placed in good positions, both as stenographers and bookkeepers. Enroll next week, the first week in the new year; study hard and your opportunity will come, and a good salary with it. will lead to the stoning of church win dows and other such lawlessness. For example, we had a window-smashing at a church in these parts recently. To be sure, there wore no socialist kids in tho neighborhood, but tho church was next door to a socialist. Socialist teaching loads direct to lawlessness.. The conclusion is conclusive, for were not tho windows broken, and was not the next door neighbor a socialist! Put that together and the roso is made. It will not do to try to tench the people a better way, for in doing so the imperfections of the old way must be pointed out, and this is destructive to good order. Every reformer is a dis turber of the peace. Jesus himself cre ated a prent uproar. Tt wns -declared of him Hint he "atirrefh up the people." He tniiglit democracy, co operation, and brotherhood. Thnt was revolutionary. That was too much for tho church at Jerusalem. He wns indeed a great, nuisnnce. The church people stirred up the authorities, and we know the rest. The pood ladies of Quincy nre right, Pown with every new Idea. Let us have peace, always pence. L. P. RATLTFF DRAGS HIMSELF TO SAFETY AFTEE LEGS A EE mgAULED Portland, Or., Pec. 20. Compelled to choose between an almost sine and slow death in the heart of a dense woods or the agony of dragging his body through the forest by his arms, Charles Andrews aged 50, a farmer near Pt. ilebns, chose the latter course and won. With the bones of both eHti snap ped In two below the knee, l,y being struck by the sweep of a stump p'lller. Andrews drnirged himself for half a milo over fallen logs and throiiu'li un derbrush to an open field whero he signaled for and secured aid. ne was brought to the hosnita! her today where it was said he would recover.