Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 19, 1913, Image 1

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    All the News that's Fit to Print.
' "' i ... ... - y . .
Portland Gives Work to Several Hundred Who Have Noth
ing to Do ThereLos Angeles Is Using $1500 Per Month
in an Effort to Relieve Some of the SufferingGovernor
West Confers With Multnomah County Commisisoners in
' Regard to State and County Co-operation in Building
Roads and Providing Employment '
cmited run imxam wixs.l
Portland, Or., Dec. 19. Several hun
dred men were given work today dig
ging trenches, laying water pipe and
repairing the city's streets. The em
ployment of the men was made possible
by action of tho city commission in
making available thousands of dollars
for Hub purpose. Each man will be per
mitted to work two days each week at
$3 per day. It had not been intended
to do much more work until through
the winter months, but the needs of the
unemployed appealed so strongly to the
commission that it was decided to em
ploy as many men as possible immedi
ately. Hundreds of others will be em
ployed as fast as the work is mapped
State Highway Commissioner Bowl
by, at the instigation of GoVarhor West
conferred today with the county court
of Multnomah county, regarding state
and county co-operation in the building
of roads in the county. If an agreement
is reached, work will bo provided for
hundreds of men.
Wants Special Session.
San Francisco, Dec. 19. J. Stitt Wil
son, Socialist ex-mayor of Berkeley, was
taking the initiative locally today iu
the effort to help the unemployed.
In San Francisco he wants the city
supervisors to open a municipal employ
ment agoucy. Governor Johnson, he
thinks, should call a special session of
the legislature to deal with the situation
throughout the state. Resolutions to
this effect have been drafted, for sub
mission at a mass mooting Wihton will
address in tho pavilion rink Sunday af
ternoon. Social workers said the volume of un
employment was stoadily increasing in
San Francisco and will become exceed
ingly grave before tho end of the win
ter unless steps are taken promptly to
provide work for the involuntarily idle.
The Sunday meeting was called to con
sider definite plans.
Food for Unemployed Army.
Fresno, Cal., Dec. 19. Not only food,
but medical attention awaited the van
Says City of Salem
is Seeking to Aid
in Nefarious Steal
Alleging that the city of Salem is
attempting to aid in a nefarious steal,
that, although it is the city's duty, or
the officials thereof, is duty bound to
protect its citizens in. their property
rights as well as in other matters, the
city attorney claims that a portion of
Salem's citizens have no remedy for a
wrong, and that it is an outrage that
the city of Salem, acting hand in hand
wilh the Oregon Electric Co., should
attempt to sell out the rights of 'the
people to save the taxpayers a few dol
lars, B. A. Pfiel, et al., through their
attocneyj, Walter Window and Mar
tin It Martin, today filed a brief on the
demurrer filed by tho defendants, the
city of Salem and the Oregon Electric
Co., to the complaint brought against
the latter to enjoin them from proceed
ing with the grading of North Front
This suit was started by Pfiel and
W Jiiltt
d mm
guard of the "army of unemployed"
on its arrival here today en route south
ward. All told, about 150 of the marchers
will spend 21 hours as Fresno's guests.
Chief of Police Coyle and Sheriff Mc
Swain were on the alert but trouble was
not seriously anticipated. The consen
sus of opinion among Fresno residents
was that a majority at least of their
visitors are out of work only because
they can find nothing to do, and a
kindly reception was favored.
The "army" was allowed to pitch
camp inside the city limits. It will
"hit the road" again tomorrow, though
the leader said stragglers might be pass
ing through for a few days to come.
Crima Is Sue to Want,
San Francisco, Dec. 19. Though the
police had ransacked the mission dis
trict and arrested "a suspect" or two,
it W8 admitted today that small pro
gress was being made in running down
the two robbers who held up the Bail
road Men's Incorporated Social Club
in the rear of W. B. Schlottman 's Man
hattan billiard and pool hpll just before
6 p. m. yesterday, took $1100 from the
men who were playing cards there and
escaped after forcing their victims to
lie on their faces on the floor with their
heads under the table.
Many other highway robberies and
burglaries were reported, including the
hold up of a street car, in which, how
ever, thore happened to be no passen
gers at' the time.
The general opinion was that unem
ployment was responsible for the
"crime wave."
Suffering in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dee. 19. Admit
ting the deplorable conditions here,
brought about by the constantly in
creasing number of unemployed, per
sons, the city council today appropri
ated tlHOO monthly for three months
for temporary relief. The fund will b
administered by a committee of coun
cilmen. others for the purpose of restraining
the city and tho Oregon Electric Co.,
from carrying out plans whereby the
public highway leading north of the
newly constructed railroad and wagon
bridge on North Front stroot would bo
The restraining order wns asked on
tho grounds that the adjoining property
would be damaged to a great extent by
reason of the highway being plnced far
off grade, in the event the plans of
tho defendants were carried out.
The city filed a reply, or demurrer to
the complaint in which it alleged the
plaintiffs poscssed no remedy for the
wrong, if so there be, and that the
complaint should be dismissed on the
grounds of insufficiency, The com
plaint and demurrer were argued and
Judge Galloway, of the circuit court,
is now holding the matter, including
the brief filed today, under advisement.
J I . "..fit . '-r- i
Left to Bight: Butli
Three student delegates and one fao
ulty delegate are leaving here today to
represent Willamette University at the
quadrennial convention of the National
Student Volunteer Band,w hlch will' be
held at Kansas City, Kansas, Decem
ber 31 to January 4. They are Miss
Ruth Young, of Portland; Miss Inez
Goltra, of Portland; Eric P. Bolt, of
Marshfield, and Prof, James T. Mat
thews, of this city.
All of the larger institutions all over
Agrees to Live on His Ranch
Back of Lake and Not in
Has Served Little Over Half His
Term of Three Tears for Accepting
Bribe From Gambler.
ItmiTio paass uisao wins.
Olympia, Wash., Doc. 19. Charles W.
Wappenstoin, ex-police chief of Scattlo,
today wns granted a conditional pardon
by Governor Listor, with the under
standing that Wappenstoin shall not live
in Scattlo, but on his ranch back of
Ike Washington.
Conditional pardons were also issued
to Harold Barr, convicted of extortion
in King county in 1912; W. L. Davis,
convicted of murdor in Cholan county
in 1007; Henry Valentine, convicted in
Yakima county, of manslaughter in
1911, and Fred Morrow, convicted in
Spokane of grand larceny.
Governor Lister said he pardoned
Wappenstoin because of old age and his
Handled Graft Money.
Seattle, Wah., Dec 19. Charles W.
Wappenstoin, former chief of police of
Seattle, was found guilty on July 3,
1911, of accepting a portion of the pro
ceeds of a gambling house, run here by
Gideon Tuppor, now of Chicago, and
Clarence J. Gerald, now in the restaur
ant business in this city, while ho was
acting as chief of police. Ho was sen
tenced to imprisonment for three years
at Walla Walla, but it was not until
May, 1012, that he wns taken to the
penitentiary. Wappenstoin served as
chiof of police for two years undor the
administration of William Hickman
Mooro, and after a two years' absence
from office, was reappointed by Mayor
Hiram C. Gill. Undor Moore's admin
istration, with tho town "closed," it
is generally conceded that Wappen
stoin 's administration of police affairs
was the bout the eity had eves. had.
When Mayor Gill "ojcned" the city,
gambling bouses were run with the S
proval of the mayor, and Wappenstoin
was later indicted on tho secific chargo
of accepting a bribe of lO'.IO, upon
which charge he was convictod.
frxi-rsD mu Mtiro wns J
Seattle, Wuib., Dec. 19. Two strik
ing teamsters were shot here today In a
clash with non-union driver.
1 1 - J
ffc.:- Q. i' .-
From Willamette on
to Kansas City Meeting
Touug, Portland; Brio Bolt, Marshfield;
- . the United States are sendine repre-
sontatives to the convention. . Delegates
have already secured credentials from
over 800 of the nation's leading col
leges. '
The, purpose of the' meeting is to
arouse a larger interest among the col
lege students the different lines of en
deavor. '
The students especially of the donom-
Bourne Opposes
Ownership Plan
Portlander Says Acquirement by Gov
:. eminent of Telephone and Telc
graph Would Be Ptsastrous.
' ONITJBO FB1SI vtmto wiai.)
Washington, Doc 19. Bitter criti
cism of government ownsrship of telo
phono and telegraph lines was voiced
here today by former United States
Senator Jonathan Bourno, Jr., of Ore
gon. "This talk of government ownership
is all rot," said Bourno. "It would re
sult in bureacralie paternalism and gov
ernmental dissolution within a century.
Under the proposed plan tho govern
ment would employ more' tlvan 7,000,000
persons, a sufficient numbor to control
the govornmont under present political
onitbd rnsna lhabid wins. j
San- Fnaneisco, Dec. 19. Tim Mc-'
Grath, manager of Kddio Cainpl, re-1
coived word today 'from Promoter Tom j
McCarey, of Los Angeles that the Cain-
pi-Kid Williams bout is on again and'
that it will be staged at Vornon Fob-1
rtiary 12.
Since their last bout a year ago Cam
pi has sought a return match with Wil
liams. Before mooting Williams, Cam
pi will attempt to get a match in Mil
waukee with Johnny Coition and full
ing iu this, will seek a mutoh in San
Lecture by
Public Library Auditorium
Eight O'clock Tonight
The Weather
The Diclioy Iiird
ays; Oregon: Ruin
sontliwcHt tonight
we cur
fl WHOi-E
fMXKPfmk H"tur,ly. r,,il'
or snow nortnwest
and east portion
wit) tonlirht and Hatur-
Reads the
In si Ooltra, Marshfield.
innl institutions are taking an increased
interest in the student volunteer move
ment and thore is no small number of
student at the local university who
plan on making social reform and mis
sionary work their lifo callinc.
Tho convention will be addressed by
leaders of the volunteer movement,
many speakers of lntornation roputation
being on the program. The dolegates
will return Bhortly after school opens
following the holiday vacation.
Municipality With Mayor1,
Chief of Police, Court and
Councilmen Plan.
Takes Up Matter With Mayor CotterUl
With View of Eliminating Crim
inals From Ranks.
Seattle, Wash., .Doc. 19. President
of the council, "Dob" lioRkoth, nnd
Councilman Harry Bruskovith loft nt
noon today for Olympia to confer with
Governor Lister on tho question of fur
nishing employment to hoboes on the
state highways.
At the park board meeting today, tho
ptoblem of finding work for the army
of unemployed, will also be tnkon up.
At tho "Boe Palace" tho old Prov
idence hospital property tonight H
masg mentlng of tho hoboes will bo held
to organize a "boo" police dopart
mont. The real hoboes, thoso who want
to work, are vlolontly opposed to the
"moooher". class and the "yeggs."
who stil and commit other crimes.
Jeff Davis, king of the hoboes, has,
therefore, tnken up with Mayor Cot
terUl and Chief of Tollce Bannlck a
suggestion to employ tho aid of the ho
boes working with tho police, to weed
out tho rndosirable olomont, Bannick
has designated Sergeant Al, Ryan as
his personal representative at tonight's
meeting. It is proposod to organize a
hobo municipality, with a mayor, chief
of police, police court, eouncllmon, etc.
Every real hobo will become a pntrol
man, nnd will be given designated
bests to po-operato with tho city's pa
trolmen. Rules and rogulationi will be
strictly observed at tho "boo pnlace,"
ono of which is that each member must
lake a Imth nt leant once a week.
"Ileeent Development in National
and Lonil Bird Protection," will be
the subject of an illustrated lecture by
Dr. C, V, Ilodiro in the public library
auditorium this evening at S o'clock.
Whenever Dr. Hodge speaks on a sub
ject of nature study and civic biology,
he speaks with authority, for ho in an
eminent scientist. He will bo intro
duced by Profinnnr M. K. Pack, of Wil
lamette Unlvornitv.
Wanhlngton, Diw. 19. President Wil
son signed Unlay the Hetch Hetchy bill
to give Sun Frnncinco a municipal wnter
supply source in VoMcmite National
Daily Capital Joui
' I
nnyysirrr or
Many Families Are Without Fuel and in Some Caws Almost
Without Food, and Worst Is FearedDelivery of Coal
Has Been Crippled Since Last Storm and Famine Is Threat
enedSchools Are Forced to Close Because of No Coal to
Heat Them Many Streets Are Nearly Impassible From
the Drifts Wind Rising and Growing Colder.
united ruEss leased wiri.)
Donvor, Colo., Doc. 19. Mayor Por-
kins this afternoon appointed John Brls-
ben Walker chairman of a giant com
mittee of 8000 citizons delegated to re
lieve the distress of families horo which
find themselves without fuol and In
many cases almost without food, as
result of the storm raging in Donver.
The city was divided Into 100 section,
in each of which a sub-committee will
work. '
Conditions were worst this aitornoon
on the western slope of the Eocklos.
The wind was rising and the snow be
ginning to drift. It was growing colder.
The storm threatened to be worse
than the last one. The freshly fallen
A fist fight took place in the circuit
court chambers here yostordiy noon,
when Attornoy J. I Connloy, of Port
land, became enragod at Attorney A.
M. Cannon, also of Portland, and struck
the latter a stinging blow acroea the
face. The row occurred just after the
argumont in the case of M. L. Jonoa
against Goorgo C. Shoflor, et al., a liti
gation over farming lands in Marion
county, had been complotod, and tho
court had taken the case undor advise
meut. '
Cannon, who is related to the plain
tiff, gave somo damaging testimony
against the defendants, end whou
tho attorneys wero proparing to leave
the court room, a wordy altercation
took place botwoon Cannon and Conn
loy In which Connley called Cannon
several abusive names, and said that
ho would have Cannon disbarred and
"shown up." Connloy lost his tom-
Drunken Boy Found
Lying on Pavement
by Salem Officer
Frank Mitchell, who said he was 20
years old, and that he was a Salem
high school student, was arrested by
Chief of Police Sliedeck last night St 5
o'clock on tho chargo of being drunk.
Tho chief was penning through the
iilley near tho eity hall when ho noticed
a black form lying on tho pavement.
Upon investigation ho found that It
wns a mem youth In a beastly slate of
intoxication. The officer was compelled
to carry the drunken lad into the police
station, and, after considerable work,
succeeded In sobering him up suffi
ciently to got his name and address.
The boy told the chief that he drank
snow, banked on what was left from the
previous storm, soon made many streets
Impasflublo. Though tho stroot car com
Iiny had 20 snow plows at work, fully
half its system was tied up at noon, and
it was expected that by night not a
whool would be turning.
Among the poor there was intense
suffering. Delivery of coal has beoa
crippled since the last storm, and to
day's fall increased the difficultiee. A
serious fuel famine was threatened. By
midday two tnlrds of the grade schools
and one high school had been forced to
closo. There- was no coal to heat thorn.
The storm was poneral throughout
Colorado, eastern Wyoming, northern
New Mexico and extendod as far east
as Iowa,
por and strupk Cannon. Others inter
fered. Got His Money Gambling.
Over $12,000 are involved in the case.
There are many parties interested In
the dofonse, among them being Free
mont Eldridge, formerly of Sulera. Mr.
Eldridge acted as agent and part own
or in tho lands in litigation." Upon
cross-examination, Eldridge was forced
to toll whore he raisod finances with
which to buy certain vnluuble lauds in
Portland and the northern part of Ma
rion county. Ho tostificd that he got
most of his money by gambling in the
, big hotels In Portland. He said that
some nighte be would win a thousand
! dollars or two gambling, and at other
times he lost oipially as much. Eldridge
gave the names of the hotols in which
ho snld himself and othor prominent
men had gambled for big stakes.
Pomona, Cel., Doc. 19. A local Sun
day school lost its collection money in
the robbery of tho Hay ward Lumber
company's safo hore last night. Two
men crawled through the window, found
the safe opon, broke out the money box
with a crowbar and got away with 30
cash, t:t0 In checks ami several hun
dred in non-nogotiablu notes. Another
lumber company's safe was tampered
some llipior, and, neglecting to eat his
dinner, following his Indulgence in
liquid refreshments, became drunk.
Mitchell would not tell the chief a
straight story, when nuked where he
got the booflo, ami the officers are mak
ing a further Investigation today.
Mitchell pleaded guilty before Jud(je
Elgin this morning and was. fined S
for being drunk and disorderly. Ho
paid his fine and nindo a quick nnd
silent exit out of the station, ami ha
not been seen since by the officers.
Mitchell looked to be aixit 18 Tears
old, it was stated at the dtv hull.