Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 18, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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7 ' -
1 I'M M VI
of the f
Xnui 5
Sweeping Reductions
throughout the big store. No better piece to buy Christ
ma gifts than here, and you'll save considerable on ev
ery purchase.
Special Reduced Prices on all Shoes and Slippers
Cut Prices on Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, ' Furs,
Waists and all other garments smaller needs.
Reduction on all Handkerchiefs, Hand Bags, Umbrellas,
Stationery etc.
Sale Prices on all Cut Class,' Baskets,' Braseware, Indian
Robes, Crips, Suit Cases, etc. (Second floor).
' All Toys, ' Dolls, Games, Wheel Goods, Rocking Horses
.and the many other things to delight the children at
at special sale prices.
Better make selections before it is too late.
' n
A Man likes Something Useful
Bny your gift for
"him or the hims"
In our men's store
ladies like to shop
here and we like to
have them perhaps
we know him and
could lend a hedp
cul suggestion a to
what would please
him moat.
The best way ! to chock up the Hat
shopping Is a ploasure at tho Store of
In Toyland
All Toys, Dolls, Games, Wlteel Goods, Rocking
Horses, and the many other things to delight the
children at special sale prices.
Better make selections before it is too late.
'iUL v iicOODIGOODS fckj?
Capital City Brevities
Dr. May, nerve specialist. Masonic
building. ,
Dr. Mendclsohu fits ere correctly. U
8. Bank building.
Artistic picture framing at moderate
price. Burcn Hamilton.
If you ar from Mlsosuri, step into
C. T. Pomerojr' jewelry store anil ask
to b shown the cut In prices he is mak
ing. .
John M. GearU, 11. (1. plntt and J. Tt.
Kerr, of Portland, and Justice L.
McX ary, of this city, have been selecttM
a the board to examine candidate ap
plying for sdmlsolon to the Oregon
Mrs. C. Cornelias of Portland,
Will Give a Lecture on
In th Optra House Thursday evening, Dcmbr
13, 1913, at 8 p. m. . Qutt!nt will b atiwrd
from tht platform,- Admition fr. Everybody .
U'lcm. Aha, Mr. L, A. Cei'er will tll why ne is
a Spiritmtiii. .,
sn tvenmgs
k Will
A Take
.1 Crm
.sMyl Of
( (ca Packages
M Until
, There ire io man;
things that will
please socks, neck
tie will be the
choice of many
tome will give order
for a suit or an over
coat will please any
man yos, we have
bath robes, smoking
jackets and auch
and bring it with you. Christmas
Practical Gift for Men.
- ''.Vv
i-T I
....Bath Robe -..Lounging Bobe
....Boied Holiday Sot -..Muffler
...Belt -.docket Book
....Suit -.Bain Coat
..-.Overcoat ....Scarf Pin
-..Cuff Buttons ....Scarf
..Collar Bag -..Shirt
....Collars . -..Smoking Jacket
...Cap ....Suit Case
....Cane ....Sweater Vest
....Fancy Vest ... Suspenders
....Garters ....Traveling Bag
....Gloves ....Trunk
....Handkerchiefs ....Umbrella
.... Hosiery ....Underwear
Dr. Utter, dentist, Masoute Bldg.
No fuss no display just a bona fide
cut-rate bargain sale at C. T. Tomeroy 's
jewerly store tomorrow.
American electric irons and electric
warming pads make a most acceptable
Xmas gift. If she has one, buy her
the other, she needs both. Bay L.
Farmer Hdw. Co.
A reply to tho complaint in the' rape
of B. 8. Montgomery against William
Berringer, et 1., was filed iu the eir
cult court yesterday. The defendants
are charged In the complaint with as
saulting the defendant, but deny every
rv 1
Victorien Sardou's Mas
terpiece in Motion Pic
ture. A hundred thou
sand dollar ' production.
1000 people' in . the cast.
Three full reels.
Jane Grey -and
The Colonial Players
A powerful four-act po
litical drama of New
York City
Best bargains in stand lamps. W. H.
Welch Eloctrio Co., 264 North Commer
cial 0. W. Sarff, f ormeriy of Seattle, has
opened box ball alloys in the basement
of the Bligh' building.
, A -'big -line of . velocipedes from
which to (elect. Moderate prices.
Baren ft Jlamilton.
- Suit to quiet -title to lands in this
eovntywa filed in the -circuit court
yeotexday.by D. W. Fisher against .
Smith, et si.
Order yonr Christ ma tree electric
lamps froirf The W. H. Welch Electric
Co., 264 North Commercial.
New things in draperies and uphol
stery goods just arrived. Buren ft Ham
ilton. A fine selection of printed Snd in
laid linoleum now ready for your in
spection in our carpet department.
Buren & Hamilton.
Christmas shoppers are flocking from
all directions to got a share of the big
bargains in jewelry at C. T. Pomeroy's
cut-rtite sale.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gremmels, of this
city, are being visited by their daugh
ter, Mrs. F. Douglas, and little daugh
ter, of Viola, Ore.
No nicer gift than sn electric iron. A
ten-year guarantee with each 13.50
iron at The W. H. Welch Electric Co's
store, .264 North Commercial.
John B. Lutherman left for his home
In Boise, Idaho, this morning, after vis
iting for some time with his brother,
George 0., of this city.
Miss Eugenia Mclnturff and brother,
D. N., left today for Spokane, where
they will visit their sister, Mrs. J. X.
Cassalman, during the holidays.
Surprise her with a Frantz Premier
this Xmas. It's tho most efficient and
moderately priced electric vacuum
cleaner manufactured. The pries ! '
$30. Easy terms.-' Buren It H.imilton.
Pomerey quality has never1 been
higher; Pomcroy prices will never be
lower. Get down town early for his
Wig bargain day sale in jewelry tomor
row. An address will be delivered by T.
O. Bllgh, proprietor of the Bligh thea
tre, at the convention of picture show
managers to be hold in Portland. De
cember 55. '
"El Stovo," "El Chnfo," "El
Bako," "El Toasto" ninke classy
Christmas presents. The W. H. Welch
Electrie Co., will show you, at 264
North Commercial.
With the intention' of -making his
future horn in Northern California, C.
A. , C'hristenson left for the southern
state yeeWilny morning.. : His family
went with him. .
We are quoting close-out prices on
manicure sets, toilet sets and fancy
brassware. "Bay 1,' Tanner Hdw. Co.
Woar Ever aluminum makes a most
acceptable XmaS gift, Bay L. Farmer
Hdw. Co. " . ,
The line of coaster wagons we select
ed for this year's trade is the best the
market affords. Bring the "kid'' in
and let him solect his own; he knows
the best. l!av I. Farmer Hdw. Co.
li II
- Strong TtUgTupli Featur
":.'. -Sfrotnorrow.
Dr. Aseeia, atti, JC9 Beleca Bak
ft Treat baOdiBf. .
' Justice of the Pes Webster waa is
Portland yssterday en business.
.The, case of tb tt against.-Joe.
Bentley will be heard' in the jnstiee
court this afternoon. Bentley is charg
ed In a complaint (worn to by John
Krebs with larceny of some paper. '
Eldon Lenunoo, the young son of Mr.
and Mr, Ed Lemmon, woo reside oa
North Commercial ' (treat, arrived her
yesterday from Portland and will re
main with hi paremta during the holi
day. James Cerpe hsa today .pnsaented
Willamette university- with a .valuable
collection of Indian relic. This is his
second gift to the university 'museum. .
Juniors at .the university are already
working on their annual to be issued in
the spring.
The largest assortment of rugs to be
found in the city now on display on
our third floor. Buren ft Hamilton.
Latest thing in electrie irons three
variation in heat guaranteed for all
time. Give her one for ChriBtmas. The
W. H. Welch Electric Co., 264 North
News has been received here to the
effect that Mrs. Jane Roberta, mother
of Professor T. S. Roberts, the blind
pianist of Salem, recently underwent a
serious operation in her daughter's
home city, Philadelphia. Mrs. Roberts
is getting along nicely, however.
Japanese baskets. The latest Xmas
fad in low-priced goods. 0r assort
ment cannot be excelled. Bay L. Farm
er Hdw. Co.
Brtmtifnl Xmas gifts at moderate
prices. Our crockery .department con
tain good line of jardinieres, candle
sticks, smoking sets, serving -trays, etc.
See display window. Buren ft Hamil
ton. A complaint to recover $592 alleged
to be -owing -him 'for
was filed in the circuit court . this
morning by J. E. Scott against the Wil
lamette Manufacturing Co.
Just , as soon a a settlement can be
s rived at In the ease against the West
Umatilla irrigation project, which is
now in the federal court in Portland,
work will commence immediately, ac
cording to Governor West.
Connty School Superintendent Smith,
assisted by Miss Lizzie Cornolius and
J. W. L. Smith, is conducting a Marion
county teachers' examination at the
East tchool this week. About 75
teachers are taking the examination.
The beautiful pattern, excellence of
finish and superior quality of Commu
nity silver can be duplicated only in
gonuine sterling silver and price much
greater. What's the use! Community
is good enough "for anybody. Bay L.
Farmer Hdw.' Co. '
.'' A decree in the case of the Willam
ette Valley Irigated Land Co. against
W. A. Smith, et a!., was granted the
plaintiff by Judge Galloway this
morning. This was a suit to clear title
to certain lands in the eastern portion
of Marion county.
Proceedings were commenced this
morning by the State of Oregon in re
lation of Miller ft Co. against J. W.
Ferguson, state insurance commission
er, for a wnfc of mandamus requiring
the defendant to appear and show
cause for refusing to iue the Miller
ft Co. a license. to transact an insur
j ance business in this state. Judge Gal
i loway signed an order for tho writ as
prayed for in the application filed by
the plaintiff. .,
That the chartor committee will
have its work . completed the second
week in January is the promise made
today, and Salem will some time during
the coming year vote whether it wants
It business conducted by a city man
ager. Last ni jlit the committee dis
' cussed taxation and contract problems.
The problem of preparing the budget,
apportionment of funds and other mat
ters along this line were also taken up.
Judge William Galloway Is In the
city again today, after holding court in
Linn county. ',
Sheriff Esch is cleaning house today,
and, everything in tho department is on
end, so to, speak.. The sheriff's office
is gradually growing too small for the
large amount of work at hand during
tax collection days, and much figuring
must be done In order to find room for
the deputies to work,
Vnder no condition will I stand re
sponsible for goods or nrcounts charged
against me, without my written orders.
" ' SE1D BACK,
Portland, Ot.
Some children are spoiled in their
raising because that Is tho ens i ml way
to raise them. '
i WmHHmvtTHHMtMf
A Great Xmas Baying j
We are offering unusually good
bargains .fivf the next TE.V
DAVS in new rnsesN furniture
of all Kinds, erockeryt glassware,
graitcare and tinware.
A choice line of notions, carving
sets and silverware.
. .JORHmiNMKIs .rortWor.
.. ... ..ftmiia 4.'!7..
ISilacf Ezaaty is a J3j Fcnya
Sot. h Skla Dimm
mm mry went
m bMtr, uA d
tm (UlecTlo. n
kMoe Un UK
of at yar, lad
Is so bwmlws vt
hit ( rtUUt
Mat. Dr. L. a.
rf mi l ft
Iftdf Of 40ft hftOft
too ( mUoi:
-Aft ftat kylM
I MiumM
-I'santaira cmivi iujnh oarairu si ou u
ftkla prUMntlona." For iftlft by oil 4ni4irt ftiid Pftftor.
Boo O-iftlan m tkft llolud Buuft, UwU m Cwof.
(QlT.RSrCXirtsK 17 fa Jm Sbtt ITai
At the home of the bride' mother,
Mrs. Margaret Luthy,' 1496 South Thir
teenth street, at noon, - December 17,
19,3, Donald B. DuBette, of Gervais,
and Mis Helen O. Luthy, of, SeJom,
were united in marriage. . ;
Bev. P. 8. Knight performed the
ceremony in the 'presence of a'bout
relatives and friends., The wedding was
a quiet affair. The yonng couple will
live on s farm near Gervais. '
At the Donaldson home, S48 - South
jFourteenjth street, Wednesday after
noon, December 17, 1913, George J.
Donaldson and Miss AmandS llagstad,
both of 5Iem, were united: as husband
andwife, Bev. P; SKnight performing
the-ceremony in'the presence of a few
relative and friends.
L. H. Roberts, manager of the Sun
set Fruit company, called at the editor-
ial rooms of The Capital Journal office
this morning bringing a bottle of logan
berry juice for the staff to sampl.
They' sampled, and if there is anything
out of the way with the editorials for
the next few days he will be to blame.
However, as the juice is nnfermented,
and far superior to that which is adding
to the brilliancy of the policies of the
eminent gentleman from Nebraska now
in the secretary of state's -office at
Washington, no harm-is anticipated. It
is of delicious flavor ;nd 'will no
doubt become of general use, as it will
undoubtedly be put up and placed on
the market in large quantities, it
cheapness being an added attraction.
Mytyl and Lytyl thought tuey would
be happy if they could but find the
Bluebird. They had some wonderful
adventures in searching for hint; they
eveu went to Fairyland. Miss Camp
bell will tell the story from Maeter
linck's Blubird for the children Decem
ber 20 and January 3. Let evory child
be at the library promptly et 9:30 so
that the doors may be closed during the
story. .
Denver, Colo, Dec. IS. That the city
commissioners had pigeonholed a com
munication from Judge Lindsey, asking
a $2000 appropriation to stage a juv
enile court exhibit at the San Fran
cisco fair leaked out today.
TWO CENTS word for .each
. Insertion.
W. G. MOREHOUSE, D. V. M. Coun
ty veterinarian, Prompt attention,
day or night. . .Office Jack Darr
feed barn, 544 , Ferry street. Phone
2199. ...
ders to Farmers' liX.
Phone or-
FOR SALE Young cow, fresh. 13
Owen Street.
1750 20 acre, new 5-room house and
barn, barn 40x40, with 10 tons of
hay. Land all in cultivation, good
soil, no rock, no gravel. Young peach
orchard. TerniSj at 8 per cent. C. O.
Bice, with L. 8. Barnes ft Co., 313
316 Masonio temple.
COWS FOR SALE At A. II. Burrells,
Sydney, Oregon.
FOR SALE Salt salmon, 8c per pound.
575 North Fourteenth streot.
Tremendous Success
IN- - ..
' AT '
Ye Liberty
I'The Theatre Beautiful' .
This afternoon and tonight are
the last appearance in SIcrn
of this beautiful 4 act photoplay..
Matinee, 2:1, 3:43. tv'snaVig"..
7:15, 8:30, rK ",
'. ' . t '
Sam price V tn Portland 10 i
-1 Me, I
5 t .Jr IP!
These suits are real bar
gains. They were former
ly priced and worth from
$12 to $25. While they
last they go at just half
Proposals for Supplies But Institu
tions. The Oregon State Board of Control
will receive sealed bid for furnishing
supplies to the various State Institu
tions on December 22, 1913, at 2:30 p.
m consisting of drygoods, clothing.
furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware,
brooms, drugs, paints, otls,stationery,
crockery, plumbing, etc., for the semi
annual period ending June 30, 1914. '
Specifications and schedules will be
furnished upon application to the sec
retary. Each bid to be accompanied
by a certified .check in the sum of 10
per cent of the whole amount of bid,
payable to the Oregon State Board of
Coutrol, to be held a guarantee of
the faithful performance of the con
tract , - '
The board reserve the right to reject
any or all bids or to accept any part of
a bid.
Secretary Oregon State Board of
Salem, Oregon December 2, 1913.
Notice of Asesameat for Improvement
of South Twelfth Street, From Mis
sion Street to South City Limits.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Salem. Ore
gon, will at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
on the 22d dny of De-ember, 1913, or at
the same hour at any subsequent remi-
lar council meeting thereafter, at the
Common Council chambers (in the city
of Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess
upon each lot or part hereof or parcel
of laud liable thorofor, its proportion
ate share of the total cost of improving
South Twelfth street from Mission
streft to the South city limits.
All persons interested in said assess
ment' are hereby notified to appear at
said time before the said Common Coun
cil and present their objection, if any
they have, to said assessment and ap
ply to said Common Council on or be
fore the said 22d day of Docembor,
1913, to equalize thoir proportionate
share of the total cost of improving
said South Twelfth street, and their
said assessment
CHA3. F. ELGIN, City Bocorder.
Sealed Bid Invited.
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the city of Salem, Ore
gon, invites sealed bids for the con
struction of sewers known and desig
nated as lateral sewer district No. 13,
and alley in Block 79, and alley in
j Mock 2(1, and alley in Block 60 and
unplatted land north thereof, in accord
ance with the plans and specifications
jand estimate oin file in the office of
jthe city recorder, wlii.-h are hereby re
I fern-J to and made a part of this no
tice. Bids will be received for all of
said sewers .uudet on contract, and
also for the construction of each dis
trict or sewer separately. Said bids
will be opened oa or after the 22d day
of December, 1913, at or about-7:30
o 'clmk p, m.,'in pen council meeting
at the city hll. Bids most be accomra-
(nled by a certified check Kjual to (iv
jpft .Cent of Jhe amount bid.'' The Vitr
reserve the rigU U- tr jcA' any ' or "ail
joTH Vb the Interns of 1hrity.- - "
CHA3. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Headquarters for Packard Shoes !
Holeproof Hosiery 1
to $8.00
Here's the biggest value
in Christmas Neckwear to
be found in Salem. A wide
range of nifty patterns in
an appropriate holiday
box for
A Salem Citizen Giro Information ot
, Priceless Value.
When you suffer from backache, ,
Headaches, dizzinesn, nervousness, I
Feel weak, languid, depressed, '
Have annoying urinary disorders;
Do you know what to dot
Same Salem people do. '
Read the state ment that follows.
It's from a Salem citizen.
Testimony that can be investigated.
Mrs.' George Stotlar, 1798 Mission St..
Salem, Orogon, says: 'I have given
Doan's Kidney Pills a thoroueh trial.
having used them off and on during the
past live years and I do not' hesitate
to say that they are the best kidney
medicine to be had. I had attacks of
kidney complaint and my back sot lame
and sore. Since first using Doan's Kid
ney Pills, I have always had something
that will help my kidneys and rid me of
kidney ailments in a short time."
For sale by all dealors. Price 50 cents.
FostorMilburn Co., Buffalo. New York.
sole agents -for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Having received a shipment of pianos
direct from the factory, will give the
purchaser the benefit of factory prices.
Don't fail to call and got price and
terms. Call evenings between 6 and '9,
or write, Frank Dorsoy, 220 North
Front street, Salem, Oreson. Leave
orders for tuning. .
The German, navy hns a salvage bo'at
especially designed for the recovery of
sunken submarines, . ' ?
Chinese streets are always made; a
little crooked to keep the evil spirit
out of them.
Just tell your doctor vou want'
I to taJr your prescriptions tn
t Schaefer' drag store, and he'
wm Know it Is pul up right-
ftMlseit Arts IS. Rut B-trM
Oa farm sad city nrowrtr. jskB u
Scott, ovt Chicago Btora, falssa,
TY. trr. v
ui Heal Kstalc Setsrtly.
Over I.add Bush Baat. Balm.'0
la.aay quaatrtr. Prompt SHvwr
fnir onftuHmltv r-i. . . -
Compaay. 171 North CtmBftrMs'
strwt Fhoa Halt 111 . ,
:nrAjiis ucxbbi ar y
k .--N.McMrT to toac. ai wr
(( Sftllcate fabric. Wark aU(
for aa4 silver! promytly "
44J rorry street. Pkoa Maia tSSI
25 cts.