Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 17, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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We will
take care of
needed, free
V" f
1 It --V j I
Special Prices on Men's Wearables
Purchase a Suit, Coat, Hat, Both Kobe, House Coat and some of the smaller
togs during this special sale.
Reductions In effect on all Women's Suits, Coats, Drosses, Waists, Children's
Ready-to-Wear, Underwear, DroB Goods, Domestics.
Today Our
Do not confound these purses with the usual small kind generally sold
around this price. This splendid lot was obtained with the object in view
of making an extra good holiday offering. The purses are of good size, well
made, silver finish, engraved frame, in several designs. They will be sold
today only at this low price 98c each. Sale opens at 8:30. See window
1880 JiX
Capital City Brevities
Dr. May, nerve specialist. Masonic
building. '
Attend tho big clearance snlo of homo
furnishing at Buren & Humilton's,
Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes correctly. U
8. Bauk building.
Dr. Assoln, dentist, 203 Salem Bank
ft Trust building.
Save money on every purchaso at C.
T. Fomerny'i Friday bargain sale, lu
latest stylos of jewelry.
A piece of Wear-Ever Aluminum
would make a very acceptable. Xinas
gift. We have a complete Hue from
which to select. Buren & Hamilton.
We sllll have a few pieces of fancy
braseware that are going to be sold at
unheard of prices before December 25.
Make your selection early at these cut
prices on which we Invite comparison,
Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co.
"Tho Theatre Beautiful
Tho Triumph of Motion Pictures
Pvniel Frohmau and the Famous Players Company, presenting .
ijl , Jn Mrs, Flake's Greatest Success
The wfluderfwt play
fillers NO mOHEB TILiN IN
HATINIXfl 2:30 AND 3:45.
Sweeping reductions through
out the big store. No better place to
buy Christmas gifts than here, and you'll
save considerable on your purchases.
ERY and nil those desirable small novelties so dosirable as gifts. They're all
priced special in the sale.
IN TOYLAND ON THE SECOND FLOOR all Toys, Dolls, Games, Tricycles
and all the other things to dolight the young- are cut in price.
TRUNKS, all at Bpocial reduced prices and excellent suggestions for gifts.
669th Wednesday Surprise
t, "1 v . I J V.
Dr. Uttor, dentist, Masonlo Bldg.
Attend tho big clearance snle of home
furnii-hlngs at Duron & Hamilton's.
The jeweler's loss Is your gain. Buy
now of C. T. Polnoroy, while ho is cut
ting prices, '
We have over 75 different patterns
of carving sets from which to select.
Any price, any style. The best-make
of goods only. Ray L. Farmer Hdw.
A shipment of cedar chests just ar-
rived. Bee window display,
Buren &
Tlie beautiful pattern, excellence of
finish and superior quality of Commit-
nity silver can be duplicated only In
genuine sterling silver and prices much
greater. What's the use! Community
Is good enough for anybody. Ray L.
Farmer Hdw. Co.
offers today
In four parts
PORTLAND 10! and 20c.
EVENINGS 7:1(1, 8:30, :4I
The store
of the
98c EACH
vmldrou s oxpross wagons, veloci
pedes ami autos greatly reducod In
price. Huron & Hamilton.
Friday la bargain day at C. T. Poni'
eroy s jewelry storo. Buy your pres
ents thoro, whilo the prieo is cut.
Amoricnn oloctric Irons and electric
warming pads make a most acceptable
Xmas gift. If she has one, buy her
the other, she needs both. Ray I,.
Farmer ndw. Co.
Nover such Christmas bargnlns as
you will find In jewelry at C. T. Pom
eroy 's Friday bargnin aalo, Tho chance
of a lifotimo to get expensive high
class gifts at prices that are positive
ly cut In two.
Two big baskot ball games at Y. M.
O. A. gym, Friday, Docembor 10th, g
p. m. Chemawa vs. Y. M. C. A. Reserves
and 9 p, m., Christian Bros. College of
Portland vs. Ralem Yollow Jaokets, Two
hours of excitement for 23c.
Church rally will bo held In the
Swodish clnireh, corner South Fifteenth
and Mill at re'ts, Friday ovenlng, bo
ginning at 8 o'clock. A program of a
high order will be rendered. Free ad
mittance. Everybody welcome.
For years it has been a standing
juke about the cigars tlmt Milady buys
for Hubby, That joke no lunger goes.
Milndy or any member of the family
can rest, assured that they are buying
s pi&'eet smoke If they buy him a box
of T.-ishmon, I, Corona or lion Tons for
Christmas. A brand to suit every purse.
At all dealers.
To the dainty cook what will appeal
moro than a Royal Rochester ehnf itiir
dish, ensesrole or percolator f Tlioe
make gifts that, while not an fcesity,
are highly appreciated br anv woman.
j Ray L. Farmer ndw. Co,
Luther .T, Chapln, government farm
i expert, accompanied by County School
Superintendent Hmith, visited the fa
lem Heights school yesterday, where
Mr. C'hapln gave a milk tenting demon,
stration with tho Palicock tester. The
students nianifeeted great Interest In
the expert's work and descriptive ad
dren, and were much benefitted by (he
Information given them by Mr. Chapln.
) IMlJi
Prices on all fancy china, brass ware,
etc., subtantially reduced. Buren &
Artisans, attention. Dr. G. C. Eshel-
man will visit Capital Assembly this
evening. Initiation. Be there.
County Clerk Gehlhar this morning
issued a marriage license to Geo. J.
Donaldson and Amanda Hagstad, both
of Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kellogg left
this morning for New York, where they
will spend the holidays with Mr. Kel
logg 's mother, Mrs. Thomas A. Keel-logg-
Our cleanup sale of manicure sets,
toilet sets and broken lines of silver
ware is attracting lots of attention. If
you want in on a good thing don 't wait
until all these goods are gone. Buy now.
Ray L. Farmer Hdw. Co.
Many of the people of Salem are dis
carding their rubbers why not yout
Webfoot oil makes the shoes water
proof, koops the leather soft and pliable,
makes the shoes last longer and pre
vents colds. You can procure Webfoot
at F. E. Shafer's, saddle and harneiiB
man. 187 South Commercial street.
All heaters, andirons, firesets and
fire screens liberally reduced during
the sale. Heaters priced from $1.25 up.
Buren & Hamilton.
Come here, you who love good music.
This store of ours is full of instruments
that will interest music lovers. Pianos,
Victrolas, Player Pianos, Perforated
Music. We have a complote line of
McKinloys sheet music everything for
McKinley 's sheet music everything for
preciatos good music. R. F. Peters, 521
Court street.
Artisans, attention. Dr. G. C. Eshel
man will visit Capital Assembly this
evening. Initiation. Be there.
A perfect health bread is Tip-top
bread. It builds sound bodies and vig
orous minds. Made from hard wheat
flour, the most glutonous flour ever
produced, making a sweet, nutritious
bread that is gaining a world-wide rep
utation. The sole agency for Salem is
at Sperling Grocery, 311 North Com
mercial street.
Artistic picture framing at reason
able prices. Visit our art department.
Buren & Hamilton.
Every article' you buy from us must
be absolutely O, K. Yet It sometimes
happens imperfection arise, as in can
ned goods. Sometimes errors and mis
takes occur. But most generally you'll
find that our goods are right. If ever
they're not, don't stand on ceremony,
don't hesitate, but return the goods and
we'll either replace thorn to your sat-
iHfnction or refund your money. No
customer ever lost a ponny here, and
neither will you. We ought, to become
acquainted today. Come in and see our
storo. Sunset Grocery, 121 South Com
mercial street.
Fruit, flower and sowing baskets in
a great variety of sizes and shapes.
Special prices. Buren !c Hamilton.
Governor West returned this morn
ing from Tacoma, where ho attended a
banquet given to colobrate the arrival
of the first railroad train in tho City
of Destiny. Tho govornor made one of
tho addresses there.
Tho champion Poland China boar, un
der 12 months old, at the Portland live
stock show, was bought by W. J. Ball,
of Olenwood Acres, Salem, who paid
$70 for him. This was the finest speci
men of tho swino family sold at the
show. Mr. Ball had previously pur
chased some thoroughbred bows, and
ho plans to engage in breeding on an
extensive scale.
Dressmaking for dolls at the Hob
Nob, Hubbard building. Beautiful
styles and materials, Leave your or
der now, and avoid next woek's rush.
Taking advantage of tho privileges
allowed him as an "honor man" on
tho Jefferson road gang, Ross Draper,
sentenced to the penitentiary from Har
ney county rot larceny, escaped on
Monday nluht, Though a search has
been mado for him, and officers through
out the state have beeen notified, he is
still at large.
Tho Christmas number of the War
Cry, the official gn.etto of the Salva
tion Army In the United States, Is at
hand and is full of the Christmas spirit.
The War Cry outdistanced all previous
efforts In this Christmas number. The
illustrations are splendid and the color
ed supplement, "The Nativity," is ex-
oedlngly appropriate for thia season
of tho year. Included in the articles is
one by Commander Evangeline Booth,
entitled "Why tho Capitalist Should
Help the Salvation Armv." Dr. J.
Wilbur Chapman, tho noted evangelist,
has an article) on "Tho Proper Christ
mas Gift," and there are many Inter
esting stories.
Alleging that she was compelled to
hide in the barn until her husband so
bered up from violent Intoxication;
forced to do the farm work and under
go a course of extreme cruel and Inhu
man treatment, Ida M. Teteer this
morning filed a complaint for divorce
in tluvclrcuit court against Marshall J.
Tetcr. The couple were married in Sa
lem on April 14. UH2. Plaintiff clnims
the ownership of Itlrt acres of bind In
Marion county and denies defendant
has any interest In the prowrty.
A reply to the answer filed by the
defendants in tlie circuit court In the
'Bit of Elizabeth R. Ryan apiinst P.
II. Weyant et al., was recorded In the
county clerk's office today. The pnliii
tiff make a general denial of the al
legations contained in defendant's an
swer, and ak that judgment be render
ed as prayed for la the complaint.
Entertained Fittingly at Feast at Hotel
Marlon and Several Speeches
Are Made.
Henry W. and Milton L. Meyers,
proprietors of the Meyers' department
store, gave their employes a fine Christ
mas dinner at the Hotel Marion last
night. Those dinners are annual and
the large force of employes at the store
look forward to them with pleasure.
It is out of sincere appreciation of
the the men and women perform in
their interests that the Meyers Broth
ers take occasion to banquet their em
ployes every Christmas. Messrs. Mey
ers declaro that both employes and em
ployers are one great family and by
iiiaiutaining this feeling about the peo
ple in the establishment, the conduct
of tho business is likened to a perfect
working clock and all are satisfied and
Soveral little talks were given at. the
banquet by both employes and employ
ers and good cheer prevailed during the
The Marion County Poultry Associa
tion is enjoying great success with its
show, which is being held in the armory
this week. Not only members of the
association, but many others are on
hand with some of the fiuest speci
mens of fowls ever seen in this tity.
Thoroughbrod chickens completely fill
the spacious armory, and as an addi
tional exhibit, there are several coops
of fine, big turkeys, rabbits and the
evor-noisy little guinea hen.
The people are getting greatly inter
ested in the exhibit today and tho ha1.',
was patronized liberally by chicken
fanciers. Mrs. Ella Plank, of Wood
burn, is acting as secretary at the
show, while Judge Hines, of Oakland,
Or., is passing decisions as to the prize
winning exhibits. Next Friday the as
sociation will entertain the show visi
tors with a stercopticon program, which
has been secured from the Corvallis
In all there is about $500 worth of
chickens and other fowls on display in
the armory, and the sight is well worth
seeing by evon those who are not chick
en canciers.
Washington, Doc. 17. A bill provid
ing $75,000 for the construction of a
lighthouse in the harbor at Willapa,
Wash., was introduced in tho senate to
day bv Senator Jones.
Artisans, attention. Dr. O. C. Eshol
man will visit Capital Assembly this
evening. Initiation. Bo thoro.
The Salem Furniture Company
hns decided that they will have
A Sale
that is a Sale
Will discount everything in stock
20 per cent
Everything marked in plain fig
ures. Come in and see for your
self. Don't Miss This Sale !
. Bring this ad with you
217 North Commercial
Oh Friday, December lf. In the
Great Political Play In four acts
til .MiTll'XOii,!,-' IPiaiffiTOffla
Eat Less Meat and Take a Glass of
. Salte to Flush Out Kidneys
Drink Plenty Water.
Uric acid in meat excites the kidneys,
they become overworked; get sluggish,
ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The
urine becomes cloudy, the bladder is ir
ritated, and you may be obliged to seek
relief two or three times during the
night. When the kidneys clog you must
help them flush off the body's urinous
waste or you'll be a real sick person
shortly. At first you feel a dull misery
in the kidney region, you suffer from
backache, sick headache,
stomach gets sour, tongue coated and
you feel rheumatic twinges when the
wofither is bad. -
Eat less, meat, drink lots of water;
alo get from any pharmacist four ounc
es of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful
in a glass of wntor before breakfast
for a few days and your kidneys will
the nact fine. This famous salts is
made from the acid of grapes and lem
on juice, combined with lithia, and has
been used for generations to clean clog
ged kidneys and stimulate them to nor
mal activity, also to neutralize the acids
in urine, so it no longer is a source of
irritation, thus ending bladder weak
ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, caanot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, which every one
should take now and then to keep the
kidneys clean and active. Druggists
hore say they sell lots of Jad Salts to
folks who believe in overcoming kidney
trouble while it is only trouble.
Proposals for Supplies State Institu
tions. The Oregon State Board of Control
will receive sealed bids for furnishing
supplies to the various State Institu
ti6ns on December 22, 1913, at 2:30 p.
m., consisting of drygoods, clothing,
furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware,
brooms, drugs, paints, oils,stationory,
crockery, plumbing, etc., for the semi
annual period ending June 30, 1914.
Specifications and schedules will be
furnished upon application to the sec
retary. Each bid to be accompanied
by a certified check in the Bum of 10
per cent of the wholo amount of bid,
payable to the Oregon State Board of
Control, to bo held a guarantee of
tho faithful performance , of the con
tract. The board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids or to accept any part of
a bid.
Secretary Oregon State Board of
Salom, Oregon December 2, 1913.
Having rocoived a shipmont of pianos
direct from the factory, will give the
purchaser the bonefit of factory prices.
Don't fail to call and get prices and
terms. Call evenings between 0 and 0,
or write, Frank Dorsey, 220 North
Front Btreet; Salem, Oregon. Leave
orders for tuning.
TWO CENTS a word for each
Insertion. 4
dors to Farmors' 11X.
FOR SALE One davenport, 2 rocking
chairs, sewing machine, washing ma-
hint and carpet sweeper. Call at
800 North Cottage street. Phone
2379 Thursday morning.
FOR SALE Young cow, fresh. 213
Owen street.
$175020 acres, new 6-room housA and
barn, barn 40x40, with 10 tons of
nay. Land all in cultivation, good
soil, no rock, no gravol. Young poach
orcnard. Terms, at o per cent. C.0
Rice, with L. 8. Barnes & Co., 315
316 Masonlo temple.
Twelfth street.
cow. 352 North
COWS FOR SALE At A. H. Burrell's,
Sydney, Oregon.
WANTED Chore boy for dniry farm;
must be good milker, $20 per month
and board. A. H. Burrell, Sydney
run SAI.K t henp, big work horse,
weight 1150. Will sell, or trade for
driving horse. Phone Main 2HI)5.
V'. ;:;:;J :
Purchasing glasses
1$ buying !ght.if thty art
right. Our madt-to-order
gla$e$ latitfy the most critical
Miss A. McCulloch
291 Commercial Street
Phone 925. Hours 9 to 5.
Ground Floor
New Show Today
The Best in Photoplays
Vaudeville and Music
Sign of the Best Shows
Notice of Asessment for Improvement
of South Twelfth Street, From Mis
sion Street to South City Limits.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Salem, Ore
gon, will at or about 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
on the 22d day of December, 1913, or at
l9 """a hour at any subsequent regu
lar council meeting thereafter, at the
Common Council chambers in the city
of Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess
upon each lot or part thereof or parcel
of land liable therefor, its proportion
ate share of the totfil cost of improving
South Twelfth street from Mission
street to the South city limits.
All persons interested in said assess
ment are hereby notified to appear at
said time before the said Common Coun
cil and present their objection, if any
they have, to said assessment and ap
ply to said Common Council on or be
fore the said 22d day of December,
1913, to equalize their proportionate
share of the total cost of improving
said South Twelfth street, and their
said assessment.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
Sealed Bids Invited.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the city of Salom, Ore
gon, invites sealed bids for the con
struction of sowers known and desig
nated as lateral sewer district No. 15,
and alloy in Block 79, and alley in
Block 20, and alley in Block 68 and
unplatted land north thereof, in accord
ance with the plans and specifications
and estimates oin file in the office of
the city recorder, which are hereby re
ferred to and made a part of this no
tice. Bids will be received for alPof
said Bowers under ono- contract, and
also for tho construction of each dis
trict or sewor separately. Said bids
will be opened on or after the 22d day
of December, 1913, at or about 7:30
o'clock p. m. in open council meeting
at the city hall. Bids must be accompa
nied by a certified chock equal to five
per cent of the amount bid. The city
reserves the right to reject any or all
bids In the interest of the city.
CHAS. F. ELGIN, City Recorder.
A Salem Citizen Gives Information of
Priceless Value.
When you suffer from backache,
Headaches, dizzinoss, nervousness,
Feol weak, languid, depressed,
Have annoying urinary disordors;
Do you know what to dof
Same Salom people do. J
Read the state mont that follows.
It 's -from a Salem citizon.
Testimony that can be investigated.
Mrs. George Stotlar, 1796 Mission St.,
Salom, Oregon, Bays: "I have given
Doan's Kidney Pills a thorough trial,
having used them off and on during the
past five years and I do not hesitate
to say that thoy are the boat kidney
medicine to be had. I had attacks of
kidney complaint and my back got lame
and sore. Since first using Doan's Kid-,
noy Pills, I have always had something
that will holp my kidneys and rid me of
kidney ailments in a short time."
For salo by all dealers. Price CO cents.
Fostor-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
solo agents for tho United 8tatcs.
Romomber tho name Doan's and
tako no other.
- n
Tho right sort of person can do well,
anywhere, but nowhere on earth better
than ia Oregon.
Huorta muBt have got that money;
big new pictures of Lim are being pub
lished of him again.
Just toll your doctor you want
to tai: your prescriptions to
Schaefer's drug store, and ht
will know It is pul up right.
BotldMt Areata IHt RUt Hrr1
Oa farm aad city property. Jeka r
Boott. over Chicago Btora, galea. !
ma Pnone llll.
0 Gooi Bfl Sofaril?.
Over Ladd A Bush Baak. Balem. r
la aay quaallty. Prompt tHr-,
our apedaltr. rails City Lukf
Conipaay. 171 North Caroroeraui
street Phone Mala ail
fllAHlMl WOIIg
No machlaory to tear aad wear
wit lUllrsts fabrita Work aalltst
tor and (silvered promptly.
44S Ferrr etreet. Phftn, Mala llfil