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T Mi rirr im im An tan m m ntmimtmt win mi wb per ceil to 50 eer ceil CHRISTMAS PRESENTS YOU WILL FIND HERE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN WORK BASKETS MESH BAGS LEATHER BAGS GLOVES ,i RIBBONS BEADS NECKWEAR COLLAR PINS BARRETTES HAIR ORNAMENTS SIDE COMBS GARTERS HANDKERCHIEFS DRESS GOODS FANCY AND PLAIN SILKS KNIT TOQUES KNIT BOOTEES SACKS AND BABY SETS FOR BABY BONNETS AND HATS FOR SMALL CHILDREN BATH ROBES BLANKETS BED SPREADS SILK HOSIERY WOOL AND COTTON HOSIERY EVENING GOWNS SILK PETTICOATS v FURS SILK, WOOLEN AND LINGERIE WAISTS AFTERNOON GOWNS STREET DRESSES CHILDRENS' DRESSES KIMONAS WOMEN'S COATS WOMEN'S SUITS TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS TO MATCH HANDSOME LINEN TABLE SETS . HAT PIN HOLDERS FANCY CUSHIONS TABLE SCARFS AND DOILIES "1ST ;.. I REDUCTIONS Entire Stock on Sale Nothing Seserved Holiday Stock of Magnitude. Santa Claus Has Been Unloading His Precious Freight Here for Months He has left something for every man, woman and child in this portion of the Willamette Valley. We ask you to read our special holiday offerings an you will see that in all cases the reduction is MORE THAN TEN PER CENT, and from that on up to FIFTY PER CENT. We have now placed the ENTIRE STOCK on sale. Everything reducednothing reserved. TEN TO FIFTY PER CENT rue snrfa, Great Saving . Event Women's 1913 Fall and Winter Tailored Suits $50.00 SUITS $25.00 $45.00 SUITS $22.50 $40.00 SUITS $20.00 $35.00 SUITS $17.50 $30.00 SUITS $15.00 $25.00 SUITS $12.50 $17.50 SUITS $ 8.75 $15.00 SUITS $ 7.50 We have no reason for offering such splendid suits as ours at such prices so early in the sea son except TO PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS Nifty Sweaters for Men, Women, Girls and Boys Very nifty and up to date. A woman's expression: "Aren't they swell 1" reiterated by many others gives you an idea that they appear well. Of the quality and make, come and judge for yourself. Boy's Sweater Special $2.50 Sweaters $2.15 $3.00 Sweaters $2.65 $3.50 Sweaters $3.10 $4.00 Sweaters $3.45 $4.50 Sweaters ....$3.95 HOLIDAY SPECIALS Women's $1.00 Umbrellas 86c Women's Sateen Petticoats 98c Women's House Dresses, ea 98c Women's Silk Petticoats $2.45, $3.90, $5 Holiday Sale of Table Linens Linens bought by the case, in fact an immense buy places these handsome Damasks at your disposal at these prices. $2.25 values $1.87 $1.50 values $1.19 $2.00 values $1.74 $1.25 values $1.09 $1.75 values $1.49 $1.00 values $ .88 Mercerized Damask Quality Extra Good 65c values 49c 50c and 45c values 39c The Gordon J'lv ' 1 I The Best $3.00 Hat in America Pretty Silk and Net Waists New, bright and sparkling. Fancy and plain silk and chif fon waists. Just what you need for yourself or for a present. HOLIDAY PRICES. $7.50 Waists $6.75 $6 and $5 Waists $4.50 $4.00 Waists $3.50 $3.00 Waists $2.45 $2.50 Waists $1.95 Some Black Silk Waists $1.50 Leather Bags at Holiday Prices $12.00 BAGS $8.00 $10.00 BAGS $7.00 $8.00 BAGS $5.50 $6.00 BAGS ..$4.50 $3.00 BAGS $2.25 $2.00 BAGS $1.49 $1.00 BAGS $ .69 $ .75 BAGS $ .54 KING TAILORED WAISTS FOR LESS WOMEN'S DRESS SKIRT Values to $15,000 NOW $2.00 Only a few left. (They are not this season's styles.) WOMEN'S 25c FLEECE LINED PANTS and VESTS 21c GARMENT Misses' & Children's Underwear Heavy Fleeced. Separate Gar ments. 50c values 25c 35c values 24c 25c values 19c Pretty New Silks In Snappy Plaids, Bro cades, Fancy and Plain SILKS OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY SILK OFFERING 85c and 75c plain soft taffeta 68c yard CHARMING CREATIONS IN EVENING GOWNS Also Smart Afternoon and Street Dresses 10 to 20 per cent Less Figured Lawn, yard ... 3c 35c Mufflers 21c 10c percales 7c 10c Ginghams 7c Pretty Lawns for Doll . Dresses, yard 8c Linings, yard 5c Waistings Half Price Dress Goods Sale Make a present to yourself or to some one else, of some handsome Dress Goods. Such materials as we are offering will be acceptable to even the most critical. Pretty, soft durable woolens that are only offered at these prices to enable us to be ready for incoming tariff reductions. $3.50 Dress Goods ....$3.15 $3.00 Dress Goods ....$2.89 $2.50 Dress Goods ....$2.24 $2.25 Dress Goods ....$2.04 $1.75 Dress Goods ....$1.58 $1.50 Dress Goods ... $1.34 $1.00 Dress Goods ....$ .88 $ .75 Dress Goods ....$ .69 $ .65 Dress Goods ....$ .59 $ .50 Dress Goods ....$ .44 'Ml Jm Holiday Prices ON F 10 to 20 per cent Less A royal line of furs for you to choose from. Without doubt the grandest assortment of furs ever assembled in Salem. The fact that fur-bearing animals are getting scarce and conse quently furs are continually in creasing in value necessitates buying this year if you would be wise and save money. Holiday Sale 10 to 20 per cent Less Women's White Woolen Underwear $1.75 and $1.65 values....$1.39 $1.50 values $1.29 $1.00 values $ .89 90c and 85c values $ .69 One assortment 33 1-3 per cent less Cotton Blankets at Holiday Prices Splendid Quality $1.25 values $ .98 $1.35 values $1.20 $1.65 values $1.46 $1.75 values $1.50 $2.00 values $1.75 $2.50 White Wool Nap....$1.75 Specials on Bed Spreads , Marseilles and Domestics Large and smull sizes, White, Pink or Blue. $1.35 values $1.24 $1.50 values $1.32 $2.50 values $2.19 $3.00 values $2.59 $4.50 values $3.95 Pillows (Jnderpiced $3.50 Pilolws $3.14 $2,50 Pillows $2.24 $1.75 Pilolws $1.59 $1.25 Pillows $1.09 75c and 65c Pillows, ea ....56c Some of down and others of good, clean, sanitary feathers Beautiful Fluffy Comforts $8.00 Comforts $7.10 $6.00 Comforts $5.35 $5.00 Comforts $4.45 $4.00 Comforts $3.49 $2.50 Comforts $2.19 $2.00 Comforts $1.79 $1.50 Comforts $1.25 SMART CLOTHING FOR MEN We are proud of our men's Clothing. The style and quality appeal to the best dressers. The fabrics are all wool. The tailoring Al. You can't please yourself better nor buy more economically than here. Price this. Men's Clothing Reduced per ceo mm 20 to Agm& TrU aMmmim XA n.b !&S:,2iS' griffon CLOTHES CHRISTMAS PRESENTS YOU WILL FIND HERE FOR MEN AND BOYS GLOVES TIES COMBINATION TIE SETS SMOKING JACKETS TRAVELING SETS SUIT CASES TRUNKS BAGS COMBINATION SUSPENDER SETS COMBINATION HOSE SUPPORTERS SOXS BATHROBES SHIRTS SWEATERS HOLIDAY SUSPENDERS HOLIDAY SUPPORTERS HOLIDAY ARM BANDS CUFF LINKS TIE PINS FULL DRESS SETS TIE CLASPS PURSES BELTS HAT SHOES FANCY VESTS , HANDKERCHIEFS COLLAR BAGS HANDKERCHIEF , BAGS LAUNDRY BAGS SLIPPERS UMBRELLAS RAIN COATS SUITS OVERCOATS CAPS SCARFS BED ROOM SLIPPERS RATTLES AND WHISTLES FOR A BABY BOY BABY BOOKS BOYS' WAISTS UQEflB! John Shoes eiiev for Women and Barry's Shoes for Men Above all others in appearance, dura bility, comfortableness but, not in price EXTRA GOOD M f 1 II M M it ii n n f i M M mmttims nmmtmmvmMmb$MiMMm hmtm immmMitkmtM mirtilwtsiiw )silsiiwrtiisisjilMiliLis mmm ktimkkMmmtmmjkmiki liiWsiiatMikiiiiiBifeiii As U is mm si iiiatiWWJfssWiwi mUMLhthmmmmm.AmJk.Litii Crash TowelioH II S3 cen ts pe