PAGE EIGHT DAILY CAPITA!. JOURNAL, SALEM, OBXCKW, SATUSDAT. DECEMBER 13, 1913. M'MAHAN LIKELY TO BE'DENIES MM THE STORE OF THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT GLOBEl L Gifts for Everyoiie Christmas Slipper Sale Daniel Green Quality The World's Best Slipper Makers Women's Comfy Slippers In fan cy Xmas boxes; $2.00 quality. Special $1.49 Women's fur and ribbon trim med Romoos, $1.25 to $2.00 quality. Special 98c MEN'S SLIPPERS Black and tan kid, black and tan calf, and tan alligator leath er, cushion soles, at special prices. Boys', misses' and children's Slippers at special prices. Extra Special Misses' School 8hoes, at $1.75 to $2.25 values, at : 98c If You Don't Know What to Give VISIT THE BIG STORE! Visit Salem's big department store if you are looking for things to give. Watch the numerous window dis plays, suggesting scores of suitable Christmas gifts for men, women, boys and girls. This great store shows the Christmas spirit on every hand; each department displays the newest and most desirable holiday lines. Reduced prices reign during our special sale. Pur chase now and save. All the Children Want to See SALEM'S BIG TOVLAND. ON THE SECOND FLOOR Special Cut Prices on All Toys, Games, Dolls, Wheel-goods, Etc. Just when you want them, you can buy at a great big saving. We will keep them for you until needed. This great Wonderlandjust crowded with Toys and Dolls, Wheel Good and Rocking Horses, Games and hundreds of oth er joy-making articles cannot fail to please and de light the children. Bring the children to see the bis Toy Window on Court street. It will give an idea of what our great Toyland contains. Many special prices prevail on desirable toys I We advise early buy- mg--you 11 have better choice and service. aasnBBBSMivsMnoxMBaHKsm Political admirers and frionds of L. H. McMahan, the well-known attorney and politician of the city, are urging that be become a candidate on the Pro gressive party ticket for governor at the next general election, and should the appeal become urgent enough there is a good possibility of him announcing his candidacy in the near future, ac cording to gossip in political circles. Mr. McMahan is one of the leaders of this party in the state, and was prominently connocted with its organi zation and campaign at the last elec tion. Prior to casting his fortunes with this party, he was affiliated wjth tho Republican party, and as a republican served a term iu the legislature. With a division existing in tho ranks of the' Republicans, and the Democrats in a hopoloss minority, he recently de clared that the prospects of the Pro gressive party winning at the polls were good, and declared himself confident that with a strong ticket in the field, it would win. Capital City Brevities vV ! Special meeting of Da W2!X,Molav Commandorv No. ry v at i - " Dr. May, nerve specialist. Mssonla Dr. Mendelsohn fits eyes corroctly. U building. J 0. Bank building. Dr. Aasela, dentist, 03 Salem Bank 4 Trust building. Order your Christmas trees, mUtlo to now. I'lione HIS, Mrs. George Ponrco is being visited County Sehool Superintendent Smith is In Woodburu today inspecting the schools In that town. At a meeting of tho executive com- miUoo of Willamette University yes by Mrs, Corlmio llnrko, of Now York. ! (onlay K. P. Bolt was chosen to head The visitor Is touring tho west. i the basketball team. KB WEXF.O Last Night of the Colonial Players Presenting "Down on the Farm" A rural comedy-drama in four acts, Warner's Features Present "BACK TO LIFE." The powerful drama of real life in three complete parts. "Her Friend the Butler" A SCREAMING COMEDY. Sunday Marion Leonard in the (treat 3-rteI drama "IN THE WATCHES OF THE NIGHT." f " . ' . , in 6, E. T., this evening. Work In the Order of Red Cross and the Order of Malta. A full attondanee is requested. By or der of the Eminent Commander. Visit ing Sir Knights welcome Dr. Uttor, dentist, Masonic Bldg. WO buys a full-size arm rocker, up holstered in' Imitation leather during tho sale at Tluryi & Hamilton's. Mrs. llair.vH.Vhaling, of Portland, is in Salem visiting her aunt, Mrs. George P. Kitchor, at 360 North Front street. Attorney-Robert Addison returned to Portlnnd this morning, after transact ing legal business hero for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kyro have re turned from an extended honeymoon trip in the nothorn cities. They will make their home on a fnrm near Prn t u in. Two big basketball gnmes, Y. M. C. A. gym Saturday evening, December I. 1, 8 o'clock p. m. S. H, 8. vs. Y, M. C. A., I) o'clock p. m. Mclaughlin club of Portland vs. Salem Yellow Jackets. Admission 25 cents. A successful operation was per formed on Miss Clema Sander, tho young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cloorgo II. Sunder, this week at the Salem hos pital by Prs. Morse and Robertson. The little girl was suffering from appendicitis. YE LIBERTY LEADS" The Biggest Features from the Worlds Best Producers TONIGHT The picture that makes you hold your breath. THE DIVER" A wonderful Vitngrnph production In two full reels, featuring MU.K 1DHAI,. TUB BEST nCTURB IN 8AI.F.M TODAY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY rlxeltiaivs Vaudeville. MAYO AND ALLMAN A Perfect Vocal Alliance, 1'roin the Kmpres s LESLIE AND BERNS "Aulomohilology" t'.'. A Scream from Paulago , Xf' LIFE'S GOLDEN PATHWAY Aa exceptional Vitniirnph reli-Hfn In two reel, with Maurivo Contello as the star. SUNDAY ONLY , A dramatisation In pictures of Dcnmnn Thompson's famous piny, "OUR NEW MINISTER" Featuring the characters In the original production and the beautiful Alice Joyce. TUBES PULL REELS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY The I'amous Players Company Pronts "caprice" ;:nri Tho honutifut tliuto1njr in four mOs, featuring MARY PICKFORD. The first nppenrnuca of this most popular heroine of "A Good I.ittU Devil" In Salem In Sovetal years All heating stoves liberally reduced. Buren & Hamilton. Bo your own Santa. Buy yoursolf one of the eolobrated Nii-Bone corsets. They are rust proof and unbreakable. Mrs. FiBher, room 7, McCornack' building, guarantees them. Eilors' Music House hag just received a carload of high grado pianos. Don 't fail to visit our sample rooms, third floor Hubbard building, over Oregon Electric depot ; take elevator.. Solid quartored oak jardiniere stands, 10 inches high, 15-inch top; will go at $2 during the sa. Buren fc Hamilton. Oliver Vincent and wife, of Dallas, arrived this morning to do thoir Christ mas shopping. They will leave this ev enlng for Portland to visit Mr. Vin cent's brother,' Dowey, for a day or so. A meeting of the members of the Wil lamette University oratorical soeietv was held yesterday, and tho following oincers were elected: President, Miss Mildred Bartholomew: vice-president Walter Gloiser, and treasurer, Miss Uoryl Holt. A fine exhibit of electric rendina lamps, all marked way down. Buren St Hamilton. toonl Southern Pacific men are todny olated over tho news that tho road was awarded tho E. H. Harriman gold med al for the best "safety record1' in com petition with the steam roads in tho country for the year ending June 30, 111 1.1. S-soal Hed Cross Feature. Monday and Tueday Ye Liberty offers "THE TBICS Or HUMAN LIVES'' A powniful arg-iinent for the suppression of 'faU" consumption., medicines and for the purchase of the Red Cton Stamps and t?i stamping out of tuberculosis. :xr'XMxwmxXTXisxm "YE LIBERTY LEADS" xmmmmmtwmKmmummcumiSi A collision between a bicycle being ridden by Bay Cronn, of North Salem, and a strange automobile occurred last Thursday evening at the corner of Com mercial and Chomeketa street, with the result that the boy was thrown to the pavument and sustained severe bruises about the faeo and arms. Dr. Robert son dressed the lad's wounds. I The fimt meeting of the grneral com . mittee of the Salem Coffee club, repre senting the civic interests of tho city, jwill be held Tuesday evening of next jwook. There is widespread interest In thn proposition and an enthusiastic j meeting is promise.). Tho movement lunnni ine esiannsninent or the dull is steadily growing. j Big reductions on reed goods. Largo jie reed arm chair upholstered In fine j grade of genuine leather. Regular j C7.50 value. Special during the sale II. Buren Hamilton, I R. C. Ashhv,. head of the, depatnent l of animal husbandry at Washington , State College, gave an interesting ad- ( dres to the students of the Agrirvdnir , 1 classes pf th high schoul yesterdny afternoon. I Will Jones, who took part, in the grest Wale' revival, under Evan Rob erts, Is assisting in some Interesting meetings at the Salem Commons. Footstools made of sftc ted oak audi upholstere.1 in good grule l.ther, M, Bnrca a Hamilton, . Hon. M. L. Jones, of Labish Mead ows, is a visitor in the city today. Charles Yakely, of Clear Lake, is in the city on business. Remarkable values in Morris chairs. Buren Hamilton. J. L. Stockton returned yesterday from a trip to Portland. Charles Worden, of Quinaby, is trans acting busines sin the city. Mrs. Judson Ganiard and little daugh ters, of Quinaby, are visiting today in tho city. Mrs. L. K. Page went to Portland to day to remain for some time, probably until aftor the holidays. Miss Marino Samson, of Portland, is visiting friends and relatives in this city. Miss Samson waa a former Wil lamotte University student. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brewster have returned to thoir home in Portland, aftor visiting here. Mr. Brewster is a cousin of D. A. White, of this city. Attend the big clearance sale at Bur en & Hamilton's. A. G. Magers has returned to his home in this city, after a three-days' visit in Portland on business. Heat your bath room with a Victor jot gas heater. The price is one dol lar. Bnren & Hamilton. Are you going to build, or do you need money on what you already have! If you do it will pay you to see us, and investigate our easy repaymont plan. You pay rent, and throw the money away. Why not pay it to yourself, and enjoy a home of your own; its easy. We write all lines of insurance in the best old lino companies. Laflar & Bol inger, 400 Hubbard building. Andirons and fireaots at reduced prices. Buren & Hamilton. Tho funeral of Miss Barbara E. Oliv er will be conduetol from tho family residence, 3.14 South Winter street, to morrow at 2:30. Friends are invited to attend. Those wishing to viow the re mains will do so before tho sen-ices. Burial will be private A few days ago some boys were seen In a pasture beloneine to Mrs. L. K. Page, six miles north of tho citv. tiring to tie a small dog to some cattle in the pasture. One of the men employed on ' tho place stopped them, and pointed out tho cruelty of the act. The boys left, but Friday tho same man, going! into tho pasture, found tho littlo dog1 tied to a tree nnd dead. It had evident-! ly been tied there and left to starve by tho boys. i (united raxst udasco wiri. Washington, Dec. 13. Private Secre tary Tumulty denied this afternoon re ports that President Wilson's condition is worse than had 'been admitted. "There has been a steady improve ment in the president's condition," said Tumulty. "There is no cause for any alarming rumors. The president could come to his office todfiy, but Dr. Grayson prescribed a complete rest." NEW TODAY. TWO CENTS a word for each insertion. FOR SALE Young cow, fresh. 213 ' Owen street. FOR SALE-10 70-100 acres of good land, 7 acres under cultivation, bal ance in brush, easily cleared, some small buildings. Will take $700 Sa lem city property as part payment, balance payable $10 per month. Price $2000. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 1 and 2 Bush bank building. NEW TODAY, Five acres, all under cultivation, small building which would do for house, good road,, 3 miles from Salem. Price $1200, $410 cash, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent interest. W. H. Grabenhorst 4 Co., rooms 1 and 2 Bush bank building. $1750 20 acres, new 5-room house and barn, barn 40x40, with 10 tons of hay. Land all in cultivation, good soil, no rock, no gravel. Young peach orchard. Terms, at 6 per cent. C. O. Rice, with L. 8. Barnes & Co., 315 316 Masonic temple. WE NEED Two good lady solicitors a rapid seller from $3 to $10 a day is made by our agents. Yon will re alize when you see our line. Call 491 North Cottage. W. E. Ireland. FOR SALE Four acres, close to car lino. Bargain if takon at once. See S. II. Reeves, at Perry's drug store. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, 1495 State stret. FOR SALE Two rooming houses, in good locations, easy terms, with part cash. W. A. Liston, 4S4 Court street. A BARGAIN Elegant corner, close in on Capitol street. Address "B25," Journal. FOR SALE Maple and old growth wood. Salem Lumber Co., 260 South Liberty street. Phone 80. 10c Today Universal Weekly A good Western drama and two reel comedy, "Levi and McGin niss Running for Office.' ' MASTER HALL 1 in Song Tomorrow and Sunday Licensed Pictures 'Escape of Jim Dolan," two-reel Selig Feature. "The Vanishing Cracksman," Edison Drama. "A Cure for Suffragette's and He's Lawyer" Two good Biograph Comedies GLOBE HOME OF THE BIO ORGAN PIANOS FOB SALE. Having received a shipment of pianos direct from the factory, will give the purchaser the benefit of factory prices. Don't fail to call and get prices and terms. Call evenings between 6 and 9, or write, Frank Dorsey, 220 North Front street, Salem, Oregon. Leave orders for tuning. There is bound to- be some disagree ment where there is more than one com missioner in a city government. DEATH NOTICES. HARDING. 1 Tho infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Mer lin Harding yesterday at the residence of tho parents, 02.1 D street, Oaks addi tion. The child was horn three weeks ago. ' 77ie Wearing of Glasses Wearing glasses will not cre ate an abnormal condition, but will help to maintain a normal condition. Many persons earning a $100 salary could not earn 100 cents without his glasses, not to men tion the comfort he finds in wearing them. Our glasses suit the most critical. Miss A. McCulloch Optometrist 291 Commercial Street Phone 925. Hours 9 to 5. Ground Floor I A 11 1 A GRAND OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, DEC. Return of the international com edy with music. The Girl In The Taxi First Time at Pop ular Prices With The complete New York cast production Lower floor and balcony 75c-$L00 Stvits now Belling. -M-SM-M- 4 Just tell your doctor you want to tn!:e your prescriptions to Schaefer's drug store, and he will know it is put up right. NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY RCRGIUKUT k MEKttDITV leslfeat Areata N Ktatr fitr MONEY TO LOAN Oi farm aid city property. Join M. Soott, ovr Chlcano 8 tor, taUst, r- ssoa Phoaa 1ISI. ion a 1913-Great California Rodeo-1913 Latest, clearest, best Round fp Pictures, taken at Salinas, California, i Mako other Round Cps look like amateur photography. Remember, 3000 feet of film, a buck and a jump from start to finish, with manv eomic situations-sen America's youngest cowhoy-aged 10 greatest number of cowboy, and "Cowbclles ' ever assembled. This attraction Is added to our regular program, some show, making seven reels of pictures with vaudeville attractions added. Remember the dates, Monday and Tuesday only, Dec 15th and lGth Maynard, Rubinoff Trio Tho classiest act vr befora the Salem Theatregoers. Bligh Theatre t tHON OP TUB BEST SHOWS - MONEY TO LOAN Oa Gooi Rn,l t.bUU Swiarlty. TH08. K. FORD Otw Ladd A Bush Baak, Salam. f WOOD AND fOAl la ar quaaUty. Prompt OlUars our spadalty. rails City Lu.-ki "v'n" i m ml nrmsc lausdrt anb iy CLI1MNCI W0BKS No machlaery to War aa4 wr out dallcat fabrics. Work ell. for and elWrl promptly. 48 Ferry street. Phone Main EH? E. L. Campbell Carriage and Automobile PainUr Full equipped for high grade work. Up to data, dust proof varnish room. m Ferry 8t. Salem, Or. iTV'TM'"'ii f.T"T'T'"'i'"'TI"