FRIDAY DEC. 12, 19 J 3 The Capital Journal , PUBLISHED BT The Barnes -Taber Company GEAHAM P. TABEB, Editor and Manager. a Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principle and the Progreet and Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General. An eastern savant says that in 3000 years all men will be bald headed. Wo always knew we were strictly up to date, but never before realized that we were 3000 years ahead of the times and the fashions. The Oregonian Thursday has a cartoon showing the commissioners of that city being spanked by the voters. Thai picture is good so far as it goes, but it strikes an outsidor that a showing that they were being kicked would have come nearer being exact. -bllliJ Brery Evening Except Similar, Halem, Oregon SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' (Invariably In Advance) V DaJlr, (17 Carrier, per year ...18.20 Per month.. 4Sc j Dally, by Mall, per year 4.00 per month.. K5c ' Weealy, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Bli month. 0c fULL LEAHRO W1RB TEI.EDHAPH REPORT That little tendor ballad ""How Dry I Am," may yet become the motto to be placed on many city flags in the state, and may take the place of "volit a proprii." Portland baa evidently reached the conclusion that it is best to take a lay off on the debt-making business until she take stock and learns exactly where she is at. Mayor Albee has been shown that he is not the whole thing. MdlxmAal Page of Tie Salem Capital (fk ,. SUIT BARGAINS T ?31S?S1' (jP THIS WEEK ' fr''u f'"?l ''fl ' ill ' lb iJlb ' I ilill .' ' ADVERTISING BATES. Advertising rate will be famished on application. 'ITtv Today" ada strictly eaib In advance. "Want" ada and The Capital Journal carrier boys art Instructed to put the papers on the porta. If the carrier doe not do this, mines yon, or neglects getting the MPt to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this Is the only way w cat determine whether r not the carriers are following Instruction. Paone Main 82. ALL THE NORTHWEST INTERESTED. ASTORIA is making a gallant fight for an open river, from Portland to the sea, add especially for tho making of a channol through tlio Colum bia rivci bar that will admit the largest ships afloat. She is putting up lor own money with a prodigal hand to do her part and make her docks and port all that they should be to accommodate tho commerce of the world. Tho interest of the whoio state, and for that matter, of a large portion of tho vast district, that must find outlet for its products down the Columbia demand it. Few of us realize how great an empire this district is. Practically all of eastern Oregon and Washington, all of Idaho and parts of Utah, Wyom ing and Montana are interested in the opening and maintaining a deep channel at the mouth of the Columbia, for all of thorn will have hotter access to the market of the world through this channol than through any other. For this reason there should be a unjrinimoiis action by every board of trade, city coun cil, business organization in the whole district, in preparing and placing before their representatives in congress the vast importance of the work. Nor should it stop at that. Every mfm who can bring any influence to bear on congress by personal letters, or in any other mannor, should get busy and stay busy un til congress is impressed with tho importance of the matter and tho appropria tion is made that will permit tho work to bo rushed to completion as fast as money and men can do it. It is a mattter second only to tho opening of tho canal at Panama, which has made the work tho more necessary, Tho' spirit of tho whole country was evidonccil at the mooting of the Com mercial club here Wednesday night, when tho mattor of recommending an ap ' proprintion of $1,500,000 for the work was presented. The president could scarcely put tho motion, and ask all in favor of it to stand, when the whole gathering was on its feot with a rush and a whoop that told of tho fooling be hind it. Astoria has dono, and is doing her part, but she cannot do it all, and we mint all stand in and work until the Columbia is open from tho metropolis to the sea. BEX EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW. JUDGE HUNT, of tho fodernl court of Now York, is the latest' convert to the doctrine of box equality. Ho has announced that hereafter no woman convicted before him of smuggling shall oscape a prison sentence because sho is a woman. His observation has convinced him, he says, that many women, having paJd fines, have gone off laughing in thoir sloevos at the government. Tlioro is a wholly commendable effort, in many state of widely differing dominions, to make tho laws squally fhlr for moii and women to remove stat utory limitations on woman's control of property, right to labor, right to hor earnings, right to posse her children in case of domestic difficulties, right to hold offico nud vote, anl the like. It is only logic that there shall be no senti mental avoidance of giving to woman equal penalty with man for the violation of any laws. i-j . t THE SCARCITY OF GOLD. HAT shall wo say of tho theory that prices rlso Btoadily because too much gold is produced to moot tho needs of buslunst And what of tho plan steadily to inrronse tho sir.o of each gold coin that its value may keep nave with tho riso in cov.of living! Wo shall sny that there is no such redundancy of gold. Tho idea that the commonness of gold the world over is tho cause of rising prlcos, finds little favor among bankers, It is indeed n patent fact that there is no such surplus of precious motiil as to ehoaoi Its aetiuil or relative value. Tho business World is suffering from a scarcity of gold which goes with exeossive taxation, Both of thoso conditions are duo in nut to tho rush towards tho cities and towards mhnu industries, but chiefly to tho demands of actual war In the Balkans, and threatened war elsewhere in Eurno; and to frustrate war, us showu in tho relation of Germany, Franco and Knglnnd. Hut other causes cooperato to make gold scarce while prices still rise. For example, tho savings of four huudred millions of Hindu are represented by British coin. In default of banks, most of these savings aro burled In the ground. It Is estimated that In Asia a much gold 1 roturnod to tho ground each year as is taken from tho mines of the world. Assuming that each native of India saves one pound each yew on the average, this would mean 2,000,000,000 withdrawn each year from t Irculatlou, Beside all this, millions of men are withdrawn by conscription and by en listment from productive service, to become taxciitora on an enormous scale. The capital of the world is largely spent In waste, and this to a degree which i growing so rapidly is to exclto alurm among nil financier who look more than ten years into the future. The remedy, then, is not largo coins, nor a higher charge for seignornge, but Ins waste. There is not enough of fowl or useful thing produced.. Too many men aro working at useless things, and tho working and business world have too many soldiers, protecting the men who work when the only protec tion the working men of the world need is defense from tho necessity of fear Ing soldier or of being soldiers. David Star Jordan. ... ' i The establishing of the parcel post gave the quietus to the Express trust, and since the courts Wive not been aide to do anything with Standard Oil, why rannot Uncle Ham, who still owns lots of oil land hang on to them and start an oil business of hi ownf Government opimsitlon might be able to stand off even tho haughty Standard Oil and Its "shining light" John 1. When oiiii come to think of anyone being a shining light for the Standard Oir gang, one must try at the sain timo to remember how shining a light that would he Tho proposed Lincoln day banquet when all factions of the Republican par ty can meet od make up thoir differences sound all right, but they will get together only when the proper alkali is found that will make grease and wa- W unite. I LADD & BUSH, Bankers THAN! ACT! A OINOAL BAKKINO BUHNBtS. ftAFBTT rOBIT BOXES. TfiAVELEKS' CUBCKS, 4-i -- -- DB- The call for Senator Booth to make the race the United States senator is becoming louder, but he remains silent It is just as well for him to ponder well before accepting. In his situation, with a good business and an abundance of the world's goods, it is doubtful if he will gain anything by the title of U. 8. senator, especially with the added title, "from Oregon." BY SALE OF STAMPS Over (200 Secured Through Efforts of Society Women and Will Be Used by Bed Cross. BREAKS ALL RECORDS IN HISTORY OF CAPITAL CITY Those Who Aided In Sale of Stamps and Holped Swell Fund to Lib eral Proportions. In the neighborhood of $210 was real ized from the sale of lied Cross stamp in Salem this season and the Woman's Club, which bad charge, of tho matter is very much pleased. Salem socioty womon boosted tho sales by offering their services in tho work, as well as contributing liberally. The amount realized this year is greater than ever before Some people paid double prico for stamps and othors paid. for thum and left them to bo sold over again. Anna Hold was among thoso who contributed liborally to the fund, besides aiding in .the snle of stamps. Tho following composed tha committee from the Woman's club: Mrs. E ,T. Ltiddon', chairman; Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. William McOilchrist, Jr., and Miss Ellon Thiol sen. Among tho volunteer workors ,wcro: Mrs. John Jny Roberts, Mrs. R, C, Bish op, Alias Althea Moores, Mrs. w. m. Hamilton, Mrs. George F. Rodger, Mrs. G. L Rose, Miss Aliuo Thompson, Mrs. W. M. Plimpton, Mrs. D. Miles, Miss Sophia Catlin, Mrs. A. 8. Knzmarok, Mrs. G. D. Bonnoll, Mrs. L. D. Howell, Mrs. Connell Dyer, Mrs. Asahel Bush, Jr., Mrs. Frederick Thlnlsen, Miss Mabel Smith, Mrs. 8. G. Sargent, Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mrs. W, H, Dancy, Mrs. Goorge Fox, Mrs. Walter Spaulding, Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mrs. C. H. Robertson, Mrs. C. 1', Bishop, Mrs. Frank Lovell, Mrs. s wald West, Mrs. Curtis Cross, Mrs. Geo. G. Brown, Miss Dorothy l'ouree, Miss Muarguorite Flower, Mrs. Joseph Bauin- TAKE SALTS TO Eat Less Meat If You Feel Backachy Or Bladder Troubles You Salts Is Fine for Kidneys. , Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their ef forts to filter it from the system. Regu lar eaters of meat must flush the kid neys occasionally. You must relieve thom like you relieve your bowels; re moving all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a sharp pain in the back or sick headache, dizziness, your stom ach tours, tongue is coated and when tho woathor is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irri tated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad's salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoon full in a glass of water before break fast fo ra few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disordors disappear. This famous salts is . made from the acids of grapes and lemon juico, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop all i bladder irritation. Jad salts is inex pensive; harmless and makes a dolight ful effervescent lithinwator drink which millions of men and womon take now and then, thus voiding serious kidney ami bladder diseases. 1 LADIES' SUITS AND COATS Now selling at bargain prices this week. No reserve. ' Out they must go. ALL THIS SEASON'S NEWEST CREATIONS Half Price $4.50 $7.50 $9.90 and $11.90 HOLIDAY BARGAINS THE GREATEST IN SALEM Silks, Dress Goods, Silk Hosiery, Kid Gloves, Ostrich Plumes, Dolls, Toys, Games, Hand Bags, Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Mesh Bags. Domestics Come here and see how fast we sell all kinds of Domestics. Our low prices do it Extra Special $S.OO Dress Skirts $2.98 50c Wool Dress Goods, yard 25c Ladies' 10c Hose 4 Pair 25c TO APPLY SAGE TEA A Few Applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur Bring Back Its Vigor, Color, Qloss and Thickness. Common garden sage browed into 0 heav tyea with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streakod and fad ed hair beautifully dark and luxuriant, remove evory bit of daudmff, stop scalp Itching and falling hair. Just a few applications will prove a revolntion if your hair la fading, gray or dry, straggly and thin, Mixing tho Sago Tea and Sulphur recipe at homo, though is troublesome. An easier way is to get (the ready to-use tonic, costing about SO rent a large bottle at drug stores, known as "Wyoth'i Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy," thu avoiding a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair i not sinful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appeamnco and attractivonos. By darkening your hair with Wyeth' Sago ami Sulphur, no one can tell, because It docs it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It aud draw this through your hair, taking one small traud at a time; by morning all gray hauls ha disappeared, and, af tor another application or two, you hair become beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. Local Aseut. J. C. Pr ry. Ladles' 95c Union Suits Now ' 49c NragSTOgf THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ""' ' y. . 11 -.-. J" r - 'ir- -yti n fi ii i miimhiii - -miMiii ihiii'm t'ii ifaiiBim urn i J Fur Muffs Now $1.49 gartnor, Miss Ifolen West and Miss Ber tha Eckorlen, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. R. E. L, Stoinor, Mre. Richard Cartwright, Mrs. Chester Cox, Mrs. Solke, Miss Mar jorie Kay, Miss Caroline Dick, Miss Gertrude East, Miss Bernice Craig, Miss; Ruth Staley, Mrs. Charles K. Bpaulding, Miss Virginia Mann oiul Miss Cora Talkington, There were also several girls from Willamette University in chargo of tho booth at the cufeterin. "X TTl af Hi T ST 0RRINE, because it has cured their yesterday with passenirers in his B m M , loved ones of tho "Drink Habit" and chine and then successfully attempted JOURNAL WANT ADS, bring results. HAB11 RELIABLB HOMB TREATMENT. Thousands of wives, mothers and sis tors are enthusiastic, in their praise of thereby brought happiness to their homes. Can be given secretly. OR RINE costs only $1.00 per box. Ask for free booklet. Perry Drug Stores. AVIATOR LOOPS LOOP. trwiniD rnsss ijoahho wirk. Due, France, Dec. 12. Aviator Peg- oud looped the loop eight times hero from tho wall. the feat alone ten tfincs. STEALS EVEN CLOCK. OKIT1D PIUS UUaiD WtM.) can Jose, Cul., Dec. la. A burglar got into Mr. and Mrs. George Vallan tyne's house (luring tho ownor's ab sence osrly yesterday and stole noarly everything portable, including the clock Recipe Department By BETSY WADE. .'Nil f$k- 'QLl x;;l (w. mo IP v w WILL WAR ON CREAMERIES rnNiTn rssia uitain wihs.I Portland, Or., Dec, V J. Miekle, stat dairy and food commissioner, to- lay commenced a war against cream- eric that sell, under the Oregon statu brand, butter lnixrted from w Zea land and the pant. Miekle claim to have fvideiH-o that thousands of pound of New KMtnd butter ha been sol hor until the Into brand HI IIIILiIrt n Oregon butter. The grand jury ii pi. til to begiu Investigating the al legations of Miekle today. Maplelne Marble Cake. 1 cup sugar. Vi cup butter. Vj cup milk. 8 eggs, well beaten. 1 3-4 cups flour. 2 level tea-spoonful Crwcent baking powder. To half the batter add one teaspoon ful Maplelne. Put in bako-pan In al ternating layer of spoonful of dark and white batter. This will make one small loaf. Boston Brown Bread I! cups graham flour 1 cup corn meal 1 cup rye meal 3 teaspoons Crescent Baking Towdcr 1 level teaspoon salt 1 small cup New Orleans Molasses I pinch soda Sufficient sweet milk to make very thin batter. Vi cup floured raisin Place in buttered pan in kettle of cold water and steam three hours, then dry top in the oven. Crescent Nut Bread. Mi cup sugar 1 teaspoon Maplcine FOSTER & BAKER COUNTRY MEATS Fresh Saturday morning, also smoked meats, sugar cured ham and bacon. FRESH VEGETABLES Hot house lettuce, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, beets, turnips, carrots, parsnips, etc. Best Bulk Blond Coffee, per pound 35c Mocha and Java Coffee, per pound 50c Bulk Mince Meat, 15c per pound 2 for 25c Monopola Mince Meat 2 las for 35c Dry Home Grown Popcorn 4 lbs for 25c 339 North Commercial St. Telephone 259 1 rounding teaspoon' salt 2 cups milk 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 cups flour 2 cups graham flour 2 teaspoons Crescent Baking Towdcr Let the batter stand in bake pan one-half hour, then bake in moderate oven onohulf hour. Very nico for sandwiches Corn Bread. l'i pints Indian corn meal pint flour 1 1 tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 2 heaping teaspoons Crescent Baking Towder 1 tablespoon butter or lard IY4, pints milk 2 eggs Sift together corn meal, floifr, sugar, salt and powder; rub In the shortening, add beaten eggs and tho milk ; mix in to a moderately stiff batter; pour from bowl into shallow cake pan. Bake In moderate oven 30 minutos. Fruit Rolls. 1 ouart flour 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons sugar ! teaspoons Crescent Baking Towder 3 teaspoon butter Cut fino one-fourth pound of citron, seed and halve one-fourth pound rai sins. Mix fruit evenly with dry ingre dients, make to a firm douch with When Friends Drop In It is nico to have some thing a little difefrent. Flavor your next ciiko icing with MAPLEINE and notice the compliments paid your good taste. Maplcine also flavors white sugar syrup. GROCERS SELL MAPLEINE Send 2c stamp for Recipe Book Crescent Manufacturing Co. Seattle, Washington. milk. Knead on board for a minute, divide into pieces size of egg, make into long rolls, lay one inch apart on flat greased pans, brush with milk. Bake in moderate oven. Crescent Breakfast Oems. 2 cops flour. 1 teaspoon Orescent baking powder. Mi teaspoon salt. Add lMi cups milk into which an egg has been beaten. Mix into soft batter, drop into well buttered and heated gem pans and bake in a moderate oven. An Ideal Coffee Wouldn't you prefer to have your morning cup filled with rich, fragrant, delicious coffee than with a flavor less beverage? We have Mocha and Java at 40c the pound that makes the most delicious cup of coffee, and you pay that price in many places for a coffee that is worthless. A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU. C. M. EPPLEY Phone Main 93. - 1800 E. State