Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 06, 1913, Image 2

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    m. Capital )t$Ma
DEC. 6, 19 J o
0 A
.a J
oi TT&s Sale
The Capital Journal
The Barnes -Taber Company
GBAHAM P. TABEB, Editor and Manager.
4a Independent Newspaper Devoted toAmerican Principle and the Progress
nd Development of Salem in Particular and All Oregon in General.
rtblMhed Bitrj BtmIui Bicept Bunelay, Batem. Oregon
(Invariably In Adranca)
Dally, iij Carrier, per year ...15.20 Per month. .46c
Ktlr, by Mall, per rear 4.00 Per month.. 86e
Weakly, by Mall, per year .... 1.00 Bit month! .80c
Advertising rate will be furnished on application.
"Haw Today" adi strictly cash la advance.
The Capital Journal carrier boyi ara instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects getting the
paper to yon on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, as this is the only
way we cax. determine whether r not the carriers are following Instructions.
Phone Main 82.
THE EUGENE REGISTER of Friday morning says editorially: "A
skunk farm has just beon started down in Marion county. There ought
to bo no trouble in getting it stocked."
Now, you look horo, Brother Jojikinsl Wo are not going to jump in
and kick about this assertion, because you may not have meant to con
voy the idea that the location of that perfume distilling farm was the main
reason for your optimistic opinion of its being stocked so eusily, but we havo
our doubts.
A rather poppory judgo down In Arkansas, who hud graduated from the
printer's case, taken up the ignoble calling of tlio law and finally reached the
bonch from the bar, like lots of othors in wot torritory, getting vexed at a stut
tering attorney, colunteered the statement that Bald uttorney was a fool. The
attorney, in attempting to change tho judge 's opinion, got back with: "I am
n-n n ot 10 b-b-b lg a d-d d f f-ool as yy-y-cur honor t t-t okes mo to be."
"All right, Mr. Jonkins, all right," laughed the judgo, "but horeafter you
take tho court's advice and thin-space your language."
IF SALEM should adopt the commission form of government at any timo, it
would be eminently proper to soloct a mnnngor from boiiio other city, prof
orably La Grande, which honored Salem by selecting I manager from
among her citizens. It is in other respects tho bent thing to do for the
reason that the munnger begins his work with no factious against him.
Take any man for instance, from Salem, and put him in as commissioner, may
or, manager, or whatever tho title may bo, of this city, and he would begin
his work with all kinds of opposition. This would bo especially true of any
man who, lilio Mr. Lufky, had held tho office of councilman, for ho would
have necessarily antagonized boiiio, and would have an unfriendly element to
contend with from tho Blurt Mr. Lafky goes to his work in La Grando with
out this handicap, and tho entire community will be pleased to hear that ho
has given La Grande an administration that will be cminontly satisfactory to
thorn. In tho meanwhile wo will all keop an oyo on La Grande, if for no other
reason, just! to see what a Salem man can do when ho gets a froo hand and a
chance to carry out his ideas.
By Elbert Uubhard.
Can law sanctify sensuality f
, Do all the "bud women" live in this
quarter, or thatf
The police do not know, for they are
but the tools of that blind, blundering
thing, the law; and tho preacher who
conventionally bios certain things and
curse others, lift an eyebrow and speak
in affected grieved surprise,
But the law of antithesis exists. The
paradox Uvea. Life is a spiral. Anil
poKsibly when all things are made plain
we who hnvo glorified In women but a
single virtue win una mat inincy ,
was rigm, sun mat me woman Who
understands Is the Magdalono, who from
out the purging fires of purgatory com
plete tho circle and arises spotless,
rocognlr.lng deity Incarnate when all
others Mindly fall.
I really do not know,
Walking through tho gallery of stat
uary of tho Luxembourg I saw tho
whlto, carved nudo figure of a man
man In alt the splendid strength of
Standing behind him on a higher part
of the pedestal was tho form of a wo
man j and this woman was loaning over
hor face turned towstrtt him and her
llpa about to be pressed upon his.
I moved closer and to one side, and
aw that tho fane of the youth was an
expression of deathly agony, and then
I noted tlwit the muscles of that splen
did body wero tense with awful pain.
And In that one glnncn I mw that
tho woman's body was the body of the
tlgressthat only her face was bencuti
fill wild that her arms ended In claws
that wero digging Into tho vitaN of the
man as sho drew hi face to hers.
Pu.ldi'niy feeling the need of fresh
air, I turned and went out upon tho
Now one might suppose, from that
Awful sermon In atone that woman was
Ih rause of ninn's undoing. Hut fur
the benefit of henpecked and mistindor
'stood husbands I'll call attention to
the fact that the men who lifivo aehlov
r most in literature, music, painting
and philosophy are men who knew from
f LADD & BUSH, Bankers
'Waot" ads and
sad experience the sharpness of wo
man's claw Socrates, Dante, Hhako
sporo, Rousseau, Milton, Wagner, Png
anini, and so many more that wero I
to namo them all the world would not
be largo enough to contain the books
In which they are printed.
Of course, I'll admit that the men
who have been flayed by women, and
this sometimes accounts for tho flaying.
Milton bewailed the fact that he could
get freedom front marital woes on no
loss ignoblo grouuds thau violating bis
marriage vows.
Milton did not get his freedom.
His wife sat on Mm, silent and insen
sate, and so did her whole fnmily of
seven persons. Her father ami mother,
hf iHll(f ,, bro0uri mitl M the fRm,
lly wero there. And his sharp cry made
him tho butt of jibes and jeers innum
erable, Milton was an obscure school teacher
and clerk; hut if any of thoso great
men who sought to humilato and de
feat him tho mentioned nowadays In
history It Is only to say "they lived
In the ago of Milton,"
" Ilia lifo ruined by a woman" pish I
You flatter hcrj she hasn't the power,
Proposals for Supplies flute Institu
tions. The Oregon State Beard of Control
will receive sealed bids for furnishing
supplies to the various State Institu
tions on December E2, 11)1.1, at 2:i)0 p.
m,, consisting of drygooda, clothing,
furnishings, groceries, shoos, hardware,
liroomn, drugs, paints, oils, stationery,
crockery, plumbing, etc., for tho semi
annual xrlad ending June 110, HM4.
SpecifuutioiiB and achcdiilca will be
furnished upon application to tho sec
retary. Kach bid to bo accompanied
by a certified chock lu the sum of 10
ier cent of tho whole amount of bid,
payable to the Oregon State Board of
Control, to bo held as a guarantee of
the faithful performance of the eon
tract. The board reserve the fight to reject
any or all bids or to accept any part of
a bid,
Secretary Oregon State Beard of
Cent ml,
Salem, Oregon December 2, 1IM.1.
"Snow is piling on the mountains,
making irrigation for next summer; it
looks good," say the Baker Herald. ;
' . . .
Eugene Register: Beliabla estimates
place Eugene's population at 14,300. A
growth of 5000 in three years is not bo
bad, is itf
"The met obtrudes painfully," says
the Medford Sun, "that the interest in J
m: s it., j i: 1 a- i .
The La Grande Messenger comes for-
ward with the guess that the investiga
tors of the cost of living problem will
at leant find that the cost is still high
In moralizing mood the Myrtle Crook
Mail remarks: "The Book says that he
that soweth to tho wind shall reap the
whirlwind. Wo also ouecrve that oc
casionally he who soweth bootleg whis
key, gasoline and joyrides garnoreth
grand jury indictments, ond prospective
prison terms."
A grand elenn-up campaign is in prog
ress in tho courthouso yard at Gold
Beach, (is an altogether surprising re
sult of Halloween pranks. The authori
ties docided it 'was cheaper to remove
tho few things the boys had loft than
to hunt up and put back tho many they
had overturned or dragged away,
Molalla Tioneer: The P. E. & E. is
showing a commendublo spirit of enter
prise in furnishing tho gravel for the
street leading to tho depot. It is not
often that a street is graveled by a
railway company, and the same spirit
has boon shown by the citizons, as the
work of distributing tho grnvol has beon
practically all donated. It Is this spirit
which enables us to over eome the
handicap of bad rands,
During tho year ending September 30,
Gilliam county paid, ont in bounties
on wild animals $1-122.50. Three-fourths
of this amount wns paid on coyotes.
Condon Globe: Edward Currnn, for
mer oditor of the Condon Times, is
scheduled to deliver on address before
tho journalism class at the university
next week. Mr. Cur ran is editing a
paper in Vancouver now.
The Medford Bun dope is that the
man who married .Jessie Wilson will
alwnys bo known as Jossle's husband,
not the president's son-in-law, and the
Bun feels constrained to observe that
fame does treat some folks shabbily.
Wallowa county 's delinquent tax roll
is the smallest in, yearB only $4182
and the Enterprise Record Chieftain
says tho excellent showing is due "in
largo measure to tho genial, persuasive
methods of Deputy Collector Charles TO.
a a
John Alden Seabury'a eastern Oregon
Mining Journal, published nt Greenhorn
has now been a rochrlstened tho Eastern
Oregon Journal, "pamphlified in scope
to cover nil news, and amplified In field
to cover 1(1 Instead of three counties,"
but will rontinuo to emphosite tho min
ing gnmo,
An Item reprinted by the Dallas
Itemlner from Its Issue of November
2(1, 1887, conveys tho Information that
In that year tho state tax levy was
3,2 mills and the total tax for Tnlk
county was 10.2 mills.
Tho Toledo Sentinel man turns up hla
editorial nose at the Corvallla hen that
laid .103 eggs a year, Thia unkind mnn
aaya: "The editor of this paper has
an old iron gTy hen that frequently
goes ,10.1 days without laying an egg
of any kind. We have never noticed
that she ever mlse a meal, how-
1 ever.
William P. Arnold la now editor and
manager of the Laplne Inter Mountain.
In hla salutatory he admits he mny
never set the world on fire, but pro
claims that, just tho same, he's going
to keop on lighting matches, lie gives
token of becoming a vlgoioua booster
for what he justly calls "this wonder
ful country."
Eminently correct observation re
forded by the meteorologist of the
Roschnrg Review! "Only three more
weeks until the shortest day of the
year, Soon after January 1 tho days
will begin to grow perceptibly longer.
U la by that, rather than by th sever
Order your
tea by namo wsSsWj
England favorite for over
(l, 70 yenm
How often you see an otherwise love
ly face spoiled by homely hair a face
that would be most charmingly beauti
ful if Bhe only had prettier hair. What
a pity! and how foolish I Because that
ugly hair, stringy, dull, lifeless-looking
though it may be, can be made as glos
sy, soft, silky and beautiful as the heart
could desire if only taken proper care
Harmony Hair Boautifier is just what
s named a hwir beautifier. It is
not a hair dye or hair oil it is just a
dainty, roae-erfumed liquid dressing to
irive the hair its natural ploss and
brightne8ij) Ug atllral wavy softne98j
its natural rich beauty. Very easy to
apply simply sprinkle a little on your
hair each time before brushing it. It
contains no oil, and will not change the
color of the hair, nor darken gray hair.
To keep your hair and scalp inndruff-
freo and clean, use Harmony Shampoo,
This pure liquid shampoo gives an in
stantaneous rich lather that immediate
ly penetrates to every pnrt of hair and
sculp, insuring a quick and thorough
cleansing. Washed off just as quickly,
tho entire operation takes only a fow
moments. ' Contains nothing that enn
harm the hair; luaves no harshness or
stickiness just a sweet molling clean
liness. Both preparations come in odd-shaped
very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler
tops. Harmony Hair Beautifier, $1.00.
Ilarmoiiy Shampoo, 50c. Both guaran
teed to satisty you in everv wav, or I
your monoy back. Sold in this commu
nity only at our store The Uexall Store
one of tho more than 7000 leading
drag stores of the United States, Can
ada and Great Britain, which own tho
big Harmony laboratories in Boston,
where the many colobrated Harmony
Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are
made. J. C. Perry Drug Stores, Snlem,
ity of the weather, that we shall note
the passing of the winter."
The editor of the Seaside Signal,
which is now in its ninth year, feels
tho need of a typesetting machine, and
tells his delinquent subscribers that if
all of them will scttlo up ho will hnvo
tho price.
A committee hns been appointed by
the Masons of Newborn; to consider tho
feasibility of erecting a building suit
ablo to tho neods of the order. It hnB
been suggested that a thentre may be
built in the rear of the building with
an entrance in front.
Vancouver Columbian: Many tables
of the poor of Portland wero graced
yesterday by wild goose, duck and jack- ' .
rabbit, due to the good will of a smnll Marion county's share of the state
army of red-blooded and big-hearted tax levy for 1014 will be 1S3,785, ac
Nimrods who had organized an extiin- cording to an announcement, of tho
sive hunt for that worthy purpose. It
was a splendid thing, to do.
Members of Sedgwick Relief Corp
No, 1, attention! The annual election
of officers will be held Ip Moose hall.
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, De
comber 6, Wear your badge, pay youi
dues, that you may bo eligible to vote.
He there, min or Bhino.
The Capital Journal Invites pub
lie discussion In this iopartmnnt
Let both -aides of all matters
bs fully brought out It Is not
th purpona of this newspaper to
do tho thinking for Its readers.
Kd. Capital Journal: Pome rather
severe criticism has'tnllowed the court
for his division on tho election matter.
This is naturnl and to bo expected. Hut
iu such raso it Is not well to Impute
wrong motives. It should be remem
bered that courts have their prejudices
its well as the rest of ua, Abraham
Lincoln disagreed with the I)Ted Scott
decision of the V. 8. Supreme Court,
but his plun was to have tho decision
reversed by changing tho personel of
the court. That Is to say, put in Judges
whose prejudices turn the other, way.
When a court from training or habit
itinera himself agnlnst the people the
remedy la to exchange him for another
tliid at the ballot, box, That la the way
we socialists expect to get our eourt
rulings. When we elivt a president he
will fill the vacancies on the federal
court with socialists, not to disregard
the law, but to Interpret It according
to socialism. Vou see, the law Is writ
ten on rubber and can be stretched In
any shape end to any length, So, always
select your judges with a view to what,
vou waut done,
N, 11. That action of the city eoun
that was critlclred by the sourt
nna not Intruded, to rvsuritvt a dead
law, but It was meant to validate a
'ertain resist rut ion of votes for the city
election. To an outsider not wise to
'lie law it looks like the council wns
right. n.
Ow.l resolutions art all right if they
hn;'eu to maks good.
Lasts for This Week
The slaughter on prices is still continued upon all odds and ends before our GRAND
(-! I V-
Fine Dress Goods
The latest novelties in all the new fabrics specially purchased
SELLING. Classy novelties that will make swift selling.
Price per
(183,786 FOB STATS
state tax commission todny.
The total amount of revenue required
for general state purposes for the yenr,
not including amounts apportioned on
a s)ocial niillago basis, will be i3,8S8,
2SS.10. Added to that sum will be a tax of
one twenty-fifth of a mill, yielding
$,'IH,171.,10, for the Monmouth normal
school and tax of one-fourth of a
mill, yiolding 2.18,r70.C0 for the state
road fund, making tho total amount
needed 4,1 05,000.
$100 Reward, $100
The reader of this ppr will be
plraaed to learn that there ) at least ona
drradod disease that science haa bften
able to curs In all Its atugea, and that la
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is the only
posltlva eura now known to ths medical
fraternity. Catarrh belli a a constitutional
dlsenae, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, actlns- directly upon the blood
and mucoua aurfni-ra of the system, there
by destroying the foundation of the dis
ease, and Klvlnn; the patient Blrena-th by
bulldlnr up the constitution and asslatlna;
nature In dolus" Us work. The proprietors
have ao much faith In Ita curative pow
era that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any caae that It fulls to cur. Bend
for list of tentlmonlala.
ASdrrH: r. J CHKNKT CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by ill Pruaalsia. Hi
Take Hall's Family tMlla for oonatlpatloa.
a,r;g:p,,w, ,,,.., .y.'".M.r,V': '.-! 45ccent l
Silk rGLu.' '&&7&L! Vy, ''"r- ....-'J. silk
$1 69 YOU MONEY ry
The best on the market. This
cement is ground finer by ac
tual test than any other stan
dard brand. We guarantee
it to give satisfaction.
Spaulding Logging
Gifeat Sal
and KABO
on sale at clean-up
45c 75c
and 98c
For up to hour styles
in ladies' coats and
suits. Values up to
$12, $15, $18 and
$25. No such values
offered elsewhere in
Salem. Out they must
go before Xmas.
yd 19c 25c 35c 49c
Pianos and Organs
fom the cheapest to the
best sold on installments
and rented.
Sewing Machines
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewing
machines. Sewing ma
chines rented.
I a
f y - j
. Ill
For man, woman and child now piled out
out on our counters at prices so low that
selling will be lively.
and Silks
65c and up
Edison, Victor and
Columbia Talking
A full stock of Records.
f latest Sheet Music l
Piano and Organ Studies.
Violins, Guitars,
Mandolins and Banjos.